Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1979, p. 12

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12 the oxamlnor Thursday Feb 1979 television guide THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARV TVLFR MOORE 00 guaninmro NEWS rn CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAMI JEREMY 645 HATTVTOWN TALES 655 WRITE ON 700 DATING GAME CHIPS CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE 0600 86099 SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH MAKIN lT Rm rm sauna nrglrl prulllvttis collrgr ptlpw tlIII owr dmx girl that wonl wml lrnrnds whom huII IIIII to not III lhr IncIIl that Ill II lnltu who thinks hr should NWIII win lllil r1IIlm It In school OI on tho dtIrIII llum Is nrnrr lfllpullfllll to hlllt Stars David Nnuglrlun tun AlIUIlL ennui NEWLVWED GAME Rmcnuc III the Itnirmun IV Final GOOD TIMES PRICE Is RIGHT 730 $198 BEAUTY snow NEWLYWED GAME EVENING OUT FAMILY FEUD STARS ON ICE amt we Cranalon Iuggler Mrchael Chrrnck Barbara Undorhrll and Paul MIIrlInr 1978 Junior World Pairs Champions Donna and Andrew Best thor srstcr srn Irrg tenni III $198 BIEAUTV CONTEST IE MAGIC SHADows races sl Part IV Frnal BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 CIRCUS SUPER HEROES OlyleL champion Bruce Jenner hosts lhIs specral leaturrng our of the worlds greatest CllCllS stars and their deathvdelyrng specral masARNEY MILLER MR HORN revealrng story of the omgrnatic frontier IIgure Tom Horn whose COIOrIul Wild West career encompassed the capture 01 the legendary Apache warrior Geronimo and rough and ready turn of the century tile us Wyoming bounty hunter unease SIMS Dlvld CarradinoKaren Black Pt ol wo pnrl arrrs hrs MONK AND MINDY Mork borrows Erudur mountlrrn cabin lor ll Icstlul workend IMIIIII til LIBERACEA VALENTINE SPECIAL trtu liICl celnbrutrs Vulcnlrrws buy with nuln nruarcul pnrly conducted on the docks and In the mom ballroom ol the Ollllll Mrny In tonu Bench CRIIIoIIIra Guest Mutt loln FRIIInII Snndy Duncan 60 LIVE AT THE FORUM Immnp In ASPECTS OF CINEMA 11 In 11 am RAT PATROL a9 MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA oi ngh Velocity 330 KING OF KENSINGTON Ihv Best Mnn Larry throws slug tor PIIII the harbor who Is nmrryrnu TIntIs roonunale IHllt and tln guys runst Phil about the pitlalls ol rnanIod IIII so ellmlivcly thnl Phil cancels wcdnin IT Billy Mnrnncr hits Saturdin night problcms collIuc paper that over dIII IT QIII llnit wont wnII Irronds whom hed trim to turn at tho III III disco and II father who thinks ho should chIdc whcllrcr nitikrn It In school or on Iltl dance lloor Is mori Important to him Suns Ilnyrd Naughtun Lou Antonio pnncrc JUST DO IT YOURSELF WHATS HAPPENING 900 QUINCY When the son of long Irnte friend dros of drug overdose Oumcy teams up wrlh pre med student to turd the source of the Illicit narcotics and stop the trallrckrng on campus Guest star Michael Constantine rs LOU GRANT CANADIAN EXPRESS BARNEY MILLER LIVE IT UP HAWAII FIVEO THE GREAT DEBATE watier PItman and Jack Luqu Resolved Compul Educatron Is No Lon er Necessary WINTARIO L0 TERY 930 SOAP Corrnne gives birth to healthy baby boy alter only SIX weeks of pregnancy and Chester suddenly remembers he TEAM SHOWDOWN 1000 DALLAS Julie Grey decides once and for all that JR only usrno her and docrdes to repay him by aprllrng his secrets to Clrll Barnes Pl of two part episode rm BARNABY JONES Am darrna attack on wealthy busrnessman Barnaby IS asked to provrde protecton and gets an Impressive look at the sophistIceted daVIcaS OI an ultra modern security firm 60 FAMILY Kate has trouble keeping on Open mrnd when her friend Joan accepts no invitation to visit and casually movcs Into the wet house wrth Willre 60 mrns LE MONDE EN GUERRE NEws UPDATE NEws 1001 BARETTA 1100 ED NEWS CBC NEws CTV NEws EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE DRAMA Apprentice The 1115 REAL STORV 1120 NEws 1125 OUESTION PERIOD 1127 NEws 1130 THE TONIGHT snow Johnny Carson Gunsts Pete Fountmn Jimmy on 90 films CBS LATE MOVIE writ the 407701 learns that General MacArthur himself rs due to yISIt the camp dreams 01 lame and fortune dance In everyuncs head COLUMBO Last Salute To The Com modore Stars Petrr Falk Robert Vaughn MOVIE DRAMA Plt Stop III STREET TALK 1145 POLDARK 1150 MOVIE DRAMASUSPENSE Angels 1955 1200 In MOVIE WESTERN The and of Custer 1967 OVIE SCIENCE FICTION Creature From Black Lake 1075 1210 MOVIE COMEOV 1° Only wlth Married 14033 1974 TOMORROW PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 200 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE SCIENCEFICTION Suporargo and the Faceless Glants 1971 300 MARCUS WELBV MD 400 In BEWITCHED historically speaking today in history Feb I97 Elizabeth of England 311 Mary Queen of death 39 years ago to for being an ac time in an unsuccessful agtgtlrid£ thc British Mary claimed she was and died martyr In the eyes of many of her followers She was bchctidcd Feb 1587 1901418 author Perelman was born ISIIXW King Carlos of Por tugal was assassinated l912 Thc US Navy stink five Japanese warships III thc Marshall and lilbcrt IslIInds In thc Itltlflt ccnn Itilti Irygvc IIIc III III Nor way bcctnnc sccrctnry gcncriil of the Initcd Notions Itlfil Ihc Ilnitcd Notions condcnincrl hInII for Igngsi sIon III Korcu barries story ikbruar 11930 Rugr Henry Crcswickc recur of Barrie was elected do of Simcoc County for 1143 At 24 yeah of ago he was in oungcs man evcr clcvutcd this offIcI In Simcocffounty IhI honor came to him after rxlow contIst with Georgc fjlrrxrr room of Nottawasugo II bcing 23 to 22 Addicssnig ttw ounty fioun Nrtlles of tho Barrio bruntt ot the Iflpl of carnruiure gun coriIIso but IUIIIpIIticnsiwr rIvIcvt of thc your work Uni of thc subjects deal with was that of sheep iossc Iron dog Islnnatod 1hr awragv yrtarly loss pcr township In tho count at $1000 which would Inakv total an nual ins for SImIor County of $1000 thlv titr County Council did no go so far as to ask the government to ussumc the whole cost of thc provincial highways It passed resolution at Its closing scssion rcqucsting that the share payablc by tho counties be reduced from 211 pcr cent to IOper cent Barrics dog nuisancc rccciv ed attention from tho town council at Its motting wlicn Alderman Moran supportcd by Alderman Shannon rnovcd that thc financc cornmittcc considcr the advisability of incrcusing the dog tax with szrtIIultIr reference to larger dogs or clsI consider passing legislation to stopull dogs runningal lurgc Chief Shrubsolt submillcd his firc report for 1929 to the council It showed that thc total loss frorri fIrI during thc your was $27155 00 motion Introduccd by Aldcrrnan Moran and AlIIIr man Longrnun llqUISIUd thI Canadas story Sirncoc objected lo Toronto As Name For Capital When Canada was divided Into Upper and LIIwIr provinces In l79t thI first capital of Uppcr Cundu was Newark now NiagaraonthoLakc The first LIIntInunt Governor of Upper Canada John Iravcs Simctw III lireved that there would soon be another war with tho and that NIwark was too closc to thc buldlr So III begun searching for more suitablc locality SimIoo chow thc proscnt site of London Ontario but was tVlllUIld by Lord UOICIIISIII thI Governor of Canada who insisted on Toronto It was thrrn just meeting placc for travelers using thc portagc routI between Lakc Ontario and Lakc Iluron via IIkI Simcoc In fact thc namI Toronto is Indian and Inttins niIIting place There was small fort IallId RouiIlI built by thr French in 1750 but it had bIIn dlhlltlyld during lhI SIvrn Years War The reason Lord DIIrchIstIr insistcd on Toronto was because It had bottcr watcrtruvcling fzIIilitiIs tlIIIn SImcocs hUItt of London So Simcoc bcgan building thc nIw capital IIII Iuly 30 I793 but thc govcrnmcnt was not mIIVId thvrv until February 1796 when thcrc wcrI suitIIbII buildings and other facilitics By this tirnI hI had churigcd thI narnr to York bccausc hc did not think that an Indian nIImI was suitable for capital When construction of York IIIgun SiInIIII and his family lived in largc tcnt that had bIIIIngId to Captain Cook when he cxplorcd thI Pacific coast Toronto Bay was great hunting piano for wild goose and ducks There was also good fishing for Atlantic salmon In the Don and Number Rivers ThIy uscd thIIsI and other rivers flowing into Lake Ontario as thIir spawning grounds TIIER EVENTS FEB I799 Island of St John was givcn royal asstIII to changI namc to Prince Edward Island lRH Eighth Regiment bcgan march from Fredericton to Quebec 1849 WL Mackenzie rcccivod amncsty to return to Canada 1854 Parliament building at Qucbcc was destroypd by fire 159 New Westminster was recIImmIndId as site for capital of British Columbia 1874 Earthquake with centre at Father Point shook large part of Quebec 1881 IIousI of Commons approved CIR bill intro Canada Atlantic Railway opcncd bridge over St Lawrence at Coteau Royal North West Mounch Iolicc bIcamc Royal Irimr Minister St Laurent was presented with 1920 Canadian Mounted Police I953 Freedom of City of London Witt Canadian armed forces wcrI unifiId Ilflilfltt committcc to IIInsIIlIr tlic Iirlvisubilily of appointing an Isscssor III tux collcctor aid tlic sIIIIIIIcs to bc paid In ch czisc nIw scnlc of pay for thc lrc Itrigzidc was unnnnnonsly zpprovcd by tho Iown ouncil at spccizil InIIting rcport of tlic fIrI comnnt tcc read by Iplil lthvc Rogcrs thc chairman Iltlllllr rnIndcd that tho brigndt paid $2400 your th bIIgtIIlI to consist of 24 mcn and not II than 21 undcr tiny cIr clinistunccs In sports NIwnIrkIl juniors dcfcutcd IInrrIc olts lat to win tbc group honors and clinncc to play III thc sInn funds It was it good fast txllllillltill III hockIy and was IInleoIlys gInnI right up to tho Inst llllfllllt ll wits Illtlhfillly to play onI pcIIIId III otcrlnnt to brcnk tlIc tII llllll NIMIIllllktI got tlII brcuk winning on dispulId gonl which scvcrnl wIlIiIssIs thought wcnt through holc III 11 SIIII of tlic Iltl IIowIvcr llic IIlls slIowIIl tlicir good sportsmanship by tIcIIpting IIIfInt Inlinly Illlll wishing NIwmnrkct lots of luck III IIll linnls IlIcII wns no trIIcI III hnrd fIIlings Although llicy didnt win out thr olts Illltlll for Ittlltl showing tlInIl III lorInII ycnrs Al thc tIpilIIl lliIIIlrn ltngi IIIIIiIncc IISIIIIIII to tlII first leltleking singing and dancing piclurc IIII IIIsIrt Song lhc ncIIssnry ttlllltlllll was III III lhI IpllllllltL booth and IIII sound was IIIIIiIII through wiIIs to It tool liorn buck slngI IlII lIIIrn was situntId dircctly bclIinIl tlic scrcIn und lhc sound Illlll right through tlII scrccn which was built cspccinlly for sound Night priccs wrc IIlvcrlisId tIl 15 ccnls nnd III ccnts At Ii KcInnn storc op posilc tho post officc VIctoI IIchIIds wcrc sclling III Iii cents IIIIwrvcr with tho rIturn of uric old rccord IIIIII 53 IInls onc Iicw rchIid could bc pur chuscd Smith and It tlic corncr of IIlliLr IIIII ltziyficld Strccls ilIIVlIlIStd tlic llIIgcrs Majcstic radio complctc with tubcs and dynamic spczikcr ill $188 for thc IIIwIIIIy inIIdIl Ind SZIB for thc highboy Arnolds MzIIkct offcrId specials which includcd chuck roost il 20 ccnts pcr pound sidI bacon tit 37 ccnls pIr pound two pounds of Silllltfitt for 15 cents two pounds of bullcr It ltit cents and coffIc at 39 cclils per pound IIlIliNI Wllll IIISIASY Blucbcrry grunt cross bI twccn blucbcrry pic and bluc berry pudding Is populnrdcs sort in thc MIIIIIIIIIIS provinccs This important to diabetics IIy lllll1 lIllIIlE Ml licur ltr IIIIIIIIz III din bclic tziking insulin daily also how nasal drninugc which is vciy annoying and crnbzir rassing Ii all IIvcrlliccountcr aid for sinus dIinnngI lhcrc is warning that it not to ho tnkcn If you urc diubclic took thcsc pills for tIlIIIut two months unII wurc of this It ctIusId nuInlI ncss III my foot logs and arms and bonds too III tlic lust lcw months tlic condition has improvcd but Iiol cornplclcly Will Ivcr got buck to normnl Wlint hnppcns lo tlic dinbctic wlicn lic tnkcs thcsc kindsolpills llll Your IIII Is important for IIlhcr dinbclics llcwnrc mcdicincs with pllllltltil Most of IIII sinus d1 IIIIIIILK IncdicinIs do contain it Ihc lnbcls curry warnings but too low pcoplc cvci rcud lthIls tIrIfIIrtIIIIIIlIly Icoplc with high blood prcs surc hcurt discusc glnncomn lincrcnscd cycboll prcssnrct or with urinnlion difficullics should lIc cqnnlly cautious and usc tlicm only It Iltl IlirIclion of IllllIKIII Ilic cpliIdrinc InIIy incrcusc tbc IIIIIIItIcs blood sugar lcvcl and iIitIrfcrc with Mic insulin control Numbncss as you dI scribc would sign of this condition cullcd dinbctic ncu roputliy lll lnInngII This is not uncommon in IlinbclIs with or without such llltlIItItlt thvcs tnkc it long lllltl to LIIvII from IIIIInIIgI but us long as you kcIp your sugnr undcr control you should Iniprovc You lllit nccd ItnInIn supplc mcnts You also should gm of tlic root of your drunnrgr prob lcin IIIiII ltr lItIlIlc ls IIlllI Iny InchIul truth to llll IIlIn flint prunc llltt Is Illlllll Ilow docs It work lll You dont IIIId InIdicnl NORTH ll III 10865 cam QIOTSI SIIITH Ad Ii KJli 1be VulnIrziblc Both lcalcr South West North East South 10 IO 20 111 fl Pass TV lIIss Pass Pass pcning lcnd SIIIII Fry IlitI innstcr numbcr III wns Sum Fry ll back In Ittltl Ilis pnrtnIr tlic latc Edward Ilymcrt Ir lIc czImc lifc mnxtcr nurnbcr 23 Tlicir bidding of todays band is IIlIItIIl of how exports lind tohsc Illtitglllfl ttIIn back III 1912 BRIEE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag proof bcyond thc fact that it works It does But there is mcdicnl proof beyond that and dont mind telling you that had to do sonic digging to find It for you Iruncs and contain dihydroxyplicnyl tlicir juice chemical isotin It incrcuscs the motility IInIIchncntt of thc bowcl wnlls its lzixntivc cffcct For this rctison III prunc Is it bonu fidc nnturnl lzixntivc onccntrutcs zirc used In sonic cornmcrciul laxatives found In drugslorcs Most pcoplc dont though ltll IIr ltulIlc am It Imd read sonicwlicrc bill you should drink six to cight glusscs of wntcr cath day In ordcr to III this dont drink any otlicr liquids Is this corrcct lA ihzingc lhc word water to liquid and youll be on bcttcr track It can bc III any form milk juicc pop At your Igc milk should bc includcd Ihc six to cight gltisscs has bccn rccornmcndcd III ccrltiin circnnistzinccs such as to avoid Ichydrution in highrfcvcr Ill ncsscs IIIIwcvcr rcccnt studios show that four to six gltissIs of liquid dnily Icightvouncc glusscsi Irc sufficicnt to satisfy any normal thirst and body ncIds our Ilr Illlll IluId II blood lost and Its told my blood £l pIIsitIvI in my IIlIn lIlIIIlion curd which carry III my pursc how my blood typi IIIII posiliu bow lIIIii wondIIIng lntIly llltlllll Illt lIIIn Iloint lhI lllllll llnng Irs You doing III lfllllll thing by carrying curd with your blood lypr HIIII Izibo IItIltIlt would IliIIk your blood II on HIl to III donor or llllltlll III Ilitlllllsltill nccd laxatives Sams opening club bid was normal and sound then as It Is now West nnght have made wcak jump overcall but that bid was invcntcd by l8ycrrold swald Jacoby sonic six months lzitcr llymcs could not forcc with two hcarts Ilc would how bad to Jump to thrcc to forcc so he clcctcd to UI but two adcs Sam should probabl avc bid just thrcc clubs ut even at 69 this current agcr Sam Is most aggressive bidder so he tried thrcc hearts Eddie who always 100de for somcthing brilliant dc cidcd that scvcn hearts would bc thc most bIIIIIilfII hid it his disposal Ilc bid it Sum didnt think It was brilliant wlicn he saw thc dunnin and rcnlizcd that it would take lot of luck to bring homc ill thc tricks llc won thc spndc IIishcd dummys king of clubs drcw trumps With two loads and cashId Ins mm of clubs III tho but that stuntthing rczilly good would hnppcn in that stnt lint West showcd out Now Ilt fllttlttl ItilI luck III diamonds Ilc cnslicd his king notId thc full of thc tutk from ICIIst fincsscd Irgtnnst tlic quccn Ind cvcry tlnng herd conic up roscs daily crossword ACROSS liIiWv Bernice Bede Osol February 1979 The types of changes youve been wanting to make In your basic lifestyle are likely to be brought about this coming year That thch held y0u back formerly Is no longer exrstent AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Members of your famIly may find you shade too opI nIonaled today Tlns could cause some rumbles on the home Iront Respect their news If you want them to respect yours Winthrop IF YOU WERE BORN ONTHI5 DATE 019a In us Par wt Bugs Bunny TURN OFF THE TV AND 60 TO 550 WELL CATCH AT TH PAss BMM PISCES Feb 20March 20 Co workers will resent you today lI you try to con them into doing your work Production should be your purpose not flowery praltle ARIES March 21April 19 Things In general will come easily for you today That could work to your dIsadvantage You might take an opportunrty for granted and fail to explOIt It properly AURUS April 20May 20 You know what needs dOIng today but you may have problems In getting your Initiatrve into hIgh gear Be lIvely not lethargic GEMINI May 21June 20 Its best to let others boast of your accomplishments today rather than tooling your 0er horn lf YOU ARE LETHARCTlC 5Low WITTED youve done something worthy theyll mention it so relax CANCER June 21July 22 Even th0ugh youll be money conscious today youre still likely to spend beyond your means for things which arent necessities and feel guilty in the process LEO July 23Aug 22 In com petitive situations it will take more than your Charm and good looks to get by today If you coast your competrtion Willglrde past you VIII Aug 23Sept 22 Nor mally you make cautrous as sessments before you Involve yourself Today however you may Ignore this procedure and do somethIng Impulsrvely LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Take AND NOT VERY OBSERVANT care today not to labor under the illusion that an influential contact is prepared to pull off all types of miracles for you Unfortunately he cant SCORPIO Oct 24NOV 22 An associate may not feel the same urgency that you do today regarding collective obieclive If it means that much to you go it alone SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Instead Of beIng your usual Industrious self youre more prone to ratIonalizIng and post poning things today Neglected tasks wrll plague you later CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Dont attempt to manage some Ihrng for another today where you feel Inept You could cause all concerned unnecessary problems lNCONéIVEWATE WEPULstvE wABarr COME OUT WlTH YOUK 32 HAN09 UP Qvu rm It LOOK tack 965 Imk GIVE JANE THE APPLE flE4 AT lwpou Short Ribs SIRE we ASKEDME TD oevzuop THE YOU MARRIED MI DAUbH TE l5 V5AI2 Q1 our IIIro Nanayou Inn And Capo 0m has untop Imman NORTH ERN 29 Dunlop St 7373860 STATIONERY xj AN ACCQQATE DE EQ 95ny NTH NAsvx PAYLOAD VALID EVE IN LIFE 85PM TOTAL léAfilEti BEII ER TAKE AN YES ILL HAVEl BLUE BLAZERJHE we DUCK AND THE WED11415 6HERIFF IM INNOCENT an In In Us ear oANE SPIT 955 WY 72 CU THE WORM FEEL PLACE atka mew Your Wedding Invitations rmouncemen ts Headquarters We provide loanout service REMOVE THE APPLE FROM ills LEFT NOSTKIL nE NIAQK CH our 0F HERE Tmtfi IF we WIN WE AVE PARTY IF WE

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