Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1979, p. 1

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thursday Ie for background News Quiz The federal trade minister was one of many cabinet officials travelling to foreign countries in January His tourney took him to China in donesia and the Philippines Can you name the minister Who holds the seat in Parliament from Quebecs Mount Royal riding in what sport do Canadians Scott Cranham David Snlvely and Janet Nutter compete This weeks quiz on todays Background Page challenges you to answer these and other questions about current names and events in the news Stamp longer than envelope This young philatelist undaunted by the size of this I4Inch long by l8 Inch deep 25p stamp decides on tongue power to get his problem licked The stamp the biggest ever issued In the Commonwealth will be released by Tristan Do Cunha on Feb to mark the first visit by the British luxury New vehicles for Borden From the Ottawa Bureau Of The Examiner OTTAWA The Canadian Forces School of aerospace and ordinance engineering at CFB Borden will be accepting delivery of four more of the defence departments new armoured vehicles this year Tory defence critic Allan McKinnon PCVictoria has been told that gunners mechanics and drivers at the school should already be training on two of the new ar moured personnel carriers the Grizzly The first of three Grizzlys were to be delivered last November and this month sometime The third is to arrive at the base in February Two Cougars the fire support version of the same vehicle will be delivered in April and November while the only Husky the maintenance and recovery vehicle will be shipped in June Deliveries of the vehicles to regiments and installations across the country Will continue into mid1981 The information was provided to MacKin non by Defence Minister Barney Danson in reply to questions the MP had placed on the House of Commons order paper Signs federal contract From the Ottawa Bureau Of The Examiner OIIAWA Biltrite Cash and Carry in Barrie has signed $39545 federal contract to provide the defence department wtth building materials the department of Supp ly and services has announced It was among 247 unclassdied contracts worth $10000 or more that were awarded by the department during the week ended Jan 12 Total value of the contracts amounted to $31743894 Plunges to death TOKYO AP Japanese executive who was scheduled to testify about alleged payoffs to sell Grumman airplanes to Japan plunged to his death today from his seventh floor office His wrists were also slit He was Mitsuhiro Shimada 56 executive director of the Nissho Iwai Trading Co the Japanese representative of the Grumman Corp liner the Queen Elizabeth ii to the Island In the Atlantic CP Photo spokesman for the Diet the Japanese Parliament said Shimada was to testify later this month at parliamentary in vestigation into alleged payoffs to sell Grumman Hawkeye EZC cariywarning planes to Japan Volunteers wanted Now is the time for all wouldvbc volunteers to make themselves known to the Volunteer Service Bureau during this weeks drive for volunteers Ella Neale coordinator for thctburcau says volunteers have been trickling in since the service started in September but numbers have been limited because of the bureaus lack of publicity This week local girl guides distributed 10000 flyers printcd courtesy of Printers Ink and the Association for the Physically Disabled cn couraging people to volunteer The drive coincides with Volunteer Week Feb to organized by the YMYW3A which is highlighted by volunteer workshop Feb from am to pm at the building The Volunteer Service Bureau is non profit agency designed to recruit screen and channel volunteers to appropriatc posi tions with the 42 community agencies scrvr ing Barrie Sunday gasoline ban WASHINGTON AP US government officials faced with continuing shortages of Iranian crude oil are considering ban on Sunday gasoline sales and other measures reminiscent of the 192374 Arab oil embargo Energy Secretary James Schlesinger said Wednesday the Carter administration will decide by April whether to impose mandatory conservation measures weather Blowing and drifting snow is forecast for area highways the next two days Windy and cold with fre quent flurries today and Friday Local snowsqualls developing Ex tensive drifting and blowing snow Highs both days to I2 Overnight lows l5 to I8 Your clay isnt complete without The Examiner Call 7266539 for home delivery munMym11m the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Khomeini tells ecstatic followers Revolt wont be complete until US influence Teng starts acrossU tour today WASHINGTON Ali hinas Tcng Ilsiaoping has seen the lcadcrs of the United States Now he will sec another side of the country His coastytocoast tour bcginning in Gcorgia today was as central to Tcngs state visit as his talks with lrcsidcnt artcr and key mcmbcrs of Congress But the Thincsc viccprcinicr wont be seeing lot of thc people he would call the proletariat Instead he will scc captains of industry space officials and newspaper publishers on his trip to Atlanta Houston and Seattle Ilc will tour plants which produce Ford automobiles oildrilling equipment and jumbo jctlincrs bcforc lcaying lor homc Monday morning He will size up US asstmny lines for adaptation to Yhincsc needs And he and his aides will arrange the guidelines of business deals worth millions of dollars Iwoway trade at rccord $1 billion in 1978 is cxpcctcd to spurt to about $1 billion and perhaps morc as rcsult of lcngs tour say US officials in Wednesday his last full day in Washington the 74ycarold hinesc lcadcr reflected on the tics with lhc United States which wcrc cstablishcd month ago and said the honcy moon will continuc With President Carter hc signcd scicntific cultural and consular agrccmcnts in thc Whitc Ilousc SIGN iIIIIiMIINIS Among othcr things thcsc will allow ilnnn to buy an atomic particlc accclcrator for highcncrgy physics cxjxrimcnts and to opcn government officcs in San Francisco and Houston The Iniicd Statcs will also hclp hina cstahlish domcstic satcllitc commit nications systcm Icng was iskcd carlicr at an inlcrvww with 11 US reporters what hina had to offcr in cxchangc Dollar lowest since I933 MONIHIIAL itli Ihc anadiaii dollar plummeted almost third of ccnt against its US countcrpart Vytxincsday trading at its Iowcst level sincc April 1933 Ihc dollar closed at $0 titiiil II on thc in tcrbank wholcsalc markct Tlown 32 ion from Iucsdays closc lhc all timc low of $0 8008 was sct in Icccmbcr lilill The most rcccnl slidc of thc dollar bcgan weck ago with thc start of thc month cnd drain on US currcncy in anada and thc rclcasc of disappointing tradc surplus figurcs for Icccmlvcr Ihc slidc turncd into frcc for all by thc Wednesday noon month cnd dcadlinc Icrnand for US dollars incrcascs sharply towards the end of the month as corjmrations scttlc dividend and intcrcst accounts south of the border Canadian tourist spending abroad increases thc demand during wintcr months Hank tradcrs said the Bank of anada has bccn activc in thc slidc trying to maintain an orderly market Ihcy also said lhc sclling had Iccn ovcrdonc and expected thc dollar to regain some ground in thc ncxt scvcn or eight days Inc Toronto analyst named other ncgativc pressures on thc dollar including rcccnt government statcmcnt on possiblc forcign exchange controls Finance Minister Ican hrcticn said Iucs day that his previous rcmark that controls were not being considcrcd at this time had been incorrcctly intcrprctcd Hc said no restrictions on the frccflow of thc dollar arc planncd know Whexe is beam Macdonalds ns ide today lifestyle entertainment background page sports oanlcetv guide deeelfled 31 uppiemenu Loblewe pages Twlnlake Sports page Couple wantsto adopt Too fat for parents says state Tiny but it could help save life Smaller than postage stamp this tiny square contains complete per sonal medical history Vaughn Thomson above of the Simcoe Rescue Squad says this microfilm can provide doctors with necessary medical in formation useful in treating the holder Canadian Rescue Services now sells special medical data cards which contain the mlcrofilmed information This type of identification Is very helpful for emergency medical treatment of ac cident victims soy CRS spokesmen Examiner Photo by Dave Burcsik Hearst thanks helpers after gaining freedom IIl2SIIUT nlif iAII Patricia Ilcarst walked out of prison today on the arm of hci Iawycr ficc woman aftcr fivc ycar xlysscy of kidnap criinc and punishment Miss Ilcarst was incl at thc prison by Long crisis faces Italy IithlI iAll Itin facts long political crisis or national clcction aftcr Ircinicr iiulio Andrcotti rcsigncd chncsday becausc he lost thc ominunist partys sup port Andrcotti and his iIiristian Icniocrtitic cabinet resigned after only to months in of lice but agreed to continuc in carctakcr apacity until new govcrnnicnt is formed MADISON Wis Ali Barbara and Gordon Itay want to adopt child but they cant lhc statc claims thcyrc too fat to bccoinc pa rcnts thc couplc says Wc started lhlS thing and wcrc iioi tlic typc of pcoplc to givc up on it said Barbara who stands IVtlOOlIllllt and wcighs 210 pounds iordon sixrfoot two ZIS pound shipping clerk at thc University of Wisconsin said thcy bcgan state adoption proceedings two years ago when doctors said it was unlikcly thcy would cvcr havc children thn thc slatc dcpartmcnt of health and social services said llicy would how to wait five or six ycars for an infant thc Rays said they would rather havc child five to Iiycais old right away lhcn thc couplc both 28 Ill into the departments informal guideliiics barring adoptions for health rcasons SAIDUllllJIOIHCSII Ilicy wrotc and told us wc wcrc olicsc luwycl lcorgc MilllllltY and hcr fiancc policc tlllttl Iicrnard Shaw whilc strcnglhcncd sccurity forcc patrolled thc arch and nlifornia Highway Patrol liclicoptcr hovcrcd oycrhcad Miss Ilcarst snulcd broadly as shc talked liriclly to rcportcrs Shc Iicld hcr commutu tion papcrs hiin oucr hcr hcad and thanked Iicr pilltillS licr sislcrs thc pcoplc on thc coinmittcc which yorkcd for hcr lrccdom hci lawycr and hcr boyfricnd Shc told rcportcrs shc was going on trip but would not say whcrc or whcn Ihcii shc climbcd into thc hack scat of station wagon bctwccn Murtincr and Shaw In front wcic two bodyguards ziiid Ingrid Martincl wifc of Miss Ilcarst lnwycr In Iiillsborough about 60 kilomctrcs away her parents four sisters and friends Iicld champagnc brunch to cclcbratc hcr homecoming and could not adopt until we had sub stziiitial wcight loss iordon said Basically thc prohlcm is with my wifc but tlicy told inc should losc too Social workers told Barbara slic had to get down to 190 pounds and shc lid witlnn thrcc months llut thcn they Iowcrcd thc weight to 170 pounds she said lordon said llicrc were no specific guidclincs and the social workers madc the decision according to an insurance companys preferred height weight chart think its just discrinination hc said If you wcrc to mcct us you wouldnt say wcrc obesc Ihc Rays cnlistcd statc Senator Ictcr licar who said he is awaiting morc in formation from statc officials to dtltlr ininc wlicthcr tlic obesity rulc is lc gal lt sccms ridiculous to inc Itcar said dont know how state agency can deny adoption eligibility on the basis of the prospectch parents weight cspccially in the absence of definitions or proof that health problem exists goes TEHRAN AP Ayatullah Ruhollah Khov meini returned home to wildly enthusiastic welcome today and declared his revolution to overthrow Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and install an Islamic republic will not bc complete until US influence is expelled from Iran Railing against despotism and col onialism which he said has perverted Irae nian culture the bearded Shiite Moslcm patriarch said the shah has made the army follow the orders of another country and his Islamic movement will be successful only when the roots of colonialism are pulled out He did not mention the United States by name but there was no doubt what country hc was talking about Khomeinis chartered Air France jumbo jet from Paris circled three times and landed at am 1230 am EST as million jubilant followers lined the tilkilometre route he took from the airport to the capitals largest cemetery About 50000 Islamic police main tained order along the route and more than 100000 supporters jammed the cemetery Shouts of God is great and Welcome Khomeini greeted the ayatullah an exile for more than 14 years as he rode through the throng in the back of blue Mercedes 40 KILLED Near Tehran University where more than 40 persons have been killed in the last week in clashes between Khomeinis supporters and the army banner read When cviI goes out the angel comes in selected crowd of 1000 was admitted to the airport terminal to greet the 78ycarold religious leader crush of shoving shouting mullahs or Moslcm priests reporters and others mobbed him at the entrance to the reception loungc We are succeeding but this is only the first stage Khomeini told the crowd in loud firm voice Hc acciiscd forces he did not identify of try ing to restore the shah to power but declared Ihc imperialist shah regime is all in the past and cannot be brought back again Our success is the result of the unity of all the poo plc in this country They all follow one word ilslam and even the religious minorities are united with Islam The government television service showed about 20 minutes of Khomeinis arrival and then announced it was shutting down because of technical difficulties The sta tion went off the air with picture of the shah and the national anthem WILL RESIST Aidcs told reporters aboard the jctliner that brought Khomeini home that he probably will announce provisional government to replace Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar and his cabinet in few days But Bakhtiar in broadcast Wednesday night said the government will not permit the reins of the country to be held by anyone except the cen tral government Aides of Khomeini have said if Bakhtiar does not rcsign in favor of Khomeinis provi sional govcriimcnt the strikes that forced the shah to go abroad two weeks ago and that still paralysc the economy would continue its The Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini sits Inside the chartered airplane which was to fly him back to Iran after l4 years exile few minutes before the plane took off early Thursday Millions of his followers greeted him in Tehran AP Photo

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