humI In nflmmnnze 500731 ï¬n 239 223311241 8983 Q=3U crawlmo urntwo trlt in ré dl riy Th Sh pa SCI Ca of tor IUt yea wif ant Lo sev wai Fur intt Cer Cox cidr Bee afte opei McI fice afte thei l8The Market Place Wednesday October 27 I976 McCague opposes jail for impaired drivers No purpose would be served by imposing jail terms on drinking drivers said ufferin Simcoe Conservative MPP George McCague on his return from highway safety trip to Europe Mr McCague is member of the Legislatures Select Com mittee on Highway Safety which recently spent two weeks on factfinding tour of the Netherlands Sweden and Britain Mr McCague said that despite the tough approch taken in Sweden with impaired driv ing he found that Swedish ex perts doubt the effectiveness of harsh penalties for drinking drivers Under Swedish law convic tion of impaired driving where the level of intoxication is greater than 15 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of County to get new computer Simcoe County is buying computer Council is sharing the cost of MAI model 400 BasicFour computer with the Simcoe County Health Unit Total cost of the machine is 75405 with the county paying $57847 and the health unit $17558 Duncan Green county trea surer said after reviewing ac counting and record keeping at the county building it became readily apparent that im provements can and should be made Mr Green recommended the county buy computer The county should have data processing equipment he said in report The county he said can either buy the computer as he suggested or contract the work with service bureau such the Canada Systems Group He said the inhouse com puter has more advantages than an contracted service bureau In general the service bureau approach to data pro cessing is out of touch with today he said An inhouse computer system has certain amount of builtin expansion capabilities Mr Green said the purpose of the service bureau is to supply computer processing to or gani7ations which can not at ford their own tatilitics But he said the advance ment of technology had pro vided small coiiiptilers which can process the data at an at fordalilr cost Mr tlrccn said the health unit is planning to upgrade its bookeeping system and equip nient and has money available in the 1973 reserve for accourr ting equipment The county money is from the 1975 unapproprialed surplus fund The treasurer said the county and health unit will alsoshare total annual maintenance cost of $4860 Mr Green said the countys share of the maintenance cost should not be any greater than that currently paid to the bank for payroll services SKATING Recreational skating with in struction of basic skating skills will be held Mondays from to pm at ro Community arena For information call Mrs Fielding at 728741 NIIANIIB RILLIA Staff 77 Vice president of the Russell Kel ly Advertising Agency of Hamilton Hallet Kelly will be guest speaker at meeting of the rillia Canadian club tonight FOUNDATION MEETING The Barrie Chapter of the in tario Heart Foundation will hold its annual fall meeting Nov at pm in the Blue Flame Itoom of the onsumers Gas Building Ferris Lane The program will focus on physical fitness and will include film and discussion of the effects of current life styles and habits on health The public is invited to attend BOARD EETS The Simcoe Iounty Board of Education will receive forecast of the operations and estimated surplus of its 1976 budget during this Wed nesdays board meeting Trustees will also establish policy to cover the family life education program to be in troduced to Grades and in November The meeting will begin at pm at the Education Centre 99 Ferris Lane PARENTS INVITED Parents are being invited to attend professional activity day program on exceptional children scheduled for Friday at Banting Memorial high school in Alliston The program has been titled Surveying Exceptionalities and the main emphasis will be on how to recongize and deal with students with exceptional problemsor abilities The program is being cori diicted by the Simcoe ounty chapter of the oniicil for IZx ccptioiial Children in co operation with the Simcoe County Board of lidiicition There is tee of $2 so per son blood carries an automatic jail sentence of up to two months and licence suspension of up to two years If the level of in toxication is between 05 and 15 the penalty is fine of bet ween 10 and 50 days wages While this approach did result in improved statistics at the outset the effect is beginn ing to wear off and instances of impaired driving have risen back to their original level Several members of the com mittee have called for harsher penalties for drinking drivers but Mr McCague feels that the solution lies in program which identifies the offender atid takes steps to rehabilitate him The primary objective is to get the drinking driver off the road first offender should definitely face license suspen sion and be required to take driver education course show ing him the consequence of his actions he said If it becomes apparent by subsequent convictions that the driver has an alcoholic pro blem then longerterm suspenlt sions and efforts at rehabilita tion should be made In my opinion alcoholism itself is disease not criminal office No useful pur pose is served by putting an alcoholic in jail with hardened criminal Mr McCague also cited the high social costs involved in program that uses jail sen tences as deterrent For the social drinker the effects of jail sentence can be devastating For the confirmed alcoholic jail sentences have little effect on drinking pro blem Mr McCague noted that On tarios laws relating to drinking drivers are just as tough as Swedens and that the problem is not one of legislation Ontario drivers are liable to fine of between $50 and $2000 for first impaired drivmg otleiice Subsequent offences carry automatic jail sentences of from 14 days to two years FAMILY HOMES IN BEAUTIFUL BARRIE Reduced by up to $5000 FROM $1995 DOWN to qualified purchasers FROM $54900 $62900FULL PRICE Terms and Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 34 BEDROOMS BATHROOMS FULLY BROADLOOMED FINISHED FAMILY ROOM FIREPLACE CAR GARAGE Model home and soles office open Sol Sun Mon to pm AUDIO Lorr Moronti Wurronty Station ALALL Modol Names 01 term lune Reelection by member Wendy MacKenzie Simcoe County Board of Education trustee is seeking reelection in the Dec municipal election Mrs MacKenzie who rep resents Wasaga Beach Flos Township and Elmvalc said she will stand on her record as trustee emphasizing she has gladly spent hundreds of hours attending meetings in the last two years In her term she said there were more than 200 formal meetings plus countless per sonal contacts with ratepayers in all of the municipalities she represents Mrs MacKenzic said she is concerned about the rising costs of education adding the provincial governments shift iii grants is the major reason this year Our budget costs were restricted to an increase of eight per cent per pupil this year but ottr grants from the province were severely re duced resulting in an abnormal increase she said The Ward representative said she would join other board incliibers in asking the pro vince to Irtxumlll the grant system and ensure that they FABRI sought ofboard do not force local taxpayers to shoulder an unfair portion of the education costs again Mrs MacKenzie repeated that the 1976 increases were solely the result of govern ment action and not the result of misspending by the board This is time for experience and restraint she said am concerned that we provide quality education in Simcoe County and that education must be provided within the bud getary limitations of the ratepayers WENDY MACKENZIE Obstacle course set by March of Dimes After mayoralty race an obstacle course should be nothing for Dorian Parker Ross Archer and Willard Keir ZIC The three candidates for mayor of Barrie will try wheelchair obstacle course at the Bayfield Mall Friday even ing Mayor Parker will be first out at 530 pm and the other two candidates will follow The course has been set up by the Ontario March of Dimes to let the public know what life is like in wheelchair It will be ripen from 530 to pm The March of times is part of the United Appeal campaign now underway The obstacle course consists of ramps and pylons to si mulate curbs doorways and building entrances DRESS FABRICS SAVE MORE AT DRAPERY MILL OUTLET Ontarios original discounters of top quality drapery dress fabrics upholstery Example 20 Polyester Sheers 50°o woshoble Polyester 50 Wool PER YARD AS600 yd volue itrSee for yourself the tremen dous variety of dress fabrics at MillOutlet Prices 7262556 BARRIE WAREHOUSE Just north of the Georgian Moll open to the public Mon Tues Sat 930 pm Wed Thurs Fri 930 930 pm OAKVILLE BRAMPTON CONCORD DON MILLS MISSISSAUGA AUDIO lOFT AUDIO OFT MODEL 2325 AM FM STEREO RECEIVER 75 WATTS MINIMUM RMS PER CHANNEL INTO OHMS FROM 20 Hz to 20 kHz WITH NO MORE THAN 0I°o DISTORTION I25 WATTS MINIMUM RMS PER CHANNEL AT OHMS FROM 20 Hz to 20 kHz WITH NO MORE THAN 0l5° TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION Builtin Dolby Noise Reduction system for use with reel to reel tape decks 8Trock and Dolby FM Broadcasts Phase Locked Loop PLL FM Multiplex Demodulotor Direct Coupled Full plementary Amplifier Boss Mid and Treble Controls with Variable Tone Points Two Tuning Meters for AM FM Signal Strength Dolby Level and FM Centre Channel Tape Outputs for Decks Com Turnover Two Tope MODEL I40 STEREO POWER AMPLIFIER TOTAL HARMONIC Direct Coupled Full Corn plementary Amplifier Illuminated VU Power Output Meters Peak Overload Indicators Separate Left and Right Gain Controls AUDIO LOFT BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE Professional Audio Servicing Wvv wrr vvvwvr ut anging lantzrs You ll discover the most interesting selection ot Planters at The Panhandler Earthenware ceramic and seethru crystal in fasci nating array of Sizes styles and colours and com plemented by expertly cratted knottedhangers of manilla hemp wool and II polyethylene Just the kind ot gift to make an ordinary room dazzle With greenhouse freshness They re great as gift for at your tamily or friends or i5uvt as speCial treat for 35 yourself 111 Great ideas at prices you can afford In the Mom QC BAYFIELD MALL 737239 THE PflNflflNDbER Its here Sears New Christmas Wish Book And its loaded with gift ideas for everyone on your list But shop early Christmas is sooner than you think Use our automatic answering service 24 hrs day Ltd Store hours Soon Barrio Georgian Moll Mon Tues Sat 930 Ilm 530 pm 509 layth so Wort Tliurl Fri 930 mm 930 pm