VVTVJTYTYITJT VWVVVVYWYTTVTTY ANNUALMEETiM County Federation of Agri PLANSAIPROVEI the Ontario ministry of RETIREMENTPLANS Wednesdo October27 19761 ELMVALE Staff culture at Elmvalc community MOONSlONE Staff transportation and communica ORILLIA Staff six TbeMgrkeP ac member of the federal an hall on Thursday Oct 28 The resolution approving proposed tions has been passed by week course on planning for 9330 PM TOPICS COVered Wlll HAWKLSFONE tStaff inflation board Mrs Juno Men meeting will follow banquet interchange draft plans at Medonte council co of the lnCIUde retirement income eUChre partV Wm be held at the py retirement will start ZleS Wlll be guest speaker at the arranged for 630 pm County 10 road crossing of No resolution was forwarded to the pa rk pu cï¬togfgeél Wlllsi PenSIOD plans travelling Jchsmne hall on Friday 88 annual meeting of the Simcoe housing and community ser evening Cl 29 Starting at Thursday Oct 28 from 730 to vices 815 pm 400 hiEhway as received from ministry Simcoe County archives the played tor one week because of first county archives in the historic value and rarity tarioarealmostlOyearsold Ml Amos said during the The county musuem and ar week the archives hopes to chives board of the county is have school tours and visits holding an open house to from interested citizens to celebrate the official opening awaken more awareness of SundayNov21 the valuable resources The week of Nov 21 will be availableatthe archives Archives Week in the county In al report to the county counci In ram Amos chair WHY man of thge board said the LOLDWATER PUblC public is invited to visit the ar meeting to discuss proposed an chives and ask about proper nexation of parts at the storage of family papers and townships of Iay and Medonte treasures will be held Thursday Nov in Mr Amos said special oldwateicommunitycentre display at maps collected by Norman Clarke of Barrie will bethe high oint of the week He said Ilhe collection tea HLIOWEENPARTY KRAZYKIM KELLY tures maps as early as 1540 OR STATION Slam Showing ho cartégmphers Halloween party for children from the will be held at the Oro coni period viewed Southern Ontario and the Great Centre Commg Lakes Saturday afternoon from to The maps will only be dis OCIOCk This map gives you directions to Krazy Kellys TV We are stacked to the hilt and the 77s have already started coming in This is serious over stock problem we must resolve it the only way we know SELLSELLSELL TONIGHT THRU watt SATURDAY ONLY Every Purchaser through our doors who presents the clip out map will receive FREE Sheffield and silverware set or deluxe knife set of quality Slazenger tennis racket Yours free with any of these super buys YOUR VS LCENCEE Make the Buy of lifetime Now GIANT 26 COLOUR En Auctomatic fine tuning °Spanish or contemporary Retail tilt $53300 20 cunowmcomn ZENITH NO Woodgrain Design One Only to go Retail Value WT $59900 NOW 25 SPANISH PAYMENT COLOUR QUASAR Works in Drawer AFT Control NewinaCrate NOW WT 18 COLOUR YL VANIA Minolta SRT 202 Rugged Reliable Proven around the world Twoyear warranty on the camera body Fiveyear warranty on the Minolta RokkorX 50 mm l7 lens Fstops and shutter speeds displayed in viewfin der sec to 1000 sec Easy multiple exposures Hot shoe Let us demonstrate Minolta value to you gt STEREO SUPER BUYS RCASpanish $449°° Morse Consoluette $28800 RCA 10 Pc Component $219 GIANT 26 ZENITH AFC Minolta XE7 Electronic sophistication With Cl 0C loo SO Id State Minolta reliability Fully Sponlsh Get Your Free Bose automatic or manual operation New CopalLeitz metal shutter l5 fully stepless from to lOOO seconds Cock it Fire it You can sense the preCision in your finger tips Shutter speeds and stops in full IllfOrrthitOlt viewfinder 50 mm fl7 RokkorX lens 32 $6930 Value $89900 Retail $388 $49900 WT SUPER 20 XlIOO izTeor Warranty Plan OFree Stand 00 Retail Mow WT Value $61900 Gigivngglouk On extended term plan $12333 $499 7371182 Phone Tonight Take moment Delivery Tonight The KAMERA Shop 7371182 Bayliold Mall Barrie Shopping Plaza