The Barrie Examinerlvedflesday Oct Q7 I97623 ROBIN HOOD ASST INSTANT ROBINO OATS MIXNMATC 31 GLERU FLAVOUR JELLY POWDERS JELLO $1 In The Warehouse AYIMER 4R FL oz TOMATO 59¢ JUICE In The Warehouse COKE PEPSI LIDO LB 399 tlttttt 49¢ CHAIN PRICE 69 SAVE 20 PLAIN SPAGHETTI SAUCE CHAIN PRICE 89 SAVE 20 WELCIIES 24 02 6953 In The Warehouse GRAPE JUICE Case of Fresh MINCED REGULAR VITO CRUNCH HEALTH PIES or IE CEREAL ALL ELAVOURs BAG GEHERAL MILLS PRESWEET cm 75 ALL VARIETIES BOX DELMONTE PUDDING CUPS PKG OF4 CHAIN PRICE 03 SAVE 14° 24 IOFI Oz BRAVO 28 FL OZ CUDNEY SLICED PEACHES FOR IO FL 01 CASE OF 24 $549 MINUTE LARGE 48 OZ BOX Ric$139 Philadelphia Flyers Reggie in Philadelphia Monday CHAIN PRICE 249 SAVE 50 Leach makes face as he Many of the team members ROYAL oz INSTANT gets his swine flu immuniza got their flu shots after SCHNIEDER QUALITY LARD WINNIPEG CPI When Robert Graham was young nesota and northwestern On tario Later it expanded into Al berta tion shot after team workout workout AP Photo FOR Firm grows and grows CHAIN PRICE 35 SAVE 40 KRAFT SUPER PUFF MARSHMALIOWS $1 In The Warehouse 99 Chain Price $119 Save Canada Grade Large Cut GLAD I2 ML SUPER STRONG GARBAGE BAGS LIMIT OF LBS PER FAMILY WITH FOOD SHOPPING PURITAN OR CORDON BLEU of IO 20 CHAIN PRICE 95 SAVE 26 25 01 Can from Canada Grade Chickens CANNED STEWS 49¢ MANNINQASII BAG COOKIES 69¢ ALL VARIETIES Cut from Canada Grade Chickens CHICKEN Winnipeg investment officer 20 years ago he came president of InterCity is Ltd little company that was acquiring natural gas distribution fran chises in rural Manitoba The Winnipeg franchise had been snapped up quickly once the transIanada pipeline be came certainty but said Mr Graham the little town fran chises were up for grabs then The little company produced record of almost uninter rupted growth and expansion and by 1965 Mr Graham found Its management had become fulltime responsibilitv Last year lnter totalled $526 amount certain to incre eraltold this year The reason Last summer the company acquired con trolling interest in Canadian Hydrocarbons Ltd firm with 1975 sales of more than $400 million Though the purchase could be construed as bid to turn Inter ity into conglomerate Mr Graham says it is actually an other step toward vertical in tegration within the energy in lustry process which began many years ago First the firm developed dis tribution channels into Miir Then it purchased Fur nasman Supply Ltd com pany that distributes heating supplies in Alberta and BC and similar company in Manitoba For several years InterCity has been active in the business of exploring for and producing Iatural gas developing an sset of rapidlygrowing gnificance in the face of dwin ing reserves As with the other phases of pansion this new facet was weloped primarily through 1e acquisition of exploration companies notably Eden Gas Co The exploration production and distribution regions in which anadian Hydrocarbons is active are also located pri marily in Manitoba and Al berta and nicely complement those of InterCity Mr Graham says Mr Graham currently sees the period ahead as one of con solidation but his overall view of his companys role embraces all aspects of providing energy TAKES LP LAND SPACE The Caspian Seas 152084 square miles make it the larg est lake in the world ATTENTION HOME OWNERS RE INSTALLATION OF FIREPLACES CHIMNEYS Please be advised that the construction of chimneys and fireplaces are controlled by building permits in the City of Barrie It is essential for all home owners to be aware that the Building Inspector must inspect these installations to ensure the work meets the requirements of the Ontario Building code The home owner is responsible to see that their contractor has obtained permit to construct CHICKENS 69 Reg Price 99c lb Fresh Never Frozen ms 79 Reg 129 lb Fresh Never Frozen BREASTS 895 Fresh Never Frozen If you have any questions regarding the above or require further information please call City Hall at 7264242 Planning Development Department City Of Barrie Out from Canada Grade Beef Ross RIB ROAST Fresh Never Frozen ll CHICKEN LIVERS as It illII OI LB ONT No LARGE WINTER OLB CARROrs1 50 LB BAG ONLY $349 Cut from Canada Grade Beef Cut from Canada Grade Beef BRISKET ROINT Lean STEW BEEF ESSA I976 PRELIMINARY LIST OF ELECTORS FOR THE OntNol Large Waxed TURNIPS FILL YOUR OWN BUSHEL 449 ONT NO ALL VARIETIES WINTER SQUASH FILL YOUR own RUSHEL $449 Municipality of the Township of Essa This preliminary list of all electors prepared as required by the Municipal Elections Act 1972 was publicly posted in the office of the municipal clerk on the 22nd day of October I976 349 50 LB BAG ONT no1 LARGE STALK ONT NO HUGE SIZE our FANCY REO OR GOLDEN new It Electors should examine the list to ensure that their names and relevant information are correctly shown Application for inclusions additions or corrections to or deletions from the list may be made by an elector by completing and filing form obtainable at the office of the clerk The last day for filing applications concerning in clusions additions corrections or deletions is November 5th I976 as PUMPKINS EACï¬ ROTH CLERK