lBThe Barrie Examiner Wednesday Oct 27 1976 CLARENCE CAMPBELL alternative Not way to raise 00 money candy and get Trick MONTREAL tCPi Clar ence Campbell president of the National Hockey League said Tuesday the recent Canada Cup hockey tournament wasa stu pid way to raise money We drain the community by taking millions out of peoples pockets to pay overseas teams to come here and very little of that money ever finds its way alirilm OhW back into hockey in North nos or America Campbell said Canada won the September Red SDallOll tournament in final series against Czechoslovakia after wk OMU roundrobin schedule that in RGd DGIICIOUb Of Golden DGIICIOUS or eluded national teams from the Soviet Liiion Sweden Finland Ida Red Rome aridthe tnited States Mm expenses we paid 50 produce of Sarge size no grade pound per cent of the take went to the anadiari Amateur Hockey As sociation and Hockey Canada while the other 50 per cent went prOduce Of Leel CllmSO to the pension funds of the NHL Oy and World Hockey Association players associations The NHL it association received 29 shares from me OWLb dea or he mum but and the WHA organization two The $465000 pm large Size ananas perm 1953 $100000 330 produce of tresir roasted tiiefirstplaceteam lororito lawyer Alan Eaglc son the NHL Players Associ 200 bag ation mentor who organized the from Coiumbrai C1ealforsttelLOiiI tournament had estimated ex pOurrtt penses of $3 million to pay for teams travel meals rink ren ildmlllmg campsr lilfuralme flowerdept specrat rnrioo trOprcai an prize money aso estimated gross revenue of $7 9M million including $5 million fromtelevision rights tiowerdept special llitlitHADPENSHU Iacier ire inere ing is at the NHL Players Association received 3150000 less from the Canada Cup than it lid from our games against the Soviet Union last winter said Camp bell referring to an eightgame EXTRA tour of NHL cities by two Soviet teams last season BONUS Campbell said European wna teams have discovered that in dinner ternational tournaments are tonwo losing propositions because of theexpensesinvolved They cant even sell their ower own out No vaonpe thp1 Eu restaurant homogefllzed pasteurlzed Sweetheart ropeans Jumpe anee to come over here for the Can YourSforIU5t1o¢ and $50 $022 14 OZ ada Cup We pay their trans worth Of Loblaws orZiggys voaluogiw portation expenses everything Then they bleed us dry and also wind up with lot of our money It doesnt make anysense The NHL president said ticket prices for the tour nament were excessive and the average fan watching on TV got real bargain Campbell suggested an al ternative to tournament play 24 OZ Cheez Whiz 12 North American amv Kraft rated Elimilriith9tt£ï¬t2 Oaf pargmesan cheese $551 49 aPple sauce uy pork roast and get one 10ft oz tin of Mitchells tanc apple sauce free cash register tapes dated from Oct 131976 Mm misty Grand Prize tower of groceries ove 50 bonus tree value $1000 coupons redeem contest details posted to each able on products partrcrpairnq Lobtaws store lefglytibifjï¬mfdv cheese curds pkg Loblawsthrn srngie process 200 mllk cheese slices 235 processcheese plus eposrt on Jug lb raft velveeta Valuplus sliced Matt processcheesespreadplain the passport contains Official CN Tower Souvenir Book value295 Nine Discount coupons worth $850 atthe CN Tower atLoblaws Early series in the works NEW YORK AP An ear lier World Series to avoid the late October cold and return to Sunday afternoon play will be the target of baseball direc tors who bring the matter up for review at the annual meet ings in December Also there likely will be move on the part of owners to MMHIOIH MM take stronger role in the con 1st fresh pork duet of the postseasoln event lh This was the finding of sure It vey following the 1976 chamr pioriship won by Cincinnati lteds in four consecutive games over New York Yankees The games both in Cin cinnati and in New York were played in nearfreezing tem perature and there was strong criticism of the shift of the second game to Sunday night from Sunday afternoon Although baseball received $750000 bonus from NBCTV for moving the game into prime time some critics considered the move an injustice to both the players and fans because of the bad weather Commissioner Howie Kuhn said the change boneless as made aa an experiment to allow more fans to see the game beef lb 12 ll average fresh butt pork roasts fresh shank or 88h pork butt portion i322 33 r109 meaty are ll I01 I28 frozen prierSe brand tresh cutto yourneeds Loblaws beet and por rea ast Loblawssliced beefsteakettes pkg 72 whole pork loms 38 sausage £3123 Side bacon 143158 maxrrnum fat content 17 freshly gmund bee beet lorn Fearrnlans bulk sweet pickled vac pac ground beef 98 surlom steaks Italian sausage 86 cottage rolls b1 25 cooxs ONLY MINUTES