Vivrm Ontario massed band in parade at Stayner STAYNER Ontario Mass ed Band which participated in parade here during the weekend will again visit Florida in December and march in the 197677 Orange Jamboree New Years Eve parade at Miami It is return engagement for the band for which Allan La mont pipe major of the Stayner legion Band is musical direc tor The band comprising pipers drummers and color guard from Stayner Midland Coll ingwood Hanover Listowel and Kincardine was formed to take part in the 197475 parade About 175 United States and aiiadian bands offer their ser vices for the Orange Bowl parade in Miami each year From this number about 30 bands re chosen This year invitation to the Ontario massed pipers and drummers for reappearancc 1s response to the bands popularity on its initial ap pearance in 1974 The reception accorded the hundred pipers engendered such enthusiasm that the band became perma nent organization In the Orange Bowl Parade of two years ago the massed band received first place for best en try and each of the six bands received duplicate of the trophy The band was judged the best marching unit in the Warriors Day parade in Toroir to last year and this year placed second GREY IP PARADE Tlie pipes and drums thrilled crowds at ollingwotxt Acton and London commemoraiiiig the Royal anadian Legions 50th anniversary celebrations As well the massed band helped celebrate Kincardines Down East Days They also played at Hanover Listowet and Midland On Saturday November 27 the massed band will be playing in the Grey Cup Parade in Toronto This will be first time appearance for the massed band in the Grey up parade The massed band gathered at the Stayner Legion hall last weekend and paraded on the main street with short con cert following The parade coin cided with sidewalk sale by the merchants of Stayner On its yearend trip to Florida the band will take part in the three mile televised Orange Bowl parade on New Years Eve They will also entertain again at the Veterans Hospital in Miami 1in or 13 bands appear on the oneAhour network television portion of the parade The Ontario Massed Pipes and Drums were the first band shown on the televised part of the 107475 parade The 100 bandsmen 20 member color party and their wives also husbands of women pipers again will make the trip and stay at the Barcelona Hotel on the Miami Beach strip llicy depart from Toronto air or miiial on December 20 return ing home on January lRRENIOFFICERS Ross Baxter of Meaford pipe major of the ollingwood Legion Hand is president of the Ontario Massed Legion Pipes and Drums Pat Knight of Owen Sound is secretary urt Smoiit of Hanover is treasurer and Ler Spencer of aterloo Listowel Legion band drum mer is public relations officer William Mctutcheon an cx member of the Ietropolitaii Toronto Police Pipe Band is senior drum major Roy Ken iiett of Toronto is travel officer and Len oupland of Brampton issergeantatarms Pipe majors of the six band units of the group ar Jack Harris of Hanover Neil For man of ListowcL Henry La mont of Kiiicardine Hill Donaldson of Midland Allan Lamont of Stayner and Ross Baxter of 7ollingwood Locally the Stayner pipe band has had an active suin mer with many engagements Some of these were the Senior Citizens of Wasaga Beach also Wasaga Beach Fair Lions zone convention parade in Bury rie Alliston Potato Festival Shelburne Fiddlers oiittst Dundalk Markham Fair Decoration Day services at Mcliityre orncrs and Stayner Orange parade in ollingword Midliurst Scottish Days and Stayncr Fall Fair At ollingwoods Legion celebrations the Stayner con tiiigcnt took first prize in the street parade and second prize in individual band competition As in the past the hand will wrap up their season playing for local Santa laus parades SERIES til IIES The Stayiicr band also is planning some dances and Jo it draws to help defray expenses for the trip to the rangc Rowl The first lance will be held on Saturday October at the New Lowell Legion This is masquerade dance with prics for best costumes The music will be provided by the ever popular laii Zinns Windy Warm Two more dnaces to follow will be on November lit and December II witli the same group providing the music this wil be lllill niaiorsoiirccol fund raising the band is lititililL these dances will be well sup ported Report on resolutions given to Alliston WI Ry MARGARET STOLTZ LLIST The monthly meeting of the Alliston Womens Institute held in their hall opened with the WI de followed by the Mary Stewart ollect repeated in unison The president Mrs Delmas Somer ville welcomed members and guests Mrs James rosbie reported on the Library Board meeting which led to discussion crin cerning maintenance and delegates were appointed to at tend the area convention in Orillia next week Local events were reviewed by Mrs Spindloe who also reported for Meals on Wheels Roll call was responded with How to form habit of being punctual The Resolutions fonvener Mrs Halbert in charge of program quoted Desiderata by Max Ehrmann as the Motto and referrred to matters of local concern pricing on merchan dise and weed control The guest speaker Mrs ccil Reynolds of Rotton gave an in teresting talk on resolutions as good way for branch to communicate in the community and beyond She stressed the importance of research and to have the formal proposal writ ten and presented correctly Resolutions originate within local WI Branch submitted at thc area tOllllltOfl and if siisr taintd are sent to the proper authorities It was stated that per cent of our laws are the result of resolutions submitted by the Womens Institute Mrs Reynolds continued by naming many that have recently becoriie law and other resold tions now being considered Members will watch as many may become law to bring about needed changes Mrs Reynolds concluded by bringing the ladies uptodatc on the Simcoe ounty Museum of which she is board member with the newest building being the CNR station moved to the site from Gifford The Womens Institutes began the Museum in Barrie in 1928 and still are much interested Simcoe was the first county to have its own archives and members were encouraged to preserve records there It is now used by soirie 700 people annually for research Mrs Marjorie McKelvcy con tributed lovely vocal solos ac companied at the piano by Mrs Ida McKclvey and refresh ments were served following adjournment BUYSSINTER dinner was arranged at the Nottawasaga Inn for boysof flir Alliston Atoms soccer team and one parent to conclude their series having won the York Simcoe fhamionship Pre viously they won over Stayner North Simcoe winners by score of 40 Presentations were made and arrangements for the evening were made under manager Mr Biffis and coach Mr Forshaw Members of the team were Wayne Haddock Rodney Knowlton Harry Wilson Freddie Brown Robbie The Optimist Club of Barrie will be holding LIGHT BULB BLITZ in your neighbourhood Tonight Optimist Club members will be calling on your home Your purchase of the special IOOO hr 60 Watt lightbulbs will help continue the long list of community work done by the Club such as the Huronio Striders Track and Field Minor Soccer and the Barrie Teen Disco The Optimist Club gratefully acknowledges the con tnbuiion to this project by DARSCO DISTRIBUTORS and PHILLIPS Industries JIM $2 No OPTIMIST CLUB OF BARRIE INC allaglian Dayid Moon iar riti lmplicrson llayid Whit taker Kenny lirown laiil Parliament Romanlankovicli lamic Simpson irian tarroll Iliiio lillfls ill Scott and Jeff Brown with Peter lorsliaw IIlilStOl III ILUR ItiI RS Alliston ioldcn Age hili chartered bus fora local color tour recently licspitca raining afternoon the group enjoyed the view from the bus alont country roads in losorontio and Mulmiir Townships with Sandy Ellis as tour guide including the experienci of the bus rcvcr sing in neutral up the Magnetic IIlll liricl Sittpftl llopc Acres and lunch stop at the Whisper ing Iincs Restaurant were in cluded llic xllllOlI and District lloi ticultural Society membcrsliad lovely trip north the following day with turkey dmnci in lltltll Illt stop it lllt general store in Dorset lookout ncar Minden and at ltiittcriiiilk Falls of special tliltltl If you are 50 or over AT STROUD BAZAAR Five yearrold Shannon is en joying sweet snack at bake sale and baaar held in the Stroud lnnisfii recreation centre by the Womens Mis sioiiary Society of Stroud Presbyterian church Ex tlllllltlIlltiltit DISTRICT NE WS The Barrie Examiner Tuesday October 26 I976 Wasaga Legion drive raises nearly $4000 VSi lilIAtll The Royal anadian Legion at Vasaga ltcacli branch fila has raised enough money over tlic past six months to pay off its Itbis and is now looking for ward to an active fall and inter season of activity lrisidcnt llugh Quick re ported to general meeting in tlic Viiiicy illi that cloc to St ooo has been raised to rid the branch of financial troubles that had nearly ended lls istencclialf iycgiiago Last spimg tlic legion had to give up Il rciital hall on Zoo Park Rd because the branch was Il dcbt llicrc was talk of closing the branch down lltlt altogether Dining this summer li Quick and III VttllllYt decided to sharply reduce the number of meetings and cur tail lllll so fund raisinix projects could be concentrated on lhc idea wa to not spend any money until there was surplus of funds Mr Quick paid llllllilt to nn Day who has organicd numbci of draws and other fund raising efforts He noted Join the Municipal Savings Loons GOLDEN CIRCLE CLUB We Offer Savings interest CREDITED MONTHLY on your Golden Circle Club account at regular Savings Rate BRANCHES wow that when all bills are paid thc branch will still liic Shoo surplus Legion mcmbcr riicc rnod commented that the fund inns mg effort was rcmarkablc acctimplisliinent and called tor motion of coinincndation fortlitcvcutivcandMrs Day The metting began laying plans for lull round of winter £itlllllt lcinbcrs appointed lr riiold to wort with Illf tllllllllNl tl flIllIIIIIIt tlIIlIIllI teewhichisorgamingawinter iamboicc Mr Arnold anrllolin Maynard were appointed to head publn lltlllili team which will attempt to keep tlic pllltll informed ol they comciip Tllt nct event will be the in niial Itcmcinbrancc Day ccrc mony on aiicj Island vcinbcr ll cycnts III IlIi tlltllllv Stalli icc president of tlic Riisscll Kcl ly tltlllSlliL gcricy of lliimilton llallct Kelly will be guest speaker at meeting of the Orillia anadian club lolllglit COUNTY GLIMPSES Simcoe Area WI convention at Orillia RILLIA Staff Simcoe Area Womens Institute will hold its 44th annual convention at St Pauls United church hall here on Monday and Tuesday Nov and Hon Pauline lecGibbon lieuteiiantgovernor of Ontario will visit Orillia and appear as guest speaker at at noon luncheon on the second day of the convention Program adopted as the theme for the convention is en titled Earth holds no greater good than Friendship welded link bylink Presentation of reports discussion of programs for the new term and election of of ficers are also included on the agenda OSTLME PARTY WARMINSIER Staff costume party and dance is planned by the Iahiaguc branch of the anadian Legion at the local legion hall on Satur day Oct 30 with prizes for the best TENDERS SOLGIIT RILLIA Staff Ienders for the construction of new police building will be received at the city administration of fice 33 West Street north up to pm on Wednesday Nov ANNEXATION COLDWATER public meeting to discuss proposed an Alliston cow award winner ALLISION Staff purebred cow owned by Peter Sclicp has just received new gold seal lifetime production award from the llolstciii Iric sian Association of anada As titycarold in aca tions on twicea day milking Mistress Louise nnon pro duccd thLJLtl pounds of milk testingI it per cent for 301 poiindsol fat The cow is classified as good plus for type and has two very good daiiglitcis llcr sire is ltrowns lntlltllllii iiiioii and her lain Iiisslt Sriycicigti it illitllHl EMO auction set for Nov MllllllRSl Radio ttttdt incnt will be among the items on the block at the Emergency Measures Organization auction oiiSatuiday Nov Aritclis owned by the now defunct organization will be on display Not at the Simcoe tounty roads department building on Snow Valley Road nortliof Harrie Archer olwill will begin the auction at It at the roads building IIZI lIIIi IClt lttttlltilll rl lticliaid lctty ltllllllllt lliiflttl than it any other liinc lll season won Sundays Slltiooo llltlltlli ioo iiaiirl atioiial aiml car iic1 only lll tliiid ittoiy ol the ycai lctty won Vinita for ll lztoth caicci irand illolitl ictory aycragini lliilti liillts pcr lioiir tick lltiiitillllt oi oblcton Hit Illtllll its at ttistaiiiiigzoili V2 minimum balance requirement in your account $250 WORDS TO THE WISE We of the Municipal believe that when you have reached your 50th birthday you have worked long and hard for what you have We do not have to suggest to you why it is important to make the most of your ear nings and savings but WE WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU HOW Toke look at the benefits you receive while belonging to our Golden Circle Club Our wise owl suggests you join now the municipal saw195 loan Corporation ARR 1111QLEM lVllISltOltil Rtl liAliHlLdieortpanMall1760304 ORILLIA til Nlississauua St Easilh llllil Kmu SUE PEIlIllfllkI thil MEMBER Canada Deposit Insuraiice Corporation HEAD OFFICE tfti Ionlop StaEast flAIlle UNIlfltl 17h Ullll nexation of parts oi the townships of Tay and Medonte will be held Thursday Nov in Coldwater community centre ANNUAL MEETING ELMVALE Staff member of the federal anti inflation board Mrs June Men zies will be guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Simcoe County Federation of Agri culture at Elmvalc community hall on Thursday Oct 28 The meeting will follow banquet arranged for 630 pm EUCIIRE PARTY HAWKESIONE Staff euchre party will be held at the Hawkestone hall on Friday evening Oct 29 starting at 815 pm HALLOWEEN PARTY 0R0 STATION Staff Halloween party for children will be held at the Oro com munity centre this coming Saturday afternoon from to oclock III AWARDS ELMVALE Staff Awards for best showing in 1976 achievement projects of the Georgian 4II Field Crops club will be presented at banquet here on Wednesday evening Oct 27 with the North Simcoe Soil and Crop Improvement Association the sponsors Among the winners were John Mosley of RR Wyebridge for oats Don Atkinson of RR Barrie for corn silage and Paul Drysdale of RR Wyebridge forcornsilage IlOIEMKIIIILB HOLLY Staff Twelve girls of the 4H Homemaking club are taking the current pro ject The Club Girl Entertains Dianne Downing is president of the club with Wendy Brubacher secretary vicepresident and hristine Little press reporter PLANS APPROVED MOONSTONE Staff resolution approving proposed interchange draft plans at County 10 road crossing of No 400 highway as received from the Ontario ministry of transportation and communica tions has been passed by Medonte council copy of the resolution was forwarded to the ministry RETIREMENT PLANS ORILLIA Staff six week course on planning for retirement will start at Regent Park public school on Thursday Oct 28 from 730 to 930 pm Topics covered will include retirement income wills pension plans travelling housing and community ser vices DRIED FLOWERS COLDWATER Staff demonstration of dried flower arrangements will be given by Mrs Scott of Midland at meeting of Coldwater Hor ticultural Society on Thursday Oct 28 at the Lions Club River side Centre on the main street TaxFree Income You may be eligible to earn taxfree income through the purchase of Canada Savungs Bonds To learn more about this at no obligation simply contact our CSB representatives in Barrie Mr Ralph Lougheed CA Mr Dennis Crossman Mr Jerry Stansfield Mr Bert Lougheed Sour 920 CIVIC Square Tower 70 Collier St BarrieOr1iario Telephone 7371496 OFFICES ACROSS CANADA Utirtr rgti is 14 rt iiibotr Beautiful custom draperies Beautiful matrices lmported casements rim $101105 Antique sotins 11m iw lrr Prints It Wm WNW trg it it 52 ig Beautiful custom draperies in OS little seven days to or yin mp1 Heavy cottons 173 1lv 111111 nth1 rim 11 on Iiirltfï¬lt1n1 726340 NEW YORK LONDON PARIS rmsin securities stem tJ2t No1 $14050 $18950 $13750 $16200 Imported brocades $4950 Imported sheers Sl0800 Dos 1m is for triple fullness llR seamless sheeer Coll us today profes sional salesperson will come directly to yourhome with complete set of drapery and bedspread samples measure your windows and suggest window treatments to just few days youll have beautiful custom draperies of beautiful factory prices mm