Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Oct 1976, p. 17

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5334 13 kl nwmfi FARMERS MARKET FRUITS VEGETABLES APPLES Fresh from our orchards to you MACINTOSHDELICIOUSSPYS Special his week SPYS Bring your own containers Weekends until Oct next to Boyfield Moll JONES WILLOW GROVE ORCHARD 5195995741 O232930 ARTICLES FOR SALE CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY ASPHALT ROLLER ton like new Pavemaster CostSAJOO SeIISJ000CaII HamrithonL 6544 soon 67549 4368 5776 MA 575 Ferguson 5450 firm Phone 835 2623 EARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HORSES BOARDED and trained Echo Spring Ranch l0th line of Oro Phone 4875842 SPECIAL CLEARANCE of used and New Trailers Several makes Alsolease and rentals 726155i HORSES BOARDED Creemore area $60 per month Call Sheila 166 50i7 HARNESS REPAIRS hockey eqmp ment repairs saddles and tack Hender sons Saddlery 222C Yonae St Pains wick 737 2982 HORSES Boarded s75 per month One deluxe horse cart for sale SISO Phane 371l23 REGISTERED Holstein bull for sale months old from dam I2 months old priced reasonably McLeanElm vale 322 23l7 CHICKS READY to lay outlets Also farm frnsh egos Brown 909 birds available mid November Craio Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud 136 Hill iFfEEDfiSEhEVDGRAIN HAY FOR SALE FIRST CUT GOOD QUALITY Elmvale area Please telephone 322 l037 MACHINERY CLEANER COMBINE for sale Row Header fully equped and and Drier Continuous How high capacny will guarantee sacrlfice 705 466 2244 05 466 5272 in gt50 CASE TRACTOR model vA dood unninq condition snow bucket and loader new tires SaOO cash or best of for Phone 728 1435 after 30 FRUITSANP GETI3 APPLES ADDIy Koole and Son Coo cessOn Oro 726 1907 72B 8489 CIOSPO Sundays Yourcomainers POTATOES for sale Sebaao 75 lo Dagv Charles Ellsmere RR NO Bar Viv 728 4°56 cURE HONEY mile north BartleldS 728 8522 70 cents to Whyth Simpsons Sears on DUMPKINS for Halloween all sizes CharlesBatt squrove St PERSONALS HOLIDAY IN THE SUN At TREASURE ISLAND ST PETERSBURG FLORIDA We have vacancies for Novem ber December April when prices are low Efficiency units from $75 WEEK FOR TWO PER SONS Phone the owners in Barrie 7262826 for in formation 023 EUROPE Come with us to Holland Fron ce Germany Swnzerland and Belgium May May 23 CP Air Mony tours cruise the Rhine the canals of Am sterdom most meals fondue party first class hotels Goides Lorne Betty Hay Escorts HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 OIBH TELECARE Whyliqht Our problem alorir7 Let friend hiin Call Tiiincarr 77¢ 7972anytime ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS 28 658i you drink thats your oustnrss If you wanttoqunihatsours Callanrtlm BOWLERS WANTED to start Svo tember teams couples or singles atlernoon Or evenings erroviwy Bowl 778 976l UNNANTED HAIR proolrm Have it rcmOvrd safely permanently TITUICIII approved Lydia Hrrnchuk Certified Elnrtroloqist 737 267i INTERNATIONAL Investigation Sff vicescwilcriminal maritalinvrstiqa tans Surveillance Discrnrt and can fiqrgntial 737 2977 and Win Prizes THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS Loader Backhoe instant reverse transmission slide hoe and Sims cab $4800 firm Wrecking I966 International tandem cab and chaSSIS good mechanical condition PERSONALS of mouth sores white canker spots den tal plate sores tender gums with Flet chers SoreMouth Medicine Available at Cusdens Pharmacy and all druggists WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Caucuses Relief now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over century with effec tive results medicated pad that really does the iob Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Pharmacy and all druggists SKATECANADAVV Space still available on coach to Ottawa leaving Thursday AM Oct 28 returning Sunday It nites accomodation transfers from hotel to CiVic Centre price from $36 75 i4 sharing admissmn to events extra Contact Pat Farrington 728 9663 or Apex Travel SorVice 726 6322 DIVORCED Lady With varied interests and assets would like to meet available gentleman in 505 With similar interests and assets Obiect friendship Write to Box Sb Barrie Examiner WOULD Mr Lawrence Cooper former ly ot Timmins father of Bradley and Douglas or anyone knowing his hereabouts please contact Mr Ris ina Childrens Aid Somety 726 6587 LOST AND FOUND in colored Beadle hound Studded collar in vicinity of espra I3th Line since October nsworsto 80m 728 l067 Reward AT LOST October in Penetanu St incent area leniale IilLv striped months Reward Please telephone 37 JZIBaIter 300 RENCH Poodle lost Black answers Tanuo Last simn on Coxmill Rd ainswck Riward TvlfJDhOtE 726 9503 78 wsto HELP WANTED KNOCK FOR OPPORTUNITY Everytime you knock on door as representative Of the Dominion Automobile Association you re in position to offer the best in motor club benefits Benefits which when explained sell themselves as each new prospective member realizes the Importance of the membership to them and their family After concise training period you are your own boss and your success in satisfying life time chreer offering tanTICIOI and ob security is in your hands Your busmess and executive commission earnings Wlll grow through your own effort of enrolling new and renewed members Introduce yourself to on ex citing new career today Write MR DON STUART DivmonolManoger Box 565 BarrieExaminer All replies will be kept con fidentiol and be acknOwledged wtll 023 Christmas is Time of Joy and Bills Accentuate the ioys Eliminate the bills by becoming an AVON Representative in your neigh borhood Call now 7289652 or write AVON Box 485 Barrie FS N27 HELP WANTED 4AL LLi 47 va COMPUTER OPERATOR Eur at manth lUVII Virquirrf Dummy perform ltw fllITiQn 0t Ilitlnll iriii lmyrfill on 51h trr 0150 Ifflfi Orrt Dull Thr niisiinn also irivltlv vani III minr arroimtmri rtiilim Diltii 30 my to HlIITIIV0I PO Box lillili Darrin Ontario HOUSEKEEPER Famil of tour two sr tiriol aut hldtnl Itll ItfllljnI livian ionfli firms and Day for riliahlv lovmll DIrsori 171 or out Tiiirilinni H7 Writ iflr ANGUS ELMVALE COOKSTOWN BURTON AVE ALDERSLEA PARK STROUD WILLOW LANDING MIDHURST Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield St Barrie AMAZINGLY quick relief for discomfort BURTON AVE TRAILER PARK INNISFILESSA AREA HELP WANTED IIELP WANTED TENDERS AUCTION SALES BARRIE SUBURBAN CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY mums AUCTIQfi SALES For interesting and varied position reporting to the plant manager TENDERS COOKSTOWN Must have at least five years experience in work of this nature be SNOWPLOUGHING SALES BARN proficient in shorthand typing and capable of functioning under Separate Sealed Tenders own initiative gt marked as to contents will be mile east of Cookstown Solar commensurate with experience received bY d°59°d Hwy 89 til IOOOOm on You BRING in Please reply in writing stating qualifications and references to Tuesday November 1976 WE SELL PERSONNEL MANAGER for the rental of the following TUESDAYS PM snowplough unit for the I97677 Livestock and Produce I91 JOHN ST BARRIE ONT winter season FRIDAYS pIM L4M 4VI 023 Grader equipped with vwpe cgisehold goods or what ave mfg d°d 39 5° COMPLETE FARM AND ammo arga °° HOUSEHOLD DISPERSALS For further details contact HELP WANTED GAL ders must be submitted on FRANK WEBB COORSown Ase91714589784 °SERVCE MANAGER NOTICE or SHERIFFS forms supplied by the Com 705 PAHTS MANAGER SALE OF LANDS mission Further information in °SERVICE WRITER cluding information to Bidders Under and by virtue of writ of Fieri Focios to me directed and issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario wherein June Elizabeth Adamson is the petitioner and Thomas Gribble Adamson is the respondent have seized and taken in execution all the right title in terest and equity Of redemption of the said Thomas Gribble Specifications and Tender For ms available at the office of the For NEW IMPORT car DEALER undersigned opening soon in BARRIE Write Brief outline of experience to Box 568 Barrie Examiner Bayfield Street Barrie 02325 MATuRE PE RSON to babysit year old girl Housekeeping days must have certified cheque in the amount Of SIOO made payable to the Treasurer Of the Barrie Suburban Roads Commission must be submitted with each tender own transportation Ferris Lane Adamson in and 1° yhe lelephoneatterI 30 mm The lowest or any tender not owmg 65 proper necessarily accepted SALES CAREER namely Male or female or couple If you own car and can quality can show you how Engineer Office to earn 515000 or more on full mo ALL AND SINGULAR that County Administration Building basis or $5000 or more par time so yiar Mldhurs Onmno old progressive Canadian tnanufactur the sales organization Interesting challenging For confidential interview ask for Mr Graui 726 647i AMBITIOUS PERSON With drivers licence required to work part time in Barrie Examiner Circulation Depart munt Saturdays only Apply at Barrie certain parcel Or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Province of Ontario and being composed of Lot Number 56 according to Registered Number l327 for the LE Clark PEng Engineer Barrie Suburban Roads Commission Examiner 023 PART TIME Opportunity ldealfor men said City of Barriei municipally EL With ions or women with children Dignified work With flexible hours In known 05 27 Manon Crescent Barrie pm Monday October 25 Room Barrie Ontario 35 My 20 BayshOre Mator Hotel PPE LAYOUT All of which said right title in DRAFTSMAN terest and equity of redemption riiquirna by Ieadino manufacturer of of the said Thomas Gribble pneumatic conveyinu equipinenl MUST Adamson shall offer for sale becaoable otinterpretinq orawmusand IO ordinalinq with manutacturinq or by public auction at my office at partment through to final installation Conatrcanadactd Highway 39 and 400 Sley ee 80 TENDER FOR FUELS 70545 4363 Hammer tone on Wednesday the 27th SEALED TENDERS dearly LICENCEDMECHANICforservicnsta day of October AD I976 at marked TENDER FOR FUELS will be received by the un dersigneduntil4230pm TUESDAY NOVEMBER I976 For the supply of the following FurnaceOil tian too watIis for qualified person write IODOX Sm Barrie Examiner NORMAN Shelswrill Real Estatr is expanding it you are interested in loin vnu professional salvs tOFCI pluaSi rail 72G 37 for runfidiintial lnTOFVfW Frilvious expiiriinrv priifrraolr but not ntllS$ith the hour of 1000 Oclock in the forenoon Dated at the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe this 8th day of September AD I976 DELIVERY PERSON an hour week DieselFuel midnight Must have tXDQFIPnCL ma driving iimnre Trillchem NW Ross Hughes Sheriff GOSOIme Restaurant 715 loll Specifications and tender forms are available from the on dersigned and must be used County of Simcoe ll4 Worsley Street Barrie Ontario ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY We rriguirn nil organizmt attrartiw 613 Lowest or any ende sorrelary to assist thi DixaIir Drini ipal necessarily accepted in our busy Chrysler Autoinobili Dffllf shin thin yarnti responsibilities inrluilc TENDERS LANGNER Treasurer some basic rrr orrt kiepino actUnite Tllll Township of Innlsfll maintiinance and rtuuvrts loom sw retarul skills Salary It cornrirIatvi ORILUA SUBURBAN SITOUdi onlolo Pleasiv asx for Mr Ora virs 726 1193 020222730 AUCTION SALES ROADS COMMISSION TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOUGHING ORUMMER NfllTltU fur Roi ii Full inn position iliphtmi 778 lfilbaftigr in Banri Marr Home Furnishings Antique AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCT 30 at for snuvsi TTEQ rilquirirt humi for small nabv Tivliiphnrii IJ Ssill FIELD SUPERVISOR Separate Sealed Tenders marked as to contents will be Aali or limatii Dmiuf inaniitmurinri received by the undermined un MR MRS ROBERTS ylmr Friivyiis MIN ixprriiniii iltI Ill l0 0007 00 the Village of Cookstown at issi you Illtll fy rottiinisgions Dim oyvlrius bonus naiii aiations YUeSday November 1976 23 George Wald lo sale iurin and rtfllilt man Fariiimi for the rental of the followmg si ns on HI hwu 27 nd vtll SlfillIiO tvi $25000 more crir snowplough unit for the I976 77 QU north and west from traffic lltvliflT ftiix var Birrii Winter season lights DAVE PORT Fourwheel driven type truck Complete sale of home can Wu WNW ummmvmmlw or grader With ype plough tents appliances lawn garden whammy rm 57M and Wing to be stotIOned in the re equ pment and NON union vusiriims iiw iiiiii Orillio Barrie area miscellaneous useful home XITUIT ilDI llrunlnlur for and iriiit Mufti FViIrI iinr liaturzhiy Phone 116 Vt EMPLOYMENT WANTED CENiEDMECHANlC NlllDillt rar in npytru limi Anythth runinIrriirt TIIILDTWITII 0947 iiVininu Tenders must be submitted on forms supplied by the Com mission Further information In cludinq Information to Bidders SpeCifications and Tender For ms available at the office of the undersigned items some antique old pieces of furniture glass candlestick holders picture frames chino cabinet etc and treasures from the store rooms Owners moving Terms cash Cheques accepted with ID ALLAN HORNER Auctioneer iii MATURE llllflf ttmttiir wll Dalisit own tinnzr iivlt VUHIIyty to Friday full or part tlTYIl Trilivnital MintI Point artiii Pleasa plinnf it NW certified cheque in the SCL No8 nonvvremno anrvtri imiiauir for flmoun Of 5100 7009 P°Y°bl9 IIIFIom 7054584589 PWVS WW M7 to the Treasurer of the Orillio OI52227 lrirli or your ririrrww Tiiliptioni if iiir Sfil Suburban Roads Commission riceya trim or iiaymri win my must be submitted with each xtiilrtrin tini ir yarrt in unit rrmrt from ender The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 40 Hwitwar 137 3157 milvs TUtt nt Barri NOTICE deadline for classtiled Whit ovary ondoovor will be mod to forward replies to box numbers to tho advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability In respect of loss or damage ollodgod to arise Engineers Office County Administration Building Mm ads Mdhws omorio through either failure Or delay in forwarding such replies UIBVIous day eng however otherwise noun Samrday Orillio Suburban Roads HTWTW TNTT Commissuon O23 PHONE 72824 TENDERS TENDERS Township of Essa TENDER FOR TRUCK RENTAL The undersigned clerk will receive sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents until 500 pm Thursday October 28 I976 far offer to rent only 26 to ton truck cab and chassis ready to accept Township sanding equipment No tenders will be considered unless received on forms supplied by the Township Forms and specifications are available at the Township Office in the hamlet of Baxter Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted ARTHUR ROTH Clerk Box IO Angus Ontario LOM I80 29 27b 023 Ontario Government Tender GENERAL CONTRACTORS Replacement of Exterior Doors and Frames on Various Buildings at the Adult Occupational Centre EDGAR Ont 6686i Installation of New Wicket Doors in Existing Cell Doors at the Mental Health Centre Oak Ridges Building PENETANG Ont 66847 PLUMBING CONTRACTORS Installation of Fire Hose Cabinets at the Muskoko Centre GRAVENHURST Ont 66866 Knit seesc Fae Separate Individual Seated Tenders will be received until 200 pm local time on Friday November l2 I976 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For fur ther Information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsaoc at the above address telephone No 705 3257403 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted 02326 Name Address Telephone Age lOllIlllol Ministry of Government Services Ontario CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING when CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for those pages must be rocoivod by pm day preceding publication with the oxcop tion of Classified Dilploy advertisements which must be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $500 Additional words cts per word CARD OF THANKS 25 words S500 Addi tional words Us pIr word lN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 5500 With verso per count line 7i cents per line COMING EVENTS $372 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM ion satisfactory results count as 24 words Each initial abbrevio count as ion set of numbers etc separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to tho herofore the advertisers indly rechock their advartisomunt im mediateiy after first insertion in order that any error or OmISSIOn may be reported before in order that same may be rectified for the following day publication The Barrie Examiner is rospanuble for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and than only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Errors which do not lesson the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Barrie Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or to ioct Ony want ads PHONE 778 FaceFlattering IIinllil Illtlflll Solt tie tops princess shape Printed Pattern 4792 Wom ens Sizes are 34 38inch bust With 40Inch hip 36 40 bust 42 hip 38 I42 bust 44 hlpi 40 I44 bust 46 hip 42 46 bust 48 hip 44 48 bust 50 hip 46 ISO bust 52 hipl 4E 52 bust 54 hipF SLOT for each pattern cash cheque 0r money order Adc 250 each pattern for first class mail and handling Ont residents add 76 sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num her your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Barrie Examinei 60 Progress Avenue Scarborough Ontario MIP4P7 150 styles lotsol Quick asies in our NEW FALL NINTER PATTERN CATALOG Jumpsuits tops pants plult Total Wardrobe patterns Free pattern coupon 75c Instant Sewing Book $100 Sew Knlt Book $125 Instant Money Crafts Sillo Instant Fashion Book $100 PUBLIC NOTICE Clerks Notice of First Posting of Preliminary List The Municipal Elections Act I972 section 23 and Preliminary List I976 TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 COUNTY OF SIM COENotice is hereby given that have complied with Section 23 of The Municipal Elections Act 1972 and that have posted up at my office at the Township Office RR No Ora Station on the 22nd day of October I976 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for Inspection And hereby call upon all electors to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to low 0The last day for filing applications is the 5th day of November I976 Tho place at which the revision will commence is Oro Township Of fice RR No Ora Station Tho time at which the revision will commence October 25th I976 Dated this 22nd day of October l976 Neufeld Clerk of the Township of Oro Cash Dis count Ratos apply if paid within days One or two insertions 9c per word inset Three consecutive insertions cents per word insertion total $612 Six consecutive insertions Bc per word per in sertion total Sll52 Multiple insertions may be ordered when to cancellation obtained Mathod of counting lower than 21 words Classified Advertising Department requires ad advertisers to rs o9vu Roosevelt museum popular HYDE PARK NY AP glass case displaying Eleanor Roosevelts worn red pocket book and its contents when she died in 1962 is one of the most popular exhibits at the Franklin Roosevelt Library and Museum here With one exception as many visitors remark her cards and papers are the sort carried by many women The exception is Dutchess County permit dated Aug 1957 saying license to carry pistol is hereby granted to Eleanor Roosevelt writer and lec turer Displayed are her member ship cards in the New York League of Business and Profes sional Women and the Metro politan Museum of Art Diners Club membership and six other credit cards press card for the United Nations and drivers licence marked slightly defective hearing She also carried five prayers including one by Sir Francis Drake as he sailed into Cadiz Bay and dozen bits of poetry mostly handwritten including some lines by ER BulwerLyt ton ending we may live without books but civilized man cannot live without cooks At the suggestion of the Se cret Service Mrs Roosevelt kept pistol in the glove com partment of her automobile but nobody at the museum knows what became of the weapon languages OTTAWA CPI The first CBCTV program to be broad cast in three languages will be shown Oct 27 Spirit in Landscape 60 minute special in the Images of Canada series focuses on the In uit of Baker Lake Belcher Islands and Spence Bay and will be broadcast in English French and Inuktitut The Inuktitut version will be seen on the CBCs northern ser vice network and the French on Radio Canada The film which look more than year to make introduces the Inuit and his culture through Eskimo sculpture and prints It includes works by 165 artists in 24 settlements The film has three principal narrators Minnie Freeman from Cape Hope Island Hud sons Bay anthropologist Dr William Taylor Jr director of the NationalMuseum of Man Ottawa and actor Douglas Rain who narrates poetry some of it by Rasmussen the Danish anth ropologist who was part Es kimr Experience can be credit WINNIIEG lCPI Work ex perience can be turned into muniversily credit under the year0ld Challenge for Credit program at the University of Manitoba Students with related work experience or community col lege course credit that isnt transferable can write regular examinations without taking special course and receive credit if they pass growing number of studen ts are entering university from the work force farther than directly from high school said Dr Ron Kristjanson chairman of the Universitys senate academic evaluation committee The philosophy behind the program is that students credit is based on his knowl edge rather than on the source of his knowledge Those wanting to write exams without taking course must be enrolled as regular students and must apply six weeks before exam time An attempt at an exam is con sidered an attempt at the cour so so failure becomes part of students academic record Man charged GRENOBLE France Reu ter Joel Matencio 28year old barman whose family said they recognized his voice from recordings broadcast on tele vision and radio was charged Friday with the crimes of the mad killer of Grenoble The crimes had paralysed this Al pine city with fear since the summer The recordings were of telephone calls to police who were guided to the woodland grave of two of the victims Christian Leroy 25 and Muriel Trabelsi21 PUBLIC NOTICE 022 The Barrie Examiner Saturday October 23 197617 OUNE Death Notices Engage monts Birth $500 maximum 40 words additional words9 cents per word CardofThanks25wordli Additional words cont per word tnMomoriamnovono Verso per count lino extra 2i cents per line Coming Events BIRTIIS Mondays Child Is fair of face Tuesdays Child is full of grace Wednesdays Child Is full of woe Thursdays Child has far to go Fridays Child Is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for Its living And child that is born on the Sabbath Day lsfalr and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other Important information for your childs future Barrie Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only $500 maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word PHONE 72824 DEATIIS PERRAULT Dora at St Andrews Hospital Midland on Friday October 22nd 1976 In her 69th year Dora Paquette of 946 Yonge St Midland Beloved wife of Frank Perrault Dear mother of Norman of Kitchener Donald of Milton Gordon of Hamilton Francis Mrs Cadeau of Barrie Doreen Mrs Johnson of CPS Comox BC Lovineg remembered by Is grandchildren sister of Albert and Arthur Paquette of Sudbury Aida of Chelmsford and Delta of Sturgeon Falls Friends may call at the Barrie Chapel of the Lynn Funeral Homes 290 First st Midland after 230 Saturday until 845 am Monday October 25th Then to St Margarets Church Midland for funeral mass at am Interment St Margarets Cemetery In Memoriam donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation would be appreciated IN MEMORIAMS PAIN In loving memory of dear mother Annie who passed away Oc tober 24 I975 Whe left us quietly Her thoughts unknown She left use memory To cherish forever sadly missed by son Rober and wife and grandsons John and Jason PAIN In loving memory of dear gagthen Annie who passed away Oct 24 She Ieftus quietly Her thoughts unknown She left us memory to cherish forever Sadly missed by family COMING EVENTS BAZAAR TEA BAKE SALE WEDNESDAY OCT 27 130 t0400pm St Johns Church Craighurst Admission 50 cents O26 NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday Condemned UNITED NATIONS Reuter More than 100 countries con demned Israel and four Western countries Friday for supplying South Africa with nuclear and military help They forwarded to the UN General Assembly resolution which called specifically on the United States Britain France West Germany and Israel to stop helping South Africa to produce uranium and plutonium or provide reactors and military equipment COMING EVENTS S322 per column inch COMING EVENTS Mr and Mrs Eugene McBride will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary SUN OCTOBER 24 I976 to pm Embassy Hall Blake St All relatives and friends are cordially invited NO GIFTS PLEASE O23 BINGO EVERY MONDAY pm CANADIAN LEGION Branch I47 St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $400 CONSOLATION S100 STF EUCHRE at Utopia Community Centre EVERY THURSDAY starting Oct 28 at 830 pm Admission 75 cents 023 HALLOWEEN DANCE HIGHVIEW PLAZA Independent Order of Foresters Court Kempenfeldt No I337 Sat Oct 30 I976 800 pm 00 am Costume $1200 per couple 0232728 ANNUAL FALL FLING November 6th HIView Plaza Boyview Little Ave Opened to the public $400 per person Sponsored by Parents Without Partners O2330N456 Masquerade Dance and Buffet SATURDAY OCT 30 I976 900 pm 00 am Utopia Community Centre The Irish Band Prizes Admission $700 per couple For tickets call 4240976 or 4240248 02327 MOTORCYCLISTS Meet at McDonalds Restaurant on Boyfield St Barrie Sunday Oct 24 at 930 am for motorcycle tour Muskoka Dress warmly Leader Bill Hart 7289323 023 of MAMMOTH BINGO Royal Canadian Legion 410 St Vincent St Barrie Monday October 25 Early Bird Games at 730 Regular at pm SI 500 in prizes including 5500 iackpot for full card Entrance fee $3 for cards BARRIE Farmers Market Behind the Old Fire Hall Mulcaster St OVegetables OFresh Eggs OFmits OHoney ODressed Poultry by order oHome baking including pies tarts cakes bread buns etc oHome grown house plants OLarge variety of items for Christmas all hand crafted OHand knits include sweaters baby setsLsocks mitts cushions doilies many other items too numerous to mention Open every Saturday 730 am to pm COME AND LOOK SEE WHAT YOU CAN BUY on Aug

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