ï¬aI KAREN DAKIS ON IILLO Examiner Photos by Rolf raiker MICHAEL DENNEIT AND TREVOR DEARIIAM ON IRIMIEIS Musicians with the lluronia Symphony Orchestra prac tise every Wednesday night at Oakley Park School Eour programs are planned by the orchestra this season The first family concert will he held Nov 17 at eiitral ollegiatc and will be presentation of Peter and the Wolf haroquc concert will be presented Feb 20 at Georgian ollege Night At The Theatre March 21 at entral ollcgiate and the fourth Night in Vienna April 27 at entral ol legiatc Tickets for the series at $12 for adults and $0 for senior citizens and students are available at Municipal Savings and Loan offices at the Georgian Mall aiiddowntown JIM itoiiissos tions The Barrie Examiner Work has started now for Dec municipal election arrie spends $26 446 to vote for city school officials By PETER DEPODESIA Examiner Staff Reporter Its time to play the biannual game in Ontario Manicipal Election The games fast fun and sim ple just follow the rules Peter Westwood deputy city clerk is the head gamcstei in Barrie in charge of making sure evervone follows the rules Mr Westwood says about 24000 people are eligible to play in Barrie about 2000 more than in 1974 The purpose of the game is simple Vottl ithe players pick one mayor and three aldermcn for each of the four wards thrtt Simcoe ounty Hoard of Education trustees or three Sitncoc tounty Roman atholic Separate School Hoard of Education trustees one separate school representative on the ptiblic board and two publicutilitiescommissioners Most people may not realize it but the larric game is already in progress Mr Westwood said the vo ters list which names everyone eligible to take part is beitig printed now and should he at the various polling loca tions next week There are 12 locations an in crease of five since 1074 iii the city at loliiisoii Street Public School odritigton Street Public School Steele Street Public School Maple tirove Public School Trinity Anglican thurch Oakley Park Public School tundles Heights Public School Portage View Public School llillcrest Public School Prince of Wales Public School King Edward Public School and Assikinack Public School AIISI HlI LISI To play the game and use the one vote to advance the people running persons name has to hcon the voters list If person is Ht years old or over Hritish subject or ana diati citizen property owner or resident of the citv and not on the list he should contact the cityclerksoffice Mr testwotxl said the per son has to file form to he in clutltdoiithelist lIniuncrators were sent to every household iii Septeiiiher he said to find out the number of voters in Harrie Some people have moved since the enumeration and are living in another ward he said These people it they Only about half the eligible voters will cast their ballots on Dec The vast majority of the 24000 eligible to play The Municipal Election game in Barrie arent running for of fice About half of these people probably will not even go to the polls to cast vote But there will be 12000 peo ple interested enough to fight the December weather to get to the polls and mark the ne cessary spots on the ballot There are certain rules and regulations everyone must follow in the game to make it success POLLING STATIONS The city has increased the number of polling stations from five in 1974 to 12 this year to make it easier for voters In the last election report from Peter Westwood deputy city clerk says there was over crowding delays long lineu long distances to travel ant lack of parkingfacilities Ihe polling stations this year are WARD Johnson Street School for people living east of Nelson Street to the city limits Codrington Street School for people east of Duckworth Street to Nelson Street and south of Steel Street Steel Street School for peo ple between Duckworth and Nelson Streets north of Steel Street Maple Grove School for people living between St Vincr net and Duckwortli streets north of the intersection of the streets WARD2 Trinity Anglican lhurch for people on the east side of Hayfield Street to the west side of St Vincent and Duckworth streets south of Wellingwon Street Oakley Park School for people between St Vincent and Hayfield streets and Highway 400 and Wellingwon Streets Cundlcs Heights School for people between St Vincent and Hayfield Streets north of Highway400tothe citylimits WARDZl Portage View School for people north of Highway 400 from its intersection at Hayfield Street to Dunlop Street Hillcrest School for people Candidates for office have to follow rules Every game has number of players who are involved in the action and try to win The Municipal Election game is no different Before the action game day Dec number of people put forward their names hoping to get enopgh support to put them in office They play the game different Iy than most of the 24000 eligi ble voters but still have to follow the rules People running for office have to be 18years0ld or older British subject or Canadian citizen landed immigrant status does not count city resident or landowner Peter Westwood deputy city clerk says anyone running for office has to file nomination papcrs between Thursday Nov 1t ands pm Monday Nov 15 tlctifilt can pick up the no mination papers in the clerks office at city hall now he said Its usually advisable to get the papers in as soon as possi ble in case there is mistake There is no cost to run for mayor alderman school board trustee or public utilities com missioner except for any signs advertising and promotion Mr Westwood said people running for mayor or public utilities have to get 10 people on the voters list to sign the nomination papers Candidates for alderman need 10 signatures from his ward public school trustees need 10 public school sup porters and separate school trustees need the same number of separate school supporters NAMES IIECKED The clerks office has to check each name against the voters list Mr Westwood said person can be nominated for two of fices but must notify the clerks office which one hes after before Nov 15 If there is no notification he said the person will stand in the office for which nomination papers were filed first in the triangle of Hayfield and Dunlop Streets and Highway 400 Prince of Wales School for people south of Dunlop Street to Iiffin Street WARD King Edward School for people south of liffin Street to the west side of Hayview Drive to the intersection of Little Avenue and along Eairview Drive and Assikinack School for peo ple on the south side of Little Avenue to the city limits and from the east side of Hayview Drive at the Little Avenue iii tersectioii to the cit limits PROXY OIE Mr Westwood said proxy voting is still permitted in municipal elections but signed form from the clerks of fice and doctors certificate are needed Ile said only people who are unable to get to the polls because of either illness or travelling jobs may have proxy votes If youre just on holidays and wont be back for the elec tion then theres no proxy vote he said HLINI VOTERS Blind voters Mr Westwood said can either have friend go with them to the polls or ask the deputy returning officer for help He said the person can have the ballot read or simply indicate who he wants to vote for in the election OLD AGE IIOMES The city is putting in polling stations at the Oddtellows Home and Maple Grove Home for the use of residents he said The stations will be ned from 11 am until pm uring election day BIRTHDAY VOTES Anyone who becomes 18 years oltt between the enu incration day and the actual election day can vote on Dec says Mr Westwood Ile said the person has to get certificate to vote from He clerks office before the elec tion ADVANCE POLLS lraditionally the citv has held two advance pollsfor municipal election Mr Westwood said adding they were usually at city ball This year two polling sta tions will be operated between 11 am and pm Nov 29 and Dec The stations are at city hall for people in Wards and and at Prince of Wales Public School for people in Wards and4 Mr Westwotxl said in 1974 about 700 people voted at the advance polls because they were not going to he in the city on Dec ti VOIINOX Every year Mr Westwood said number of ballots are spoiled and not counted be cause people do not read the in formation He said people are only asked to mark in the appropriate spots and not to make personal comments on the ballots Mr Westwood said people should mark one for mayor three for the aldermcn one for public utilities and either three for public school or four for separate school trustees If person makes an honest mistake in marking the ballot he can return it to the de uty returning officer and ask fl new one he said Thats all the rules and regulations for playing the game of Municipal Election The only thing left is to get out get involved and to vote want to vote in their new ward have to come to the office and fill out form Limited companies do not get any votes he said but if business property is one per sons name that person does have vote Property owners he said even it they are non residents have vote III the election Hut there is only one vote for each person even it per son owns laiid in two wards hesaid The Municipal Election game is expensive for city taxpayers with Harrie budgeting $120440 this year The money is for salaries of poll clerks and deputy returii ing officers at each polling sta tion 311040 supplies and voters lists $13000 advertis ing $1400 and rentals $400 In 1074 with 22275 eligitiie voters in the city 11til2 or 321 per cent went totlie polls Voters elected Dorian Parker mayor by 01 votes over Hoh chtlcy tity alderiiien elected are Ward Alex Arthur tieotgc Harper and Nelson lar rett Ward litii Perri Ed lliompson and Del Vole Ward it al Hrucker lanit Lakiug and Ernie llotmaii and Ward Paul csseiigcr Ross Archer andHilltampbell Public school trustees are Allen IlSIll Hill Straughan and Hetty lhoiiipson with the separate school trustees John Hiennan Ross Saunders and Joe Whelan the separate school representative on the public hoard Harrie public utilities coin mission members are Ernie AlexandcrandAhJunscii yl Li the 2111111191 nmllm uuml baa14m New commander for Base Borden Canadian Forces Base Horden gets new commander today The change of command parade takes place at 30 HrigGen Heattte MM veteran of lnitcd Nations service in yprus will take over command of the base Colonel Doupe tl has been base commander since August of this year He will re main as deputycommander Hrigleii Heattie joined the Army in 1048 and served with artillery atid training units It Canada and the lnited States In 1904 while major he as posted to yprus as Opei atioiis Officer for the newlycreated UN peacekeeping force He returned to anada in 1003 and was promoted to lieutcncant colonel in 1908 He served at Mobile om inand in St Hubert and Defence Headquarters in HIV tawa for three and half years and returned to yprus in 107 as colonel iii command of the Canadian contingent In 0C toher 1974 he promoted to his ptesivzt il Jilll imizietl lhiet it Skit itltts in iiiicing iwsna wife lvaliciare ill tlrU on and tuodaiisbtr he Lying at lt Limit litc Ill ilasf lltiilt tol Ilt7llt iili tciisive lil 1r illldlltl pro l1lt owl tor an 11 Horden tier the iiciiit iliiiiitcnancc Ilt lngww nt pit in lrentoii ll it lil ll twiU in 1933 and lllr titst paint was Staff ttttize linititacrtiit Pro ture c1 tt rial Cone inand leadiiu tr 1l tttawzh attcridiiiy lz iloyal Air lo Staff tolleie in iiiglzind in ltl be war appointed to lH IDliztillt1tI10 became Maiiitcnaiu Officer IIve rved in ctl tl iiiaintcnaiice and It ltllttt sts until he llltV It IT tii iil LOCAL Glilll NEWJlDGIi There is new provincial Council has held city back builders wait for election RyRIIIARIDINSIAN IIxaminerStaff Reporter Construction in Harrie is due to pick up sharply after period of slackness says Bert Van Der llcydeii new president of the Harrie and District Huilders Association hief cause for his optimism is the approach of the Dec municipal election which he says is likely to give Harrie ti ty council tnore friendly to growth than the present couir cil think that after this elecv tion youre going to see things move again in Harrie he says think that the current couir cil has held Harrie back Mr Van Der lleydeii who officially takes over the reins of the newlyrenamed association next month says there are other grounds for optimism as well including general tip turn in the economy Hut municipal policies play big role he says and changes arcduc For one thing would like to see them go out and see if we can get industry he says Once we get industry people will follow Planning policies too have been too slow for the size of the city he says The sooner they realime that Barrie is growing city and not little town like it used to be the sooner everything will speed up he says ONEIIALLENIE ne of Mr Van Der Heydens IIERI VAN DER HAYDEN main challenges as association president will be drive to recoup declining membership The groups is down to about 43 members lt builders sub tradesmen and suppliers from hiin of 51 and he says it is embarrassing how small proportion of those eligible clung to the group However he says he is optimistic the pro posed membership drivc will be success challenge facing all builders in and out of the association is the Housing and Urban Development Associa tion of Canada tllUDAC five ear warranty program which COIDCS mandatory in Ontario Jan The program originated by the building industry itself will make the builder responsible for repairing any construction defect in house during the first year of its life with HUDACadministered in surance covering defects which show up during the next four years All builders who wish to sell the homes they construct must be registered with IIIlDAt and any who fail to make good on firstyear defects will lose their registration Registration cost is $350 and the builder iiiitst pay an $85 insurance premium for every house he builds HESITIIINO Mr Van Der Ileydeii des cribes the program as the best thing that ever happened in building It will provide buyers with an improvwl pro duct he says and will cause no difficulty for any reputable builder Another area of interest for Mr Van Der Heydcn is the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce drive to renew Har ries downtown core He says he would like to get involved in the work both as builder and as Barrie resident veteran of 25 years in the building industry Mr Van Der Heyden has owned his own company Better Homes Coti struction Ltd for about four years Most of his building by coincidence has been done in Orillia but he has recently begun work in Midhurst He is married with two children judgu in Ha but liewont be semi toc often in H2 courts lizilgze 11 11 formerly of No1 lb ill now be based in lariie His new duties in volyinti fillint in for sick or vacationing judge Across the provmcc and he Using Harrie li HI liivll Ii YllIIICIL li Suntan tounty Roman catholic Ft paratc School Board appointed its 1977 ad hoc budget committee Lloyd La llume 0f Midland is chairman oinmit tee members are Ross Saun ders of Barrie and Maurice McIarlandofOrillia StIIUUI OPENING llic luncoe ounty Roman atholtc Separate School Hoard ll1gtt11l1ll 44 Nov l4at2 as lllt tlatetorthcofficial opeirug of Monsignor lair school on uiidles Road NEW NAME The Harrie Htulders Associa tion voted lhursday to change its name to the ltarric and District Huildcrs Associtiou The change is disigiied to en courage builders from outside the city to join the organization SPITRtilitKItIII Ed tgilliei manager of Radio Lumiere of Haiti will speak tonight at pm at the Holiday Inn in Harrie The net work Haitis largest em phasixcs religious programm ing along with education news and musical broadcasts and also offers personal counsell ing It is suppotted by the West Indies Mission which is active iii 14 countries MISKOKAIOUR The Barrie Motorcycling Association is holding tour of Muskoka Sunday Leader will be Bill Hart and he can be reached at 7289323 Riders will meet at McDonalds Res taurant on Baytield Street at 930 am and are advised to dresswarnily