Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Oct 1976, p. 21

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555 9Focus 600 2NFL Game of Week 9Cartoons ilHilarious House of Frightenstein 61 2This is the Life Christopher Closeup 9Encounter 700 2Ecumedia News 7Faith For Today 9Uncle Bobby llCrrssroatk 4anun 7Roelieuhip nDale Harneys Magic Show zzJimmy Swagyrt 830 2Jerry Falwell 3Jimmy Swaggan 4Courageous Cat 5rSunday Sampler 9Plintslones llMasters Touch 12 Church Today Toronto Chrutian Centre 900 9Day of Discovery lllt ls Written 10 ZzBilly Graham Crusade 3Peoples Church 4Lamp Unto My Feet 7vllintstones 9Rex Humbaid tlltalian Panorama l2r Day of Discovay Itlzllll 2v0pm Rap 4vLook Up and Live 7Gilligan 12l ls Written flanadian Cavalcade lOld Time Gospel Hour zziAvramis Greek Show t5 +Hudson Brothers 2hurch Invitation 9Hintst0na 00 730 It Father Meehan 2ral Roberts zDay of Discovery 3Crossroads tUS Farm Report llour 7Suriday Surprbe 930 9Cartoons ZZAEncounter llCircle Square flOral Rebels 12rossroatk Search for the Quiet 2Rex llumbard Far Out Space Nuts ll 30 377 Rex llumbanl 4lnside Albany HZ Meeting Place 7fitlddball Couple Peoples hurch Festival Portuguese ttzoo sMovte 0n Borrowed Rev James Andrews 2Jimmy Swaggart Time 4Face The Nation 3Day of Discovery Italimmy Swaggart Leave it To Bmver mm I0tl II Movw tThe 3512 World of Disney ah Johnny Lombardi liallengel NFL Totlay Festival ltaliano 2Meet ThePrcss um Family Finder Altai llmldinga Decent Garner Armstrong ysip Country anada Futun oncerns Mane icmiau Irooside Movie Ilhe Last rlamily Affair ll lIee IIaw Adventure 200 Min t2 Rex Humbard Fat at 5mm plates 24 NFL Football Album TV None Tammy and Todays Woman Living Tomorrow he Bathalo 22 Merrie Melodies t2l5 5H2 Seal Hunt 130 54A way lut Issuts and Answers Move tQuaraiitinodi Hill uolung Question Period Herald of Truth Sr Money Makers Ii Lou Saban Football I2 llymn Sing 22 impel Singiii Time II Tm THIN IImt 22 Wail Tl Your Father itLs Home By The People Star Trek 3512 tll Football ll NPWS ll United Way Sill II5 22 MaximS Tami Last of Iht wild II Business Ker ioo ll Wild Ktiigtlom izon Howie Mttktr 22 Huns Huoni NFL Football chantg 530 tStz Recital tmmh Today Brady Booth tainpaign 76 fljlll ll lawnoct Wotli WINK it re Stileslreet llullt Koyilt Mm ic tllii tllaslH El Money Magazine Vtmswmk Movie tThe Stepford Marcus Wclliy winM It Idea Machini 531 taughi iii the Iltf Phil lIcn and Vow 91 WWM PM fM Mttloud oyic Lathes of 15 57 I2 Marketplace lINlit Stltllti Iiilcniational nut outdo ii 700 ll Iolici Aonhm Mouc tlbi IIIrtIiiigI Mt Ulll Ititllllth iiinu Mar Hartman Id Th ltl Ileli wchni I2 Hm Knight Without 35 tithmmlrf taiialluiii FIIlll AIl Iltlltll so Minutes 43 22 Bill 09 ii lfinrnliirfiullt on Six Million Man It lland Siisskiiitl ll Hciaii Alive It lllHlIllI IIll taut It to Moi ilhc ltniwnmg 12 Wayne and Shuster Iliiibtulstiiaii tisiiiiii ll t14llfl IAiiieIia II liit ls Irutli lIarliarti to Peter ltiliill lttIIl 37 Political liogiaiii It ll Sonny and ther II tli Mod squad Million Man Momy lalks 13 Wildlife tiiwina II cvis Sunday Surprise itto II If io 1312 Tony Randall Nation IIlll Ill The Ring 22 In Private IIil II 900 Niglit litat iws rltt tus They gain fame in poetry SARNIA nt ItPl Two Women of southwestern tarios Lambton ounty have achieved international reputar tions as poets Peggy Fletcher who lives on iltltlacrc farm near lnwood tlnt has just had her second volume of poetry Impulse ii The Run published lulin Erbas of Sarnia has hail Kar Kuslari or Snow Birds pub lished in her native Iurkcy where her work still is broad cast and printed Since ttl7l Miss Fletcher who is Mrs John Iliago Ill prl vatc lilc Iias bccn poct iy Illtll of anadiaii Atithor and Book man national iiiagazinc puli lislicd by the taiiadian AuthorsAssociation Slic also tends hcr vcgctablc gardcn cans prcscrvcs iii IIlt fall and lccds hcr qttartcr horst duringthcwinlcr Icoplc dont often tliitik of farmers or fariiicis wivcs being able to do anything else but farm shc said Ytl Ill icality tlicyre gifch along inany Iiiics inst Ilkt city pcoplc think Iicingclosc lo naturc they appreciate ltitll and tlic arts even more than tlicir urban neighbors Shc docs her writing in hookliiicd study where she can conccntratc on licr iiiiicr thoughts away lttllll lltl chores and children WlllltllA llltlJSIlllll Poetry is Illlllt tlI an in spirational thing than prosc she said An idea will oltcii come when one least expects it and its important to gct it down on paper immediately lhc IIeIIScckcrs her first book of poetry was published by Fidillchcad Poetry Books in l97l Her work has appeared lll West oast ltcvww Salt ana dian loctry Other Voices Iidc Iivuig Mcssagc Rapport and thc Alberta loctry Ycarr hook llcr prose has appeared in thatclainc and the tlntario IiIIHilI RcVicw and has been broadcast on Ilt radio Mrs Erbas who has liicd Ill anada nine years and wrtlcs in Turkish rcfcrs lo anada as Iaigc ncst for Immigrants in Kat Kuslari Slic is tratis Iatcd into English by cithcr la la Sail Ilalntaii Itllllltl iiiinis tci of culturc in Iurkcy who now tttciids tliiivctslty Ill Ncw York or Tom llrosiialiaii of New York Iuikisli magazine publislicr has dcscribcd Mrs IIrhas as iiicaiiiiiglul poet who is livingtar IIIlll us tliicc wcck pocliy liout Is dcvotcd to the reading of hcr work on Istaiibtil IcItvision and shc wrilcs columns for thrcc Is latibtil newspapers llcr first novel Landing about an iiniiiigraiits lilc in Canada will soon be publislicd by csta Publications urtcntly Mrs lIibas is workingou another novel callcd When was aii an Girl and she says It is not auto biographical Crans tan life tuned to classics TORONTO CP Toller Cranston the 27yearold Cana dian considered the best free skater in the world is warm friendly cultured young man whose clothes and gestures in hotelroom interview are little different from those he employs while performing My whole life is tuned to the classics to drama and the bal let and feel very much more comfortable when dress as feel he tells the interviewer who asks why he is always in black Basically Im blackand white person black seems to be dramatically correct for me says the Kirkland Lake Ont native who turned to pro fessional figure skating after the world championships in Sweden last spring Before that he had been six times the Canadian senior mens cham pion Continuing with the black andwhite theme Several years ago wore beautiful blue outfit at the Olympics and had letters from many people total strangers writing in broken English things like Dont wear blue dress wear black dress If people feel that strongly about it and feel the same why would wear color But am not superstitious it has nothingtodo withthat WONTtOMIRthISE Toller is very much man of convictions which he will not compromise just because they seem extraordinary He seemed offended when lance critic from large metropolitan daily newspaper accused him of pandering to his audience on the opening night of his new ice show lf course some gestures are exaggerated but how else could someone Ill the remote sections of the arena get the feeling intend It is no dif ferent than stage makeup it is exaggerated to include everyone watching Ive also been accused of grotesque gesturing but how else can enhance the beautiful movements which follow It is just like art colored wall detracts from the beauty whereas white wall em phasizcs the perfection of the piece thn come into room like this one with green walls and red and green furnishingsl wonder what kind of pcrson Would be comfortable in it Iollcrs cnlirc cxtstcncc is caught up in his new venturc Ilic IctShow He is not only tlic star but co owner of the show on 5050 basis With lIurok Productions of Ncw York The lIllttVt£ll contract cowrs 25o shows ycar iii anada thi It Huropcaiid Australia In its present form the shou is not the tIicaIrc on ice which he dreams it woll bccoiiic but as bcgliining for its lit par ticipaiils it was alrcady visual and artistic sticccss on opening night think wc have found the bottom Iiiic and we can build upwards from how The show is Itfinitc breakthrough in cii lcitauiincnl Ihcrc wcrc tears of my and pride in my eyes on opciiing night not for myself but for lIlt others that gambled on ioiniiig inc iatlicr than bccoiiic part of tlic Iiiiscl and plastic ol coiivcntlonal icc Icucs Nickoftime settlement NEW YORK All lust tiniiutcs bclorc the start of tIicu first conccrt at llic renovated Avery Fisher Hall in Lincoln wire on Tuesday the Ncw York Philharmonic settled contract dispute that tliicatcncd to keep tliciii oil the stagc Max Arous prcsidciit of Local 802 Atiiciicaii IctIctatiotl oI Musicians an noiiiiccd tlic votc among musicians was ti to 36 in favor III now contract The Barrie Examiner Friday October 22 l9763A KAYE GREETS OPERA STAR Comedian Danny Kaye gives big bug to soprano Renata Scotto backstage at the Metropolitan Opera in New York Miss Scotto sang in the opening night performance of II Trovatore tAP Photo DISAPPEARING ACT onimlicnnc Phyllis Ilillcr Londons llcathow Airport walks Iicr invisible dog at She is in London for several It riday tollowmg her arrival television shows AP Photo IlIVtIZIl IN ItMIN mungmuixt FORMEDSTATZS Lililillllllt long fciicc was The island of lasiiiania off YugOslavia AlbaiiiaGreece Imill to keep rabbits out of AustraliawasnamcfiaftcrAbel Omimla BUIgaria and Eu Western Australia whcn they Tasman who dismvpmd in ropean Turkey make up the ilnnsiowrraiiIliimimln um Ilalkanstates Ls LLMk AAkkhhk

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