Collingw By BRIAN BAKER COLLINGWOOD Collingwood Museum housed in the old Canadian National Railways CollingWood station can with its number of well ap pointed displays best be described as charming In not too obvious way the marine historical display ap propriately for Collingwood dominates the scene Curator Louise Beattie of Stayner says the number of visitors to the museum located just south of the Collingwood Shipyards is steadily in creasing The museum was established in 1965 when it was decided that Collingwood needed museum to show visitors and the younger generations something of the towns colorful history At this museum there is something for everybody notes Miss Beattie The pioneer railway military domestic commercial marine and Indian displays each at tract visitors of different age groups and different backgrounds The museum is well supported by local residen ts as well as by the tourist trade It certainly rates as one more tourist attraction for Collin gwood The old Collingwood station building with its massive con struction and great overhanging roof is itself well worth preserving Outside is plaque marking this as the ter minus of the once longawaited Northern Railway It reads The Northern Railway Company of Canada In May 1853 the Ontario Sim coe and Huron Union Railroad Company ran the first steam train in this province from Toronto to Aurora By January 1855 the company had com pleted its 95mile portage line from Toronto to Collingwood The line was renamed the Nor thern Railway Company of Canada in 1858 Companies closely affiliated with the Nor thern built connecting lines to Meaford Penetanguishene and Gravenhurst Though the Nor thern sought trade moving bet ween the Upper Lakes and Lake Ontario and the Atlantic ports mainly grain from the Midwest much of its freight was farm produce firewood and lumber from along its own lines In 1888 the Northern was absorbed by the Grank Trunk Railway Company Erected by the Archaeological and Historic Sites Board of Ontario TICKETOFFICE Within the ticket office is lifelike model station agent dressed in smart jacket and waist coat adorned with brass buttons weighty gold chairn at tached to his allimportant railway watch and sporting mustache so fashionable after the 1850s He stands behind the wroughtiron wicket gate Behind him the wall is covered with many early cancelled tickets LRATOR LOLISE Beattic of Stayner demonstrates use of early ships brass wheel in wall announcement for 1901 states that the return fail fare from Collingwood to the ex postion in Buffalo was $275 and from Cookstown $225 Other railwayera mementos include telegraph Morse code transmitter and receiver early seal stamps red white and green oil singal lanterns and steam locomotive oil can tith 30 inch spout for reaching far into the works of the engine special C1 Waltherbury wall clock six feet tall and with ollingwood Museum ited by thousands of YIS ltSL huge slowa swinging brass pendulum is cqiiippcd with special mechanism to indicate if the clock was fast or slow and by how many seconds note recommended that the dif ference should bc allowed to not exceed It seconds and that thc clock should be reset daily llll iiicdiately following thc official timcsignal treasured item is goldcn spike celebrating the extension of the hue from tollingwood to Mcaford dciits iiid tourist annually iliakcr photo in tlic marmc section the marine history of tollingwood can be traced from its carhcsf start iii the mid limits when wooden fishing and sailing boats wcrc in vogue to todays giant all stccl selfunloading frcightcrs IOlll lt IIII According to Miss Ilcattic one of tlic most popular displays with both young and old isitors is the reconstruction of shipV wliccllioiisc Sci tip 111 semi circle iii front of the gicat brassspoked slttllllL wliccl xo ooo are the ships daynight com pass binnacle engine room and control columns and other navigational devices The con trol column was designed to allow the captain to override control manoeuvres that might be accidentally made doWn in the engine room delight to the youngsters is the set of speaking tubes which allowed the captain to yell or ders down to the engine room It is said that the language that weht down these tubes now superseded by telephone and radio was not always prin table In artifact model and photo the outline of marine history is resented One of the early coal burners was the SSCora with distinctive red and black masts and gold cupola per ched atop the wheelhouse As many as 50 fishing lumber and grain sailing ships used to tie up at Collingwood harbor then known as Hen and Chickens on account of the offshore islands during the 1850s few boats looking like submarines freighters known as whalebacks used to make CollingWood their port of call Some boats were sail powered with steam assist mid1800 photo shows wooden freighter tied round with heavy anchor chain in the process of construction The SS hicora flew the US flag in front the Canadian behind The steamer Gore opened up early service between Collingwood and Owen Sound One of the most famous war ships madc during thc last World War was the ollingwood minedestroying corvette We made its massively thick bronze bell hung for the purpose in the museum ring out loud and clear once again Mcmentos from the irey and Simcoc liorcstcrs include scrgiaiits tunic guy with tlllli son white and bltic banding 1823 Springfield rifle powder horns including one with hound dog etching biillct molds and lctliallookiiig of licens sword IIOICIIR HHIIIX number of lovely ltlllit accciit the important IOIt played by the pioneer women the ollinguoixl arca of Himcot touiily Several dresses IIiill workday to wedding to society mcctiiig styles arc modelled One is brown pleated drcs with sash and trimmed will lacc One quilt dates to 1830 Head lioXcs candles ilIltIIt moulds Iron kcttlcs stoni crocks and jugs longvhandlm ladlcs preserving bottles anr sealers sad irons appli cclcrs and bcllows foi iringing up the firc are few of llicdomcstic itcms fcatuiwl furnished bedroom is com plctcil with four post quilt con iiiil IJttl brass wailiiliii pan fillcd Hlll lioi cmbcrs lt warm tlic bcil on chill iiiglitsv and smart slonc ltllltl seat 00d Museum small doesn mean inferior Displayed is the first musical instrument melodia played by Jane Telfer in 1855 in Collingwoods Anglican Chur ch An Edison Dulcaphone with tWofoot brass horn dates back to 1803 Carved by watchmaker David Fleming brother of Sir Sandford Flemin lifesize wooden replica Old Father Time studying an hour glass and watch now resides in the museum The model stood f0r years on the Collingwood streetside Pioneer era farm items in clude home made wolf trap hoof rasps ropemaker horse restrainers saws axes and molding planes tongs cant hooks shoe repair trees wooden brace and bit and of course lu tobacco cutter with sla tobacco still in the device One should not miss the old Collingwood courtroom now set up in the museums south wing One can just imagine the severelooking judge looking down from the huge leather upholstered w00den chair slamming down his gavel to ac cent the passing of sentence Here one may see several huge photos of early Collingwood in cluding Hurontario Street filled with horse drawn buggies two wheeled carts and flat bottomed drays NATURAL HISTORY An eagle hawks snowy owls and great horned owl and woodpeckers including the huge native pileated make up the natural history display We were surprised to find rock collection of very high quality in one section Magnificent specimens of untisual minerals including gleaming kidney ore footlong fossil ccphalotxxls rugosc coral from an ancient sea bottom shells and chunk of rock all chambered out by water spin ning pebbles around inside sixteen footlong fourfoot widc birch bark canoe sets off the fascinating section devoted to Indian archaeology The tollingwood area was the home of thc lctuii Indians known also as the Tobacco Indians because they specialized in the growing of tobacco which they smoked in clay pipes including coriicts squares conoids fish and rainfall pipes There are many beautiful effigy pipes lIl eluding some with pinched faces representing Jesuit pricsts lay cooking pots ceremonial buffalovhorn staffs leather jackets and shin protec tois used in time of war arrow fiends and spcarpoints bonc liarimons and even bear jaw corn shcllcr are few of the ar tifactsdisplaywl lTnlikc some museums says Miss licattic we do not havc limitless inventory but what we do have is the best atailablc and well displayed Visitors always want to come back again Area MP explains details of federal throne speech By ROSS iiir tLPellIufferinSinicoei Last week the second session of the thirtieth Parliament opened with the speech from the throne The speech outlines the governments legislative in tentions in the upcoming ses sion These fall into four areas under the broad headings of na tional unity equality of op portunity individual freedom and the role of government The speech dealt with the very high priority the govern ment places on romotion of better understan ing between French speaking and English speaking Canadians The government remains com mitted to fair and reasonable bilingualism policy in the public service Successful pro grammes will be continued but less successful ones will be modified Most important discussions will be opened with the pro vinces to increase the effec tiveness of instruction in both official languages in the school systems To aid in this process student travel and exchange programmes will also be in creased In the general area of equali ty of opportunity the govern ment recognized inflation as still the major obstacle The fight against inflation and the creation of job opportunities re main the highest priorities The government will continue to practice restraint in its fiscal and monetary policies One aspect will be further reduc tion in the growth rate of the public service to lessthan one per cent in the coming year Another will be review of federal programmes to find any transferable to the private sec tor without damaging the uali ty of their serviceto the pu lic FOREIGN TRADE In an attempt to aid in the growth of the economy which is heavily dependent on foreign trade multilateral trade negotiations and industrial assistance programmes Will be increased to support the private sector in international markets The speech placed high value on small usiness View ing it as the economic backbone of the country To support this vital sector of the economy the new minister responsible for small business will be cc ordinating wide range of ex isting programmes to make them more accessible and responsive to the business com munity The government intends to place further emphasis on the research and development of renewable energy sources have spoken number of times on the need for the government to increase its efforts in this area and to strengthen energy conservation programmes par ticularly in the commercial and industrial sectors The Unemployment In surance Act will be amended to provide assistance to job trainees and help maintain jobs temporarily lost through lay offs The UIC and Canada Manpower will be merged to provide their services at singlelocation The government intends to work with the provinces labor and business in an attempt to improve labourmanagement relations and promote in dustrial stability by such measures as the establishment of collective bargaining in formationcentre mthe establishment of centre to improve the quality of life in the workplace the establishment of an industrial safety and health centre the development of voluntary code of fair prac tices encouraging greater worker participation in determining working con ditions SOCIAL POLICY In the area of social policy the following measures will be piil forward new Social Services Act to improve the effec tiveness of costvsharcd social services rfanada Pension Plan amendments to recognize thc role of houscwives in the economy family allowance payments will be re indexed as ofJanuary 1st support to selected amateur sport and fitness programmes will be iii creased coopcration will be sought with the other levels of government to ensure the construction of one million new homes in the next four years the provinces will be en couraged to make day care facilities more readily available In the area of individual freedoms the Government will introduce Human Rigth Hill This bill will prohibit all forms of discrimination require equal pay for equal Work for both sexes limit the gathering of perSonal information concer ning citizens by the government and establish the citizens right to see what information there is in govemment hands and cor rect it if it is in error Approval will also be sought to have parliament televised On the role of government in economic and social planning PUBLIC NOTICE The Barrie Planning Board will be holding Public Meeting at 700 pm on Tuesday October 26th in the Council Chambers of City Hall The Board has received an application to rezone property located at the narfh west corner of Boyfield Street and Glenwood Drive from Reslden fial RM3 to Commercial C4 The Official Plan of the City of Barrie designates this area Highway Com mercial and the requested rezoning would be in ac cordance with the Official Plan interested persons should attend or write to ex press their opinions Bates Assistant SecretaryTreasurer Barrie Planning Board and action serious point of contention in society the ioverniiicnt prefers to adopt modcratc course It rejects the rightist position of no state iii tcrvcntion at all was well as the socialist approach of all 0111 bracing state control Ill prac iicc this means as little in tirvciitioii as possible but iccognilcs thc rcspmsilnlity to protect the public iiitcrcst or pcrstie dcsirablc social goals when rcriuircd The transition to Hit controls period will governed by this philosophy post he tllllltl To that end the govtriiiiicnt will launch major series of meaningful consultations throughout ilic country with any and all interested groups or individuals to examine and dcvclop iicw economic and social policies lailiaiiicnt and the other levels of government III of coursc play major and vital role in this process and it is hoped that large numbers of people and or ganilations will participate in the policy development Ihiough this means it will be possiblc to gain the widest possible public participation in W114 mm 1443M AMI131 MéaluNKV BOT an lhc tnhcytnaking process and Il is hoped develop national consensus and united ap proach to the problems of the next decade This throne speech will think provide dynamic and exciting session in the coming months which will open wide new avenues into the future for the auadian people As the specific bills men tioned in the speech come beforc the House will deal with them in detail in future columns If you have any com ments on the speech or would like copy of it please feel free iocoiitact mc County headquarters to get new computer Simcoe County is buying computer Council is sharing the cost of MAI model 400 BasicFour computer with the Simcoe County Health Unit Total cost of the machine is $75405 with the count paying $57847 and the heath unit Duncan Green county trea surer said after reviewing ac counting and record keeping at the county building it became readily apparent that im provements can and should be made Mr Green recommended the county buy computer 217558 The county should have DISTRICT NEWS Hobby organization reopens for season By MARY McLEAN The Minesing Station Hobby Club opened for the winter again last week The first meeting was strictly business since the club hadnt met for several months The club has served several banquets had an arts and craft day and bake sale The club has also bought tables chairs dishes and silver to serve 60 people At the next meeting representative from Trites Book Store will demonstrate wrapping and decoration Women of the community served Senior Citizens group from Toronto hot beef supper The 50 visitors expressed great deal of satisfaction and gratitude for the meal new baptisimal font was dedicated at the Minesing Sta tion church It was dedicated in the memory of Mr and Mrs Camark Three children were christened last Sunday in the Area residents win doctoral $$ FROM THE Ottawa Bureau of the Examiner OTTAWA Two Barrie area residents Lynda Lange of Bradford and Carl Marx of Meaford are among 569 first time winners of Canada Council doctoral fellowships valued at $5500 to $6500 They competed with 2079 ap plicants for the fellowships which can be renewed up to four times for studies in the humanities and social sciences total of 788 renewals were also awarded The awards total $84 million new font For anniversary church service Jean Adams and Larry Mau sang duet For the evening service Tom Park was guest soloist Sympathy is extended to Mrs Johnson at the loss of her brother Cliff who died in Orillia Memorial Hospital Mrs Evelyn Jones of Toronto spent the weekend in Minesing Station with her sister Mrs Judd Mr and Mrs Stewart and Mr and Mrs Bigham spent couple of days at the Lindsay Fair Mr and Mrs Eric Channen and family of Windsor spent the Thanksgiving holiday with their mother Mrs Channen Mrs Vander Van Der Weilen is back in Minesing Station after vacation in Holland Try Our Famous MIBAMMI ADVENTURE AVariety of Chinese Foods 7266101 Banquet Fatalities MIBAMAB EABDENS Licenced Tavern 41 Dunlop Si Barrie IIImumMW WWWV data Jirocessing equipment hesai inareport The county he said can either bu the computer as he sugges or contract the work with service bureau such as the CanadaS stems Group He said inhouse com puter has more advantages than an contracted service bureau In general the service bureau approach to data pro cessin is out of touch with today he said An inhouse computer system has certain amount of builtin expansion capabilities Mr Green said the purpose of the service bureau is to supply computer processing to or ganizations which can not af ford their own facilities But he said the advance ment of technology had pro vided small com uters which can process the ata at an af fordable cost Mr Green said the health unit is planning to upgrade its bookeeping system and equi merit and has mone availab in the 1975 reserve or accoun ting equipment The county money is from the 1975 unappropriated surplus fund The treasurer said the county and health unit will also share total annual maintenance cost of $4860 Mr Green said the countys share of the maintenance cost should not be any greater than that currently paid to the bank for payroll services CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot fast delivery Free on orders over $700 In Barrie l0 Discount on PickUp Orders over 8700 Phone 7288811 405BAYFIELD ST BARRIE is NOTICEI Qg The renovations of the Brookdale lnn Lounge are nearly completed and we are back to live entertainment Mon day through Saturday pm to am The Disco Equipment should be in next week so watch for Grand reOpening about November lst Entertaining Oct 18 24 Paolaa parr jun Oct 26 Nov SHADOW FAX WWWW mmm CHASTITY IN BOND not an Canadian Club IS tops Wide open spaces The Great Barrier Reef The Sydney Opera House Totally unique wildlife Regardless of the extraordinary contrasts youll find Canadian Club is tops just about everywhere down under Its nice to know the world can get together about something Around the world when people think of the finest lightest smoothest whisky they think of Canadian Club The finest of fine Canadian whiskies Is The Best In Re Hofpsedin8817 I831 éiï¬gfytlsstlilltlaflï¬ï¬zlg Hun Ar iciilina Aruba Australia Alldlld Bahamas ltiibadou guim crinu Coutzi Rica Cuiaciio Denmark Dominican Republic tcuador Ltliiopia liii finlaiid France Germany Gitjraltar 33mg Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Haiti Hong Kong Iceland India Indonesui lran Iran Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica apan Gomea Kenya Korea Lebanon Libya Malta Memo Morocto Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway anaLniakPatguajawswiden iciufliilippincsPoland Poitiigal Piierfo Rico Sicim tconc Solomon Islands South AIHLJ Spain ii an luvr mlsands SWlltlliltltl Tahiti Linlimo Thailand Trinidad Tunism Turkey United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezue Wcsl Pakistan YtlltllVl1 and Zambia Canadian Club is distilled and bottled in Walkerville by Hiram Walker Sons Limited