FARMERS MARKET WIT These days FARMERS MARKET milk production efficiency is mighty important Whether youre trying to control surplus pro ductIon or not cost of production per pound TENDERS TENDERS VSIIII or INNS FQ TENDER FOR CONCRETE CURB GUTTER SEALED TENDERS in Township of lnnisfil envelopes plainly marked as to contents will be received by the ClerkAdministrator at the Township Municipal Buildings 8th Line Stroud Ontario until 1200 The Barrie Examiner Friday October 22 197617 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES George Pifher Auctioneer Appraiser 7264841 We Invite Your Trust oclock noon on Wednesday October 27th 1976 for the supply and TREMENDOUS ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCT 23rd at placing of concrete curb and gutter type DD601A plus 860 lineal FEET AND SPILLWAYS Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the office of of milk duction So SEED CORN Better Hybrids thmugh research See your WanNick Seed Corn dealer today Howard Partridge RR No Barrie Phone 7287642 Maple Farm Supplies Ivy Phone 4241410 PERSONALS HOLIDAY IN THE SUN At TREASURE ISLAND PETERSBURG FLORIDA We have vacancies for Novem ber December April when prices are low Efficnency units from $75 WEEK FOR TWO PER SONS Phone the owners In Barrie 7262826 for formation ST In 023 MONECA CARD READING Counselling Numerology Call 7288868 Monday through Friday MVV FO27 EUROPE Come with us to Holland Fran ce Germany Sw1tzerland and Belgium May May 23 CP Air Many tours cruise the Rhine the canals of Am sterdam most meals fondue party first class hotels Gurdes Lorne Betty Escorts HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 728 4700 Hay OIBH TELECARE Wily tight mur moanIn 310007 Let frmnrt lit1p an human 716 7922anytimr ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS 18658111 you drink that yuur ImamIr It you wanttoauit that suurs all any Ilml BOWLEPS NANTED It blrlrl Slip lumber teams ruuptrvr flr slfllll afternoon or FVlntnq rInpvuw Bowl 728 9761 UNWANTED HAIR prnnIInw ttavn II removed Safljl fjtTfrwtnlltllf rrIIrtirhl ly apprbvrrt Lyrtm HNII Iuk Certified Elortrolnqin III Mll IIITFHNL 110th JII rII trims survw 1111 lIrIIntvrtl 71 IIHV rIJFFI i1 vllillr III SIIIIquurz Ni It lii England Carnation CIli Ip lmvv armn sold for riviI untui Nllll rflm 14 results ltilllit Itrr 1111 that really dot the Ioti Cain IIIII Cnlluu ap now iIVrllrIIJII Cunun titanium and Ill trudgint SKATE CANADA Sparr 4till Ivmmuli or mm It ll Uttam IiIivmu itiurrmy IJV l1 ll HtiIrrImI InvIr IlfltII Iwrnm whim Zmrlay initm 111 Il tv munv from lIOIIl in 1411 IntI TtTt 1mm S36 75 IA sharing min tr ryIritr extra rontart at vl Inqtrm fl VIM1m Apex Trillfl iiviylr 777 037 NO NEED If suttIr llmri UriWIll Vadney InII Bladder PIII may help relieve UISITISS caused 11 Irritation of bladder and urinary trur and runiiltant uackarhr DTWIII stimulntn Itir urinary flow and IITIIIl lllflJlTII Tllltf Available II urIIri lltmmm rtfltl rTll druguisls IVOPCED Lrldy IHIII Villltfl inllilSI and assets would lit to III vtrtllrllllt pInIIrInan In 50 will win II IttIri 1s and nayts ObitIt flltflilltt III III 30be7 BMW nun Hr psi Alto rouuo LOST DOG trI colored Beagle hound Male studded rollar In vIrInIty of Vespra 13th Line Slnrn Ortolwr Answers to Benn 118 1067 Reward LOST BLACK female at With whiti stomach and firu altar lithium and John St KiriII Ituvwv Ir JrIrriy gcwdrrt lllrimv 1m CAT LOST October 14 in Punttang Vincent area termite qrry gtrlpiqj months Reward Pit35 409mm 737 21718 aller4 30 WARWICK Wanvrk Seed Company LImIted Blenheim Ontario IIEIP WANTED Christmas is Time of Joy and Bills Accentuate the ons Eliminatethe bills by becoming an AVON Representative in your neigh borhood Call now 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 Barrie FSN27 KNOCK FOR OPPORTUNITY Everytime you knock on door as representative of the Dominion Automobile Association youre In position to offer the best In motor club benefits Benefits which when explained sell themselves as each new prospective member realizes the importance of the membership to them and their family After concise training period you are your own boss and your success in satisfying life time career offering financial and lab security is in your hands Your busmess and executive commission earnings will grow through your own effort of enrolling new and renewed members Introduce yourself to an ex citing new careertodayWrite MR DON STUART Divisional Manager Box 565 Barrie Examiner All replies will be kept con Ildontial and be acknowledged will O23 HOUSEKEEPER Family of tour ltwo srhool age rtnlrtrrni after excellent Itvmq ondi tvrtn 1111 pay for reliablv laying person yv or out TIlIphnnn 717 2933 after VltlttlIr tlll PE It Imntril LIvrt In rllt luv ylIII Ulrl my illlllU$llltltD r121 IirirzItIIIImII ItIrritII1IrIu Call It itlr till 1117111fli MECHANIC FIQIIITIII tor progresswe GM dealer tunr up and transmission experience Dtfflrffl Apply to Servicn Manager Roger Hunter Motors Ltd 874 King St Mullaan 576 i781 NOWMAN Illjintllnl It you are interested In 0In Int umimmonal saltr force please all IIIIJIII for it rantirllIltial IntlrrVIew lrivau ADITIUIKI prvlrimhlr but not IiiI 4ntr AMBITIOUS PERSON with drivers llllfnU rieqmrcd to work part tImr in Barrir Examiner Circulation Depart mInt Saturdays only Apply at Barrie xaminer PART TIME Opportunity ideal for men Wlllt Iol or women with children DIurIIIIru work with flexible hours In Barru II pm Monday October 25 Room 70 Baysharv Motor Hotel PIPE LAYOUT DRAFTSMAN riqurrrd by leading manufacturer of pneumatic conveying equipment Must bl capable of Interpreting drawings and roordinating with manufacturing do partment through to final installation Conair Canada Ltd Highway 89 and 400 70514511 4363 Hamilton DOMESTIC HELP required mornings week Will pay $3 per hour Must have own transportation and be non smoker Intopliant 778 691 SECRL AR xperiencc In general of lil routine must Including invoicing teiex amt correspondence 726 1807 ask for Dorothy Snelswell Real Estate is is the critical measurement As pro per cow Increases cost per pound decreases and thats where your produc tion efficiency is if youre feeding the milking ration that can Increase production per lactation by 2000 lbs youre already feeding Purina High Efficiency Ration you should be Comeon in or give us call and learn how PurIna can help ensure the future prosperIty of your dairy business PAltTRlDGE Feed Seed Shanty Boy mile north off Hwy 11 on 4th lino Oro 4872929 If youre not maybe O2229N512 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MANAGEMENT CAREERS WITH LARGE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION We are seeking responsible aggressive people with initiative to begin training on our step career development program In addition to our training program in Toronto or Montreal there is com prehensive on the job training in our coast to coast branch offices These positions include Prestige earnings Rapid development promotion Profit sharing bonus Stock purchase program Group benefits True job security Applicants should have post secondary or high school education with related business experience and will be of particular interest to those with banking sales finance consumer credit life insurance andor in vestment company experience If you have these qualifications and your present position does not offer enou challenge or promotional opportunity we wiTl be pleased to discuss our Development Program with you For confidential interview call or write Mr Albert Box 1408 North Bay Ontario Pl 4Y3 4724731 022 Ill Imcponaids Parttime Maintenance Person required to work 1145 pm to 745 am Friday and Saturday $350 hourly Free food Apply in person at MCDONALDS RESTAURANT BAYFIELD ST NORTH O22252729NI3 CONE OENTIAL SECRETARY For interesting and varied position reporting to the plant manager Must have at least five years experience in work of this nature be proficient in shorthand typing and capable of functioning under own initiative Salary commensurate with experience Please reply in writing stating qualifications and references to PERSONNEL MANAGER WEST BEND OF CANADA 191 JOHN ST BARRIE ONT L4M 4V1 O23 HELP WANTED LICENCED MECHANIC for service sta tIan top wages for qualified person Write to box 566 Barrie Examiner SALESPERSON Full time position available at Barrie Leather goods Baytield Mall Retail sales experience necessary some evenmq work LICENSEDMECHANIC Wlll repair cars Telephone 726 529lforintervicw In Spare time Anything conSIdered MATURE PERSON babys year old Telephone 737 0947 evenings girl Housekeeping days must have WATCHMAKER registerw watch and own transportation Ferris Lane CIOCKI repalrs looking for Part lime or Telephone alter 30 726 7367 full time posnion Telephone 726 1672 or FERSON FOR pan me up 20 hours 40 Boys Street corner of Donald Street per week checking supermarket 5c BOOKKEEPING Service available for counts for Canadas leading family small busunesses to trial balance My HELP WANTED RECEPTIONIST for dental office State level of education and previous type of experience in resume Send to Box 569 Barrie Examiner EMPLOVYVMENTVWANTED magarino Must be mature responsible home or your premises Telephone and have reliable car Must be willing 487 5610 to work Thursday and Friday evInInqs rvA until pm and Saturday mornIngs Retired people eIIqule rltmunerntIan basnd on hourly rate plus mileage Send resume In Mr White JD Exttor Road Aiax Ont Apt 3175 L152J6 £2913 CREDITltgtRS IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS ED WARD HALL late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe deceased RECEPTIONIST tar Saturdays only Must have typing Telephone Pat Quinn Real Estate Ltd for appomtmont 737 1414 CONTROL CLERK Responsible self motivated personable and honest per son with previous experience OUIICS Daily inventory payroll records cmployeofilcs statistcal reports Train Edward H0 late of the City of mu provided $300 per hour to start Barrie in the County of Simcoe regular pay raises Lilo dental and ma for medical insurance Free food To Retired Who died on or about work hour days and hour days the 23rd day of June 1976 are Send resume to PO Box 51 Barrio DELIVERY PERSON 40hour week hereby °l°d Pa pmto midnight Must havocxpericnce IICUIOTS 0f some to the un gréggfizmgngclmi TEPlmt NW dersigned on or before the 81h day of November 1976 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY We require well organized attractive secretary to assist the Dealer Principal in our busy Chrysler Automobile Dealer ship The varied responsibilities include no be abIe go any person of some basic record keeping accurate lilo maintenance and requires good whose claim they shall not then retariaf skills Salary in competative have notice Please ask for Mr Graves 726 0393 DRUMMER wanted for Rock Band DATED at Barrie this 6th Full time position Telephone Marc day of odober AL 1976 7781076alter5pm ACCOUNTANT BOOKKEEFER needed full time for group rnedical prllich 4O Clapperton Street tice Previous experience dealing OH LP and patients accounts essen PQRox BARRE Orlono tial Thick skin and tranquil disposition SolICItors for the AdmInIstratrIx amonwrlte WW 8° with Will annexed 01522 the ClerkAdministrator Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Dempster Supt of Roads and Public Works Township of lnnisfil Stroud Groh ClerkAdministrator Township of lnnisfil Stroud O22 Township of Essa TENDER FOR TRUCK RENTAL The undersigned clerk will receive sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents until 500 pm Thursday October 28 1976 for offer to rent only to ton truck cab and chassis ready to accept Township sanding equipment No tenders will be considered unless received on forms supplied by the Township Forms and specifications are available at the Township Office in the hamlet of Baxter Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted ARTHUR ROTH Clerk Box 10 Angus Ontario LOM 180 29 27b TENDERS TENDERS TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING STREETS IN THE VILLAGE OF THORNTON for the winter of 197677 Please stipulate hourly rate Mall to BOX 34 THORNTON ONTARIO LOL 2N0 by Novem ber 1976 022 VESPRA TWP TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned clerk up to 12 Oclock noon Friday Oct 29 1976 for the supply of winter sand screened and delivered to the Township yard Midlturst approximately 1000 tons or 800 cubic yards Quote by fans or cubic yards Lowest or any ten der not necessarily accepted Ivan Cairns Rd Supt Earl Richardson Twp Clerk17 Owen St Barrie 01622 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE for Dick Wilson Lot Con King Twp situated on Hwy No between Keefe Dufferin miles west of Newmarket or miles eostof 400 Hwy on FRIDAY OCTOBER 29 at pm The sale offers an Oliver model 70 gas tractor CITCO 1940s hp garden tractor French Cdn Cariole sleigh original Findlay Oval wood coal cookstove ASA I742 violin Guitar taxidermied brush wolf household furniture eIeC 0p pliances US silver dollar 1896 old magizines and papers 1910 windmill harness saddles number of antiques and collec tables Terms Cash day of sale Cheques with identifications Nothing to be removed until settledfor Accidents Neither the owner nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss Ernie Severn Auctioneer RR No1Alliston Telephone7054357467 02227 NEW FURNITURE BY TUESDAY OCT 19 at7pm at 49 Morrow Rd Uniti4 four and piece living room suites dining room and bedroom suites bed chester fields box springs mat tresses kitchen sets Console stereos Rockers recliner chairs assofled lamps lots more All items top name bran ds guaranteed by manufac turer Chargex and instare financing Auctioneers Jobbers 7266314 7370879 IFSTF AUCTION SALES atthe COOKSTOWN SALES BARN mile eastof Cookstown on Hwy 89 YOU BRING iT WE SELL IT TUESDAYS 7PM Livestock and Produce FRIDAYS7 PM Household goods or what have you COMPLETE FARM AND HOUSEHOLD DISPERSALS For further details contact FRANK WEBB Cookstown 1705 4589172 4589784 WTF BILLBARR AUCTION SERVICE Antiques farms Industrial household estates mortgages consignments and appraisals HONESTY INTEGRITY AND COURTESY OUR MOTTO SuccessortoJer hll CALL 728567339 FTF AUCTION SALES ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Saturday Oct 23 1976 1200 noon sharp at the GOVERNORS INN ORILLIA at Hwys 11 12 off Wesimount Dr Take third business exit proceeding north on Hwy Na 11 Excellent offering of Estate Fur nishings to sell by public auction by order of the executors for division purposes FURNITURE Pine Blanket Chest Brass Bound Oak Chest Pr Victorian Cabriole Leg Chairs Rosewood Commode Marble Top Parlor Table Wheel Back Windsor Arm Chair Original Finish Pine Box Mirrors Rockers etc OIL LAMPS Brass Finger Am ber Parlor Satin Glass GWTW Cut Crystal Water ford Bonquet Cranberry Banquet Tole Wall Bracket Brass Ship with Cased Ruby Shade Pr Hamilton Chevron Post Glass Fingers Miniatures etc GLASS Cranberry Trumpet Vase in Silver Hand Painted Bristol Vases Electric Blue Cranberry Vase exceptional Basket Nova Scotia Dominion Candy Jar Ball Swirl Creamers Cut Crystal Flint Goblets Blue Ottawa Soda Syphon Bottle Pressed Cake Fruit Comports Iris Herring Bone Candles Muffineers Cranberry Covered Sugar TankaId Pitchers Carnival Biscuit Barrel Pce Amber Dresser Set Daisey Button Creamer Ramekin Out standing Intaglio Cut Crystal Vase Amber Greek Key Dish Signed Northwaod Carnival Footed Compor18 Bowl etc CHINA Maiolica Portrait Vase lmari Davenport Pitcher Royal Doulton Vase Plates Flow Blue Vases Plates Plat ters Wash Sets Jardinieres Biscuit Barrels Floral Toureens Farmers Cup saucer Boer War Comm Royal Bayreuth Hunting Scene Plate rare Barnyard Cup chip Limoges Bird of Paradise Bowl Cheese dish in Gaudy Staff Jelly Moulds Etc BRASS Pr Victorian Beehive Candlesticks with Plungers Georgian Candlesticks Prs Oak Candles Brass Jelly Pail Pr Leaded Brass Candlesticks from Quebec Crumber Copper Banded Ewer Copper Foot warmer Copper Kettle 18th PRIMITIVES Seth Thomas Plymouth Hollow Wall Weight 06 Clock Woltham Pocket Watches Iron Kettles Toaster Flat Iron Hanging Griddle Gin Whiskey Jam Crocks Ginger Beer Bottles Collar Box Har ness Brass Pr Brass Carriage Candle Lamps 181h Georgian Naval Sword Scotch Top Pub Mirror 1897 Hunting Scene Oil Victorian Prints Nip pon Cocoa Pot Cups Queen Victoria Jubilee 1897 Comm Coalport Cup Saucer WWI Mug Coffee Mill Pepper Grin der Cobalt Blue Vases Spotter Vase Portrait Plates Vases Decanters Stem Wore Silver Plate Flat Wore Etc Over 300 lots too numerous to mention All sales final Terms cash or identified cheque No reserves All items genuine an tiques Preview 1000 am day of sale Seats eats heat William Pinkney Auctioneer Midland 7055265351 022 WALLENHORNER Auction Service BARRIE SIMCOE COUNTY Farm Household Antiques Appraisals RR NO BRADFORD ONT Phone 4167753659 or 7054584589 FTF WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 1030 am sharp for the LATE WINNIFRED RAYMOND MRS DENAULT at the Lions Den 84 Hurontario St Collingwood Ont Sale of all genuine antiques and collectors items inc outstanding china cabinets one with leaded glass pine oak cherry maple Jacobean Chippendale and primitive furniture pine dry sink bon net chest cupboards tables dressers washstands whatnots beds etc antique china inc carnival cranberry ironstone Blue Willow amber milk Noritake pressed Canadian Ridgway Nip pon Doulton Derby depression Coldport Indian tree etc etc bedding quilts electrical appliances carpenter and mechanics tools etc etc also excellent upright piano new refrigerator and washer spin dryer etc Home sold Terms cash or approved cheque day of sale AUCTION SALE TUESDAY OCT 26th at 1230 pm sharp for MRS HARRY GRIMSLEY at Lot 22 Con 14 Osprey Twp miles north east of Feversham or miles south and mile west of Gibraltar Sale of all farm machinery inc MasseyFerguson No35 gas tractor like new cultivation and some haying equipment and all antique house furnishings inc outstanding 16 pane pine corner cupboard round oak dining room table collection of stuffed birds pressback and pine chairs cracks antique china and glassware etc etc Ter ms cash farm sold AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCT 30th at 12 noon sharp for OLIVE MCDONALD at lnnisfil St Barrie directly behind GE Sale of all real good house furnishings practically new electrical appliances inc freezer refrigerator HD stove wringer washer and new auto dryer tools power lawn mower pine cupboards antiques etc inc china and glass Terms cash No reserve home sold PLANNING AN AUCTION Call us first uptodate methods top quality service guaranteed satisfaction FARM AUCTION SALE SATURDAY NOV 61h AT PM SHARP for Andy Morrison at Lot 28 Con Euphraisia Twp miles west of Heathcote mile north or miles sough west of Clorksburg Sale of farm machinery orchard equipment inc Swanson double sided orchard sprayer yr old New Holland No 477 hay bind Allis No 15 seedfertilizer drill etc 6000 bales of choice mixed hay housefurnishings inc some on tiques beef cattle inc Semintel cows rebred Beffels and 1520 2Semintel stockers 600800 lbs PlFHER AUCTIONEER PHONE 7264841 102 NELSON ST BARRIE AUCTIONEER APPRAISER BARRIE ONTARIO 7268904 Selling Successful Sales Since 1957 SATURDAY OCT 23 AT PM For JOHN CURRIE located mile north Of Hwy 11 on Can Oro Twsp Sale of 60 head Hereford and Hereford Polled Angus crossed cows calves stockers Hereford bull potato plow land roller horse cutter scales washing machine some miscellaneous items and furniture sellingfirst SATURDAY OCT 30 AT 12 NOON For JIM PEACOCK located mile west of Ivy and lst farm south on Can Essa Twsp Sale of full line high class farm machinery and household items SATURDAY NOV AT 10 AM For EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION OF SIMCOE COUNTY BARRIE ORILLIA held from Simcoe County Garage mile west of Hwys 2627 on Snow Valley Road Complete inventory will ap pear Oct 29 HOPE YOU HAVE GOOD DAY WITH US DCS AUCTIONS DCS ANTIQUES FINE FURNITURE LTD ON HWY 89 WEST OF HWY 27 40 MILES NORTH OF TORONTO IN THE VILLAGE OF COOKSTOWN SUNDAY OCT 24th AT PM Solid Oak Twin Ped RollTop Desk Georgian Style Oak Multipane DropFront Secretaire Others Rnd Oak Ped Dining Table Welsh Style MultiPane Leaded Glass Flatback Cupbrd Several Carved Mirrored Back Sidebrds in Mah W018 Oak Rosewood Ebonized and Mah Case Upright Pianos Eng Oak LiftTop Coffer Pine also Oak Bookcases Several Oak Other DrawLeaf Dining Tables also Various sets of dining chairs Carved Oak also Wal hallstands Set of Wal Queen Anne Style Dining Chairs Pc Mah Bdrm Suite Jacobean Oak Servers Others Heavily Carved Wal Rosewood Panelled also Mah Wardrobes some Having Dressers Chests Welsh Style Pine Pub Benches Marble Top Tile Back Washstands Oak also Wal BowFront China Display Cabinets Sev Pine Chests of Drawers Highboys Others Pine Drysinks Various Rocking Chairs Oak Wal also Pine Dressers Swl of Lamps Hall Parlor Tables Wicker Chairs Pine Cradle Welsh Style Pine Hall Bench Pr of Vict Parlor Chairs Others Carved Overmantle Mirrors Oak DropLeaf Tables Pine Corner Shelves Mah Case Pump Organ Vict Oak Dining Table Buried Wal Ladies Dresser Mat ching Chiffrobe Others Pine Framed Pub Mirrors also Wall MirrOrs Oak Twin Ped Also DropFront Desks Gilt Framed Wall Mirror Oak Inlaid Double Bed Jacobean Oak Circular Parlor Table Others Oak Case also School type Wall Clocks also Wood Marble Case Mantel Clocks Jug Basin Sets Blue Delft Other China Ware Sel of Copper Brassware Incl Oil Lamps Stained Leaded Glass Panels Various Framed Pictures Paintings Prints Over 300 Lots 022 TERMS CASH CHEQUE CHARGEX PARKING REFRESHMENTS STORAGE DELIVERY AVAILABLE PREVIEW DAY PRIOR TO SALE 10 AM5 PM ALSO HOURS PRIOR TO SALE BIDS MAY BE LEFT AT OFFICE IF UNABLE TO ATTEND SALE DEREK RICHARD OSBORNE AUCTIONEERS PHONE 7054589116 JOMEJJEIE F°MNGEVENIS EASTVIEW HUNTERS SECONDARYSCHOOL ARCHERY TRAINING CHOR PROGRAM OCTOBER 10 17 AND 24 at pm at ALLISTON ROD AND GUN CLUB south of Alliston Lot Concession 13 Tecumseth Township Fee $1 per day Bring your own equip ment RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY OCT 23rd 830 am pm attheschool Bake goods white elephant used clothing toys books and records 081522 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 022 THE MACKAH GROUP Residential Commercial MORTGAGE LOANS Conventlonal lst Mortgages Secondary Financing meet you 27373451 443 Mt Pleasant Road 25 NNOUN EMENTS DEATHS GAMMON Olive Beatrice At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Wednesday October 20 1976 Olive Beatrice Ruthven beloved wife of the late Spencer Gammon in her 90th year Dear mother of Helen Jenkins sister of Louis Ruthven and Charles Hamilton predeceased by brothers Enos and Roy Ruthven Jack and Argue Hamilton Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worstey Street Barrie Complete ser vice in the chapel on Friday October 22 at 330 pm Interment St Andrews Cemetery0ritlia GRAY Leslie Allen Suddenly at his residence on Wednesday October 201b 1976 Leslie Les Gray in his 75th year Beloved husband of the late Kathleen Loving father of Jim and Barry both of Barrie Dear grandfather of grand children Dear brother of Frank of Creemore Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford 51 Barrie Visitation from Thursday at pm Ser vice and committal complete in the chapel on Friday October 22nd at pm Interment Thornton Union Cemetery HANSEN Mariorie At Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston on Thursday Oct 21 1976 Mariorie Link beloved wife of the late Arthur Hansen Dear sisterot Pearl Mrs Sinclair of Willowdale Beatrice Mrs Boyer of Oriilia Helen Mrs Payne of Orillia Jack Link of Toronto and Albert Link of Weston Resting at the Hughes Funeral Home Cookstown Service from St Johns Anglican Church Cookstown Saturday afternoon at 100 pm inter ment st Johns Anglican Church Cemetery If desired donations may be made to the Ontario Heart Foundation or the Canadian Diabetic Association ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel 127 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWF TF COMI NGDEVENTS ANGUS LIONS FLEA MARKET Highway 90 Angus every Sunday 12 to pm BOOTH RENTAL Call 4246986 Or 4241862 after FTF pm Mr and Mrs Eugene McBride will be celebrating their 50111 Wedding AnnIversary SUN OCTOBER 24 1976 to pm Embassy Hall Blake St All relatives and friends are cordially invited NO GIFTS PLEASE O23 MISTLETOE MART Luncheon and Bazaar SATURDAY NOV 61h GRACE UNITED CHURCH Luncheon 1230 Tickets 52 Available by calling 7268964 or 7268319 Bazaar from 130 to pm O222729N35 AUCTION SALES MARPLES Antique Auction In the Avening Community Hall mi south of Stayner on Air port Rd SAT OCT 23 AT4 pm Special sale beginning pm for clothing millinery shop Featuring Pine Primitives and original colours Always good selection of Canadiana and Collectables Absolutely no Reserve Refreshments Auctioneer NORM MARPLE Box 284 Flesherton 15199242611 Consignments Welcome Not responsible for accidents etc day of sale 022 Home Furnishings Antique AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCT 30 at 11 am for MR MRS ROBERTS in the Village of Cookstown at 23 George St Watch for sale signs on Highways 27 and 89 north and west from traffic lights Complete sale of home con tents appliances lawn garden care equipment and miscellaneous useful home items some antique old pieces of furniture glass candlestick holders picture frames china cabinet etc and treasures from the store rooms Owners moving Terms cash Cheques accepted with 10 ALLAN HORNER Auctioneer SCL No Telephone 7054584589 01 52227 TORONTO HADASSAH BAZAAR wednesday October 27 1976 Automotive Bulldhg ExIIRaltIon Place 930 am to 1130 pm Arl inlulon $100 Proschools free Grand Door Prize 1977 Ford Maverick Bingo Bargains Galore Han dicrafts Fashion Show Restaurants AI Day Auctlon Wouldnt you like to meet someone who wants to PATS DIALADATE for years weve helped many people like you IIIUOIVIIH rlgltl pal xi Now Aloe 353 91 Bayliald gt Sum 5011 Hefld Office BARRIE Inexpensive monthly rates Toronto 29 MonFri 7373611