2The Barrie Examiner Thursday October 21 I976 Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau followed by his wife Margaret steps down the ramp of Canadian Armed Forces Boeing 707 aircraft after arriving at Oaaka Intemational Airport Motion dismissed BRAMPION nt ICPI iefence motion to halt the trial of Robert Rowbotham charged with importing ton of hashish because all RCMP wiretap tape recordings made in connection with the case had not been pro vided was dismissed Wednes day Judge Steven Borins ruled there was no attempt by Crown prosecutor Patrick Duffy to mislead the court by withhold ing some taped telephone con versations as defence lawyer Moishe Reiter argued Tuesday Rowbotham 25 formerly of Beeton Ont is one of five per TRUDEAUS ARRIVE 350 miles southwest of loyKo Wednesday Dense fog pre vented Trudeau from landing at Toykos International Air port to begin sixday visit to Japan Photo sorts charged With conspiracy to import hashish importing hashish trafficking in nar cotic possession for the pur pose of trafficking and possession The other four have already been tried by Judge Borins and are to be sentenced Nov The Crown gave Mr Reiter 55 tapes containing 1200 hours of conversation made during the RtMPs investigation Mr Rei ter said at least two tapes were not handed over to the defence before thetrial Judge Borins said he believed Mr Duffy did not know of the existence of the other two tapes KNOWN AS ELLISI Pablo Casals renowned cel list and conductor died at the age of 90 at Rio Piedras Puerto Rico SVVHIV mhr tiONWAVIW Interest Paid Anmnltvorcompwnded to maturity 5Year Guaranteed Investment Certificate Flaw Subirri In Jump uI v1 Ross Furzecott STERLING It in 726 649i ONTARIO GOVERNMENT SALE PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF USED CARS TRUCKS CHAIN SAWS MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO BE HELD IOOOAM THURSDAY OCTOBER 28th I976 AT THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS YARD I450 SEVENTH AVENUE EAST OWEN SOUND ONTARIO 1970 to IIli qt InILTnflIITIOI Dudqry Migna Told 197l ford door sedans tyl auto 88 I977 Iritr Stutrir auto 88 I971 Fargo Spunupon NJ Passenger Bryt oom I970 JO1918 I973 Chiwinle TariCobECIiouis HIyI I969 Dodge I970 Find IUVI stakebndya hoiut thI I968 International Tim uh Chorus tiydiriulir writlrirtiirrnit t1 cyI I969 anrIS IrliICahï¬LCIIrisns fiin TrirIFtprus imam some auto ItlIS mitt wag win IIJt IIIIIIIIAIIIIIIII an ab Chassm $1in I90 WI Ii Tori an Unism dump In it Imgt rimrI rmi deinrixlr I967 tout IIiII uh house WIIIyiIUIJIIV ilimriiimtiImIit tlryI Iill Immir Imirtm MrirIrI LHM yI yd wtirrI rtnu Irriqoiiou repairs I907 Millir IiIt Imp TruthI ruiirtiiii atlo Idb IIItI MIiIrti up IMIIIIIIuiRIIIyMII rum yvi mum it arm an mu amp ruin tIiIM watt iIIrrtiw IIIUIII IrSii Mui flrflhffliith Imilm I5 smutum Wm Jtioi mini lritwrritriiy IUIIi IS tiirvvimiinhuman Mtullmtittiiim iriws I8 Ii 14 1t mt Mrtiitlurti SLII Irrim niw trirt JI rirr AIrhI Ill l7 iIiitriIAri uninrr mi 14 rmva momma ma run mum III mm Iwi mm npirutrh 4t AIiImwmm ItltlIlIlI gitrm II him IririrfliI iiiuI sown itinhv IIplinIIia hint It Nomi any no rm minim It Mmin Iiiiii IIliw VII jtllltlltill ttyrtiootu mii twowine ili II no Iv IiiIIII4inmiII Hintsz it Im Inu IIiquIIIIIq in ltlII4IIlIIItI1tII mm MmInI In no mo HtIt ltem may be Inspected ot the above location Irom 00 rn to 400 pm on October 25th 26th 27th and Thursday October 28m I976 until time of sale Further intormation may be obtained from District SuppIy Supervisor Owen Sound Ontario 3767350 If HM AHIi UNI IN deposit or pot or Lil iniyniIu tI im wII III It run v1 arr4n rays Me Hi tiIririw III IJS tr Inst iiIiai tm wuwmi min IiII ii ticiiii Im At Ivami rim UAW my Ministry of iI III II In WI am Elanlialtli 19 HIM 414 MaterioI Control Office Downsview Ontario Mb 248 3725 II III tii nationI Ari IVIII rip and hunt wiriiiittwri Iii IiITt imydtile In It IJIII II irvt iir in qu to II IItilI gmir Transportation and Communications BUTNO PUBLIC APOLOG Ouellet conviction upheld MONTREAL CP Andre Ouellet who resigned last Mar ch as federal consumer and cor porate affairs minister lost his appeal Wednesday against contempt of court conviction for makin derogatory remarks aboutaju go The comments were made about Mr Justice Kenneth Mackay of Quebec Superior Court after he acquitted three sugar companies of pricefixing charges Dec 19 In handing down their deci sion the three appeal judges were unanimous in upholding the contempt conviction but ruled that the former minister Smashing 3Piece Living Room Grouping The trend in fine ttirIIittire tIiIs toll is Iiriitriit IIIIII stIIe IIIII IgtIIUS Iitis Illsi IIIII attarnitreamvbeige sII IIIIIIIIIIIIII1ITIII iiil Iiruwn stripes Ildi accentuate III It did not have to make public apology to Mr Justice Mackay or serve threemonth proba tion pending the apology The appeal court also ruled that an order to ay $5001egal fee should stand as fine and not as payment of the at torney re resenting the prose cution at ie trial Interviewed in Ottawa Ouel let said he considered the ver dict partial victory because the sentence had been altered and added he was happy it was over He said he has already paid the $500 fine and costs as or dered REMARKED ON DECISION The contempt charge against the 3yearold lawyer arose from statement he made to Canadian Press reporter when told about Justice Mackays ac quittal of the three companies find this judgment com pletely unacceptable he was reported as saying He questioned the sanity of the decision and added It is complete shock and find it complete disgrace The contempt trial judge Su perior Court Associate Chief Justice James Hugessen held that this statement constituted criminal contempt of court of serious nature In agreeing with the trial judges finding Chief Justice Lucien Tremblay of appeals court pointed out that decisions of judges can be subject to crit icism just as those by any other public figures But criticizing decision is not affirmin that the person who render itis animbecile That is committing con tempt of court The appeal court also criti HORSEBACK at BIG HORN RAN CH mile north of Brentwood 4246186 cised Ouellet for his behavior after the contempt charge was laid COLLEAGUE INVOLVED Another member of the three man appeals court Mr Justice George Montgomery said Ouellet tried to pressure Mr Justice Hugessen through cabinet colleague whom he risked involving in his own disgrace Sears Sorry For The lnconvenience the 38 I3pc socket set advertised on page of our birthday sale flyer is not available at this time However substitute will be avoiIabIe We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you our customer Theres no reason to go anywhere else tub of IIITIIIIIIII Int TI IIITII KIIII Attititttveig IJpIIIIIstIrII iiI IIIIIII IIII IIIIIII IIIIII IiITt iii iIrIIIII IIitrti IIIIt III IliMIIII plttt II gIIIIIr IltIITTi IIIIII Loveseat IIII ITIt styling Sutte includes itii IIdIT and IIIIIit IIIIIT titti IITltIlt FREE LAYAWAY UP TO MONTHS YOUR CHOICE OF CREDIT Nnriii walnut finish vvriml tiim III tIIlI and chair attortls IIIIII rII IIegiiiiiiw IlItI ITIIII11 tIizs tine grnupiiu show MditIllTltI Irivesint and tahIes avail VtiIIiI 10 ur Monday to Friday til pm Saturday til pm Delivered RegValue 44695 IIIII GU Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Bayfield St Ota Plan in uaranfee It Rtt IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII BARBIE Bayfield St North 7285511 Vol Iii mi