Sr trw in en tral Redskins continue winning Barrie Central Collegiate Redskins senior football team crushed Collingwood 403 to add one more win to its already im pressive winning streak Three seasons in Georgian Bay Secondary School Association football corn petition have produced 26 straight games without loss In other games Wednesday the Central Junior Redskins moved into first place tie with Allistons Banting Memorial High School with 227 win over Collingwood at Central At North Banting came back to edge the Vikings 1412 in the senior game while North juniors were blanked 80 by Banting win by either the junior or senior clubs next week in Alliston could prove the deciding blow in deciding first lace of the Simcoee County igh school football league Alliston seniors have one loss in five games while the Banting juniors and Central juniors squads remain tied at four wins and one loss the lone defeat at the hands of Stayncr in exhibition play The welloiled machine of the senior Redskins assed ran blocked and kick its way past Collingwood Doug Bell gathered in two TD passes by quarterback Paul Finkbeiner with Paul Laking runnin for two more Bill Little an Joe Kelly were responsible for the other majors Barry Norton converted four touchdowns Centrals shutout was taken away in the last two minutes of the game by Dave Hanrahans 25yard field goal In five games Central has scored 192 points while giving up45 Rick Cloughley smashed over for three majors for the Central juniors Dave Britnell added field goal and single Banting seniors marched 96 yards for gamewinning touchdown in the fourth quarter against winless Barrie North Vikings Led by the running of quar terback Kelly Partman Ban ting stayed on the ground in the mud to power around North defenders Banting led 86 at the half on touchdown by Ian Kay and his twopoint conversion Gregg Bell hit for the Barrie major in the half l2Thearrie Examiner Thursday October 21 1976 BMLA meeting tonight Annual meeting of the Barrie Minor Lacrosse Association BMLA is tonight at the Con sumers Gas Building beginn ing at pm The election of officers for the new year will highlight pro ceedings as will the presenta tion of number of awards in cluding those to the most valuable goaltender and most sportsmanlike team The meeting is open to all in terested parents and lacrosse boosters ITS EASY TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS THROUGH DANCING And Learning to Cha Cha Waltz and Hustle is even easier IO FULL HOURS $2000 We offer Class lessons as well as pay as you 90 system or social dance parties This is special introductory offer One meet remains to snap deadlock Larry Elliott had Barries other touchdown with Partman completing Allistons march with his major PATS DANCE CENTRE 7373610 Mon to Fri to Rs SUPPORTS FUND Barrie Suiarm Ontario Federation of for 5250 The money was the ject with Jack Bouncy past and District Hunters and clubs commitment to the Anglers Conservation Club support of the ideaofhirmga pledgeditssupport thisweek fulltime field bilogist for to the Zone Five Field Zone Five the largest Biologist Fund withacheque membership zone of the Anglers and Hunters Inc Bill Alpin at right president of the Barrie club presents the cheque to Murray Martin centre chairman of the pro president and representative to the Federation present Examiner Photo Barrie Conservation club supports Biologist Fund By RANDY McDDNALD Examiner Sports Editor give my plcdgc as Canadian to save and faithfully defend from waste the natural resources of my country its air soil minerals waters forests and wildlifc conscrvation plcdgc Some soulsearching has been going on at the zone level of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Inc ex pecially in Zone Five which includes the conservation clubs of Simcoe County Clubs are taking hard look at their operations as it relates to the pledge And some dont like what theyre fin ding out about themselves It is unfair to group all clubs together and accuse them of doing little or nothing towards conservation but there are some to which the conservation pledge means nothing more than holding few hunter safety courses some turkey shoots regular meetings and firing in their moral support behind some major campaign Zone Five has 80 clubs or membership of close to 5500 which represents some 2982 club members 161 junior members and 2221 individual members by far the highest zone membership in the Federation And its this zone which is taking big step forward in at bringing credibility to the conservation pledge The Barrie and District Hunters and Anglers onscrvation Club handed over cheque for $250 earlicr this week to acknowledge its commitment to the Zone Five Field Biologist Fund Murray Martin of Orillia special project chairman Zone attended the general meeting of the Barrie club He spoke on the need fora fulltime field biologist for the zone and the full support of all clubs and individual members behind the project Martin first vicepresident of Zone Five had sent sting letter to each member of the Federation which challenged their commitment to conservation It might have seemed harsh said Mr Martin It was meant to be that way because often when you try to get something across it must be controversial to make people sit up and take notice Mr Martin says the zone needs biologist and needs one nowHefeels thataprofessionalman is needed to haridlcthc Furile to 1h biologist would lllt to conic from the HWY 26 27 opposne Georgmn MU Borne 726 832 Lat projects of the zone by offering leadership collecting data clubs and members Mr Martin said thcy have applicd for and standing up to agencies which may hamper umsorm 1mmmumprowmnmndWWW2mm 1oal lll thr suond Mon Wed 80m 6pm Thur Fri Bani 9pm Sat 48am 5pm tion professional man who can speak in technical terms Ilc cmphasizcd that if all tut clubs of the Zonc ltivc toiir is how he ex lained it Martin also is representative for iinchcster Arms told the Barrie club members attending the meeting that there were problems in the zone which prompted the idea of afulltime field biologist working out ofanofficein the zone Mr Martin figures only about 3o portcut of thr nirinbcr rim Storey East 1m 10 USE OUR North of us up by Huntsville the ministry is girdling ship will donatetothiscausc smwnoygtg imperial 11 firestonc trees by thousands he said If this is truc then it black mark against the ldtltlillltill rt and vs rown llill CREDIT PLAN Martin said he had the chance to see for himself and thr clubs of Zone Five It mcaningfiil projch and onc NPR1NKEY OR was really set back to see what they were doing hr said By girdling they take an axe and chop all around the tree so the sap is trappcd and the trcc dies in two ycais timc c= plained Martin The trees apparently set asidc for girdling arc those which cant be used for furniture wood as cherry and bccch trees In 1000 acres thcrc arc about 20 trees per acre that have bcen girdled thcr problem areas Martin says could bcncfit from thc attention of full timc zonc biologist Lake Simcoc If you gct the truth about lakc Simcoc its bccorninga hugcscwcr basin vcry fast shawas second Marsh We must fight to retain it Hungarian Partridge in tirillia it was hard fight to gct llungarian lartridgc up there Georgian liay lluntcrs and Anglers pickcrcl rcscarili is another inc other problem mcntioncd was thc sliccr workload on handful of voluntccrs obligatcd to running hc tlllt He added that the work could no longer be donc on volunteer basis lhcrcsimply wasnt tlic lllllt You need profcssional man nowadays sional man who can spcak in technical terms You got to have sorncbrxly who can stand up and spcak for us Martin said Mr Martin bluntly told clubs Scptcmbcr Wc can no longer alloyI this Zoiic to go on ycar aftcr ycar pussy footing around ang getting ncxt to nothing donc We will no longcr allow any govcrnrncnt agency to tcll us this is so and not give us the full opportunity to cxaminc their findings He said the zone needs full tirnc ficld biologist and fulltimczoricoffici This man should be attracted from llic trained staff of provincial conservation officers man of this calibrc Will be capable of doing fiin and wildlife studies and talking to the ministry in llltll terms of ltftltlltt Mr Martin said he had rcccicd ll applicants for the job which has been narrowed to four of which two arc managcrs with ministry Martin said onc charactcrislic wantid is that of strong individual not afraid tospcak his hit lf wc have professional man he doesnt havi to worry about whosc tocs hc slips on llcs working for thc Xill snicn piofcs irllJUlttl S230 and the individual mcrnbcrs Sin catli along with the $31m from the Federation thiro would lic littlc trouble in hiring lillllllllt ficld biologist and office But not all mcmbcrs arccoriscrvationahsts he said which will benefit all llcrcs thc charicc for clubs to havc their own professional person uninhibited by any obligation toa higher authority xccpt to the zonc Minor atoms split games John Ellis Construction Minor Atoms stepped into new season of hockey action with back to back exhibition games recently At Eastview the game ended in 33 tie with Gary Wilkins scoring twice and Adam Wrobel hitting for single Newmarket came back with 32 win at home Wilkins and Glen Wil liams scored for Barrie EAR it $1795 Friday to Monday Plus Mileage featuring Ctiuuolets RENT CAR 3418Arllill18l ift he ilrylrtill itlhr li torn 7370800 Two wbr Theres one meet remaining in the Simcoc County Cross Iountry League to snap the overall tic between Barrie North Collegiate and rillia District Collegiate Vocational Institute Both secondary school teams are tied with 82 points after six meets the last held Wednesday CoOps tie Midland 33 Barrie Major oOp midget club tied Midland 33 in exhibi tion play earlier this week Doug Shedden sank two of the Barrie goals with Graham Gif fcn adding the other Fred Wallace had two for Midland with Andy Sccrnan getting the other Midland is the midget club which will be in Sweden for tournament play after hrislmas tot ips open the Yrok Sinicoc Minor Hockey League schedule with game in rillia Friday at Canadian Forces Base Borden Central is third in the overall team standings with 54 points followed by Collingwood at 42 Midland 15 Eastview 13 Park Street of Orillia 11 Alliston 10 CFBBorden and Stayner are tied with nine points North rolled to its third meet victory of the league by edging ODVCI 186 in the final count Wednesday Central picked up eight points with Collingwood adding seven to its total North runners placed high in all five divisions RESIITS HDtilZT GIRLS tbilK Quail lNorth 55 Marynnc SChfSkI VODtVlr Kartn Kcaling Ni tilrIN tilltlS Angela Schmidt Mid landr 12 i6 Lislic Black KN 12 17 Sui HrownAllistnni IllHEI illtlla IIrnil Dcsrochcs llid it 12 Ktthl Mcfron IIIastvicwi Stu Finlaysun itilxVlr llVIUII BUYS EIVI Downer rtlr in Frank llargravc tStaymrg Tom Scott rlilitVlr sEHtilt 1901s Gary Stewart 040th 22 01 Al Miller itIlI Mike Forgravc Nortli Final meet is slated for Nov at Sunnidale Park Paving has three wins in Oldtimers League IIIURNIUN ldtimcrs Hockey League swung into ac tion again this week with three games at the lhornton Arena Barrie Paving took +3 win from Gordon ltcal Estate Sharks and Itadio Shack skated to zall draw with lililciriria Sports dumping Dykslra Bro fliers Paving came from bchind in the third pcriod to nip Gordon for its third straight win Kcn Saunders netted pair with John Gibbons and Wavnc Kelly CALENDAR SENIORIIIKKEY At iuthric Arena am At Eastvicw Arena Midland vs Allan ook luvcnilcs ti pm ltxllllHlltill for smooth SpecialOldi adding singles for the victors Gene Linch Jim Mctann and Bob lrwin handled the scoring forGordon Bruno lidd scored the tying goal for Radio Shack early in the final period Dave Wilson had the other ltadio Shack marker Eric Bittcnbindcr and Brian ardy had first period goals for Sharks lhrcc goals by Paul Lari zarotta powered Iaulcyanna ovcr Dykstra Jim Francis and lton Barnett were the other Includes New pliitjs rotor limit riser valvr ritrw points run smoother Special prices for cars wrtli electronic ignition Cylinder Firestone Lifetime Supreme Battery for cold weather starts adjust timing and carburetor Clicrk listrilitittir tap systcrn hoses spark plug wrros toil air filter and gas ltllt illItl tismrj tiptrrtfmir cqtiipmcrit And to save you money on gas Cylinder grammar Parts and labour included Guaranteed months or 6000 miles SP2FC Exchange White Grey Red Smoke ceramic clay SQ FT only ctn new condenser new Lubricatc tooling PCV valve Licensed rriortliariics To makc your tar Cylinder sill Made from hifired 95 II II PI EFISIII cinema EHHHH for as long as you keep your car Red Bird values bikinirm yawW WIIZ ï¬rméu WWW1 314 Wargm AIV tilt4 In lï¬f tlRt Electronic Tunep Fwestone Stores USE OUR firestorm CREDIT PLAN 0R 7266585 88 DUNLOP ST BARBIE OPEN DAILY to Friday to Saturday to