Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1976, p. 12

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in firm1 dI an trr rr 12The Barrie Examiner Mondo October 18 1976 PROPERTY FOR SALE EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 REAL ESTATE Ross Miller 7260563 Ron Sproule 4873715 Al Rose 7288116 Mike Lysabild 7266054 Harvey Weber 4363815 Cec Cook 7283036 Ron Jones 7268997 Ron Thorne 7288714 Percy Ford 7287930 Les Lovegrove 4241289 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Nelson Garrett 7266096 Ross Burwell 4589248 Helen Burns 7262386 Rob Knapp 7267294 Jerry McNabb 7261881 Bernie Blum 4240999 Ken Miller 4873365 rirulli iu REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 BAYFIEIJI ST BARRIE Photo Multiple Listing Service 72631 11 Morg Wood no toll 4873148 Bob Saunders 7263883 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Marion Bryk 7285405 Leo Cavanaugh 7281207 Ross Batstone 7263043 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 TF MORTGAGES Mowers IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Ist and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and COUTmGICIal properties To consolidate debts low montth payrtienrs 01118 IITVUOVEIHCHTS any worthy reason To pay all eustinq or IIIJTUIIIIL Iiiiirtgage Construction tiirids tree adVIce tlI try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages Monro Cir7 ItyTITlt 129 DUNLOPST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO Ho TORONTO ONT 726 0981 Phone Servrce 363 342 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc 347 BAY STREET TF MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOANS MORTGAGES KINZIE LIMITED MORTGAGES WE HAVE funds immediately available with competitive rates of Head Office Ioronto 95°o NHA LOANS First mortgages from 11 °° Second mortgages from 12 7° interest prompt com Residentiol Commercial In mnmenn and temple COW dusmal COIIOQES Forms fidentiolity for first second and Apartments Hotels Con ynrdmormcmes dominiums Builders Loans ALL TYPES of property residen tial commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages for cash Land Mortgage Construction Business Loans Existing Mortgages Purchased Unlimited NHA and con ventional loans for major OUR ADVICE FREE development Planning and Call IAN KERR financial analysis assistance Bus 7371881 provided HOME 4875385 OPEN DAILY KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association am to 530 pm Thursday evenings till pm Saturday by appointment Call WM SUMMERS TF Barrie office 17057373451 COMPARE our rates First second 1th mortgages appraisals Gerry 91 Boyfield St After hours call 4240776 Syvokas 487 7700 Pat Oumn Ltd 7371414 MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diatr acton COHIIOPnIIrII David TF Wass Real Estate Bronr call 776 4651 evenings V7 First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Emth RUSSELL CHURCH Mort es mic Mobile Homes For Cash Ltd Mortgage Life Insurance SALE RENT Available Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For ENTERPRISES Bendix And Glendale 121 BAYFIELD 51 Modular Homes 72671 Northlandors Office Hours am pm Travel Trailers by appomtment Corsair Glenette Member Ontario Mortgage Cygnet Brokers Association Terms Up To 15Years TF Hiohwov 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 95 PER CENT Mud Nv FIRST MORTGAGE MORTGAGE LOANS TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes tor sale or rrnt Holiday In complntr home com tort Barrio Trnt and Awning Co 34 Baytield St ITS NOT TOO LATE The Hitch House Ltd can meet your trailer hitch rc guwemnntr CiII Harold tor appaint mint 778 9700 COUNTRY Ll JING 11 guiiI park south ol Barrie NIw tiotrirs Also used hamris fromillDOfI Call 778 63175 Residential Commercial Cottages Builders Loans SECONDS FROM 13 °o We specialize in older and rural properties at prime rates For free courteous advice call 1971 HOMCO It 77 bedrooms or bath partially rarpitrd porrti it For triilri InIQFIYIrtTIOI ptimti 376 487 or 776 6771riltrr RFNTAL$ APARTMENTS T0 RENT THE MAYFAIR Brirrirzs newts1 tiuilding one and two bedroom apartImnts will niri View and many lITturi 737 0077 U4th am ILIVTAIII trio M20 SECOND MORTGAGES TWO ll17001 ipartmInts uni rIVFIIIrIIIII now in the Allandali arra 0N0 bonuses Thr httiir rlriwntown arra available Or tuber IS Tellphoni 776 3757 TWO BEDROOM lirrplrire central t17 Worinyl partian 377 prr month plus hydro riii pits TIIITJIIIAYILIT1700111le brokerage or finders fees Borrow up 10515000 149°° on amounts SUBLF ONE lirdroorti available Nov 1977 Int tuning UTIUIVUVOUTKI partinn over all utilitiis priid lrnnis rriurt saunas 15year amortization rxirr Igi rooms IFlfjni 777015 tty HOUSEHOLD REALTY WELLINGTON PLACE CORPORATION LIMITED BARRIE 7am bedroom apartments adults on or tnorr intormation rail 776 3877 or 776 7151 anytime BEDROOM APARTMENT availabil November 1st 111 10 MM bus stop at dam 5730 monthly plus hyrro lirst and last 1l1171s rrnt Riitrrtnres no pitz 7711 101 114141 DITIFOUITI apartmint available NIIVIIIIIIPV lst Rulernnrtsrcguired For turthrr trllrirrriiitton pititstl all 737 179 25 Dunlop Street East 77116534 MWFO29 NOTICE IMPIpIIL lrlwt Iublrit one deadlma for classfLd 000700111 itllrlflttltnl Available No word ads folllltr Ovirlooking lake Gym ulumi lirini tiurt Rent $761 monthly inr lildrnu parliiiiti IQH SS99atter 7p previous day FIIRNIMl nICHELOR apartment noon Saturday Central to1 iliriii ivmlablr Immediately all rVInings 776 571 risk tor Franklin Vrqs 094 as APARTMENTS TO RENT APARTMENTS TO RENT AUTOMOTIVE CARS TOR SALE EiteCMalfJot fiiiiLEIEJdoasndii1223 IIRS 7269580 APARTMENTS T0 RENT NEWLY DECORATED bedroom apartment With stove and relrigeratar $770 monthly including parking pay own hydro Telephone 776 5063 FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment heat and hydro included separate en trance Available Immediately $150 monthly Hospital area Telephone 778 5789 NOVEMBER 151 East End 7bedroom With balcony small security locked building laundry storage lacilities $740 monthly includes heat hydro and park ing Call 776 3917 NEW APARTMENT tor rent abstainers only Reasonable Adults miles east at Barrie Telephone 487 5651 evenings HOUSES T0 RENT BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT VIiW Large bungalow in Oro Ap pliances drapes and broadloom Saitable tor executive tarnily Lease references 416 749 95711 487 s788wcokends BRAND NEW bedroom townhouse tor rent in exclusive location For more in tarrnation call 776 4544 WAT RON bedroom bungalow in Oro Spacious rooms applianr ES drapes broadloom S400 mantth Leasr and references 416719 9578 evenings 487 5788 Sundays THREE AND FOUR bedroom singli latnily norms riiclusivi Irnri tram $350 per month Garages close to schools anrt gtiopptn awn7181177 or 47 6711 DRUOV hairsi rtitrilly lTTll on bus CIJU llnrntdlrltI availabil Goon tot arrin lattt 1y CH 776 7551 or 717 269 Avlt plat TlTtlllttltly ttltdroorris iitttrd It it on ItIth alder ttornv $100 mimme LIIIJ tropest Rt tr tattutor atttt SIOVI v76911 DE LIIXF Townhouse tully brOrict loom wtti ibedroums aiirarti stove and rvtrrqOratOr tr0tt $795 monthly plus UTIITf Loratrd ri Orllia south at Hqltwiiy 17 bypas litINIiyn Gill and Frrrrtstflvlltut Cril111759811 COZY ONE bedroom housr full nast merit garage largo yard lostto shopp ng plaras and bus route SUIt working couple Available November TiIi phone 776 0007 BEDROOM house family room with lireplace Cundles Road arta 5375 Mon Inly plus utilities AVrIllleE November 15 Telephone 435 5781 Evrnmqs 435 6587 COUNTRY ESTATE lor rent miles South 01 Barrie 15 acro executive tyDl rancti mwa baths Irreplactrs broodloortttd lFfTVl heat patio doors etc Rnlrrrnrrr flfjllfld Available now TiIrohonr Dan 776 09511 Or Toron 10416 363 3471 BEDROOM rxerutivr home leaturinri wall to wall broadloorri Irrepliici bathrooms and double rar gamut locatrd milr north at Cookstown $400 per month Also bedroom home Ilrl plat bathrooms Situated rniIr Irriin City at Barrr1 $750 month Contact Ray BUDN representing Ed Luwr Ltrt Realtor 776 3871 S300 SUNNIDALE ROAD arra bedroom bungalow living room dining roarn carpeted large sunny liitrhpn Stove refrigerator heat lluht water in rludcd Trlrptione Jo 778 9777 BEDROOM DUPLEX all inside on vpnlinr es 80 acres With large barn $375 monthly trIephrmr 796 0981 businrsr hows 30105 in HANDYMANS ruFECIAL tree lur wlntir in iirr hangi fnr intirior repairs Conff$510n am lllllt north rtt Highway 11 Trlrphonel 416 7114 8493 BEDROOM townhousr inrluding ip plianr rs FIFVI Lane area on bus routi $300 monthly not inr ludian utilities 778 8197 SPACIOUS bedroom house eriltlflDlr immediately Call 737 737 LARGE HOUSE large bedrooms gas heated For one lamily only November $300 monthly First and last months in advance no pets 91 WorsIry Streit 778 5049 tvrnings ANGUS Two new bedroom houses With garages S300 $376 per month utilities extra no dogs plIasr Call iltir 64746154 COLLI NGWOOD bedroom townhouse broadlaom ap pliances garage Property maintenaan included $740 monthly Telephone 4161 368 7108 BARRIE New bedroom townhouse garage braartloorn pool playground Available Drrlgtrnber $315 per month No appliarir es 776 765 MIN at APARTMENTS WANTED TO RENT THREE BEDROOM ground lloar ac crss doors and arrhways minimum 76 trichrs main lloor bedroom and wash room tor lamily ol husband in wheelchair prilrrably in BdFFI proper lor the and at OLIOIfo For lurthnr details please call 737 1311 lfllenSIOII 44 WORKING MOTHER and young 51100lriqlll son FIQUIYI small llat or shared accommodations in private home immediately Non smoker non drinker Pleasr phone 436 7589 alter live or 778 9767 ROOMS TO LET CLEAN NISHED to parking rnntral prrIer gentleman ibstainir 737 1973 BEDROOM AVAILABLE in pTIViIIl IIKNIII Board optional True lriisrirlra on bus route parking Tiliptione 776 6970 MINESING Large bod sitting room shag broadloom with bathroom privati Iritranrr Lintn supplild and rtiringtrl wetkly itt titn prIVIlIgrs optional 716 3161 altlro tn BEDROOM plus IiVinu room hotplate sink rentral downtown Suit working girl S75 weekly Ttleptiarii776 1788 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD lor young gen tlemrn Willi meals and lunchls parked Parking Central location Telephone 778 7568 ROOM AND BOARD tor young man 10st to downtown Busmrss pIrson prrlvrrrd In girIIt 1101710 For Iurttwr IfIrllli phone 776 07166 OFFICES STORES FOR RENT THE BEST 1000 so It at modern store or OfIIKI space tor rent or lease Dunlop East Mini Plara Customrr and owner parking Telephone 7711 5738 SPACEFORHRENT PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 19500 so It lully sprinklerrd transport and light truck loading docks Iii lt clear part at large expanding industrial mall 776 7130 BUILDING 661100 suitable tor store garage warthousing etc 71 Mary Street vcry central Apply Valley DTIVIYOUTSDII 16 Maple Avenue 7766666 LARGE HEATED bay on main highway iust soth at Barrie Large tront bay doors plus side entrance James lewell 1110705 456 3031 or 456 7119 attero IMPERIAL TOWERS BARRIES FINEST OVERLOOKING KEMPENFELT BAY °Coloured Appliances Sauna Exercise Rooms Tennis Court Adiocent to Shopping Underground Parking KANEFF PROPERTIES LTD automatic transmission radio white walls block heater $1700 or best oller 72136367 PLYMOUTH CRICKET 1973 Light blue 27000 miles good Condition automatic transmission radio whitewalls block heater $1200 or best otter 7786367 PLYMOUTH FURY 1975 Custom door hardtop VB automatic 377i Imr powar funr equipped AI condition price to be discussed Telephone 4241664 VALIANT 1967 Two door sedan slim six automatic 54000 miles very clean certllled best otter 7370966 LATE 1977 AUSTIN Marina door automatic Excellent condition 25000 miles Reason lor selling new car has arrived Telephone 72114230 CHEV BELAIR 196751x cylinder good running order Interior very good new brakes exhaust shocks certilied 5450 Telephone 7766134 at PONTIAC Asire stationwagon 1973 Automatic regular and snow tires Private 16517500 Telephone 7785789 FORCED TO SELL due to Illness 1976 Plymouth Sherwood Green Salon 11000 miles 360 engine In perlect running order $5700 Iir May be seen at 105 Drury Lane 776 108 VAGA HATCHBACK 1975 77000 miles radio radials speed rustprooled $2000 Telephone 458 9779 after pm MUST SELL 1969 Chev Impala door hardtop radials winterized $500 or best otter as is Telephone 4241469 alter pm or on weekends NOVA 1976 Two door automaticisnow tires radio tape deck in excellent con ditlon Telephone 776 9986 GREMLIN X197£I Eight cylinder start dard clean certilied 31600 7371948 gter7pm CHRYSLER 300 1970 All sewer air 7264991 TF condition radials very low mileage COMMERCIAL FOR certified $1350 llrm Telephone SALE OR RENT 796169 mh DATSUN WAGON 1977 for sale Good condition standard shilt certified Telephone Collingwood 7054454673 F1499 toMondav ifin PLYMOUTH FURY Ill 1971 V8 Modern office with 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking Kem penfelt Bay and municipal parking Recently decorated with wall to wall drapes and fully broodloamed Call Bill engine power steering and brakes ex cellent condition S950 Telephone 47 TOYOTA COROLLA 1973 1600 sedan very good condition radio radials Glamor5744 exswngs VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE 1977 49000 miles Certilied $1295 Telephon Sakeris National Trust Co 728 728 4895atter6pm 920 CARS WANTED TF Orricis STORESIOR RENT Prime Allandole Commercial location on Burton Avenue URGENTLY REQUIRED For Borries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH Building now under construction GOODAchgaéQJLEEgioofl and will alter plans to suit ORV HARDY MOTORS leasee November 15 ac cuponcy C5 local zoning Call 76 BRADFORD 57 72842 7286165 or 7265407 in vLv N12 TOP PRICE lor top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradfmd st Barrtt 72a 8111 AUTOMOTIVE JUNK CARS WANTED Hiqtirst prlt5 Si atnrmknrlmlr Prtlay or up Holt Auto TRACY WANIS cars and Irurks tor Tlfiklnu an parts trITp prices paid rrr icku or 171 6R4R7 74 SHAleLSDWRECKINC7 and Towing P5 P8 Air conditioned rust Scraprttrtalarsbougtttovtr sialis$20 proofed AMFM rear Ion 63 defroster tinted glass cellent rubber WHT Immaculate inSIde and out USED TRUCKS Bargain Price $2700 Coll 7370939 after 1H 1700 long Wbase 75 IH F1800 tandem dumps 71s 72s IH diesel tandem dump 1H model 2010 69 IH CO ChOSSIS will take 28 018 1974 GREMLIN body groggmditlioning V8 standard LH long whose 66 kinda Id $5 TUSIPIOP ed rec Ford Van 14 ft 70 Ogger Odo Holmes wrecker diesel tandem 52 OOOOR BEST OFFER HyHae shovel model 380 truck 7373285 after mounted 59200 020 Ford tandem dump 69 GMC long Wbase air brakes MUST GO 1966 Barracuda room Treco bunk trailer com 1969 Ford Converthle 999 97 riumph JW HART LIMITED 97 Ford lH Dealer 1972 Dmsun 2402 on 400 Barrie 7288026 1975 Ford Station Wagon 0518 KLEAN AUTO BODY 354 Tlffitt SI 1973 FORD lnrtn trurk Four speed Phone 728661 n1321f5817°20513Ir 22171761275 tlilldalr 83s 7308 TRAILE VAN with dual wheel 35 11 sUItntilt tor storage cotanrti Witti air brakes and lilllt WIIlCl pin Alsoa Waggs tiuriiirnirti tampir van would rrrtily wiry rory Onr snowpr 11 one way WIDIIIT wrth lights hydraulir yIindrr and push arms Ptioni77t1 9769 1973 FORD E700 van 56000 mitts pawsr steering power brakes cylinder automatir thromr appearanca group NtW tirts $7500 or best allrr Crrtilirtd Trltphont 436 4791 1970 FORD ton lar sale cylinder standard body partially linisheit primer niods paint mechanically good Telephone 776 5876 1971 INTERNATIONAL ton van With MERCURY PARK LANF1968 door V8 autarnalir powrr ilflFtIIQ and brakes DOWIY rear window radio rnar drIrost $595 Ttlephonr776 0793 CHEV IMPALA 1970 door hardtop ixrrllrnt tnridition Dower steering power brakis radio Driven slightly in past ytars Crrtttiryd Phoni 737 7743 487 S986 CHEVELLE196II $750 V811 lpistons Mallory valve springs in rise manitold barnl hIadrrs 400 turbo trans shilt kit raring shilter Telephone 776 8144 TOYOTA station wagon 1977 tor sale 333lzngfsgggoflouuhou 409mm hydraulic tailgate Air horn radio and Sspiirrd trarisrnissmn $3000 Telephone COUGAR 1973 V8 automatic power 776635 SIllWIlIq pawrr brakes radio vinyl 1968 DODGE VAN motor good body good rarprilnrt As is $1100 certified $1150 Telephone 776 4187 1966 VW BUS IQUIDDCU wrth hideaway tied benches and table rust tree irIlnnt condition corlilied $750 474 0531 altrr root lownrr Excellent condition Sali Iy certified Phonr 177 7714 BUICK SKYLAPK 1970 Six rylindIr economical new piiiril Will certify $895 or hrstaller Phone 776 5834 after Sp In VALIANT 1964 75000 miles as is $150 or best otlrr Good mechanical rondi 1973 FORD ton pickup cylinder COIN 3937 DIWICnéandgpm standard Exrellentrondition Insulated DATSUN TLSIO 1977 Two door Winabaoo rap $7000 Telephone 436 MlChtIIlI radial tires on Shelby 3054 aluminum magnesium mags Fyll in dash Irirtiomitir radio ronsrrlrn trailer 23chagggqgrllgswgrzggt MW hmkm ompmv mw warranty Reason tor selling never haust system Car was painted new last mud week Miles per gallon 10 plus One ownIr car rirtiliId $1400 Call Joanne 66 FORD ID Umpr Wham 14355570 COUGAR XR71975 Red With while in Ideal tor mason cement man or plas torer willrrrtilyivasy $1850 Otter con terior air strrro new rarlials cxrellent magma ammo 416 527 won conditlon 341100 tirm Call 7729 to or 7711 9657 evenings MERCURY MONTEGO 1974 for sale Wt automatic asking $7750 This is not rusty Ford Telephone 737 0748 altrr 4000f MERCURY Brougham I97 1973 HONDA 350 C8 good condition 6000 miles Telephone 726 7976 after pm CORDS swap or trade tor building materials finest iob possible ALUMINUM CARPET CLEANING START YOUR ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING Revitalize your cargatzevithcAancgrgpet STQZIYTI shefirmléflflg SPECIAL LOW Full Ram Dependable In home service steam cleaned all types Free estimates 4741609 CERAMICS WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling and repairs 7266263 Soffit fascia eavestrough door windows awnings porch enclosures stonework Installed with Old Fashioned Pride GIBSON General Contractors 7265609 STD1N6 SOFFIT FACIA Also eavOS Iroughlng Free estimate from Painswick Aluminum 7269769i COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST L0 dusign art work layout etc Place cal collect 416 9367631 CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Ltd patios Sidewalks and Steps Free estimates Work guaranteed Book now Phone 7260081 GEORGIAN BUILDING CUSTOM FENCING RESIgENTIAL FENCING Chain link custgm woo ences mprova your proper 7371507 wwwgfl ALUMINUM TOECORATINO Siding Eavesmugh THINKING or WALLPAPERING For Soffit Windows reosgnasbly priced professional job call Facia Doors 555 WWW cc Shutters Awnings DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AOUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 76 Worsley 7266000 QUALITYVDRESSMAKING Hemsfland altera AdditionsRoofing Porch Enclosures Stonework F°e°°sm°e anisotropics CallPHILSPURLING 7266907 EAVESTROUOIIINO GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Local Famuy BUslfless Eovastroughing installed Call 7283628 ALUMINUM storm Doors Windows Shutters Siding Soffit Fascia Eavestroughing For Free Estimates Call JOMAR ALUMINUM RR Thornton 4361518 ALU lVNUMISIDlNG Saltel Fascia doors WIIdOWS accessories eavestroughing Custom building Fox Contracting 7761710 COLORED Aluminum eovestraughing All work done and guaranteed by owner Free estimates 7269769 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUTGHTNTG SinkIKE Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates Call 4241956 New Lowell ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial installations and ser um SIMCOE ELECTRIC ndustrial Commercial Residential Farms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience AJIERATIONS City Masters Lic 118 LADIES AND gentlemens alterations 26 Mary St Telephone 737 3437 or residence 778 8446 We APPLIANCES EXCAVATING ELECTROLUXIConadalLtdaulhorizedsoles 08 000 Erravating haulage septic systems trenching loader gravel 4361558 436 I257 RUIIOOZINO small and largt robs Eason and Sons RR Minesing 7267638 DRAG lle Work VWanted Frorrn pends Rebuilt lung and my 18 Alliance Blvd 778 3392 W0 AUTO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES ESB WILLARD Batteries antifreeze winter needs at attractive prices general excavating etc Phone engines lar most rots trurks Pratt Motor 726 8693 Supply Co Ltd 778 5911 AUTO REPAIRS WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Aiiln i7 Mary St Backhoe Excov 726 5441 INTERIOR REMODEIIING Kitchens rec renc mg rooms Call Russ 436 3681 alter 30 Reterenros available Itle IIOUSI PURPLE MARTIN Houses lot sole Apply at 92 Melrose Ave Barrie or telephone 778 5733 BOOKKEEPING COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING and Accounting Services lor small huSinesx Your Office or IttIne Phone 778 1887 CABINET MARINO QUALIFIED CABINET MAKER and carpenter Hourly or quote Very versatile in other types at work Coll Ivart 737 7614 CARPENTRY Horizontol Augering 77289833 GARDEN SUPPLIES CHOICE TOPSOIL for sale Evening and Satur day delivery Phone 776 3978 FIREPLACES specializing in natural stone antique brick AND General Contractor Kitchen rac Custom built and designed rooms renovations additions Itreplaces guaranteed 737 1507 All workmanship guaranteed CARPENTER Specializing in rec rooms In terior remodelling trim etc Please call 778 8884 after in CEDAR DECKS rec rooms extensions etc COLONIAL FIREPLACFS all Iuel factory built 3031Itfiri 778 4040 STONEWORK and Iireplaces specialty Vic Watson for free estimates 7781599 Fully experienced 7769002 776 7609 CABINET MAKER European trained Kit hens vanities Pineturrtiture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 7948 and GENERAL Contractors Will trotne shingle and trim houses Roosonablri prices 776 43277 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes AND ANDYMAN 5mm °°° cottages renovations repairs Sottsfaction Ions dflks pom pammg comm work general repairs 737 0789 FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10am and 530 pm guaranteed and Construction 776 7461 CARPENTER will do ror rooms renovations remodelling etc No iobto small 776 1771 CARPENTRY painting paper hanging to merit block plostnrlng Kidd Coritrac ling Co 7763407 TUDOR STYLE INTERIORS Construction Finishing Of Interiors walls ceilingsrec rooms For information please call 7372472 GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance carpiBIT renovations ALL THE HELP YOU WED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the NANDYMAN SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing sod dlng seeding general maintenance flowarbeds etc 7268552 HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Pain ting Plumbing Root and Chimney repairs 4364105 CARPENTERPAINTER You name it do It Call 7263407 MUSICENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who llflto dance Good rotol 7289545 MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Marcel Potvln Guitar Studio 7261489 BANDSTAND MUSIC Studios Bayfield Mall Guitar classes Yamaha method all age groups 7264973 FALL CLEANUP General Maintenance Fertilizing and Trimming Painting Trash hauled trees cut Small moving iobs Storm windows cleaned installed DAYS 7268424 EVENINGS 4362387 HAULAGE TRUCK WITH CAP and car trailer haul anything large or small anytime anywhere Reasonable rates 7788419 IIOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING PKilchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 after 630 pm References avgilable NEED MORE living cc rat room extra bedroom play room redundry office storage space Also painting wollpapering Murray Ball 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing Chim neys waterproofing brick and stone caulk ing windows and expansion iaintsWark guaranteed 4589346 CARPENTRY DRYWALL Painting lnsulta tion Rooting Custom Building Cottages Winterized Strickland Const Co 4562890 ofter6pm CUSTOM BUILDING and additions Cottage lifting and foundations Aluminum siding doors windows and accessories Fox con tracting 7261710 INCOME TAX ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced months trial instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music 121 Bayliold 7281799 PAINTING PAINTING paper hangin experienced free estimates Jack Richor son 7262012 7568874 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Established 30 years 7262609 7269m2 WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed 7267389 DON SIEsuNo Professionol painting in terior exterior paper hanging custom work guaranteed 7266808 SPECIALIZT IN all types of poperhanglng painting and graining Ben Pournbacher Painting 7280724 INTERIOR PAINTING For free estimate on any room in your home George MacPharson 7284886 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ox terior wallpapering custom textured walls and cgilings Talephgne 705 8355387 local PAVING MANIERI PAVING LTD Patios Sidewalks and Steps Free estimates Work guaranteed mflow Phone 7260081 BILOTTA CONTRACTING Patios sidewalks steps chimneys curbs New work and repairs Free estimates 4584233 after pm PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283270 ARTIFRAM Custom picture framing Wide selections Factory price fast service Satisfactiringuoranteed 7788633 RIDING INSTRUCTION RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 7260192 INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bor rie area 55 up Dobson 4745910 after Sand weekends WV INCOME reTUrnS prepared am to rmc red2s Edishim2299407 INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation fibreglass blowing and putting Free estimates Scott Mgr 7281267 KARATE KWANS SCHOOL OF KARATE Friday eve nings pm Central Collegiate Gym For inlormation please call 7263654 LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING designs sup plied Tree removol Custom spraying Fer tilizer Insecticide Herbicide 4873401 7289369 BOTTING PROPERTY SERVICES lawn and garden maint landscape services reasonable rates 7264536 10000 WHITE Spruce trees high ready for fall planting Free delivery anywhere 7299404 LAWN CARE SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing iod C0 45756500r7267801 ding seeding general flowerbeds etc 7268552 WEED sPRAviNO ISII glean iipsftariitliinig mowmg hedge and shrub trimming rough mowing Vic Triemstro 72670427 MICROWAVE OVENS DELL MICROWAVE Services Amona Sales Service to all ovens 7264177 anytime SEPTIC TANKS maintenance Authorize Microwav ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 3221897 after pm SEWING CLASSES SEWING CLASSES Beginnin October Beginners to advanced Alandale area Qualified instructors 7260187 or 7261239 BOUCLAIR STRETCH clOsses start Oct 18th Junior classes Saturday Mrs Callander 7264684 SECIETARIAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIAL Services and typing Picked up and delivered Call Mrs Todman 7268853 SEWING MACHINES SEW TECH CO Specialists repairs all makes industrial domestic sewing machines New used Agents Brother SewingMachines 7371621 7371185 SEWING MACHINE repair Special halfprice 88 Clean oil adjust tension Any make free 7372535 SNOWPIOWHIO SIMPSON residential and commercial TAILORS THE TAILOR SHOP Fred Grant St Chamber of Commerce Building Custom tailoring and 2591995 TELEVISION LEASING Barries only House of Leasin Lease your new color from $375 per wee at Barrio TV 29 CollierASl 7284797 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED WHY DID YOU KNOW That your septic tank should be pumped out every Or years Everything in septic tank does not dissolve back into the water Alter about years your tank is becoming full of sludge which may be carried into your tile bed when this happens not only does your septic tank need pumping but you may have costly tile bed trouble BE WISE AVOID TROUBLE CALL WINTER SanItatIOn Limited And have your SeplIc Tank Pumped This Fall Only $35 Phone 72611782 BARRIE Also Portable Toilets Rented by the Day Week or month extra small 33 and other miscellaneous Items Phone 776 3654 alter please INDOOR SHOWROOM lull sired pools on display Come in today or call 776 4606 lor tree 37 page booklet of ingrouno and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymart Plaza USED COLORED TVS Any reasonable olter will be accepted Wl need the room tar new stock can Iinuously coming in Comiioarly lor best selection at color and black and whiip mmr TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 79 Cal FIREPLACE HARDWOOD Seasoned Iier St 778 4297 lull cord 16x4x8 $35 or custom cut Free PIANOS a1 Nealis 30 Queen 9an 75 DRY HARDWOOD 14 and 16 split At Elmyale See our ad under Pianos in tho Yellow pages New piarioslrorn 5995 work yard or delivered For lurther de tails telephone 436 1377 lireplace wood also 67 would SIMMONS Beautvrest king site mat Plymoum 60 000 orig mic tress extra lirm used months 5175 also double dresser and bookcase bed in good condition 595 Telephone 776 6783 Tuesday at pm at 49 Morrow Rd Unit 14 This new furniture all top name brands and guaranteed by manufacturers will be sold by auction and Auctioneers and Jobbers Chargex and inslore financing 7266314 7370879 TF Any quantin considered Phone 778 I913 alter 30 pm One owner tuIIy equipped new tires in A1 condition $3800 Call Lorne Hay 778 4700 GRAN TORINO1977 Bought new in 73 noon mills Will rrriity Asking $1700 LAT niudssnrnrIiody work 776 I489 MUSTANG 1971 ertllrnt conrlilton SNOWMOBILES Vinyl top lartory tape deck power In stock now at preseason stirring automatic zirbarted 57000 iniIir rrtiliril riII iIiir pm Prces 7959 SPORT HAVEN MARINE FORD CUSTOM 500 1975 door ve PS mile east fBARRIE PB ticst bid 1975 Ford F100 pickup VII auto PS pe best mu 1976 Ford F750 ShMY 3°Y Rd pirkup V8 auto PS PB camper Spltlal best bid Telephone 776 6411 II 30 toSrlaity Ask tor Neil or Dale CHEV IMPALA 1970 Automatic 350 molar Exrellont condition Good tires 1971 YAMAHA GP 396 in very good can Sold as is Price 5695 Telephone dition Asking 5450 includes cover 7711 9508 Telephone 776 9097 CHEV IMPALA 1977 lor sale power stiiring powtr Makes an nridilioning sunrool new tires Asking 57100 Telephone 776 4090 alter ONE OWNER Renault 12 automatic 43300 miles Four new Michelin radials at 37600 All maintenance records available Over 30 mpg on premwm gas Asking $1650 Phone 778 7336 alter pm RIGHT HAND DRIVE VW hurt for sale 1970 blut risking $1400 or near nllir Phoneno 7591 AUTOMOTIVE 1970 340 Gran Prix Moto ski at 537 Also 1971 340 Zephur Mala ski at $450 1977 797 Capri Mata ski $475 1973 340 Conn Moto ski $575 1974 440 Futura electric moto ski $750 OBriens Sports and Marine0ro Station 487 7711 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 AUTOMOTIVE MR CAR DEALER DONT BE LEFT OUT FOR YOUR AD 1N WORLD OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 0112 Barrie Examiner ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE AlTENTIDNl COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 30° EACH THICK AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 TF Kempenfelt Chapter ODE Thursday Oct 21 to Saturday Oct 23 pm Old Burroughs Furniture Store corner Dunlap and Toronto Streets Good used Clothing especially childrens Household effects Books etc Gift table home baking delicatessen Public invited to submit articles to be sold on profit sharing basis Articles accepted Wed nesday Oct 20 12 noon pm For information call 7283719 7282730 0813151819 HOOVER KENMORE Electrolux GE Eureka used vacuum cleaners $70 and up Telephone 776 0853 Conserve neat this winter Heat Miser lits into chimney electric Ian saves money 778 0755 FIREPLACE WOOD Maple dry and split cut 16 $30 lace cord 4x8x16 delivered 487 5944 FIREWOOD tor sale $75 lace cord Telephone776 4119and 77a 9367 fig CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS Annex warehouse 33 Baylield St Good used dinette sets chesterlleld sets driven ports bullet odd living room chairs beds springs relrlgerators stoves washers New open stock chests dressers beds pie or waln ANTIQUE CAN DIANA hen dining room suite pieces bullet china cabinet table and chairs In excellent condition $1300 Must be seen 7264756 USEDSEWINGMACHINESSingerand other makes Reconditioned and guaranteed lrom $7995 Zialag machines lrom 59 Singer Company Georgian Mall Barrie 7287960 STEREO EQUIPMENT Robertsa track tape playerrecorder with akors $200 or best reasonable oller xcollent condition Tape recorder used once 7768160 DRYER oRAND new Mollatt Snow tires Michelln radlals Alter call 7370133 parlance referefizirnsh73Iablglu7gUO8 Er ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES TOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE Er SE$T1¥¥°IEEEulfifiifi iii NEW FURNITURE TH FT SHOP fiffi°f€6£ail SANDER Jill 549 7750 Penetang ELECTROLUX VACUUM Tleaner ATloo complete with power nozzle and Case AskingsmoTelephone73 1706 ANTIQUES Knectel kitchen cabinet solid oak with glass llour dispenser refinished several chairs pine rec tangular table 7767366 GUNS Three double barrel shotguns1 17 guage LC Smith Ideal Grade Ivan Johnson 20 90699 New York 16 guage All in excellent condition Also Win chester Model 94 30 30 and 72 calibre Walther with scope Phone 776 7366 CHESTERFIELD AND matching Chair 550 bed Chesterfield S70 table lamp S70 swivel rockers $70 each Ot toman $10 blonde mahogany hilI cabinet with radio $75 Telephone 728 8190 PIANO FOR SALE Excellent condition recently tuned Telephone 778 5647 or 7370020 KITCHEN TABLE and swivel chairs like new Also Pioneer receiver sxaaa Excellentcondition Telephone 7371888 HARVEST GOLD lridge and stove Simplicity washer spin dryer also white lrldge and stove All in good condition For inlormation call 7784156 or 7765326 PIANO WEBER upright excellent con dition Electrohome console stereo AM FM radio with satellite speakers Rx cellent condition 7260560 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no lIablllty In respect of loss or damage allodged to arise through either failure or delay In forwarding such replies however otherwise NOTICE deadline for Classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday

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