Former warden calls for taxspending cuts COULSON Staff Every level of government has to do its part if substantial tax in creases are to be avoided Dalton Jermey former war den said here in deploring rising tax spending trends of recent years Proposed new assessments on todays inflated valuations will result in even higher taxes unless needed curbs are followed To hold down tax spending to 10 per cent in creases is political argument which simply isnt good enough he said criticizing what he termed irresponsible economic policies The 1964 county warden who is chaiman of Medontes plan ning board commended the county council and his own township for not raising their share of taxes this year But the county school board is spen ding too much without giving taxpayers value for their money he said commenting on the substantial rises in school taxes since the county administration replaced local and area boards through provincial legislation seven years ago FILING lP DEBT It just isnt sensible to keep piling up public debt he said criticizing deficit financing at provincial and federal levels At todays heavy interest rates it is getting more and more costly for taxpayers It just cant go on indefinitely without serious repercussions All you have to do is look at past records Mr Jermey said he wasnt impressed with the 15 proposed tax reform measures although he conceded that the plight of farmers should be of prime con cern But so should those paying house taxes he said stating that if the new assessment is to be based on even half todays valuation it will mean more tax boosts As said before we need more plain common sense in tax spending he said deploring what he termed wast ful spending It is getting beyond reasonable levels and its high time for seriOUs thought about where we are heading Instead of tax reforms calculated to raise more taxes there should be cutting back on realistic basis What we need is genuine restraint not just mere talk about it to cover spending increases he said After all governments are spending taxpayers money and the taxpayers should be their prime concern ENTRII7TION Overgovernment high taxation and exoanding bureaucracy were criticized by the former warden who said these were largely to blame for much of todays economic ills There has been too much centralization of powers for scr viccs which could best be han died at ilic local level he said stating the present trend should be reversed lpdaiing the county system should be along the lines of im piowng lltts and holding down taxes for ratepayers In an era of inflation this is dif ficult but it should be the goal High taxation has played greater part in todays inflation than many seem to realize he said Referring further to the coun ty administration Mr Icrmey said it had followed the right policy in its consistent op position to regional government inch he said could only mean tax lnltiigtt It should be realized there are limits to what ratepayers can pay he said stating he felt this was bettcr understood at the county and municipal levels oi govcrnmcni closest to the people wcilrknown Medonte cattle farmer most of his life Mr Jer mcy formerly served over 20 years on Medonte council and has been head of the planning board for some six years He also is member of the Barrie surburban roads commission In his youth he was prominent athlete at the Orillia Collegiate Institute and lacrosse player of ability with Orillia teams DISTRICT NE WS 2The Barrie Examiner Friday October 15 1976 Edenvale WI to hold bazaar at local hall By MRS AUDREY GIFFEU EDENVALE bazaar will be held at Edenvale community hall on Saturday with home baking and crafts offered for sale by the Edenvale Womens Institute Sewing and knitting goods will be offered along with crafts of many kinds The bazaar has been arranged for pm Now that the ball games are over local boys will be pro bably testing their skill at the local plowing match to be held at Bill Pattersons farm Sun nidale Corners on Saturday The peewee team lost to Claremont at Grenfel oti Thanksgiving day and the ban tams lost at Napanee to drop the series two out of three Mrs Douglas Giffen spent Thanksgiving weekend with relatives near Sarnia Mrs Aubrey Giffen and Mrs Giffen attended the premier showing of the picture Hiding Place at Bayfield Mall Glad to report Charlie Degeer is home after spending few days in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie The international plowing match at Walkerton is now past history and some Edenvale folks took part Allan McNabb as director Russel Maw as competitor and Connie liffen as contestant iii the queen of the furrow contest The weather was ideal and that had number of surrounding folks going to spend day at this great farm show Our sympathy goes to Mrs Eric Hall in the sudden passing of her brother Syd Dougall in Toronto Syd carried on the serr vice station business here for while so he was well known It seems everyone is having Tupperware parties recently Mrs Warren liffcn Mrs Gorden liffen and Mrs John Plocg have all been recent hostesses Mr and Mrs Aubrey Iiffen Anne and Connie Mr and Mrs Robert liffcn and sons spent Sunday at Ravenshoe for their annual golf game at Baldwin limaxing the day for about 10 players all shared in lhanksgiving slipper Brian tiificii showed his holstcn calf at III achievement day at Ehiivaic Fair on Friday On Sun Oct 17 at Tzitti pm there will be an anniversary service at Mincsing Initcd hurch Rev James of Stroud is to be the guest speaker Tom Parks of Aiiteii Mills will be the soloist 0ro horses winners in Goldwater events By SHIRLLY llINNEIT OLDWAIER Mervyn Sanderson of Shanty Bay won first for single raodster horse in harness 152 hands and over at the horse show of the recent oldwater fall fair William and Janet Malcom son of Crown Hill won the class for under 152 hands with Mer vyn Sanderson second The committee in charge included Howard Robinson Medonte clerk Roy Edwards and Don Bell Results of the light horses were Best roadster on line Mervyn Sanderson Janet Malcolmson Lytle Johnstone Wm Sandch son Gentlemens turnout Sanderson Wm and Janet Malcomson John Partridge Lytle Johnstone Special by Iloward Robinson John Partridge Wm and Janet Malcomson Pair of roadstcrs in harness Wm and Janet Malcomson John Partridge Single roadster in harness Mervyn Sanderson Wm Malv comson John Partridge Single roadster in harness A152 and underi Wm and Janet Malcomson Mervyn Sanderson John Partridge Ly tleJonsione Stake class single roadster Mel Wyley Memorial Trophy presented to winner Win and Janet Malcomson Win and classes for tuition iii susesuss Janet Maicoiiison Lytlc Johnstone and John Partridge Mervyn Sanderson Gentlemans road race John Partridge Lytle Johnstone Win and Janet Maicoiiison lllI llOltSlIS For heavy horses the results were lydesdaics ltriiod more with foal by side Brant Rit chic Foal of 1971 irant Rit chic Onc year old colt or fill tiltn Priest Grant ltitcliic Two year old mare or gel ding iitll lrisi iraiit Ritchie Grant Iiitchic Horse shown on linc three years old or over ilcn Priest Grant Ritchie lrniii ltitchic Team to wagon tilcn Iiicst iirant Ritchie Iciclicrori with foal by Mosley and Sons Foal of 10 obcrt Moslcy Hlt war old colt or filly Robert Mosley Horst shown on line obirt Moshy and Sons iclgians lrood more with ioal by Sltit cri Holnics Foal oi ltiTo icit IIriiliii Horsc shown on linc thrcc ycar old or over crt llolincs litrt Holmes Howard Walker HowardWalkcr Team to wagon Itcri IIOitiitS Hcri Hohncs Howard Walker itrood mari sidc obcrt Spccial unicorn hitch licrt Holmes tilti Iricst Special for four horse hitch cri IItiinics Water testing being done in the school yard is an cduczr iioiial experience for the trade two pupils of Mrs Joan Wright at the lniiisfil lllSlt iN Town council is checking to see ii its bylaw against pinball machines is legal llaicostis of 60 Victoria Street East had asked for licence to install the machines ounril iich the request but the bylaw against pinball machines will be referred to the town solicitor for his comments in view of recent amendments to the iiminal odc of main IIOIIO lllSlH To help with the cost oi renovations at Alliston community ttllilt thc Itiiilll oi Adjala has made tioiiaiionoISIJIIo lowncouncil has asked all surrounding tow ililipS to hpr fmancc arena operations but the response has bccnncgativc lIIIIIS AlllS1Ii lown council has arrangctl an all candidates nicctnig tor lhui sday Nov lit at 111 in the Alliston arena The municipal election will be hcldlicc Ii IRIIIIIS Slltiilli lildcrlyresidents oi Innisiii will have to pay their full property tax biiorc apply mg for school ii credit In niii council hay dccidcd lrczisurci iciry linncr SilltI Iiic iiiziiiitiiiciit will result 111 iiioic tilIItl if idiiiiiiisiiiition oi tlitiii IIIOIII1 lllt llIOltVlON Staifi thrisiinas baani with crafts display baki iaiilc plants wbiIc cicphaiit tablc IIiII Ica il bc licld by the lhornton IIIiliii lloriiculinril Society at the local Hrangc hall on Saturday Nov 13 between and in it was innounccd by 2nd Week pm are Central Public School Jerry Kaplinski and Larry Miller at left are two workmen on the site explaining the func tion of the drill to the COUNTY GLIMPSES Check Alliston pinball bylaw Mrs Judith Elliott chairman of the societys fundraising committee ilIISISOIJIISI MINESING Staffi lom Parks of Anten Mills will be soloist at an anniversary ser vice at Minesing United hurch on Sunday evening Oct 17 RANKCIIANGII RILIIA Stafii manager of the downtown branch of the Canadian Ini perial Rank of Commerce Glenn Patterson succeeds Kirk Thornton who has been ap pointed surwrinicndant of the credit department of the banks regional office at Ottawa Mr Patterson moved to Orillia from New Liskeard Norm ampbcll IS manager of the New Laclic Strch branch of the bank OROOIII URI SIAIION iSttiIfi to township council which is headed by Rccvc Wallace Key will meet at the municipal building on Monday Oct Iii startnigat 10 in TO III DIRECTORS ELMVALE Staffi Iowii ship directors will be elected at the annual meeting of the Sim coc ounty Federation of Agriurltural at the lllmvalc coiiiiiiuniiy hall on lhursday cvcnmg Oci 2K The meeting will follow banquet arranged IottiIIti SIORIS IIOI IIMIINI OLIHVAIIIR ISt sale of used stioris lllililli asap TING AT INNISFIL rt l4 Draw new CHOOL students At the photo was taken the drill was about 450 feet deep Ex aminerlhoioi the time will be held by oldwater and District Lions club at the River side Centre on Main and Mill streets here this coming Satur day from 10 to pm and Sun day froin to pm ANNIAI BAZAAR MIDLAND Staff Annual fall tea and bazaar of the Womens Association of Knox church will be held on Friday Oct 29 from to pm at the church ROAIISIIISIIHICS OltO STATION Staffi Oro township has received 3157800 in road subsidies from the Oti tario Ministry of Iransporta tion and ommunications this year covering $50800 for cori struction and $101000 toward maintenancecosts MINOR BASEBALL MIDLAND Staff Arnold Hurghcr has been elected presir dent of the Midland Minor Baseball Association which soon will be making pla tor boys baseball in Midland next year lack chncit was chosen secretary and Dick Plait rc elcctcd treasurer ROADOSIRITIION OLDWAIERiStafii Pro posal for subdividcrs agree iiiciii bctwccii property owners in Galbraith and Mctar tliy Il agc ofr construc tion of sewer road with drainage on llairict strcct bct ween John and Wylcy has been approved by oldwatcr council in principle New Lowell boy scouts ready for apple day By BEULAII TIIOMPKINS NEW LOWELL Apples will be offered for sale by New Lowell Boy Scouts on their an nual Apple Day drive on Satur day Oct 16 The Scouts are hoping for generous support They would like to thank all who con tributed to successful paper and bottle drive recently The Scouts enjoyed their first campout last Friday night Mr and Mrs Bud Mercier wish to extend an invitation to all neighbors and friends to at tend their 25th wedding an niversary on Saturday October 23 at the New Lowell Legion Hall at8pm Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Larry Hiltz who cel ebrated their 29th wedding An niversary on Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Gerry Laurendeau in Crecmore Mr and Mrs Ross lliltz also at tended Also to Mr and Mrs Lorne Armstrong who celebrate their 25th anniver sary on Wednesday Oct 12 PERSONALS Mr and Mrs Jim Prosscr and family of Barrie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harry Prosser Mr and Mrs Charlie McNabb spent Monday with Shriners plan walk to Ivy Second annual walkathon of the Sheba Shrine Club of Barrie will be held from Peacocks Comet service station at Dunlop street west and High way 90 to Ivy on Saturday Oct 16 starting at 10 am Athol Layton wellknown Toronto wrestler will be among the walkers on the 10 mile hike At the starting gate the leadoff trio will be John Millward 96 past president Les Bertram and his dog Chimo Another past president Bill foxworth marked his birthday last year by walking to lvy in the first walkathon of the club The event was arranged to assist the building fund and for horticultural improvement Members of the 1976 Divan will be walking with past poten tates of the Rameses Temple List winners at Oro euchre Ry BESSIE CRAWFORD ORO STATION Mrs Featherstone and Thomas Flet cher won first at the euchre held at the community hall on Monday night Second prizes were won by Mrs Doris Reynolds and Ernie Gentle and third to Mrs Edith Nelson and Alfred Greenlialgh There were six tables par ticipaiing Mr and Mrs icorge Muir of Toronto cnt the weekend with Mr ant Mrs Andy Han tholomew They attended Elnivalc fair on Saturday with Lloyd Schram We extend welcome to Mr and Mrs Ron Sproule and famir ly who have moved into their new home in this community Sincere sympathy is ex tended to Mr and Mrs Bill Ioil fan on the sudden passing of Mrs loffans brother Paul Smith on Saiiirday Funeral service was held Tuesday from Stccklcys Funeral Home Bar 10 Winning Numbers Mrs Hazel Clark in Coll ingwood Hospital Eddie McNabb left on Mon day to embark on new posi tion at Thunder Bay Mr and Mrs John McNabb and children Mr and Mrs Chuck McNabb and children all of Angus Carl Russell of Bar rie and Chris Kopacek spcnt Thanksgiving on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Charlie McNabb and boys Mrs May Blenkin and Mr George Mathews spent the weekend at Kearney Mrs Dora llyiie spent Mona day with Mr and Mrs Charlie Cambournc and girls Mr and Mrs Fodick of akville spent Sunday with Mrs Marj Clark Mr and Mrs Ken Gibson and Mrs Agnes Mills of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Lizzie Dcarden Mrs Violet Fckete and Mrs Raffay Sr attended funeral at Tillsonburg on Friday Mr and Mrs Denver Grant and boys of Strathroy spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Nelson Grant Mr and Mrs Len llarrod and children and Mr and Mrs lvaii Duff spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ralph Bellamy and family in Stayner Mr Rod Duff and daughter of Minesing Mr and Mrs Brian Duff of Angus as well as local members of the family spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Ivan Duff Mr and Mrs Ken Duff at tended the ColoWaltoii wed ding in Barrie on Saturday Mr and Mrs Harold llarrod and boys spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jim Hunt in Siroud Mrs MacDonald and girls of London spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Norris Hope Mr and Mrs Gerald Jenkins and daughter of Keswick called on Mr and Mrs Larry lliltz on Sunday Mr and Mrs Harry Mans bridge spent the weekend at Mctrackens Landing Mrs Lillian ollins of Barrie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ied Longley and family Mr and Mrs Gord Miller and baby spent Saturday with Mrs Miller and Mrs Barkhouse in Barrie Mrs Bess Mumberson is home after months visit With Mr and Mrs Jim Stuebing at Amherstburg Mr and Mrs Bud Noble and family of Don Mills spent the weekend with Mrs Bess Mumberson Mr and Mrs Don Carter and Steven of Barrie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Johnliamcrs and family Junior Snow of Toronto and Debbie Kincaid of Brampton spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Blcn Snow and girls Mr and Mrs Gerry Lamers spent the Weekend with Mr and Mrs Albert Lamers in Kit chener and Mr and Mrs Tony Van ltoxmeer in Guelph Mr and Mrs John Benyai of Connecticut USA spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs An dy Vasvari anti family Teresa inbbels of Barrie spent the weekend with Brenda Verstraten Mr and Mrs Peter Carter of Toronto Mr and Mrs Marinas Logtenburg and boys of Sud bury and Mr and Mrs Jerry Robinson and children of Port Elgin spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Len Robinson and boys Mr and Mrs Joe Walker and children of Beamsville spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs George Scott and family Mr and Mrs Harold Bell of Alberta spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Bob Stainton and family Mr and Mrs Remi Van Severn of Langton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Joe VanSevern and boys Mr Antoon Van Oost has returned to his home in Belgium after visiting with Mr and Mrs Joe VanSevern and family Nanci White of Toronto spent the weekend at her home here Mr and Mrs Ed White spent Monday at Fenelon Falls Sorry to report that Tom McNabb is patient in the Bar rie Hospital We wish him speedy recovery year Guaranteed Investment Certiï¬cates years0 years10962 years91 year9W5 Federal Trust its Member Canada Deposit Insurance COrporation Head Office 415 Yonge Street Toronto Ontarlo M58 266 Tel 8641720 Barrie Office 87 Boyfieid Street Telephone 7372300 lO2 interest paid annually on year GICs Rates subject to change ITS ALL FOR FUN AND FUN FOR All FIRST PRIZE NUMBER THE SPECTACULAR IIIIAMA The love story $100000 iornimni wuowou THE MOSTDECISIVE that will 25383 NAVAL BATTLE uunmsmnv 558 sacouo PRIZE NUMBER 11 2674 $00000 2T0I7L401 71 imi to7 576 Hmi 151 i7 5832 Hi 36 cm ORA ESENTS THIRD PRIZE NUMBER 53 817353 wxi 51ooooo iii 7157 576 Hut ii 5832 cont iii FOURTH PRIZE NUMBER 57 biblbt Hort $100000 SAIISUN0NIY 57 66 7i Iiitiii iiii4 Sittimmmem 76 66 CHILDRENS MATINEES All 5832 coli tii FIFTH PRIZE women We 3593 IitIt it $100000 AWNiiiiMiRiSbHPRODUbIION 55 315 71 iiiint ii too vrvAil sizes 576 Mort ii iii HENRYFONDA ifl isms 5932 WI 32400 $25 JAiiifiCiJItlJRNGiiNNfORiJ FL AmiW at Iiii HULBHOOK iUSHIHOMIFUNtHUBtR1MiltJHUM Next Draw Oct 28 from Sudbury SCI EH libIniiidytii IIIIIIIIltiI it iiiiiii iwuuit Hiiltiilli liiipwicil Liiii tI tlllllllttlt unrrugmm WI ii iii Il IIMIIA Iii IIIHI Ilt iii ONIAmo 1011 CORanAHON NY mm Aiillii Itiittoiiit iliti iltlAiJiI Id iti DUNILI VV DONALD SANFORD JOHN WILLIAMS JACK SMIGHI WALTER MIRISC cm ammo oaths it sagas