ï¬Wwwï¬w 2AThe Barrie Examiner Friday October IS I976 Saturday lCiclaflqaare ouiiciii Bobby PM 43 Bunny Road tShlnm lab llHlarlou Ilae of Runner llHobby Time new msm PKGlimb It SFann News nflflm 14m Squad IAaoos the lease al Nat Miller 7Krotlt ï¬brin PK bound sPunuta Popoun SIBtar ndeo Sgtre nRoven 14mm ule 14mm llSpoehl Place llDale Henley moo sho zuna of but Nimble mi SFrlond of Man Cat sruiiny Alttr tArli ll 751 Ianor and tHot nNumbu To Call Hands iiaucs Tday 7way on nleely wanii om Family nu ma ï¬lth AD Job Laue MW Farm l1 nCaoadhn Canhade ocne cm mu 9Lets IW ll anon IPhk Plath sFllnotoa nWlld hgdnrn at HatArm cares iiwnmu it PW 04 DC The 5Kukh and on Machine 3°° 1Jlnbr Aha kg hr at dmit umwm ltHilariot Hot of mu Wm llPtofeesu Idas up SW Wm aumtii lunat flWIflhe 14m warn of sorts ï¬IJag ocn rm WW ll llCudhn Cw 1m5mwfl Sm IV 11 oBt The Chop MiaWorld Sales nHomo Swen Home 34 sm uw sDict Van Dyke nTV stop Wm tBl PW nwui rm Your Father mm PM rd tCaudfl Cams 7Mb 7Pregame Stan FM pm $25 News Bob cobrt ssmty and Hutch nNmbc ro Call eAnuhg Knuth Iza usotvci Hun Lina tllDoc nIlwa Show 7lr and The cm 000 2Sm Probe flay 17hr Moore aspen iismuliy am mm ta uur ln1V ship zmu Grut uNow nonnative Chase 03 Cm uovii be 13 ï¬gmm YellowItibbmalle up can tltl Academe run mm rd 2Movle The Glen 1K pany am eczï¬nm 2Don Klrshners Rock llMoet Wanted 110 llF of man 10 JMovle Rtvarun uFamlly kHzStay Timed SMovle This Time For Ims Keeps aScienoe lntenntional tPollticll ProgramR FMOVB 00 Who tTream Hunt ttzu Sleeptngln MyBed 5Andy gamingNM liMovle Move 7Dolly as 11Geitge Hamilton lV 11Bang Bang Youre llch Alive 7Challeme eMovierNiki Wild 15 Dog of The Mirth MilProv Afth 1ABC News MilNHL Hockey llzu Hellenons JLate Edition 9Iromiie 1llolrna and Yoyo sWeï¬md Edition 115 9Movie The Day of 9Night But News JMovle Run For The izNigm Final Cover He makes models EXAMINER HOME OF THE WEEK Plan No 764819 National Release charm in this design for coupled with convenience and actibility it is an all round There is inore than just amilyhome twig aru moq it him use huh PLAN 154809 WIDTH Lblt FIRST AID TO HOMES By noose WHITMAN PORCH ROOF LEAKS The flat galvanized roof overourporch often repainted now has started to leak Id like to cover it after cementing the leaks with something we can walk on What about asphalt soaked rooï¬ng felt or tar pa per Better something more durable The tougher the covering the longer it will last andthelessitwillcostyoua year lsuggest your the various types of bui tvup roofing now bein sold at building suppliesd rs WHICH PRIMER am replacing old wooden gutters and downspouts with new ones of galvanized Will this need any special type of primer beforel paint am told galvanized is tough to keep painted You heard right Use zinc chromatetype primer PLAGUED BY DUST We have lived in this ran ch for 12 years Our big problem has been constant dust somuch we have to do the furniture twice week We have oneinch filters in the oil fired furnace Should we change to twoinch filters The dust is dry not oily so it cant be case of dirty oil What about having furnace com pany come in and vacuum clean all the ducts Byallmeanscallinthe furnacecleanets BASEMENT POWDERY My problem is the base merit fkiorconcretehasbeoome very powdery would appre ciate an information about remedy orthis Genmly sloeh solu tion over the floor made in the ons of one part silicate of soda waterglass and four parts of water After two hours mop up any puddles and let dry for week Then This will effectively sea in that dust Waterglass is hard to find in some communities Most usually you can find it at whole salers of poultry supplies Of course you can also use clear liquid masonry sealer but it costs more CANT CLEAN AWNING My reinforced plastic striped awning yellow and white has become so soiled you can hardly tell its striped The white part has turned yellow have scrubbed with many clea ners without getting the white stripes white again But know it has to be clean So what about painting Is this possible Of course you can paint it suggest top quality exterior type enamel But any ood house paint is OK You di not say whether the reinforced plastic is the translucent type If so it wont be after painting of pioneer planes VANCOUVEIHCP Sniders basement suite looks like the den of the mad welder It is cluttered with bits of welding rod copper bronze and other bits and pieces Hisworkbench is an old fence gate on shopping cart with ire bricks on top to rotect the surfaceme the we ing torch This is where Mr Snider nut about old airplanes trains buggies anything related to in rtation turns out his mode of pioneer aircraft Wielding his welding torch the former trucker has repro duced designs by Leonardo da Vinci Roe the Wright brothers Santos Dumont and others all of them predating the First World War 1913 British Short biplane is his most modern effort MATERIALS SCROUNGED The airplanes are welded composite of various metals much of it scrounged from junk yards They are framed with three sizes of welding rods propellers are copper fuel tanks of oneinch copper tubing and the seats usually are made of brass sometimes copper Mr Snider said he took to metal sculpture while playing around in his brothers craft shop when he became bored with making metal flowers It didnt take any skill to trace something and cut it out and weld it together Thats why got interested in doing the planes from around the turn of the century or ear Randy lienTotakethewireandbaid and shape the plane before you that takes skill Mr Snider uses pictures from library books for blueprints and if he cant see some part of the structure be improvises He also likes to embellish the original design although the finished product still resembles the real thing Shows top TV ratings LOS ANGELES AP Hap Days and Laverne and irley and ABC are on top of the US television ratings again the latest AC Nielsen Co audience estimates show NBC placed second and CBS ranked third in the ratings for the week ending Oct 10 the Nielsen firm announced Tuesday The big loser for the week was Bill Cosbys new Sunday variety show on ABC It was seenin about79 million homes Happy Days was seen in about 22 million homes just slightly ahead of Laverne and Shirley which follows it on ABC on Tuesdays Barbara Walters first week with the ABC Evening News showed gain of 22 million homes over the average of the previous four weeks The show remained third in the battle against CBS and NBC news pro grams expesxence YOU and YOUR AGENT When you are searching tor property with the assistance of an agent there are few things you can do to demo maximum benefits At your first meeting give him all the details of what you want where and why your financial capability and an specnal requirements the property must satis His selection of properties will be based on the information you give him If it is incomplete or inaccurate you could both be wasting your time Kaep appomtments and be prompt Allow enough time to carefully inspect the properties you are to see with him When you are inspecting house look at it as you would live in it and not necessarin as the present owner is usmg It Keep your merchant and queer tions for the agent Discuss lulty your reactions to the house and any questions you may have about It Will the agent so he Will understand exactly what you are search ing for and help you locate it more qwckly Keep your own notebook with details on each property you inspected on what date and the ad dress Jol down what you liked most and least Revnew these notes wuh your agent periodically When you have found the property you want to own make definite appointment to prepare an oller Meet With him and carefully revtew all details and when SaIISIled the oller contains everything you want agreed to by the seller you can then Sign it The agent Wlll make an appotnl merit to present your offer to purchase Although the agent is usually contracted by the vendor buyer can be Chaullereri to Inspect avail able properties prowrieri general and speCIiiC information about community assusled in the securing nl financmq and gemrally counselled and ininrmnd Your intimation ran ndlllfl him to do il vnry lItCliVi srrvrrr for you and you can benefit from otirrtivr ioero Published my irilnrnsl or Ull mmrimrmy by your 1014 Noni tstdfn loom if in opornmri wl ltm Canadian final staln n00l1 Asmcralron sheltered entry is provided by large roof overhand exten ding from the two car garage Inside the front foyer is guest closet stairs to the living area guest powder room and stairs to the full unfinished base ment At this point there is also door to the garage and an en try to the family room and kit chen stairway from the living area leads up to the three bedrooms and stora area full twin vanity athroom serves all bedrooms with the master bedroom having pri vatedoor Thecompact shaped kit chen opens to the dining room ononesideandthenookon the other An open railing looks through to the family room which can be reached going down few stairs This room features large fireplace unit and has sliding glass doors to the atio at the rear ans for design No 76 may be obtained at the cost of $55 for the first set and $8 for each additional set plus $3 postage and handlin BC residents please inclu per cent sales tax To view more than 300 quality homes of every type send for the current edition of Select Home Designs Series No 32 available for $2 $175 plus 25 cents postage and handling To order these items please send cheque or money order pa able to Home of the Week dressyomorderstollomeof theWeek incareoflheBarrie Examiner 382 West Broadway Vancouver BC V5Y 1R2 Take moment to try Minolta Groatvdeosonoaooftbeworlds mm Mil1 200 Our lowestpricod model in the new 200 series SitTs Ex clusive CLC througltthelens light motoring for perfect ex posure even in difficult lighting situations Speeds from sec to 11000 sec Wellbalanced fasthandling rugged reliable With 50 mm f2 RokkorX lens XIS New electronic precision from Minolta Cock it notice the smooth wind action Fire it some the crisp fool and the near silence The new Copel Leitl shutter does it all Full automatic or manual operation your choice With 50 mm fl7 Ions Let us demonstrate this exciting nowgonerotlon Minolta for The KAMERA Shop Boyfield Mull Across from the Chemo