Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1976, p. 22

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22The Barrie Examiner Thursday October i976 APARTMENTS TO RENT ll Big Cash to do Big Things SNOWMOTLES Consolidations and Refinancin °c °W P°°° gt Competitive Rates SPORT gigsMARINE COLOUR TELEVSION Urban and Rural Pro per les plenum and InletWWW RENTAUPURCHASE Dally Busmess Directory 7235931 or evenings 7237401 5°Y NO MONEY DOWN Sn BENEFICIAL REALTY 7261001 PAYMENTS Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers 777 TThSN30 D29 ANW listed are experts in their field and will assure YOU me 20ICAIITII by It Ireer cOMPARE our rates First second inest p0551 third mortoalies appralsaIS Gerry Akflcus 503 5A 1976 Mode APARTMENTS To RENT MORTGAGES MORTGAGES T0 $25000 Syvokas 4872700 Pat Quinn Ltd 73714H MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diate action contldentlal David SNOWMOBILES ARCTIC CAT Clearance ARTICLES EOR SALE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIlIIlIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIlIIIlI Krazy Kellys ALL THE HELP YOUNEED gos vylfismgseal Estate Broker call 72646 °r cash basis Offi ce mm cttttoltllcololts ALTERATIONS CONCRETE HANDYMAN PAINTING IM Floor conga LADIES AND entlemens alterations 26 MANIERI PAVING Ltd patios Sidewalks and HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Pain PAINTING paper hangin experienced Mary St Telep one 7373432 or residence Steps Free estimates Work guaranteed ting Plumbing Root and Chimney repairs In tlmaiu Jack Richer mm 7262012 BARRIES FINEST Umture 50 °°° or sa oar ow IGOR CARPENTERPAINTER You name it VELLINGA PAINTING and decoratlng In Tmlelager 1973i Itroger radlor MG wedoitCall7263407 terior exterior Work guaranteed englne$l450 Telephone 7283949 OVERLOOKING KEMPENFELT BAY tsrovwrasibsalassésdsm °°°°°°° custom News and suppIIs rhon tor mfiwbhmmnmtnmm 69° flsc brakesirkagjoi btcs750 7280957 la ccucotoul x115 LCAN ALUMI UM SID NG estimates Free delivery Barrie Fence Co WAYNE FOLEY Protessianal painters Ex °Coloured Appliances i968 MERCURY PARK LANE door V8 automatic power steering power No reasonable offer refused Coll Mr Smith Free roll about base Sotlit fascia eavestrough door windows aw nings 7263068 lambert 7282670 RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom STONE WORK patios Iireplaces landscap terlor and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed 7267389 lng Reasonable rates 20 years experience DON SIESUNQ pmhsslonol Immune in brakes power rear window radio rear wot your pmpflw FT OIIIMOIOIaW 05Pm rI xt rl rt irl st Sou ExerCISe Rooms $995 or best offer Telephone 7263600 or 7261098 Porch OTICIOSIIJITOS stznework 7371507 INTERIOR REMODELUNQ may 1521750170 gsggeratzdgngzgmom war eTenms Court ROKDRBNNER ms 7077777077 em 08 Only Oldlpst ed isnt 7d DECORATING mmnczllémmhuswn atter680 p01 Adiccent to afgcguglénoggchgxmmsodfidma flrsmm ca as lone IHNKINg OF xAltzifitiflgg iogorcofl NEED MORE living ce rec room extra 70207grmmg Ben PoornbOCh Underground Parking hause completely recondltioneg cg FOR SALE 15 mm mam GIBSON 5523362 Wmmi P°Y 3°31 nfirY °l° INTERIOR PAINTING For in estimate on tifledASl890 ask tor Les at 726683 ONLY DAYS LEFT IN THE Lowboy Genera Contractors 322878632 pop mY any room in your home George MacPherson 7269580 KANEFF PROPERTIES LTD 726499 1955 BUICK ROADMASTER rare col lectors item all power surprisingly good condition $1400 certified or best otter Consider trade at equal value Telephone 17013263652 alters pm GIGANTIC END OF THE SEASON SALE OF THE LAZY FARMER TRADING POST weekly or $49300 cash basis 7265609 SIDING SOFFIT FACIA troughlng Free estimate Also eaves Iram Palnswlck DRESSES FIT It made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 76 Worsiey 7266000 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number Ior all our needs 7288906 7284886 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ex terior wallpapering custom textured walls and ceilings Telephone 705 8352614 local Aluminum 7269769 QUALITY DRESSMAKING Hems and SPECIALIZING IN Tuck lntin chim 972 SUPER BEETLE 25 OFF EVERYTHNG IuCISTIlPE alterations VaReoIonabla rats AFast ne waterproofing brick and stones caulk ll nt ondit on Almost new tor I4 TOSNIIA TF ce We have im Orted and serviceCall72885l4evenings lng windows and expansion lolntsWork Asking $1200 Telephone 7373825 days 30 month warranty guoronieed4se9346 evenings728v094iask lor Charlie Canadian thtware top hats DRVWAu mfi i965 Meteor Standard door As Is bowler hats cuckoo clocks Ii ht cheapfor cas Telephone 7267804 DRYWALL Spoclollxod taping and texture gothwog 3505OUTLEQSIOJXfimg UNFURNISHED BACHELOR pAINSWICK Lar bedroom house BEST OFFERTor 1974 Mercury Colony kn mng °ltl95C°T°Y7°°7 ClapErtanStorcal726971072a3450 BY ment available immediately 400 Eassa withlaroelotlsloprn 6714 Park V°° 5mm w°°° 73 we can 0° ce ongs °$3°°c°5 VESTROUGHING CARPENTRV REPAIRS renovations Gremlln Phone 7260217 between od win nine foods éea 49 SI°V9 eat WW and BEAUTIFUL Laketront furnished andslor BobSander w° °° PHONE TONIGHT m°°y °F° °°9 2° pairnktrrfirsupfildggggontthlzjgorap groom house beMeen 55ie7a7nd Ws6615564céagafwfifima spinning wheels sheepskin EUVERYTONIGHT GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING 35p° pAVING LTD pm Orltlawlnterlzed tuilbasement sliding sedan power geean and brakes ex rugsl pin cushions roman Siding Eovesrough Eavestroughlng installed Call 7286628 BEDROOM apartment ln older home doors to patla furnace electrlc washer It CARPENTRV DRYWALL Pamlnfl Wlia in 965 end ground 007 private en 75 Yearleaéaarmy CPerlLEnrgt72Cé2rbtgslton $1150 or best otter chairs purses stacking toys Zenith$onyToshlba RCA esoff wmdow 323527 cnudmézzznmlgozgnrgFrt 80 Building who Driveways Parking Lots 273333533$tfiSEZieafliy7aKa 9503 gelaéfid139eAW rig rxxijlrtsialyniaainoraf Earviii dolls etc for children lce QWOFGE C° Fccia °D°°rs linen7263769 312113 °c° °°°°° Tennis Courts rae In anae elg VOTE 3919Ayanaptemmewteiy 728 74367 Noiember option purchase would Package¥uftpgogtgggé$rgtm6mooo boxes baskets wagon wheels Shutters Awnings lgzfiwosndEAGLEzTRgucitilNgusiazgagnz CUSTOM BUILDINGPM mde Con c°ncree work ONE BEDROOM Apartment 52 man beconsidered Telephone7267959 Tie544vEi°9 hall racks books brass bells Wine and loundotlont Aluminum lldlng EH 1972 MERCURY MOI99° Mx Broug AdleIODSROOng 2956INW l°wl doors windows and accessories Fox can tle Induces rergerator sove hem SHANTY BAY Rd Kempene ham for sale Excellent condition Teie coal and W°°d 5T°V°5i and parking Bus stop location No pets please Telephone 728 4016 THE MAYFAIR Village beautifully wooded site bedroom townhouse electric heat hydro water refrigerator and stove in cluded Adults only No pets Available phone 7726i7ll4 WV Me 1674 VEGA Wagon PslPia auto 19000 miles 52450 2nd car no longer required top quality plaid iackets swords plus literally hundreds of in KRAZY Porch Enclosures Stonework ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial tracting 726i7l0 INCOME TAX FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee For free estimate Residential industrial installations and ser Barries newest building one and two Notember Telephone 4570 TglgphgnVSs27 7mwfi eresmg and anque ems Ca PH SPURUNG vice 7264996 chgy bedroom apartments with nice view and cozv bedroom bungalow with play 970 FORD 50 IM or 5350 Beat lnllation Sand weekends Serving Simcoe County manYlealUréS 737 0077 room upstairs located on Highway 90 59 935 New 10 55 ch suéLéT bedroom amnmgm 5m between Angus and Barrie Available 7February Needs body work Telephone Buy Our ris mas how BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA INCOME TAX returns prepared am to for léyears7 mg and all with Close Baymtd lmmedlately Telephone 8982700 or 456175 La and save25° ALocaI Family Business 95 C°mm°c° Myfiw Ma Telephony 6W resaence78975 5707 71969dF2£LANEktnngpod gpnldngggger OPEN DAILY DURING SALE 10 737T 182 PERMASEAL Resldentla Farms lmulAflo Two bedroom apartmems one BIJNGALOW bedroom Iakeiront on 066 wor ce tie or Th F77 min desi available now me Allandm 866 thighway 93 at Orr Lake All conve gsggaller Telephone alter 12 noon AM TO DUSK SALE ENDS El SIMCOE ECONOMY lnwlmiom bugle The other downtown area available nNCCS 570 mommr CUles Yam THANKSGIVING DAY OCT ll IIIIIIIIIIlIllIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Alumlnum Storm Doors C0 cons blowing and potting Free estimates Scott octoberls Telephone 726 3257 landwater Novels Telephonen l280 1973 GREMLIN tor7sale cyllnder LOOK FOR THE BIG RED BARN And vwndows 20 yrs experience Muinnmzéy ANGUs Manama mmematmy lTWO BEDROOM house on outskirts of galndgd fafflhflLme City Masters UC 18 THflAflwmm PARKING LOTS bedroom artment $205 monthl lus Bame $180 100le Available 99 me Hl hwa mlles north of ForlnstallatlonSaes 0h 726 621 Novemberlirst Tolephono 726 5698 1973 CHEV BELAIR V8 power steer Yh Ori ia SEVERN BRIDGE 689 An Service TWO BEDROOM apartments avail AVAILABLE MMEDATELY $3DSYlezawgniibeigfgfigg condmon 5053 ELL ELA WW KWANS SCHOOL or KARATE Friday we able in 10 plex BUS stop in front Ono lbwroomS cenm OCBIOOI large odflr tl Call nings pm Central Collegiate bedroom available 7mmedmmly 0c pgrlrt7gera$3ranrlsagcely6321 deposd 09 Gym rinlarmotian pleasecall7263654 ALL WORK GUARANTEED and on bedroom available Nov 7¥ 77 5230 monthly DIUS hydro Roterences NO ITOTTENHAM Pine chalet located on so Auto ACCESSORIES 79 lll ll Pl Sl RR Thornton 533Tfififfifnfmzwmacfmiggz unusupmg FREE ESTIMATES DeYS 720 035 yacres Fireplace retrlgorator andstove SUBLET bedroom apartment BuslmSS Couple0 WIS Avallable C5 HIGHRISE Edlebrock aluminum in NEW FURNTURE 4361518 991M11££2gt PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING designs sup overlooking bay avallaple November ll 2309 take manitold Holley 750 CFM dual teed Uslwzzs °d 9le °° plied TrooremovolCustomsproyino Fr lst $270 monthly includes Darkan MOBILE HOME on lot Furnlshed Two can fuel lines and air cleaner to rat 350 Tuesday at pm at 49 Morrow ALUMINUM SIDING SoHet Fascia doors 5° flflmml 633 tilixer insecticide Herbicide 4873401 utilities paid tennis court saunas oxer MANIERI PAVING LTD Patios Sidewalks and bedrooms large kltchen ltylng room through 455 Pontiac englnes S275 com wmdows CHOUE eavnlrolmhlno DRAG NE W9 W°d F° 9°d 7239369 cise rooms imperial Towers 7371725 den piece bath washer and dryer lpieid Contachary steep Douglas Mer Rd un new furmure Custom building Fox Controc 726i7l0 thing general excavating etc Phone FmLW 95°° w°k 9°°°d anrtime Angusarea Cal458 4884ail0r7pm cury Sales7285558 all top name brands and 7362639er SIMPSON MWJ NEWLY DECORATED bedroom BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT Vtew Two CRAGAR MAGS 06015 tires GM uaronteed manufacturers models if mm CONRAQNG °° sidewalks lie chtmne Tb apartmenl wIh Image and stove 5220 Large bungalow in 0rd Appllances Lugs included 5100 Also 14 Id Landscape contracting and mommy mcwdmg parking pay own drapes and broadlmm Suiableor ex lamminum mags 0700 chrome wt eso yauc Ion on LECTROLUXlaSXIfiOOGLéaOU7IIOTIIIdSOIOS work and repairs Free estlmates hydro 7265063 ecutivc family Lease reterences reverse rims $25 00 Wlll Iit Duster Auctioneers and Jobbers 726 WK 959 584mafl6pm SUBLET bedroom apartment newly its 240 95273 4877 57788 weekends lAsk tor Les at 726 683i 63 73708797 AUTO PARTS Backhoe Excav Dale Simpson BSc Agr all FRAMING decorated close to downtown AD BRAND NEW bedroom townhouse forl TF pliances and utllllles are included rentin excluswe location For more in 7777w7777777 77 7777 renc Ing Quality plant materlal ONES 82 Srzfizggonglgglyzlne aAttédlgapb Oct l5 iTorrgatton call 726354 £53 WILLARD nonwht oml7 HOIlZOIITOl Augeflng COITIPIGTQ maintenance framing at all types Vii stock tErslrlny 112 EE AND be room Singel wlnler needs at attractive rices Rebuilt Phone7283270 7BEDROOM basement apartment In iamly humps exclusrve area lrom 33501250 HONDA my good condmon so TVS win mm 71d Pm Mom Unlstone drives and walks Egglt73 melts350723916321597365g pggprgmhacgrarriaegfggzingigoopand 10 Des one MW EMU book and Any reawrrtaole one Will be Ilccfotw WWW Pd 7795° Pa 875680 Evenings 4875386 ABBEYWOOD We need room or new or con fzggerfncef flabpii Noyember FIvE BEDROOM House Centrally Iiigndgsfignzizgo° 35° tlnuously comingin Comeearlytorbest AUTO REPAIRS munACES 83 Office 72678 CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING 58 one 26 786 Itocatea on bus route immediatelyt selection at color and black and white FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment available Good for large lamily Call9 HARLEY 59°5 710000996 TVs Barrie Tv and Appliances 29 Cal wi REPAIR Brillh European and Japan0 BOTTING PROPERTY SERVICES Lawn and RETAILCOMMERCIAL In basement central location available 726 255i M737 2699 7325iTgrecerlgrnnglignsggogh Cglrlflrgawood 97571723142977 can Comnollon Auto Sorv Mary St garden rnolnl landscape services CHARGExMASTERCHARGE gyggfzalfzimiealzfd Teephon tiiouse Fernaate onve suitable tor PIANOSMason and Riscn present this 7266 gesgqalzlvelnjflfifiW 77 75 or ran in We buslnuss or for residpnfial use CB 350 HONDA Very good condl ad and save an In 50 New 30 INTERIOR REMODELUNG Klichans rec specializing1 nauralswne 7370832 BEDSITTING APT suo monthly Ism monthly Available immediately WV COSWCS as 93 09 Queen St Elmvale 180 any Friday roomColl Run Alb368 alloroltOPrn LAWN CARE utilitles included Please apply alter Telephone no 295l0r726 7950 Eggisdxbracgrjlst ebtgooMeglrocs orasggs Samrday Relerencesavallable antique brlck See our ad In the Yellow Pages BTEFBMapes AparmemE MODERN bedroom electric heatedm7225atler5Y30pm REPLACE HARDWOOD 5995mm BIRD HOUSE Custom builtanddesigned SERNG CLESNUP Pumng °w° 5°d ARTIFRAM Custom icture Iramin Wide BEDROOM apartmen Heat hydro house large lot at woodland Beach 17 HONDA 50° mom mm id tace cord 164xas350r custom cut Free flnil 3°d9gt 29°sml ma°°°v sobdions Fauory ppme Ms iewke cable and gaming 5700 momllr N0 miles from Barrie near watrr year muipped wim windiaymerner adcare FEJYELV PURPLE MARTIN HousestorsaleApplyat92 Allworkmansmp guaranteed cIowILiLk5Lgivz4W Satislactionguaranteed7208633 995 FVSl 519 35 mom round roads school bus Reasonable Shemumearea 519925 6787 DRY HARDWOOD t4 and 16 spilt Mm Av775°7°tpton 7235733 WEED SPRAVING loll clean ups tertlllztn vm ReterenCOS AVallablf NOV 728 77 Call Scott Mondays and Tuesdays atl wwk yard or denvered For ufhe dc 08 Wk MOWITB fledg Ond Shitlb lmmml 7°09 SIlltw0r7ktng couple 3611788 Other daysalter6435 7736 l976 HARLEY Davidson 125 Cc red unemphmeuun Wghm CABIN MAxmc TF flowinlylclrlgmtgg72opsy7 777 RIDING INSTRUCTION ONE BEDROOM apartment New figdeTdEEsghdhaengeoooggESmopcmm calEh VKENMbRE feudENE AtThs Pncg Ann Agmu MAKER RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses entrance private driveway utilities carpenter paid Available November llrst Tele 74 lNDIAN 100 cc Dirt street only 2500 SwEékdEuugeygkgrsggc cleaners our mquo VNY mum on COLONIAL FIREPLACES all fuel Iactary bulli boarded gun mm Wmdy Haugh phone 7737 31781 afterbp Th WANT miles 6000 shape only 3365 Telephone plworb C077Y9 73772671 77 Elwin2738759 EC WW FiFLBLQLZ FURNISHED ONE bedroom seltcon 726 3058 alters 30 NONE 59 SYW and 50 BUYERS HECKLIST STONEWORK and Ilreplacesa specialty Vic tamed apartmemygu mommy 0057 lNEEDED BY November 151 or LHONDA C8 ms bow néwm 76 rTeJcr7rtsls778202 RcescggvesrpeTfltg alga CARPENTRY Watsonlorireeestimates 72345917 ls Your ROOFING bedroom house Codringtort School area EH 9ngLQfF Teephme with garden it possible Please calll73°°ed11eefi $32123$5°°W Price 31550 Phone alter oclock lBdlllechlldIge illmum AND General Contractor Kitchen rec GARDEN SUPPLIES WANDRROOFING New and old p90 17778éDROOMJ 777267 Féloanqréandweqkends IC GD 70 Om 737729777 77 77 NupaymumsnnNov rooms renovations additions lireplaces Frogsimaes322159770yer6p7m7 Mm mdddegpcengygl $335553331 3350600ngilooraccecswally $35 12 Iynegzgugngr movmo must sell Gold Kenmore tuneup1311597 CHOICETOPSOILIorsaIeEveningandSolur T00 Hi in sysopermomh phone723 433s and archways minimum 26 inches 138643 washer and dryer heavy duty years while samoasyoatlvely CARPENTER Sfocialtling rec rooms in doydelivoryrhonsnodns SEWING CLASSES main floor bedroom and washroom for Electric lawnmower trimmer and saw whawesan terior remodelin trim etc Please call agrbafiglwgpse Egronoggzfilarntrnggés yam husband in wheel chain Etchwsnzwblpgejrinalso hand mower 99 77288684otter6pm 77 7777 HANDYMAN DO YOU HAVE TOO MANY SEWNG 55557 Beginnin Quay 37 preferably Barrie Dropper tor the end 93 CEDAR Decks nc roams loamy tc RECURRING REPAIRS 0R Beglnnsrs to advanced Alandale area lttl7es Telephone 737 l354atter5p to cache For yurmer deails please FyLL YOUR canvas needs om me Fun ptmd7726m73676097 AND HANDYMAN Services Renova QualifiedInstructors7260187 ar726239 BEDROOM central location mature icall737 lallextenslon 44 manutacturer Pool covers tarps boei My MAKER forage rin7k7 tlons sun decks patios painting mm BREAKDOWNS F°Uple 99 SLOVERMMGJEI park INEWLY WEDcoupie require bedroom 1973 FORD 18 wk Four spa 0195 99 M059 °¢° Barrie 79 van pm iumitur anabolic 19¢1919J3153137£73 LL mg and laundry IaCIIItles Must have and Awning Company as Baytield TThSTF ouse duple th 99 go and ransmsson7 0090 can chassls k9 alterations Domestic Commercial VEEGIFSSAYRWD 778 3733 stove By November Telephonegnew 29000 miles Coma Ea woods VERSE FT 7262948 Provides qualified consulting SEW TECH CO Specialists repairs all ONE AND Two bedroom apartments 4241700 extenSIon 2797 days 4363555 Hitlsdat0335 2303 NEW SINGER sewing machine par STEREO Panasonic Years old com JondyGENERM Conhoco wmién makes industrial domestic sewing avalable mmeaalew regrlgeramr Evenings hncusTOM FORDV table with carrying case ligxag slit DOMMS For to inlormallon CG min andmm om Rum0H urogesceone 09 mnoe Your machines New used Agents Brother and stove parking Cenlra l°C° lURGENTLv REQUIRED by responsi dim insideand 0U sgrggcgafgefigg 5993733672377777236 77 7973296 72623 Trash hauled away costly problems SewingMachines737l62l7371185 Ste 7322142 and plus deposn no lble couple 2or3bedroom home in Bar cusyom wheels phone 723 93 aner 60 160 CLEAR SPAN Armco steel DINING ROOM Suite French Provln CENcED anpnfifls G865 55 SEWlNG MACHINE repair Special haltprice PE irie or close vicinity Appliances preter bulldln 16 side wall resentl beln clal large table with leaves chairs JUST GIVE US an El st ten ion An make Beyouer cottages renovations repairs Satlsloctlon 5339 CR i0 IU MODERN Apartment tor rent abs red October 15 or November 1966 GMC he at 51 dismantled in Toronto argaln priced buttetwnhhutchlngoodcondltlorrask wand Rondjcémum°n 67 Iroqpickup7372535 talners only Very reasonable Adults Telephone737 3236alter6pm Wiildeliver7053222397 IngsasoTelephone726 9867alter5pm Lmmem miles north or Barrie Telephone 437 5651 INCK WWI 05 and racks bed wr mm CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations We don supply parts evenings toote tires Excellent condition $1300 HORSE DRAWN 5009100067Conditlon sIMPLlCITv WRINGE washer wth m°d977Noiobo°yl 48755257263441 TELEVISION IEASING as or 51500 certlttert 7373355 must sell Split rails 50c each Railway Mimi and timer 9006 Condition Tel a7 arr or CI sLOVELY TWO BEDROOM pungiZIOwk CARS FOR SA 530 tlessseach4665472sttars ephme7261027olter49m CARfESTRI IIWIIWIW Zagrmgaéno tn between 10omand 530 pm 8arries only House oI Leasin Lease your are DUI3 een ra ce ran an ac Hr fir Fr TmmO TT AH gt men 0C poster ng on TOC garden noradloomeo thmughoul all ITON CHEV Pickup stock racks MOFFAT Gas Range continuous clean gfifizafin wTEéxagflgg 23 tingCo 7263407 GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance corpntry MICROWAVE OVENS gzofifi5fap utilities Included 5290 per month Must 95 as 31400 0r best oller excellent condltlon harvest aold 8250 as 00 Am 59 Med am renovations painting lumbing all bemmemmov phone Johnmmy FROM THE WEST itelepnqng7775l777zaéz Floor pollsher $15 Inalls oas dryer 5° m5 EXCmmcowmon CARPET CLEANING rlonurotrnmHobo7260008 DELL MICROWAVE 500M M°d wm magma or7262423 jlwo 383 1965 vw Bus equipped with hideaway $75 Steam curling set brand new 15 7337 SPRINETERANUP Prunlngwmowing I°d Amana Sales Service to all Microwave Pad38°er 631706 bed benches and table rust tree ex 33305357336333 START YOUR IPTIHB EIOONIID OdOY ding who gm molnymun ovens726ll77ontrtlm0 au oma lc ml es a9 cenenNMjmmlcenmw 57507 to UsED VACUUM areNaiaemf REFRIGERATION UNIT commercial Revitalixo your carpetswithA Earp It rbOd 72 78552 LON TA combed Telephone 424 6918 or 737 3357 MErs mak and ND Wm mm 2500 cubic we Used only chem 772676327 owe etc fi4 LhFF APARTMENTS WANTED fEHEogbmibwav Va tmcugvpme to saengood on BargainsGalorel Saturday Octaber9 to flmhfiugzgggfgnzm SPECIAL Low Fall Rates endabie ln WELL DIGGING L7 noon eau Ill con Id Won unwed 5° my emtonrnSulte10339Colller Street LLA homemiceItoomcloonodultypotFr WARREN BROWN DJMuslclorpeoplo who STROUD WANTED or bedroom apartment 3323 egelgffiawegskfi 31 70 Telephone 7263805 oppostle port gttlceihrtta Kirby Com EESLVIIgtATonkfl fheigelgeel ollmotn424lw9 Iiketo dance Good rates 7289545 in or ece room hT dgfeggrfzzgéwwfifirrtgoltoazgg TPJWITWEDAQQL We for FORD flon DCkup under nRAETMW 603 mem suite best otzr White crfb $25 Whites Genera7 Malnenpnc Mochlnedugwells let minor tree tttn p355 1973 PONTIAC Gran Safari station sRndMj excenencmdmm Waed WP drawerdresserwlttt square mirror best Fertllzng and Trimmlng MUSIC INSTRUCTION HomesCottagesFarms industry Wlnabago cap S2 600 Telephone cash registers checking desks and snowshovelltngetc 728 3635 wagon excellent condition 35000 miles cum77236531 fully certified no rust $2900 73710041 iatter6z30 43630847 aimroom 77 77 1973 FORD pick up wheel drive com plete with plow winter and summer refrigerator cases and compressors con Bill Mercer with stands and all accessories Please Antique Chair Canlng Over 35ng ex veyor etc Contact Collingwood 4451431 15 AND 30 aellon aquarlums complete 8° 5°3 CERAMICS Painting Trash hauled trees cut GUITAR lESSONS Classical and popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 7264489 Specialixlng in Concrete Tile Steel reinlorced concrete tile lengths tor sale ri rin r4 MNDSTAND MUSIC Studios Boytleld Mall Diameter248 Liakgufifidwranz 33 Asife All IsisghfllflfifllfiglleMLm TTIOVITTQ Obs Guitar classes Yamaha method all age CONCUNE VAN boui Ir7 ONE WHEEL horses HP culrldlna WINTERICKSCERAMICS Floor and wall tiling 724973 737051 FM 3935 9°09 C°d° A5 an In mg $9221 lawn mower year old 3425 Also one and reElrs726626J Storm windows FURNSHED ROOM Fe 0053 8339737324 535599 hr P1 311 blue tick and beagle cross 11 months ACCORDION guitar plane organ begln keeping formatted parkn9 Telephone mo FALCON Wagon v3 automatic i970 GM 37 ton 2500 series4spoed old s25 4362983 COMMERCIAL ART eons ms °dV°M°¢ WINDOW CLEANING 7365312 body work done needs paint good me VBi 900d runnlna order 3950 or best ot BETERAFT vawcumcookwal CONT DAYS7 726 8424 meni loaned Ior home practice Canadian ROOMS near factories on John St Cook chanically $750 with salety or best otter ing lacllities Call evenings 726 9859 BRIGHT CLEAN room on Mary Street Downtown location Working gentleman without 1965 Volswagen engine ex cellent running condition 3100 or best at fer CB double truckers $30 or best at ter Telephone 72087414 alter 67pm ADVERTISING plate set never used original cost $640 will sell for 5500 Phone 4246722 7777 GARAGE SALE Friday and Saturday COMMERCIAL ARTIST design art work layout etc Piese cal collect 4l6 9362631 EVENINGS 4362387 Academy at Music i2 Baytleld 7281799 PIANO LESSONS East end Iar Iurther in Iormatlon hone 7287102 ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Specialists in houses apartments and stares Telephone 72819 Abstainars preferred Telephone l7or7777276 69047altgr7i£pm CARS WANTED DIRECT pHONE minim $53lxgrlhlaTr7lslogt6l 7373923 77 1972 CHEV impala for sale power steer automatic washer tor parts aamas BACHELOR with own trldge and stove Dwer Wakes lt00dlli°9 many other Items flats ran BOATS AND MOTORS ARTICLES FOR SALE DOGS AND PETS close to hospital Reasonably priced l2gt2liort3wttire2 asking $2100 Telephone mils apanTnTn 203239637 1373 13 For Barrles Newest Car Dealer ffm ffifigfl52f its like new$i050 ngphme 7261136 eARRIE PoooLE SolonShampoolns FURNISHED ROOM tor rent central camp Ix cv In on we it PM 57 Go SAILING nd cllpplng pl pt breeds Sophia loam qum gentleman preferred 30 2257automatlc Undercoated no rust In day preceding publication with the excep East 7254 per monm phone 7236437 beta noon tertor heater radio With back Speaker tlon of Classliled Display advertisements SAILBOAT CANOE 11 on FOODLE TRIMMING roqeutonal 72637337ait7e7r 577 77 baCk Wlndow 690 kllalsl GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL which must be In by pm two days prior sales Rental Brokerage grwmlng aH breeds pfckup and clEAN broRadloomidl roomls kitcren 3568 cflfn1222235ae °5c 90 AUTOMOBILES Plt°° Storage pac available lJUSi before Fudasl dellvery72ssm Pet studio rtvileges esponsi pre er BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS tw 596 Cenla °Ca° 368ng Sividfkyslor sale door ORV HARDY MOTORS MARRIAGES own nonccs 3133333 $23 3J7Yf MonFrl 530 pm to pm WE RENl SAILBOATS CANOES 31m c5933FangAl£$n° ggdggely Telephone 737 3931 or hardmp V787 auyofmm power brakm 176 BRADFORD ST 728427 Winonzitxgfissfiuwmd pgrgfigpsatgzeéawgngfsg Lyzglefliégletroio Sat 8857u382130J7T157tc379r3m Announcing our Yearend Sale sonable rates Telephone7260061 power steering radio snows Good con or BEAUTIFUL DOBERMAN black and ldltion Telephone 458 9537evenlnos CARD OF THNKS 25 wordssoo Addi Gddaroom Never been Milea EXCC Th 57 tan registered land of children torced Im FORE mam very good amnion TOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors lonatw°d9cpwod lent condition $3000 or best oiler P00 50v 5200 on almost new CL sale reasonable7262037 Best otter Telephone 726 9991 alter ngliar3d°19tiEVEZZEHLL MEMouiAM Moncss No 3500 PUREBRED MALAMUTE husky we lp7m7 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prlces RECREATIONAL Vett In exce 17 FooT CHRSYLER bow rlder120 HP 5°V° $100 9W BOMbordler 35 ROOM AND board for persons Near Georgian College Telephone 726 3027 1er PONTIAC Laurentlan 39000 miles lnow tires and exhaust system very paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 72687711 With verse per count line 21 cents per line type tires asking $375 condition 21 hp electric start Terra outboard motor with power tilt and Telephone trim Pertect for fishing and water ski Savlngs on other no and used boats Years old Male reasonable Needs room to run Telephone 7263677 soc0ME 0N ourl REGISTERED Irish Setter Pups for after pm lciean $2000 Telephone 487 2485 TRACY WANTS cars arid trucks for gngNG five floflgiqé EELme InaSkwpszh 35 om 35 2365 FIBERGLASS CANOES FROM $175 lg Telephone ler pm 43626 ROOM AND BOARD tor or girls to lml MINI Austin standard snow tires cum and 95 °F WC gwgnfiimlj MALE poodle puppies black share near bus route and Georgian Col 1350 good condition Phone 728 4432 PREVET€GP°°73°3°7 Iege Linen supplied side door entrance jattnro SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Dis Dont pay for storage this year List your sailboat with us and store miniature registered lmmunlzed Call coilect3611106RR Elmvaie $307per week Telephone 726 2573 97 DATSUN 5m door vinyl may on paid free Immediate pickup anytime count Rates apply It paid within days 199 gtsole AM FM radio line new 31 miles per 36 79 LCM One or two Insertions per word lnser Fa an Winter Hours ACCOMODATIONS To SHARE RESPONSIBLE Glrl to share house with young people Close to college and malls To snarl rent S75 and Upkeep Phone 7726 9l78 alter gallon certitied $1650 or offer Tot tenham 416 936 4003 I970 CHEVELLE Super Sport door hardtop V8 automatic power steering radio Low mileage Certified Telephone 728 9550 altero pm I967 CHEV Belalr cylinder runn SHAKELS WRECklNOdndTowlnoI scrap metal cars bought over scales S20 ton 436 3677 EXAMINER WANT ADS tlon Three consecutive insertions 8V cents per word insertion total $612 Sill consecutive Insertions 81 per word per In sertion total SILSZ Multiple insertions may be ordered subject to cancellation when satisiactary results obtained Method at counting iewer than 24 words COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS Mon through Fri 530 pm to 800 pm Sat and Sunday 10am to pm Phone 4872023 or 7373993 O9 old pure area 375 7289660 GARDEN SUPPLIES POTTING SOILS Govt tested We mix our own Dont lose valuable plants an ned new brakes ex count as 24 words Each Initial abbrevla BIGYS Garden Centret 26 Fertidalc YOUNG MAN has bedroom apanmem hnagusgrgtcthckiertlres dnd man Tee PP8 295 other tm tlan set ol numbers etc count as I0atrzwlml52$ehlaigpbhgrfi223 moment with ye $450 PHONE 728 2414 LINE GRAINAIRIES 13le OR BUILDINGS WITH BOAT SALE WINTER spec use sptygaders to fertllllxe MA ear 7266134 ve your awnt wt weed centre or share with same Outskirts al ERRORSANDCORRECTIONS ml git convenlences Phone after All phone insertion orders are accepted as Alumlngg7 $379 lfilgrsrzlyasesrlawzltr3tfs Gaerrslgh 737 2228 convenience to the advertisers 3009 r9 all and remus In 726295 Thereiare the Claslllied Advertising 33 hp boat trailer $1195 TOMFENDAL MARNA Department requires ad advertisers to 55 3395 kindly recheck their advertisement lm 00 op 1°RE1 medlately alter Ilrlt insertion In order that 60 hp boat trailer 595 any error or omission may be reported New 14 bcay w4oh Johnson ENJOY holiday living year round an beiore am In order that same may be 32299 018 $35558ggggugdgcsegrrggnfbfi OXLCUIIVlr bungalow on beauttluldwater rectified tor the lollowlna day publication ml Phone 726 9295 ront FUUY 600501 Wll 3955 The BarrIeEkamlner ls responsible lar only I7 DOOI Wl50 hp MarcDemo WINTER PROJECT Ran Emaa rugs appliances lease and teierences on mommy MM human any 295 inch mahogany ptvwood runabou 73377monthly 4l6 249 932 advertisement and then only to the extent geom 84° hasc kenwi eEDROOM Semi inAngus Malcom o0 otudminpotpt 15 Catamaran SailboatDemo 329761717 coulmdooé 02 ARTIC ES WANTED finethPesovgrrwbefihlrrfgso Errors which do not lessen the value at the 31295 3200 549 an 30 ad ril ll lbl plowtuleraeittone viaem CALL ll Jzilfnt°r°mi AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER SPORT HAVEN MARINE Ftalentms cullr Imm 5053735721336028tllfm FOURWdBEDROCLMI UrielY DSETTII reserves the right to classlly revise or re Shanty Bay Rd Barrie aghbosgrgmwlgzSSESIOLIGSHem Condli I950 items 7208234 are ac omit roa 00m garage lease available call Larry De my won ASK MR NEAR 726 6537 726100 WANTADS aginfillomgfioififo WERE ePEI Wilde rep Lou Goedemondt Real Estate PHONE 1287 TF 03° pm 43642 tr Ltd 73374067 PHONE 72824l4 Aw

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