About 180 children from schools throughout the district spent Wednesday at Springwater Provincial Park being taught about safety techniques for buses The school bus safety patrollers were taught emergency pro ceduresby members of On tario Provincial Police as well as representatives of municipal police forces Nar da Kennington from King New approach taken to training teachers By SHEILA McGovern Examiner Staff Reporter The separate school board will try new approach to training teachers The board decided Wednesday it will take part in cooperative education pro gram with Waterloo Universilt ty Through the program the board will hire university mathematics student for three terms allowing the student to mix practical experience with academic training The student attends regular first year of university In the second year he attends one term works for term and then attends summer term In the third year he works for term and then attends the winter term In fourth year he attends the THE SIME OLNTY Roman Catholic Separate School Board has again prepared special school calendar to be diestributed to all parents The calendar fall term works for the winter term and concludes the sum mer term with eight weeks of training at Althouse College of Education at the University of Western Ontario Bill Bolger superintendent of schoolssaid over the years we have wondered if there are bet ter ways of training teachers The cooperative program gives the teacher 11 months of practical training compared to the six to eight weeks of prac tical experience now received he said The board received request from former student asking that she be allowed to enter cooperative program within the county Trustees decided to try the program with the one student only The student will begin work contains information and pic tures of all separate schools in the county and lists all school holidays and pro fessional development days for teachers Checking this ing in January of this year Over the threeyear training period she will obtain ex perience at al elementary school St Josephs junior high school and St Theresas high school In the beginning the student will work as resource person assist the teacher and teach the occasional class under supervision By the end of the program the student should be responsible for teaching two or three classes The board would pay the stu dent salary during the work period Mr Bolger suggested the salary might be $500 month By the end of the program the teacher Would receive secon dary school teaching cer tificate years edition are John Bren nan left chairman of the board and Vincent Eagan vicechairman Examiner Photo fiitlisataiésw Edward School tool part in practice evacuation of school bus through the rear door GARY LOGAN safety of ficer for the Barrie Police Department reviewed safe ty practices with the bus patrollers and conducted various emergency exer cises About 180 children from schools throughout the county participated The seminar was conducted by local municipal police forces and the Ontario Provincial Police Examiner Photos by Rolf Kraiker Simcoe teachers support protest day but will report for work as usual 3hr Earrir Examiner The Barrie Examiner Thursday October l976rl3 Allandale route wheres that Its good thing Mayor Dorian Parker doesnt have to take the Allandale bus home every night She might get lost Mayor Parker told the public works committee this week bus shelter is needed at Vic toria and lnnisfil streets because it is the main area of the Allandale route But said Gord Burke transit supervisor the bus route in question is the Anne Street route not the Allandale It was on the Allandalc route about four years ago he said adding there have been number of route changes since then Mayor Parker said the shelter is needed anyway because there is not one bus shelter along lnnisfil Street and most of the passengers are scniorcitixcns Mr Burke said the city does not have any new bus shelters to install and has no money this year to buy new shelter He suggested the committee recommend to the 1977 council that it consider sheltcr at the CUIlltl lhccommittccdid Council to get chance at housing statement ity council will finally have chance to discuss the proposed liairic Housing Policy Statement next week The policy was sent to council by the city development comr mitteeluesday The committcc accepted proposed changes by the plant ning board for Assisted Home Ownership Program iAHOPi housing and rent supplement housing The board had proposed rather than making the programs mandatory in certain zones the city should 11 courage developers to make use of the programs Ald George Harper said Tuesday under the free market system builders will only build houses that will sell And thats the only thing tAHUIt thats selling he said The committee also discussed proposed changes by the citys committee on housing but did not accept all the proposed amendments The policy statement was prepaer by the planning and development department last spring and was sent to the board and housing committee for review SKIN DIVING If you are strong swimmer age 16 or over you can enroll in skin diving classes at the Bar ric YMYWA The course pro vides an excellent basis for scuba diving instruction It starts Nov For further in formation call 7266421 Simcoe County teachers will support in principle the Cana dian Labor Congress Oct 14 day of protest but will report for work as usual Spokesmcn for all four teacher federations within the county say their members have opted to comply with the On tario Teachers Federation stand They may voice their 0p position to the AntiInflation Board program but they will notstrike Tom Sagar of Bradford president of the Simcoe County unit of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation OSSTF said his unit ex ecutive met Sept 22 and voted not to engage in the protest Doug Bailey of Penetang uishene president of the On tario Public School Men Teachers Federation OPSMTF said his federation supports in principle the aims of the protest Many members of the federa tion were cut short because of the A18 regulations coming into effect he said Mr Bailey also said he believes the government has in stituted fairly effective con trol of wages but has not con trolled prices Lorna Synott of Midhurst past president of the Federa tion of Women Teachers Associations of Ontario FWTAO said the women teachers may support the pro test after school hours but we are not going to be away from classes Henry Gabriels of Bradford president of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association OECTA said his executive is meeting this week but he suspects it will decide to follow the OTF directive There might be some rep resentation before or after classeshe said and the group could support the OTF plan of advertising and writing letters to object to the A18 program Gord Burke leaves the city to take job in London Ont Barrie is looking for new transit supervisor lord Burke 25 is leaving the city after four years and joining frothers aterpillers Ltd of Toronto Mr Burke will be Working in the London office sales depart ment after twotothree month training session in Toronto He leaves Oct 22 Gerry Tamblyn city ad ministrator said he is sorry to see Burke leave Hes good employee but he feels hcs moving on to better opjmrtunitics hcsaid Mr Tamblyn said the city woll be advertising for new transit supervisor as soon as list of qualifications is prepared Mr Burke joined the city in July 1972 as transit clerk but the position soon changed to transit supervisor When he started the city ser vice used four buses travelling about 13000 miles month Now there are eight buses operating during peak periods covering 23000 miles month graduate of Barrie entral Collegiate Mr Burke will be moving to London INNISFIL MAN FINED FOR POISON ING DOG Leslie IcGlashon 15 of lnnisfil Township was fined $100 in provincial court Tuesday for killing dog McGlashon who had been living in trailer park pleaded guilty to the charge of feeding poison to neighbors dog The beagle valued at $100 died almost instantly McGlashon told Judge John Anjo he had given the dog the poison because it was continually barking He said that he didnt think talking to the dogs owner would have helped rown attorney lom leary had asked for heavier penalty saying dogs as pets have special place in society Judge Anjo also ordered McGlashon to pay $100 restitution to the owner of the dog and an additional $30 in veterinarian hills Death consideredpornographicby most specialist in counselling the dying says By RICHARD INNSTAN Examiner Staff Writer Never break an appointment withadyingpatient someone with terminal disease wants to see you at 10 am Dr Mwalimu lmara told seminar on death Wednesday at Georgian College there is good reason for it Wait until 1015 and that patient may die before you get there And that in turn may mean that the patient dies alone one of the worst fears of the ter minallyill One thing we generally fear is being deserted when were dying Dr Imara specialist in counselling the dying and bereaved told an audience estimated at650 Dr Imara Canadian now working in Boston was last minute replacement for Dr Elisabeth KuhlerRoss author of numerous books and articles on death and dying who could not attend the allday seminar because of the illness of her husband Dr Imara Unitarian minister and director of the Boston Centre for Religion and Psychotherapy counselling agency has been associated with Dr Ross since 1967 Im no stand in for Elisabeth he told the audien ce Youre really missing something But he drew standing ovation when he left the stage at 430 to catch plane back to Boston PORNAGRAIIIIL Socfuty today tends to make people inhuman Dr lmara saidand the dying often face rejection from hospital per sonnel and relatives partly because death unlike sex is still considered pornographic by most people Helping the dying he said means bringing love and ser vice to bear on the problem being willing to listen to talk or not to talk as the situation demands and providing con crete and genuine assurance that the patient will not in fact be deserted The process starts with in forming the patient that his illness is terminal They are likely to know anyway he saidand they have right to be told The telling should be done by the doctor because it is too great burden for the family to shoulder and there should be someone else with the patient atthetime People are still told alone and it is horrible he said Whats more the patient should not be told how long he has to live no one really knows and some people with only few weeks live for years FIVE STAGES Terminal patients according to Dr Ross go through five stages after learning of their light denial anger argaining depression and ac ceptance The dying will not believe the news at first Dr lmara and this denial serves useftil purpose and should be allowed to run its course You cant cope with this sudden change Everything is different from this moment on he saidWe can drive people into panic by not respec tingtheirdenial The proper approach he said is to leave the patient alone but with assurance that we will be there when needed Next comes anger resent ment at everyone who is not in thesameboat If you cant stand to hear it check out somebody who can They need somebody to bounce that anger off he said Anger will pass if it doesnt get pushed down Then comes bargaining with the doctor with ones self with God Id give anything if People seem calm and realistic at this stage Dr lmara said but they arent and as bargaining proves futile they sink into depression SILENTLY At this stage he said patien ts grieve ovcr their impending death over the things theyve never done the life theyve failed to live They face period of waiting to find out who they really are and the counsellor has to wait with them silently find it very hard to be with somebody when theyre doing that he said What find people do is borrow your strength at that time to wait and see Finally comes acceptance and the patient knows who he is and what he wants llis needs are less but his demands to have those needs fulfilled are quite strong Ilis concern is with how he will spend the rest of his life and if in fact he does not die he will be changed person You arent likely to be able to put any snow over them any more Dr lmara said Youve got different charac ter on your hands There are three charac teristics of people who go through these stages quickly and easily Dr lmara said Fir st they are concerned about things and people beyond their own skin Secondly they can arrange their priorities to give up less valuable things for things of greater value And thirdly they have coherent ex planation for the world sense of something greater than themselves They feel at home in the world he said Not only do such people go through the stages well Dr lmara said but they often outlive their predicted death as well THE BEREAVIZI Dealing with the bereaved is also an area of concern for Dr Imara and he em hasized the importance of wor ing through pain of expressing it so that it does not cause problems in otherways Grief is work It doesnt go away in time he said And if left unexpresscd it czinfcause illness or death irrational behavior or other problems Typically he said it takes two years to work completely through an episode of grief and the cruellest part is that in the meantime it is hard to believe sorrowing will ever end The future tends to get lost in grief he said The most difficult form of grief to deal with he said is that caused by sudden death particularly when the body is 10t recovered Its tremendoust im oortant for the bereaved to 11W where the body is he an lhe seminars 697 seats had een sold out in advance and ollcge officials ran up large elephone bill letting registran know Dr Ross would not be oming Registrants were of ercd their money back but few ecm to have accepted the of er The seminar attracted people rom as faraway asllamilton Active euthanasia wrong press conference is told Keeping human vegctables alive is barbaric Dr Mwalimu lmara said Wednesday at press conference but active euthansia is wrong too dont believe in positively actively terminating anyones life he said Ile said heroic medical measures should not be used to keep patient breathing if there is no real chance con sciousness will be regained But he opposed removing life sup port systems from terminal pa tients who are conscious even iftheyr uestit Most want to die before their time he said change their minds if someone becomes involved in their lives He said no one should have life support cut off because care is burden to others nor because organs are needed for transplants On other subjects The cryogenic movement which involves freezing the dead until cure is found for the disease that killed them think the cryogenic movement is an unfortunate hoax played on people He said freezing does cell dama which makes recovery impro able and the whole pro cess is denial of the facts of humanlife WE DIE Were born and we die he said However he said many of those involved in the movement are sincere 0n life after death he said anyone who works with the dead as much as he does begins to see things that cant be ex plained away In particular he said he believes the dead sometimes come back to visit the bereaved Somepeported ex periences can be explained as psychological projections he said but others cannot On funerals Dr lmara said he does not take cynical at titude toward funeral directors who perform necessary func tion Some exploit the be reaved he said but many more are great help to them He said he would not dictate what sort of funeral people should have but op ses the movement toward ispensing with funerals altogether there has to be recognition of the assing of human being from the community On the importance of religion to accepting death religion doesnt help much Hesaidt eimportant thing is not what the patients religious beliefs are but how they fit into his thinking how they work for him and this depends mainly on what sort of person by is GORI BURKE LOCAL AND GENERAL COMMITTEES FORMED The Simcoe County Roman Catholic Secapart School Board has formed two committees to investigate the conditions of employment of board off ice and custodial staff The investiga tion is routine matter carried out annually The committee will report their findings to the board EUCIIRE Progressive euchre is held every Monday from 130 to pm at the Parkview Centre for Senior Citizens MAN ARRESTED Barrie City Police charged John Thomas Black 29 in con nection with robbery Tuesday evening at Allandale Drugs on Essa Road Black was arrested shortly after robbery He will appear in provincial court Tuesday BENTORSWELL WINS CONTRACT The Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separate School Board has awarded Bentorswell Con struction Ltd of Barrie $11272 contract for the construction of portable classroom subject to approval of specifications The portable will be located at St James school in Colgan The board received seven tenders for the portable ranging from $9690 to $22355 but all bids did not meet the boards specifica tions GRANT REGULATIONS The ministry of educations 197677 grant regulations originally promised to school boards by Oct have been delayed until Oct 30 School boards require the grant regulations in order to prepare budgets and in the past have ex pressed concern over the late dates on which they are received RECREATION CONFERENCE Plans for fall recreation conference in Barrie were approved by the city develop ment committee Tuesday night The conference scheduled Nov 17 and Dec at Sunnidale Community Centre will include about 150 guests representing sports crafts cultural and other interested groups Gary Stoner director of parks and recreation said the city will also have space for about 30 people who might be interested attending the con ference The reason for the con ference he said is to allow the public to have say in future plans in the recreation field Church plans service tonight Rev Colin Urquhart will pre sent healing service at Trinity Anglican Church Hall tonight at8 Mr Urquhart has just returned from the third Holy Spirit Conference in Toronto Mr Urquhart began his ministry as parish priest at St Hughs near Luton En gland Within four years his church members found themselves witnessing mir acles of healing and establishing new relationships with one another When the Spirit Comes is Mr Urquharts book about Gods transformation of group of spiritually cold parishioners into vital com munity 1DR MWALIMU IMARA