Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1976, p. 26

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vi finonciol 26The Barrie Examiner Wednesday Oct 1976 PROPERTY FOR SALE 579900 bedroom frame bungalow In beautiful condition on double lot Lots of cupboards lovely garden Phone Kay Mathes 4732150 Gerry Meharg Ltd Realtor 4166403131 or 4162972283 PRIVATE Triplex One 2bedroom two Ibedrooms One furnished Aluminum siding East End Phone 7281415 CEDAR CHALET beautifully treed acre lot In private subdivision walk to swim or golf house complete with all broadloom drapes and fixtures floor to calling lireplace builtin dishwasher TV antenna and rotor also 21 car detached garage with workshop Asking 842900 Open for offers Call 7267198 alter6pm BEDROOM backsplit with family room and lireplace 2car garage Must sell moving west For inspection phone 7381781 will accept any reasonable of PRIVATE SALE Allandale Heights bedroom brick backsplit bungalow bathrooms finished recreation room fully fenced 549900 10 and onequarter per cent mortgage Telephone 7371954 anytime VLA Comfortable room house with new siding paved driveway and garage Double freed lot Reduced to 349900 Call Russell Carson Frank Nelles Real Estate office 7261405 Res 7266161 13 VINE CRESCENT Exclusive neighborhood Eye catching entry plus the extra features you expect in home tor the discriminating Eric Dewsnap Realtor 7268366 PRIVATE MIDHURST area bedroom home or large acre well aged IOI With creek garage lireplace LOTS FOR SALE BUILDING LOT lnnislil Township Asking $12000 Make an offer Viau Viau Real Estate 7261771 or 7261603 MORTGAGES IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Tst and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties 129 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIEONTARIO 7260981 To consolidate debts Home improvements To pay off existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds We have ready cash 10 purchase mortgages Monr AGE FUNDING Call Anytime 24 Hour Phone Service Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc PROPERTY WANTED APARTMENTS OR townhouses pr more units wanted by private Investor preferably in Barrie or local city In formation will be kept confidential Telephone 436 1467 anytime WANTED WANTED WANTED have client that requires or bedroom home in lnnlstil Township for approximately $30000 It you have such property and would like to sell kindly call Al Beacock at 7267949 or 7371771 rep Unigroup lnc Real Estate Broker without obligation to list BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INCOME Property consisting of 10 plex and seven 2storey townhouses Asking less than $16500 per unit Shows good return and is available with ex cellent terms Call Rob Knapp 7261881 rep Emory Miller Real Estate Ltd COMMERCIAL FOR SALE OR RENT 3000 SQUARE FEET of prime In dustrial building Zoned commercial Located Burton Avenue Telephone 7370909 or alter pm 7288302 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE or Rent Pratt built 2year old 3bedroom semi detached bungalow 9A College Crescent per cent first mor tgage Will hold second Available No vember $399oo or $300 monthly For appointment 7288914 MORTGAGES low montth payments any worthy reason free adVIce try us 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 363 3421 TF MORTGAGE LOANS Head Office Toronto 95 NHA LOANS First mortgages from Second mortgages from 12V In Forms Residential Commercial dustrial Cottages Apartments Hotels Con dominiums Builders Loans Land Mortgage Construction Business Loans Existing Mortgages Purchased Unlimited NHA and ventionol loans for development Planning analysis con moior and assistance provided OPEN DAILY am to 530 pm Thursday evenings till pm Saturday by appointment Coll WM SUMMERS Barrie office 17057373451 91 Boyfield St After hours call 4240776 TF MORTGAGES TO $25000 Big Cash to do Big Things COnsoIidotions and Refinancing Competitive Rates Urban and Rural Properties Telephone Mr Gillespie 7285931 or evenings 7287401 BENEFICIAL REALTY LTD TThSN30 First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Roles Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES I21 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontorio Mortgage Brokers Association TF 95 PER CENT FIRST MORTGAGE MORTGAGE LOANS Residential Commercial Cottages Builders Loans SECONDS FROM 13 W9 specialize in older and rural properties at prime rates For free courteous advice coll 7265861 NIGEL DUNN YuNMALmALVm M20 SECOND MORTGAGES No bonuses brokerage or findors foes Borrow up to $15000 0149 on amounts over $8000 15 your amortization HOUSEHOLD REALTY CORPORATION LIMITED BARRIE 25 Dunlop Street East 7206534 MWFO29 KINZIE LIMITED MORTGAGES WE HAVE funds immediately available with competitive rates of interest prompt com mitments and complete con fidentiality for first second and third mortgages ALL TYPES of property residen tiol commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages for cash OUR ADVICE IS FREE Coll IAN KERR 7371881 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Bus HOME TF COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 4872700 Pat Quinn Ltd 737 1414 MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 evenings MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Ports and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlonders Travel Trailers Corsoir Glenetto Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 South I70 Burton Ava 7289866 TF TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes for sale or rent Holiday in complete home com tort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Baylield St ITS NOT TOO LATE The Hitch House Ltd can meet your trailer hitch re quurements Call Harold for appoint merit 728 9700 COUNTRY LIVING in quiet Dark SDUth of Barrie New homes Also used homes from $11000 Ca11728 6875 1975 HOUSE Trailer 15 long lridge stove and sink Canopy plus all towing equipment Beautifully decorated hard 19 used Besloller 726 1157 OFFICES STORES FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE Modern office with 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking Kem penfelt Bay and municipal parking Recently decorated with wall to wall drapes and fully broodloomed Coll Bill Sokeris National Trust Co 728 9201 TF 1000 SQ FT The best of modern store or office space for rent or lease Dunlop East Mini PIBIB Customer and owner parking Telephone 7285738 SPACE FOR RENT PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 3100 19500 sq lt fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 16 ft Clear part of large expandlng Industrial mall 7267130 BUILDING 66x100 suitable for store garage warehousing etc 21 Mary Street very central Apply Valley DrlveYoursell 16 Maple Avenue 726 6666 LARGE HEATED BAY on main highway iust south of Barrie Large front bay doors plus side entrance James Flewelling 7054563031 or 4562119alter6 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 AAAAMM APARTMENTS TO RENT 7269580 KANEFF PROPERTIES LTD NIP19111 IiiS IMPERIAL TOWERS BARRIES FINEST OVERLOOKING KEMPENFELT BAY °Coloured Appliances °Sauno Exercise Rooms APARTMENTS TO RENT SNOWMOBILES ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES In stock now at preseason prices SPORT HAVEN MARINE mile east of BARRIE on Shanty Boy Rd 7261001 D29 AUTO ACCESSORIES r5 HIGHRISE Edlebrock aluminum In carb fuel lines and air cleaner to fit 350 through 455 Pontiac engines $275 com plete Contact Gary Sleep Douglas Mar cury Sales 7285558 MOTORCYCLES 1972 YAMAHA 175 very good condition new transmission and tuned up recently Telephone 7286407 after pm 250 HONDA street good condition 8150 or best offer pair of Enduro boots and 0Tennis Court Sanger tgrits iallstsflszlw part for 350 on one Adlacenl ShOPPng 1974 HARLEY Sportstor 7000 original aunderground parking mllas excellent condition Colllngwood area Telephone 4455927 any time 1973 CB 33 HONDA Very good condl tlon many accessories crash bar log lights backrest etc Metallic orange 7264991 UNFURNISHED BACHELOR apart merit available Immediately 400 Essa Rd area lridge stove heat hydro and parking supplied $145 monthly For ap pointmentphon 728477 after430pm BEDROOM apartmen in older home In east end ground floor private en trance paved parking rent $200 In cludes stove fridge heat hydro and water Availablerimmediately 7284867 ONE BEDROOM Apartment $211 mori thly includes refrigerator stove heat and parking Bus stop location No pets please Telephone 7284016 THE MAYFAIR Barries newest building one and two bedroom apartments with nice view and manyrleatures 7370027 SUBLE bedroom apartment stove lrig and all utilities Close to Baylield Mall Telephone 7266046 TWO bedroom apartments one available now in the Allandale area The other downtown area available October 15 Telephone 726 3257 ANGUS AJaliabieTEMedliiiéiy bedroom apartment $205 monthly plus hydro Telephoner726 6271 2TWO BEDROOM apartments avail able in 10 plex Bus stop in front One bedroom available immediately or Oct and one bedroom available Nov S230 monthly plus hydro References No pets 728 1035 FOUR ROOM apartment heal and water supplied central private en trance 5185 per month Telephone 7285883 OVERLOOKING the lake bedroom apartment stove relrigerator Married c0uple no children or pets S207 mon tnly Available Oct Telephone 728 1845 SUBLET bedroom apartment newly decorated close to downtown Ap pliances and utilities are included $259 20 monthly Available Oct 15 Telephone 737 2648 alter rn BEDROOM Apt Heal hydro parking refrigerator and stove included $205 per month Available Oct 15 Cumberland 51728 6384 BEDROOM basement apartment in triplex nicely decorated lridge stove large yard near bus route no pets References available November Isl S200 pluselectrlcity Phone 726 2862 FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment in basement central location available immediately 215 Baylield St Telephone 726 5713 Ask for Franklin BEDSITTING APT $90 monlhly utilities included Please apply after pm at81Maple St ApartmentE BEDROOM apartment Heat hydro cable and parking $200 monthly No pets First and last months rent References Available Nov 7281722 Suit working couple ONE BEDROOM apartment private entrance private driveway utilities paid Available November first Tele phone 737 3181 alter 6p FURNISHED ONE bedroom sell con tained apartment $145 monthly Close to downtown suit one lady Telephone 728 8484 alter BEDSITTING APT Kitchen and bath parking suit one quiet person only $120 monthly Telephone 728 5380 BEDROOM apt Stove fridge heatand hydro included central location park ing $150 per month Phone 728 4335 SUBLET One bedroom apartment lm perial Towers $243 monthly includes Uti titles Telephone 737 1354 alter NEWLY DECORATED bedroom apartment with lridge and stove S220 monme including parking pay own hydro 726 5063 SUBLET bedroom overlooking bay available November Isl $270 monthly includes parking utilities paid tennis court saunas exer cise rooms Imperial Towers 7371725 anytime apartmenl iiooM AND BOARD ROOM AND board for persons Near Georgian College Telephone 726 3027 alter4pm ROOMS T0 lET FURNISHED ROOM for rent no house keeping Carpeted parking Telephone 7261531alter ROOM for rent central location park ing facilities Telephone 728 7142 30 Mary St if BRIGHT CLEAN room on Mary Street Downtown location Working gentleman Abstainers preferred Telephone 737 3923 BACHELOR with own fridge and stove close to hospital Reasonably priced Phone 726 6271 ACCOMODATIONSTO SHARL RESPONSIBLE Girl to share house with young people Close to college and malls To share rent $751 and upkeep Phone 7269178 alter4 YOUNG MAN has bedroom apartment to share with same Telephone 726 0439 MAN IN early 30s has bedroom apart ment to share with same Outskirts of town all conveniences Phone alter pm7372228 APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED or bedroom apartment prelerrably in Eastvlew School area will supply references Willing to con tribute to minor upkeep cutting grass and snow shovelling etc 728 3635 HOUSES WANTED NEEDED BY November 1st or bedroom house Codrington School area with garden If possible Please call 73619311921 WS°l BEDROOM ground floor access doors and archways minimum 26 Inches main floor bedroom and washroom for family of husband In wheel chair preferably In Barrie Dropper lor the end at October For further details please call 7371311 extension 44 HOUSES TO RENT PAINSWICK Large bedroom house wlthlargelot14167496714 COZY bedroombUngalow with play room upstairs located on Highway 90 between Angus and Barrie Available Immediately Telephone 898 2700 or residence8955m7 BEAUTIFUL Lakefront furnished bedroom house between Barrie and Drills Winterized lull basement sliding doors to patio furnace electric washer 8275 Year lease 4875669 BEDROOM detached house with ga rage In Allandale Heights Available November Option to purchase would be considered Telephone 7267959 262 SHANTI BAY Rd Kempenfelt Village beautifully wooded slte bedroom townhouse electric heat hydro water refrigerator and stove In cluded Adults only No pets Available November Telephone 7284590 approximately 6000 miles S850 7267225 alter 530 pm TF TRUCKS TRAILERS 1973 FORD farm truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin chassis like new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods HIIIsdaIe 8352308 TRAILER FOR SALE axle9 ton new electric brakes lights adluslabla posi tions Pintel eye safety chains and Beaver tails 82650 Telephone Orlllla 3257812 after and call 6892859 1973 DODGE van metallc blue G1560s slant 225 body In good condition In terior customized track stereo speakers certified 83500 Telephone 7373647 1968 GMC HANDlVAN cyl standard safety checked and painted Hart Motors Ltd 7283026 1973 CUSTOM FORD van excellent con dltlon Inside and out steroos carpeting custom wheels Phone 7289366 after Best offer 1966 GMC 1v tori heavy duty flake truck with hoist and racks 12 bad 700111 tires Excellent condition $1300 as Is or 81500 certified 7373355 after 523 1966 hTON CHEV Pickup stock racks tires as Is 8140 or best offer Telephone 7372359 19 vw aus equipped with hideaway bed benches and table rust free ex callenl condition certified S750 4240531 11 ers 1m CHEV PANEL for saIe In good con dition Certified 8450 or best offer Telephone 7263805 T977 FORD WWr standard excellent condition Insulated HOUSES TO RENT BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT view Large bungalow In Oro Appliances drapes and broadloom suitable for ex ecutive family Lease references 4162499528 4875788 weekends BRAND NEW bedroom townhouse for rent in exclusive location For more In formation call 7264544 THREE AND FOUR bedroom single lamin homes exclusive area from $350 per month Garages close to schools and shopping Barrie 7283122 or 4246711 EXECUTIVE HOME bedrooms large family room with fireplace and stone bar on acres iust north of Barrie $500 monthly 7268698 FIVE BEDROOM HOUSE Centrally located on bus route Immediately available Good for large family Call 72 51 or 7372699 OY holiday living year round New executive bungalow on beautiful water Iront Fully decorated with drapes rugs appliances lease and references $375 monthly 416249 9528 BEDROOM Semi In Angus Malcom Street Pets and children welcome Available November $250 monthly plus utilities Telephone 726 8272 FOUR BEDROOM storey semi detached home broadloom IIz baths garage lease available call Larry De Wilde rep Lou Goedemondt Real Estate Ltd 728 4067 HOUSE Ferndale Drive suitable for small business or for residential use ms monthly Available immediately Wlnabaoo can 82600 Telephone Telephone726 29510r726 7950 4363084gftera£m CARS WANTED ARTICLES FOR SALE URGENTLY REQUIRED For Borrios Newest Cor Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7234272 TE TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 7288111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts lop prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid free immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars bought over scales S20 ton 436 3677 DUNLOPS OF MOONSTONE Summer clearance Of organs Including models of Hammond Electrohomo Baldwin Forfiso Ace Tone Optigon Orcona Phone 8352016 Open daily til 6pm Open evenings Tuesday Thursday Friday pm MWFTF Clearance Office Furniture Big Savings No reasonable offer refused Coll Mr Smith 7263600 or 7261098 CARS FOR SALE 1972 SUPER BEETLE for sale In ex cellenl condition Almost new motor Asking $1200 Telephone 737 3825 days evenings 728 0941 ask for Charlie 1965 Meteor Standard dooriAs Dis cheap for cash Telephone 726 7804 BEST OFFER for 1974 Mercury Colony Park 1974 Volvo station wagon 1973 Gremlin Phone 7260217 between and Slor Bob Sander 1970 DODGE Polara V8 automatic sedan power steering and brakes ex cellent condition $1150 or best offer Phone 728 6134 TAxi 1975 Plymouth Gran FOFyftaiI package 318 rustprooling snows 60000 miles 53500 Telephone 77728 8093 1972 MERCURY Montego MX Broug ham for sale Excellent condition Tele phone 726 1114 1974 VEGA Wagon P5 P8 auto 19000 miles 52450 2nd car no longer required Telephone 458 9764 1970 FORD Custom cylinder 240 $350 or will sell parts New motor last February Needs body work Telephone 08 INDOOR SHOWROOM lull slled pools On display Come In today or call 7264606 for free 32 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Ploneer Pools Baymiirt Plala CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 456 2545 DIHECT PHONE 1969 FAIRLANE In good running order needs body work not certified 8200 or best offer 456 5403 1973 GREMLIN for sale cylinder standard Clean certified Best offer Telephone 737 1948 alter6pm 1973 CHEV BELAIR va power steer ing power brakes excellent condition must sell call alter64246130 FROM THE WEST 1970 Roadrunner 383 barrel automatic 77000 miles mags $1700 certified Telephone 424 6918 or 7373357 asktorTom 1973 PONTIAC Gran Safari station wagon excellent condition 35000 miles fully certified no rust $2900 7371004 alter6230 1971 BUICK Centurion power steering brakes windows and trunk Air AM FM radlals good condition Asking $1865 737 3769 alter5230 Telephone alter 12 noon Classified advertisements and notices for these pogo must be received by pm day preceding publication with the excep lion of Classified Display advertisements which must be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $500 Additional words cts per word CARD OF THANKS 25 words $500 Addi tional words cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verso $500 With verse per count line 21 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 par column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cosh DII count Rotes apply If paid within days One or two Insertions per word Inser tion Three consecutive Insertions cents per word Insertion lotdl 8612 Slx consecutive Insertlons SC per word per In union total $1152 Multiple Insertions may be ordered subject to concoIlotIon when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Eoch lnitiol abbrevia 1969 FALCON Wagon V8 automatic body work done needs paint good me chanically $750 with safety or best offer without 1965 Volswagen engine ex cellent running condition Sim or best of fer CB double truckers 30 or best ol fer 726 5004 after 530 pm 1972CHEV Impala for sale power steer ing pwer brakes air conditioning sun roof new tires asking $2100 Telephone 7264090a7ltirgpmw tion at of numbers slc covnl on 1973 PLYMOUTH Scamp Slx cyllndar potato words 225 automatic Undercoated no rust In no ANDCOHECUONS terior heater radio with back speaker back window delogger new tires 22 mpg around basecity block heater $2300 Call 4246625 after pm or 424 1200 local 2239 days All phone Insertion orders ore accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department requires od advertisers to 1963 BUICK Skylark yo te doo kindly rechock their advertisement Im hardtop II automatic power brakes MMIvdlfllm 190th 104 Wt power steering radio snows Good con any war or omission may be reported d11ionTalephone4589537 evenings before 0791 In order thot some may be my rectified for the following day publication The Barrie Examiner ls responsible for only one Incorrectly printed Insertion of any advertisement and than only to the extent of portion of ad that Involves the mlsprlnt Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not allglbla for correc lions by make goods The Dorrie Exominor reserves the right to classify revise or re Iecl ony wont ods 1970 FORD Torlho very good condition Best offer Telephone 7269991 alter EL T973 PONTIAC LaureniianLT9ooo mlles new tires and exhaust system very clean 82000 Telephone 4872485 1973 BUICK Century Luxus gold vlnyl top Michelin radlals $2795 or best of fer Phone 7267935 1971 MINI Austln standard snow tires 8350 good condition Phone 7284432 allera PHONE 7282414 AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE MR CAR DEALER DONT BE LEFT OUT FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 liiltr Barrie Examiner take manifold Holley 750 CFM dual feed ALTERATIONS LADIES AND antlamens bllarotlons 26 Mo SI Talap one 7373432 or residence no 46 ALUMINUM ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING Soffit fascia eavestrough door windows awnings porch enclosures stonework Installed with Old Fashioned Pride GIBSON General Contractors 7265609 SIDING SOFFIT FACIA Also eaves troughlng Free estimate from Painswick Aluminum 7269769 GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM OSldIng Eovestrough Soffit Windows chlo Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch Enclosures Stonework For free estimate Coll PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business PERMASEAL Aluminum Storm Doors And Windows For Installation Sales And Service Call JOMAR ALUMINUM RR Thornton 4361518 ALUMINUM SIDING Soifal Fascia doors windows occessorios eovastroughing Custom buildianox Contracting 7261710 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada ltd authorized sales and service 18 AllianchIvdrr728 3392 AUTO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES ESB WILLARD Batteries onlIfroua all winter needs at ollroclive prices Rebuilt engines for most cars trucks Pratt Molor Supply Co Ltdr728775911 AUTO REPAIRS ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Ltd patios Sidewalks and Steps Free estimates Work guaranteed Book now Phone 7260081 CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM FENCING and Supplies Phone for estimates Free delivery Borrla Fence Co 7263068 Lambarl 7282670 RESIDENTIAL FENCING Choln link custom wood fences Improve your property 717 507 DECORATING THINKING OF WALLPAPERING For reasonably priced professional iob ccll 4363105 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT If mode by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing In pantsuits gowns and ollero lion 76 Worsloy 7266000 QUALITY DRESSMAKING Hams alterations iReosonablo roles service Call 7288514 evonings ond iFosI DRYWALL DRYWALL Specialixed taping and texture sprgylnrg offfglflngfisglljbny 7281 10 EAVESTROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Edvostroughlng Installed Call 7286628 COLORED Aluminum ooveslroughing All work done and guaranteed by owner Free estimatest7269769 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates Coll 5241956 New Lowell ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Rasiduntlol Industrial Installations and ser viso 726me SIMCOE ELECTRIC lndustrial Commercial Residentiol Forms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work grgvol7743615578 4361257 dimvfiw BULLDOiiNG srriiSIl and lorrgiewivobs Eoson and Sons RR Minesjng72 lt77 MY DRAG LINE Work Wont ponds dit ching general excavating etc Phone 7260693 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excov Trenching Horizonto Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES HANDYMAN HOME AND COTTAGE Molntanonca PoIn ling Plumbing Roof and Chimney repairs 4364I05 CARPENTERPAINTER You name If we do It Call 7263407 HOME IMPROVEMENTS STONE WORK pdtlos fireplaces landscap lng Reasonable rates 20 years axperlonca Free estimates 7286064 after INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens re rooms Coll Russ 4363681 after 630 pm References available NEED MORE living co rec room oxtr bedroom ploy room oundry office slor space Also pointing wollpoporlng Murro Ball 728B906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete baseman planning and decorating prlvocy screen and patios aluminum door The number all your needs 728B906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck polnllng chim neys waterproofing brick and stone caulk lng windows and expansion IolntsWor guaranteed 4589346 FOR QUALITY home Improvements use ou now llghtrock for exteriorInterior Brochures available Our showroom ls Clapperton St or call 7269710 7283450 CARPENTRY REPAIRS renovations locking masonry demolition Roofing years experience Free estimates 7269135 CARPENTRY DRYWALL Pointing lnsulto tion Roofln Custom Building Cottage Winlarlxed Strickland Const Co 4562890 aflaropm CUSTOM BUILDING and additions Cottog lifting and foundations Aluminum siding doors windows and accessories Fox con tracting 7261 710 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bdr rIa drop 35 up Dobon 4245910 after 50nd weekends INCOME TAX returns prepared am to pm Kldd 245 Edgehlll Dr 7263407 INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation fibreglass blowing and potting Free estimates Scott MuirL7281267 KARATE KWANS SCHOOL or KARATE Friday avo nlngs pm Control Collegiate Gym For inlormdtiongloose coll 7263654 LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING designs sup plied Traa removal Custom spraying For tIIIzar Insecticide Herbicide 4873401 7289369 SIMPSON Landscape contracting and design by Dale Simpson BSc Agr Quality plant material Complete maintenance Unistone drives and walks 4875680 Evenings 4875386 Barrie Office 7267801 WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Carenotion Auto Serv 17 Mary St 13939 INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Coll Russ 4363681 after 30 ROFOFOHCOIJIYOIIOOIO BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses 107 sold Apply at 91 Molroso Av Barriagor telephone 72852811 CABINET MAKING QUALIFIED CABINET MAKER and carpenter Hourly or quote Vlry versatile in other types 9M9 Wen791736 CARPENTIIY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces B91101 7331597 CARPEN Specializing in rec rooms in lurior remodeling trim etc Please call Z£9°LR CEDAR DECKS rec rooms axlanvons etc 72699931267699 European trained Kil charts vonilios Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 7262948 and GENERAL Contractors Will froma shingle and trim houses Reasonable prices 72643 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes collages renovations repairs Satisfaction guorgriteed and JConslruction 726 7461 CARPENTER will do rec looms renovations remodelling1c Nojoblo small 726 I271 CARPENTRY painting paper hanging co menl block plastering Kidd Contrac ting Co 727673407 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpels with carpal steam cleaning 7266321 LO VFoll Rates DO Lndoblo In homo service steam cleaned types Free utimol 1241609 CHAIR CARING Antique Choir Conlng Over 35 yrs ax perlanca PhonaJB Somors 7963727299 CERAMICS WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling Engrgelrs 7266263 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST work layout etc 090 design on Plan coll collect 416 FIREPLACES Specialiling in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA 7372871 TF COLONIAL FIREPLACES all fuel factory built Tiffinx72B4040 gt gt AArvr STONEWORK and fireplaces specialty Vic Wbtsorifor freaVeslimolos 7281599 GARDEN SUPPLIES CHOICE TOPSOIL for solo Evening and Satur day delivery Phone 7263928 HANDYMAN AND HANDYMAN Services work general repairs 7370789 FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 726344T between 10 om and 530 pm GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance carpentry Ex ronovolions painting plumbing porionca references ralidb 7260038 SPRING CLEAN UP Pruning mowing Edi ding seeding general llowerbedselc 7268552 maintenance FALL CLEANUP Generol Maintenance Fertilizing and Trimming Pointing Trosh hauled trees cut Sm0ll moving iobs Storm windows cleaned installed DAYS 7268424 EVENINGS 4362387 Renova tions sun decks patios pointing cement BOTTING PROPERTY SERVICES Lawn and garden maint landscape services 99992131302 1764536 LAWN CARE SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing sod ding seeding general maintenance flowarbods etc 7268552 WEED SPRAYING foll clean ups fertillxing mowing hedge and shrub trimming rough mowing Vic Triamstro 7262427 MAINTENANCE CONSULTANTS Is Your Maintenance Cost TOO High DO YOU HAVE TOO MANY RECURRING REPAIRS OR BREAKDOWNS CRD Provides qualified consulting to eliminate your costly problems ORILLIA 3250254 We dont supply ports or labor MICROWAVE OVENS DELL MICROWAVE Services Authoriz Among Sales Service to oil Microwgv 997157264177 anytime MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people wh like to dance Good rot17289545 MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Marcel Potvin Gullor Studio 7261489 BANDSTAND MUSIC Studios Boyfleld Moll Gultor classes Ydmdho method all 09 9°vr1AZZQLLLL ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin her and advanced months trial instru mont loaned for homo proctlcerConodio Academy of Music 121 Boyfiold 7281799 PIANO LESSONS East and for further In formotion telephone 7287102 PAINTING PAINTING paper hongln experienced free estimates Jock Rlchor son 7262012 7568874 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating Ill torior exterior Work guaranteed Established 30 years 7262609 7269M WAYNE FOLEY Professional pointers Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed 7267389 DON SIESLING Professional painting In terior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266m SPECIALIZING IN all types of pdperhdnglng pointing and grolnlng Ban Poarnbodiar Pointing 7280724 INTERIOR PAINTING For free estimate on any room In your home George Mocflisrson 7284886 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior 0x torlor deIpoparlng custom textured walls and ceilings Telephone 705 8352614 local PAVING PAVING MANIERI PAVING LTD Drivewoys Porking Lots Tennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7260031 Sewing Simcoe County for 16 years PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES 7370179 MANIERI PAVING LTD Patios Sidewalks and Steps Free estimates Work guaranteed Book now Phone 7260M1 BILOTTA CONTRACTING Potion sidewalks stops chimneys curbs New work and repairs Free estimates 4584233 after pm PICTURE FRAMING DATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283270 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages ARTIFRAM Custom picture framing Wide selections Factory price fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7288633 RIDING INSTRUCTION RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor orono Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Form 7260192 ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 3221897 after pm SEWING CLASSES SEWING CLASSES Baglnnln October Boginnars to advanced Alondola drag Qualified Instructors 7260187 or 7261m SEWING MACHINES SEW TECH CO iolists repairs all makes Industrio domestic sewing machines New used Agents Brother Sewing Machines 7371621 7371185 SEWING MACHINE repair Special halfprice $888 Ciaon oil adjust tenslon Any make free pickup 7372535 TELEVISION LEASING Borries only new color from $375 per 29 Collier 517284297 WELL DIGGING LONE STAR WELL DIGGING STROUD Machine dug wells Homes Cottages Forms Industry SpecIoIixing in Concrete Tile Steel reinforced concrete Ill lengths for sole Diameter 2148 737051 WINDOW CLEANING ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Specialists In houses apartments and stores Telephone 7281914 House of Laosln Loose your at Barrie TV ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FORSALE ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE 3355insflifllvfil29u2 USED COLOR ED TVs NEw FURNITURE GARDEN SUPPLES Turntable C563 speakers Asking Any reasonable offer will be accepted price $1550 Phone after oclock 7372977 NESTLER drafting table 25 ft of Sad dler conveyer track with adiuslable stands wheeled rubber tlre shop cart with handles Turbo shop vacuum 10 ft folding table with metal frame diving board solid BC llr 18 14 Apply 229 Huronla Road DESK solid oak With chair 895 piece kitchen set modern 535 Electric roller Ironer SIS Huge old chair excellent condition 875 Chesterfield chair $15 Floor pollshar $15 12 ft aluminum boat hp motor plus electric motor 12 volt oars and anchor llrm $350 Driv Ing lawn mower hp years old 5250 Antique trunk 845 Several smaller ar ticles Telephone 4873315 CLARINETS In excellentcondltlon beginners flat Buffet flat alto 7287448 vifim FILL YOUR canvas needs from the manufacturer Pool covers tarps boat covers etc Made to order Barrie Tent OM Awnlf10 Company 36 Baylleld Street TWO WICKER chairs with covers stereo with alters bird cage and ac cessorles at good condition Phone 7372129altsr5 NEW SINGER sewing machine por table with carrying case llglag stit ching 5115 7287286 RANGE 30 Copportone Vlklng perlect working condition automatic oven $125 or best offer 7262522 after CLOTHING for girls size 1214 Er condition some never been worn bargains 7266097 GOLF CLUBS piece set Including bag and cart mens 8100 7260303 Also tent trailer slee 68 builtIn dining area Good condlt on $550 7260303 60 160 CLEAR SPAN Armco steel building 16 side wall resently being dismantled In Toronto argaln priced Will deliver 7053222897 HORSE DRAWN Buggy good condltion must sell split rails 50c each Railway rm 348801 4665472 after We need the room for new stock con tlnuously coming In Come early for best selection of color and black and white TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 29 C01 ller St 7284297 PlANOSMason and Rlsch present this ad and save an extra $50 Neales 30 Queen St Elmvale 3221802 any Friday or Saturday FIREPLACEHARDvfiOD Seasoned lace cord 16x4x8 $35 or custom cut Free delivery 726 4725 DRY HARDWOOD 14 and 16 spilt At work yard or delivered For lurther de tails telephone4361372 HOOVER KENMORE Electrolux GE Eureka used vacuum cleaners $20 and up Telephone 7260853 BUILD YOUR OWN precut granlather clock Now anyone can build beautllul grandfather clock Its easy because its already precut Send 50 cents for Col our calalogue Colonial Times Clock Company Dept 01 500 Albert St Waterlow N2L 3V4 BEDROOM SUITE custom made solid pine queen site poster bed Jenny Lind tabla cedar lined wardrobe drawer dresser with mirror Phone 4563707 TgfiJ STEREO Panasonlc years old com ponents For more Information call 7373296 DINING ROOM Suite French Provin CIaI large table with leaves chairs bullet with hutch in good condition ask ing 8850 Telephone 7269867 after pm SIMPLICITY WRINGER washer with pump and timer In good condition Tol ephone 7263027 after pm BEDROOM SUITE Battier llvepleco with double bed box spring and mat tress 3700 Asia 5plece tinted glass dln lng room set 8175 Excellent condition 7373798 REFRIGERATION UNIT commercial with 2500 cubic lt capacity Used only months Replacement $2200 Sell for 81600 487 26230r7373993 PICKUP TRUCK cap ilii all standard I2ton trucks good condition 5150 or best offer Phone 7267935 Tuesday at pm at 49 Morrow Rd Unit 11 This new furniture all top name brands and guaranteed by manufacturers will be sold by auction and Auctioneers and Jobbers 726 6314 7370879 TF MOFFAT Gas Range continuous clean excellent condition harvest gold S250 Floor pollsher $15 Inglis gas dryer 875 Steam curling set brand new 815 7262053 or 7286338 POTTING SOILS Govt tested We mix our own Dont lose valuable plants Brays Garden Centre 26 Farndala Telephone7262951 FREE USE ol our spreaders to lartlllle your lawn this fall with weed control or ordinary lertllller Start the spring with first class lawn Brays Garden Centre 7262951 TREES AND SHRUBS TREES Nursery stock for sale Con Ilerous and Deciduous Very reasonable Phone 7269295 ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 THICK 30° EACH AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 TF

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