Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Oct 1976, p. 14

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14The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Oct 1976 AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE MR CAR DEALER DONT BE LEFI OUT FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 011i Barrie Examimr CARS FOR SALE 1974 VEGA Wagon P5 P8 auto 19000 miles 52450 2nd car no longer required Telephone 4589764 77 7777 1970 FORD Custom cylinder 240 $350 or will sell parts New motor last February Needs body work Telephone 4562545 1969 FAIRLANE in good running order needs body work not certified $200 or best offer Telephone after 12 noon 4565403 1973 GREMLIN for sale cyiinuei standard Clean certified Best offer Telephone 7371948 after pm I973 CHEV BELAIR va power steer ing power brakes excellent condition must sell call after 4246130 FROM THE WEST 1970 Roadrunner 383 barrel automatic 77000 miles mags $1700 Certified Telephone 424 6918 or 7373357 askforTom 1971 FORD LTD Wagon beautiful condi tion certified power steering and brakes private Asking $1700 Telephone 7286435 1973 PONTIAC Gran Safari station wagon excellent condition 35000 miles fully certified no rust 32900 7371004 after6230 1955 BUICK ROADMASTER rare col lectors item all power surprisingl good condition $1400 certified or best offer Consider trade of equal value Telephone 17013263652 after pm 1972 SUPER BEETLE for sale in ex cellent condition Almost new motor Asking $1200 Telephone 7373825 days evenings 7280941 ask for Charlie 1973 350 SS Chev Nova 30000 miles Cer tified In good condition Telephone 7372948 after pm 1973 COUGAR V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio vinyl roof owner Excellent condition safe tY certified Phone 3222714 1965 Meteor Standard door As is cheaplor cash Telephone 7267804 1969 PONTIAC STATIONWAGON 427 V8 automatic new parts many extras $825 or best offer Telephone 7263670 after5309m BEST OFFER for 1974 Mercury Colony Park 1974 Volvo station wagon 1973 Gremlin Phone 7260217 between and for Bob Sander 1970 DODGE Polara V8 automatic sedan power steering and brakes ex cellent condition 51150 or best offer Phone7286134 CARS WANTED URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barrias Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 TF TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 7288111 JUNK CARS WATNtEbT Highest pTEes paid same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TRACY WANTS cars andtruCkSTfor wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 SCRAP VE ICLES wan ed top prices paid free immediate pickup anytime 4362900 COLE BROS Cars andftrucks wanted for wrecking $25 and up Fast pickup Days 4356322 After p7m 4245949 SHAKELS WRECKINO and towing scrap metal cars bought over scales 520 ton 43637677777 MOTORCYCLES 1972 YAMAHA 175 very good condition new transmission and tuned up recently Telephone 7286407 after pm 250 HONDA street good condition 3150 or best offer pair of Enduro boots and leather pants new Also part for 350 Honda Phone 7264520 TRUCKS TRAILERS 1973 FORD farm truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin chassis like new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods Hillsdale 8352308 TRAILER FOR SALE axle ton new electric brakes lights adiustable posi tions Pintel eye safety chains Beaver tails $2650 Telephone Orlllia 3257812 alter4an 11689 2859 1973 DODGE van talic blue Gt slant 225 body in good condition In terior customized track stereo speakers Certified 53 500 Telephone 7373647 1973 BUICK Century 2150 V8 power brakes and steering automatic door radio Ziebarted 43000 miles Al condi tion Certified 52700 Phone 4241737 afterSpm TAXI 1975 Plymouth Gran Fury taxi package 318 rustproofing snows 60000 miles 53500 Telephone 7288093 1972 MERCURY Montego Mx Broug ham for sale Excellent condition Tele phone7261114 7777777w 777 77 1975 MAVERICK 27000 miles green radial tires power steering in good con dition $3500 or best offer Telephone 7261195 ARTICLES FOR SALE and ARTICLES roii SALE sons Ano Morons WINTER BOAT STORAGE Boat repair and refinishing TOLLENDAL MARINA 7204950 OI8 WINTER PROJECT Refinish this lnch mahogany plywood runabout Baamy 12foot craft has taken all Georgian Bay could offer Comes with trailer Hitch up and take If away for 5200 Call 7284967 after 430 BOAT 14 Shakespeare Wondercraft 25 HP rating unslnkable with 805 lb maximum load swivel seat 5250 7267910 FIBERGLAS CutterTlnboard outboard with trailer excellent condi tion $3800 7285525 after BOAT SALE 12 14ftAluminums $279$379 33 hp boat trailer $1195 55 hp boat wtop S1395 60 hp boat trailer S1595 Newt14 boat w40hp Johnson 52299 17 boat w150 hp MarcDemo $4295 15 Catamaran SailboatDemo $1295 SPORT HAVEN MARINE Shanty Bay Rd Barrie 7261001 ALTERATIONS LADIES AND ntfamans alterations 26 1968 GMC HANOIVANEcyilsrandard Mary St Talop na 1373432 or rasidanca safety checked and painted Hart Motors Ltd 7283026 1973 CUSTOM FORD van excellent con dltion inside and out steroes carpeting custom wheels Phone 7289366 alter Best offer 1966 GMC 132 ton heavy duty stake truck with hoist and racks 12 bed 70018 tires Excellent condition $1300 as is or $1500 certified 7373355 alter 530 1968 VzTON CHEV Pickup stock racks tires as Is 51400 or best offer Telephone 737 2359 ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 THICK 30° EACH AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 TF BARRIE TV SALIS It SlIlVICI COLLIER St 7284297 ELECTROHOME models to choose from IIIII N$52995 Just 9558 per wit latity lelll At This Price BUYERS CHECKJJST iBaiiio TV charge account No payments tIII Nov Free same day iiiiiveiy We service what we sell TThSTF Clearance Office Furniture Big Savings No reasonable offer refused Coll Mr Smith 7263600 or 7261098 08 NEW FURNITURE Tuesday of pm at 49 Morrow Rd Unit 11 This new furniture all top name brands and guaranteed by manufacturers will be sold by auction and Auctioneers and Jobbars 726 6314 7370879 TF AA4A Krazy Kellys COLOUR TELEVISION RENTALPURCHASE NO MONEY DOWN N0 PAYMENTS TILL JAN 77 20 RCA KLI 00 1976 Model IGOR or S46600 cash basis 26 lENITIf CIIROMACOLOUR Floor Console Orally or $68800 cash basis 19 RCA ACCUCOLOUR XL7S Free roll about base 50 weekly or $38800 cash basis 15 GENERAL ELECTRIC Lowboy weekly or $49300 cash basis 14 TOSIIIIA ILACKSTRIPE 30 month warranty m$35omuy or $39900 cash basis PHONE TONIGHT DELIVERY TONIGHT Zenith Sony Toshiba RCA Quasar GE Coll KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA 7371 182 MTThFTF THE BARRIE EXAMINER WILL NOT HAVE CORES OF NEWSPRINT AVAILABLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE TF 775916 AiuNIiNuN ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING Soffit fascia eavestrough door windows awnings porch enclosures stonework Installed with Old Fashioned Pride GIBSON General Contractors 7265609 SIDTNG SVOFFITTFNACIA Aiw aovOS troughing Fro estimate from Painswick chemistr 7169762 GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eovestrough Soffit Windows Facio Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch Enclosures Stonework For free estimate Call PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business PERMASEAL Aluminum Storm Doors And Windows For installation Sales And Service Call JOMAR ALUMINUM RR Thornton 4361518 ALUMINUM SIDING Soffnt Fascia doors windows accessories wvastroughing Custom building Fox Contracting 726 I710 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorirad sales and service 18 Alliance Blvd 72873392 AUTO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES ESB WILLARD BOIIQIIII antifreon all winter naOds at attractive prices RabUIlt engines for most cars trucks Pioh Motor Supply Co Ltd 7285911 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Sarv 17 Mary St 7265441 INTERIOR REMODELLING Kiictianr mi rooms Cull Russ 4363681 after 30 pm References available iiiiin Nous PURPLE MARTIN Houses for solo Apply at 92 Melraso Ava777Ba7 or telephone 72785283 CABINET MAKING QUALIFIED CABINET MAKER and carpenter Hourly or quota Vary versatile in other types of work 7Coll Ivan 73726714 CARPENTRT AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces gugranlaod 7371507 CARPENTER ICIOlIllflg in rec rooms in terior remodeling trim etc Please call 7288884 oftar67p CEDAR DECKS rac rooms Extensionsetc Fu717y7a7x7pariencod 726 9W2 CABINET MAKER European trainer xii chons vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domesth Commercial 726 27948 Jibnd GENERAL COnIrOCtOrsfwfll Iramo shingle and trim houses Reasonable pricu 7264327 LICENCED CARPENTERS Ctiiiiziii hbrhOs cottages renovations rlpolrs Satisfaction swept94 Tan41C9ngtrysb ZzbZtli CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations ran249099ILNEJSERTEellzléflflh CARPENTRY painting paper banging ca mont block plastering Kidd Contrac tlng Ca 7263407 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets with Al carpet steam cleaning 7266321 SPECIAL LOW Fall Rates Do andablo in home service steam claimed typos Fraa 21W 47 CNAIR CANING Anthua Choir Conlng Over 35 rs parlance Phgna 18 Som 4362239 CERAMICS WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling and repairs 724562763 COMMERCIA ART COMMERCIAL APTIST dollgn art work layout etc Plano cal collect 416 ARTICLES FOR SALE CAMPING EQUIPMENT 1976 LIONEL MODEL 80 hardtop camp lng trailer burner stove Ice box spare tire ropane tank used months $1550 7283 95 after pm 1976 BONAIR hardtop tent trailer with Insulated roof sleeps 3way lrlg burner stovo furnace table units 20 lb propane tank plus large ripperon addaroom Never been hauled Excel lent condition $3000 or best offer Phone 3222660 GARDEN SUPPLIES POTTING SOILS Govt tested We mix our own Dont lose valuable plants Brays Garden Centre 26 Farndalo Telephone 7262951 FREE USE of our spreaders to fertlllle your lawn this fall with weed control or ordinary fertllller start the spring with first class lawn Brays Garden Centre 7262951 TREES AND SHRUBS TREES Nursery stock for sale Con lferous and Deciduous Very reasonable PhMe 7269295 77777 7777 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 DOGS AND PETS BARRIE POODLE SalonShampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 POODLETTRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pickup and delivery 7268798 Pet studio MAYS POODLE PARLOR Profes sional cIl ping and grooming rea sonable ra es Telephone 7260061 BEAUTIFIJTBOBERMAN black and tan registered tone of children forced sale reasonable 7262037 PUREBRED MALATIAUTE husky years old Male reasonable Needs room to7run Telephone 7263677 ARTICLES FOR SALE USED COLORED TVs Any reasonable offer will be accepted We need the room for new stock Con tinuously coming in Come early for best selection of color and black and white TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 29 Cal lier St 7284297 PlANOSMason and Rlsch present this ad and save an extra $50 Neales 30 Queen St Elmvala 3221802 any Friday orSaturday FIREPLACE HARDWOOD Seasoned lace cord 16x4x8 535 or custom cut Free delivery 7264725 DRY HARDWOOD 14 and 16 lit At work yard or delivered For furt or de tails telephone 4361372 HOOVER KENMORE Electrolux GE Eureka used vacuum cleaners s20 and up Telephone 7260853 BUILD YOUR OWN precut granfattter clockl Now anyone can build beautiful grandfather clock Its easy because its already precut Send 50 cents for col our catalogue Colonial Times Clock Comoany Dept 01 500 Albert St Waterloo Ontario N2L 3V4 BEDROOM SUITE custom made solid pine queen size poster bed Jenny Lind table cedar llned wardrobe drawer dresser with mirror Phone 4563707 PIONEER Stereo System and 150 records 828 Receiver Tuner FLA35 Turntable CS63 speakers Asking price $1550 Phone alter oclock 7372977 NEW lRMBACTI apSTiment size studio piano Weber upright piano refinished and recondltloned 5595 7260560 PORTABLE Industrial Oii FiredSteam Jenny II overhauled In good condition 7286298 DESK solid oak with chair 595 piece kitchen set modern 835 Electric roller lroner $15 Huge old chair excellent condition 57g Chesterfield chair 515 Floor lish 515 12 ft aluminum boat motor plus electric motor 12 volt oars and anchor llrm 5350 Driv ing lawn mower hp years old 5250 Antique trunk 545 Several smaller ar ticles Telephone 4873315 ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory CONCRETE Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest lob possible NANDYMAN MANIERIPAVINGLtd patios Sidewalks and Steps Fr estimates Work guaranteed 9° Phl99° cusron FENCING CUSTOM FENCING and Supplies Phone for estimates Fro delivery Barrio Fanca Co 7263M Lgmbart 7282670 RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain Ilfl custam wood Inncas Improve your property 773745077 DECORATING THINKING OF WALLPAPERING7 For reasonably priced professional iob call 456095 oatssrAAxiNg DRESSES FIT if Inad by JOSIE AQUINO Spacialixing In pant suits gowns and afford t7ir7sns 76 Worsloy7 726 6W QUALITY DRESSMAKING Hams alterations Reasonable rotIs service Call 728 8514 evenings DRYWALL DRYWALL Specialized taping and texture spraying of ceilings Call Tony 728 1102 EAVESTROUGIIING and Fast GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eavostroughing installed Call 728 6628 COLORED Aluminum oavastroughitig All work done and guarantud by owner Fraa ostimatas 7269769 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Spdctolists Roofing and roofing repairs Fina estimates Coll 424 1956an Lowoll ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Rbsidanliol Industrial Installations and sar VIC 77264996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC MIndustrial Commercia Residentio Farms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20yrs experience City Masters Lic IIB 7288234 EXCAVATING LL AL NHL NEW ROBERT BOYCHOF narrating haulage uplir systems trenching loadm work gravel 436 1558 436 I257 BULLDOZING small and large yobs Eason and Sons RR Mininng 726 7638 DRAG LINE Work Wanted Form ponds dit hing general aovoling air Phono 7726 8693 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Bockhoe Excav Trenching Horizonta Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA 7372871 TF COLONIAL FIREPLACES all fuel factory built soo Tlffln 72874040 STONEWORKVdnd fireplaces specialty Vic Lilw I911 win9M 7182 53 GARDEN SUPPLIES CHOICE TOPSOIL for sale Evening and Satur dgy delivery Phone 7263928 IIANDYMAN AND HANDYMAN Services Renova lions sun docks patios painting comanl wk 99 9relrt797°°9 FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 am and 530 pm GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance carpentry ranovotlons painting lumblng Ex rofarances rallab 7260008 SPRING CLEANUP Pruftlftg mewlng sod dlng loading general maintenance flower etc 7268552 FALL CLEANUP General Maintenance Fertilizing and Trimming Painting Trash hauled trees cut Small moving iobs Storm windows Cleaned installed DAYS 7268424 EVENINGS 4362387 HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Pain ting Plumbing Roof and CIIIMIOY ropairs 9999 CARPENTERPAINTER we doil 0117276734077 You name It IIOME IMPROVEMENTS STONE WORK patios fireplaces landscap ing Reasonable rates 20 years xpOIIOfKO 7796094 15 INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchans roc rooms Call Russ 4363681 after 30 pm Referencosavoiloblt 77 77 NEED MORE living space rac room extra bedroom ploy room oundry office storage space Also palnting wallpaparing Murray 99 77919799 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete bosomM planning and docorofing privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your hoods772BBW7M 77 77 SPECIALIIING IN Tuck pointing chim neys waterproofing briLk and stone caulk iiig windows and expansion iointsWork 99°°€5939 FOR QUALITY home improvements use our new lightrock far exteriorInterior Brochures available Our showroom is Cloppartgn St or 0117269710 CARPENTRY REPAIRS ronovotlons tacking masonry demolition Roofing 20 years experience Free estimates 7263135 CARPENTRY DRYWALL lion Wintaruod after CUSTOM BUILDING and additions Cottage lilting and foundations Aluminum siding doors windows and accessories Fox con tracting 7261710 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar fl area S5 up Dobson 4245910 offr Sand weekends INCOME TAX returns praporod pm to Kidd 245 Edgahill Dr 726 3407 INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation fibroglass blowing and polling Fran estimates Scott Muir 728 1267 Painting lnsulta ckiand Const Co 4562890 KARATE KWANS SCHOOL OF KARATE Friday ave niiigs in Control Collogiata Gyrn for information please all 72636754 LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING dasigns sup plied Troo removal Custom spraying For liluer lnsorticid Herbicide 4873401 728 9369 SIMPSON Landscape contracting and design by Dale Simpson BSc Agr Quality plant material Complete maintenance Unistone drives and walks 4875680 Evenings 4875386 Barrio Office 7267801 BOTTING PROPERTY SERVICES garden maint landscape remanablo rates 7264536 LAWN CARE SPRING CLEAN UP Pruning mowing sod ding seeding general maintenance flowarbods atc 7268552 WEED SPRAYING fall clean ups farlilixin mowing hedge and shrub trimming roug mowing Vic Trlomltra 72760427 Lawn and services MAINTENANCE CONSULTANTS Is Your Maintenance Cost Too High 00 YOU HAVE TOO MANY RECURRING REPAIRS OR BREAKDOWNS CRD Provides qualified consulting to eliminate your costly problems ORILLIA 3250254 We dont supply parts or labor MICROWAVE OVENS DELL MICROWAVE Services Authorized Amana Sales Service to all Microwave ov7ons7777264177 onytlmo MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who like to dance 630d rates 7289545 MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Marcel Potvln Guitar Studio 72614 IANDSTAND MUSIC Studios Hayfield Mall Guitar classes Yamaha method all age groues77264973 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin nar and advanced months trial Instru mant loaned for home practice Canadian AcadammMuslc 121 Bayllgld 728 799 PIANO LESSONS East and for further Th pular Roofing Custom Budding Cottages Drivewciys lrt ARTICLES FOR SALE CLARINETS in excellent condition beginners flat Buffet flat alto 7287448 PIANO FOR SALE Sherlock Manning upright in good condition Includes bench Telephone 7287008 FILL YOUR canvas needs from the manufacturer Pool covers tarps boat covers etc Made to order Barrie Tent gpd tAwning Company 36 Bayfleld ree TWO WICKER chairs with covers stereo with speakers bird cage and ac cessories all good condition Phone 7372129atter5 NEW SINGER sewing machine por table with carrying case zigzag stit chlng81157287286 GARAGE SALE at 214 Yonge St Painswlck on Wednesday Octobrr 6th from pm tilt dusk Antiques bathroom scales wicker chair brass knob bed stalrcasa spindles horse harness etc Renovations 50 pieces of lumber 100 switch and octane boxes 10 lock and passage sets Camper Icebox new chrome bathroom fixtures plywood cupboard doors unlinished wooden lamps and TV table CEDAR LOG euIIdITio for sale Ready to ship 30 24 marked for easy assembly Telephone 6137572654 77 RANGE 30 Coppertone Viking perfect working condition automatic oven 5125 or best offer 7262522 alter CLOTHING roi girls ageiou very good condition some never been worn Good bargains 72676897 ARTICLES WANTED CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 7288234 NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday PAINTING PAINTING paper hangin axpariancnd Ira estimates Jock Richar son 7262012 L75°97 VELLINGA PAINTING and dxoroiiriaf In terior exterior Work guaranteed 9250 397° 7767 WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters Ex terior and Interior Frag astimatu Work sugarMWJRZPW DON SIESLING Professional painting in forior exterior paper hanging custom work satisfaction guaranteed 7266 SPECIALIZING lN all typos of popiarhangirigr painting and raining Ban Poarnbachor aln7ling7772BO7 INTERIOR PAINTING is liu uiimaCBii any room in your home Goorga MacPharsan 7284866 HILLSDALE DECORATING iriiuior toriar wallpoparing custom Ileurod walls 97nd ceilings Telphone 835 2614 local PAVING PAVING MANIERI PAVING LTD Parking Lots Tonnis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7260081 Sewing Simcoe County for 16 years PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES 73710179 MANIERI PAVING lTD Patios51dawalks and Steps Fru ostimolos Work guaranteed Book now Phone 7260081 BILOTTA CONTRACTING sldawalks stops chimneys work and repairs 4584233 after pm PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom flaming of all types We stock many sixes Phono72873270 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages Patios curbs Now Fraa asllmatas ARTIFRAM Cuslom picture framing Wide selections Factory price fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7288633 RIDING INSTRUCTION RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrio five minutes Windy Haugh Form ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs PI70377O71II11N71IOI 32721897 gift7r pm SEWING CLASSES SEWING CLASSES Boglnnin October Beginners to advanced Alandolo area 999014FIL95903 7160157 919 SEWING MACIIINES SEW TECH CO ociallsts repairs all makes lndustria domestic sawing machines Now used Agents Brother SowlngMachlnas 7371621 737118£777 SEWING MACHINE repair Spoclal halfprice SBDB Clean all odiust tension Any make gflpjcku 7372585 TELEVISION LEASING Barrlos only Hausa of Loasin Loan your Mw color from 8375 par we at Barrio TV 29 Collier Sf 7284297 trim DIGGING LONE STAR WELL DIGGING STROUD Machine dug walls Homes Cottages Farms Industry Specializing In Concrete Tile Steal reinforced concrete tile lengths for sale Diameter 21 48 737051 WINDOW CLEANING ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING SPOCIOIIIII in houses apartments and storm Telephone 728 914 SNOWMOBILES ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES in stock now at preseason prlcos SPORT HAVEN MARINE mile east of BARRIE on Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 D29 FARMERS MARKET FRUITS AND VEGETABLES APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro 7261907 7288489 Closed Sundays Your containers POTATOES FOR SALE Sebago 75 pound bags Charles Ellsmere RRil Barrie 7284956 PURE HONEY 70 cents lb Whytes Iz mile north SimpsonsSears on Bayfield st 72885227777 77 77 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HORSES BOARDED and trained Echo Spring Ranch 10th line of Oro Phone 4875842 HORSES BOARDED large box stalls Windy Braes Farm 4th Oro Hwy 11 Telephone 4873333 SPECIAL CLEARANCE of Used and New Trailers Several makes Also lease and rentals7261551 APPOLOOSA Stallion Colt 1512 months old 13 hands high Beautiful conforma tion and well mannered S200 flrm Telephone 7287813 AMERICAN Pit Bull TeiTier re gistered $260 value Trade for best young ste7e7r Phone 14167753658 POULTRY AND CHICKS READY to lay pullers Also farm fresh eggs Brown egg birds available mid November Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud4361811 FEED SEED AND GRAIN HAY First and second cut hay for sale No rain Top quality for horses Tele 932097399989 FARM MACHINERY FORD TRACTOR N8 also one Farmall Tractor cup Both In real good condi tion Call alter pm for more informa tion 4875317 PERSONAL TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS7286581il you drink thats your business If you want toqult thats ours Call any time BOWLERS WANTED to start Sep tember teams couples or singles afternoon or evenings Kempview Bowl 7289761 UNWANTED HAIR problem Have it removed safely permanently medical ly approved Lydia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologist 7372671 15 YOUR LIFE WORTH 44 hours The boating course taught by the Barrie Power Squadron can make the dIf ierence between an enloyable boating season and disaster Learn elements of safe boating and Seamanship by atten dlng class one night week during the fall and winter Registration September 21 and 23 to pm Eastview Col iegiate JULIES 33 ESSA RD We trade and sell used pocket novels We also have sand wich bar Open am to 10 pm days weekly INTERNATIONAL Investigation Ser vices clvll criminal marital investiga tions surveillance Discreet and con lldential 7372972 TATUM Brent father of Andrea Evelyn and Christine Lynn or anyone knowing his whereabouts please contact Mur phy at 14162398131 Monday to Friday to5 pm GENTLEMAN would like to meet widow age 60 to 65 Obiect companion ship Have late model car Write to Box 549 Barrie Examiner ATTENTION BRIDES Enioy ge nuine tape of English Abbey wedding peals for the ceremony Telephone 436 3393 WINNER of 5050 draw for the Innisfil Mens Softball League held Oct 2nd in StroudArena Ken Bray ol Painswick ANYONE interested in having their car delven to Florida anytime after January first 1977 please call me at 7284175 alter 6pm WARM AND UNDE RSTANDING homes required for children of all ages If you have room In your family for respon sive child we can fill it For more in formation call Browndale Barrie 726 8861 ask for Rosemary Martinluk or Jim Wylie LOST AND FOUND WALLET Mans black lost in Barrie Sept 15 Reward 7262445 daytime 726 4392alter5 77 INSTRUCTIONS PIANO LESSONS Eastend For further information telephone 72871027 EMPLOYMENT WANTED MALE ATTENDENT with hospital and nursing home experience available for services to convalescents and senior citilens Phone7265577 HELP WANTED 06 93 TelephoneAgo THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS NELP WANTED IIELP warms RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICERS AND UNDERWRITERS Earning Potential $30000 Consumer LoansSales Finance or Mortgage Undenivriting Experience Expansion of our residential mortgage brokerage division has created several openings in the Barrie Orillia Gravenhurst and Midland brea If you are an aggressive sales oriented selfstafier with minimum of years experience in Consumer Loans Sales Finance or Mortgage Underwriting talk to Canadas largest mortgage brokerage organizationi about challenging and rewarding career All inquiries held in strictest confidence Interviews will be conducted in Orillia on Thursday 4421 basic data Room for growth DANCING INSTRUCTORS Opportunity available for per son persons trained and qualified to teach Tap Ballet Modern Jazz Any and all past dance training an asset Opportunities also available for those people trained in Ballroom Dance techniques Applicants to be interviewed between the hours Of PM TO PM TUES WED THURSDAY OCTOBER 56 PATS DANCE CENTRE 72 DUNLOP ST 2nd floor BARRIE Earn 165 Extra Money and Win Prizes ANGUS ELMVALE COOKSTOWN Please fill out the application below arid return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayiiold St Barrie or Phone 7266539 06 BURTON AVE TRAILER PARK PERRY ST DUNLOP AREA PENETANG MULCASTER AREA MAPLE MARY ST 91h OF INN BLEACH AREA ALDERSLEA PARK October and Friday October I976 Arrange for your interview now by calling Mr Daines at 7053257 FINANCIAL CORPORATION Full Service Mortgage Financing Group 07 Accounting Specialists LOCATION BARRIE ONTARIO THE POSITION Report directly to the controller of medium sized manufacturing company in the plastic industry You will provide all operating information and price quotations plan and execute special proiects related to costing and operation analysis THE PERSON Cost and management systems oriented you have keen interest in manufacturing processes experience in standard costing would be an asset quick learner willing to create from THE POTENTIAL initial salary commensurate with experience PLEASE SEND DETAILED RESUME TO BOX S41 BARRIE EXAMINER Plant Manager We require an aggressive professional manager to assume full responsibility for all manufacturing activities of divarsiflod local company You should possess an engineering dogroa and have demonstrated leadership abilities and growth performance in manufacturing discipline over six to ten year period Exposure to iniocfion moulding would also be an asset We offer an attractive compensation and fringe benefit package confidential resume indicating salary requirements should b6 sent to MORGAN VicePresident and General Manager Canadylet Limited 157 John Street Barrie Ontario SETUP OPERATE HIGH SPEED PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT New company in Downsview area requires person with mechanical aptitude to setup and maintain high speed production equipment and tooling Salary range $530 $630 plus profit sharing plan Experience on draw presses metal forming and machine repair is an asset However willingness to learn and desire to work up into supervisory capacity are essential Call 416 6617010 05

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