EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation Classified Advertising All Other Departments 12th YearNo 232 Mayor Dorian Parker gets lesson in the Glasgow Slosh from Bob Deakin of Georgetown at the Sons of 7266539 728 24 7766537 MAYOR GETS DANCING LESSON Scotland dance Saturday night at the Continental Inn Mr Deakin chief of Camp Caledonia was guest of Barries Lovat Camp Two Scottish singers Irene King could reach as high as 000 LA PAZ Mexico AP Luis Izguerra Leon who brought his family to this Baja California city two years ago to start new life had just seen his wife and four children buried in 00mmon grave along with hunlt dreds of other victims of Hurri cane Liza But he spurned government offer to provide medical care for his only surviving child fouryearold Blanca Estela Shes getting medicine he said Sunday In the morning carry her to doctor dont know what she has but believe it is the same illness Escapees still at large OTTAWA CP Six men who escaped from the Ottawa Carleton regional detention centre Sunday still were at large today police said Number of seals killed up SAN FRANCISCO AP An increasing number of harp seals have been killed despite Canadian government quotas which followed the controversy over clubbing of baby seals researcher says New punch to infantry CAMP GAGETOWN NB CP About 20 members of the Canadian Armed Forces are undergoing missile training here as the first ste towards what base spokesman says will mean new punch the infantry Two die in collision at sea COPENHAGEN AP Norwegian tanker and French freighter collided in dense fog early today killing two young Norwegian women and irguring several other persons the Danish naval command sai Mysterious disease KHARTOUM AP Sudanese authorities have barred movement into south Sudan and closed off the Maridi area in western Equatoria province because of mysterious con tagious disease in the area Secret talks are underway BEIRUT AP Arab League mediator Hassan Sabri Kholi said today that two sets of secret talks were under way for detailed and timetabled withdrawal of Palestinian guerrillas from war fronts to their prewar bases Willing to compromise OTTAWA CP lsraeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allen has repeated his countrva willingness to maketerritorial com mise in order to reach constructive solution to the Middle Est problem with Arab countries have grief and loneliness Medics began massive in oculation campaiin against tet anus and typhoid Sunday as swarms of flies gathered over La Paz where rescue workers were still digging bodies out of the mud Much of the city was flooded when an earthen dam burst as Liza swept in from the Pacific late last week with heavy rain and winds up to 135 miles an hour RECOVER BODIES Mexican President Luis Ech everria told reporters Sunday that 435 bodies of hurricane vic tims had been recovered in Baja California state However hundreds of other persons were listed as missing Other officials had reported more than 600 bodies found and government sources said unof ficially that the toll could reach 1000 lzguerra and his daughter were among 15000 hurricane survivors left homeless in Baja California the peninsula that stretches about 700 miles south from California Authorities es timated that another 24000 per sons werc homeless in the Mex ican states of Sonora and Si naloa on the mainland and Tom Parks at the dance Photo rformed xamtner Number of Hurricane victims wuss Whats my legal rights if decide to take hostage Sabres drop out of SOJHL WELLAND Ont CP Welland Sabres of the Southern Ontario Junior Hockey League SOJHL have folded because of financial problems team spokesman announced toda The spokesman said Sabres directors made number of at tempts the last few days to keep the club alive The teams season opener Friday against Mount llamilton was cancelled as was preseason game earlier in the week against wen Sound Barrie Ontario Conodo Monday Oct I976 l5 Per Copy Corrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly Uta iï¬arrtr Examinrr The Barrie Examiner WEATHER FORECAST PARTLY CLOUDY l6Poges Barrie posties remain at work Barries inside postal workers were on the job this morning as possible series of protest strikes started in Vancouver Dan Westwood president of the Barrie local Canadian Union of Postal Workers CUPW said this morning he is waiting for word from national CUPW headquarters on whether Barrie workers will be asked to walk out But he said it is his educath guess that Barrie will not be involved in the automated process because the local office is not At issue is the intoruction of automated equipment in post of fices in London Windsor and St Johns Points in dispute are before committee of adjudication and the CUPW move toward strike action was arked by statement from the Treasury Board that it woul not necessarily accept committee decisions if the committee appeared to have exceeded its jurisdiction About 1700 CUPW members went on strike Sunday night in Vancouver over the issue Police waiting for decision Barrie police department is willing to do anything the city recommends at the intersection of Mulcaster and Codrington streets says Earl Snider police chief Chief Snider was at the in tersection this morning to wat ch the traffic flow and says he hasnt changed his mind Its bad corner Its serious situation he said But imagine the works committee will come up with some way to solve the pro blem The chief said this morning during 20 to 25 minutes only 21 children used the intersection to get to St Marys school The longest wait he said was Too few registered so far about five minutes Chief Snider said the safety patrol crossing guards are do ing an excellent job at the in tersection and he was most impressed by their work He said there has not been an accident at the intersection in volving children and he did not know how to improve the sit uation How do you beat success he asked Im not sure an adult crossing guard is the answer The public works committee is trying to make decision to decrease the time delay which children face crossing the in tersection The committee meets tonight at government seminar Only two of the three city council standing committees are meeting tonight Cit development committee mem rs are meeting Tuesday at pm because today is Yom Kippur Jewish holiday The finance and public works committees are meeting to night at pm at city hall on Collier Street The finance committee will discuss requests for financial help from two people during its meeting at the rear of the coun cilchambcrs Les Martens chairman of the Barrie Jaycees Santa Claus Parade committee and Earl Snider police chief are asking for money Chief Snider wants the money to help cover costs of holding the Ontario Association of Police Chiefs conference in Barrie in 1977 The committee members are also scheduled to discuss the proposed noise bylaw publice works committee has two deputations tonight for its second floor meeting At 730 pm the committee is meeting representatives of the downtown improvement board to discuss traffic park ing and lighted Christmas display fixtures in Memorial Square DISCUSS CROSSING Then at pm the commit tee members are meeting Mary Dunstan to discuss pupils cross ing at Mulcaster and Cod rington streets Mrs Dunstan was one of the parents involved in discussions WHATS INSIDE Elmvale Fall Fair Page Ann Landcrs Page New Day arc Page Flyers Will Page 10 Beatrice Out Page 10 Iiats Surprisi Page II Portrayal of Lougheed as villain in constitutional talks may spread TORONTO CP Alberta Premier Peter Lougheed at ready is regarded in Ontario litical circles as villain for is insistance that all provinces have constitutional veto The portrayal may soon spread Other premiers characterize Mr Lougheeds osition as one that would put country into constitutional straitjacket with change all but impossible Even British Columbia Pre mier Bill Bennett who wants his province treated as sepa rate region with its own veto opposes the Alberta position The other eight premiers sup rt plication of the Victoria ormu worked out at 1971 conference to the British North America Act when it is brought to Canada from London For the last 109 years the British Parliament has rou tinely without debate passed amendments submitted by Can ada Fifty years ago the coun try began seeking way to bring the act Canadas con stitution to Ottawa but the ob stacle is an amending formula Quebec has op sed bringing the act to Cana for fear the other provinces might remove the guarantees given it when the country was formed Quebec now is satisfied with the proposed Victoria formula which would give it veto over change and with provincial as surances that further guaran tees to language rights would be built into the constitution The Victoria formula also would give veto powers to Ot tawa Ontario any two of the four Atlantic provinces and two western provinces provided more than 50 per cent of the population was represented But Alberta apparenth fears the formula would ena Ie the others particularly the federal government and Ontario to map its petroleum wealth through constitutional amend ment We want position in Con federation where our province is no less equal than Ontario Mr Lougheed says Alberta ready loses $2 bi lion year to the rest of Canada at rices be low what it could get sewhere about the crossing last spring with the Simcoe County Roman Catholic Board of Education Parents with children atten ding St Marys school on Codr ington Street are concerned about the amount of traffic go ing through the intersection City council is also holding special meeting tonight at 830 pm in the council chambers to discuss applications for can cellation reduction and refunds in city taxes The city development com mittee is scheduled to meet Bob Hollywood general manager of the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce at pm Tuesday to discuss amendment 27 to the ci tys official plan The amendment was approv ed and sent to the committee by planning board last week The purpose of the amend ment is to indicate city coun cils support of the central core area for shopping recreation culture administrative and residential uses Committee members are also meeting Jack Stollar at 730 pm to discuss his proposed subdivision on Little Avenue west of the Canadian National Railway rightofway Don Kirkpatrick deput city engineer and Peter Lee esign engineer will meet the commit tee at pm to discuss subdivi sions in Barrie After the blessing of animals and other pets at Trinity Anglican Church on Sunday Rev John Speers and Don Stuart dressed as St Fran cis of Assisi talk outside the church with Carolyn Man cww JAWS COULD SAVE LIFE Ray Levesque of Hurst Safe ty Products demonstratred Jaws of Life at the Midhurst Fair Jaws will be part of the Simcoe Rescue Squads equipment Here the hy draulicpowered tool lifts the steering wheel of car The Rescue squad should become operational next spring Ex aminer Photo Busy schedules set for two committees sixweek seminar on local government scheduled to begin this week faces cancellation unless another 32 students register for it by noon Tuesday The seminar designed to ac quaint prospective municipal candidates and the general public with all facets of municipal government had been set to start Wednesday at 730 pm at Georgian College under the joint sponsorship of the college The Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce and the Barrie and District Labor Council But Bob Hollywood chamber general manager said today only 18 students have signed up for the course so far compared to the 50 to 75 needed to go ahead with the seminar Theres just no way we can go with that number he said Cost of the seminar is $12 for adults $20 for couples and $6 wa wmfl Lamas my male for students or senior citizens Those wishing to register should call the colleges exten sion services department at 728l95l or contact the chamber or the labor council Former Barrie Mayor Les Cooke is to serve as chairman of Wednesdays session with Spencer Hope manager of the central regional office of the Ontario Ministry of the lreasury Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs TEIGA to speak on the history of local government and Ernest Myitrai senior local government adviser with llIlGAS advisory service speaking on forms and stmc turcs of local government lOPICSINtIlDIC Topics at subsequent sessions are to include the mic of the province in municipal govern ment operation of the BLESSING GIVEN TO ANIMALS cey 10 of Vespra township Bruce Lancefield 11 of Grove Street and Pamela Mancey 12 of Vespra About 50 ts were blessed in clu ing dogs cats rabbits budgie goldfish and gui nea pig Today is the day of the Feast of St Francis who lived in the 12th century and founded the Order of St Francis Mr Speers said St Francis considered animals municipal corporation func tions and special services local boards and commissions mu nicipal assessment municipal finance parliamentary pro cedure in the council chamber municipal finance parliamen tary procedure in the council chamber municipal planning and the future of municipal government Planned for the final session Nov 10 is panel discussion on participation in local govern ment Eric Winklcr former provin cial management board chair man is to speak at the final ses sion In place of health minister Frank Miller previously an nounced Ken Byles planning board vicechairman and Peter Howden chamber of commerce legislative affairs chairman have been named to chair the ct 20 and Oct 27 ses sions respectively as mans brothers and sisters He was social worker and he was the first to have real animals in the nativity scene Examiner Photo