IIELP WANTED HELP WANTED Qiqux Qta Earn ucnofl SALES Am as up moms The Barrie Examiner Friday Oct 1976117 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ANNOUNCEMENT SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES BAUCIIUNII R8 Tanning Estate Household Ontario Government Tender GENERAL CONTRACTORS and form For the construction of two sOparate twostorey camper cabins armor gwwzwtzintrlmumWW $500 COMING EVENTS wwwcl of WP for the Ministry of Culture and Recreation at the Ontario Camp T3°1m ma isoo large or sfm conflgnmflfl Leadership Centre Bark Lakelrondale 3°jl mo Audion cum by appointmufl External walls lower portion will be concrete block upper por Wiggxlm mt OPEN HOUSE Br an Pocono tion wood frame The buildings will be insulated and have elec for oneer pprmser tricol heating and lighting They will be connected by wooden BIRTHS Mf and Mrs AmoId Forbes deck at the second store level is 7269 77737 0879 T° 50 mm2itiisiii°ttsnii oiIViiIToTcisioEnTiiiIZir SEALED TENDERS will be received until 300 pm LOCAL TIME on Leah on Saturday September 11 1976 at 40 Anniversary mm mm TUESDAY OCTOBER 26 1976 gggpggggggr mm T°°° on Sunday Oct 1976 Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ministry of Gover pm MARPLES AUCTION SALE nment Services Regional Office 322 Kent Street West Lindsay nee Lacey or 25 Vespla Baltrligi are Best Wishes Only Antique Auction SATURDAYhOCTf Ontario Telephone No 705 3249188 or from the Ministry of 2332135Ts32ff523322yiReigï¬lnéeti 02 Sat Oct 2766 pm in the 0° 121A Government Services Public Tenders Office Room Mi 43A Mac LasézgieoéssgigOIglzliogsollhgplxj MIN Avenlng Community Ha mi MR JOE SCATIA donald Block Queens Park Toronto Ontario Telephone No Cathleen Ten grandchud to Mr and VSSEEUECSLSE south of Stayngr on Airport Rd 26 Maple Rd Ewon 469651152 Mrs Roy Lacey of Barrie and second take 5th line of lnnlsfil to the lake turn left 3rd house on the left Watch for signs day of sale Household furnishings in cludina some appliances linen glassware bicycles canoe car top camper Terms cash grandchild of Mr Willie Bartholomew ot Dalston Many thanks to Dr Pattison Houday In some and the 4th floor nurses Wednesday Oct l0ll230 1430 79 Professional application of eye makeup skin analysis Job opportunity call Pat Gunby $800000 Bid Bond 100 Performance Bond and 50 Payment Band will be required NOTE For further information regarding this tender please call Mr Campbell Ministry of Government Services Toronto Ontario Telephone No 416 9651152 or the Regional Office above The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted THE BARRIE EXAMINER ELMVALE COOKSTOWN HAS ROUTE OPENINGS BURTON AVE TRAILER PARK PERRY ST DUNLUP AREA Preview at4 pm Featuring PinePrimitives and original colours Always good selecï¬on of Canadiona and Collectables Absolutely no Reserve Refesh FENN Eva At the Muskok Memorial Hospital Bracebrldae Wednesday September 29 1976 Ev Penn in her Slst year Beloved wife ments chgq as wlthl 0l5 Ernie pain of Bataï¬liogmgmgtver 728619 Fricherd Auctioneer NORM MARPLE are tiiaryf ee PENETANG MULCASTER AREA Box 28 LADIES ANDh GENTLEMEN Mlmstry of ggfbgggggngoggmfnygg332 0145 Flesheflon The omol so children Dear sister of Anne Mrs for everyone Please plan to at tend Graham Allen Auctioneer Hurtta or Minden Ontario Resting the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie Visitation from Thursday at pm Service and committal complete 1519r9242611 Consignments Welcome 91h 0F INN BEACH AREA Governmem in ALDERSLEA PARK tattoo some SerVIceS ti°ctié it SALE 7265055 or 7372491 AUSTIN Roy At the RoyalVictoria arlO Hospitai on Wed Sept 29 im Roy Austig Deficitpd hgsbartd lof allegenice OctoberS and an ear er ar Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to FURNITURE Mrs rat vanaer sees Jib mama 9m toBPm AUCTION SALE Friends may call at the Arnold Funeral THE BARRIE EXAMINER BY Monday Thanksgiving Day 3339 yrmggigfgoglpsgrvï¬emg Trinity Parish Hail Oct 11 1976 at 1100 am for Ind parrieynionCemeéry comer Circulation Dept 15 Bayï¬eld St Barrie Mrs Marjorie Biso RR No Ian an atres indiennes ROBINSON Muriel Edna Formerly TUESDAY OCT Bradford miles north from Northern Affairs et du Nord or Barrie 31m London Suddeniy at 319 Auspices CIII oodFd ci or Phone 7266539 mam Brodiord on Hwy °C° maria at Trinity ACW oquorrow Rd WW GVCY TWP 84th Year Beaved We ea°i s290i2 Ur west miles to sale Wllliarrn Rozlnfgg Exagflahgï¬g Dorot rs et Sale of modern home fur It pM four and piece living room nishings appnances including Contract No 5676 zï¬ggtblvsvnergfllberctellllagden ofcsglgnlg EXAMINER Name suites dining room and Resting at the Logan Funeral Home 371 room sun bed chemo pc sectional Chesterfield Construction of 100 Ton Marine Railway in Dundas St East London yisitattort WANT ADS fields box springs mat crmhed VOISOIFIS fc Spams ClUding dOCkogesi walkways and seerce bUlldlng EhoargelsatiRrRRKngafDOTtoREEvfeafnliga 28 2414 bedroom su ee wood com Wood dc irt Address tresses kitchen sets Console bimfloncolorw radio record Station 41 Blg Chute TrentSevern Waterway mommgghmaï¬ggs5353 PHON stereos Rockers recliner may skidoos 24 near Port Severn Ontario otyour choicwgidtgappreciafli chairs assorted lamps lots Am TBIBDRORG Age more All items top name bron hP M°P°d T°° Laddfls sealed lender marked as content addressed ARNOLD ds Quorumeed by mambo Roofing Supplies useful h°m° Contract Administrator PO Box 1359 132 Second turer ems in new condifï¬on S1 Cornwall Ontario be recieved Funeral Home Chapel HELP WANTED Aucflou us Auction 388 Aucbtéoneers 335 fnzving up to 27782ggggg Jo ers ROUTE SERVICE PERSON if mature person with chadlfcféuarcg 72663l47370879 LOTS coth November Friendly COUTTGOUS servlce rt ndhln am arcifinviiguiciiiiitgioiï¬grival Sareewilneo O2 settledgfor Sale will be held in er5 mus be f°r c°mplee Pr°led MWF TF industrial laundry and unttrom supply dlCClTed In the Tender Documents TTT company servicing established cus Aucno SALE doors in event of bad weather CAEDS OF THANKS tomers we have position available Anon Home Auctioneer Tender Documents can be which meets these requirements This For ROY BELL VAN DER HEYDEN The tamuy of positipn offelrsnan exceilzsglsaclggy and AllCllonNrSz Appraiser Lot 10 con was Gwiltim SCL No 87054584589 Obtained on depOSit 0t $l0000 in the form 0t the late Anthony Tony would like to lVe beiieeiisSuiiriiireiumeto300403365 bury Twp Directions Take CERTIFIED CHEQUE payable to THE RECEIVER iflfmiheiMiiZNE22rfn3emï¬i Eleeamlner Hwy 27 to Band Head then GENERAL OF CANADA thoughtful deedsduring our recent UIRED Ii rom Sgciehce ltApply in perséflle Ni °°° hwyaa °ppr°4 FARM AUCTION SALE Contract Services eéiigmflyy wisï¬ï¬ ex regs our tawasaga inn Highway 89 Alliston wp hm yum TN to Middletown Road then north Friday Oct 1576 at 100 pm sincere gram ow magy Mews 5Ef°l ALTF miles to Can 11 turn east for KARL NOVEK RR ngneermg ArChleClure Brandi and relatives who sent cards flowers person W0 as Cookstown Lot Con Essa De artmento tndian Affairs and and memorialtributesdurinoourrecen gadgggngggsgg3311333th ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Saturday October 2nd at 1030 am °°l° FRIDAY ocrosene TOWMlliP 90 miles W0 Northern Development 7268346 sharp for Ken Potter Lot 30 Conc Euphrasia Township miles from Cookstown on Highway 19th the doctors and nursesat thï¬Cenergl 8gglpgrguntggsgysentpgoggfnnI straight south of Meaford or miles north of Kimberley at old the mowing John Deere No 89 Concession and no 001 ourna BUI mg grits Marine Hospital in Co tngwoo lneres work in trophy and ieweleryshop Learn MOW Zion ChurCh Sale Of onllquest C°ll9Cl°r ems and house model diese odor fuuy th miles to sale Sale of 365 Laurer Avenue WEST The family or the late Michael Kel Taken to operate Pantograph machines furnishin etc ncl 17 hirivwï¬ï¬v MÂ¥ engraving andmphy assembling Some pine cupboards dressers wash stands powered wcab JD Jurrowa Bee Cowsdz Ottawa Ontario KIA 0H4 53es wont Own transpytation Should stained glass Windows mirrors and doors brass and Iron beds Tif lN MEMORIAMS be artistic and able to operate smal COUCHMAN In loving memory of machines Write giving details to Box PH plow JD C21 15 mental calves 300450 lb at Superintending Engineer fany type lamps wicker crocks iugs Jacobean love seat large cumvaor w2 wings My 00 and bad Simmenah ANNUALLY 52 Barriegxaming collection of old bottles and sealers etc pine flat back original oil wh°l carrying disc due or from day 30s TrentSevern Canal Office ngnésgacig2gdera1nq9epfettler MW STUDENTfWITH little knowledge at paintings and sketches antique China glass Deftware etc etc 212 spreader No Farm Machinery including MF Parks Canada Hetenusguieuz dlkn F0 turd nd Hsmo isun own gghotlfl htgalidgyzwalpgly Niacalnnesalsaiilor TREMENDOUS ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE wedn95day evenng oc baler Case model 6m SP 10 M°d°l 35 03 000 loadeft Box 567i U9 Butleftusa memory combine McCormick 28 MF N0 39 93°d °°g°3 Peterborough Ontario vai°risiy°mc Beth and tamilyl mulling machine Int 9min Gummy °l a°l° H°Y raw Examined at Construction Association Offices in Evï¬rif71ï¬miirï¬emw ShopsounloptreetEast tober 6th at 600 pm sharp in The Embassy Hall 386 Blake St LICENSEDMECHANIC Preferably Barrie Ont Furnishings from the late John Anderson Estate with frontend experience for Firestone 50m Salary plus bonus Ca inclusions Sale of outstanding genuine antiques collector items 0701954 Mixed Grain Quanti of cedar whopassed away Octoberi 1971 EY 5mi1h3i7266535 and housefurnishin incl rockin chairs whatnot round dinin drills If r°w cot plum Onowa Toronlo and Pelerboroughi Onlorlo and SmmiflfadflfldShadWSan Bale °l°V°°r5 90 Ougent fence rals Rdng Lawn Mower Butsweet remembrance outlasts all growscoï¬pls $6832 sgggilaazelirvineg table brass bed spinning wheel washstonds dressers out McKee 72o twin auger 7i snow wood cook Stove and some Parks Canada Office In Cornwall Sadly missed by his wile Maymeii quarters On Lake Simcoe close to Bar jtanding china cabinets spool beds Victorian sofa love seat and blower chain saw In new horn lUTnIShlWSI dr°55°rst LOWGSt 01 any tender not necessarily accepted Iamlyandgrandcmwren 4mm iI333322I7Bugï¬ï¬aï¬ï¬rk7 ccques Hays Cleopatra bench chests pine tables cupboards Hyd cylinder Gehl 30 to tables new box springs mat COMING EVENTS Must haveapleasant telephone voice to ho dr °lqe Chmav 90 Silver bra cWWII alCi 00 hammer mill Simplicity pd tress etc Selling at 100 pm Slckos take telephone arrears type use telex standing piece bathroom set collection of over 30 antique coal oil 90rd one wmmchmoms For furh information Como Director ANGUS 0N3 MIKE BENVENUTI gtavnttceggattgein hésairsriaerepgtagispcoï¬nmr lamps clocks incl Gingerbread mantel steeple and chime an form an 17 1970 Ford 1001 owner 7054589309 wnh Mortoger mentcall7264902 Thursday and Friday tique iewellery and watches uilts etc etc etc This is an ex rm rm lEOMlRTITSCH October7thand8th $1 CYlu OMi HD WSW °Y H°ndy F° ems Hi hwa 90An us PERSON FOR WAREHOtï¬Ã©ï¬gï¬ Cep Iona goo so atten you are at Interested In an sic certiind Racks and tar Sold Terms Cash Cheques TENDERS 9s dY Oun on we ment or maior snowmotiie uin CATTLE orthorn WI In romov tiques pa thiD th gt be ed every un ay to4p 35 Dunlop st Sgggï¬rieyéizcatï¬ï¬ntg Boalreraitithuggdbggg OUTSTANDING ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Friday October 8th at Hereford springer cows Jersey um mod for BOOTH RENTAL ting salary and benefits For appoint ii am sharp for the estate of the late Harry Porteous at 760 Huron cow wBrahma can by side Jar Allen Horner Auctioneer Call 4246986 or 4241862 after 737 memphms769°7°ltimfl5£1l1ï¬ tario St Collingwood Ontario Sale of all quality house fur 39y cow due Nov HORSE 7054584589 Pm lETF LL ME nishipgs7electrical Iapplciiances antiques dbl collectoirt itemskout Nbino mare your old broke 018 As BAR CASH on 19 Plece W0 nu InIng room Sol room so 05 roc ers to ride Buggy FOWL 40 Rhode Reliable mature individual work 412 pine cupboard and table cedar chest parlor tables rugs and Red hens your old 25 ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE shitt Monday to Friday Must be honest renames required App 5550 tapestries etc refrigerator and HD stove fine china glassware mixod puma 25 white 999 Salurrlyj OC In Ll Ontario Bayfield and Cundies iatoAMonaay to Silver brass etc incl Crown Derby Wedgwood antique clocks Feed Approx 400 bu mixed 0m 00009 009 FridY°C3727133Lc VD rugs lamps books etc etc etc Auctioneers Remarks Mr Por No Gilford 15 tiles 900 MINISTRY OF NATURAL WAITERWAITRESS tor dining room grain and 400 bu oats approx teous was former bank manager the family has acquired some 000 bale hay no min 1976 from 30 51 ill north RESOURCES 522giamk 23 7225922 real fine collectables over the years An exceptionally clean sale crop Approx 600 bales Wham from Bradlmd HWY No ll WASAGA BEACH PROVINCIAL Maitre Nonawasaaa Inn Alliston Plan now to attend Con 14 West Gwillimbury Twp pARK HOUSEHOLD HELP iTtEGrs weékiy ml °d 00 b°l°s °° mw mil mi TENDER No sz 7653 MU amily cwrington and Name FARM AUCTION SALE Saturday October 9th at i2 noon sharp for HOUSEHOLD Horrisyon cool 2h lemon anique 5ngRseferences Telephone 7287923 Gordon White at Lot 16 Canc Collingwood Twp miles west of and wood cook stove wr Otoc 5° nd 59°9d tenders clearly maxed Collingwood take the Scenic Caves Rd or miles east of Ravenno voir Ro an as for Slondard P°°° in ya par or stove ERxséln 5353 $23922 of Banks Sale of full line of high class farm machinery incl two Partial list C°ll°d°bl°5i canaéon Wsl drawer Will be received by the MotorHoteI tors one John Deere No 710 1600 hrs tull line of haying and teams cm day at 501 P°YF 5°°°° Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario 33353133aisfgï¬ï¬eï¬igd°y5 cultivation equipment MF No 35 gas tractor Int No 10 Seed and Cheques with identification meami WW°nw°ri ILOn until 1230 pm October 15 mEXPPERIENCEwaARM HAND Fertilizer drill MF No Baler Int No 155 PTO Manure Spreader Nothing to be removed until Bra Canadm Glms 1976 plowino needed from Jweekg Tostart new Int snow blower Myers field sprayer New Holland mix mill settled for 00d 59° Slonowore Chum Tender forms and detailed in 2327g Hep me 20 or 25 Charolais Hereford steers approx 700 lbs house furnishings ACCIDENTS Neither the owner Bell Lanlp Bu Elye formation are available from CARPENTER pAINï¬ER may man incl antiques Terms cash No reserve Farm sold nor the auctioneer will be nkd 03 the District Manager Ministry vUJfrf£°¢m am ANT°E AND FARM 00 News WW 0° °=P°b° or 2543232 tithingpfaiai oi Wm WW COMMISSION ON ELECTION CONTRIBUTIONS EXPENSES SUMMARY tober 11th at 1030 am shar forW Ii tL t14 12 re ert loss Immediater lortullhmesalesApply in ones onc are person to Belinda and Brother Georgian Sunnidale Twp miles north and miles east of Sunnidale Corners Ernie Severn AUCNOHBBI mild cuszgird pnmsp Tenders must be enclosed in en géï¬ï¬ntmaan workï¬r or miles north east Of Stayner Sale of farm machinery one Int RR N0 iAliston org 102 on cunér velopes prOVided for the PU wired good wages Telephone 3277763 250 tractor one 1928 Int 1020 house furnishings incl antiques Tel 17054357467 $350 or 279 the 275 pose PUbIIShed In accordance sedlgn torturtherdetBIIS pine cupboards etc Terms cash farm sold Cl THE HIGHEST OR ANY TENDER gï¬Kmggï¬njï¬nrggméhï¬hmuf FARM AUCTION SALE Wednesday October 13th at 1230 pm 233 eggs asng NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED Of The Election Finances Reform Act T975 230 pm to 1030 pm Also short order sharp for Dave Kent of Lot 26 Conc Nottawasaga Twp mile DistrictManoger cook female male full time hours AUCTION SALE to the antique enthusiast and ozwpm Telephmenwm north of Stayner Ont turn off Hwy 26 at the Bell Telephone Ex SATURDAV OCT 1976 coiled wonhy of Your Ministry of Natural Resources at change Building Sale of full line of farm machinery incl haying 00 am or Evet Midhurst Ontario ORDEIQ Tï¬IK and cultivation equipment MF No 35 tractor and Freeman loader Cook pp No CooksyownIYQ 21212223n gjq°n3to Telephone 7067282900 meiiiéomirej Ncgiiiféigrmfwsgoii 2° heidyfhmce beef 5l°Ckersi h°95i b°l°d hcYI °d OPP° 25 miles east from Cookstown on Nohing be removéd win Zenith 92000 $f°riieptlsenigm°° resumemaox lons mxeiï¬$lc Day sole Ewart 89 siderzod V5105 settled for uc ONCE WI ury WP an 500 Allen Horner Auctioneer EMPLOYMENT WANTED PLANNING AN AUCTION Call early for best results mat to can i2 and sate wot SCL No 7°54584539 NOHCE $3229 Subsidy CLEANING EFFICIENTLY done on giggybam Memes supplied Ca 388200 ion on wy 01813 THE TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 dd 2930 Eompmgn Olddl ai to mWILL ï¬geysn ï¬rerï¬oiisfq€3 72648 02 Nelson Shaun sale of ham furnishings up announces an Si xPenses an itor on rt 33BETawfsry anya siï¬lleincent aryea Con phoncos Vlkmg Clothes PUBLIC MEETING wtsupervispn Telephone 7343 Dryer Bedbrook Evans Piano DAY CARE available in my home Highway 11 at 4th concession Oro Previous experience Telephone 4873486 MATURE MOTHER will babysit child Public Meeting will be held on HER LWILL Emmiisniciitizsii mice Wednesdayoctobern at UCIIO pine at back cupboard pm at the Ora Township ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF SIMCOE CENTRE blanket box flour bin odd BARRIE SIMCOE COUNTY 2436 ipficgggrieisittontï¬i Evans 3321 338704 243 $500500 nmy am or ayn ueen chairs ress backs kitchen Pa lWessen er NDP 4228 11940 $38witefnaitéiaiirRbytï¬Ã©asar AUCTIONEER APPRAISER wood stovta iron kettles lamps Fun Housermld P°Pf°d Apnexalon by Mauigaret KeRy 11098 10906 7432 500 hour no weekends please Barrie area BARRIE ONTARIO lanmms radial arm sow mots OAnthues Appraisals the City of Barrie of portion of Reterences Telephone 4362043 even 7268904 it RMOMRADFORD 12°J° AUCTION SALES selling Successful Sales AogdoCky Emigrogec ONTePhgt°f°54alj5787qsf3659 or ratepayers to exrress their Since1957 farm machinery fence runs FTP Iopinions ondfcommegtts dsmput farrowing crates individual supp lemon on Many useful mm 00 Council sstand Hh MONDAY OCT 11 AT 1230 PM more and DATEWednesday Oct6 1976 Gordon SmithPC $22682 $24172 $6467 $500 For ESTATE OF THE LATE TOM MIDDLETON miles east of Hwy 11 mama cm 50 moms Be PLACE Oro Town Hall Roger Pretty NDP 9557 15609 6467 440 COOKSTOWN on 12th line of Innisfil Sale of full line farm machinery mixed grain Farm am selling an FM 7th Line of Oro Elinor Bingham 6510 12194 6467 475 SALES BARN all household furniture appliances antiques etc Terms cash day of so Itllï¬Ã©ogsagad 1516 °°lc°°k°w SATURDAY OCT l6 AT PM cheques accepted with ID Pm HWY 89 For ORVAL TRUAX located one mile east of Waverley 0nd mile Allen Horner Auctioneer NEUFElDi CLERK YOU BRING north on Can Toy Twp Sale of full line farm machinery and beef SCL No8 7054584589 Tow om S24 WE SELL ITl cattle herd sum di330N0éE nTherg33 NOTE The intormation shown above has been taken from financial statements TUESDAYS7 PM TUESDAY EVENING OCIJAZQTFZESER CATTLE SALE ion ofpï¬uccmspï¬ayggheme filed with the Commission by Chief Financial Officers for the candidates Livestock and Produce 05mV0 50 SFb Ld ANNUA conducted by Ernesto Barbini copies of which may be obtained from the Commission upon payment of $100 with conSIgnments intHerY OCT 23 AT AUCTION SERVICE opened Tuesday at otxeefe per COPY SATURD Antiques farms industrial Centre xflmld 90°C What have JOHN CURRIE located mile north of Hwyll on Codn 7hOr homdold mama John Kraglund of Thealobe deadllne for Classmed Wishart Chairman For the Commissmn COMPLETE FARM AND Twp Sale of farm machinery some household items an 60 ea mlgnmm and apprawl and Mail said Barblnl con WOId ads HOUSEHOLD NSPERSALS Hereford cattle HOMES mummy AND ducted Willi customary feeling For further details contact SATURDAY OCT 30 AT 12 NOON COURTESY OUR Mono $323121 1339 LE deroad on Can FRANK WEBB Cookflown for JIM PEACOCK located 1st farm south of lvy Si Succwf to coughnn that was uncharacteristic and L705 4589172 45897 Elsa Twp Sale of full line farm machinery and household furniture CALL not 8pmer to the advantage of thesingers noon Saturday hTï¬