Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1978, p. 4

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Friday Nov 24 1978 serving barrie and simcoe county Carl De Gurse Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to Boylield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher NEWSROOM CIRCULATION 7266539 7266537 ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 72824 Why appeal the sentence Otto Lang Canadas minister of justice wants Roll ing Stone guitarist Keith Richards in jail And he wants Richards in jail for the wrong reason Richards was convicted Oct 24 of possession of heroin His sentence was years probation and concert for blind people It was risky sentence The judge could be accused of dealing with Richards lightly because he is celebrity Or he could be accused of recognizing that addic tion of any sort is an illness and preferring to treat the case as an illness not crime Roy McMurtry Ontario attorneygeneral asked Lang to appeal the sentence McMurtry claims to have received hundreds of let ters complaining the sentence was too light Lang has agreed to appeal swayed as any minister of justice in government as shaky as this one would be by the prospect of hundreds of letters of complaint Lang wants Richards to go to jail Not because Richards was convicted of possession of heroin but because Richards is who he is Lang says Richards may well be described as teen idol whose mores and values are trendsetters amongst our younger generation Despite the fact only half those convicted of posses sion of heroin go to jail Lang says imprisonment is crucial for Richards So the federal government wants to put Richards in jail not for possession of heroin but for being Rolling Stone The prison term wont do Richards any good Lang appears to be hoping it will do him and the federal Liberals some good Ily Itl tllIErR Queens Park Bureau Thomson New Service ltlltthlt Wipe that smile off your face How thing is done can be as important or even more important in life than what is done This is fact of life that sinks home to any long ti me observer And it is facet that is causing sonic trouble at the moment with the two leading government money men in the country the minister of finance in Ottawa and the treasurer here FALSE FICS The respective office holders lcan hrcticn and Frank Miller both happen to be normally very genial rncn Their public style quite markedly with both of them has been loose In thcir speeches and other public appearances each has had the habit of mixing in some light remarks to be bit sclfdcprccatory and generally not to take themselves all that sc riously But finance is very serious business and It has been our political custom to treat it so perhaps bit too much so lur men of government who have been charged with money economics and the ot licr matters of fiscal weight have almost in variably tended to wear with their offices cloak of gravity and profoundity at lllllts perhaps the demeanor of boss undertaker VIIILIIiII 7hrctien in Ottawa has obviously tried to conform with convention and it hasnt served him too well He comes across at least bit as neither light nor all that convincing write your mp If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Portio ment printed below are their moiling od dresses It you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is matter of concern that makes you wont to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL Dr lynord MP North Simcoo Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Ian erro MP PeelDutterinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Sillsbir Stuarts MP YorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Ow Mttgu MPvGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PIOVINClAl Goon Tuylor MPPSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gordon Smith MPP Simcerast Ontario Legislature Queens Pork Toronto George Metgut MPP Dutterin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto Money men smiling llcre lillcr has tried to buck the tide or at least not go the whole way He has tried to be at least partly his own man as we have known him in the past In his first appearances in the house since recently assuming the trcasuryship he has mixed in lightness and bit of sellrdcprccation And again it hasnt served hiiii too well At least on the surface In fact on his first appearance Floyd laughrcn the Nltl financial critic openly criticich him for cidently taking lllS new responsibilities too offhandedly And Laughicn freely admits that he isnt sure whether the minister is taking his new IlSlMlIlSlltllll Ics seriously enough Anybme who really knows Frank Miller can have no doubts about his taking responA sibility seriously If anything be perhaps takes it too seriously at least for his own good And at the same time you can like his public illllllltlt It stamps him as neither known all nor voice of doom and today in our public life we probably have few too many of both ltut still chances are he will eventually bow to the systcm and its style It only because the public is used to things that way and it is too much of risk for politician to try and give ll what it is not used to pity undoubtedly It could be qurtc nice and valuable to see our public leaders acting as people as humans rather than orv chestratcdfigures flirt with the dangers involved in non conformity particularly thc great one of public disapproval of the nonconventional this is pleasure we will probably have to do without bible thought aru He that livctIi and was dead and behold am alive for evtrrnore Amen and have the keys of hell and of death Revela tion lle Jesus is alive alert to your every need and standing by now to resurrect your lead and meaningless life to give yoil hope joy and assurance He is IlStIl It can be said of you today as you invite Ilim into your life What day for decision liathcr make it so that many will see their need and accept your Son lesusas Savious Aincn we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it on original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned lot ters but if you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to letters to the Editor flue Examiner Post Office Boil 370 BAIRIE Ont MM BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSR DOM Sean Finlay managing editor Sheila McGovern city editor ADVERTISING Bill McFarlanewire editor Dave Fuller sports editor Sue Burke lilestyle editor REPORTERS SALE Bert Stevens Barb Boullon Julie Franks Brian Donlevy Aden Smith Steve Skinner CLASSIFIED Stephen Nicholls Dave Fuller Dennis Lanlhler Ian Mulgrew Nancy Flgueroa stephen Gauer Lesley Clutt Lori Cohen stall photographer Betty Armer camera operator Freda Shinner Karen Atkinson PeQQV Chapell Dana Homewood Len Sevick manager Ruth Blais supervisor COM POSI NG ROOM BUSINESS Jack Kerneytoreman Marian Gouqh accountant Delva Mills Gail McFarland Vikki Grant Marion Cyopcck Don Saunders Lorne wass Will Cadogan Stan Wray Bill Raynor Ed Altenby CIRCUL ATtON Janie Hamel Bill Halkes manager Susan Kitchen Steve White assistant manager Ron Gilder Randy Fielding Barbara Strigl Alva LaPlante PRESSROOM PalMcrson Don Near toreman Elaine Porter Cheryliken tHarrithanchard tBrian Marr you UNDERSTAND swarm rrs BEING use SlRtCILV roe HUMANITARIAN Parliament Hill My SIIIWARI lllllrlil ll tlttawa Bureau Thomson New Scrvicc Prime Minister Irudcau is going to llilt to take Dr John Evans asidi tlll of these days and tell him to get in step with modern lay Liberalism Ilr Evans you see is being bit of radical He came out flatly and declared that not all of the Liberal partst problems can be blamed on the media And it this wasnt bad enough at the best of times he did this right after the prime minister suggistid that media was responsible for not oiin most of the partysproblcms but most of lllt coim trys problems as well Ir Evans you might recall is former university president who was dclcatrsl by former Toronto Mayor Itavid roinbic in the ct It byclectioris He wasnt just defeated either he was trounced Willi remarkable display of courage llr Evans turned upat tlial recent meeting oftlnr tario federal Liberals just in time to hear the prime minister designate the media as public enemy No And by cleverly linking the Liberal party with the very fabric of Canadian society lrudcau sccmcd happy to suggest that the media is really an enemy of the count ry itself He clearly let it all hangout The press and SCOOPS parliamentary opposition he said arc tll cncmics of the Liberal govcrnmcnt This means flint society itself is undcr attack that may sound it hit ciggciatcil lsuggcst It is not suggest that It is tlbviously Iiudcau has been under enormous pressure since his party huinilitlritcd in those tlctobcr byclcctions and suppose he cant be blamul for grasping at divcrs ons llut if he is going to launch successful national onslaught against the press he should rally his own troops first He needs unity iii he ranks There is absolutely no point in the prime lllllllSltt standing lltllt accusing the press of being in effect socially subversive whilc one of his most intelligent lieutenants is in state of mutiny To the cheers of his ritario followers lnidcau said part of thc problcrii rested with latergatc envy which makes the press somewhat overzealous in searchofscandal We have to as Liberals lttlttltkllltt nilcof reason Surely he went on were Illlllttl to fair hearing when we speak lbc language of intelligence We must return to the conviction as Liberals that if we do what is right its right and thatsthccnd of it vasotousiriuMMAJEiYimusrsmtiN OFFICEASIONGASICAN OR IS trSEVEN Glenn Kwan asst toreman iFred Prince asst foreman Published dailyexltept Sunday and statutory holidays WEE LY by carrier 90 cents YFARLYIY carrier $46 80 BY MAIL Barrie $46 80 SIMCOE COUNTY $3650 MOTOR THROW OFF S3961 year ELSEWHERE IN CANADA $38 500 year st Montreal The Examiner IS member at The Canadian Press and Audit Bureau at Circulations tABCi Only the Canadian Press may rr publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CV The Associated Press Reuters or fiqcnce trance lrossr and local news stories published In The karniner lhet xammer claims npyriqht on all original news and advertising material rented by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright rcuistration nunmii joillli retiistir ot NdIlUIIdl advertsum UIIIIS 65 Queen St toronto 861 IIIU 610 Cathrarl the advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor rlamoqvs aris you out of errors in urtvertrsrmcnts Dcyond the amount paid for the spare at tually orrupiit by that portion at the irlvciisrnirnt in whirh the rrror or urnl whether sur ti error doc to thc ncrtlioenrc of its servants or other wrsc and there shall no no liability lor rinn insertion ol any advertisement bcyonrl the amount pout tor sur advertisement DONATo mQrimoaw Dr Evans shows radical side he says the press isnt enemy The primc ministers strategic attack against the nicdia should not have taken the enemy by surprise since bclcagurcd anadian gmcrnmcnts had adopch similar pluys This tends to be the filial line of dctcncc prior to general clcc tltllLs llut lllt scope of thc attack was rather startling establishing the Liberal party as be representative of tanadnin socict not to Illtlllltlll being the authoried outlet for in tilligcncc ll SttIlIS that the media is not only full scale cncmy of the slit but It IS llso stupid uch And he didnt stop there The prime minister also siiggcstml by implication that the nicdia is also against national unity since we attack the only party that stands for it united tanada llc went on to say that our way the Liberal way for strong aniida is not shared by any other party am not going to fly into tangent about dcmagogncry at this point ltight now it seems that the prime llllIllSltl may have his hands full converting Iti Evans to lhcciiusc Said the doctor We would be deceiving oiirsclfs If we felt the solut ion to our problems iciilly rcstcd ith the media tilly when the party becomes united on this particular problem can we begin plotting dc fcnsivc strategy smugd NOT ATALIMR GALLAGMN mArs wrw MY MST six PRIME MINISTERS HAY ME many other The world today Contempluous treatment By JOHN IIIIIRU Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service ontemptuous is the best word to describe the way in which the Czech Communist government recently treated Canadian Professor and zech scholar Gordon Skilling who was removed from bus grilled by the security police threatened with im prisonrnent and who faced confiscation of his papers and manuscript from Czech writer Professor Skilling is the former Director of the entcr for Russian and East European Studies at the lnivcrsity of Toronto but like anyone else he cannot enter the Stalinist zech state without permission and without the required visa lturing his polici interrogation he reminded the officials he had the proper visa for entrance into the country and with it presumably their approval of is intentions to carry out further research on country where he first attended university years ago Dr Skillings crime was direct association with members and writers of the thaitcr 77 cause group of very brave and very dctcnnincd echs who st ill speak out against the txttSSts of the present ommu nist government of their country He had gone to twchoslovakia which he probably knows as well as his anadian nativc land to continue research with zech historians some ot them fired from teaching posts for major article on the titlth an niversary of the founding ot the zech Itcpubhc after World War lne IIll ll DEFINED That in itself could have been crime to the severely repressive 7cch ommunist government bccausc the original zech ltcpulilit destroyed at Munich in ctober 15th was dcinmratic state the orin one in fact lorrncd in the Slavic nations of Europe sincc the collapse of thc Austrollungarian Empire in lciobcr lliit ltut iordon Skillings immediate crime was that hc had visited tzech philosopher lirosla Kusy himself under constant police surveillance and who gave him copy of privately distributed StllllrpllllttStlpllltill essay This kind oi article is published painlessly and ottcn and itlioiit any censorship in the press of any free society lhroughoul the tcch oinmunist state other members of tharter 77 produce clandestine books articles and essays Many of them are ommunist themselves but supporters of the longdiscredited reformist government ot Alexander llubcck who was overthrown by the Soviet military invasion ofCzechoslovakia in August ltttitl We call them dissidents In fact they are tllltllS who yearn for the freedoms of the West and Whose writers authors and op position politicians were supposed to have guarantees of personal safety from the zech tiovcrnmcnt signature of the Helsinki Final Act in 15m This was proposed by the tSSlt the biggest lllllltSSlll of them all personal concept of no less than Leonid Brezhnev and signed among the other Ito countries by tanada Where the It and tommunist block states in Eastern Europe are concerned the Helsinki accord has been sham Sirice it was signed with fanfare foreign journalists have been cxpcllcd from Russia and Poland intellectuals in all the tomniunist nations continue to be suppressed imprisoned and iii tcrrogaleil tl lIlCI til ZIItIIS In no way can Irofcssor Skilling who did his graduate studies at the famous Charles lmversity in Prague be called the enemy of this or any Icch state one of the worlds leading scholars on tycch history and civilization he gets treatment which our legal system does not bestow on common criminal lo repeat it is contemptuous Interpreting the news Shock trial for Britons LONDON itll Britons are reading watching and listening to the shocking details of what one newspaper here has called the case of the century Iiitails of charges that murder was plotted in the House of tomnioiis and testimony that toprankiiig member of Parliament engaged III homosexual affair are pouring from tiny Soriicrset court room lor while it had appeared the British would be the only people denied at least at this stage the lirrid details of the charges against lcicmy lhorpe former Liberal party leader and still Ml and the men charged witlihim Reforc thc court in addition to lhorpe 49 are liavid llolmcs lit London merchant banker John Le Mcsurier to businessman of llridgcnd llainorgan and George lcakiii 13 slot machine operator of Port Talbot Wcst liirnorga it They are accused of conspiring together and with others to murder former male model Norman Scott Thorpe alone is accused of inciting Holmes to murder Scott the man who claims he had homosexual iclnt ioiisliip with lhorpe The rown in summary of its case says Iliorpe believed thc affair which he has denied took place was like black cloud hanging over him and quoted Ihorpc as saying Well have to get rid of hirii It is no worse than shooting sick dog hicf witness for the prosecution is Peter llcssell former Liberal Ml now living in aliloiniir who flew here under court im iuunity to testify

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