Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1978, p. 34

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1oA the examiner Friday Nov 24 1973 tuesday tv EVENlNG mac SHADOWS CW 11 600 tll SgalltflCYAHJYIRPE EMPLOYMENT FILE NEWS BOB NEWHART SHOW tiittiontvotioncameras take an extraordinary NEWS112O 800 look the world at nocturnal animals bats 323383 SOUARES BIG EVENT MOVIE vmnrsm €53 Haifiikvgngafigggu its COMMUNIOUE ENGLISH or colt Kul Mild 1127 CAROL BURNETT AND HAlinlanAts 930 NEWS FRIENDS uses voluptuous lute as bait to catch tho RHODA 1130 to sm ndil in desiori aiitlor km mm POLKA DOT DOOR Ruinieglroani going in tall atlltlr it wilrlhaiqill 04 TAxlwmr J1 THE TONIGHT SHOW 09 bum noonoug mth Smut Ll mm Johnny Carson incls Mnrlin Mull Richard NBC NEWS iiiiimorablu events that arrurer when thiiy IUUUVIHI nod reminisce about the Wild rind PAPER CHASE Siiian Howard alarm 90 mos MARY TYLER MOORE guesl stars as girl who twoonttu ioninnlirid LATE MOVlE Hainaby Jones wore drivinii the legendary int SHOW Liullnlie$3il2i23 lhliil Il 10100 litgiililllllllZZillllnflffiplnfl5271 NEWS leggy Kindslinlbs daughter 50 null THE HOTTEST SHOW ON lltfllllillll lllllllRIl when she dtt idea to WA NHF pruttiirllon whirh prisintgirinlronl his wtln Lollors From Thine the messnoo that mm are running out err Slflll June Allyson Kim Bony GAME sitigydcstggpfmxlzzimfggrSLynnit non renewable resources and that its only MOVIE ROMANCE on The Ii St to insulate our homis Iy Game In Town 1970 ggigmmes 22 iii it sunsxv mo Huron at smear mx he Camoma um 60 mmq ttnrsky iindtlulch nnr ounlwIthenutitulmodrI 645 who rillele Ditllttltln its VIllrll trophies HATTYTOWN TALES Is PLACE when tlu lwo 1lllv truck on organized 1145 655 Ctlml in the woild lil high hishiori inns stilt Wlttt ii 60 laul Sals arl schrtt rid ests Donny WRTE 00 MOVIE SUSPENSE 06ch Tll1nlfltllfltUVQlYUiill oughtrt Flo Pilllfllstllllillld Ubn Haas fill rniininiiliud women one murder tnllli DATING GAME arewe My giggly yictim tomes Qiiiniy lo setk luldlllll 11250 alums in Tfififilllltnl ol olt bent tnnnntfi in ll Sam PRAlRIE E8 LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY €13 Bfihi39fififlMEET Who Kle Mr Foster by Peter Mttnovan CROSS WITS lo moment at nostalgia LavrItti HY Shllvy Dance himyapliy ul im lfluomtary nussiau MARY ryLER MOORE reminisce about theriolous létfltlltfllptiihltm dnnctil who nill his ltltl public IpDQilliInt QUESTION PERIOD SHOW thny hm in turning dump Inlr inylumii in l901nndhislnskl mean ism tanniagmphhi MEDICALI ézggTER ALPINE flue common Hly ago on no ungui i3 COPE iflnfiéizlIrllxtnlfll antlllllli own1iiiilsrciirt MOVE DRAMAWESTERN NEW YWED GAME 900 ill inliilriiiillime One Eyed Jacks wet Dear Peter pEopLE AND pETs MIN THREE COMPANY €25 NEWS UPDATE 2210 My kids love both cross country and alpine skiing but they rllllultlnlllllalizhdrl fTf NEWS MOVIE MYSTERY gm keep growing upwards in leaps and bounds every year GONG SHOW 1001 As Drum 974 Silent mt iiiin iinni ltiim inn also liwii in 1245 Should get them extra long skis so that is as two PRCE RGHT 63 BARN SOFTLY SOFTLY TASK ears 730 TUESDAV NlGHT MOVE 030 FORCE therin Allandale MUPPETS SHOW Guest riauw BEYOND REASON 00 Dear Mother 100 NEWLYWED GAME IN THE BEGINNING EB News TOMORROW The most important thing to remember is that skiing is for GENE TAYLOR snow CHARUE ANGELS MARCUS WELBV MD ttpItIlS tor lluly mp wt flow luv CBC NEWS tun Little guys and girls enloy skiing the most when they can BATTLE OF THE PLANETS PTL CLUBTALK AND WHATS MY UNE wt ItWM CTV NEWS VAMETY go last turn easily and ski all the hills poses ti tough dillnflilll ill ti xyndn ilw 12 Ill mMOVteADVENTUREDama mpmm whniuwimy mamu wm wm For Now 110 ALPINE SKIS la Bag Borrow or Steal TROUBLE WITH TRACY Alpine skis are skied in very short lengths by freestyle mm skiers Their rule for lowest length in ballet skiing sets length as the height of their armpits Basically ski length for Alpine skiers is determined by how fast and aggressively people ski and how heavy and notebook TODAY strong they are The taster they ski the longer the ski should be the heavier and stronger they are the stiffer the ski should be The degree of stiffness is not great concern for posc nix stalcmcnls on cot In an llpfiillllllfl Man Aliyi kids as long asthe skis show solttlex olhe robtation Arca Ratcpaycrs Association holds program in Hilary Anglican ll ll lllldlm Minimum length for an ankle biter is about half of their spccml mllllf at thctiriiStationommunity llallalll pnmuh Arrhind Tod 5mm lmvmumMmm hl height so little guys can have skis least this short Th Barn llxlrcl Farm Hlxrillm Plthtllml says llic World ouncil ol ltur 03er fillllluf will suggest that you can get at least two years from pair of skis Lorpvration holds it sccond annual toy and book salc lll thc hos prttgrnll llllll which Tim ml in by starting to calculate the length from this midvchest height allpurposcroom of thcBarric from limit am iosi in grams for it In and adding me number inches you mink Your Offspring hpectal catalogue priccs Wlll bc olfcrcd to laniily mcmbcrs munmnmmm WWW lllhlml nd the ho 58 of thc Barrie council on an cxccllcnt sclcction ol itcms not plirmiu 9mm harm ll Ill5 lmm WW grow Yeor U5 ex Year grow to normally yummy mlm lxnwllldpnld Anglican dtoccsc in lbi world the closest length of ski to that height You ll generally llnd OThc Barrie and District Assoctation or the lbystcally 1nvnwfl pm Hump llilllllll Villlltdlill hm h5 brrlgs You around Chlldf head heghlmls Disabled holds dancc opcn to the public at lhc Embassy on whwfiun gm Hf llt llrtiltlltS prior to tltlilcdun way your child has the advantage at skiing short ski He Hall The dancc starts at 830 pm and bullet iill lx Sil 11de Wag mm tlon til plaquc marking Wlll be able to ski last turn easily handle all the hills and he 9d Tickets are $5 person can Oh KHT 73731 SH saw $il00000 contribution from will havetun tun tun Marilyn lilpin at man has ml Hinmhmis mums nstwtwn crioss COUNTRY OPcrformancc llousc prcscitts lolknight citllvcliousv hulkiymp mug in that we le ll flllrl ml The problem with Cross Country skis is that as the kids grow at the childrens anncx of thc Barric Public Library at 7210 ha in ask whtlhir that MM mlll ll hlmlws they get stronger and heavier changing the way the ski and pmt 121590 lrtt Ft mm llrmilllllll illl Pill mcthod of calling altvnl ion to lwlmquufivrs Hvmvu the wax is pressured intO the snow Basic cross country ski 13 mum lhc icality is any loiigcr cl length is determined by weight and ability to provide the lcctlyc iltu ll hc Wlll mocl best kick and glide Manulacturers make longer skis stiffer ill lglltwlnlllllllllll llr to compensate for the expected weight increase in taller up it ia ion rmy poop OThc undlcs Heights ukclclc group holds hrislmas llillldllllll 1113112 um Cf counry mm are too long lend be for bazaar from aim to pm at undlm fights MIMIC dun tap th up me children to handle too short only restricts their glide School Relrcshmcnts crafts and bakcd lllll Wlll bc hulk in NH11 n0 wm in 50mm Too SIllond fluid has rOUble gelling htls fox featured proceeds the ukmo group fl him he vnum 0an or steps into the snow to grip too soft and the ski won glide OThc Parkvicw Stamp lub holds its annual cxhibition al of ho hum mm my well The be salmon is lo find 5k lor chlld that has Parkview cntrc on Blakc Strcct from to pm my hpurglnls pnigrarni fairly stilt camber He would then wax the ski heavily with Everyonc iriterostid lll slamps is Wtlfltntv to lllll in mum mrovvrm ls kicker wax from heel to toe Over the next Year 05 the Child OKcmpcnfclt Manor holds hrislmas tva and bazaar Mm Mk in mm worth5 grows heatlet 0nd Slronger he WOUld reduce lenglh from 130to4pm Hakcd goods crafts and plants iill lKttll KIM do nmuiun pmmm the waxing area from full length to two thirds to hall and Sale The Manor is at llhc corncr of Wclhnulon and Uwcn punyinland Milliixtlor lll llic TV even to one third 0f the Skis length it GCBSSOFY doing 5° rvc cvcryonc is wc conic to attcnd all Mario lluiidt at we would also reduce the thickness ot the wax Cootin This 38th for morc information 11211lillyll lnllllllll tinny as would gwe tum ontlnuol good kick and glide OGulliVorS vraycls ll imiiutc film for lllltlmlL will be Ml hum iuikmu it 1o HAPPY SKIING shown in tho childriits auntit ol llk lianii Public Library MNWNHW Peter from toliilo in 7240 OIhc Allandalc districl gunks and lllltllli hold lhiir st annual liristmas lca and bazaar at St ticorgvs lltllllll hurch on Burton AVIllllt at liranyilli Sliml lrom to This olurnlt Wlll try to make your skiing more fun pm raflx bakcd goods candy and lislipoiid lill lhc youngslcrs will lii lcalurid llllllltil1Islltt answmmg My am your queslom on mg Olhctiuthiicyouth group lioldsa tHiidisco at iillllllll and by glv9 YO Vlmdo Wk The rcna starting at lll AtlllllSslltll $1 to llll and 00th lhO Sl WWlll rclrcshmcnts Wlll bc availablc 0A tea and llk salc ho lltll at tliiht llioinas luis HOMO forward your questions to tan Education cntrc in Shanty llay lroni lo to lltilill SKHNG INSIDE TRACK cnts and promoils go lo lllt Shanty Hay co Monovans sponchde OSt illiS hurch at 05 ook St holds thiir lllllJlllHS North Barrie Pllllll Barrie Ont bamar front to lIvcryonc IS wclcomc and watch for column and week OEuchrc at thc llolly ommuiitty Hall at pm lictrcshmcnts llihtlVMl Olhc Sccond lilc lbristtan ollct llousc localml Ill llll Farmers Markct llall Mulcastir Strcit llarrio opoii from 7150 lint to midniuht lllllSSltll and collm irv lltt gt Music and cntcrtainmciil ari proVidrd by groups and in rliyiduals Discussion groups arc also part lllt llllL For lurlhcr inlorniitioit call 730 mi Olnnistil Lions lluli rollcr Skilllllfl ltlalls at to at thr lnnislil blioutH lllnlllllll intri Now You enioy beamy and Megan Mom made shoots lor only $l095 and up per running too everything lnlud9l 03th the truck Why not all Carol Pratt our ox periencad home decorator consultant to help you with the Barriol North liIillcigiati hold llSllllINlHllzllhl concurt ol ewes idaos yourhome decoan eara pm ic coiiccr wt inc in to jlllllltl Ivptl toryyand concert bands Admission IS $3 lor adults and $1 lor CUStOm mode drape es studcnts lhcrcs nochargc for prcschoolcts Interior decorating Complete carpeting monovang Any nonprofit organization or individual may haw Phone 4872040 local can for fr 0mm and demonstrations FINE flnutbs um Ill MIMI MI ml 000 Til 4872040 at community cvcitt ii Notchook Just call TZtHlSIIT and ask for Slcplicii iaticr alls for Mondays Notebook must hc rcccivcd by noon Friday for publication the following Monday alls tor Weekend Notebook publishcd Friday in Panorama must hc received by noon Wednesday SPORIchalet North Barrie Plum Buytield St Phone 7373123

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