Kaufman Furniture Ltd has entered four pieces in this years Trillium Awards including this Ro maine bedroom suite that features Italian tradi tional design with quality wood finish The first aid to homes youll need quHe few cloths TREE ISIUU LtlSlI When we plantul this tree it was just stick Now popularity of Romaine introduced on the fur niture market by Kaufman in April i977 has led to the creation of Romaine pieces for living and dining rooms tree was planted so close to part This sopped the leak the house ltut its but now there is musty distressingly common odor liltll gets into the mistake Niiwyourchoiee is wrappings of froeii foods either the shade or llllr Whatsthereiiiedy the examiner Fridaylfov 241 9A7ng 13 Kaufman enters four designs for major furniture awards Kaufman liurniture Ltd has four designs entered in this years Trillium Awards an an nual event judged by members of the iminufactuiing and retail furniture business The four entries were judged Wednesday in an industry show at the International eiifre in Toronto says Frill Mltttil marketing services eo ordinator lbe winneis wont be an nouneed until the Toronto liur niture Show in January at the luteinational enfre she said We usually know ahead of time who the winners are but this year they are planning an awards show around the fur iiitiire show where the names will be announeed ednesday was spent Will judges viewing entries from top nianufactureis across tanada fednesdays show was strict ly an industry even to give judges the chance to see lial the entries were said Mrs Mclermid Kaufman won four awards last year awards last year for entries from its lteininiscenee aipathian and omments ttllllitl This years entries lilllltlt Queen Anne eolleetion chair ltoinatnt bedroom suite Xeasional tables from the lni pressions collection and lasseport dining room lIIIIV NNIIWIIHR The chair is one of cherry wood with bliie velvet upholstery formal dining room armchair normally displayul in Queen rtttte ftil lection setting in the lfttilllll Kaufman llouse lll toll ingwood The Queen Anne eolleetion Lsttlttltl Kaufmans most tradi tional and poptilar lines featur with Vinegar rinse with water willi baking soda dis solved in it proportion of me cup to the gallon of hot water Hood Iiiik ing living lining and bedroom furnishings lhe Romaine bedroom suite combines ltaliaii tradi tioiial design with exquisite woods rare cherry Veneers and satin smooth Wild herry finish The wall units are hand rubbed padded and finished in rich reddish brown finish and brassaccentsprovide contrast The bedroom suite is the latest introduction in the lto maine line whith was originally intrtxlneed in April 1977 as Ullttllltll of dining room furniture New bedroom and living rooms pieces will be ready for retail dealers across tanada in leliruiry lttitt and were unveiled at Kaufmans re cent ctolier market lables from the lnipiesions mlleetion are anofliei awards entry design combing elean contemporary designs with brass accents reinunseeiit of the intent It design that you can use to eieate different moods depending on your ttt cessories said Mrs Melier mid NEW lllI lassetxirt new line dining room suite that ineludes upholstered chairs glass topped table and well unit finished in olive Itll burl The four ent llt ere shipped to loronto from the Kaufman llottse Tuesday for the edni Liyjiidging They are iioi tnally or show in the Kaufman lloire in toll ingwoixl from to lit to in Monday through salutdiiy and Ho in Nindays lhi loioiito lllilliillt how will ltl held Iati if to 11it the International teiIi and the nearby inistellnti tlf llozii lt is expected to attract an estiniatid to lfiitllllill airMum manuiar unii This Queen Anne chair is one of four entries Kaufman Furniture at ingwood has in the Trillium Awards iuclged Wednesday at the liriiliiCTOi Centre in Toronto The traditional furniture line is one of Kaufmans most popular with pieces offered in living dining and bedroom suites ByRfNitï¬RtJHlllM the trunk is 31 inches in REMOVE LAYERS diameter lts much too close Please tell me how to to the house only our feet remoye heavy build tip of away and the concrete block mm on my linoleum counter foundation is developing top cracks like the shade the Wipe the counter top tree gives the south side of with naphtha and work iii the house Should cut it smallish setlions lnseard down hate to do it but doubtedly disastrous lry any or all of these masoniy problems with bills guaranteed lttttttltis sent in to match lhose cracks will by various readeru stuff all get biggerand bigger slithes and spares loosely IllRIGHHAlttlt with crumpled newspaper llSlY its ery absorbent thange Its been several weeks now bought used iefiig newspapers ttl day and am wondering whether erator and it leaked at the leave an open box of baking there is any way can bottom was told to put soda on the shelf iany slielfi ieinoye this paint flllll SH tll The painter was sloppy and careless While ttllltllt our trim he allowed paint to drop onto our metal aw nings Walker lilttlltlttl re etiiei gente of more traditional social attitudes in the yeats ahead iuliieiiig the need for high lewd of holiitig stails He added however that he expects rising demand for tl eal ioual housing and retire lltfftll an titli hou piodiienin be sliced hall within yiais lr Iiihavl Walker di tttliiiiil ill inset llllfllllll Vanioiiyei said suuif iy lanadians have lltllt lllli through plieriotiozion being considered lietiiii lleighb t=i ooii geneii llll have daily eonniiiibi sir liziiel if ltllti ii ite to oronto say ltave dei ided that an lit set lkhhtltir lliiliit Hi llli iliarieteiieil to toe waiie merit littlllis in the liiilis and lll 11l 17 the clot as soon as soiled it what other htltll haye ammonia in to cleaii out the Leave saucer of vanilla on laint remover will do mum lekrhlnfl 1W zmwmwm Hmmflwr liiiiia Heights omugnniti lititia lleniis ta jtiitliii only will spread the was so It sure Ls shame the tulxdeadingfroni thefrieir shelf asli thi interioi it try the no wash tytwuid MM Hm yhmmw WNW huh WW ssoiiitioii and liititv when in in mmllllwldmwlmns social tllillltlin and hat home equity among the llm WNW Ill Hm lttlllllitlltills oi lllillft it an middle igedgroiip lvl ll lfli lill purl ltttl likely to lie liitl ltltll tit ttsltitt idtvllilifllg Sufi Isliiliii lulll hi ntratediiithe ltHlIrandhs Hut was elected president of if fl This ii iii illili walk Hmkp PUTle Um mum mmwnlmn lllitllt lIilll it ioiiii iibiy fl at gate he piaii high lllf vi ie iiiitlil re lllilsrlittiull petinaneutieature he ate litte The lsllilllittl appiii ed liieliiys llllill about the possibility oii1iiii lending thi luiadiiui lteiil It He told delegates the real lll1tllfllllllflillllultttllill Lite industry is dynamii tort mce in the deyelopnient and growth The house liiiildiiii lifllll ot of fluiada lt accounted torso the tines tlstt has been intHut billion in mainly residential by iliildren leaving lioine it tiansaitions last year through youniei age and sltttlllL tip the multiple listing stlltt their homes alone liiIi Illtslltllltlt ltlltlt 25 ltlifllllti lli ll iaii best inii in llttyl in lllllliXV seiyiii from pimple lll in in the community to tlii oi and lziini itd iniiiiiiizi tlItlllili liu saidldwaiif Ty said titliaids ltflltlti lllttlllii lll tne forms one but WI tt iiiifu leity llawii opt itvoiis vii ilsly the tl re tl be iiaiiagei tor lieiw iii Iil operate do My Harrie and fun lmjil lraiiduf uumuDCu says London fire chief rosiios om ii tlnif sltlllld ciikt little iv piott lt Hay Morley of the lilllltltlll fire prices were more attractive department says llltlt should more piople would buy the de be no tax on sniokedetettors ltt Morley said Ill an interview More Jobs would be created the federal and provincial gm my it would be good for the ernments should stop being so etttttoliiy gnedy ind lllttttvfl1s tax on He idvoeates use of the ill such items as smoke detctlois viies for the well being in ones added that ttlatttttatltlle family and properly MeNuholl has been defined as subsidiary plaiui iiii area to the Xl5lliiti lin leninsiila llaiiniui iea by Itiilaiios niiinstrv ot lions tilt fIaltilt iinnitei says thi llil liar made noiiiuiitiiii to can out an lllllll pin uziii pre grim leading to the wiepa tion of in otfzi ii plan gtlxtllliitll foi tin ilannuig housing one litnut tt Garden notes Gardening tools good choice on this years Christmas list Hy lli illI liaii ie Horticultural Society inotlier very fine gift is substitption to mu tltotip such as the fi if an Viol uiety it lily Soeiety oi to the tivir teiitie in loioiiio ibe hay Are you planniniI to thristuias shop for gaideiiei or Manual iaidins ll these grups do great di liiii maybe budding gardener Here are some suggestions for titiilture in our province as well as seiiii tlii ii No1 you members interests and needs llttllltï¬tlit light sets range all the way from simple itt wetk will deal with llilllm plow flotireseent fixture set up ti proper plat to greenhouses tl iiiiniteai Vita 15 on wheels mowers Ninth fo at lull Markham lit Nit llI lMS lliehuiond lltll has eiy good supply and gives lll llll oveuiher boaid lllftlli iiir met etir members of hoi It ultuial sotrely Hltl pi iee came ion izii eity itirk regarding the tab iter iood gardeiiini tools air always welionie fioii ii on tilt property it it Make ioriiierti awnd to ll wheelbarrow or iaiden tart to watering vans and trout ls ineliir and now owned by lien illey fits tie om lont forget garden gloves weai out half doen pairs genkgo tree in llarrii There is one other large iitir 71 iie year Knee proteelors would save lot of pain iii those oiiesmaller one on the hospital grounds and summit itier arthritieknees boreum ttur city eleik was worried that some liaiiii iiiy lift certificates at any local lllllfstl would be weltnine befall this famous tree but Mr alley has assuiei me no and it is fun for the recipient to shop for their own In harm will come to the tree if he can help if and be ill Ilts emses anyone interested to take look at this fret How about pieee of garden sculpture or some patio tubs lhe genkgo tree is the oldest tree known to man It is ery lheieisa lovely variety loelioosefroni today slow growing planted seniling seven tll ago aloni Maybe mister to spray the plants whenever they 50cm with four gatalpas lhe genkgo arboreuin in also called dry from the dryness in our wintei homes onld lN maidenhair tree grows io feet high and lltt been or earth lhSlthlCIlltStN terns lhe collectors shell the P091111 Ctlllllylll ml llllr ll 50m hump lliililiw leifil lttt eot itdeii books tobe ltitl llttl ifmlliHHlllmim If Illlwwml in Pth In hm flhliml the of the joys of owning it measures Ill high 19 WK that tillS llthllt Htst in WHSIHTS hltill l3 dd hilly VP WM f1 ii aid Ll imllilllijluu ll 1111 ll collection is to display it for wide and includes two tuiordeeor wide and can easily be Hill for postage and handling by Cflt lim jlmrll ullluull mm mnlm ysIiii it innlng liltllfytllttllitl tour of totiili your family and friends to drawers for storing odds and As ilCOIItpiltllolt piec why pleted in single evening diuiue or money order to 11 lldmllllinml Sim rosmnnmul Tron lj illl fulï¬ll dillll ll ltlyl It WM lily enjoy And when the display 11de SltltlYSul Phmlsi 0t hulld this umdvc Wk Just Muir iowsimth llonie ttttt iidenin lloflicultuie find lihe ll 15 ldli liltm Mu imdik cabinet is as handsome as drawings complete dLspluy your liiVOrilO Stanlml Wk ltlmi Ut UUl llxmlltllimltb Maqu ml Mme ilmllulmf mom 181 tï¬Txdf Willi Town lll UK mnuamn an it 191 mammals 51 and cutting heirloom spoons if you and assemble PatternDepartiiienl lwili hm Uuidwr kl Iu inilitii an oi dt tails phone Maigaiet ll fer You can create both schedule take all the dont havea spoon collution To obtain both the tollee Milliit utlllliINSt ll lhlm rain 199 ii these attractive projects guesswork out of building it makes dandy way to tors Shelf tlattern No filth Montreal PM Hill LWti VI ll pithyInf $1 lllllmyilti new tniijll in lill Wdlltallh lltt til lï¬llitwtn belie at it from traceable full size pat this unit It can be fistished in store long strands of beads and the Simon ltack ilatteni Iwifl lltM illltlhlktl Illltlilk ll1llflll otherlat ls lont llllgtllll