Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1978, p. 3

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mi ounce Canton Bill Brown Innisfil Township police chief con gratulates Mike Porter l5 on his award of honor from the township Porter Chris Bowyer left 20 and Jim Lennon far right 23 were given the awards at Wednesday nights Innisfil council meeting The awards were in recognition of assistance given by the police Examiner Photo three men to township Three men get special awards for helping Innisfil police BARCLAY Staff An lnriisfil Township man Thornhill man and Willowdale youth were given special awards Wednesday night for their assistance to Innisfil police William Brown township police chief presented awards of honor to Jim Len non 23 of Innisfil hris police last spring when he recognized police descrip tion of two armed robbery suspects said hief Brown Lennon had seen the two men who were wanted for rob bery south of the township and he reported the location to police This information led to the arrest and suc cessful prosecution of the Bowyer 20 of Thornhm and womt rid liltf Brown Mike Porter 15 of Willowdale formerly of the Cookstown area Lennon the son of an ll nisfil police officer helped mined said hipf town country Election was costly BARCLAY tStafft An election is costly business Innisfil Township approved payment of iLs municipal elcc tion expenses at its meeting Wednesday night The total of expenses was $756643 This figure includes fees for all the election workers and for rent of the polling places It certainly costs lot to hold an eltction commented Bill Gibbins Innisfil Reeve Reeve iibhins added jokingly the election expenses would have been reduced if the rest of council had been acclaimed to office as he was Committed to trial Barrie man was committed to trial for second degree murder in Ontario Supreme ourt at pnliminary hearing in Finch Avenue Provincial ourt Wednesday court of ficial said today Brian Gerald Laurier of lot Bradford St is scheduled to be tried on Dec 21 He was charged in connution with an imident last December in which William Mitchel Hughes 15 of Newmarket was killed Also charged in connection with the incident was tlwcn dolyn Wilson 19 of Shelswell Dr UroStation Miss Wilsons preliminary hearing was adjourned until Monday when further evidence will be heard FLAC invites author The French Language Advisory ommittcc invitid Dr Stacy Churchill toattcnd meeting on lari 11 Dr hurchill is the author of The hurchill Report deal ing with the education of limnchrsixaking children FLAC which is fighting to have llnhltillglltitc secon dary school built in lenetanguishcnc is made up of three trustees of the Simcoe County Board of Education and six people elected by the ratepayers of Pcnctanguishcnc Bees will stay MIDHURST Edward Wood of Hillsdale is getting stung ftr $1 million worth of liability insurance if he wants to keep his bees on piece of Simcoe ounty property in Tiny Township Simcoe County council voted luesday to allow Wood to keep his bees on the property provided he enter an agree ment with the county on yearly basis and provides the liability insurance in spite of the argument raised by one councillor that such coverage would be unnecessary How could anyone prove it was one of Woods bees that bit him he asked NVCA meets Dec The executive committee of the Not tawasaga Valley on servation Authority tNVtTAi will meet on Dec at the NVCA administration office on Highway no cast of Angus at 111 pm Squad buys land The Simcoe County Rescue Squad bought the land its of fice is located on formerly Ttxlarview School on Highway 27 for warm The squad had been renting the land frorri the Sirncoc County Board of Education The board heard letters of rccommcndation about the squad from ro and Vespra councils at meeting Wednes day night The Edgehill Drive School property in Barrie has also been sold The board accepted the tender of$5titltltl from the United Association of Joumeymen and Apprerit ices of Plum bing and Iipefit ters Local 59 Silveicrest School property in Wasaga Beach was sold to theollingwood hrislian School Association for Magoo The board did not accept tenders for Margaret Street School property in Angus and Mountain School property in Angus This land will be tendered again Childrens Aid meets The board of directors of the Childrens Aid Society will meet Tuesday in the societys offices at the County Ad ministration Centre in Midhurst The moeti rig begins at it in Obituary In February Porter and Bowyer were snowmobiling in the township when they saw burglary being com Brown Whitworth Funeral services were held at Jennett Funeral Home on Nov 16 for William Henry Whit worth of Barrie who died at Royal Victoria Hospital on Nov 13 He was 85 Whitworth was born in Humber Bay where he lived untilmovrrig toBarrieintQtift He is survived by three sisters Ethel May Mabel liene and Myrtle liloicnce tMrs Lloyd Rachari and two brothers George and Joseph Moroni Al the funeral Marlene trib ble of Goodwood sang in the Garden Whitworths favorite hymn lntemment was at Park Lawn Cemetery in Toronto Porter was living near Cookstown at the time and Bowyer was visiting hirri Bowyer and Porter frighten ed off the burglars and their reported the incident to police The suspects were later arrested said the chief hief Brown commende all three for their help in these cases ouncil members also praised the men for having the concern and reporting to the police hicf Brown said earlier this fall two awards were given to school patrol of ficeis from ioodfcllow School The patrollers assisted in getting children off school bus which had gone into the ditch The patrollers then kept the other youngsters in group until the bus was pulled out of the ditch he said Stewart Fisher member of the Innisfil police coinniis sioti said cooperation from ltiirisfil residents is impor tant to the police depart merit tlur police force is as good as the citicus ill help US to be he said Says CAS declining because of morale The quality and quantity of services at the hildicns id Society is starting to decline because of staff morale pro blciri says report presented at recent meet iiig ur biggest problcrri at the momcnt is staff morale said the report given by Don Jackson the local director The ever increasing work pressures and the many crises on cases are wearing There is in question that quality and quantity of services is begrnn ingtodcteiioralc as result Jackson said the society responsive To make your ncmploymcnt Insurance Program more responsive to thc nceds more staft If it IS to retain the same level of service as in the past lhcsc difficulties or not ttiiiqtit to child vcllaic lltillt Health and education tic also victims of restrictive budgets and st tlt workload tensions The finance cornriiitttc reported the society llll tll to have tltlltll of mort than $179000 this year about 1pct cent of lllt budget This is largely lllt to in cicascs in tlllltl tlilt ttil of about Slitfiooo the corririnttcc said Several service clubs in Bar rie remain interested in form ing joint service club council says Mort Dafoe past president of the Barrie Civitan Club The second meeting between interested clubs was held Wednesday night len clubs were represented at the meeting The general feeling seems to he council would be Rob Warrriaii defeated Ward it aldcrrriariic candidate try ing to ask for recount Wannan who lost by five votes to Meg Donaal in the Nov 13 election is gathering evidence to present to county cmrrtjiidge lt cart be rather difficult process Warman told The Ex ariiiricr today You cant have recount granted just on the basis of be ing close he said You have to obtain enough evidence to go along with it the examiner Thursday Nov 23 1978 today something with practicality and feasibility Dafoe told The Examiner today However to make the idea mre attractive to other service clubs well have to come up with large project to work on jointly said Dafoe think council can work Dafoe said It depends on how much involvement we can get and to what direction were go ing to go Warman is questioning the deputy returning officers who were manning the Ward polls in Nov 13 If there were rejected ballots that night and if there had been some discussion it might mean there is enough evidence to support recount besaid Warman told The Examiner last week he would not be seek ing recount but he says he was unfamilar with the way the city cmducts recount Bob Hollywood Greater Bar rie Chamber of Commerce general manager also likes the idea of service club council Hollywood was secretary of joint service club council in Sudbury from 1515668 Theres no reason why it couldnt work here said Hollywood It provides line of communication between clubs and helps to avoid con flict of interest and dates on thought when the city con ducted an official recount they went over all the ballots said Warman But the second reading is just statistical thing The ballots are not gone over secmd time Warman says he needs all evidence gathered by next Tuesday which he says is the last day for filing recount re quth to county court judge Warman went home the night of Nov 13 thinking he had of tained at Ward alderman posi tion programs said Hollywood It also allows persons who want information but dont know which service club to con tact to phone central number and get the information he said Sure council has no direct power over the service clubs said Hollywood But it doesnt make sense for different clubs to hold events that are going to Warman seeks recount in Ward At the time of Wannans departurettl pm the official board showed Warman winning by four votes over Mrs YDmal He received call fmm city hall early the next moming in the midst of victory celebra tions instead of winning by four votes Warman has lost 116tlv0testo1155 Alex Manjuris defeated in Ward is also seeking re count Alliston man suggests quiet rooms so students can be alone to think Schools should have quiet room it plau llll students are able to be alone to think and reflch away from crowds teachers and hectic schedules says Dav id Willis of Alliston Students should have chance Iot privacy to orient themselves and cope with crises said Willis in brief to the Simcoe ounty Board of lIdticat ion Wednesday night Willis labelled his suggestion quiet rooms and asked the public board to consider trying the idea at few schools on trial basis The suggestion will be con sidered by the curriculum and moral education committees of the board in the era of big houses and rural living where children had their own rooms and open space Constable takes his leave llt Sltlllt liiitst advice and even tears marked farewell to Blake tonstahlt Wolntsdny night Deputy littii oiistnhlc ip petier ill toiincils last regular iiicctiiii for the current tcnn lie was defeated in tllt ltttlli iriiiiiicipal citct ion iiid Wttlntm day night the retiring deputy lt1t and council cchiiiicd utlflllflts llcpiity ltcic oiistnlilv praised other riicinlwixol ttlllll cil for llltll hard work and co operation during the past two years He said thcrc itic ttlllt vu Iiiipoitiiit iiitilttis llttll came btIoit court during that tune llc also extended thanks is pow more mOntari special needs ofdiffcrcnt areas ofCanada there are now 48 economic regions for U1 to now there With this change UI benefits will more accurately reflect your local were 16 regions employment conditions Its all part of plan announced over year ago Each of these new 48 regions will have its own unemployment rate This will set the length oftimc claimant must have worked to become eligible for employment Insurance benefits And it will govern the length ofbcncfits as well Theres nothing new about the system itselfits just being measured more finely in 48 regions rather than 16 The length oftimc Claimant must work to get UI remains the same It varies from 10 to 14 weeks depending on the unemployment rate where the to the township staff for their hard work during that time The deputy rccvc urged coun cd to push for reasonable settlement in the annexation disputi with Barrie llc stig gcstcd mtiiity wide planning might solw some of thc plann irig problems bci rig cxpcrnnctrl in he rritinicipal ity trilicr members of mnncil ltllSAtl llcputy ltccvc tllr stable for his work on council ltuvc Bill rbbins said he was sorry to see the dcputy rcevt lcrivc council and said he hopes Diputy Reeve toristablc will nin again for muncil in the next clulitiri tonn Jack Young and toiiii to copditions claimant lives And regionallybased benefits have the same maximum The change will only aflcct those whose Ill claims start after November 12 This map and the information with it will show you the new economic boundaries in your area Ilip the map and save it for reference ifyou like Nott litrtlrtr crtrnqcx to rrc llncnrilovmtnr lnstmrntc lrogrron lltltt been proposed by rrc roticinrncnr Titty will conic into tjlttt only relen tntrclct Irv ltrrttmrcnl Canadas Unemployment Insurance Program Working with people who want to work Employment and Immigration Canada 10 Bird Cullen Minister Emplor of Immigration Canada Bud Cullen Ministre Bill lipple expressed apprecia tiori for the help they received from the deputy recvc cspcially when they list came tocouncil oim Kathe lans burst into tears when asked for parting words The councillor was too upset to anything to the retiring deputy ieeve but she clasped his hand Richard lmli Innisfil clerk crlnmendcd Deputy Reeve tuistable for his help and understanding to township staff mmihers Deputy Reeve onstablc will he succeeded by irant An dradc Andrade will take office at ouncils inaugural meeting onlec at it pm lllt know ONTARIO REGION loionto consisting oliliat portion ofilic chional Municipality otlliirliam riot included iii the region oflicllcvillclctciboiougli the Municipality olMctiopolitan loionio tlic Regional Municipalities olllalton lccl and York and the townships ofRama and Main in the county ifSllllttiC REGION Niagara consisting oftlic county of Brant the former county otllaldiniand and the Regional Municipalities of lamiltonchtworth and Niagara GEORGIAN Owen Sound in the woods and fields was con venient anyone who wanted peace and undisturbed quiet could find it But that is chang ed said Willis once owner of the Alliston Herald weekly newspaper Willis said with todays crowded communities small houses and highly organized ac tivities children have little op portiiriity for privacy People need place to let down barriers of restraint and try by themselves to cope with crises large and small They want need and should have chance for privacy where they can orient themselves when they find their world too much for them and rebellion or emo tiori wells up in them Student councils would pro vidc the authority in quiet rooms said Willis and mislxiliavior would be punished by exclusion frorri the room They should be furnished as comfortable lounges with no television radios or other disturbances allowed he said lickerel BAY lottoriliati Glen Morris Parts gum Branttord Nanticoke REGION ll Callander Powassan Trout Creek Brncebrldge Midland Billllf lllrltlltlltl St liorriheru innitwood Hamilton Clubs still interested in joint council will study how other councils function attract similar audiences on thesameday Its an excellent idea he said Dafoe says interested group members are waiting for in formation to come in from cities which have service club councils Montreal and Brampton both have councils The information would help provide framework for for mation of new council says Dafoe The next meeting has been scheduled forbec 10 Hopefully well have that in forrnaton to look over by then hesaid HIRAM WALKER SONS llMITED ANNOUNCEMENT Mr Moodie Hiram Walker Ontario Regional Manager is pleased to an nounce the appointment of Mr Clark as Division Manager East Central On tario Mr Clark will be responsible for the development of the Companys business through its representatives in the Barrie Orillia Peterborough Oshawa and Belleville markets Prior to this ap pointment Mr Clark was with Gooderham and Worts Limited for period of eight years Mr Clark will continue to be located at the Companys Ontario Sales Office at 3080 Yonge Street Toronto Dwtqlit Lterrriatitti oWashatjo Orrllia Uder flirt tiny Pt oBreclrrii Beavettoir Cannington Scugog Island Searirnve Port Perry TORONTO Lake Ontario Burlipgton Alder utiot Niagara Georgian Bay consisting ofthc counties of liiiicc iicv lliitlcriii the District Munici pality oliiiskoka the District otlairy Sound and the county otSimcoc cxccpi the townships must iHillt The Canada lintpltnmcnr and Immigration timorhitnn rtri cranial ln runrlirnrnle Ilrt rrtmilovmtnr Inxrntintc Timimrixion rrrJ Ilrt llcparmnnl of Muntortirr iinil Illlllfrlilllt In trilltrio our ltiitrtilrtti tirt litmg Inertial Io irnrtvoir better at urtuda Employment Centres olRama and Mara Map and lk iptioii of ccoriotnn ltltn itI tiiicsiion ii iscs thc lricmployrncni Insurance Regulations

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