the examiner Thursday Nov 23 1978 23 600 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOAURES cac NEWS CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW NEWS ABC NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY GOOD TIMES 645 HATTYTOWN TALES 655 WRITE am 700 DATING GAME CHIPS CROSS WiTS MARY TYLER MOORE TIC TAC DOUGH STARS 0N ICE NEWLYWED GAME DR WHO GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 HOCKEY Boston Bruins vs Buffalo res NEWLYWED GAME AN EVENING OUT FAMILY FEUD PATSY GALLANT SHOW $198 BEAUTY CONTEST MAGIC SHADOWS The thieI of and Part IV 803 NEWHART SHOW 800 THE NEW ADVEN TURES OF WONDER WOMAN ruthless mobster who wants to turn the town of Santa Corona into warren of Illegal gambling casmos uses Diana Princes teen ago goddaughter as his lever for blackmail extortion 60 mine THE WALTONS Grandma dates gentleman friend who once proposed to her when she was young and Elizabeth fears he eplacinh rand 60 mins MINDY Mork turns himself into romantic old gentleman to court Mindys grandmother out of her blues caused by the death of one of her few remaining PLEASE STAND BY sfliflm SIX STORIES WELCOME BACK KOTTER television guide MOVIE Rotgnaaad ms KING OF KENSINGTON lhe Pursesnatcher Larry and Jack decide to stop wave of neighborhood pursesnetching by disguising themselves as women and an the streets WHATS HAPPENING Rerun goes on buying spree with credit cards defaults on his payment and causes Ra to hIs bed and other belongings if TWOS COMPANY IE JUST Do IT YOURSELF 900 Lou GRANT HAWAII FIVEO When man attempts to assassmate hypnoticalty compelling evangelist and It Is discovered that the threatening weapon is an unloaded gun McGarrells interest Is more than piqued 60 BS CANADIAN EXPRESS BARNEY MILLER Dapper Det Harris becomes outraged when he Is fired upon trIsde and arrested by two energetic uniformed patrolmen who believe hes her LIVE IT UP to THE JESUS TRIAL And mum Our Children Part Ill WINTARIO LOTTERY 930 SOAP Mary suspects that Burt Is havmg an affair when he doesnt come home one night and expriest Tim Flotsky suffers from high anxiety when he reports for his first of work as construction worker TEAM SHOWDOWN 1000 DAVID CASSIDYMAN UN DERCOVEH Officer Dan Shay toms lethal motorcycle gang to ipe out their bid to transport hundreds of stolen bikes to be sold once 60 mins DALLAS BARNABY JONES Betty Jones turns actress With small theater group to investigate series of strange events that threatens the sanity of Its leading lady and ately leads to murder 60 MM RETURN OF THE SAINT The Judas Game The Saint scales more than dangerous mountain when climbing In the Italian Alps on an aSSIgnment to rescue beautiful agent girl he once loved who has been abducted by terrorist organIzation 60 FAMILY Buddy falls In love with country boy while the family wants the term In Oregon for Thanksgiying and Willie becomes upset when Kate and Doug conaider ting the to erty 60 mins LE £1 NDE EN GUERHE NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 DAVID CASSIDYMAN UN Olticer Dan Shay toms lethal motorcycle gang to wipe out their bid to transport hundreds of stolen bikes to be sold in Mexico 60 mins 1100 ca NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE fllglgelodeon IE COMMUNIOUE ENGLISH 1120 NEWS IE THE REAL STORY 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Host nny Carson 90 mins CBS LATE MOVIE MASH monotonous Army diet causes Hawkeyes palate to revolt Cotumbo Friend In Wd Stars Peter Falk Richard Kiley MOVIE COMEDY The eat Lover 1049 STREET TALK QUESTION PERIOD 1145 CANADA AFTER DARK With Paul Soles are scheduled guests John Simon Peter Pringle and WIlliam Hutt 60 mm 1150 MOVIE DRAMA San Francisco International Airport 1970 1200 MOVIE DRAMA The $ellng 1013 CONCERT BEHIND PRI SON WALLS Special featuring Johnny Cash Linda Ronstadt Roy Clark Foster Brooks 1210 MOVIE SCIENCEFICTION UFO Target Earth 1914 1230 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 1245 THE PROFESSIONALS 100 TOMORROW MOVIE HORROR Dont Look In the Bazsggient 1972 TROUBLE WITH TRACY MEDICAL CENTER MARCUS WEBBY MD BEWITCHE401O historically speaking canadas story By BOB BOWMAN Louis Riel was hanged at Itcv gina on Nov16 1885 Six days later there was mass protest meeting in Montreal that changed the political life of Canada and its effect still is felt The Conservatives were the most powerful political party in Quebec before Riel was hanged Since then the on servatives have been eliminated from the provincial legislature and Quebcc has returned relatively few on servatives to the federal House of Commons The only rcccnt exception was the Dicfcnbakcr sweep of 1958 when the on servatives obtained 61 per cent of the votes in Quebec The protest meeting in Mon treal on Nov22 1885 was held in the Champ de Mars and 37 notable speakers were hca rd in cluding Wilfrid Laurier He said that if he had lived on the banks of the Saskatchewan Itivcr he would have takcn up it riflc to support thc Mctis Another powerful spcakcr was llonorc Mcrcicr provincial Liberal leader who cxprcsscd the popular point of view that Riel was Christian mzirtyr who had bcon sacrificcd to Orange fanatics in Ontario The most important result of the mccting was thc creation of new political party in Qucbcc Lc lzirti National It includcd Liberals and onscrvzitivcs who formcd the first purcly FrcncliCaiuidian political party It was dcvclopmcnt that sonic lcziding stutcsmcn had bccn trying to avoid cvcn bclorc Confederation Prime Ministcr John Matdo nald was convonicntly ubscnt After declaring that Iticl shull hang though cvcry dog in Quc bcc barks in his favor Mucdo mild left for vacation iii Brita ain thn hc rcturncd Sir Ilcc torLouis inngcvin and othcr loading ktcnclrspcziking col leagues tried to rczissurc him that thc lzirti National was rczilly only branch of lhc Lib crnls It could not IlpIiuL tits onscrvzi ivcs OIIIER NOV 23 EVENTS Itil2 Louis XIII granted the region frorn Florida to St Law rcncc ltivcr to ltlzirchioncss dc Iucrchtwillc IS ti Jcsuit mis sion ITKI Pziirtown Saint JohnI was mndc capital of Ncw Brunswick or First SUIIII£IIIII cable in North Amcriczi was lziid bc twccn ziilcton llctid IIC and apc Iormcntinc It IIIIT National llockcy Lenguc was formcd IEIZZ ltoyzil Wintcr I£lll ilzirgcst indoor fair in the world opcncd zit Toronto I057 First ship pzisscd through Iroquois Lock In St Lawrence scziwziy barries story Nov 23 I936 During the preceeding few years the gas plant had been operating at loss the ac cumulated deficit as of Aug 31 1936 was $593365 In the first eight months of that year the total deficit was $1580 The Town Council decided at the regular meeting the gas bylaw would be submitted to the elec tors of Barrie at the municipal election which was to be held Dec The question on the ballot paper was to be In view of the operation of the gas plant at loss do you consider it in the interest of the Town of Bar rie to continue its operation by the Commission The expenditure on relief in Barrie during the past week stood slightly in excess of $300 Welfare Officer James Mac Gregor revealed The total expenditure for welfare in the first half of November was $60897 an average of $30449 as compared with weekly average of $23923 in October One of the most successful annual conventions in the history of the Centre Simcoc Teachers Institute came to close in Burton Avenue United Church where twoday scs sion was held Miss Reta McKever of Prince of Wales School in Barrie was elected president of the Centre Simcoc teachers Harold Webb was appointed parttime field sccrctaiy for Simcoc ounty by thc anudian National Institute for thc Blind His dutics wcrc to mcct blind persons to advisc and assist them in gaining the fullest benefit from Institute schIccs and to check upon cases for prevention of blindncss There were 64 registered blind persons in Simcoc County and quitc number of othch who were thought to bc borderline cases IIon Dr Simpson gavc the main addrcss at joint meeting of thc Mens Class and thc Crusadch Class of Central United Church in thc auditorium of the church There was large attcnrlancc of younger and older men of the congregation Dr Simpson said he was ex trcmcly optimistic regarding the future of the church and Sunday School He also stated that he felt there was little atheism and communism in thc highcr seats of learning as alleged by some Gabriel Maurice Lafontainc Iiny Township captured the Town of Barrio Trophy the grand championship award at the second annual Simcoo County Potato Fair hold in the Barrie Armoury The silver trophy was given for the best 12 Iloolcy potatoes at the show Mr Mtiuricc also won cabinet of silver presented by the Town of liar ric as first prize in thc County Ficld Trop potatocs In an addrcss to thc Barrie Womcns anzidizin lub in Public Library all rs hiis lhorburn tIltl tttiwzi dcclzircd thzit womtn should mccivc cqunl pay for cquzil work Shc statcd that womcn were forced into industry IXCHUSC they were nccdcd but thty hzid madc good in industry and thcrcforc should bc as vvcll paid as Inch Barrio Iollcgiatc Institutcs senior and junior rugby tczims wcrc making history that season It was the grcatcst your of football thc local school hzid ever experienced Ihc rc markziblc thing was that neither team was highly rzitcd whcn thc season began But cach had come through it strenuous campaign into the finals with 2i vcry notablc display of couragc Thc seniors hzid already won the Icorgizin Bay group cham pionship for thc first time sincc thc lcaguc became affiliated with the Central Ontario Sccon dary Schools Association in 1931 Four years in row from 1032 to 1933 inclusivc ltCl seniors rcachcd the Georgian Bay group final only to lose there That season fought an uphill battle into firstplace tic with Owen Sound In suddendeath game on Nov II Barrie dcfcatcd Owen Sound 2fo to take the chum pionship cotnpctition in today in history Nov 23 1978 In 1950 with Communist North Korean forces virtually defeated by United Nations and South Korean forces the war in Korea took on new aspect The first of 200000 Chinese Communist troops poured across the Yalu River into battle 28 years ago today in ALBERTA IS THIRD EDMONTON CPI Alberta is third only to Quebec and On tario in the number of young musicians accepted by the Na tional Youth Orchestra Of 105 Iyoungsters accepted from more an 600 applicants across the country 40 were from Ontario 33 from Quebec and I7 from Al berta Alberta exceeds all other provinces in per capita accept ance 1950 This new threat prolonged the war for more than three The UN commander Gen Douglas MacArthur was denied permission to carry bombing and military attacks across the Yulu ttttzirAuthornewscaster Er ic charcid was born IzzyKing lutzinkhumcns tomb was opened in Egypt fluffVincent Massey was appointed Canadas first envoy to thc UnitcdStutcs ltltt leibanon was declared an independent nation I9tytvlsracli lincr Shalom and Norwegian tanker Stolt Dagali collided off New Jersey killing 13 persons BOMB IN AFRICA WASHINGTON CPI An drew Young Unitcd States am bassador to the United Nations says if South Africa develops its own nuclear bomb the Soviet Union may supply neighboring countries with nuclear arms Young said the threat of nu clear bomb in South Africa nught motivate other nations to seek weapons from any source Including the Soviet ninn CORNEAS NEEDED WASHINGTON CP The Medical Eye Bank of Maryland the worlds largest reports shortage of corneas available for transplant Frederick Griffith director of the eye bank says five million persons throughout the world suffer corneal blindness and the eye bank only receives 3000 comeas year Barrio Doctor says Mongoloids quite docile By the latc GEORGE THOSTESON MD in collaboration with PAUL RUBLII MI Dear Dr Thosteson would like to work with mongoloid children perhaps adopt one Would you please write some thing on the subjectthe cause their character etcALM Your ambition to work with these unfortunate children is commendable and so is your determination to learn about the subject beforehand Both motivation and knowledge are indispensable Mongolism is congenital birth defect featured by faulty arrangements of chromosomes the chemical structures that tell the body how to grow Normally we have 46 of these The mongoloid child has 47 The condition is called Downs syndrome and occurs chiefly in offspring of women who conceive late in life and is expected in about one in 700 births The child is born with slanted eyes flattened nose large tongue and characteristic crease on the soles and palms He is severely mentallyhandi capped normally attnining the mental age of about seven Mongoloid children have poor musculature and coordination Thosc devoted to their care find them pleasant youngsters They tend to cry little ldcr ones arc quitc docile They tend to havc othcr physical dcfccts the chief of which is heart dis order They have poor resist ance to infection and thcy oftcn dic young With Special care they can be taught simple tasks and with improvement in care some live to adulthood hope you find working with these youngsters as satisfying as have other dedicated adults have known It takes great pn tience and understanding If you like challenges try it Be fore you decide to undertake the work go to childrens home where they are often cared for or to ward in childrens hospital where you will get some idea of their be havior and the kind of care ncc tssary Dear Dr Thostcson am 19 years old For the last two months during my period pass large blood clots Last time the period lasted the whole month never have been regular and once stopped for whole year after having periods for two years am ovcrwcight but have started to lose havent both ered to see doctor have never had this clotting problem up until now Should see doctor or is all this just be cause am losing weightrMs TP Eithcr overweight or sudden weight loss may disturb menstrual cycles but ac cording to the information you give me would not lay your clotting to that factor dinarily menstrual blood docs not fortn clots and if it docs they are quitc small suspch you have glandular distuu banccIow thyroid for cxamplc Utcrinc growths can cause the blccding BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Stayman and JTB together gt 01 90¢ ODLO coroNCDl at 01 SO gtgtxhc 730 on Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East South NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead OJ By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag When you play JTB you should accompany it with the artificial Stayman two club response to ask about fourcard major They go together like bread and but ter In fact they are bread butter and cake for those who use them properly The Stayman must be non forcing which means that res onder can bid two clubs wit the North hand and know that if South bids two diamonds to deny any four card major South will ass after North goes to his Ive card heart suit Actually South rebids two spades North passes and South plays at nice com fortable contract We arent going too far into the play Suffice to say that if South leaves trumps alone and ruffs his long clubs and dummys long hearts South will have no trouble collecting nine tricks and might well come up with IO if the defense misplays Two hearts would proba bly be down one as would one notrump But even if an expert lucky declarer man aged to make one of those contracts he would not do as well as the man who played two spades 101331123113 You hold ¢AK2 VKJSS 032 OAKJt Your partner responds one heart to your club opening What do you rebid We use the oldfashioned jump to four hearts to show 18 or 19 highcard points and no singleton This jump is not stop bid since partners hand can range from or points to 16 or 17 ll23B daily crossword ACROSS 45 trim lt17 Nitrin Iiit Mrrcl litmuser DIIIII sitiwiy If iuult fjnltflldil Tim 113 Lamar liltltll It Great lake foxy SUDIIIIIJI 56 jiil iurninpii Hit Mdjtrilyï¬ Miriiiti ship 1th 19 Cthmy if Nobloarniin IIIthIMfIHt Sim pmblwi 59 VIriril In 14Ii IIIUSI Iflltil lli HI IUIIIH 60 Ihiiw lIIHIlI 70 Stlltt out 22 Sticl WIIII DOWN 24 Cliitiii 26 AUDIIIIIIIII WtIIltfy 3O Ontvital much Shah 51 Female Lillllllty riliijimi Hiltitlcl tiiiiIti trlIlII 11 Cuts 37 Cillril IVSIIIII OlyiritIit ill iiiIIIlicrii lItIilrtl titIIlf NIIIIIIIIIII One who 33 ptIIIIUII longs 3a In equal Ammunition ILgrim Demons 36 Soft drink Energy 51mm 37 Goddess It tiiiii IEIIIIII late Vote Ililri 39 MOSI IOCIII offici 42 Indoricsmii is 13 Sown land 19 Slittlllillf JIHI IHI ithvIN II Air ttItllt jiiiiii tililil Illlll Mum Al Ililltllir AIM 2r Mle Itltli SnubI tritium 28 find fllItlllltl 16 ViIiIIty if 29 iItII ltliIItlly mum 30 ivh 1h Wliiiiiti tlIIIUII II Thu pomt 35 SdIISIiIt Itllfl Wlbltlnllltl mint ltl Ittfllltfl Ili LIIoptitiii Sljlnjgh Mk iIIiIiiy 4t Housewafr ti SWIM IIt tilIIIH 41 Dlltt It Iltzlllt Imli f2 wd 5381ttllltlt Bernice Bode Osol Your Birthfluy November 24 1978 Many changes are in store for you this coming year Some will happen slowly and Others in the twinkling of an eye This should appeal to you variety being the style of life to which you aspire SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Dominating the conversa tion no matter how interesting your topics are wont be good for your image today Take back seat and let others have the floor CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Winthrop WANT TO DRIVE YOUR MOTHER CRAZY WHEN WUTAKE OFF YOUR CLOIHEE ATNIGrHl Although youre not prone to gossip you might have hard time keeping quiet about some jUICy tidbits youve heard Seal your lips Its beneath you to spread rumors AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 You might be bored to tears today when you run into pal who does lot Of talking but never has anything to say Try to be kind PISCES Feb 20March 20 The chances of an associate seeing your point of View is slim so if controversial subject comes up today drop it quickly ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Pro ductivity will be impossible if it is based solely upon wishful thinking 8e logical in your appraisals and youll stand chance of getting things done TAURUS April 20May 20 Con sult those with whom you wish to spend your day before mak ing plans To assume theyll want to go along with your ideas might cause embarrass ing problems GEMINI May 21June 20 Fam ily topics that get everyone upset should be avoided today The solution to the disagree ments isnt likely to be found yet so why spoil nice day CANCER June 21July 22 Dont take it for granted that one who has helped you knows you appreciate his service thank you is definitely needed Or this person will feel imposed upOn LEO July 23Aug 22 You Still 393 Mus Wizard of Id EVIL sIELL ALL HIX How CU You THINK ID nunmm rm Bilgs Bunny 0496 IN GREAT SHAPE PETUNIA HAPPY DRIVIN glGsys macaw Born Loser moo In mm in IwNwm NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 NHATA new rIIXï¬MES TIGHT CATIINb AN WITH N096 JOBLOAITACTS AND LUKLY PERMANENT THESEAUTYOF Tiiis WULAIS ITS HVaIIIEESALEVALUecOvoo ANI BLEW LOOK GOODNESS THAT HORRIBLE NOIGE Your Wedding Invitations Announcements Headquarters Weprovide loanout service THAT Momma NEARLY ear con OVER BYA BEER 67766 COACH My WAeoNA PIJWHOESE AN AMBULANCE AND RUN DOHT woRfZY ITLL TOPAG 60014 As YOU DRIVE AWAY COAND EVERY HOUR You dEl TEN MINUTE GRUMPINBSS BREAK THAJEy IIB HAVE You EVER WONDERED HOW IVE RETAINED THE TITLE THE MAgrER 0F SAQASHC wn IM POCKIN YA TWO HOURS PAY FIZ GLEEPIN ON THJOB wont be able to figure out how to get the cash for your pleasurable pursuits Better face up to the bare facts and plan your day accordingly VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Mak ing excuses is not the solution getting along with others day Be honest with them and they might understand your position LIBRA Sept 23OCt 23 Inside information should be taken with grain of salt today Believing all you hear could steer you off wrong direction SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Its nice to be generous but dont waste your hardearned money On ingrates Seek recipients who are as openhanded and appreciative as yourself WHO INVITED THE MOOSE 6V LVEéTEZ