Government statistics 50 Newfoundland hurt by proposed change OTTAWA tCP Govern ment figures released Monday say Newfoundland will suffer the most finan cially from federal proposals All other provinces but New Brunswick will save money next year as result of the changes In 198081 all provinces but Manitoba to change the family Saskatchewan and Alberta allowance and unem will face increased costs the ployment insurance figuressay programs The figures calculated by the health and welfare department say changes in both programs will result in saving of $74 million in welfare costs across the country next year In Him81 they will result in an in creased cost of $78 million Welfare costs are shared However the calculations do not take into account increased federal job creation funds earmarked for the province offsetting higher welfare cests offi cials said The figures were contained in letter to Bill Clarke tPC Vancouver Quadra Opposition unemployment equally by the federal and insurance critic from provincial governments The Employment Minister Bud family allowance measures Cullen will result in saving of $658 million next year and $71 million the following year But the unemployment in surance changes will in crease welfare costs by $51 million next year and $866 million in 198081 Alberta will reap the highest savings from the measures saving about $44 million in social assistance in twoyears Following are comparable figures for other provinces for 19794 and 198081 Quebec $1 million saving $47 million cost Ontario$26 saving $02 million cost Manitoba $1 million saving $14 million saving Saskatchewan $14 million saving $15 million saving Alberta $21 million saving $22 million saving British Columbia $06 million saving $13 million cost The family child reduction of 16 and 17 and new refun dable tax credit of $200 child for families with net incomes of 318000 or less annually The unemployment surance changes reduce benefits to all claimants and increase work required from shortterm workers new entrants to the labor force and persons claiming bcii efits for the second time in year MP says Canadians will save through UIC program changes Changes in the Unemploy costs will be reduced as tiiey ment Insurance Act will save will be shifted in future from Canadians $580 million in the government to the 1979 and $1 billion in 1tth employers and the when the changes are fully in employees themselves place Sinclair Stevens MP recent report by the for YorkSimcoe said in rc cent news release It is not so much that the Economic Council of anada said that more than 30 per cent of the LIC payments go Changes cause concern MIDIIURSI Proposed changes in the Unemploy ment Insurance Act could in crease the number of people requiring aid from Simcoc Countys social services Gordon Tucker adv ministrator of social services for the county told The Ex aminer the intended changes which will increase the number of weeks of work year required to qualify for unemployment insurance and also lower benefits very uncertain posit ion If the intentions behind the changes to thc act boomerang then fear we will not have the staff to ban die the case load which will likely result Tucker said Many people who worked last winter but collected unemployment insurance during the summer are now in the position of no job and no place to tum for help ex cept us Tucker said Tucker said he had spoken social service ad THE QUIZ CANADA AND THE WORLD will leave his agency in to worldscope 10 points for each question answered correctly Premier Frank Moores of Newfoundland said he would lead his party again in the next provmrial clcttion Moores heads New foundlands iCHOOSE ONE Liberal Progressive Conservative Party former New Democratic Premier Ed Srhreyer of Manitoba believes the conservative trend in his provinr is fading Manitobas current premier 13 Progressive Conservative aPcier Loughccd bWilliam Davis Stcrling lyon During his recent sixday visit to Canada Israeli Prime Minister Menarhem Begin spent four days in CHOOSE ONE Toronto Montreal which now has the countrys largest Jewish community Civil unrest continued under the new military government in Iran which supplies about percent of the oil Canada uses 34 blO 16 dispute over three small islands off the southern tip of South Amcrira has led to rcrrnt threats of war between Argentina and CHOOSE ONE Chilc Bolivia newsname 10 points it you can Identity this personin the news As federal fisheries ministcr have been involved in rctcnt disr ussions about fishing rights on Indian lands maintain that thcgovcrn merit must be responsi blc for the fish whilc Indians shouldkccpthcir rights to fish for food Who am matchword points for each correct match 1transi1ion adcal pth ceding 21ransat tion bbctraycr informer 3tiadition passagc hangc 4tri tion dt liSltittt prat ll Straitor cgripping ability to Canadians earning more than the national avcragc of 515000 year Considering that about half the cost of thc lilt pro gram is paid for with tax dollars Stevens said that means to some extent lower income Canadians are ministratois iii other ntario counties and they are all wondering what lllf affect will be on their bttdgcts and case loads In Septembcr of this year Tucker said his department has handch 82 cases com pared with 743 cases in 1077 The cost to the county in September of 1077 was $47700 compared with $51035 this September The figures do not include the government subsidy of up to 00 per cent in somesituations British Columbia Lions is the fi footing thc bill for unctnploy ment benefits to the well off The new bill would rcquirc It 1020 wccks of work ycar to become cligihlc for benefits Stevens said rather than the eight wccks rc quircd now Bcnclits will be rcduccd lo 00 per cent froin tit per cent of persons avcragc wcckly earnings to rcducc tlic numbcr of pcoplc who dont take job because thcy can receive more or nearly as much on unemployment in surance Stcvcns said Minimum insurahility will be incrcascd cutting out pco plc who work less than 21 hours vvcck but including those who work more than Ll hours for low pay Stcvcns said This should incrcasc thc inccntivc to work among Canadians which the prcsint uncmploymcnt program has weakened Stevens said PART OF THIS NEWSPAPERS SEE THINK SCHOOL PROGRAM newspicture 10 points it you answer this question correctly Indira iandhi right greeted supporters after winning scat Ill her ountrys Parliament in rct cnt clot tions Gandhi thi lIIlitI prime minister of CHOOSf th India Pakistan was tort oil out of Olfi when she lost bid for rctci tion in 1077 sportlight points for each question answered correctly Tony Gabricl of thc CHOOSI Nf Ottawa Rough Ritlris rst man in Canadian football league history to gain 1000 yards as rcrcivcr in four straight Slidlst Itctty Craig and Susan Antoft rc medal for Canada at the world dltltld afcnring birhcry cntly tcanicd to win silver bampionships in New rowing The Mastball Writrts Association of Anicrir Vtiltl llSf UNI Ron uidry lirn Ritt valuable playcr hc Amcritan leagues most llotkcy great Iiobby rr dnnountcrl his rctirctncnt is at attivc playcr but will remain National Hot kcy cigucs 145quan Sabrcs bWashiiigton apitols hirago Itlark Hawks an assistant oath with the Gene Iunncy who bcramc onc of lllt most famous llliltlfS of the 1920s died rctcntly at agc famous roundtable Family discussion no score 80 for what sport is lunncy vVlllt ll tiani do you think will win Sundays iicy up football gamif iivc reasons for your tinswci YOUR SCORE 91 10100 points TOP SCORE 81 to 90 points Excellent 71 to 80 points Good 61 to 70 points Fair VEC Inc112078 Answers on Page allowance measures include reduction gt in monthly benefits to $20 tax exemption for children aged in the examlner Thursday Nov 23 1978 15 Get Acquainted day held by Borden commander By LESLEY Llll Of The IGxa miner CFB BURDEN Canadas largest Armed Forces training base is in Simcoc County and county politicians and businessmen got firsthand look at Canadian Forces liasc Borden last week The daylong letAcquainted lay Friday attracted more than ll guests who toured sonic of thc Bases 10 military training schools ommtxlorc ltrian llotscii pillcr base commander welcomed the guests who in cludcd liairic Mayor Ross Art chcr Barrio Aldcrincn lcl Cole ianicc Laking and lord Mills lfecvc Morris llarliy warden of Siincoc County Alan Johnston tccvc ol Vcspra lownship James Elder reevc of losorontio and George Mc aguc Mll for Dufferin Sim coc and Ontario Minister of En vi ronmcnt The first school toured was the School of Aerospace and Ordnance Engineering The school largest on the base offers about 95 courses in thrtc otticcr career fields and trades and specialities About 2000 trainccs go through the school cvcry ycar School commanding officer lsbcstcr showed the work donc by the acrospacc section of the school showing work on fourrcnginc tracker aircraft uscd for coastal sub marincpatrol SICItIiIllNII iucsts were served lunch at the Canadian Forces School of Administration and Logistics With food like this every student should get 80 per cent said one guest after finishing gourmet feast Lunch was prepared by students of the cooking trade section of the school Chicken cordon bleu was served with fish and seasoned cauliflower Capt Richard Shaftoc ex ecutive assistant to the base commander said part of the cooking section training is at tractive preparation of ood In the afternoon guests toured the Buell Building the bascs major recreational facility for all base personnel Centrepiece of the building is gymnasium which is used for basketball floor hockey Pte Robert Mireoult student at the Canadian Forces School of Aerospace and Ordnance Engineering at Canadian Forces Bose Borden does nose job to tracker aircraft used in maritime submarine patrol Examiner Photo lOltONlO itli Penalties for burglary should be reduced because the critnc usually is commitch without violcncc by young amatcurs say rcscarch cis who havc sludicd thc stih jcct for lwoyctlrs lhc rcscarchcrs said tear of burglary may be as damaging tosocicly as the crimc itself The study also concludcrl that burglary frequently is not lt ported to police the value of propcrty stolcn usually is small thicvcs rarely are caught and victims often do not takc precautions to prevent iipcatcd bicak ins ltcscarchcr Irvin Wallcr and his assistant Norman Okihiro bascd tltcir conclusions on 5000 Metropolitan lotonto pol icc re ports and intcrvicws with 1600 householders Waller and Okiliiro did the study for the University of To ronto cntw of Criminology lhcir report was rclcascd ort day by University of Toronto Press They said the threat of break ing and entering unlawful entry and theft has been blown out of proportion in the mind of the public lilItGlAltY PEACEFUI Sonic reduction in this fear might be achieved by more frequent publicity of the peace ful nature of residential bur glary the report said The researchers said the Judges authorized 222 taps 34 per cent increase TORONTO tCI Ontario judges authorich 222 policc wiretaps iii 10W Hpcrccnt increase over 1070 says rc port by Attorneylcncral ltoy McMurtry lhc report published in the Ontario Gazette says none of the 2011 applications for new wiretaps or applications for renewals was refused by the judges Judicial approval is re quired for all police wiretaps for investigations of possiblc of fences under the Criminal odc of Canada Most of the surveillance was undertaken in private homcs In all 302 telephones wcrc tapped McMurtrys rcport also says 28 wirctaps were used in cases of suspcctcd murder and 27 on suspicion of conspiracy to com mit murder There were 57 taps to investigate suspected book making Fit for suspected pos session of drugs 29 for sus pected fraud for suspected theft 18 for suspected exlt tortion seven for suspected arson and three for suspected forgery The report says Lttt persons were arrested as result of electronic surveillance but only 52 convictions resulted It says this figure may be low because some cases have not come to trial Two factors led to the in crease in wiretaps the report says Any changes to renewed tap now require authorization and 14 offences were added to those for which an authoritation may be obtained McMurtrys report includes the views of several police forces on the wiretap legisla tion The departments agreed interception of private commu nications is necessary to com bat crime Metropolitan loronto police dficials said taps are usually the last resort in an investiga tidn and are the main tool to penetrate the barriers of organ ired crime volleyball and gymnastics as well as for training purposes The building also has communityuse rooms coffee shop bowling alley and auditorium Also toured was the yet uncompleted Staff Quarters building which will house 1800 trainees At the School of Instructional Technique guests were shown methods used in making train ing films and videotapes The school is responsible for training instructors instruc tional supervisors and training system standards personnel for theCanadian Forces The day which starter at am wound up at pm with reception at the Base Borden Officers Mess Mayor Ross Archer said he was very impressed with what he saw This is another step main taining the excellent rapport between the Base and the municipalities All the municipalities recognize the economic effect til Base has on our entire area Also guests at Acquainted Day the second held this year were Arch Brown manager of the Barrie Canadian Tire store Consual administrator Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston Hesser manager Consumers Gas Co Barrie and Midland Mayor Moreland Lynn the Get Barrie Aldermen Del Cole and Janice Loking ad mire the tood display prepared by food service students at the Canadian Forces School of Ad ministration and Logistics Guests were allowed to sample the display which took students one week to prepare after gourmet lunch which the students had also prepared The display showed the students abilities not only in cooking but in preparing and presenting foods as attractively as possible Examiner Photo Researchers want penalties reduced say burglary is not violent crime maximum penalty for breaking and entering house life im prisonment contributes to it being blown out of proportion The researchers recom mended Criminal Codc amend ments that would have bur glar charged with an indictable offence only when there has been threat of physical injury or loss or damage of $200 or more Anything less should be cori sidered summary offence rc quiring restitution and fine to act as deterrent The researchers also said too much valuable police time is spent investigating minor bur glaries SSgt Robert Dougall of the Metro Toronto police crime prevention program said burglary is one of the easiest crimes to commit and one of the hardest to solve lle said it is easy for the thief because so many people dont take precautions to protect their homes Its hard to solve because often the only clues are the stolen goods and people can not give policemen adequate descriptions Eating restrictions set tor Orr Little Lake fish Seine fish taken from area lakes may have to be eaten in restricted quantities because of contamination says the ministry of the environment Macu levels in some fish from Lit Lake and Orr Lake have resulted in the suggested eating guidelines says news release from the ministry Walleye betweai 22 and 26 inches in legth which are caugflit in Little Lake should be eaten only once week if eaten regularly If eaten only during fishing vacation period the fish consumption should be limital to 10 meals week for one week five meals week for twoweck period or four mails week for threeweek period Little Lake Walleye of 26 to 30 indies should be eaten only three times month by regular consumers In oneweek period it should be eaten only seven times in to weeks four times week and in three weeks tluee times week The same restriction on 22 to inch Walleye from Little Lake applies to to 30 inch Nort licnn likc from 011 Lake Bigger large mouth bass trmi rr Lake should not be eaten at all says the report