14 the examiner Tnursday Nov 23 1978 With villagers watching in the background Viet namese refugees help push wooden boat back into the sea recently after Malaysian officials refused to let tlttttt land More than Viet namese were believed drowned when the boot later capsized in rough water after hitting sand bar as it was moving out of the Trengganu River AP Photol Search continues for 250 missing after boat capsizes KlAIA lltrtitil Malaysian marine police cramped human cargoaway from this island attei declaring aided by fishermen pulled 74 bodies troin the South hiiia the craft sea worthy it was reported Sea and found another to washed ashore after an allrnight tine siiryiyor llai hangs IlNtitllllttl the Uiltilal search for about 5o passengers ot ietnamcse refugee Malaysian account of the disaster that blames local ship that capsized utiiesday ltlllli sight ot land loliec villagers for refusing the refugees peiiinssion to mine put the confirmed death toll at at including the peisoiis ashore attei they beached llltll vessel at Sebeiang lakii yhodiedin hospitals about tour kilometres troni here on the lrenggau Hiyer Officials said the boat then took the wroiic channel out to sea and sank lolice turned us around Itangs tttl ill brie iii ttltt cut short by ittlltttltdtl who ordered reporter to leavethearca an estuary ot So far survnors have been accounted tor and Malaysian authorities said they lll ioiii about Elmo other Vietnamese at Malaysias largest ietugee camp on the island of Milan Hidong about to kilometres iioitli ot here Police originally turned the wooden tishing boat and its Australian labor in shutdown threat Utr2l The Ullull£lll labor movement has threatened to shut down all communication between lrudeaii editesday saying it any penalty is le ied against membeis ol aiuidiaii liiioii ot Postal Workers tll it ill region and one ot llillt union exeititixi who taro irtinttial ihatgcs in with tlttlilltii til back lit kitlh on the lriidcait ocittiiitiit tit tialiiisiilit tttllltttllttll aldoii art the litLlJlll anada and Australia it consider the imposition of will ll penalties are levied against banoncommunicatioiibetwwii they are itiaiced tilttltl ttttttt ttlltIt anadian postal workers who Australia andtaiiada ltltlttllal titil pluthttlti Kiiltl Vllï¬tlx lllltlti tiiiilat defied parliamentary hack ll towoik order last month The Australian Postal and lclecommunieation tnion sent telegram to Prime Minister the telegram was read to the annual tilhtllltttll oi the iltllslt iiltlllllila ldtitldlltlll tit Labor by Frank Lildeii director ot tl tlllll makes it illegal tuttiti at oi iatltaiiicnt lavniuiii peii alj oiiioiiiitoii ls tiitl iiipiisoii llie iilialiai llie initiaixi tatmi lv tt ilslllllitt llliilll ittitl iiflii titttiiti tillitll ltlllttlitttilltti iititltl it T683 AM fM in dash asstHo Pliwerptny 14 watts lorknig and RWD Aoto Home OSirpoiote linu rind Ubli Will set records straight CanadaUS auto pact report unveiled today tlliWt tli After more than decade of controversy on both sides of the border about the taiiada RS automotive trade agreement Industrme ister lack lloriier says the re port he makes public today will set lot of records straight anadiaii ollittals consider the six month inquiry into the auto pact just completed by consultant Simon Heisman so important they have aski the 78 to postpone talks Until the report is available However government critics say the Heisman report can be little more than another delay iiigtactic listingot taetsaiid tigures and old giievanct The lit ycaiold trade agree llltlll permits taritl tree move nieiit o1 hilly assembled ve hicles and some automotive parts Heisman himself was eliiet architect of the agreement In ttlifi when the auto pact was signed he was ltplltf tiiiante minister iiiost since then both conn ltlt hate been arguing about which beiiettts more from the arrangement aiiada tllttt tttlllillillliln are that it siittei tradi dettcit ot lllttll than billion annually in auto parts and that the major auto makers are not providing fair share ot iii vestment in new plants and equipment lIil Vllll The is unhappy that the pact nas brought consumers little apparent benefit in new car prices small increase in employment iii the auto in dustr and persistent deficit iniisscnlbledvehicles ithiii the last year new andexpeiisnecomplicationhas been added tioyeinineiits on both sides have begun littering tax breaks and iiiilliondollar subsidies to auto makers tor new plantx Ixiiowii collmiiiially as the hiddint II the competition to llllt the mint auto makers tll hunter and better tJisll eii lltlllltttl= lia been confined in hit to ultilt gouiiinients Iii anada both ttiitaiio aii tiltlive and the tediial gourn llltlll tiae been lllllt ta dol Iars to await llt auto plants slllt1 lltl will iiieaii iobv toi taiiadiaie and spill on lieiietits to the tttllllltlttl industry ntlll llltllttllt and potential suppliers toi the lll plant anada tits iiiatni iitoiy atne early llll llllitittl when Fwd accepted $68 million in federal and Ontario incentives to locate its new engine plant in Windsor Ont instead of Lima Ohio The second major inclusion into the auto market is an $80 million joint federalQuebec subsidy designed to entice General Motors to locate new aluminum casting plant near Montreal The auto pact is one topic un der discussion this week with US Secretary of State tyrus Vance who spent luesday and Wltllkï¬dil talking with offi cials from the departments of industry and external atlairs WA NT Heisman who will he paid approximately swoon for his sixinonth investiwition has said nothing about his recoiniiiendations but auto industry officials have said they expect the former bureaiicrit to come out strongly in lavor oi an ex panded anginent Heisman is also expected to IHttllllntllti measures to get aiiadian auto parts inanutac lurers to take more vigorous role by investing Ill new plants anduiuipinent Heisman has not advice lacked lot Auditorgenerals report reveals embarrassing tales tllul lln tirii behind the itopacn auiltoi gttltltli ltlltll tit llt ioli today down irall like Illttii llitroi lttllt ilioii tneiit waste liedoiell miltl ili lli iii ttt It llit ltitk poit tllti titttt and tlllltitllt it hilt ot ctr Illlltitll tt4l pi iiilttii oi giilaiiies tbeiii litit llt teii liii ivitlltt lta Ir it the loin iliapei tlt lt piit with who it tn ii audioi iiitat imp to lttt l1lttlltliIiltl oi ilt lioy ta and ttt tititlvt tilt tlt iilEIlE ltdt iioii LIt it ziitiiiiti til iii tgl ilti iti it itiai llitt toil iiiid llit it tan II it svltftt lit lil ltt ltl tiitui liii¢t kllll tioiii tlwtwdwial lttvllltllitl ittlltlllli liill tl itiiitiij littlllllHl tlttt tttl AM llll ilkurttï¬ lin nit ind FUND iliiOll tutuat lm iil ilistotit swittli liat tlia iiicair tbal in steadol vtllltlttllltl lltt tml iial ioteiiiiiirnt ltll llllit lltltllttlilllt lllltlt it wt lot it wll tillltltt lllt Iil the aiidi to tiliital tll ll ilili llatii lll as llEill ot lio it tttlil and ettii tciil the onettainiiu ml dollar lii Il Ii€lt iiit tn tlitl ititlittl it liviolrl lliow r14 applied lxlotw lll not ill lltllt tinJ tltllttlt ltli and In iiiiiit on tttl the to ltlllt ltittittiillqitiia llt tltlt ttHtttl tttlllittlttvltl tttiiK lt ta Illllttltlttdt no tire iliiii Illl iiiii liitvtttltlit ttii llillit unit to iiiiiii twat litll iittttlitii Iiiiii ltlllitll llltl lllttli tIIllltltltl ltlli iiii system now lllllltltil opeiatiiiit lit the The auditoi general await there iie those who would pie ltl he eontiiiId l1l ittors to liiintiiiit down iiiiiy reilaion ot niilltoii ot dollars stitiaii deiwl ustli ttilltliltitlll liattwiiiph llttUlllllltlil tidiiil inc and lilllttllltl tlyiiii itl iitl llv Aiilltl it itnlit tll doatntiien latiil lltltlltltill who held the pod until ttit iiLaiditl ta lltili as inaxerihioiiit itt ot statultilalttllltllt tII IllttNmyl £t lltlltlttstlll pit ltlll lltlll pioiiiineiitlj tli small imii ll ltI liiltliillt it tilllt Mardoiiill says he not lll llh least hauntul bf the spiiit at histlaiiiluiyant piulwowi ROAD RATED RECEIVER AM lM stolen issetto and RWD Aiito inverse lento es Claims hes not man police want TORONTO tCPt Toronto man with the same name as an alias used by burglar said he committed criminal act last month to prove he is not the man wanted by police around the world Joscl Fabian was to appear in provincial court today to answer charge that he stole document from Toronto police The Hungarian born ex eavating contractor said in an interview tednesday that he stole the document as last desperate attempt to end what he described as un cuising police harassment The document which police said was stolen from police station Oct 20 is lelex message from the crime computer centre in Ottawa It gives labians name address and date of birth and states that his Jozsef Fabian Toronto 1315 iélliliKENT exc°v°° 5h°ws cuniulated too many demerit Whlch does nOl panic bore tattoo Police lollowing this information who have detained F0 is message liotii lntcipol bian several Hmes thclaiis based lllltlllttlltilittl organization that collects and distributes police in fuination AS llt it is it says losef lttlt£tlt also know as loxset tarkaiiy is liable to commit break ins and theft He is it the feet have had to check the arm in order to make sure he is not the same person that is listed in an tnterpol message as Jozset Fabian also known as Jozsef Tar sixinchestallandhastattms kanyi who says is on hisleftarin Na Hle liable to commt gumm Ic it MM breakins and thefts taller and is constantly CP Photo limingtoiolltiphisslieuti ttnt to policemen that he ili1sltll1lltllh tilititt said llt has littt stopped by police lottiine in the yeai said he has probably sliiiiilti to ttiiiw aial tho ttlllll 1t lia all mistake Fabian has another iltlllttli police will neither ltllllttltltll llcsaidthat ism he has lllt ngistered llltttlllttl tor the lttkll iizo ttllill toeariy gun and has helped the totit iii wcril iiiaior llttll and fraud iiiastigat tolls May not reioin UW llilttiVltt liiearch titlItH ot loioiios lloiiiait ttllttllttl14tll appeal tll not lttlll the iiited Haj as lttltJ it suppork llaiiiitd laient hood ot loionto Snaplatent tirtalsaidednvsday ltatiltt iitt livl tziml Via lli Win lltt llitltltttl laiivit hood was ttitItlli at llttttl tlici last two loltiv litili ltttlt boaid said comments by lut luiiell iiitid yay campaign tlttllllitll that llaiiiied larvntlimd does no aduxatt abortion art at best inat iiiiate or uoist simply iiiiiiie tutti taiiadiaii atidn1erican tcdeiat ions have declared aborr charity tion to be safe legal backup teriiaid ti lili cllatt man to tailed contraception the in sliaitl ite adniiiiistiaton tateiiieid aid 5102 Undet dash tttlt Fout speaker lialanie Quirk release tiim hot List 124 TIOO Uiirlei dusli fllll4 FFW llitl RWD wriy titiltiiit Uiiiteiiliish ismtti Hui Vill Auto inveia Qnir intense hint hot List 169 US 209 mw159°5 lom oiitiol Qutck release in arket R73l SPEAKERS 495 list 99 NOW dooi speaker l0 magnet 50 watts om 50 Watt Maxi pOWLI amp lians rib desuqn bond equalizer way balance 19995 SAVE NOW FOR CHRISTMAS BUY CRAIG