Patterned plush features gorse axminstertype designs cNew World Collection Nylon pile Two TRIM printed designs each in four colors TO Lsf AntiSoil and AntiStatic treated re sists soil static colors Approx 12 37R 019 065 Reg $1349 $1099 sq yd Sale ends Set Nov 25 at 530 pm the examiner Tuesday Nov 21 1978 lhere is no cure for 0ARflIRIIIS ORHEUMATISM but we con help For Free Booklet Write DOMINION THERAPY PRODUCI Box 245i Station Downevlow Ontario TlHESAWBGIT WAICiERS lETNGIEARYOU Phone 7265505 onol Conodlorl legion Hal St Vincent Street OWodnoquy 730 pan no commas to spur Ioh any time For men wolgon youths WEIGHT WATCHERS The Authority weinm wncurex ANuwlRt REtnsufllt iuoruuns mom wnwre myumnomt mc MANNASSEV My leiuinl WAICNUIS mununiliJNu qu Jone Green Area Director Education trustee says Women need equal roles in deciding school policies Ry SHEILA 00 Fiona Nelsons back and Bar rie loved her The widely quoted Mrs Nelson threw away promising political career to enter the University of Toronto law school dropped out year later now teachers at George Brown College carved out new career as broadcaster and just got herself reclccted to the Toronto Board of Educa tion Thats the Fiona Nelson who arrived in town Friday after noon dashing cape thrown jauntin over her shoulder to tell women teachers how they can get better jobs on their school boards It was all part of Simcoc ounty teachers professional development day in which close to 2500 men and women teachers from all over the coun ly participated Mrs Nelsons seminar entitl ed Women In Education was held in the library of Central Collegiate By turns she urged cajoled and pleaded with her audience to do something positive about changing the traditional role of women as mere classroom teachers to one of equal opportunity with men for the top jobs The figures speak for them selves she said There are 938 secondary school teachers in the county Of 265 positions of responsibility men hold ti per cent of the jobs and women hold 19 per cent There are 20 male viceprincipals l3 principals and no females task force appointed by the secondary schools teachers federation found that per cent of the male teachers and 615 per cent of the female teachers at Cen tral Collegiate were ualified for positions of responsi ility The discrepancy between the number of women teachers qualified for positions of responsibility and the number Save$2 to$25°sqyd premium®quality Ultra Canadas largest floor covering retailer 7991011 Elegantly textured nylon cutandloop Trimtofit aCherish Warm styling in soft 100 nylon pile Sears AntiSoil AntiStatic treated resists soil static buildup Subtle colorations colors Approx 12 37R 018 265 Reg $1399 $1199 sqyd Multicoloration textured loop style Nylon pile bWood Song Exceptional hardwearing carpeteven in the heaviest traffic areas Multicoloration hides lint soil looks better longer colors Abt 12 37R 018 260 Reg $1 1993999 sqyd sqyd Reg $1399 Multilevel loop with tipsheared nylon pile dNew Scene Multicolor style Sears AntiSoil AntiStatic treated resists soil static build up Use anywhere in the home In colors Approx 12 37R 018 270 Reg $999 $799 sq yd Easy care nylon saxony plush Rich solid colors eMontessa In colors to match most decorating schemes Sears AntiSoil Anti Static treated resists soil and static buildup colors Approx 12 wide 37R 019 070 Reg $1 399 $1199 sq yd Store address Char it Simpsons sears 509 Bayï¬eld St Georgian Mal Barrie Fleg and Was refer to Store houn hl MON TUES SAT 930am to 530pm WED THURS FR 930 am t09230 pm SimpsonsSears Ltd prices Enjoy it now Use your All Purpose Account Guarantee Satisfaction or money refunded Mr who hold such positions is ob vious the report states OBVIOUS TECHNIQUES Men use obvious and organized techniques to get themselves into position where they can be selected for promotion Mrs Nelson said But few women respond to the push personally never restricted myself to anything in my own mind she said But then was not brought up just to be girl Sex conditioning begins for most women when they are still babes in arms They are taught to lose gracefully at tennis to wait to be asked to dance to defer hold back and not be ag gressive challenging threaten ing They are conditioned not to compete She urged women teachers to select persons of acknowledged competence and give them full support in their bids for higher positions or even political of ice as school trustees Confidence comes from con fidence shown she said Youve got to hang in there with them through 17 rejec tions it necessary HAVENT IIANGEI Just because weve had Gloria Steinem around for few years things havent changed that much for wom en she said Im thinking of the infant day care centres closed recently by Metro Toron to council and the members who said women belong at home anyway Im also think ing of that judge who dismissed the testimony of 45yearold woman because she was at thatage Mrs Nelson said she had decrded to run again for board of education because she was fed up seeing policies she had been successful in having adopted do nothing but sit on the books Policies offering dif ferent patterns of employment are not being acted upon she said SUPERANNLAIION She said she hopes to go to work on the superannuation issue to make it possible for people to retire early without forfeiting such great portion of their pension Five per cent is deducted for every year not fulfilled under present rules This will be of benefit not only to women but men as well Mrs Nelson said Peo ple in the visual and perform ing arts for instance would find it possible to work half time and pursue their other career halftime They would return to the classroom as bet ter teachers bringing new wealth of oxywriencc and en thusiasm to the students We have been to puritanical and punitive in restricting peo ples life cxmriences We must open up the horizons of people in the professions she said Guidelines needed on moral issues leachers have to help establish moral values in students because in many cases nobody else d008 says Dr John Meycr of the Universi ty of Windsor Society by default has forced education to try and do something about morals said Dr Meyer He was speaking to about 30 teachers at Banting Memorial High School in Alliston Friday on morals in education as part of teachers professional development lay lr Meyer said some families do not provide adequate in struction in moral education and their children turn to their teachers for standards of right and wrong Public education has to be concerned to some degree with social values the underpinn ings of society or its not of much use he said This is not brand new phenomenon Ir Meyer said He said teachers have always included moral instruction when teaching subjects if on an informal basis Now in many areas guide lines have been established to standardize moral education hesaid Its an attempt to systemically integrate moral programs into the existing curriculum he said Dr Meyer listed number of moral values which ideally are taught through the educa tion system social responsibili ty honesty the worth of self and family selfcontrol responsibility of action and impect for the freedoms of others He cited the need for control on teaching guidelines to pre vent some teachers from em phasizing one particular aspect and disregarding others Association plans party The Iluronia and District branch of the Canadian Diabetic Association is holding family Christmas party for diabetics their families and friends The party is being held at Trinity Parish ilall and will begin Wednesday at 730 pm with musical entertainment gymnast singing door prizes lunch and visit from Santa There is no charge Ann Landers Woman ribbed for loyalty Dear Ann 0n Veterans Day did it again sneaked out at dawn to make sure the coast was clear and started to do my thing Suddenly stranger appeared out of nowhere and caught me redhanded was hanging up our countrys flag should be used to it by now hull was crushed by his look of pity and contempt As fled inside the house could hear him muttering something about rightwing fascist reac tionary You see Im the only one in the neighborhood who displays flag on national holidays Embarrassed friends and relatives have begged me not to flap my flag so openly know the neighbors talk about me hear them whisper things like freaky weirdo or Mrs Ar chie Bunker My children are taunted by their classmates because of my aberration Should go into therapy and try to find out why Im so different The neighbor kid who wears his flag on the seat of his blue jeans tells me to get with it that lagwaving is the pits nowadays and patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels Can help it if love my country in spite of everything need an answerFreaked Out On Old Glory Dear Freaked Out Quit sneaking around and stop apo lozing As for that neighbor kid think Id be tempted to put my foot where the flag is thought those idiots crawled back under the rocks about eight years ago Fly Old Glory every day if you feel like it Why wait for national holiday With all its faults this is still the greatest country in the world Dear Ann Landers Im one who plauds the idea of teaching children how to cope with real fe situations in the classrooms You are right when you say its the only chance some kids have But Im little fearful of what he or she wants to teach the children You printed letter recently which said Most parents are too embarrassed or uninformed to deal with subjects like masturbation and Funny Uncles That term Funny Uncles is highly prejudiced for one who is speetklng out for enlightenment You are of course referring to homosex uals Such term is derogatory and insulting lyam sur prised that you have chosen to discriminate against this groupin such manner Youare displaying shockiiig lack of compassion AnnMichigander Here Dear Mich Funny Uncle is not homosexual He is relative who sexually abuses young children Almost alwa such person is heterosexual as any professional who as dealt with thes situations will tell you Im glad you wrote so could set the record straight Dear Ann Landers Ive been married lothe same woman for 46 years and it sure is long time Most of our arguments lately have been because she says ignore her Ive told the woman at least 100 times to talk louder sol wont miss what shes saying but it doesnt do any good Im beginning to think she talks softly so shell have reason to criticize me She used to complain about my chewing tobacco but since quit it she needs something else to harp on Can you give me some advice Nagged At Dear Nagged The experts say males tend to lose the ability to hear highpitched sounds as they get oldenespecially if its the wifes voice Suggest she speak in lower register and listen at little harder Dad Embellisme Meterfeeder confesses all By MARGARET WORTH Here we go again Elections are over the smiling pro mises of little more than week ago can be forgotten and almost everyone can settle back into their comfortable worn seats and relax for while And now we have the enforcement of twohour parking bylaw to lighten our days Its no good have to confess am one of THEM We dont usually like to be named We skulk round corners waiting for the right moment to do our terrible deed We try to hide our dark secret but the truth will come out am meterfeeder Its not that really want to be one please understand that Lets face it it gets pretty expensive and quarters are sometimes hard to come buy But manage tried to quit really did Iwent to my boss and explained my problem Shes very understanding lady She sent me to city hall to get municipal parking per mit Proudly stuck my sticker in the upper right hand cor ner of my windshield and thought was cured the agony of realization Everything was fine at first Each morning found place to park and felt that belong ed Then one cold morning in September came disillusion ment In the length and breadth of the municipal parking lot there was not one single space left at least not for the hum ble proletariat such as myself Bewildered rked in the regular lot collected $2 ticket But ha faith in the system had always believed in the ultimate justice went to city hall and explained my predicament The young lady behind the desk was pleasant and courteous She sympathiz ed with me She even suggested that arrive at my place of employment an hour early in order to secure parking spot remembered the needs of my fairly large family in the morning and rejected that idea And as gently pointed out do not have the advantage of finishing my day at 430 pm as do city hall employees Often work until well after f3 pr1n That makes long day We agreed that life was dif icu With twohour limit on parking it has become impossi ble Dickens Mr Bumble once made comment concerning the law In this instance it appears to me anyway he was quite correct Pollys Pointers Cement paint covers marks DEAR POLLY hope someone can tell me how to erase or cover ugly marks on cement steps that were made by choppin the ice with hatchet The ice was thinner than ought NELLIE DEAR NELLIE There will doubtless be more too on your steps during the coming months Why not wait until spring and then paint them with paint your dealer recommends for use on cement POLLY DEAR POLLY do my laundry at laundromat end it is not always possible to use machines that are next to each other So always carry along roll of masking tape and ut small iece of the ta on each machine am using ere is no anger of miss one that has my clothes In it The same is done with the dryers MIT DEAR POLLY use plastic milk jug with handle to make great clothespln bag Carefully cut out part of the front section big enough for the hand to go through easily and at least three inches up from the bottom Next slit the bottom of the handle so the jug can hang on the clothesllne also puncture few holes the bottom for drainage The jug slides on the line very easily and does not keep falling of KAREN DEAR POLLY If Helens husbands shirt collars are gust bit too tl ht she might try ironing them crosswise tart In the ml dle and iron outward in both directions find this stretches collar little bit MRS RN DEAR POLLY and HELEN When shirt collars are too tight not only new the buttons as close to the edge of the neck band as can but use elastic thread It is rising how much larger the neckband seems MRS DEAR POLLY When you take barbecue grill to the beach rub the grill under the sand after using it All excess food is rubbed off and the cleaning ls much easier when you get the grill home LINDA DEAR POLLY Several years ago the tlrner on my spin dry washer would no longer work so bought minute minder The washer was working fine otherwise and did not want to any repair man to just fix that one little The few do rs paid for this timer have been re if many times use it for timing my cooking telep one calls etc as well as my washing My Pet Peeve is with the glass left in the street after an accident No one sweeps it up and other motorists drive over it unknowingly wish the police could sweep lt egalrist the curb after they make their Investigation It would be such help MARY