Eh tv the examiner Fï¬day EVENING 600 ngQ NEWS died in Vienna in 1828 at the age 0131 60 as THE WORD The story 01 public relations executive caught in deadly intrigue HOLLYWOOD SQUARES surrounding the publication at controversral CBC NEWS document elxpected to revolutramle rialpron CAROL BURNETT AND 813IMSSXIGQ ï¬xation James Whtmore FRIENDS CHARLES ANGELS Jill Munroe risks her lite to protect high spirited 630 It yeBerld girl who has Witnessed murder NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABc NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY GOOD TIMES 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ON 700 DATING GAME CHARLIES ANGELS Mum risks her his to protect high SplrItHI 11 year old girl who has wutnossed murder Guest Slat Farrah Fiiwrrutt Maiors ti CROSS WITs MARY TYLER MOORE snow Tic TAC DOUGH HOURLONG NEWLYWED GAME as 809006 ON UPON TIMEMAN MOVIE WESTERN Btte at Perictos SONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 MATCH GAME NEWLYWED GAME MUPPETS SHOW GONG SHOW HEE HAW HONEYs MAGIC SHADOWS Tm so pernet iart III 808 NEWHART SHOW 800 DICK CLARKS LIVE WEDNESDAY This works oucsts writ bu Johnny Mathis ABBA David Frye Friiiitoo nd Annette Furnrmllo 80 mins tfli GIFT To LAST in mm Clare molhur arrives unannounrnd Io tmalty meet her grandchildren and Clams now husband and to intorin Ctaia that ill 11 mall 60 mins HARLIE BROWN THANKS ED GIVING Beiom going 0er tho ow am through the woods to IithIlt Drown grandmothers COF1tnllntul or is IIifIlllIIIIti cetohrnliori tho Pwiniits and into trIIhit unoiihodox irigroiinriis Amino ii itviwir WEIGHT IS ENOUGH mm sctiorilhoard Ipflï¬th on Iht riIri it wurtlult modern Siuttlly tgltlll5 new main wt sons ong tho Bradlordr hi1 trims at HOCKEY Hullditi sumq to it ltllFEOSPEC THE JEFFERSONS MOVIE DRAMACOMEDY Claudine i974 830 HOW BUGS BUNNY WON THE WEST In traditional Western rinmia Kayo Huos and his troupc II Icnrinrmii tinu mm becomi inwityid in tasmi hillliii mi iitv iv Iaiion hero brainod shootour robhivry and fllltIuliflï¬lqIilgt1ï¬lbfhuwvï¬l rmi reasonably be consrdomd on nuns Bunny to Host Denver lyln lb CINETVO imic GOOD TIMES 900 WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES Bud And Lnu Stars ï¬mabauadfluasclghMERA Schubert Remembered musical litm hasnd on tho imiirvi iriiiri Snizir yrrmi MOVIE DRAMA Guest Sitar LIFELINE SECOND CITY 930 FOR LOVERS ONLY 1000 RHODA tdas Roommate To relieve her loneliness With Martin gone ldn tries tO tilt the void or her home but instead llndfl hersetl erti olhnr problems when man II to share her apartment VEGAS Dun onus atter masked rapist who has assauttmi ttmio young bounty pageuni contestants mm at whom Is it daughter 01 ruthlossi socuil Ilnlhll toast Robert Reed so mmsi NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 BARETTA 1030 WATSON REPORT mm mum Watson 1100 NEWS CBC NEWS CTv NEWS EMPLOYMENT FILE the Bullet 1975 1105 COMMUNIOUE FRENCH 1120 NEws THE REAL STORY 127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW um Jnlitmy Ziiriiin Gut91s Hiilintl Him Itrllit tioik Ht lIIttlu CBS LATE MOVIE Itio Him 1ILllllv lIIxIIIyi riiisvlimir timr fllvllil iirriups II poopiri llityt uii writ lilvl Itillitllt rotiil Whirl lolly iiIVillllé Kiyiii Inrt iridlchriiaking Hum Ilr You Pray For lrars on It WMOVIE DRAMA The Btler 1961 STREET TALK QUESTION PERIOD 1145 CANADA AFTER DARK mi Vitul vim Iiilltllll iri IiIistn Aimon huhqnn inmm MuliIIlIi my mm 1150 MOVIE HORRORi Grave ot the Vampire 1914 1200 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE COMEDY How to Murder Your Wife 1965 1210 MOVIE tSUSPENSEDRAMA Murder and the Computer i973 1230 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 1245 SHADES OF GREENE ii Lt own inmiymii minv any of by tho uniArno Int and pvrqmiont allllllll illlttt ton ill iimm miniii wom ll Alas Poor Malina iiisiritiw Irwi illlU ttnlplltnlltflt intii erupt as omlt mm man tittuIItIy nmniini ammo 100 romhlngn TOMORROW 120 TROUBLE WITH TRACY 210 1000 remmiscences II the human at Schuborl who plane Raid cr is By lris Nowell McClelland and Stewart 57 95 OTTAWA IIi Ilog has bccn mans bcst fricnd for maybc 40000 ycars historians rcckon But author Iris Nowcll says thc asy relationship is ovcr the dog cincrging in rcr ccnt yours as thrcat to human life Italdly put hcr thcsis is that dogs are gobbling up billions of pounds of food lit for luiiriaii consumption whilc oncthird of thc world starvcs And incrcasingly dogs arc biting the hands that fccd thcm sprcading discasc compcting with man for nonrcnovablc cncrgy and rcsourccs and con taminat ing thc cnvironincnt Aside from the burdcn to tax paycrs of catching and impoun ding strays shc says thc bill for disposing of thc coipscs of millions of unwantcd dogs is staggIring In Thc Dog risis Ms Nowcll puts the blame squarcly on two groups irrcsporisiblc pct own crs and grcedy pct Industry including pct shops and puppy mills that provide stock and thc multrbilliondollar pct food industry The mandog relationship dating back to thc cavc dwellers is so rooch in history religion and psychology that cvcn nonpctowncis often art cmbarrasscd to spcak III of dogs shc lourid chcrthclcss shc isscrts tllll thc start of thc caninc population cxplosion about If ycars ago thcrc Is no doubt that ii crisis is at hand KEIII IIIIS IIill llcr aim is to prcscrvc thc dignity of pct dogs whilc pic vcnting animals from jcopard iling human lifc Ilcr plca Is for codc of pct owiiII rcsponsibihty limits on pct owncrsliip pct Industry tax brccding controls and pct food altcrnativcs such as rccy clcd garbagc or wastcs from thc brcwirig industry Actually shc sct out to writc cookbook ltut shc got sidctrackcd whcn shc discovcrcd an impcnding global shortagc of protcin and thc fact that dogs dcyour cnormoiis quantitics of protciii daily Thc book Is wcll docuincntcd and rcscarchcd Most statistics conic from thc Iinilcd Statcs and ltritaiii In thc tlttltlIXlS gamc of thc pct world prccisc ligurcs arc impossiblc but thc dog population of thc US is cs tiniatcd bclwccn 5o million to If million in anada from 25 mil lion to million Thc story is laccd WIIII para doxcs thn word Icakcd III lttTIt that thc US air lorcc was tcsting poisonous gascs on boaglcs ongrcss rcccivcd morc protest mail than it had Farrah FawcetIMaiors 60 By Constance Beresford Howe Signet $225 REVIEWED BY STEPHEN iilER Willy loylc thc hcroinc of Population of Inc onstancc IkrcstordrlIowcs latcst novcl Is thc kind ot woman who scrambling for salcty In thc fallout from womcns Iibcration slic wants hcr lrccdom and Indcrwndciicc but shc wants man too thn wc mcct hcr at thc bcginnmg of thc novcl slics cnroutc to Montrcal to start iicw job as an English lccturcr at small downtown collcgc lty thc cnd of thc novcl shcs on licr way back to Toronto sad dcr wiscr and morc cxpcricnc cd In Willys casc cxIxricncc Incans Icarning that rclation ships cant bc planich and plolv tcd likc battlc straitcgy Willy comcs to Montreal determined to find husband and soon finds out the obvious candidatcs arcnt suitablc llut Willy is strong ana dian hcroinc she may bc loscr In thc cnd but shc acccpts hcr dcfcats gracefully Ioncliiicss is just condi tion likc arthritis or claustrophobia liicurablc And far from cnviablc ltut Its my condition and Im at lcast prcparcd to facc it own acccpt it Evcntually In spitc of my tnlcnt for bcing absurd it may bc possiblc to salvagc kind ol dignity out of It Willy is so anadian it pairi ful Slics shy at partics Iittlc msccurc afraid of many things and haunth by tormcntcd childhood causcd by an alcoholic father and bittcr and rcclusivv mothcr Ihcrcs almost gothic strain to Doylcs childhood nicmorics Margaret Atwood Isnt thc only anadian writer who shapes hcr heroines out of pcrversc molds BeresfordHowc does it just as convincingly ilEIl WORLD Bcrcsfordllowc also fills her now with sharplydrawn por traits of the academic world that cncloscs Willy Doyle so coiiiplctcly during her stay in Moritrcal Faculty parties dcpartmcnt politics battlcs bctwccn thc academic cs tablishmcnt and ncw frccdom tightcrs of thc lcft tthc book is sci In limit7m and thc shapclcss disscnt of thc young iirc all cxamiiicd with wit and irony no dramatic speeches no ficry dcnunciations by tho narrator Ms Doylc and that scnsc ol cmotional distancc thats such unique fcaturc of tanadian writing tiur horns and heroines ncvcr sccm to gct too caught up in thcir own cxpcriencesIike Willy Ioylc thcy makc lorrays Flesh and blood By Pete Hamill Bantam $250 11ch llobhy Iiallon thc hcro of lilcsh and Blood lctc llamils noch about boxing Fallon is an tttyciir old Irish kid from Brooklyn with thc liicc iii choirboy and thc tcmpcr of in IIr radical Ilcs tough and incari and lics trying to makc it to lhc top in tlic corrupt cold litarch world ot prolcssional boxmg Fallon bcgins his boxing carccr in IIISUIL altcr lics con ictcd ol boating up policcniaii in tavcrii brawl llc Imsall his prison lights and thou starts training scriously whcn hc hits tlic strccts again lillon finds tough nor nonscnsc traiiiir callcd tins and works compulsivcly to rcach his goal ot bccoming thc litivywcight champion ol thc world Iallons siicccss is boxcr Is swilt and dramatic Ilc wins all his amatciir fights Including thc ioldcn llovcs and by thc cud of thc noch hcs rcady to takc on tlic mcan and icious world champion WaItir licwis liallon Is hcraldcd by thc sports oycr thc bombing of North Vltlr nani shcsays KIIIIIIVGS NOIVOIHEI th thc lact tit million to million licalthy lint unwantcd dogs ari put to dcath annually III animal slicltcrs causcs hardly stir In Toronto ll Is cstimatcd to pcr ccnt of dogs in slicltcrs arc rctiirncd to owncrs l7 pcr ccnt adoptcd and Tit pcr ccnt dcstroycd Shc givcs full and dctailcd crcdit to dogs rolc thronin his tory as guard companion and work animal as scryant of thc blind hcro ol lhc battlclicld and In policc work Dogs havc marchcd along with armics siiicc thc first stonc was hurlod shc writcs ltut thc rclationship has bccii dcstioycd largcly through hit man lixilishncss and giccdy industry that sclls gulliblc public on such pct itcnis as livcrIIavorcd loothpastc dog brcatli lrcshcncr travcl cascs rubbcr boots hristmas stock ings and doggy blazcrs trciich coats and sun glasscs tflcn It sccms man is dogs worst lricnd Ihc Dog risis Iris Nowcll $795 MctIiIlaiid and Stewart writcrs as thc ircat Whitc llopc and bccomcs thc hcro ol fanatical Irish boxmg fans cvcrywhcrc but hc trics littlc too hard and scts himsclf up IOI nasty disappomtmcnt llamil complicatcs tlic main plot of lhc noycl by adding lltltilltlllttlt subplot invon mg Fultons rclationship Iith his niotlicr Katc liillon Katc Is part Indian and ir rcsistibly ittractivc lallon lovcs licr passionatcly but things gct out ol control whcn Katcs boylricnd walks out on hcr onc thristinas Eyc and Iillon plays husband for thc night nd hanging ovcr liallon and thc noch as wholc Is Iillons lathcr lack who dcscrtcd Ill family wlicn Fallon was IIIItI carniiig his sons ctcrnal hatrcd tor thc dcscrtion thii Iiltk rc critcrs Iallons lilc ncar tlic cnd of thc noycl lics cast in thc rolc of yillaiii and IAallon finally gcts his rcvcngc IOWIIRFII IIItIII Ilamil tclls Ialloris story pimcrfully and dramatically Ilc writcs in stylc that mir rors tlic Iltlltlrltttlltttl school ol writing pionccrcd by pcoplc likc llcmmgway and Itashicll Ilammctt Ilc iiscs short jcrky scntcnccs graphic physical dctails plcnty ol rcalistic workingclass dialoguc and hc kccps thc plot movmg quickly Ilcrcs Ilamil dcscribing liallons imprcssions of his big light with Waltcr Icwi You wcrc janimcd rushcd and thcn Iiftcd you fcll and you wcrc liltcd again you thrcw punchcs roar and you wcrc moving again shock and onc cyc was sticky thc lid glucy with blood and you pini chcd and scrcam canic trom somcwhcrc and thcrc was anothcr roar and you saw Waltcr IIIwis on his back and you thought you had won Iilcsh and Blood is an action noch charactcrdcvclopmcnt is skimpy and thcrcs nothing original or startling about lllt pcoplc Ilamil writcs about Still Iic capturcs thc grimy If MONARCII TV APPLIANCES 18 billion St 7282059 ï¬uutbst world of Brooklyn boxing gyms and workingclass ambitions with lot of flair and color lhcrcs littlc subtlcty in his work but blunt approach Is dcmandcd by thc world hcs writing about Most important Ilamil makcs Fallon an appcal mg and bclicvablc hcro Itockylikc boxcr you can takc scriously who works out his problcms and frustrations in tlicring IIIHII WORLD And llamil managed to cvokc thc brutal world of boxing without cxploitmg thc violcncc that hcs at its corc Hc kccps thc fight dcscriptions short and concisc and conccntratcs on dizilogiic and atmosphcrc in stcad Ilis charactcrs arc skilfully manipulatcd and thcir dialoiltic comcs IIlt with con vmcing vigor liallon Iiar ratcs thc tIlIllt Iioycl and his thoughts and obscryation rc main simplc and dircct lillcd with adolcsccnt frustrations and rcscntmcnts Its difficult lcat to usc an adolcsccnt first pcrson narration with such con trol and consistcncy Salmgcrs atchcr in thc ltyc comcs to mind as an outstan ding cxamplc of how cffcctivc It can bc whcn propcrly uscd but llaniil pulls it off vcry xcll i8 Now you can enjoy the beauty sheers for only $1095 and up per running toot included except the trodr Wh perienced home decorator consultant tO help you with the newest ideas for your home dec Custom made draperies lnteriordecorating Complete car Phone 4872040 local cnl demonstrations MAY HEIP YOU into society and then pull back to meditate on the lessons learned Politics doesnt seem to matter rs Willy sometimes favors the left but she really isnt sure sex is usually dull and mundane like third rate poker game played by begin IKISI so all that seems to leave is work Willy Doyle works very hard But that doesnt add depth to her character CONTEMPORARY But she is contcmporary and she docs say something about the lives women in Canada lcad Theres gnawing sense of passivity at work in Doyles View of life the humor and sarcastic irony of her observa tions just serves to cover up the fact that she docsnt want to get too involvcd The novel may be set in 1969 but Doyles point of View doesnt jar with the 1970s celebration of narcissim Its not that Willy cant love or cant see anyone bcyond herself shc just builds up expecta tions that cant bc fulfilled Ilicrcs curious separation bctwccn thc way she can dissect other people by the words they use the clothes they wear and yct remain naively idcalistic about love AIIEIUJNG IIEROINE Still BcrcsfordHowe makes Willy Doylc an appcaling and intclligcnt hcroinc Shes woman trying to remake her lifc and slic accepts her failures and disappointmcnts with good grace and humor There is modcst satisfaction cvcn sort of art in islaiirldwclling shc writcs ncar thc cnd of the novcl lioylc acccpts hcr island too casily but wc know shell sur Vivc And survival as Margaret Atwood has so pcrccptiycly told us is what most anadian litcraturc is about survival not triumph coping with ilclcat and disappointmcnt not rcjccting thcm Itcrcsfordr llowc has crcatcd charactcr who lurris survival Into an art form FL WERS For all occasions OPEN DA YS WEEK AM PM FREDS FLOWERS STROII 1362021 and elegance of custom made everything not call Carol Pratt our ex crating peting for free estimate and home FINIC FURNITURE immur ii item Tn mo Mlmt our ur mum Ill 4112040 444