the examiner Wadrfesday Oct 18 1978 b€rml Welland case league threat By DAVE FULLER Sports Editor of The Examiner Barrie Flyers started the 1979 hockey season on tender ankles few weeks ago and despite dangerously small roster of i5 players have acquitted themselves admirably That is when the other team showed up Flyers were victims of Thunder Bay Twins noshow for the season homeopener at Banie Arena and with the pro blems the club is having at the gate already the cancella tion did not help Twins failure to appear was an isolated incident until recently when Welland Steelers failed to appear in their own rink for game with rillia Terriers The second cancellation in as many weeks for the newly named Canadian International Hockey League CIHLt is threat to league credibility and has some membeis of the league annoyed orried or both KKK713 In defence of Twins it can be said that the threatened strike by Air Canada flight crews might have been sufficient reason for nonappearance however Flyers manager Steve tripps claims alternate transportation was available Flyers have appealed an Ontario Hockey Association MHA executive dectsion to have the game replayed as fourpoint special on the next scheduled meeting between the two clubs tict 28 29 Steelers cancellation however has left bad taste in the mouths of Urillia Terriers and Flyers Larry Bellislc OHA president said recently Steelers requested the scheduled game with Ier riers not be played in deference to the border town fans who would rather stay home and watch the World Series between New York Yankees and Ios Angclcs Hodgcis They felt strongly that the impression they received locally was two ple would likc to support Stcelcis but would like to scc the World Scrics They were torn and Steelers wanted to be fair to thc fans he said Bcllislc said nothing about being fair to the lcrricrs who made the trip to Welland oiily to find llity would gcl to skate around by themselves while the rest oi tlic town stayed home In front of tclcvision tubes glowingliascball Bellislc said thc tillA did not like to see any schcdulcd game cancelled whatever the category unless becaiisc oi an act of tiod or it breakdown in the ice plant Its hard tojustiiy cancelling scheduled game bccatisc ofsuch situation tWorid Series The decision whcthcr or not to slap Stitchrs rists for be ing so cavalier about scheduling will not conic for it whiic yet and it will havc to be decided by the HA cxccutiyc While llyt must wait to see wiicthcr or not thcy arc to get wo points ior iwins nosliow lcrriers will wait to hcar the tlAs ruling oti thc Welland asc If the lid is to succccd and indications in Barrie are that it might not then fans ho conic from tar aficld to see gente need some assuraiicc that there will indent he onc played regardless of what the rest of llic sports wot id is do ing ODDS Stililih There will be two tll1ltill oi the Min coe County Mens Intermediate Basketball licaguc this ycai with separate playoffs for each STEVE ItIIIS appeals decision Runathon hopes to raise $4000 More than 1m tciitrai toi toiiipoiivzr ii iiiitii titl iegiatc Sltltltl tiintit out for tsst tom the schoois tirs iuita thoii litnincw pikiti tip pitdigr luesdiiy it ctttti to riot tron titiidr tlMtUi iittt funds for ltt tlllltld dip it iron Mini iidwns tlll iiii tt ment tirgatiicis lth titlltlt tattoo st liml gioup for out hon iiciiods throughout lzc Marie Santas ay they hope ii day raise ciiougi iiioicy than the litt Rae iittittl up op runtopiirchascaYttttntutiayci rtiiiimi conduittine it liip sal llili will be hc iiix thItiiitral circuit gytii American Hotel lose tourney final hi iimi it iii ilotii liic liaiiii mount dowittd ltltiiiici Iliitlt it to tlit that tilttitiitlti tttzinwi llI ttittt he tiltlltii lliitjiit ix Hockey hrst grunt lost to titoigiiiti oft loullitilliili were stopptd xiii of he tit lc litlti litil Ill iii llttli ivcciity day an 5o iii llltll ttilii tiinch up and ttillililtliti llitli prc llltitl schodiilc shutout oyct liiiloka ll bid for lli Midgets edged 43 in exhibition tll1 ii Barrie Metropolitan Lite iiiniksmiii ltohMttircgot iiiti midgets ltlt Higcd by no tay Mct uaig hgid one goal in thcir first exhibition match apiccc and captain litan oi the scasoii at tiroiucsdtiy lLIitvH connictcd lltl tor ilcii Sttrgcoiicr liki iailon tho and Stcvc Ntal wcic thc itariic Shady Elms lead league HNHIlllltl Howling lMiiisttainplnII Li IIltl SIII itiitii skinner 11 Shady Film Louisi ranc 23o Swaymu Putin 5m lIItLII Iltllll tint mm it Honey Locust tit Mary lwccdlt Lazy Maplc ti Norma tohan out MountainAsli tt Valcricitict o2 ti Kiitillyltllt ti llltillIIlttilllliIiYIlI Silvcr Ltircli ii Norma toiinn 31 it Rttl tttltii 51 Mary IwHdlc 21 Horscthcstniit 2i lIltilllJSI IINI lil ltl Weeping Willow it Milt ll Bass Wood til Knotty Init Littttii ilat itiitti with I2 ltlucSptHt 27 luindicap Iii liliyiilfiitk tl IlltillllslfiXNlll lrcnchlilic Bass Wood Nit Hat 1152 with Hill SIEIII tiiyci 22M handicap sports calendar ILIILIY Illtlll titii in firo Tia vs Midland tciitciiiiinln ttiitai to Hot lxcy ASHotiatioii luiiioi ivoryJan Hay liiigiic aiiio no oiii inuinty Artnit itiilii in lnn iit llyci tollinitwood wlitpliiiildcis IlA IXlltlilliiill gillllt olliiigwood Arciizi lu5ll7llitlili Georgianfiitiilliat1i it piii Stayiici ilitir vu Marauders Vs ii itoi tltll Simcoc oiiiily Mciir lltlillltitlldli tiiskttbidl lcagui Tuiiatliaii loiicu lit itiitltii llut play at itasw iordin Collegiatc Instiltitc fli ltoidcn playu it lintll Building VULIJIYHALL lniiisdalc Sccondary School vs North ollcgititi Georgian ltay Secondary School Allllillt Association liaguc games Norlli ollcgiiili 7p Hilton Hotel lliistlci vs titoi gian ollogt Exhibit ioii games itorgiaii olltgi Stift Izlt 1301th taming Mcmottiil Secondary School vs Noilhfollcgintc North Illlfliltl itnnoi Jtllll sciiioi gaiiicx 2313 lltisiViiw ollcgialc lliliittlilll Scioiiilat school litiiisdalc Georgian Hay Secondary School Alllltllt Asuoiiation iiiial league games iiiic lillll Allistoii LMirgscLecome back 095 defy odds New York Yankees relief pitcher Rich Gossage centre is surrounded by teammates as they leave the field after winning the World Series Tuesday night in Los Angeles AP Photo spo Flyers appeal to OHA over fourpoint ruling nllllt llyii iic appealml an tintnrio llttt kcy ftxiitioii titling on it gatiii with lhundii Aiy lwiiis that wits ctintclicd tict tcyc tiippsï¬ llyci iiiiitigti iid iutsday tht tllll was ippciiliiig lllt til htlsltilt to innlLc thc club ticx schultiliti liittlttIL ttct ti lhundti lli it tout poiiit giiiiit inplaciot llttiilitlllttl illli lwnis ttililtl iiot show to llcis lltilllt tttwllii llitlitt Arctiii winii they liillttl to lwok Game is getting better til in time for thc ihink1t inc weekend trip to liirc and tuiiihrtdgc itlliltlii would not testrut seats toi iwins wlitn they iiiat tiiul to iiiilc bookings lKtfiliw oi iii itiipttidiiig strike by iligh llic striki was avcrtcd at the last lllllliili and lwui ttitil to hook stiitr litioriv ill ititlltlt wcic lillcd tlli icitionHutulien litty itllhli tillt Illtxl iiitit mid ltiisdny lllt lll4 would llitti lltt Generals hustled 6954 at Georgian icorgiaii tollcgc titlltltllx are iiiiprovmg thcir gaiiit but not llltil lttltltl JI tlicy drop le tlicir sccotid lltililil loss titiiri to Uiillias lctcr ltciiio lllislliisliiiadny zit fictiiginn itlltiiil lost llltli first panic oi lllt fsiiiiciwtounty Min In tirnicdintr ittfdltlliitll litutiic last wcck to lillilv laii tinrs alsool liillllii litisilcrs managed to contain ticiicrals llltï¬lirsttilliliï¬ tiltn Walpole allowing him only points tithcr lop scotci for thc lioinc sidc wcrc laick lillllliilll and lciii Santo cach with 11 points lioii Yorki scored gaini high 2o points for llusilcrs Stu lfiylllilfltw addtd It and lioug Young nclicd li mori lctici als wcic trailing by six at tlic midway point iii the Lyiinc but lKflflll to citiiiiblc uiidci thc cxpciiinccd plttyiiiakingol lliiwtlctsczuly Ill tlittliiidyxiitui itlitltll liiiltli lllll Martin said that moat ol him playcrr linvciit lind ctiouidi llllH yct to who llil poim iicccuwziiy to compete cllcctiycly in llll itii coc toinity lcngiit Mont oi tlic ltilllnilltllllt1llllitllltlll ll planrs who liavc workul nid dcxtlopml togcilict is tram unit in Itiltillitlli Honin ol llll guys pct tlldtilililifttl and lost IIIltltgtl Iii lhc Intc stagcn oi the game Maitm maid ltiit most oi our plnycrupist litttl it little time to gain tlic txxItIltt which will hpr tlicm icgum sonic con iidcnci Marlin meets with his tcam following cach gaiiic to discuss ways the total iiaiii cllorl may bi improved He said his players arc iinprovnig steadily and should do much better in llltll iicxt fcw contests You can bet that what hin pciicd against Hustlers wont happen the next time we meet Martin said Next timc wcll play much more orgaiiicd game and probably beat them twinrats next scheduled gzitiic is IIlXl Wednesday in Alliston tklili Ii llttltlt litliti liciii llyii ipiwnloi titt lilltttllllt iittgilii zilsti llti in thc titit iutiii l1llttilttl tgintclltd tlittiit lx wHn Illlllo iciiitis tlitE tlloiitl lt1lll tlii IMi liayclw pliiywl ltl wclt Sllï¬ltir iilii llillidi llitj iti imnpcttttoti tioiii ttlc it ttitti it ill vtiill 11 wotiltl titttt ittviitiiitr llt taunt liirlti titflltiui ti thitittti ltiivi It llilit ind llit ltlllit chit iii iind llltll tiiitliilitlt cwrc guildI itt slitit gal iii itl and main L08 ANGELICS MM The miracle New York Yankees capped the most improbable of all baseball comebacks lucsday night by winning the final game of the 75th World Series with pitcher who was supposed to be washed up and puny infielder who some had writ ten off as major leaguer atiish iluntcr found one more victory in his relic of right arm while second base man Itiian Doyle made major offensive and defensive contri butiotis leading the Yankees to 72 triumph over Los Angeles lxigcrs it their 22nd World Series title By winning the sixth game thc Yankees beat the Dodgers in major league baseballs grand finale for the second year in row And the team that was 14 games behind Boston Red Sox on July 20 boat those Red Sox in onegame playoff Oct and defeated Kansas City Royals for the American league pennant won the World Series the hard way The Yankees became the first team in World Series history to win four consecutive games after dropping the first two Nobodys ever done what this club did said Yankees owner George Steinbrenner who has won three AL pennants and two World Series since tak ing over the club in 1973 TREAIM ENI WORK Ill The fact that Hunter could start the sixth game pitch seven innings and win the final game of the 1978 season was medical miracle His right Mia mm BAYFIELD MALL BARKIE TELEVISION MAGNAVOX WED OCT 18 to SAT OCT ON THE SPOT CREDIT SIX MODELS TO CHOOSE ROM BAYF shoulder so painful in June that he swore he would never pitch hurt again was manipulated by Dr Maurice Cowan The treatment stab in the dark at best worked and allowed Hunter to fuel the Yankees latesummer comeback with 93 record down the stretch Hunter was relieved by Rich Gossage in the eighth after giv ing up six hitse including Davey Lopcss third homer of the series leading off the bottom of the first IELD MALL BARRIE CALLING All CARS FALL SPECIALS SHOCK ABSORBERS $12 FALL CHECKUP $849 Includes APPROVID AUTO RIPAIR IIRVICI 379 Buyfield at Cundles OIL AND FILTER Barrie SPECIAL Phone 7372310 The Home of Service Excellence in Barrie EXPIRES Nov I978 vkaa