izvwSlt li The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Aud NEWSROOM BUSINESS COMPOSING ROOM Published daily except circulations ABC only the Canadian Press may re publish news 570 ion ADVERTISING Mariancough accountant Jack Kerneytoreman Sunday and this newspaper credited to CF The Assocuated Press Reuters or Agence Sean Finlay managing Len sevick manager Dem MmS Glenn Kwan asst toremad statutory holidays France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner SALES Ga MP°a 38333222 WEEKLY by carrier The it Bert Sevens Vikki Gram 90cents xaminer aims copyrighton original news and advertising material DaveF II rsportsedilor sue agfï¬eeégseswle can Jawaenpggzlziy Manon Cyopeck giggslvaldygan YeARLLbbeyocarrier created by its employees and published this newspaper REP Wednesday Oct 18 197B servtng borne and Simcoe county cw De Gum LATION 23 BY MAIL Barrie Copyright registration number 7038l5 register 6i St II chu Pubhshed by Canadian Newspapers Company Lmled 0592 Brenda 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nyaAsMairc beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement Canada IS story 10 It is impossible to tell with any accuracy what goes on in the minds of the College of Cardinals when they choose new pope There will be speculation upon speculation about Sonic pcoplc talk to illiciir own plants the ChOice 0f Karo Cardinal woltyla archbShOp 0f iiiiiiidv iboei today By BOB BWlV KrakOW as POPe And like 10 km mails new Several efforts have been made to establish cardmal woltyle 15 the flrSt lion3113 Poggsmce And then tlieyrcsprayml VilillllinlYd complete monarchy in Canada but they the Dutchman Adrian VI WhO reigned in 15221923 And pestcrcd to mend have always failed Most people have gladly That was the College of Cardinals first surprise Nuwmidcr people talk to plumS accepted tucking or Queen head of state The second surpriseY and one far more Significant But plaiilsdoii talk to thcin but other titles have not been popular than the choice of nonItalian to head the Roman Parliament asked the King not to confer titles Communist nation Catholic Church was that Cardinal Wojtyla is from It may herald the start of new relationship bet ween the Roman Catholic Church and the Communist nations it will undoubtedly give new hope to Chris tians of whatever church in states opposed to Chris tianity Cardinal Wojtylas choice of the name John Paul though says more about his intentions as Pope than anything else He obviously intends to continue the role of pastoral pope started by his predecessor and that more than all the political and genpolitical considerations is the important thing Just whatis needed The world faces an energy crisis Bitter rac1al warfare is lileiSliliCiMltll away in southern Africa War is still possibility in thc MidEast Millions upon millions of the worlds people go to bed hungry every night UNESCO the United Nations Educational Scien tific and Cultural Organization met in Paris on the weekend Not to discuss the problcms facing tlic world though Delegates to the UNESCO meeting discussed animal rights We suppose animal rights can be considered impor tant But surely not so important as to rate Universal Declaration of the Rights of Animals Theworld ill today gal By JOHN HARRRUS Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The newest development in the continuing crisis in Rhodesia is the announcement of the end of racial discrimination in that beleaguered country This was made few days ago by black Bishop Abcl Muzorcwa one of thc trium virate of leadch in Prime Minister laii Smiths transitional government The other is Rcv Sitolc now in thc IRS witli Smith on visit to try to convince thc farter administration to support the new Smith formula The two Rhodesian leaders once longtimc rivals have not been invited officially of course since thc total ban on Rhodesia llll posed by the United Nations in 19 still rx ists They are guests of conservative political write your mPP if you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Portia merit printed below are their mailing ad dresses If you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is matter of concern that makes you wont to write to your MP or MPP it it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors 100 FEDERAL Dr Rynard MP North Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont bu Mlno MP PeelDufferinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Sltldtlir Stevens MP York$imcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Gin Mitgu MP GreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PROVINCIAL George lelor MPP Simcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gordon Smith MPP Simcerast Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Georg McCoguo MPP Duflerin Simroo Queens Park Toronto of Now choice for Rhodesia groups and about iti ittllllrtll cciitic StlliilillS but nevertheless arc rccciviiig pagc oni ircntmciit by thi Alilfiltttil print ilfltl iicwspiipcr iiicrlia lrimc Miiiistcr Smith ili tact makcr morc sciisc and sounds morc cffcclivc during llilS tour than hc has bcforc Part of thc rcasoii tor lltiS lS of course thc substantial concessions lic has had to makc faccd with tlic mounting rolc of tlic guclrillas fighting against him from thc Patriotic lVlttlll lhis 1S thc illlltlil of Joshua Nkoliio iiid Rohcrt Mugabc cxtrcmist and probably iico Marxist lIlltitltSlilll lcadcrs lil cxilc who arc running the harsh guerrilla war against Rhodcsili IS Sllltlltl Anothcr rcason is good deal of rcvulsioii in the against the guerrillas for shooting down dcfciicclcss Rhodesian airliner an act Nkomo adiiiiticd to and the subsequent but clicring on the ground of thc iilsurvivors Nevcrtliclcss the British and AliKlliHHS rcniaiii uiiitcd at the official lcvcl iii insisting on joint meetings bctwccn Smiths traiisi tional govcriiiiiciil lcadcrs and tlic hcad iiicii of tlic lalriotic lroiit This has been iricd oiicc this ycar with no success Smith offcrcd Nkomo tail ambitious man who wants to be thc first black prcsidciit of new Ziiiibabwci sliarc in tlic ncw legislature At prcsciit Smith says he would prctcr not to mcct Nkomo again givcii lliS iiillitissioti that his forcis shot down ihc aiiliiicr But thc routc alicad now offcrs two illcr natives which ha vc not cxistcd bclorc lIiihcr Rhodesia will end up as llltlllict blackiiich Marxist statc likc Angola and lozainbiquc with thc rcsultaiit economic and social chaos and closc economic rclat iiillS with the USSR or as iiiultiracial rcpublic with an clcctcd govcrnmciit major problcm with thc lattcr is that zit of thc ltiti scats in thc proposcd ncw lcgislatllrc of an indcpciidciit Zimbabwc arc issigiicd to whites in spitc of tlic agrccmciit for oiic mail oiic votc Smith dctciids this as does his iicw cohort Rcv Sitolc bccausc such formula is iiccdcd to kccp the white minority iii the cmbattlcd statc siiicc they have most of thc tcchiiical cxpcrt isc Rhodesia is it mineralrich region in southern Africa onc of the worlds major pro duccrs of chronic the vital mclal used in stcclrhardciiuig processes SUVIIZI IRIISIINIIZ With the Patriotic Front in power oiic can visualize such vital facilities bciiig maiiagcd by Russians or East lulilltllS as acccp tablc whitcs iii an authoritarian black regmic Ncitlicr foiiiiula is ciitircly satisfactory But most iiiiportaiil tlicrc now is choice for Rhodcsia and for thc Wcst VERSE SKETCHES cw Parliament Hill ll SllIWAlIl laclFll iiima liilrcau homsoii Vcws Scii icc ch was in that milling mob thcrc must llitVt liccii 57 ot us who swaliiiul ovci laihaiiiciit Hill to aiwiiit tlic arrival of tlic iovcriior ticiicrnl for zmothcr taiiialimig ihroiic spccch Alid whilc wouldnt dalc spcak for thc otlicr to found ll iciiilirkzihly rcwardiiig iii know cvciyoiic criticics lllt throiic Slimll for bciiig rcpctitivc iioii iiiloriiiativc stuffy and stgilc ill Stililt cvcii sugwst ll should bc Stlilllltl sincc it lll long tilSttl to bc ltiiliSllt oiitliiic of thc gtncriiiiiciitx lcgisllitiw lllltillltlllS lttlt Ilicy llllnS llic poiiit llic tliroiic SIKIIlI Your business Ii thllNl lIti lilhllltSS and toiisilliicr Affairs iiiilysl Ilioiiisiiii cs Scii icc Szilcsiiiiiis hopc for it bcttcr tint iiimm on thc XlttllSiS thcy iiicui Illl thc job lllt liccii raised by rccciit decision of lhc tax rcvicw board According to an account of thc itSt in thc Liiiadiaii li Journal llitlSilltSlllélll idciiiilicd oiin as tiiiigras laiiiiclicd aii iippczil so as to bc iblc to dcdiitt ccltaili pciiscs arisuig out of his job with llitijili brcwciy which paid llilii tiilillllSStttli lhc rcvicw hoard allowcd somc oi tlic cx pcnscs in part to thc cyidciit surprisc of It Mclloiiiicll coiiimciitiiig on thc casc lll thc lax Journal iliglass job was to dclivcr bccr from thc truck and in part it iiivolvcd maintaining good rclatioiis with tUSliiilliiS for publicity purposcs iic category at tXptllSt that lic claimcd was mcals cspccially lllliliS wliilc on thc road lhc hoard disallowcd that aspcci of lhc ip pcal liccziusc thc liicomc Tax Act says that mctil cxpciiscs can only hc dcductcd in tlic case of an illiStilti of llill lcss than 12 hours from tlic municipality in which thc ciiiploycrscstablislimciit is locatcd SlltlllS lllllli S0lll catcgory was thc pilltllilSt of thrcc pairs of sliocs annually plus cxpcnscs for clcaliiiig shirts and uniforms supplicd by tlic hrcwlry iiiigras submittcd no rcccipis Rcvicw board mciiibcr iuy lrciiiblay took tlic vicw that as salcsman it was iiiipor taiit that thc takpaycr prcscnt good imagc and that lhc clcaiimg cxiwiiSis should bc coil Stiltittl llttISSill for thc purposc of Writing his iiicoliic But silicc iiiigras had siipplml iio sup porting vouchcrx and colisidcriiig thc small amount in qucslion tlic hoard dccidcd to allow half of thc cxpciiscs claimcd third catcgory was an outlay by liiigras of about $72 ycar again with no vouchers SCOOPS cittiiéfiiiciiioiia to iii iiisi NEWSPAPER status You ARE liow sicitsiir ENGAGED To iouii this prcpzircd by thc govcrnmciit for lttltgiil dclivcry should be vicwcd for what ll 15 ll uniqucly iiiiiidiaii opportunity for thi govcinmciit to coliiiiiaiid national joui iinhstic nticntioii to try and conviiicc us that cconomic plilllltlllS and unity tiiScS arc ilL tually good for our souls And wc do it with such marvclloiis flair RtMl oulridcrs gowiicd Iatlics cliiikiiig glasses robcd judch and if wc arc lucky an ixsoitincnt of pro lcstcrs lltl ll wc lltlttlllt liorcd by ihc spcccli llSill wi can find oiircxcitciiicii iii listciiiiig in opposition SikihtSllltll tcll its how littlc tlic documciit coiiiaiiicd lltSIillill shows that without cxccptioii iipptlSillttii spokcsmcll Salesman wins unusual case to buy llihll llll draw iiid tor sings rcccp ltlllS iiid otlicr gathciiiigs ill which bici lliiglil lii ti ctl lli liliS casc icvicw hoard iiiciiilici lrciiililay allowcd thc ciitilc liillll coiiiiiicii ting that ll was in practicc Illllitixkllllt to rc lam proof of thcsc cxpciiscs lMllllltlS In looking tor thc justification tor dcductioii ot olic hill of iiiigrass tXlKllSts tor laundry and dry citailing thi lux Journals Mclloiiiicll says lic iiccd only UiiSlilti thc ttiplicatioiis til lhc dcctsioii on this point to scc thc crior of it ll scll cliiploycd pltiltSSltlllillS can justifiably irguc that thcil lmagc iS iiiipor taiit with rcspcct to thc conduct of thcir pro ltSSittiiS Ry cxiciismii tlic cost of maintaining suitahlc wardrobc would hc propcr dcduc lion but thc courts and thc hoard llilVi rcfus cd to acccpt llllS proposition lll many otlicr cases As for thc shocs lrciiiblay said that thc rcal qucstioii was wlictlicr tlicy wcrc pcr Sttllill tXpiliSi and that wlicli salcsmaii had worn SlltltS tor to or ii hours day hc wasnt likcly to wcal llicm at othci iimcs FIRST Mcloiiiicll saw it dificrciiily lhc fuiidamciital point is that hc iiccilcd pair of shorts ill orch to pciforiii his diitics just as clcrk icquircs suit of clothes and so oil This fact has iicvcr liccii takcii as grounds for saying that thc cost of lhc clotlics is ill cx pciisc of cariiiiigciiiploymciit iiicoiiic llc docsiit disagrcc with rcvicw board incmbcr llcliiblays allowance of tlic salcsiiiaiis ciitcrtaiiimciit cxpciiscs but come mclits that thc logic of tlic lttlSlUll is somcwhat lcss than compclliiig howcvci lli vicw of thc approach lakcii iii ihc lllltl calcgoiics of cxpciisc Any SilltSptlStlll who wants to ridc oii iiiigrass coatiails and claim similar dcdiic lions should rcfcr to this appcal litigras MNl lil7lil 2063 78 ll ltlill The ioys of th rope speeches and the wonderful things said havc iiot becn satisfied with the content of any throiic spcccli sincc ltiTii NOTHING NEW This time Tory lAildOl Joe Clark said predictably that the throne spcech coiitaiiicd iiotlimg new llc tlrudcaut has got to stop talking generalities and comc forward with hard programs New Democratic Party lrczidcr Ed liroadbent said predictably thcrc is nothing ncw at all in thc spccch For thc first timc sincc thc dcprcssion days no MP said thc spcccli is more sigiiiti cam for what ll docsiit say than what ll docs hili ycars that was uniqucly aiiu diaii obscrvatioii But wi arc straying from thc main poiiii of thc spccch thc govcriimciits uncanny abili ty to gut wliolcsalc tclcvisioii and iicwspapcr covcragc for telling us how lucky wc arc to havc problciiis licrc is thc kcy paragraph from thc laicst Siltiili Scldom in thc past hich the StiiitllSiltSS of thc challenge tlic strength of our national will and thc scopc of our opr portuiiiiics combined to crcatc for Canada iiioiiiciit in history so full of potciitial for good Actually thats one of tlic bcttcr iitS llic pltllillS bcst iii this direction concclitrutcd on grcatcl williiigncss to hstcii to cacli othcr to illitlilSlillltl cacli othcis iiccds il grcatcr williligiicss to Sittlllui so that tillitlS may havc ii cliaiicc to takc lcss so that othcrs may havc cliougli all of tlicsc arc in thc rcalm of thc spirit ilil tlicli lcrhaps only thosc who havc conic licrc from lcss foriuiialc lands can up prcciatc to thc full the good fortuiic of living in country so favored by iiaturc and so ciiiiclicd by its cultural diversity lhiit was an ititcrcstiiig way to dcal with not ltlllill unity and ccoiioiiiic wocs lll IN IllSlNllY ycal carlici thought lhc govcriiliiciit came up with real liftcr when thc spcccli said that ihc fundamental reality which will giiidc your dclibcrutions is that aiiada lS ciiicriiig upon dccadc of opportunity lc might havc bccii ovcrwhclmcd with problems but bccausc of the basic uiidcrlyiiig strength of thc economy and becausc of the co opcratioii of tlic liiajority of aiiadiaiis which is making thc antiinflation program work aliadzi has licttcl reasons for confidciicc and optimism than has virtually any othcr nae lion And so far as national unity was concerned it is our strength and our confidciicc iii oursclvcs which give us the real opportunity Back in 1963 similar problems were solvcd said thc tliroiic speech of the day bcciiusc of bcttcr proctdurcs of consultation and con ccitcd action with due regard for the federal character of our country Three years bcforc that thc cmphasis was on rcpatriatiiig thc Clnslilulltllk another marathon recycling opcrzition that was to bring us new form of national unity in all cases our sterling na tioiialistic pridc would see us through Now that the government has apparently perfected the art of convincing us that economic difficultics and national disuiiity give us causc to iivc joyously am afraid Wcll wake up sonic day and discover the pro blcms havc been solved Not oiin will this make tiiroiic speeches redundant we wont have anything to keep us united tiiESE Pitts You CAN ONLY BSLIEVE 0F Willi Y0i READ iiiiii on Canadians in 1921 The Conservatives under Bennett brought them back from 1930 to 1935 but the Liberals did away with them again when they resumed power in 1935 The first titles created by King James on Oct 18 1642 were called baronets of Nova Scotia The Earl of Egmont tricd to get Prince Edward island tthcn island of St John in 176 and divide it among lords dukes and barons but was overruled by the Board of Trade and Plantations John Graves Simcoe first lieutenant govcriior of Upper Canada wanted to create lords dukes and barons when he took office in 1791 but people just laughed They made jokes about Lord HolciiithcPants getting intbchay The baroiicts of Nova Scotia were the most successful although they only lasted about 10 years James had givcii what is now Newfoundland Nova Scotia New Brunswick Maine and part of Qucbcc to his poetry tutor William Alexander who was to erect cities appoint fairs hold courts grant lands and coin money baroiici paid L150 for his land and was expected to iivc there He had the right to wcar around his iicck an orangetawny ribbon from which shall hang the arms of Scotland lhcrc arc still tlSnlZifllS of the baronets of Nova Scotia Headquarters of the order is in the casllc of lackiiiaiiiianshirc in Scotland tllllIR itl in EVENTS tits itritaiii rciuriicd Louisburg to ll£llltt lil cxcliiiiigc for Madras India 1775 VIIS forcc minding Canada captured Fort haiiibly lkTH Lord luficriii laid foundation stone of lluffciiii lcriiicc Quc lttztl liiipcrieil Privy ouncil ruled that womcn could bccomc senators in Canada iltli Wagcs and priccs were controlled as wart imc iiiczisurc Itiiis tziiizida agreed to maintain 12000 scrvicciiicn on active duty in Europe for ltl barries story Delegation atMatch IKII lh lillft Siiiicoc touiity il to bc host for the 1950 liitcriiiitioiial plowing Match and Simcoc touiity touiiiil Mlll dclcgzitioii to the lit19 llhiltll it Braiiitord tilliur liccd rccvc oi tlrillizi Township was ippoiiitcd tlliilllllilll of thc delegation for Simcocs match to bc licld ill lllltlii tiil Garrick iiiaiiizigcr ol the Barrie Bell lclcphoiic ofticc iiiiiouiiccd that an open housc was to bc licld ill liclls lapperton Slrcct liliSllltSS officcs Surveys wcrc hciiig made for proposed supcr highway north from Crown Hill to Col dii itci lhc lxilllillitl rcportcd Bird £lltlitl had sonic unusual news thrcc llr it chrctoii Allan Massey and Mrs loliii icstiiiaii reported they had seen sca gulls on Kciiipciifcli Ray being pursued on Kciiipciifclt Bay by ii Parasitic Jaeger bird not we to iittllltiiltl in sports iicws thc Barric ltlycrs lost an ex hibition gamc to the Kansas ity Mohawks King Edwart school studciits won the annual public school track and field mcct in Barrie nmp ltordcii had distinguislicd visitor iciicriil Sir Richard Mctrcciy former cont maiidcr of tlic 8th British Army in North Africa Sir Richard was at anip Borden to uiivcil monument to taiidiaii Armored corps pcrsoiiiicl who had lost their lives in the Second World War Two traiisfcis wcrc madc by the NR in voliiiig Allaiidalc with the arrival of Sicvciisoii from lloriicpayiic as superinteii dciit of the Allaiidalc Division Carr who had bccii supcriiitciidciit was transfer rcd to Moiitrcal lowii council was licavily criticized for dccidiiig to closc committcc meetings to ratcpaycrs we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it Th Examiner doesnt publish unsigned lot tors but it you wish pen name will be used include your telephone number and address as we have to verily letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reioct letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to letters to tile Editor The Examher Post Ofï¬ce Box 370 Mill Ont NM