mfnng NWmnm qtymy mnr lt BRISBANE Australia CP The life loves and longings of the humble pig are in the spotlight at University of Queensland And research results so far show he and she really are as badtempered and slovenly as 15 generally believed But its partly because the pig like man often has hous ing problem doesnt get along with his neighbors and usually is bossed around by bigger pig Which probably explains why every pig checked so far in 120member test group has gastric ulcer indicating that the prevalence of gastric ulcers in pigs throughout the world may be more widespread than previously known The work being done by Jud ith Blackshaw biochemist and animal behavioral scientist under grant from the Australian government is practical threeyear study aimed at increasing pig productivity Life loves of pigs are in spotlight here During the last twelve months Mrs Blackshaw has been examining stress factors in pigs the hierarchy system psychology of weaning over crowding and segregation of males and females The most significant develop ment has been the realization that probably all domestic pigs develop gastric ulcers from as young as two weeks Even more important post mortems have shown most gas tric ulcers in pigs occur in the food tube leading to the stom ach not in the main stomach area as generally thought It has been known for 20 years that gastric ulcers frequently occur in pigs but un til now it was thought an ulcer had no detrimental effect on pigs health Mrs Blackshaw says she is certain ulcers cause reduction in growth and cori sequent loss of production Usually she says pigs in commercial piggeties take two to three weeks longer to reach the baconer stage than neces sary And in the test group she found about five per cent were skinny pigsones that had not put on weight for about seven weeks SKINNY PIGS STAIIVING After slaughter those under weight pigs were found to have such large gastric ulcers in the food tube to the stomach they were actually starving In an intensive piggery where the operator works on narrow profit margin this slowgrowth roblem can be financially isastrous Mrs Blackshaw says She says pigs are calmer in family situation and in the long term less likely to suffer stress if they grow up in groups of six Once pig is weaned it un dergoes severe psychological trauma loses weight for about two weeks and then in the openpen environment becomes subject to pressures of the pig hierarchy resulting in continual fighting and bullying Professor concludes garlic an undervalued medicine COLOGNE West Germany Reuter Some peo 1e cant eat without it others etest the very name Its supposed to ward off vampires And its pungent odor probably ended many budding romance But never mind the smell says scientist here touch of garlic may be the best way of avoiding heart attack Prof Hans Reuter of Cologne University has concluded that garlic is not just disputed cu linary delight but an under valued medicine specialist in blood chem istry Reuter has been in vestigating the fatty deposits which play major role in arte riosclerosis When these accumulate forming blocks heart attack may result These pathological changes in the blood vessels are usually caused by faulty diet Garlic is the remedy Renter recommends Laboratory tests show garlic tends to normalize the bloods cholesterol level he told re porter In this way it is possible to prevent disasters such as heart attacks by simple prophylac tic therapy CONFIRMED BY TESTS Tests seem to bear out his thesis Using volunteers Router fed them small elatin capsules containing utter some with garlic added some without The cholesterol level of those who took pinch of garlic with their butter remained consider ably lower than that of the oth ers Equally positive was an ex periment with patients who were fed three grams of raw garlic daily After four weeks their cholesterol level dropped markedly Laboratory tests showed that garlic not only reduced choles terol but also killed off number of bacteria among them those causing tuber culosis and diphteria Reuter said Garlic in some instances outstripped conventional an tibiotics such as penicillin in el fectiveness One major advantage of garlic is that it has no un desirable side effects apart from its smell Reuter said He attributes the character istic pungent smell of the sea soning to certain sulphur mole cules In the classical garlic countriesRussia Greece India Chinathere are con spicuously fewer cases of at teriosclerosis than in West Germany he said Granted it would be going too far to attribute this to garlic consumption only But together with other favorable elements garlic greatly contributes to wards better health He recommends that only fresh garlic be used in cooking because the plant loses its bene ficial properties when proc essed Garlic powder is only good for flavoring and has no medical value GO TO POLKA FESTIVAL HUNTER NY AP More than 70 bands are expected to take part in the second National Polka Festival to be held here Aug 18 through 27 The nineday event will also feature dancing groups working craftsmen puppets import shops and ethnic foods the examiner Wodnooday0°t18 1978 11 Actress takes part in protest Activist actress Jane Fonda Mon day participates with over 500 others in demonstration against the Rhodesian transition government and the presence of Ian Smith in Los Angeles Smith and the Reverend Ndabanlngi Slthole chief of the transitional governments Executive Council are in town on part of nationwide public relations tour designed to gain support for his transition government Smith was speaking at the Los Angeles World At fairs Council dinner in downtown Los Angeles AP Photo Porn creeps into snapshots BILAINIIIEE Mass lAli Annc loinpco who has spcnt iti CUSTOM WHITE WASHING DAIRY BARNS ETC Reasonable prices PHONE 14165940317 ycars developing other peoples snapshots says she sees grin ning strangers posing for at homc pornography more and more Nothing surprises me any more but you have to wonder what kind of person takes some of thcsc obscene photos says Miss Pompco 55 tcchnican for Alvcs Photo Services Inc onc of New Englands largest photo processors She estimates she processes up to 11000 pictures day sit ting behind one of IialIdoltn computerized photo printers at the Alvcs laboratory how The machines take in cone tives and spit out up to 6000 snapshots an hourmostly of family vacations reunions weddings baby pictures and pets But occasionally the string is interrupted by jarring shot of nudes in blatantly lewd poses We get some oddball stuff says Rich Wrightson chairman of the board at Alves When its particularly offensive well destroy the prints and send the negatives back to the customer SHOTS NUT WIEI Thc backshop asked it we wanted them to bring thosc shots to us but we told them to destroy them We didnt want tinuons roll of custome nega Now the carfor all seasons THE 4WHEEL DRIVE SUBARU STATION WAGON people to think there were bunch of perverts in the front office Wrightson says there is no specific law against processing such pictures but the firm is wary of postal laws and tries to discourage those customers Well occasionally tell someone they can pick up their prints at the Braintree police department he says Frankly were pleased we dont get much of this kind of business But Miss Pompeo says shes seen some subtle changes There are certainly more of these obscene type photos than there were in the past she says adding that tiotipornogra phic subjects also are growing in popularity THEY IN IT THEMSELVES Were getting more wed dings children and wakes People are taking lot of pic tures they once hired profes sionals to do For some reason were also getting more shots of the moon and more sunset pic turcs Some of them are really nice Although the company procr esscs film for millions of cus totncrs Miss lompco says she SALE 188 pr Mens Vinyl Dress Gloves llv4vv GO Brighten up your bathroom EasyCare Wobosso restock your linen closet Imperfect SheetS with beautiful valuepriced seconds in bath towels by Comtex Ht iw rt iiHOuchg 52 69 SALE SALE DOY513pr7Yomm16pro Boys And Youths Gloves yt mm III rrv KinVI It Boys OurRrg 31 99 Youths Our Reg is 29 SALE 13 it tin ti 272iii209m 2791 209m BALI SAII SALT SAII 27928 into the mountains and backwoods country SALE SALE Intho summer its ideal for the beach because Subaru Cfmkromgmu some by the Sove on all qurltod bedspreads OtldSOVt wit ticst 91K 4wheal drive keeps going when the going gets tough 9wa have one womm who gt In the winter it takes you skiing because our 4wheal drive kip fat of ictures of her 0Y5 PL 1Vl gives you perfect traction in ice and snow All year long Cats She saw even sent Boys And Youths Ski Mitts j1 rtilt pl it provides reliable low cost transportation It in in in 14 ti it Hit witw wt 1w out wit out 08 005 in pietc of fur onu so Our Rtg $19 99 $39 99 The Subaru 4wheeldnvo wagon is the carlur all mm get right 6010 We 34 11 It Hui it ir Boys Ody Reg 51 99 WWW it Hit ï¬ssion also do photoChristmas cards Youths Our Reg $2 29 NW ll and you kind of look forward to we We seeing pictures frotn certain families each year Ihatcvcr the subject Wrightsoti says shuttcrbugs arc taking more pictures every year noting 20percent growth in thc photo industry Ill each of the last four years He says thc industry expects 10 percent iticrcasc iti sales each year throuin 1080 349 $12 Mens 1st Quality WormUp Suits pcr IItjll IUllIil 132 £162 Mens Schuss Nylon Ski Jackets iilli AJH ill ijr rlu to 9N3 inexpensive And Intll to stay ttial way TRY Northern Subaru 453 Dunlop St Boys 2Piece Nylon Snow Suits Btb front pom mth Mal SAL9ZO¢O9°9 About 95 per cent of the suspenders COtttrUSI or rm pulwarr tilt it iiirrr Assoned BOYS Toques Save 30 on lampshades Save 30 on primed Vinyl yobjeflox hBaniebggzgrgga7 ivml thls Folmtry lake trim on jOCIï¬Ol Poly ltblo fill Print mitt lwlr MN 100 tl tylir Await lIJII Ill Givr on old Irirrip 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ATTENDED 30 savln do not opPY to Comte 0W9 V°b°° rues ti wen ltHuRs sheets on cases they are Special Purchases