in Italian cardinal Pericle Felici places simple woollen pallium at Pope John Paul Sunday during the openair installation ceremony for the new Pon tilt symbolizing the new elected head of the Catholic Church as the shepherd of his flock The pollium replaced the tiara former popes had been crowned with Almost 200000 people crowded the vast St Peters Square during the solemn rite AP Photo Popes welcome praised by Protestant leaders VATICAN IIY tPI Protestant leaders made their largest turnout ever for the start of new popes ministry Sunday and praised Pope John Paul for welcoming them as brothers He shows an openness to all Christians that we appreciate said Rev Dr tarl Matt gen eral secretary of the Lutheran World Federation in Geneva 7y gt Ilis seeiitg his office as say preme pastor atid symbol of tiiiity helps us to understand the papacy better More than 31 leaders of other churches were onhand for the installation of Pope Iolin Iaul as head of the Roman tatholic thtirch They were given lion orcd seats near the altar for the outdoor soleiniiittes in front of St Ieters Basilica Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau left and West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt sit together at the Papal Palace Monday They were waiting to be received by the newly installed Pope John Paul CP Photo Pope speaks with PM VATICAN IIY tI Pope John Paul expressed his interest in fanada to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau as the two exchanged words after the pontiffs audience Monday with statesmen who attended llls III augurat ion the day before Canadian sources said the Pope greeting lrudeau told him he has heard lot about him and was happy to IIIttl the prime minister The exchange of words was not in private audience but right after the Popes address to dignitaries The pontiff said he has not had an opportunity to visit tan ada but that anada is dear to him Before the papal address Trudeau chatted for about to minutes with West German Chancellor Ilelinut Schmidt and Premiers Raymond Barre of France and Giulio Andreotti of Italy anadian sources said the Its Tuneup Tirrie 31 Singer three government leaders sll ting Iiet to tttl otiiei duitnu the audience talked about lltlltt up to the lttiIll liHIIII etotioiiiie sutnini meeting whilewaitingiorhelope Later Trudeau Iiad ltttltll at the anatliati llllilmssj to the Ilon See and III toast re viewed anadas telations Illl the Vatican the slab lisliinent oi itnlvassadorial level ties in Ittit lhe taiiadiaii souiees re ported lrudeali said that at the IIIIIt tears invisted the iorinal ties iniglit divide tanada hilt thetlecisionsineehasproedto bevvisc lrudeaii said tanada began iornial ties with the Holy See llCrlllst oi the atieans weight as moral force and its stand on human rights aid to devel oping countries and lls search lotpeate lhe anadian delegation leaves tor home today Iltt Let the Singer experts put your sewing machine in top working order with our lotal Tuneup Program Every function will be thoroughly checked in our comprehensive tiltstep diagnosis Well oil balance test and repair Plus replace any necessary parts So when your machine is ready you can count on great performance and smooth sewing every stitch of the way ONEWEEK SPECIAL it replacement parts ext rat We repair all makes and models FREE instore estimates SINGER Consult the Iyellow pages of your directory for the address 0ft Singer Sewing Centre nearest you The Pope received about dozen of the early arriving delegations of other churches in private audiences Saturday and planned to see the others today Metropolitan Mehton repre senting Iatriarch Itemitrius of tonstanlinople tlSllIIIltIll who is the spiritual leader oI all Eastern Orthodoxy said the Pope gave him this message for the patriarch Please tell him am his brother and will re iiiatii his brother throughout mypontilicate llll1ltlllll IlltlISSIII ltt ltev Arthur ogel llllls copal tIltillt£IlI Iiisliopot Kan sas ttty Mo said he was tin mediater impressed with the lopes toy ot lite naturalness and friendliness Ile spoke very positnely in the atldteneeol the unity of the churches and the ecumenical emphasis ainone tlictii Metropolitan Meliton said II was the iiist time since the break between the Western and llasterti churches in the year ltIl that representativeoi the patriarch had beeii present for the start oi ltotnan pontiit cute ttiily about loen lead ers oi other churches were on Iiaiid tor the corona ion ol Iope lauI in two lte llr Frank ttlllttIII tritiin Methodist and general secretary of the World Method ist touiitil said the new lope seems clearly determined to pursui the ever improving relationships among the tltttrrltes lope loliii Iatils iiiiinstiy Itlttllllsts an era of good will between the clitiielies said Itev Dr ltavtd lieiis oi Miii IItItttlls Minn president oi the ineiican Lutheran hiiteh livery indication is that he is resolved to iiiote ahead lllt the theological diangncs that have gone so well New Delhi India llllt lt Floods caused by the summer inoiisoons have killed more than titttt people in seven northern Indian states and thousands are unac counted for in West Bengal near here Ilundreds of thousands have been driven from flooded villages and an estimated Itttttttt homes have been destroyed siitee the annual rains began in Iuiie Tens of thousands were Residents of lowlying areas of the suburbs of were forced to flee their swamped villages Monday due to the summer monsoon and weekend rains which flooded rivers evacuated from lowlying areas of the national capital districts of Old and New Delhi threatened by the Yamuna River The river has flooded dozens of villages in Ilaryana and Uttar Pradesh states to the north Matty survivors in West Bengal were perched on Iiousetops and in trees lroops and police worked with civilian rescue workers to save them The United News of liidia in seven states Police and army units reported the evacuation of tens of thousands of residents from lowlying areas of Old and New Delhi AP Photo said cholera patients in the Midnaporc district west oi alcutta were being treated on the roof of the district hospital Road and rail Iiiiks were cut and an estimated 12o villages were completely submerged by flotxlwaters Delhi municipal officials asked about 200001 refugees to shift to relief camps set up in schools and stadiums Several thousand residents of tworyearold housing Monsoon floods kill 800 leave thousands homeless pltljttl Ill tIiangnpur 21 kilometres north Delhi iled front their homes Monday taking whz could in trucks and The move is an annuz of the monsoon season since built on the project was lowlandsalongtheYa Air force Iielicoptci dropping food to stranded vil lagers including abt inarooned tirissa state on the Frugal communities in about of New it they carts tl event inuna were III 750 Itay of Trudeau urged to buy Tornado at meeting with Italian PM ItttMlI inier hulio IIlItttlll made strong pitch to lriine Minister Iierre liudean on Sunday for tvIi Italian lre tanada to purchase the lII rotxaiiIitnlt lornado lighter plane aiiada is seeking to buy 120 to Ho tighter planes Iot its air force The goveiiiiiieiit tended Iiiiie deadline for submission of bids until ugust in order to allow ltritaiii Frame West Heiiiiaiiy and Italy to submit their JUIIII Ioriiadosalelitdtottttavva Diplomatic sources said An dreoltis plea was one of the top items raised during IItlmIIIIIlt private talk at ltomes Ialazzo higi before the two leaders at tended the installation of Pope Ioliii Paul in St Peters Square III Vatican ity lrudeau replied to Andieotti that tanada is following two principles while trying to weigh the Iornado against its ITS competitors the technical prowess oi the plane and the economic fallout resulting troin the purchase such as jobs it might generate iti aiiada anada is expected to air Barrie French Nursery School Applications for FALL SESSIONS For more information call after Mrs Shaver 7269913 new permawave is smart hair investment Visit the Hair Bazaar 250 Reg $3000 including shampoo and set or blowdry permawave will save you time and money You enjoy the dividends of tongerIasting more defined styling and fuller more beautiful hair Let our experts advise you today Come in for complimentary consolation For appointment call 7264451 Ext 221 Sears HAIR BAZAAR SimpsonsSears ltd Georgian Mall 509 Baytield St Barrie Mon Tues Sat 930 am530 pm Wed Thurs Fri 930 am930 pm nounce its decision on the iiitiltimilIioiidollar purchase before the end of the ear Andreotti and Irudeau the sources said also concurrul that Italy and tanada were eii managed by the election of biiio tardinal Luciani as Iope Ioliii laul whom they saw as haying the same social con cerns as their two govern inents Relations between the lltt governments have intensitied in the last veat especially alter Andi I977 to trip hy etnlter tgttelirt Ily Illtt The two Mont real eolti in Ioronlo and countries signed igreeinents III the areas oI social power and doublelaxation liarlier this year and ndreotti met ii toti at the ilt summit and in hin at the tonn security technology nuclear and lnideau Washing neeting oi esteru and Japanese leaders THE the examiner Tuesday Sept 1978 Rescue workers work over one victim of helicopter crash in Derry Pa Monday The helicopter which was dropping table tennis balls with prizes in them crashed into Later Day church carnival At least seven died and another 19 were iniured AP Photo Copter crashes at church festival killed I9 hurt DERBY Pa Alt Iwelve yearold Mary Beth Allison was laughing as she dropped hand fuls of table tennis balls num bered for prizes from helicop ter to crowd attending La bor Day church festival Moments later the helicopter plunged into the crowd in juring 19 persons and killing seven including Mary Beths mother Everybody was running for those balls said Denise De ario of New Derry who was mingling iii the crowd The girl was laughing Then there was blood everywhere Six persons were killed my stantly when the craft slaimned into concession stand at St HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE PRESENTS 4th ANNUAL Hawaiian Fantasy 18 Days Includes Islands Hawaii lus San Francisco EscortéEEfrom Bdriié rarity 1979 For details and brochure cdl 7284700 45 Dunlop St Barrie Josephs Catholic Church in this southwestern Penn sylvania borough Coroner Leo Bacha said Mary Allison 46 died later at nearby Latrobe Hospital Witnesses said the church parking lot was covered with blood and severed bodies after the threeseat helicopter Hughes 269C crashed There were people lying all over the place some with their heads off and arms off said Helen Irwin who saw the crash from outside the family tavern halfblock away IT IN HALF me man his body was cut in half It was just terrible mess BARRIE FITNESS CLUB glytn nub Health for momborlhip offer for men and women is available for one your or longer NOW VOU FRIEND Oh RELATIVE CAN ENJOY THE FANTASTIC FACILIT OF THE BARRIE FITNLSS CLUB PERSONS CAN ENROLL FOR THE PRICE ONE THIS 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