The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau at BUSINESS Jar Kgfrlgflzfezlan Published dailyexcepl Circulations ABC only the Canadian Press may re DUDIS OWS 50 NEWSROOM ADVERTSNG Marian Gown accountant Glenn Kwanossl loreman Sunday and this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters Aqencc Ii 593 FWV 5n39m9 9mm L9 SEVCK manager Dorothy Bowland Don Sounder statutory holidays France Presse and local news stories published in The xamincr Sheila McGovern ciiy editor SALES can McParland Lame Wass WEEKLY by carrier if BIII McFarlane wire editor Bert Stevens Vikki Grant WI Cadogan 90 cents The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material 560 Haskins sports editor Barb Boulto Maron Now rented by as employees and published tn this newspaper Sue Burke lifestyle editor JuIie Franks EITIRVIII YEAR inbbayocarner Bria Dome copyright registration number 7038l5 register Saturdv Aug28 1973 599 borne and mum couny REPORTERS Aden Smith fgnfgï¬gflel BY MAIL Barrie MUWeW SEVe Skinner ERCULAHON Susan Knchen $4680 National adverlising oilcs 65 Queen St Toronto so mo 640 Calhcarl Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limite gzllIGDlJaglrSse 8m HakesInlanaqe Sharon Templelon SlMCOE COUNTY Monk lFlED im Ron Gilder $3650 II the hable ior damages ans lb 80 field Street Barrie Ontario UM 4T6 CLfSS SteveWhiteaSSis an advomw wwesma me Mth éecrlrhlr agzllznsgpewsor Alva Laplame PRESSROOM MOTOR THROWOFFI ing out ol errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid lor indspace ac Bruce ROWIOnd publisher Dave Fuller Keefe Amhson Pal95 Don Neanloreman S39ayear uallv Wug by mar portion ol the aaverliserIiIienl IinIisnmIIcIrIiIalItIiIeScIIrIrglIIE Marina Quatlrocchi photographer pquvchapeii Elam Fwd Prince ELSEWHERE CANADA urred whether such error is due to the neo ige cc Dana Homewood Victor Cordniro Hani5 Blanchard sgaIsoayear wise and there shall be no liability lor non insertion any adver isemen Brian Marr 72824l 7266537 7266537 7266539 726 6537 beyond the amount paid for such advertisement written thumbs up To the Barrie Fair and the Barrie Agricultural Society Walk run thumb ride take taxi or whatever you want but get to the Barrie Fair This years Barrie Fair is easly the best value for your entertainment dollar around Putting together fair the size of Barries is tough demanding job It is also thankless job with people more than willing to condemn the whole effort for one mistake or ommision There cant be any condemning of this years Barrie Fair It is as near to erfect as anyone could wish and the long hard and ten frustrating hous of work put into the Fair by the Agricultural Society have produc ed an excellent show The Conklin Midway is as usual superb Ride and game prices are not unreasonable the whole midway area is spotlessly clean the ride attendants are polite in short it is the sort of midway the whole family Eton COME wok Kr WllN ME AND For all seasons Nothing bears space holiday TR AYNOR MCFARIANE The big buxom blonde with the single nostril fascinated us Every time the eye in the middle of her forehead swivelled our way we imagined the nostril flared in show of desire hat are vmista he at v01ce at our ow startled us for mo ment It was MLady Who Oh Nothing nothing really we stuttered tearing our gaze away from the statuesque one Is it that blonde waitress Yeah guess so Im wondering why they just have one of everything Mutants guess It was the year 2011 and wed decided to do what many Barrieites were doing taking space holiday on Mars It had been long trip but it had been worth it Shes from Saturn theyre all sort of emoy ithipttisrtigeiaaSis carats There is bewdderin variet of dis la is includin uRemember this is Earth She id her an awesome show of farm equipment four leS adding emphasis to this profound Fairs may be oldfashioned If this years Barrie Savbimgltmlh Fair is oldfashioned then lets have more of it I3 IJUSI gasses on our upper eye5v scratched at the middle car under our chin Its reat Fair and if ou dont to It you are and said exas xrai pc ly know that dear really missmg something But It iusi seems so odd to me After all weve got two or four of everything We kept looking at MLady while talking to The We Ziatiisviirzaaismisï¬ts Must get glasses for them too we thought some Scene ke pl alive in memory iiiaétyétrhiliititg liearooa waitress headed our way Beats me how they manage to walk so smoothly on that centralized leg we KEN WALLS dent of tIliiI IIiII hot it ty of Uppt iiIIniidiIi II thS rIIId Io MILadV OUI III the comer of our THE LATE Mr Justicc hiirlcs Douglas IIIIIlIIlIIlIIVIt II lIllIPILlIlXI II IOIrfl Ill 1937 II II ldIIIEaend mIIthI Furl Stewart used loglvoa summer game iIigiI giiitiii IiaIiIsct Itllll Iyilii ano formth Vlceprcmdcm of operations or Care to order SIIIIW the waitress said In chuidiiidbothflowci andcgctiihlcplots Xerox ol Canada Rogers was appointed April party in loronto was ti ndlth Buiiit II II velvel luneSI ll lll mm of Bdmc has bccn tip lhls year as Compirollerbencrdl He is and operated ti law firm on wcn St is She slood pmsed wnh hcrlw0leaded em father was one of the townslcadcrs arl was pointcd DIIIHIUI Ul RIM it It rmanUl charged With the new task of overseeing ovethe pad active in municipal politics as young aldch IllxrlIu 3181fItlffilliir Id ffIIIHl iII financial management of government opera we crossed our four legs IIIIIIh some difï¬cuII man then Itccvcand lillnilrtltn ofSiin ldkmb NW 11h mm ï¬lm lions and progress jimmy monton Icl is tlic son of Mr and Mrs Lornc ln Toth he was speaking lo financial tyIan hsatIIback II in many lhlh Jackson of Kcmpcnfclt Ir IIlic Jackson mnlorehco sponsored by ihe Conference I9 yonget theIstrIangc pencxl we Mr MUM lll hm hm asked in our most flirtatious tone badminton at Barrie Ariiinury ï¬gure skating uI Board llt imilddv 0h souvenir of Bame 0m SePiv gt Halrl Lt IN MEMORIAM was extended to Dr Jor it Bdrm Artnii thctitri prutllltllllll Itlf illlt II II II She held It so we could read the Inscnpuon thi county He was an outstanding criminal lII and Iiifc hlfilgiirtl uIIiiI inn Gallic native of BarrieI bIIV lhe Alumae IIIIIIIII he sIde IIA SIII IIIII III III Annex IIOIII lawyer in the old toWn hall which thc prisciit KIIIIlI IilllflhTIIIII IEIIIIIWImaylgIIIIKIITL II5X3I1I IlsclhxlI rNCurIilfgv Town Galac ic War gave ii at me hemem in llmora SlhIaSlerioo IllllliLnIiIsItIIréiIIigiIiIllhliï¬srhhillIiIiIililIsh bi that it is Th rmmml lhIII Alwmqum park Medial ISTOmnm Juno 778I age th an 1986 when Barrie won the war and anneerd Dear Sir the problem more than In paSt Mr Stewart was considcrcxl potential to Rfllllltnd Sffllkf 35 0W5 mm twoyear illness He graduated in Medicine €0ulhf9l1 Ella 0f Mars Illa they colggnll sure am relieved after reading generations My paint IS that there hr Parllanwm as immorvullvfl hII rIIic ItIzirIriiI Examiner in tho lliiilis and early mm of in mm and the peciahmdkm gIlIeaS IslglIISOIlInénIICCnIEVBIVOHQ in ermarri xl it Purl Obstetrics and Gynecology aving ta en II James Coller letter on Sex might be SO many reasons there ngIdepmnlOfl to tliiIIISqurIilnIi Ioui in RI II III Willem In Win hr lhl lIIons Isludios in Germmw and New Yes yes we said glancing at Lady form to Hi post grtidutitt Educatlon dated Aug 21 WI be no one Simple ans 01 mm am lmlhtnlrlrlltlllit If ll llhu lub of nitric llltl lll officcr in thc l£ll Yurk Who was ScralChng hertop 050 was one II For along me now Ive puzzbd As far as sex edud° an Theatre at University of Toronto Ilic lrimltIUl lIh Iitdfts MilliNWl Ilc served in thcarmy medicalIcoIrps dur blgflenggcsï¬jeEgghgggilï¬gihialfï¬ghgggg 22 over the cause of the increase in SChOOlS ls concerned It was In Stiwarts kcpt summcr residence on Lakc WWW IIlmr 14le Sumnfd ingWorldWarIaIiid whilcacaptaininafield highhcel seaxua deviance amongst school troduced to fill In the gap that secm Simcoc off the road to Big Bay Point ludgc Illlntis 5055 him lIllHI mm in hospital in Salonika Greece had future III III BarrIII thou II II MILad said out dl will UllVltlllil Bciich Hit Iick wusiortlmcowncr prime Mlhlslor of CanadllI lIosler pearsonI age Chlldren Mr COtler has 11 ï¬d to be laCkmg thls Fdird the MflfhzlrtlixllulgliléTrshlhihfl iiiii cditorof thc wccklv linton VowsItccord hiq all lq corporll All lhe wal Dr 0f theabllfï¬i 832mg lhmwllghdtht IlIed ht alr 95 towar emoon oner owteOd lummated the Issue at laSt9 ome llhuml lhl hwllulh xnhlhmlI ullI liar and 11th lhc Ainpiioi IhiIoniilc His lallwlmncd lhoslull of lll and mmamed II II II essence he is saying that sex educa Maybe ll workmg 10 99 Pcppcr in the stop of his liitc and nilllHW Wt ï¬ll l5 llIR II until his retirement in 48 He continued in hï¬3£°ï¬ï¬ to ï¬ling her twemn lIngeIII lion is the culpritI cent perhaps because an education honorable friend Mr Justice arl Stcwiiit lfml mull tum Idval ilvdill private practice for five more years HeIls nail let The more we know in the home is prerequisite bids you mark thcfclicily of thccnd of tcrm IVSH flllMI IPlfllWWIiI SlerIVthIVIlllSI wifcandmarried daughter Slmp lt ata bench and bar giirdcn partv lilv PHORMH Jordon allic was thc son of the late Mr about somethlng the more likely we sou mord It lhc liitc Mr Stewarts son lziwycr Ill lllrll WCvmly Mon and Mrs William Gallic of Mary St His are to become deVlant one thmg 15 Celtd ho we Ikiuglas Stewart was prcscnl and thcrc wcrc IImm lliII llIllSI llaIl It IfuthcrIwzis ilSSOClilltd in the early BaIIIIIIlanIn ItS so beautifully explalnedI And repressmg and forcing 50X cduca many promlnml lWyors alShI lmlullmIIIlhlm nmdc tolioii nick goiiinmi ill with Illll II mg MlllI llo was ghaduulo 0f Barr wlhl tion under round will 0an hidt it Fitz atrick prcsidcnt of thc Admcatcs ID NWh5llmll5liftlldll ward school and colleglaloIlhslllulIeI HIS no all we have to do Is urn Si cl to ollinerilliims liltt lllv ml ll5limdmg older hrothcr the late Dr William Edward bOORS fire the teachers Who give the from our lmmedldte MM kl prg Slldml l5 mwrs the was oiitstiindin in sur or and at one ns ever piece 0f blem Sh Cng The prombmm tor bar ddmlswm OWN hunk idit oil li lll of tilt first tlissl lb lli olgf 16h litint urseian tiiiciciito 70 cio crgading material that evzn hints of one good example of this In Ind rm ml Um pH had in history whcn ilIIlt in that School in uhumah relationships We must not be taken in by Before Mr Cotter tries to deter EIIIIEUTVQMS PIICSCintï¬IFlI by 9901510 lIIlIlw mine causeeffect relationship Iomen US Ute in again suggest variables coder if we are to avoid this kind of Might not the decrease in effec SlmPlQI SOlUUO denying tive parenting have something to do there IS problemIIonly that we with it Perhaps the time needed to dont need ubandaid measures to nurture sound moral education in solve them the home is being spent doing other YourS lruly By BOB BOWMAN thmgSI Barry Cull Famous explorers get all the credit flr were near Per 3P5 so we are Jus aware Bdrrle II IIIIIN II II thcil liIind itlichIcIstIinIllii colony incidentally Armah movements hmlhsl porlugupso rule mzyseéglcoégbaillgd glotthglys and could no WW P1151 WW and racisminRhodcsia and South Africa themI Alexander dt th Foreign Affairs Analyst llii Mini Milli conducth bloody and brutle llul SOmhh0w he did ll wilhoul all the meekerlrzagmthÂ¥aser and Samuel ea ThomsonNcwsSirvicc wnr iigiiiiist both whitcs illlfl olthr tribcs lunlhm and ballyhm raised up by other Heameare notable examplesI The life and times of Ilomo Kcnyiiltii tlic hiicinIiig lhi iniiocciit lo liiIiccs niiiklnIghlixnl African rulers willmhwspcclul callsI03 HoweverI here were occasions when the Dear Sir Kenyan president who dicil ii fcw days ago mciiliccsInfotIlicrblacks tiIomriviil tribcs Yol in old age wllh ullhgelher many helpers proved to be hindrancesI Cadillacvs read with dismay your verbal at health sociology classes and for iIiroIa hope perhaps the only one that African Ilut in him it all cndch incredibly With the members Ol his family secure in government men staged mutiny on the way from Quebec ta II Monkman in helpmg Sludenls wllh soclal 0r societies can cmcrgc froIm Violcncc andIimti initcpcndcncc of htliyil in 19M and the sctI poshI Kenyalla did succumb l0 llw to Detroit and he forced them to continue agains chological rohlcmg we havcour European bloodlctting into Viablc lling down of blacks and whites into ti curruplllm and greed which has plagued 50 because he was an experl swordsman and your editorial On Aug 17 II nationhood pcziccful multiracial East African rcpulilic many African leadersI challenged them to ï¬ghtmmI Let me inform you that Mrs Ann incc Lpdr lhis of course is what has happcncd lo KENiANSOVERSEAS The Whill way in which Kenyallus ourlh Pierre de la Verendrecis men also Monkman has been working for the Let not forget the parents who Kenya III the 20 hectic thcn passivc yciirs uringIlhc liitc 60s unit 705 pcrliiips ittIt wlh mlsuslhg lhe Slaw dltvolopnwhl Como mullneed on Aug 25I 1731I when he began unit of Cookstown for man Still share the responsmility for br M1100 10 rise Iof lhc IrIulhlcss Miiu Milli yftllllft htltlitlls VIlfIl ilmid BMW ration and the law to steal major diamond exploringwesi ofthe Great Lakes mm inging up thC children and can be movement against British rIuIlc and thc Alliildil and llic lvnilchStutcs lciirningIthc pmpcrly llOl lls whllc devolopersI marred is party included 50 voyagemSI years devotedI many hours to the lI lllVilcgcd whites in the old British colony of nunioiiius tIiiidos crafts and profcssions lhvlaslyoarsol his rulhandllmesI blacksmith carpemerI and 12 soldiers Red Cross raised Seven children qm gmf Kffyit nculullohinldiiiiiodcliisliitc Trllmllsm again raised its head and Verendrye decided to travel wesl ol Lake and is now member of Cookslown You are WI ltlng that Mrs IlhiI Iastonishing transformation of Kenyatta just before his doalh cncohmgcd ll Superior by the Pigeon River lhslead of the Council Monkman made attempt l0 Ind mlgnlafrom buShI wan5 ImlIIklllll Ito lhc dynamo behind it all in his 705 was by attending special Kikuyu ritcs our usual Kaministiquia route which began at out what iS bein tlu ht in the II wI Pix1ch ISM tfNU Kenyatta who bcciimc thc moch African pliiisizing histrilws superior role in Kenya lreseniday ThunderBayI She cgmamly wquld not waste her course will you Sleigh make the 40 OSPCCIHH apt ilSI wc wondcr whiit nilcr in towns of luict lIltlIlliZ£llill Tribal lialrods had removed Kenyattas The Pigeon River route included portage Spare me orgamlmg prOteSt pet to WillIbC thefuturcofIIthodosui making llic rival tribcs as wcll as whites and likely successor in 1969 when the brilliant if of nine miles and Verendryes men rebelled tions if she would not have enough Itmp now prm OI Ill rlSh ShPleI lgllillllflttps blacks work logctlicr impatient Iom Mboyii was assassinated by against carrying their canoes and supplies all facts to prove her polnlI this course for example Grade yhTItrh dglI lIOISlCI their 1005 military ml Kcnyu avoidcd llic rcvnlutioniiry cxccsscs Kikuyu Mboyii came from the leading rival that distance be council She is well so that the general public will know 11 KIlnyd Ponce the CW Wits DNVOIN of hcr nciircst nciglibor lanzaniu wlicrc an tribe to Kcnyattas Verendrye had been brave soldier samem r0 what this controversy is allaboul utlmdw bkxdbllh indigcnous form of socialism removed the Piiradoxically Kenya without Kenyatta wounded four times at heI battle of Informed about the COSt 0f educatlon lhc blaCklrlCS W0 by 1h dmllllliltll isscntiiil clcincnls of outsidc ca ital and which was bound to come could revert to Mal la uetbut could not force his men to go Instead of running Mrs Ann Kk and funy agree Wllh her that an ex yufm Kmydudv Whl SflllllS Cxlxitisctilcdcdliililtitlcrnizu Africas oldest and most tenable plague fart er tra course would lncrease the school Monkman down we should thank mlvs WWWWWII lUlCllttltdUH Kcnvaltii iiiitumllv supported thc black triliiilwar He had to compromise by returnin Ito Fort nnecessarll her for bringing this issue mm the Kaministiquis with the rebels wI ile his ge open nephew andthree sons went on to Rainy Lake Human Relauons Ca be dlscuss Mrs peler gleln with some others who were willing to make ed and taught during biologlh iiieirip II A550 YOU Til lEOYlE OF lllillf Alli FREE TO AND III IIIIII yearlie mutiny delayed Veren we or one The Pigeon River route was used by fur Thanks to Burn In nisf ll pol ice 55 trade until 1303 abandoned because part of it was in American territory Dear Sir acruiser to escort us to the hospital Furtraders then went back to the more It seems ironic that last Sunday It being FridayI the raffle was northerly Kaministigma River route Whig was writing to criticize the OPP re already building The Barrie police anogclgiilsdginilgmk iéilliIiIeIIIlIhIing to Lake of RVlIrl crosswalk had men at all the busy corners to Other Auguslzwvems Ths Sunday It IS thank 5110 to wave US through HIMCape Breton was separated from the Innisfil and Barrie City Po ice afternoon We got him to the front door of the house where he col lapsed unconscious phoned the lnmsfil police for dad was released from RVH Friday hope never have to experience another anxious time like that again but thanks to the two police forces it was made lot easier ii ll Nova Scotea and became colony until 18 l793LieutenantGovernor Simcoe changed name of Toronto to York lassJohn Macdonald began practice of law at Kingston Ont IBISSteamer Selkirk arrived at Winnipeg Sincerely lull illlllii v=7t Mg7flé$TtAglsiiiibghilegsrailildaaiippewas rmlssmn to exce the Spee MrS Sharples illlllllifl llllli signed Treaty No satFort Carlton imit The dispatcher had us met by Slroud tI IIIllll III twvo an mum