gt4 far lager rgvxn It rah0 QMn1 ï¬g4 Ellie Barrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited l6 Boyfleld Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisheivGenorol Monogoi Walls Editor Emeritus Henshow Munuglng Editor 4The Barrie Examiner Wednesday Sept 29 I976 Codrington Mulcaster wrongly back on shelf City council has done it again This week council rejected 76 public works committee recommen dation to hire an adult crossing guard for an intersection described by city police as the worst in the ci The subject of the Mulcaster Codrington intersection will now go back to the public works committee where we would suggest it has spent too much time already Children crossing Mulcaster to St Marys school must get past constant stream of southbound rushhour schoolage crossmg guard ose sole function is to tell the youngsters whether it is Street on the way traffic aided onl by safe to cross We do not wish to criticize the per guards who on the whole do their jobs conscien pay formance of these tiously But the whole system is un workable at so busy an intersection where it is hardly ever really safe to cross especially for tykes whose heads are barely visible over the hoods of the cars which pause so briefly at the stop sign before charg ing on down Mulcaster What is needed is either traffic light or an adult guard who can MAKE the intersection safe by and holding back the traffic until the youngsters are crossing halfway safely on the other side Most authorities seem to agree that traffic light would cause too problems on the Codrington Street hill during the winter when streets are often covered with ice That leaves an adult crossing many guard as the solution The most disturbing thing Mondays council decision is the ig norance so many council members displayed about the situation Some aldermen seem to think that parents are only concerned because the delay at the intersection gets the fyoungsters home late But in fact there is little noon when traffic is lighter The problem is in the morning and it is not problem of being school but rather the danger caused by the fact that the youthful guards under wait tend eventually children cross when his not as safe as it should be Another misconception voiced by Mayor Dorian Parker is that only the separate school board is worried about the crossing and that more should be heard from parents and other residents But it is parents who got the board worried and parents have also writ ten to city hall this year and in previous years and have been told to go to the school board Others on council think motorists more attention to studentage problem In the after late for pressure of long to let the guards than to adults This might be but the true if both stood on the sidewalk point is that adults can stand in the crosswalk Again Mayor Parker notes that adult guards have been known to be killed by cars Would she child or several children Some members make much of the fact that no child has ever been hurt at the intersection But anyone who has seen the intersection at the hour in question knows that this record is pure gift of God prefer the death of perfect It is interesting to note that Mon days votes to go ahead with hiring an adult dermen Del Cole Jim Perri and Ed Thompson all of whom represent the ward in question and whose constituents guard came from Al children are en dangered by the intersection and about YOUR BUSINESS TaX break eases loss of job By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Losing ones job is bad enough for anyone any time its especially traumatic for the older person who has worked for the same employer for many years Its some comfort to know that the tax collector at least has bit of compassion for the person in those circumstances surprisingly large number of people go through this un nerving experiencetypically when the control of company dianges hands or when new department head decides to create toughguy image If the company concerned has any sense justice at all it ordinarily give the unfortu nate employee lumpsum pay ment such as years salary til it doesnt offer settle ment the dismissed employee may have good chance of win nirliit in court is isnt windfall Rather its compensation for the poten tial dama to the emplo ees career an reputation rec WWWWWW 5hr Barrie Examiner 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return tage guaranteed Dai Sundays and Statutory Ho idays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year iy National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Mon tifeal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims 09 yright in all original adver tis ng and editorial material created by its employees and re roduced in this newspaper yright Registration Num r203815register61 ognition of the fact that older people face shortage of job Opportunities and must prove themselves anew in any work situation in which they may manage to land Under the circumstances it would be totally unfair for the tax collector to treat the lum sum as earned inc0me to be tied to the income that was really earned by the employee and then to tax it at the top marginal rate HOW IT WORKS In recently published inter pretation bulletin IT337 the department of national revenue spells out its definiation of re tiring allowance and the way such payments are treated for tax purposes In the first place the retiring allowance must be received on or after retirement to qualify Retirement in the depart ments view means sev erance of employment from one articular employer resulting from either resigna tion or dismissal It doesnt extend to switch of jobs with the same employer nor between one company and an affiliated company To qualify as retiring allow ance the payment must be ei ther in recognition of long ser vice or in respect of loss of office oremployment That term is elastic enough to include accumulated sickleave credits to which the employee was entitled under the terms of emplo ment Ont other hand it wouldnt include accumulated vacation Ross Archer Val Brucker and Nelson Garrett who along with Aid Cole make up the public works com mittee and have studied the situa tion more than long enough to know something about it The rest of council should take lesson from these six leave that the em lo ee hadnt taken That woud consid ered as ordinary remuneration What qualifies in other wor ds are payments usually made upon retirement release or dismissal rior to normal re tirement time because of the abolition of the job or for some other reason other than the em ployees own volition SOCKING IT AWAY If the payment ualifies in th zse termswhic are broad enough to take in all ordinary cases of dismissal then the tax liability can be easily deferred Tax on income is never waived altogether How By routing the retire ment allowance from the em ployer directly to trustee who wil invest it in re istered re tirement savings pan on the employees behalf The employee has to go through the routine of reporting it as income on his tax return and then claiming an offsetting deduction because of the RR SP investment few lines far ther down The tax is then deferred until the employee retires in the true sense or withdraws the money from the RRSP for an other reason One such reason of course may be that the dismissed em ployee isnt able to land new job and needs the retiring al owance to pay current bills The person caught in squeeze like that should try to defer the withdrawal at least until the new year if at all pos sible in order to spread the tax load more evenly CANADAS STORY actlon after liquor plebiscite By son BOWMAN When difficult problems arise it is sometimes so ested that governments ask people to make the decisions by holding plebiscites This is not done be cause govemments feel that it is their responsibility to make decisions and its up to the people to vote them out of office they do not approve There was plebiscite in Canada on September 29 1898 The problem was liquor and many pie were in favor of rohib tion Prime Minister aurier agreed to have plebiscite The question was Are you in favor of the passing of an Act prohibiting the im portation manufacture or sale of irlts wine ale beer cider an all other alcoholic liquors for use as beverages The result showed that 278380 people were in favor of prohibition while 264693 were op ed Tl voting by provinces was For Agllnlt Onto rlo 154190 116284 Quebec 28436 l22760 Nova Scotia 34678 5370 New Brunswick 26919 9575 Manitoba 12410 2978 lt LC1tviélljEï¬Â¥1fy¥flï¬ï¬‚iM$lifcquï¬kfviofA Mr Lcli 01V Alternative approach By BENTLEY The previous column dealt with the people problems of an nexation As read the Proctor and Rodfern report as one who has had some experience at reading consultants proposals was struck by this fact that even though the consultants were paid by the city to prepare roannexation study they lound it diff icnlt to show or pre sent positive argument Therefore they use the con sultants creed if you cant show positive facts talk philosophy In special rint on Page 59 there it is an note Essen tlally this re rt 13 based on the pro sltiont ataland resource an recreation based area should be served by rural form of government and urban development by an urban form of administration This distinc tion need not and perhaps can not be exclusive However it should be the central thrust of and basis for municipal boun dary lines as they relate to the City of Barrie and the surroun ding townships Read thatagain for it forms the only rationale for the an nexation It says that only citytype government is so phisticated enough to handle urban development It doesnt say so but implies that the townships must revert to rural farm type of municipali ty While the prime argument is growth must be city controlled throughout the report little can be seen that benefits the tax payer On the contrary all residents of Barrie Innisfil and Vespra would appear to suffer My point of view is that when proposals increase taxes and restrict the ability of the municipality to supply other than basic essential works for period of five to 10 years then its time to say lets look at alternatives It could be that the Ontario government was aware of this when it established the Georgian task force It could also be that the mini task force whose job has been stalled as result of the annex ation application was established to resolve these problems If it is an absolute fact that only city government can handle industrial and urban growth and in so doing becomes so debt poor that it becomes too costly to locate in because of high taxes the pro blems of growth of cultural and livin amenities are com poun ed and never solved Lets look at another way of meeting tomorrows needs by building on the strength of the area Consider for moment the possibility of working together rather than as opponents The criteria for controlled good growth are adequate inances proper planning and the encouragement of industry to locate and provide jobs for our domestic Work force How about the restructuring of Simcoe County in order that all this can be accomplished Explore the possibility of Orillia and Barrie rejoining the county on new basis which will Establish urban planning areas that encompass sufficient land around the cities and designated towns to meet the growth needs Utilize the debt free strength of the townships and county to meet the urbanizing costs Explore the possibility of Ontario government support in the finance area Restructure the planning boards for these areas in order that local representatives have say in planning Develop formula of cost sharing for the sophisticated services needed in urbaniza tion Obtain from the govern ment legislation that enables Simcoe County to control grants land use and develop ment thrust Let this joint sharing of responsibility and finance ead us in the future to Metro Bar rie or borough system Create an urban police and fire department thereby creating an integrated system at much less cost than is pro Posed 10 Conduct public meetings of all affected people in order that they have an input before the fact 11 Create common in dustrial board for Innisfil Vespra and Barrie in my opinion the fact that the foregoing has never been done is small reason not to try Mr Bentley will be making presentation at the Ontario Muni cipal Board hearing on Barries annexation proposal He welcomes ideas and thoughts on the subject He can be con tacted at 56 Woodcrest Barrie Our citizen taxpayers are paying enough now Before $200000 tax dollars are expended on an approach that seems to increase taxes and reduce ca bility cannot our elected of icials take the time and effort to look for bet terway Next Contradictions that need answers READER FOR Georgian Guild extends thanks 91117 QUEENS PARK There was grandpas garbage and now there is our garbage By DON OIIEABN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO New Demo cratic Party member Dr Charles Godfrey in speech talked about man getting up in the morning He lathers his face from an aerosal can he said can which ends up in the garbage Then he uses disposable ra zor which he throws away Next squirt of deodorant from plastic bottle which also is garbage Then he removes vinyl cover and cardboard stiffener from his fresh shirt and the plastic wrapper and throw FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Clark too outspoken on Bow River issue By STEWART MaclJZOl Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Conservative Leader Joe Clark has done such firstrate job of keeping himself in the news over the last month that we havent had much time to think about that pesky little squabble over his nomination As the 37yearold party leader stumped Europe shak ing hands with heads of state and even the Po we all but forgot that he still has to find the least painful way of extra eating himself from that Bow River battle And as it turns out thats ex actly what his advisors have in mind The Inn or Mr Clark de lays any pubic comments on his new riding more and more people will have forgotten that ever had any desire to run in Bow River But the roblem certainly isnt being or otten by many concerned lberta Con servatives who are desperately anxious to avoid any appear ance of an embarrassin capitulation as Mr Clar vacates the Bow River riding he would like to represent They have clearly given up any hope that Stan Schumacher the 43yearold Drumheller lawyer who also wants that seat is about to ride off into the sunset British Colu mbla 5731 4756 PE 9461 LNG Territories 6233 282t Alberta and Saskatchewan were part of the Northwest Ter ritories in 1898 Even though most peo le voted in favor of rohibition he governments di not take any action The excuse was that the majority was too small even though it was the Quebec vote that made it so Another rea son not stated openly was that the federal ovemment stood to lose $7 mil ion year from li quor taxes Although there have been scattered suggestions that Mr Clark take on Mr Schumachcr in Bow River nominating con vention the majority view is that such potentially bitter confrontation should be avoided The whole thing is damnu nuisance one Alberta Tory was saying the other day Am its the only mistake Joe has made since becoming leadch he should never have indicated any preference for con stituency until he was sure ht could have it It all results from redistri bution of seats which eliminates Mr Clarks present riding of Rocky Mountain along with the existing riding of Palliscr now represented by Mr Schumacher Mr Schumacher lost little time in announcing he wanted to be candidate in Bow River which includes his home town of Drumheller It also includes High River where Mr Clark was raised So he made it clear to Mr Schumacher that he would like to bethe MP for Bow River It didnt do him much good Mr Schumacher has never been charter member of the Joe Clark fan club and anyway he is fairly determined chap dont care who speaks to me or what is said to me am running in Bow River he has said He didnt et much thanks for suggesting leader run in Yellowhead new riding that sprawls westward from Ed monton and includes the town of Edson where Mr Clark has an apartment NOT SUITABLE Displaying some guestionable Judgment Mr lark wrote to Bow River newspa and ex lained that Yellow ead wou not be suitable for him Regrettabiy it is not practical option for national leader to seek to represent so widespread con stituency It is clear that the new con stituency of Bow River is the natural one for me to see One of the Alberta MPs who is preoocu led with the problem shoo his head when away hanger from lIIS fresh suit Allgarlxige Grandfather did better with his straight razor lathermug brush and wash cloth Dr God frey said and he was pretty well as clean Which is fine But you wonder what grandfather that fine gentleman would have done if he reread the letter Dammit if he just didnt say this publicly it would have been okay What he was referring to is the fact that in the constant search for solution the inter ested MPs have come to the conclusion that Yellowhcad would be pretty good riding for the party leader Although it looks huge on the map half of it is not even surveyed and there wouldnt be that much more travel involved said one of the members It would be so easy for him to accept draft from Yellow hcadrrif it wasnt for that lousy letter There are couple of seats available in Calgary and Mr Clark may yet find himself run ning in one of them even though he would prefer rural setting It might have to involve very statesmanlike ap proach says one of Mr Clarks close associates You know statement about how the responsibilities of national office are too great to permit preoccupation with riding problems But it would be so much eas ier if that darned Schumzicher would just go away ir he had to try and solve the mon strous problems presented to day by garbage and waste N0 WELLS while ago mentioned the problem that was growing in the disposal of industrial chem ical waste This was stuffweons of it that couldnt be allowed to get into our air our watersheds or even into our soil it not yet being practical to send it to the moon what to do about ii The one answer that had come forth was to bury it in deep wells But those required certain geological formation from which there would be no scep age We were running out of wells and the particular geological formation was hard to find SHOULD GAMBLE Now this particular problem has come to head disposal company has found what it considers suitable geological terrain in Haldimand County And it has applied to use the site for disposal facility But the local people are up set and it seems they could be with reason The site has Cambrian rock which absorbs the waste it re ceives and holds it But the local fear is that this rock may have fissures in it If it does the waste could get into the water tables and soil Yet it cant really be known whether there are or are not such fissures So what should the govern ment do Gable and give per mit This waste has to be put somewhere Your turn grandfather Incidentally in ldaho the Great Teton dam collapsed this year costing 11 lives and $1 bil ion damage And the cause Fissures in the rock formation on which it was built My son Oedipus the Complex Dear Sir The Georgian Guild Antique Show was success Many peo ple he it be so We nk the local media for their support We are also very grateful to many city businessmen whe ther they bought advertising gave discounts lent refrigerator or donated their time to hook up the electrical circuits And especially we ap preciate Bernie Latimer of the Barrie Armoury who was ever patient and so helpful He and is assistant Mr Young have contributed greatly to the wccess of the antique show Everyone who added sup portive touch please take bow You know that you have lent enjoyment in the antique shm but you have also sup ported live theatre in Barrie Our proceeds go to the Georgian Foundation for the Performing Arts which spon sors the Gryphon Theatre Com panv Thank you PEGGY SARJEAYI Convener 1971 Antique Shaw Move sewage plant out of the way now DearSir As recent newcomer to Beautiful Barrie am ap palled at the Siting of the sewage treatment plant op posite Centennial Park was horrified to learn dur ing phone call to City hall that this visual pollution is to be ex tended sometime it the near future Is not now the time for action prior to the forthcoming rapid expansiori of the city to flatten this eyesore and replace it Out of sight Yours truly JOHN BLTCHIZR Yet another objection to Sunday Santa parade Dear Sir am writing very briefly to in dicate my very deep concern over the propmal of having the Santa Claus parade on Sunday In the beginning God rested from His labors after six days of work THE WORLD TODAY Looking behind Rhodesian deal By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The agreement announced by Rhodesias Prime Minister Ian Smith to accept majority black mile and government is by no means cut and dried There are large concessions in it on the uncertain route to black majority government in Salisbury sometime late in 1978 These include an end to the guerrilla war now being fought on most of Rhodesias hostile borders with black states council of state with an ual number of blacks and whi es the crucial ministries of foreign affairs and defence to be main tainted in white hands None of these concessions are acceptable to the involved black African leaders like presidents Kaunda Nyerere Kenyatta and Sachel of Zam bia Tanzania Kenya and Mozambique respectively Presidents Kaunda and Nye rere will probably accept an end to guerrilla warfare but not Mozambique from which the newest jungle war is being mounted It is believed that the unan nounced portions of the Smith Kissinger agreement includes secret deal with the Russians not to back the Mozambique overnment itself formed from he former Frelimo guerrillas against Portugal if RhodeSia moves to become black state WILL NKOMO ACCEPT Then there are the reserva tions of Rhodesias own several black leaders like Joshua Nkomo the most likely candi date as black successor to Ian Smith and the conflicting Rho desian black nationalist liber ation groups They are not hap at all with Smiths counciofstate concept in the interim con stitutional government of revi sion nor with Smiths determi nation to keep the military and security forces in white hands Given the excesses of the AI rican military all around him This was an example to us and if we do not heed the wise advice set down in Holy Scrip tures we run into grave trouble Please reconsider and parade on Saturday Yourstruly Mrs HUFNAGEL and throughout most of Africa where they rule through harsh oneparty systems Smith is probably justified in making this demand The next stages are uncer tain The Rhodesian black na tionalists will have to decome united themselves probably around the largest of the groups called Zimbabwe African Na tional Union ZANU Joshua Nkomo will have to make up his mind and be as sured of support from the other rominent Rhodesian black eaders that he will be Viable successor to Smith And finally the guerrilla war may not necessarily end shor tly in spite of the Smith ac ceptance of the Kissmger for mula and the alleged secret deal with the Russians to cool off Mozambique All African leaders Rhode sian nationalists outofpower as well as black ones secure in their presidencies know the growing guerrilla war against Smith as much as Henry KISl singers rsuasions brought about the igchange Then there is the important role of South Africa and its Prime Minister Vorster who made it clear long ago to Smith that South African economic and military support for him Could not last forever And of course Dr Kissinger made it clear the Rhodesmn crisis as an aspect of southernt Africas racial upheaval was to be isolated from the claim for the inde ndence of Namibia and Sou Africas own intele racial upheavals which are growing ally BIBLE THOUGHT He that hath knowledge sparetli his words and man of understanding is of an exj cellent spirit Proverbs 1727 In view of this dont be sol down if you arent gifted with lot of talk It can be saying something good about you