Appeals to southern Canadians in gas pipeline MONTREAL CP With the Mackenzie Valley pipeline inquiry soon to draw to close Mr usticeThomas Berger ap pealed to southern Canadians Tuesday to show reater under standing of socia and environ mental problems confronting native people in the North Speaking to the Environment ll conference sponsored by the Association of Consulting Engi neers of Canada Mr Justice Berger noted that one of his major tasks as oneman in quiry commission has been to solicit opinions from native people in remote Northern set But dont think it is gtxi enough simply to read about Northern people and their problems Although he carefully bal anced his comments between proand antipipeline argu ments Mr Berger departed from his prepared text at the end to quote poet Scotts description of the Arctic as an area large as Europe silent awaitingthecontest Well the contest has be gunhe said It is our respon sibility to make sure the native people are not the losers Since he began taking testi cities and from scientific and enrgineering experts in Yellowk But he has also crisscrossed the western Arctic listening to Indians and Inuit in 35 small communities give their opinions on the proposed pipeline While some natives would welcome the pipeline and its ac companying economic boom he said others fear it will bring an influx of construction workers more alcoholism tearing of the social fabric the devastation of the land and the loss of their collective identity controversy land claims jobs and in other ways Although the gas companies which want to build the pipeline have cooperated fully in the in uiry Mr Justice Berger said commission nevertheless has funded native and environ mental groups to the tune of $15 million The funding was needed he said to ensure that opponents of the pipeline could face the oil and gas industry on an equal footing Two consortiums Arctic Gas Ltd and Foothills Pipelines have filed competing appli tlements mony in Marc 1975 Mr Jus asapeople cations with the National Amnuorum airman We all read consultants re tice Berger has heard represen He said the native people are Energy Board to construct nat WW ports and they are useful in tations from businessmen and determined that if the pipeline ural gas pipelines down the 7339711 their own way said the judge environmentalists in southern is built they should benefit from kenzie W4 mv HOSTAGE RELEASED Ivan llorvat spokesman for prisoners committee at the British olumbia Petition tiary puts his hand on the shoulder of Walter Day worker at the prison released after being held hostage for almost 24 hours Tuesday Beside llorvat is one of the nine prisoners who are still holding another prison worker hostage at knifcpoitit in the kitchen area of the prison while other prisoners break up cellblock in the prison TP Photo illllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllilllllllllllIlltllllllllllllllIllllIlllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllIllIIIIlllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll MPG MPG MPG CID NO CYL CARB TRANS cnv Hwy COMB LESABER 301 AUTO 23 24 emocra say or RIVIERA 350 AUTO is 26 20 ducking probe issue THF ASSUtI TFI PRESS Democrats are beginning to take public notice of federal investigations into alleged misuse of campaign funds during President Fords congressional campaigns and Fords golfing trips with corporation lobbyists Democratic presidential nominee Jimmy artcr resting at home in Plains Lia has iv0ided direct comment on the investigations ind until Tuesday so did other Democrats But Carters running mate Senator Walter Mondale and party chairman Robert Strauss tooth commented on the Ford investigations Tuesday Mondale said in Toledo Uhio Ford has been ducking questions about the investiga ommission tSlXt was reported iii vcstigating golfing trips made by Ford as congressman Those trips were paid for by the LS Steel orp The White House said Tuesday that Ford had made trips to corporate golf courses while in Congress but Ford press secretary Ron Nesscn declined comment when asked if Ford had as congressman converted catn paign funds to his personal use Ford has not mentioned the investigations and has not been available for questions He remained at the White House oti Monday meeting with foreign dignitaries setting the scene for his next debate with artcr on the subject of foreign affairs iions And Strauss chastised Republican At Tuesdays briefing session Nesscn ictpresidential candidate Bob Dole for sug disclosed that Ford had played golf on icsttng the investigations were political in courses operated by Firestone lire attire The special Watergate prosecutors office as investigating the records of Ford home district Republican organization in Kent County Mich The inquiry is said to he look tug into allegations that Ford while in on Eress iilegall diverted campaign contribu tions to personal or improper use laundcr ing the money through local party organiza rioris ln addition the Securities and Exchange Bethlehem Steel and Alcoa Aluminum He said he didnt know if the companies paid for Ford expenses IS Steel reported last week it paid for three Ford golf outings lll New Jersey and for two visits to company guest house near Disney World in Florida In declining to answer questions about whether Ford cvcr converted campaign funds to his personal use Nesscn said no charge had been made and he did not have to answer llllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllIlllllllllIIIlIIllllllllllllllllllllll AFTER PRISON RIOT Accommodation is problem MONTREAL tCPi ficials of Laval Institute are faced with the task of finding prisoners following Monday night riot in which the maximumsecurity block of the Authorities provided the pris oners in the exercise yard with ponchos and cold sandwiches nf £2z2 El new accommodatio or pt intenti try isd imiged prmm guard sum sumo 0f the prisoners braved cold and wet path for two nights the prisoners began throwing and day in the prisons ex mks at the SUMTS losing morning but no lilJlltltS weie ercise yard while being super rwd visml by lll Armed Forces sol diers and 40 RCMP officers FIREDHARNINGSHOTS DETROIT AP Strike can aftertheriot We were forced to fire four bound Ford Motor Co an nounced Tuesday its car prices in the United States are going up an average $310 or per cent this fall The increase is slightly below the average $338 or 59percent increase previously announced for 1977 models by industry leader General Motors Corp Ford the secondlargest automaker said the increase reflects $271 average increase in the base price another $49 for options and $10 cut in ship ping charges The average 1977 Ford car including options but not taxes or dealer discounts will retail for roughly $6130 year ago Ford raised car prices an aver age $266 or 49 percent About 160 of the prisoners would be transferred to near by psychiatric centre today of ficials said Tuesday Prisoners set fire to the cell block durin threehour riot Monday nig to protest prison conditions Laval police spokesman said those not transferred to the Regional Psychiatric Centre were to be housed at other near by institutions or undamaged cellblocks at the Laval stitute The 60 prisoners already at the maximumsecurity psy chiatric centre were expected to be moved to the Pine In stitute in northend Rivicrc des Prairies to make room for the others or five shots in the air to stop the rock throwing the guard said The riot followed weekend of negotiations between War den Bienvenue Marcoux and an eightmember prisoner corti mittee over conditions at the ltitryearold prison The committee demanded an audience with federal Penitcn tiarics Commissioner Andre lherrien or SolicitorGeneral Francis Fox and permission to speak directly to reporters about inhuman unsanitary tconditionsi in violation of the Canadian Bill of Rights The prisoners previously held threeday peaceful demon stration over conditions YOUR CITY GOVERNMENT What can Council do How is assessment set OPERATES What is Planning Board How do they make decisions How did Local Government come to be How are taxes raised LARRY HUDSON SALES MANAGER BRIAN McGRAW JIM WILSON ASST SALES MGR TED LITTLE SALES BOB BOYES SALES for 1977 Buick is not only engineered for luxury and comfort in the Buick tradition but now engineered to give increased gas mileage all test results are estimates based on transport Canada approved test methods The mileage you getmay vary depending on the type of driving you do your driving habits your cars condition and optional equipment 1a WARREN WILKEY SALES MURRAY WATSON SALES BRIAN TAYLOR SALES MURRAY JOLLIFFE SALES JOE CANCABE SALES SALES HOW CAN YOU GET INVOLVED The answers are NOW open to YOU WHEN Each Wednesday Evening from October 6th through November IOth 730 pm 945 pm WHERE Georgian College WHO Any citizen who cares enough about this City and who wants to know how local government works HOW MUCH Not as much as you might think Registration fees are only ADULTS $l200 COUPLES $2000 STUDENTS and SENIOR CITIZENS $600 if you are interested contact The Labour Council The Chamber oi Commerce or Georgian College Continuing Education Div 728195l Ext 317 and request lull details lob Dennis President Barrio District labour Council Manila Orton Cliohmm Civic Affairs Committee Greater Barrio Chamber of Commerce Tom Owen Georgian Coleus