Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1976, p. 14

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Barrie Examiner SOTUTdOY 53 Rm mm 0mm PROPIRIY WANTED you NEED MONEY PUGET COURT 331732323llolalpilliil$flllol 275 BLAKE ST BARRIE °b°° Immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans tllt Anywhere on all homes unloads twins vacation RizanurnlllsulevihllSrlilluzlwzwmvgl and Human Wlmm Executive luxury townlmuses and bedrooms Prestiga location Mosl overlooking bay alsrnllly In ltarrla or anal my gunmen will be umnmnm iii utiuuliiltn Ilium ii ii If Toiephonpflhl artyllttl llama Ittiuuumiibiilb any flmllit sssun WANtlih have liliyilr tut rural hullrllng lot wittllll ltl miles at ants in my misting in Hintmug Hitluau REAL ESTATE LIMITED llllltllNhtlKl lllll illRllNlll trill rilri AllRAiTINii ilJll INNl INL Tllllhll illl llNIll must tn trout iiilil rim lot It VI lminimum limits iiiii silt ii= swve refrigergm women dryer wl 93 ll ll WI luau Illll tabli lli pullback mortgages Renlol OpplCOlons 0W being taken references uiarlsllsw innit nil iii lrmlltilyawnails lt yttuwlhll insIla For appommen Mper 070lltlatlultpllltatyngrOI all ill 11135 FUNDING on tit an um GORGIOIIS iRHS $53 500 just Illitod lltll exceptionally wall In nonto Ht lupl lillik lHH with illlnilliill gniilgu Conlplnloly biomlloomod Ubltllmllthl tAbt If Illl bill TTh llllll luiiliiuiim lilnilly mom with lliltplaca lancod Ialga COMMIRCAL Wiltth HUIWI llllINIUONT mil Tim Miliyiil llpnwmIlRitn sluniimiim I938 or 7204865 COMMMciAi WM viii mil NW HOUSES T0 RENT HOUSES WANTED Downtown stall lal illtiti ilaily Him A53 nyIRILJIJRINi ORR lAhl 0n mm min wo have vmy nice ammunllortpm ml ll MW BEAU rimL wATEREROIiT View TORENT lll Llllllflll vltll lllngtl in Mink basement pony born llilil ltllll llisl lniiltguqu nl only pillntnt Olrylng at 3700 Large bungalow in Ore Appliances WT7 vA drapes and broadlmm Suitable tor ex WANTED IN Barrie or bndroom ecutive tamily Lease references bungalow 99c room no children or FARMS FOR RINT pr re monthly ll IN Iilllllh and would ionsldul any mosormblo ol 40 Act tnrin it bedroom tiimu lttltlll MORIGAGE SERVICES 57 flgs 5350 Ca pm new barn Fish poml 0300 tnunllily NEW THFEE bedroom townhouses in lll6l in only Silll Inn Rmin 726 29 726 5407 MLS SUM mum Oriliia Garage styles to Choose tram ts 15 no 5444 From $350 monthly plus utilities Fridge SPACE FOR RENT cadi stoye lullyL brOfedjioomedtg yoga at Rts coceocoor oca sou lit in ll llIIl ilii Iii Ll gum ionnl nnt TV room large OFFICES STORES bypass when Gm and Foresuve 19500 My mummy ammo iv ul llllllll lilllilslitpiil Angus all Will Vinoml 7261938 or 424 FOR RENT Yelephm 3759910nmme and light trucu loading 3045 15 MIMI MISNO 735° llllk lit Mlllilil luslnnl luiilt home is only low miles lrom clly llillllN ltlllcUllll to wit lmgv lamily Spacious dining room Extras llllllll lullls ltlll and trout dock liroplace and cozy lainin mum ll I500 It living onloynlont Call Pat MacRiner 776v lcfillul 76 39 NHSNU IOIO BRAND NEW bedroom townhouse tor We 96 WWW CUSWa rent in exclusive location For more in 716739 lormation calt726 4544 BUILDING 6611002 suitable tor sign hou5ing etr 21 Mar THREE AND FOUR bedroom single lamily homesexclusive area lrcm $350 3yelly 533 ADpr yang per month Garagesclose to schools and WSE Map AVEW 529995 Earns WU 67 6° WATERFRONT bedroom bungalow in Oro Spacious rooms appliances drapes broadIOOm $400 monthly Lease AUTOMOTIVE and references 416 249 9528 evenings €7575959F55 0R0 STATION bedrooms living HsAFGAEEFWQENSRLLF dining room recreation room extras I973 PLYMOUTH Sate11H to THE BEST looDsq ll modern store or olllcn space tor rant or in Dunlap Enl Mlnl Plan Customer and owner parking Telephone 72 5730 OFFICE SPACE Modern olllca with 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking Kem penfolt Boy and municipal parking Recently decorated RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL Ollaring Best possible roles Almmediole Commitments Available 24 hrs day COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRIE AND AREA 39 COLLIER ST BARRIE 7264491 BARRIE Silll Al til tiw wmil lur this cute little retiloment bungalow on luwi Rd lllllllll Aimn liliiplace wall to wall carpeting and ni lvs than 5150 um only low of the lectures Call Jane Young lliitlul puillllllnls at no I938 or 72847I7 No1015 pr as 549 MIKE WOLLENBERG 8630398 TORONTO carpeted view at the bay Available Oc 5l3n15xautomayic 355 43 7f 95 MON 10 BARR Muturo trues almost acres ol land Would rnlllh La wallddmé can Tums lggltzgnléngrmé rfronthly Reterences Eergled ln goodwcghdit or Askrm make Iklldl hubby Inlln attractive spacious bedroom home me 00m 77 b5 09 44 Sakeris National Trust Co 728 920i THREE BEOROoMLEdeexI Shanty iimcHEVELLE flitLieu lllpplmvs hot water heating extra large living dining room BayJwOpermonth Telephonena I53l rel speed amrvam Mir lmixlwlt lmnily mom Vondol will hold first mortgage Please call or 72687704 alter track with speaker TE RENTALS limo Bll ll 16 I038 or 7269l35 No 986 $25 TF 3mgggrzgglllasguenagloxlvdillgtgzlgiltgggr ASH 6039 00 gentmm 4245033 Mary Mo Ison NB9933 APTSTOARAENIA lst $790 monthly Painswick area haust Mlcneimzx me 1w will il Wilma BIdweu 7259135 Jack Mocloren 7234950 OHM 9gggd¥£n6uékfiaii6ie Sec lglgghfgélféém or sunksz 30s can Doron 7287305 Ian Rouse 7265407 KANEFF Fully broadloomed baths darage door hardtop low munage rial 424356 Rita Scandrett 7284865 Alla TRAILERS APARTMENT HOMES Sfime°fli°iis$an3 50 lfifg wAWhyfirwggfiwmm Mar 425 NEdllunds 7260737 P°°SWI° 72835 Barrios Finest BEDROOM brick home broadloom Tm GRAN Tome son as Bob March 7288444 Will V0190 4246358 IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 misgughoutk full basfmenthoreg room power steering power fates WI ran in irep ace le car SLQOOOr mak colle Frr ET Pm MOCRmer 7260929 Mcrg wakeheld CEDARWOOD COURT 726499l garage near school and store Rentszloo T977 EOBCAfian Elf Maureen Meier 7236294 Jane Young Homes Head Office Toronto Aduhs plus heat and hydro Phone Mn cermlmv 33 Lvk7W Centuran con tie Cr POL H0 726 STF 95 NHA LOANS TF BIO BAY Point bedroom bungalow 424 mlaneu an SALERENT Firstmortgageslromil2° BEDRDOM APARTMENT lreshly a1343$d+grggoggzggdgv mm n75 PLYMOUTH EUEv as from my decoratedcentrallylocated Fridge and AHVMALEA Wflgwmss celient COndtTiOfi ve autoa gwe Parts and Service econ mo 909 stove $215 monthly including utilities WELL FURNISHED may ectwpoed H000 9036 39 c3 commerdOI In and parking No pets Available Oct lst Lakellonl Oro While owner is absent $4200 or best attEr lEliSTE 421 su Exdugiye Dwr For es ca7251358 monlhs bedrooms bams rem Eels WM Bendix And Glendale 1° C°°f°ll gm TBEbizddir avail Eraszriirmi girgggghggegmmbe We I970 DoroDE pale artments on ing heating cable TV included at EA 747 77 MAMA DOWN 59 DOW Ga$ The Royal Bank has mortgage funds Modular Homes dopmlniums Builders Loans 103fsgjfieig3783335 5555igglgrEoKéiafniilfnWEST $430 31 Northlandors 9gev wAwru $300 per month lirsl and last month available If you re conSIdenng buying Trawnmum L0 M°9°9° C°° advance no pets dogs 91 WorsleySt wafifi Hm Business Loans 90 Wh° C0 728 SOflevenings Sgt395 home At the Royal Bank we have Caringalarm Exisflng Mongagespurchosed ll you are looking lor comfort BreamyERéMEiBeaidarnslaige mo F090 lamily room wth tireplace and sto available several different types of hmwggofisvm Unlimited NHA and con 53de °C°° bar on acres lust north at Barrvie 9ic°€TeiltW3 736 38c4 LEEA CDC Ai CL mortgage Plans depending on which no 3ther ll 507 zzvggflenlmnhafiing if HOLGAIE COURT gringo BngAiLovkvi lf°° Siilsomcgii 32333233533 on 98 rr 97 COnVe NEH one is rlght for you And we offer you TF financial analysis assistance HOLGATEond BAYVlEW gleam71°09fig°fegm°nggmggdes 3139335 gt l2and38EDROOM Y° provuded 4162310426 40000 mics Etc Cum ROSEDALE COURT pre planning adVIce before you go TRAVEL MATE MW Homes OPEN DAILY Now RENWG fiéoéowfiaflé 36 rémy Taiephc 5839 5a se golow amongs the tall trees Ior only $56 900 Lot is EX shopping for home or rent Holiday In complete home com 90 to 530 verY 099 50 we elrlgelmr Once RAMTLER inérpfggfcifgcir OCe Completelyfenced Homers pleasure to Show DUlCll tort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Large boconles mmedale Wsessm Teme $26ndl loneiem We ve made the urch Baytleld sr Thursday evenings til8 pm 296579v 9cm are roll for all the details ome rim BENDlx LEADER uxlz bad Saturday by appointment 3pr 9Y °° BEAUTFUL CLEAN °et be liztsprleyboaflgrrl Bali7éf92$ztg THE PINES pOSSIble for thousands of Canadian my giggly Is in Bulk soupoi Ca Cable 3933413 awesth lfggsgyigg rggrrn 726054 prov nce 32 kin Just moan lnlO the area and wont to know the in place to live 576 age adults only no pets $250 monthly 1969 PLYMOUTH FURV cure Midhurst sgerrl be it and ha side In liket 5h ou famlhes and you can pUt expertlse lTgfrTOT TOOLATEThe HI WM SUMMERS CY bU5 59m 9955ImllillfleXfimnoo 000 good OOF 0°01 SECS 03 583 Ltd can meet yourtrailer hltchogsee Barrie omce Adults onl UNFURNSHED r7 BHEDROESMEZUHTY is Tgeqhonené Seporate dining family room wrthllreplace plus more WOT or YOU oya an quiremems Ca amid appom 13705337445 gouse Agproxirglately miles south at 1969 BUlCK SPECIAL door powr Dor OU omo lc app lances arrie vaila le immediately Tele steering power brakes cylinder GREAT STARTER HOME manager before you shop for home $3Lflfivi¢ifi 9i Boylield St SW be phonclsr8fifsorevenings automatic radio new tires and new One at the best buys In Same is this bedroom back split Nllh new Au Dar sou NEW HOME bedroom side split large lamin room Iutly broadloomed baths private lot garage near Georgian Mall Private lot garage near Georgian Mall Available immediately $350 monthly 416 576 8470 416 223 0633 collect at Barrie New homes Also used homes Alter hours call carpet thloughout Home backs onto large pork in the north end lr9rl31999Cellpfllé LAL 4240776 MOTOR HOME 77 56 ll of Some On 543 900 equipped plus moon Can at ROBWOOD VILLAGE the bank Will PEEK MPeli 303 49 19 Country Ilvmg yet only minutes from the centre at Barrie is what this bedroom home on acres has to oller Lake and goll Course body and paint Can be cerlitied 7284150 FOR SALE I966 Mustang 789 chrome rims new body lob Interior like new Track Has not been painted will pass salety with very little work Asking price approximater $400 Phone 7289682 TThS TI BEDROOM APARTMENT With stove and relrigbrator parking included 3220 26 FOOT Traveidire Trailer Iuliy sell contained Al condition Hltch and monthly pay own hydro Newly dec ACCOMMODATIONS 728 55899557 9091 54111825 12ggme272fgffi oraled Telephone 776 5063 To SHARE 1976 Buick CENTURY Custom snow Within short walking distance SI 29900 flicks Fave Mfiéwageem cone FORMSHED bedroom apanmem W74 white with white interior many extras MEDONTE TRAILER only 4400 miles WM Ford Galaxy door hardtop V8 standard immaculate condition both cars certified Telephone 4361586 1966 PARK Lane Mercury excellent motor good ttres including Shows 67815 radio etc Sell tor parts As is Telephone 728 Still alter I97o RENAULT R5 H000 miles ma whoes 165 AS tires sumool tack Rear window washer Wiper AM FM rd dio I973 Dontiac Aster station wagon automatic Radio and snow tires Telephone 728 528° 1971 CORVETTE red 45000 origina Garage and utilities supplied Ealend tion For lalt hunting llshing beach next summer Includes retrlgerator stove on bus mme Close shoppng Abs tarners non smokers $700 monthly tailet propane hitch Buy belere prices raisgicmafln Phone 728 2318 lim MOBILE Ho bedrooms 80 it THE MAY FAIR 17 first lagged sunken living Barries newest building one and two hghnway589Alliston Teleshnonlse32ln fgnfigalaufiaegrfinggim mce View and WE HAVE funds immediately available with competitive rates of interest prompt com TWO WORKING girls looking tor one other to share rustic bedroom lur nished larmhouse on 50 acres miles lrom Barrie Telephone 728 8828 alter pm YOUNG MAN has bedroom furnished apartment to share SIZS per month Call Mr Cox 726 615l local I39 agm t04 YOUNG MAN has bedroomrapartment to share with same Teleahone 726 0439 GIRLS TO SHARE bedroom house with same 75 to years at age Telephone 726 62720r 737 1965 evenings YOUNG businessmen looking tor third You can buy this 500 sq ft bedroom trailer lor $6 500 and all it will cost you 560 per year to rent the land plus $58 per year lOr taxes You could use it OS Sll retrcat or live In It year round PRIME DOVNTONN COMMERCIAL SPACE LEASE OR SELL 3200 sq ft of main llcor store from wnh I440 sq ft ol basement with two 2bodroom apartments over the store area The terms can ASSOCIATES be stilted to your needs Centrally located will be available for Nov I976 comprised of 3X VI ll LARGE ONE bedroom apartment Heat hydro cable and parking $200 monthly Close to Bell telephone SUIt working couple No pets First and last months rent Relerences Available November ist 728 1722 MORTGAGES PRESTIGIOUS LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SPACE First and Second Mm FOR RETIRED persons only Eymvale male to share expenses on large new miles loaded wnh Extras $8000 MORTGAGES ARRANGED mnmgmg and complete cons area Mo bedwom cup wim my home in Tall Trees area Non smokers Telephone 728 6779aaller5l3 units ol 50 ll Wlh Olllce Space and Wk leel IOOdlngl Remonobi no tidwygomy to my cond and parate entrance porch patio snow LY Te¢°° 953 I970 BUICK Skylark certillec new $25 AGENTS cOR CAMPEAU QUALITY HOMES removal parking Heathydrowaterin BEDROOM Townhouse to share 63 paint Besoller Telephone 726 58734 Exrstlng third mortgages Cluswe $200 monthly Excellent senior Ferris Lane Unit BIO Cost $75 Call QUCHEVELkE good second car yo REDUCED TO SELL Lovely insulated VKOIOY cottage on acre lot Mortgages All Types of property residon calligregporhgammmn area 726 088 rdorelprm Telepqone 737 709 young couple automatic iow mama gt good tires radio no prop ems Oriya LOZ OmOIrwe YIL5HOjUh of HU5Ve Year round oc armhoszd tial commercial and vocational TWO BEDROOM apartment Heal file otter IS new owner Til it yl Morgoges lu mm min ll Val Ly Coll Joanne Thomson Morgognsuranco WE Also buy waning mop ryfggsggdgpgkggp in Angus Telephone AUTOMOIHVE 1973270 UFO or hammo 960 OS for cash FURNISHED sellcontained bachelor running order $500 or bes otter $25 Available apartment College area Mature male CARS FOR SALE Telephone 737 0058 or 72B 0706 TDI N7 Emwvgmr Wfirvfiwmr 728 399 rh 728 777 OUR ADVICE is FREE 22 mont IV ephone 28 JB er I975 CHEV iLxZER 350 power DaCZOSGEeSIig yczlngovznger5mfivo viu Jilllf 53 an rn ll lllr I1 728 77 Joann omson YF FURNISHED BASEMENT apanmem tsclsfordnglldlnsdtirgas evihlle sgpoke wheels andbp Ill Abstaners Tele honedal 7J7 2082and it lll Approsols 122Y9E1l381 188 atterblp 726 5887 IV geezlratiznacsallvggg $859340 Sbepar Retold 3350933 538 BEDROOM APARTMENT centrally 7281773bu5 ask tor Scott Telephoneflfl 8030 located $250 montth Heal hydro and MONTCALM door I970 VOLKSWAGEN Rebuiltergino and Ollce Hours°m 9pm cable TV CIdm Avalébie 000M flgtgdtdgégign with black vinyl top in transmission b05t ollnr Telephone DAVE WASS CRA 728465I BERNIE ROTH 7370017 by opoomlmeni 07 DUllIOP 5° 5TeP°° 79 87836nvime excellent condition tires practical 798 9875 Gmo MILLER 728 995 SIMPSON 7264952 Member Ontario Mortgage BARRIE SUBLEX bedroom apartment strive Iv new Certified Besioller Telephonv i975 CHEVY ESTATE Station wagon ISABELL oumY ARMSYQONO UNITED urn Mambfl onorIOM mo and all utilities Close to Bayllcld 726 2431 31000 miles power WinOOtAS brukbsand LOU GALLANT 7264651 QUEENIE LITTLE 4364992 Bro ers Assoctotlon 09 9° Mall Telephone726 6046 75 CHEV Impala door hardtop steering Certilied Asking $4 030 DON MILLER 43674507 VIC SMALL 4362305 TF TF Brokers Association Two FURNISHED bachelor apart power brakes windows air condition TelephoneVlldlfml115l6 5°35 merits lor rent carpeted lireplacc parking Telephone 726l53l alter to HELP We must sublet our brand new ing radials cruise control Only 7000 miles Excellent condition Certiliod Bestotter Telephone 726 2431 Iim CAMARo tor sale door in good 1972 DATSUN 2402 Well maintained 70000 miles new paint konis Calm $2700 CalIMiKe 72B AZaSor 436 473l KAREN PAWLIK 737i096 Residential Farms Acreages Commercial Investment Industrial Properties COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Garry Syvokas 4072700 Pat Quinn Ltd bedroom apartment belore the end at 197l VOLKSWAGEN BUS passenger Businesses Morgages and Appraisals 73744 October Owner translerred It got like condition floorgotarl 36430 gall many extras radial tires no rust one MfirxéngTdaTafimmr conveniences like undergroun par automa ic mles owner 73 engme and may 52500 the home BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES tOGETHER aisle in congldethlal mm FIRST MORTGAGE gigérmgaClyfizzeneagflmegoggog 999°¢$15530519°PS Telephonenlasad 726165 1973 PONTIAC Gran aari Sta ion 97 AV I49 BAYFlELD ST xzzsingu Bron mntown Telephone 7373899 alter wagon in excellent condietijon3 $331 Luyinnyic 53552302 $32 ifivésfdfisjTWH OS on OMMOTCIO mileage no rust undercoat miles rusyprwyed J95 Telephone TWO bedroom apartments one FullycertilledTelephone737IOO4 456 3601 Terr yo ErnestWatts 37 mortgagesyieialnorromnpercentup Cotto asBulldors Loans 456 7544 209 nereslcwBmnrus available now In the Allandale area CHRYSLER Newponl excellem 1956 ROLLS ROYCE or sale needs Marilyn Mason 7262895 Marlin Aliseimer 7281762 SECONDS FROM3I The other downtown area available condition safety checked Phone pain Certified new adms price 47 COLLIER ST ThomasBrolley 7282994 Allan Thompson 7281024 953°l91lEPWWHZS 79 Jutlséwll $7896 Telepnoném tetsallerfpm CORNER or OWEN COLLIER STREETS Grace Brolley 728 2994 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 We spocloli Older Ond Mom APARTMENT Cm lm MAZDA standard transmission i974 noose DART Swinger moo or CLASSIFIED talned retrigerator and stove healed L200 or best otter available October $255 monthly d° C°° best otter Telephone 726 3143 anytime Must sell Telephone 7287l95 alter BARRIE 726261 Bradley Watts 72877209 David Wigley 726 8497 W66 BEAUMONT or sale as is no cw properties at prime rates For LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR Frank Dyke tr courteous advice CO ISLGRlinT129331495pm pm red 00 er Tole omen REAL EST 3267933 Wayne Debson 3223838 726586l FURNISHED zbwrwm °p°° WBTOTO 400cc power brakessteering 7260730 or 95 NEEDS MWY F099 321l la Tony Pomeroy duplex 50 °Y convertible root windows 66000 miles DIRECT PHONE GEL DUNN cluded Telephone no 6371 or 7266470 Tm hone n73 BUICK Century Luxus low Bill McCreary 728 1865 Corby Adams 728 6829 PM Dummlm M°9°9° 0° 72669 728 2414 NI mm 7373534acll355 rn 9399 99 C°d° Teephme CRA 5RA Ercm ranuparteripm Dorothy MaCQuorrle 7288sz Helen Hopkins 7281662 737 073 odékilinéififillililiififoéfgéfii °°°Gie$¢lsl We George WIILOTI 72678927 Audrey Marshall 4362880 fllpwl0blni£¢lddnl3tf 3256kirrgorgnlymmglsuglang genrdnfirsagggrs égonggpepodeckl Hebde ¥ev good MOTORCYCLES Barry camp NUSh 737l324 TF conditioh$30000rbesto er eep one day pmde publication wlth the saunas exercise rooms Phone 7373823 73739 I972 XL 250 HONDA Excellent condi NEAR LAKE9th Con olOrostorcy4 upiion ol Claultlod Dllplay Refill99191 will Wm Hvwfi tion Must sell Asking $500 Call alier bedrooms well tread lot year old Ask kggfirsgxczobigmoxlzaldnliaise varllumanll which must be in by pm vuoenuaAlrumuun 3395goggxfiwé¥3gecn Billjgéoéa ing L900 Vic onvr Vlnu Real Estate dy beachs359m Telephmelgww Maddy prlorto publlcatlon ROOMS TO LET anion Mb sen Tuephone 7262609 or 1972ca 350 Honda 12000 Files electric 3ng ml stwso LOT and bedroom irinlsllleoi MM ENGAGEMENTS ROOM FOR RENT near Oro Park Use 1993m °°g5cgfifghreyoggtgggefining 68 WNTOWN commercial LOCdllOn To be sold condmonalon buy ob MARRIAGESDEATH NOTICES ol lacllitles and home privileges Mature 1971 AUSTIN America 1300 in Good Con name one consider phone Inerl°iif sEinlnql Mining sanitary approval and building coward8500 student prelerred Telephone 75637 dlllon Cerilled 3750 TEBPM 7288572 DUNLOP 728329 Vim 323 S2 £3228 575131330 FPISIISeTcall RAnfv or Les Addlllomlwordtmrwword RENTALS 513 gm Lawgigrsymfiflm 05 BlotH can or THANxs 25 wordl ssoo Ad FURNISHED BEDROOM Cooking prl mo MERCURY Marquis door good EAST gigs angfiongzogf ggfrwmg NORTH MIDHURST lsbrandt built dlllonalwotdslcilporword APTSTO RENT vlledes Central loCallona aulrirli Irguno condition certltled smoo Telephone maculato condition Garnqr Ammwo °°m5f° 59 MW in MEMORIAMNOTlCESNevana8500 UNFURNISHED BACHELOR apart was re up we 1234555 MERCURV WW 950 REALTOR Wounds Boh Urrr Viau Rreiii A0530 7000 ff Ilvlnp°2$°2k° wuli verso par count llnl 2i cents poi mu alum Immediately 400 Essa Mim mm 1973 GREMLIN 304 V8 35999di5fi Snowmobile tor sale AI Condlllon 600 kd Eslallt726 or 728 still garage lo 55 Asking in oo It Rd aru mam stovse heatalhdero and glegme ffgayzmg MVLII Stag gfirg golgggkrinmlg regiczintggfiségggnfllonc milesanmachine Telephone 436 2688 Hours Wee to9 BUILDIN LOT 2000 Iuo Iltl wtt Dark no will m°l ARCTIC CATT634 cc Puma chrome out scplir prrmil Locallrl in qiml villrtltlll Vs 120526 SIQMLPFMUPM only flggszfolvjlwlzch fiLmfllfllgflsl3577Ql3LflfiPPm Lismfleicguesgggs9fl325 Zululrec and alr Reammbe 58 siders sliders cleated track 900d 60 Saturdays to nrar Barrie Turms Bob Urry New Mix 35 °°° b£°°w BEDROOM apartm at in older me ROOMS 70 With kllchm laundrvi 919119 dltlon Best alter or trade tor TNT 340 viau Real EJaliu I77Inr lltII Tm an WINS Bgzvgfyl 29 w°°MMM Ill out and round Iloor private on Mile Drlvlleaes Strand area Tell DUNE BUGGYIorsaleiiber9lassbody fiAF7hone728 Ili9atieripm Russell Carson Frank canoes Rena CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash trance DIV parking TOT $200 Vw frame and molor 200 Telephone 197 SILVER BULLEYH TNT and mu COUNTRY HOME Esmminahngmsy Ram DlscountRotaaopplyilpald wlthlanoyI eludes stow lrldoc Ma hydro and FURNISHED BEDROCW 0W ball H57l°£lPE bie trailer mint condition wsv HORSESHOE VALLEY HANDYMANS DEUGHT 0n Una oil or two lriurtlom per word In watcrAvalIabloflmgfl 7go4w room kitchen rvleges SuyaIbleth T967 PONTIAC 233 a1utlomhatic Yeyephpnflnnn John Crawford 4875955 pom shelswon 7232930 9500 co bedroom mllon Thru canaocullva Insertions one gaonoom Apartment all man will male 998 area 699 on transmission Best er eep one BWUMUI Vew OVNIOOKM 9° lows cents par word human total l2 Stu my Includ rgtrlgorator stove heat 838 alletipfl 7370 691 Phil Franchelle 79876 Roger Shelswall 4872920 rrlliiiiredl bggruk glfggll1fgncglltfrlrnl mr38°gc 5ng gfc$go5 consecutive Insertions at but wordpd In and parking Bus stop locutlon No pets FURNISHED RooMior rant no house RIBvKlTliAfifdéofiiardtopacyllnder TRUCKS ll at DOVd Shelswell 875560 Ralph Wilson 4873609 96090 acre win 005 Bang nilnces Dont miss this onel For lull l° 51 Mulllpk IMMIOM ElnaT £°3g glsgghggpzegfii parklna Telephone tyioqgylc7lz553ror parts Best otter CHEV It war Drakes Jim Cross 726 2l59 124 719 Homecnoo Valley ewmlngs malls C3 COW NE representing may bl ordered Iublact to cancellation ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments °€p one HELLLWCHW 90 835 7926 ZingoflNwes Real Billie 736 I405 RM who lollsllulory ruuln ohtalnod tor rant contrall located on bus route ROOM WITH cupboards sink roar en 1971 DATSUN 1200 automatic In good power steering custom cab Certl led sl er ll MIDHURST 28 Lde new nun Method oi counting lower than 24 words Immediate pen sslon Telephone trance upstairs suitable lor pen on condition $900 or best otter Ca Best oller over $1500 Telephone count on 24 words Each Inltlol 73720990r7262 25 weekly MWorsiey St 7205049 aven mum VWw 7393379 llsrhefdlagclfksitggogmAlsulllt amide LOTS FOR SALE h°° °l WNW ri SELFTCONTAI 1967 CHEVELLE Malibu convertible va WIS ton Dodge crew cab wml $5000 carh Talephone Toronto 494 8797 Euri 900 Wordl manmrldg ndstova newly decorated room klti new paint new root excellent running cap 9250 miles Call Saturday or Sun Wgnings BUILDING LOT Innislll Township ERROISANDCOMECIONS St Vlncan ru $170 monthly plus chan privileges Responsible adults prep condition InteriorCalling772 gaygassragsrs 59 1000 Make Vlall hydro Ratarenc required no pets tarrad Central location Telephone PRIVATE Starter home investment Via Remgsmyenéynnor 64601 All phone tnurtlan orders oraaccapladas new on 73 4931 or 7281922 TwigEzzfraliwtélifi3333183 mom mm maintained $39900 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