éoï¬ ST THOMAS ANGLICAN HLRIIL SHANTY BAY the crossroads is it chaos or God By JOSEPHINE B005 Spiritual Assemny Bahais of Barrie God suffices all things above all things and nothing in the heavens or in the earth but God suffices erily He is in Himself the Knower the Sus tainer the Omnipotent tA Bahai prayert Perhaps never before in the history of the world has such percentage of mankind been awakened to realization of its own helplessness and of its on ly refuge the hopelessness of relying on mans devices and the hope that God will somehow pull Iiiiii out at the ghastly mess his gtvllessness has got him in to The tinresolvable dilemma brings about transcendence Whether the situation be small and private or world shattering the tact is that man has proclivity for achieving the iinresolvable dilemma by his own efforts lts proverbial horns ulieic right and wrong are not clearly defined where every course open seems er roneous and any action at all only makes the probletii worse this is the position mankind seems to have attained Non thern Ireland the New IIast Indorthina Korea South Africa the historians can tell us why we are where we are but no one can tell us the way out Besides all the hot wars in progress governments are in cold war with the electorate management with labour and labour with government Politics has become dirty word and Watergate just an additon to our vocabulary AT WAR Our cities are at war with crime violence and vandalism running rampant Yet every where the conundrum of what is best to do overpowers our vision to see wholly and clearly Any measure man employs to heal the festering sores on the body of humanity stops one le sion only to promote fresh eruption We are staleiiiated at every turn And yet we must find way out or perish Transerntlence is that way the eternal resolution of the conun Illllll Now transcendence is the state in which man gives up his selfrdependency in full awareness that he can find no solution to his dilemma and surrenders himself and his dilemma into lods keeping knowing that tant and toil alone has the poutr to liiiiitl to pass all things even the esoltt that of the hopeles tangle of his self llllilt tw littittilttes Allildï¬tial Iit threshold pax paths chaos oi lot It is heartening to know that millions ait lllliilllL God In Northern Ireland for one es the two ttlitti which lie SATURDAY SERMON Ethics taught by parents Toronto newspaper recent ly published an editorial en titled Teach Ethics It stated that children should be taught the difference between right and wrong conduct It asked the question Where would they get such instruction now Few go to Sunday School anymore The people of Barrie like citizens of many other places must accept the situation described in the editorial We have been happy to allow organized sports for our children on Sundays How can they go to Sunday School to learn right from wrong when they are encouraged to choose chance on the hockey or soccer team We praise the Iaycees for their civic mindedness and en courage them to organire their parade on Sunday parade of the quality they produce will take all or most of any morn ings work to prepare on parade dav We parents choose the cot tagc by the lake rather than the House of the Lord because we need the rest And then we wonder why our children choose to please themselves also Who is going to teach ethics in our society Certainly not disloyal Church families who support secular society and its values ample thousands are gathering to pray for peace Dogma has lost face because the interces sion of the one and only God is urgent Hopeftilly there will be seen worldwide awakening to true acceptance that all are children of that one God World Peace will be won only through the spiritual quicken ing of humanity For God operates through the quickened spirit to direct the path of life Love Me that may love thee If thou levest Me not My love can in no wise reach three Know this servant LUSH POWERS Those who love lod and sur render their affairs into His hands lose their baser powers of hate envy selfleentredness brutality the causes of conflict among mankind In place of Alcohol effects worse than drugs VICTORIA CPLPhysical injury from alcohol ls much greater than the harm frotn opiates like heroin days Dr Jack Norris associated with worldwide Alcoholics Anonymous Dr Norris said much more research needs to be done on al coholism The $3 million spent annually in the United States on alcohol research was not nearly enough Dr Norris who has never been an alcoholic and admits to taking an occasional drink said businesses in North America lose more titan $10 billion an nually because of the debilitat ing effects of alcohol on work ers and management doctor who knows alcohol ism knows all medicine said Dr Norris who started treating alcoholics in the 19405 when he was company doctor for Eastman Kodak in the US Dr Norris said there are more than million members of Alcoholics Anonymous in 90 nonCommunist countries We give each other support Hall our members never drink again Centennial for theatre BUCIIAREST tAPR0 manias Yiddish Theatrewthe oldest in the world is celebrat ing its centennial with Com munist party officials attending ceremonies and newspapers hailingtheevent Franz Auerbach director of the Yiddish Theatre in Buch arest said in an interview the theatre has made an impor tant contribution to promoting an advanced culture and the lofty ideals of humanism It has staged dramatic works with rich content of ideas and revo lutionary appeal The centuryold theatrcs founder Avrani Goldfade folk poet staged the first per formances at the Green Tree garden in Jassy town in nor theast Romania not far from the Russian border Later he was proclaimed fa ther of the Jewish theatre After the Communist takeover in 1948 the Yiddish Theatre was nationalized to become state theatre gain on Dr Norris said rohibition is 911 10 rubbish and vertising on radio television and in print doesnt help AA because it just helps put money in the pockets of the advertising and alcohol industries One area which can be of help to AA is in the schools said Dr Norris both in education and in shaping attitudes Years ago many hospitals in the US wouldnt admit alcoholics to hospitals Today no US hospital can receive government support unless they receive alcoholics Alcoholism has become rec ognized as medical problem not just moral problem He disagreed with study published by Rutgers Univer sity and Hand Corp indicating that some alcoholics can drink again am concerned about these studies because there will be fair number of poo to who now will feel its so to drink again said Dr Norris Some them will die Lutheran Church 220 Steel Street Barrie Worship Service 1100 om Sunday School 945 om Rev John Klein Pastor WEST 0R0 BAPTIST of Edgar 5th Line of Oro Gilt Essa Road Presbyterian Church 59 E550 Rd at Burton Avo Minister Rev Gerard Byloord BA MDiv Organist Mrs Vera Diamond Sunday Sopt 26 ll00 AM MORNING WORSHIP Their For Jtitn or lot out Ulflllffillilllllllfll tittnit afttir Illf flitflllil Ii llfllrlflllltllll 50 Choral School tltionrt the nornu Tlfllliptlildlltin 176 6791 All Welcome ANGLICAN CHURCHES ST GEORGES Burton and Granville 900 om HOLY EUCHARIST l030 Morning Pray urrli Eiretint IOThe Barrie Examingr Saturda Se 25 I976 TOOTH this Sunday Presentation by SERVICE 730 Stewardship Committee SUNDAY sun 26 PM WWW CHURCH Rector Specwl Speaker zoo Bnyfield South Pastor Rev Kaye BA BTH LeDrew II om 730 pm The Cundles Heights Church Ministry of the Reform Church in Canada At Cundles Heights Public School Sunday School Worship II om HIWY CHURCH Anne St Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Rev Running Pastor Rev Courtney SPECIAL THIS SUNDAY these powers are granted the pomr for love unselfishness generosity of spirit understair ding kindness the causes of untty iii all the world An old adage states Man proposer biit ltxldisposes Man can propose worldwide peace tor all fields of htiiiiari eiitleatoui lint lod alone can so Hit the hearts of His people with ltm that Iltll peace inaj toiiett pass It helmves II all then to slll render otirseltes to His gin danci and trust absolutely iii llis tintailiiig wisdom to bring to pass the Most lreat Peace in the world of humanity Certainly not school boards as the editorial suggestst or the 7in Fathers It is parents who teach ethics We teach right from wrong When we take our children to Sunday School and church we show them what is right and wrong When we show our loyalty to Christ and Ilis Church we are demonstrating the basics of ethics Ethical behaviour is bound up in recognition of the unchang ing standards of God rela tivistic stance has brought our society to its present position The issue is not Santa Claus parade on Sunday It goes much deeper Meatprocessing company national success story KITCHENEH nt CPI Four years ago Schneider Corp the meat processor de cided to expand its operations across Canada It was bold move for firm that still is controlled and largely run by the same family that founded it in 1890 Slowly but surely the move into national markets is contin uing although Schneiders re mains oneplant company op erating in the same city where it was founded When we made up our mind to go national we didnt realize what job it was said Her bertSchneider vicepresident We still think theres more potential there and it will still take us the next half dozen years to reach equilibrium in terms of market share His colleague Schnei der is chairman and onset in third generation of Schneiders to run the company which em plays 2400 workers PROFIISUN RISE In the seven fiscal yearsvbe tween i968 and 1976 Schneider multiplied sales by 35 timesto more than $217 million It increased profit three times to about $3 million fro$1 million Profits still were moving up wards in the first half of this year Although progress has been gradual Kenneth Murray company president said the decision to go national was the right decision for us Our efforts have met with fair degree of success The market was underdeveloped with respect to Schneider prod ucts Schneider is eyeing the AI berta and British Columbia markets The firm is convmccd that it is better to operate one main plant than series of branch fa cilities across the country Chairman Schneider said the company has been able to mod ernizc the plant to achieve economies that have produced lower production costs This central processing has enabled the firm to maintain better control of product qual ity vital if markets are to be served over long distances DOUBLEI CAPACITY major plant renovation was done in 1972 resulting in 50 per cent increase in capacity The level of optimum scale production goes up every year the chairman SZIIII We need greater market areas to support business Herbert Schneider said the plant is as efficient any in the United States but in order to be viable and efficient our rgtail market must be in Can Mr Murray said another ma jor advantage is the plants lo cation in the centre of Ontarios hog industry He said the company also fits in well with the current trends in the industry toward more convenience foods and more food served away from home Sliced luncheon meats are the original convenience food he said As well the company is well suited to prepare meals for use by institutional hotel and res taurant trade In fact last year sales to these markets accounted for 22 per cent of Schneiders busi ness Pastor Jack Ritsemo CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY l59 COLLIER STREET BARRIE CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL ll om TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm Reodirtg Room open Tues Thurs 24 pm Thurs730930pm Te7261602 FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH 229 Crawford St Barrie 945 om Sunday School for the whole family II200 om Morning Worship 700 pm Evening Service Wednesday 800 pm Christian Growth Hour Rev Wayne Domm7268750 Secretary 7285614 Mrs Florence Downing Friendly Welcome Awaits You GRACE Grove St East at Cook St Minister Rev Arthur Storey 00 om MORNING WORSHIP Sacrament of Infant Boptlrm THE MIRACLE OE CREATION Church School ll AM Infant Toddler Nursery Available For Transportation Phone 7260796 The Friendly Fellowship Ph 7285869 WE CONTINUE TO GROW Last Sunday record crowds attended the morning and evening services There were 20 professions ol faith last weekend and two joined the church SPECIAL MUSIC Dr Mrs Norm Kee will be with us for the day SERVICES I0000m Unified service with special service for each age group 700 pm Preaching service FREE NURSERY FOR ALL SERVICES LeRoy Pennell Pastor In our midweek service Wednesdays at 730 we are taking look at prophecy This week we will study about the Anti Christ HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH Barrie ti Mort Exri ling iurch 323 Little Ave 7291497 CENTRAL UNITED ROSS AND TORONTO STREETS Rev Donald Joy Rev Everitt Ashton YOU are invited to share Sunday morning with us time of BEGINNING AGAIN MORNING WORSHIP and CHURCH SCHOOL for ALL ages begin 0110130 om Special Guest Her Honour Pauline McGibbon LieutenantGovernor of Ontario Speaker Rev Lois Wilson BA BD President Canadian Council of Churches Meditation SIGNS OF THE TIMES COFFEE HOUR FOLLOWING SEE YOU IN CHURCH 1000 AM TIL ii30 AM CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHDDL COMBINED Meeting the needs of Individuals BAPTIST CHURCHES FIRST BAPTIST CIopperton Worsley Rev Roy Woldock I030 om Family Worship FREE TO SERVE At Both Services LIFE BEGINNING SINGERS Kipling Avenue Baptist Toronto 700 PM EVENING SERVICE Missionary speaker from Africa Rev Ron Word Wednesday 630 pm FAMILY NIGHT Nursery Provided Begin your Week With God UNITED CHURCHES MORNING WORSHIP 1100 AM Guest Minister will be Rev Johnston TOPIC TWO WAYS OF MEETING TROUBLE BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH Organist Mr Doug Gorruwoy Tho Induction urvlco for tho now cry Facilities are available Westminster PHSIIIHIUII hm I70 Stool rmor Puget MITIIJN Ivmll Hill 1000 AM MORNING WORSHIP THE UNIQUE CHRIST Nursery lrruitlwl St Andrews Proabytarian Church wryri and Worsley Sts Mtrumtm Prl Samuel Stewart EWEJII JYQOVHI Um orHomo JIHHIH rltittt Grotto Hi hulk itlrl 31 fililtrll It Wi for illuqu Vlï¬hï¬=l 31 Bihlo Study Proor om Comm thumb School myonly Inier II Tumor Church School Mirnstr tt warm wallcome ST GILES CHURCH 95 Cook $1 Barrie ST THOMAS SHANTY BAY The Van Basil Tonks Rev John Dowker Harvest Thonhgivltg Sorvico ST GILES 50 in HOLY COMMUNIUN am HOLY COMMUNION moms 1030 am HULY CDMMUNIDN TRINITY CHURCH Rev John Spears Rector Canon Noinby Assistant HARVEST HOME SUNDAY ITRINITY XIVt Ba to Holy Cornmrtion ill Mallttb Holy liatitzs Senator pm Evensottq Serrrvit tor all dont at t0 Midweek CUITIITUDIUIIS Tues HG llt Thurs St Michael 10 rit Bishop Read it l0100 Sunday Scttoo and NLSDIY at both shut the at hwy 400 n35 KENNY PARKER TRIO EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH I28 Vincent Street Sunday September 26th 945 am Bible School 1100 am Morning Worship 700 pm Family Service Mr Abednego Vuni and Mr George Doxsee of CNEC will be conducting the Morning Worship Service Mr Doug Parker from Woodstock is our soloist for the entire day Your life is like coin You can spend it any way you wish but you can spend it only once Pastor Frank Wuest 7283011 COLLIER STREET CHURCH I2 COLLIER ST NEAR CITY HALL Pastor Bill frltx John Howard Organlst Jlm Leonard II om Montage Boys and Glrls you are Invited to Sunday Schol 930 om or grodoslto III om up to grado Need ride to church Th for Happy am on phono 7261511 Warm Welcome To All