Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Sep 1976, p. 5

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JIMMY CARTER did well Expansion hearings for north TORONTO CP Public rearings will be held this fall in Elliot Lake Ont to investigate he environmental impact of expansion by two uranium nines the Ontario en Iironment ministry announced Thursday The inquiry will be the first in ntario into an expansion by Jrivate industry Environment Vlinister George Kerr said in an nterview Rio Algom Mines Ltd and Denison Mines Ltd both of To ronto have said they will in rease production at their Elliot Lake mines by the early l980$ in gradual expansion that will include reopening old mines Mr Kerr said the companies will be asked to give details of the expansion and to explain how they will deal with in creased pollution Indians at the mouth of the Serpent River near Elliot Lake about 90 miles west of Sudbury have been warned by Environ ment Canada not to drink from the river or some wells because radioactivity exceeds accept ablelimits ISOLATED CASE Mr Kerr said the river sys tem is the only human water supply he knows of in Canada that has excessive radiation He said handling of uranium mining waste has been unsatis factory and contaminants draining from old mines are particularly troublesome The minister said he met last month in Sudbury with union of ficials tourist camp operators Indian spokesmen and other residents concerned about pol luted rivers and lakes and dwindling fish stocks David Caverly chairman of the ministrys environmental assessment board said the board was empowered by an Ontario cabinet orderin council to hold the hearings If we dont get cooperation wouldnt be averse to going back and getting new author ization under the Public In quiries Act he said Mr Kerr said specific date has not been set but he expects the hearings to begin in late Oc tober or early November CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Iry our hot fast delivery Free on orders over $700 In Borrla I07 Discount on PickUp Orders over 3700 Phone 7288811 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE RESTRAINED CONFRONTATION Carter Ford claim victory 111 first debate PHILADELPHIA CP Bbth President Ford and Demo cratic nominee Jimmy Carter are claiming victory in the first of the 1976 presidential cam paign debates restrained confrontation laden with economic statistics and political rhetoric thought did well Carter told reporters as he left the Walnut Street Theatre site of the debate He said he had wan ted to stress what he considers Fords lack of leadership and think did that very adequately enjoyed it very much Ford said as he left the theatre Asked who won the president replied The American pie The debate scheduled to run 90 minutes but interrupted for 27 minutes by sound failure covered US economic issues and domestic policy The candi ates fielded 12 questions from team of three reporters The topics ranged from unemployment inflation and taxes to amnesty govern ment reorganization and domestic spying by govern ment agencies NOTES FORDS VETOES Carter former Georgia governor described Ford as in sensitive to the plight of the unem loyed and said that the presi ents 56 vetoes since he took office represented gov ernment of stalemate At the outset of the debate Ford accused Carter of failing to be specific in his proposals The president said his Demo cratic opponent in the Nov presidential election was advo cating programs calling for more spendin bigger deficits more in lation and more taxes The second debate is sched uled for Oct in San Francisco and will cover foreign polic and national security thir with no limitation on the sub ject matter will be held Oct 22 The vicepresidential candi dates Democratic Senator Walter Mondale and Republican Senator Bob Dole will debate in the week of Oct 11 The moderator debate sponsored by the League of Women Voters was Edwin Newman of NBC The questioners were Frank Reynolds of ABC television Elizabeth Drew of the New Yorker and James Gannon of the Wall Street Journal NOTHING EXCITING Most observers agreed the debate the first time US presi dential candidates have sparred verbally on TV since debates of Richard Nixon and the late John Kennedy in 1960 lacked sparkle One member of the invited audience fell asleep and Ford himself struggled with an offcamera yawn During the debate Ford ap peared the more aggressive Carter often stared into the dis tance when Ford was speaking Ford on the other hand fol lowed every word of his oppo nent The sharpest words came from Carter after Ford said he had restored integrity to the White House and added The problem with government was in Congress There is some question about their morality Carter retorted that if he was to be held res nsible for Con gress of ieh Ive never been member think its only for the right that he Ford be held responsible for the Nixon ad ministration of which he was part as vicepresidentl The first question on unem ployment was directed to Car Carter said reducing unem ployment was top riority item that should be one by strong leadership in the White House REDUCTION MUST Unless unemployment was reduced well never have an end to the inflationary spiral and well never have balan cedbudget He called for tax reform for incentives to private industry to create jobs and for special programs geared to central cities where unemployment rates are higher than the national average Carter had three minutes for his initial answer and another two minutes to answer follow up question Then Ford ot his first chance to speak in two minutes alloted for comment after an opponent has answered aquestion dont believe that Mr Car ter has been any more specific in this case than he has been in many other instances said the President echoing familiar Republican charge against Carter Ford said Democratic jobs programs would add $10 billion to $30 billion each year in addi tional expenditures question on taxes was di rected to Ford who replied that he probably would sign the tax bill recently passed by Con gress CHECK EXCESSES Later do away with the kind of deductions he said were used Friendly Acadian welcome for Trudeau and entourage GRAND FALLS NB CP Leaving his troubles over wage and price controls behind at least temporarily Prime Minister Trudeau travelled through the bush country of northern New Brunswick Thur sday and basked in the hos itality of friendly Aca ians The citizens of St Quentin and Kedgewick small pulp and paper towns in the New Bruns wick hinterland turned out with bands flags and majoret tes to meet the three armed or ces helicopters that carried Mr Trudeau and his entourage Mr Trudeau obviously pleased by the cheering and ap plause after three days of criti cism and compaints on his five day Maritime tour responded by praising the Acadians for preserving the French language and culture outside of Quebec There was no talk of the gov ernments controversial anti inflation program at St Quen tin where about 300 persons in eluding large number of chil dren met Mr Trudeau ADMIRES ACADIANS After passing through the crowd to shake hands and sign autographs he said he admired Frenchspeaking New Bruns wick residents for retaining their language He said this proves that the separatists are wrong when they say that French cannot flourish outside Quebec At Kedgewick he presided at the official opening of new Canada US accused of wasting resources PARIS CP The Inter national Energy Agency has ac cused both Canadians and Americans of wasting valuable energy resources because of relatively cheap fuel prices It says US prices must rise soon if conservation is to be taken seriously The lacountry organization established on US initiative after the 1973 Arab oil embargo and composed of many non Communist industrialized countries also singled out some other countries including Swit zerland in its first report on energy conservation olicies The Swiss were aulted for lack of government con servation program although their fuel prices are among the highest in the West Surveying all the countries for fuel savings the agency said in its report Thursday that srrs TODAY Canadas savings were sub stantially below the in ternational average So were savings in the United States Canada showed very poor specific efficiencies in trans portation and industry and has adopted conservation pro gram that includes some strong elements but needs stren thening in several areas the report said Although Canada was consid ered to be only one of the few countries to show real in crease in gasoline prices be tween 1974 and 1975 Canada still had the second lowest gaso line prices among all the 19 countries surveyed Britain Italy Japan Nor way Denmark Belgium and Austria were considered to have higher than average record in fuel economy AN WHAT THEY DO TO HIS WOMAN IS THE MOST SHOCKING CRIME OF ALL as TN US RS 46 Dunlop St Barrie Onl728468l suowmo DAILY At 100 850 jun town hall built by local labor with materials purchased through Local Initiatives Pro gram grant Later he stood at the en trance of wood chip plant and talked briefly to some of the workers Before leaving he told children in both com munities they could have holiday from school today In Bathurst Mr Trudeau and nine members of his cabinet heard requests from civic and industrial officials for greater regional development aid and more federal money for airport and harbor facilities They said the additional aid was needed to reduce 235percent unem ployment rate in Restigouche County NEED CONVINCING Mr Trudeau said people who live in depressed areas such as northern New Brunswick will have to convince taxpayers in other parts of the country that higher federal spending is needed What you are asking for is GERALD FORD people won Mills join protest VANCOUVER CPI Most of the pulp paper and paper converting mills in Western Canada are expected to shut down in an orderly fashion Oct 14 just as if it were statutory holiday the Canadian Paper Workers Union CPU said Thursday Art Gruntman vice president of CPU region four covering British Columbia Alberta and Saskatchewan said the union has every in tention of talking to mana ement and giving them an or erly shutdown just like it was statutory holiday Once we tell them the people wont be in that day its up to them to tell us when the shutdown period starts he said by the wealthy but were not available to the average work ing person He cited firstclass travel the $50 martini lunch Ford then renewed recent Re ublican charges that Carter ad indicated in an interview with The Associated Press that he planned to ask for tax in crease on about 50 per cent of the working people of this coun try The president also said that the tax laws which Carter claims contain gross inequities were written by congresses con trolled by the Democrats Carter repeatedly has said that he has no intention of ask ing for tax increase for lowor middleincome families The Democratic candidate has said he only intends to do away with provisions that give extra ad vantages to highincome fami lies Both men restated their posi tions on amnesty and on Fords pardon of Nixon While Carter advocated par don for draft resisters Ford said he opposes acrossthe board pardon of draft evaders or deserters He said he pardoned Nixon after Nixon resigned the presi dency because it seemed to me Mr Nixon had been penal ized enough by his resignation in disgrace and the need and necessity for me to concentrate on the problems of the country fully justified the action took Barrie Twin DriveIII Theatre 487221 DAVIS Steel drivin man SCREEN Now Playing til Sunday heyre real good at twO things one Isst NAPANEE Ont CP For the second time in year coroners jury has told author ities at Millhaven penitentiary to install an emergency call system to help avert prisoner deaths in cells Penitentiary director John Dowsett said Thursda at the end of an inquest into death May 21 of prisoner Robert Lan ders 29 that installation of call system should start by midOctober Landers died of heart failure in his segregation cel Mr Dowsett said the work was ordered following an in quest last year into the death of prisoner Edward Nalon who slashed an artery with razor in June 1974 The jury in vestigating Nalons death had made the same recommenda tion on alarm systems as the Landers jury Mr Dowsett said that when he took over as director in 1974 the existing call system did not work Fellow prisoners testified Wednesday that they banged on their cell doors and yelled for nurse to attend to Landers but FILLS UI QUICKLY The secret of the camels en durance in the desert lies per haps in its ability to gulp down 25 gallons of water in 30 min utes LF CIA SEMBERA High flyin lady The Barrie Exgminer Friday Sept 24 19765 Emergency call system urged by inquest jury their requests were ignored They told the ury that after their calls for he were ignored door to their section was closed and they were left alone for the night Landers was found dead in to 347 Boyiield St Barrie Twin DriveIn Theatre 487 HI ROOT BEAR AtyW SCREEN Now Playing til Sunday SAMIJE ARV TIMOTHY BUTTUMS SUSAN GEORGEBO HOPKINS SMALL TOWN An AMERICAN INEWlEHihi Luvs wwyoa=nJ1Ie INN mew Looiir Shes Legal Now his cell the next morning by members of the kitchen staff note to prison medical staff in which he complained of chest pains was found in the cell As well as recommending in stallation of the call system the jury said custodial staff at Millhaven should receive irst aid training with regular refresher courses Napanee is about 25 miles west of Kingston 7280941 TEXAS Promise her anything but give her beer ON WHEELS ACROSS THE STATE massive government inter vention and this policy is strongly under attack he said The fashion now is to say the economy will run better if government intervened less There were problems on the tour Wednesday and Thursday when chartered aircraft being used by reporters broke down as did an armed forces helicop ter As result small groups of reporters and government and party officials spent most of Thursday chasing Mr Trudeau from one small town to another They didnt catch up with him until he arrived here Thursday night Today Mr Trudeau will visit food factory here tour two potato farms and meet students at Edmundston before retur ning to Ottawa AVENGER Try Our Famous MIBAMAII ADVENTURE AVariety of Chinese Foods ADULT LEE lll Nll EARL BURNT TAKE our SERVICE 726610i Banauet FachtIes MIBAMAII GARDENS Licenced Tavern 41 Donlop St Barvie IMPERIAL CINEMA NOW PLAYING SlaiImgllNDSAYBLOOM lOEHlGGlNS wiwonrowory Survnm ARFVMANM IN COLOR An AMERlCAN INTERNALLNAL wwyvp NOW OPEN EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY IMPERIA CINEMA NOW PLAYING 705 PM 710 9x05 pm HE CHASES THEM MANDINGO DRUM Is THE er THE FUSE EXPLOSION STEWARTPEIERSEN AND WIPES THEM OFF THE ROADS 00 YDAYIONS if It scalds It shocks It whips It bleeds It lusts It outMandingos Mandingo DRUMWIIIIIEII DATES ISEtA VEGA KEN roman PAM GRIER YAPHEI Killltl JOHN BULIBUS iiiiiiltwm PAULA KELLY BRENDA SYKES dun Produced by Untitled by Screenplay by Based on the novel llV KYLE UNSlUll Mum Composed by CHARUE SMALLS AuquNU HENRY WILCOXON CLINT RITCHIE SHANNON FARNON oJEWEL BLANCH HIGH may MAN IMHUN OIISUN ll VIAIS II 0v lInIted ArtIst

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