Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Sep 1976, p. 19

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NELP ANTED OPPORTUNITY for TAEN WOMEN Do you Intent extra money Learn to Prepare Income Tax Returns People who have flair for dealing with figures eniay working with the public and would like to earn extra income may enroll in Blocks Tax School There is almost certain to be class near you Job in terviews available for best students Send for free in formation and class schedules today HURRY Classes start October 4th There is convenient area class location Contact the office nearest you HR BLOCK 15 Dunlap St Barrie 7263822 Please send me free in formation about your tax preparation course un derstand there is no obligation Name Address City Province Phone Clip and mail today S24 MPLOYME NTyVANTED RESPONSIBLE BABYSITTING is gi yen In my home Constant supervision not lunches fenced yard Close to Allan aale Heights Hourly daily or weekly Telephone 7283004 424 one MID FORTIES MARRIED employment record 17 years with pre sent employer wish to relocate in this area experience with mining construc tion eaUIp Willing to retrain No oblec hon to shift work Would appreciate an Interwew at your convenience Tele phonei 416 2935518 LEGAL IN THE COUNTY OF THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF YORK To DAVID ANDERSON of the City of Toronto or at one time of the County of Simcoe TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced against you in this Court by Joan McConnell in which the Plaintiffs claim is for damages under The Trustee Act and under The Fatal Accidents Act for the fatal iniuries to her son Rick McConnell arising out of your negligent operation of motor vehicle on or about the 20th day of August 1974 at or near the intersection of the 8th Line and No 20 Sideroad in the Township of Innisfil in the County of Simcoe in the Provin ce of Ontario AND THAT IT HAS BEEN OR DERED that service of the Writ at Summons and Statement of Claim upon you be effected by this advertisement If you desire to defend the action you must enter an Appearance and Defence at the Office of the Clerk of this Court at the Metropolitan Toronto Court House 361 University Avenue Toronto within 20 days after the date of publication ORLIFFE TURNER BOOKS BANKS Suite 202 1530 Albion Road Rexdale Ontario Solicitors for the Plaintiff DATED at Toronto this 19th day of July 1976 S24 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of GRANT REID BRUCE Retired Trucker deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Grant Reid Bruce late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario who died on March 215i 1975 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before October 1st 1976 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice Dated at Barrie Ontario this 7th day of September 1976 Mary Elizabeth Bruce Administratrix by her solicitors WESSENGER CLEARY NORMAN Box 544 99 Boyfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T7 5101724 TENDERS Simcoe Condominium Corporation No TENDERS Tenders are invited for the maintenance contract for Sim coe Condominium Corporation No The contract Includes snow removal garbage collec tion lawn cutting trimming and seeding etc Detailed specifications are available from Simcoe Can dominium Corporation No North Street Unit 16 Barrie Ontario L4M 2R0 Attention June Weir Maintenance Contractors may tender each item separately or as combined tender Tenders should be received by pm Friday October 15 1976 S27 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 WILL CARE to preschoolers In my home weekly and hourly Other children Fenced yard Experienced mother Call aood TENDERS TENDERS Ontario Government Tender INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the prolects or services listed below addressed to the Regional Manager Finance Administration Public Works Canada Ontario Region 25 St Clair Am E0 l6th Floor Toronto Ontario M4T IM and endorsed with the project Name and Number will be received until 300 pm on the specified closing date Tender Documents can be seen or obtained through the office of the Director General Public Works Canada Ontario Region 25 St Clair Avenue East Toronto Ontario on payment of the applicable deposit PROJECTS muBDNomEntrancs Channel Dredging Lofroy Harbour LofroY Ontario CLOSING DATE TUESDAY OCTOBER 19 1976 Deposit $2500 Enquiries 4169665687 INSTRUCTIONS Deposit for plans and specifications must be made in the form of Certified Bonk Cheque to the order of the RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA and will be released on return of the documents In goodcanditian within one month from the date of tondarlngapanlng To be considered each tender must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Department and must be accompanied by the security specified in the tender documents The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Warren Regional Manager Finance Administration Ontario Region Toronto Ontario September 24 1976 $24 CITY OF BARRIE CONTRACT No 7626 TENDERS FOR FILM CHILDRENS DEPARTMENT BARRIE PUBLIC LIBRARY MULCASTER STREET TEMPORARY PREMISES Sealed tenders on stipulated sum basis in the envelopes provided will be received by the City Clerk Barrie City Hall until pm local time TUESDAY OCTOBER 1976 for renovations to the Film Childrens Department Barrie Public Library Mulcaster Street Temporary Premises Barrie Ontario Plans and specifications may be obtained by General Contractors on deposit of $2500 from the office of The City Clerk City Hall Barrie Ontario on or after Friday September 24 1976 Plans and specifications will be on display at the Barrie Builders Ex change Tenders must be submitted on the tender form provided and in the envelopes provided in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders In all cases of dispute the decision of the City of Barrie will be final LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED Late ten ders will not be accepted Tender opening will be at 215 pm on Tuesday October 1976 Straughan 033 anemiaLB ARCHER COL WILL AUCTIONEER APPRAISER BARRIE ONTARIO 7268904 Selling Successful Sales Since 1957 SATURDAY SEPT 25 AT PM FOR JOHN BACKUS LOCATED MILES WEST OF WARMINSTER ON HWY i2 Sale of Oliver 77 diesel tractor John Deere plough model 112 farrowing crates MH manure spreader 32 hay elevator open type Int tractor mower cut 18 grain auger I3 disc MH seed drill section harrow hay buncher Allis Chalmers combine PTO Int side delivery rake weed sprayer 1973 Ford ton truck cyl as is 1971 impala hardtop as is approx 1500 bales hay Some household items which will sell first WEDNESDAY SEPT 29 AT PM FOR GORDON VOLLICK LOCATED MILES WEST OF PHELPSTON ON CON FLOS TWSP Ist farm west of Nottawasaga River Int diesel tractor No 275 Int Formall tractor model Int Formall tractor Super Oliver furrow drag plow cultivator Int furrow drag plow spring tooth harrows Int ensilage box lnt semi mounted mower cut Oliver side delivery rake wheel trailer rubber tired wagon Allis Chalmers side delivery rakes int baler 55T Surge milking machine Surge milker units Viking cream separator CATTLE 10 grade Holstein cows milking Holstein cows due late in fall Holstein steers years old Holstein heifers years open yearling heifers FURNITURE GE dryer Gendron baby carriage Astro fridge single maple bed Sea Breeze record player Marconi twin speaker record player fluorescent Ii ht fix ture for outside 100 amp fuse service couch and chair ha crib and mattress Quebec heater cast iron fireplace GE floor polisher GE vacuum sweeper 100000 BTU gas furnace years old tent trailer sleeps 1966 Ford door Cyl automatic as is 1966 Envoy wagon cyl as is Seadso boat and hp motor electric trolling motor trailer hitches set car roof racks etc SATURDAY OCT I6ATI PM FOR ORVAL TRUAX LOCATED MILE EAST OF WAVERLEY AND MILE NORTH Sale of full line farm machinery and beef cattle herd THURSDAY EVENING SEPT 30 AT 630 PM FOR CHERYL PERKINS SELLING AT ELMVALE SALES STABLES LTD mile west of Elmvale on Hwy 92 King size Chesterfield bed like new pair and tables and coffee table solid wood with acrylic finish rocking chair portable BBW television and stand Electrohome cabinet stereo AMFM and tape solid maple dining room table and chairs 70 years old Cedar chest bean bag chair stove single bed odd living room chairs 50 gal salt water aquarium pair drapes humidifier matching living room lamps like new set of dishes electric fencer many other items TUESDAY EVENING OCT 19 AT 730 PM SPECIAL STOCK FEEDER CATTLE SALE at Elmvale Sales Stables Ltd featuring 100 head choice steers weighing 700800 lbs Far mers are invited to sell cattle in this sale Please contact Archer Calwill 7268904 SATURDAY OCTOBER 23 AT PM FOR JOHN CURRIE LOCATED ON CON ORO TWSP MILE NOR TH OF HWY 11 Sale of 60 head beef cattle and Hereford bull some machinery and household items Please cut these ads out for future reference Having sale Give me call Id like to talk to you about It AUCTION SALE lTIlllllIlIllIllllllIlllllIIlllllllllllIIIllIIlllIII Mammoth Marine Auction IIllllllIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIiIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SATURDAY SEPT 25 l00m IlllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllll at the Orlllla Fairgrounds new and used outboard motors new AUCTION SALES CENTURY FARM AUCTION SALE of farm machinery older type 19 choice Hereford cattle some grain 1963 Chev truck ton furniture and household effects including several antique pieces for JAMES ALBER HORNE to be held SATURDAY OCT 1976 commencing at 12 noon sharp Located at Lot 12 Con 11 Ora and and alummum and Township mile north of East flbmgyas boa runabows Ora miles north of Highway allboays Odom DP bow Na 11 or mile south of old Barrie Road on Can 11 miles west of Orillia Terms cash Farm sold VERNON AYRES Auctioneer chain saws new and used snowmobiles snow throwers motorcycles Moped and many marine accessories RR Straud The VALLEY Auctioneer 73 amp la ntarlo WANT ADS S24 PHONE 7282414 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES AUCTIUNEERS JOBBEBS Estate Household and farm Dispersal sales of all types Large or small consignments Auction centre sales by appointment Bryan Pacello Auctioneer Appraiser 7266314 7370879 HF DCs AUCTION OII SATURDAY SEPT 25th at 12 noon Complete clearance of all stock plus added consignments FOR SOMERSET HOUSE ANTIQUES Located southeast corner Hwy 89 and 17 centre of the Village of Cookstown PARTIAL LIST ONLY Welsh Style Pine Multipane Flatback Cupbrd Wal Fin lnlaid Upright Piano Pine door Drysink Welsh Style Pine Pub Bench Wal China Display Cabinets Oak Drawleaf Dining Table Set of Oak Dining Chairs Mah Wardrobe Oak also Mah Mirrored back Sidebrds Pine Cradle Chests of Drawers in Pine Oak Oak Gateleg Dropleaf Table Large Solid Oak Garden Bench Large Variety of Plant Tables Pr of Bentwood Chairs Captains chair Pine Top Pub Table Various Rocking Chairs Mah Military Style Collectors Chest Vict Style Couch with Matching Ladles Chair Assortment of Parlor Choirs Set of Vict Carved Dining Chairs Cherry Pecan China Cabinet with Matching Buffet Server Pine Top Hall Table Vict Pedestal Circular Top Table Hexagon Oak Top Bamboo Base Parlor Table Brass Frame Firescreen Wal Cof fee Table DF Legs RCA 21 also 12 TV Frigidaire Apt Size Fridge Hot Pt 24 Electric Range Various Framed Oils Pic tures Prints also Maps Vict Style Vases Large Sel of Glass China Ware Beam Scale Copper Brassware Clocks etc Pine Counter also Showcase Counter Piano Benches Stools Pine Frame Mirrors also Pine Hanging Shelves etc etc REFRESHMENTS DELIVERY AVAILABLE TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE PREVIEW HRS PRIOR TO SALE DEREK AND RICNARD OSBORNE AUCTIONEERS of DCs ANTIQUES FINE FURNITURE LTD PNONE COORSTOWN 7054589116 Owner or Auctioneers will not be responsible for any accidents in any way connected with the sale All goods to be removed day of sale DCS AUCTIONS DCS ANTIQUES FINE FURNITURE LTD on Itwy 89 rust of Nay 27 40 rules north of Toronto the tillage of Cookstown SUNDAY SEPT 26th AT PM PARTIAL LIST ONLY Rosewood also Mah case Upright Pianos Vict Mah Carved Mirrored back Sideboard Many Others Mah Linen Cupbrd having Chest Base Vict Wal Duchess Dresser Early Parlor Pump Organ pc Eng Oak Dining Room Suite Vict Carved WhatNat Showcase Several Unusual China Display Cabinets Vict Era Bow Front Other Chests of Drawers in Mah Wal Vict Other Carved Armoire Type Wardrobes in Mah Rosewood Oak Wal Some Having Matching Dressers Chests Heavily Carved Oak Hall Ben ch Solid Oak Twin Pedestal Kneehole Desk Welsh Style Pine Flat back Cupbrd Having Stained Leaded Glass Panel Doors Jacobean Other Oak Drawleaf Dining Tables also Several Sets of Oak Dining Chairs Set of Queen Anne Style Mah Dining Chairs Others Pine Blanket Boxes Mah lnlaid Music Cabinet Several Pine Chests of Drawers incl Highboys Vict twin Ped Woshstand Marble top Tile Back Washstands in Pine Oak Several Oak Jacobean Other DropLeaf Tables Welsh Style Pine Pub Benches Pine Door Drysinks Vict Uph Rocking Chairs Others Jacobean Oak Case Gramophone Pine Cradle Carved Wal Over mantel Others Sel of Vict Carved Other Parlor Chairs Pine Harvest Table Others Sq Oak Dining Table Sev DropFront also Bookcase DropFront Desks in Oak Selection of Pedestal Other Tables Stained Leaded Glass Panels also Pine Frame Leaded Glass Panel Door Vienna also Regulator Wall Clocks Oak Case Grandmothers Clock also Wood Marble Case Mantel Clocks Hanging Wall Table Brass Oil Lamps also Good Gel Copper Brassware Blue Delft Other Chinaware Various Framed Pic tures PaintingB Prints Etc Etc TERMS CASH CHEQUE CHARGEX PARKING REFRESHMENTS STORAGE DELIVERY AVAILABLE PREVIEW DAY PRIOR to SALE Io gtPM ALSO HOURs PRIOR to SALE was MAY as LEFT AT OFFICE IF UNABLE to ATTEND SALE DEREK RICNARD OSIDRNE AUCITONEERS PHONE 7054589116 Auctioneer Appraiser 7264841 We Invite Your IIIIsl TREMENDOUS ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION Saturday September 25th at 1030 am in the Lions Den 84 Huron tario St Collingwaod Furnishings from the late Thomas Reilly estate of Meaford Included brass bed pine cupboards upright piano chest freezer round oak table pressbock and rocking chairs color TV antique china and glassware also classic automobiles in mint condition 1958 Chev 1961 Cadillac and 1969 Lincoln Continental etc etc ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Saturday October 1030 am Lot 30 Conc Euphrasia Twp miles south of Meaford at the Mount Zion Church for Ken Potter Sale of all antiques collector items and house furnishings pine fur niture stained and loaded glass windows and doors etc etc TREMENDOUS ANTIQUE AUCTION Wednesday evening Oct 6th at pm sharp in the Embassy Hall 386 Blake St Barrie Ont Furnishings from the late John Anderson Estate with inclusions Sale of outstanding genuine antiques collector items and house furnishings inc rocking chairs whatnot round dining table brass bed spinning wheel Washstands dressers outstanding china cabinets spool beds Victorian sofa love seat Jacques Hays Cleopatra bench chests pine tables cupboards hall rack antique china glass silver brass crystal etc pce bathroom set collection of over 30 coal oil lamps clocks inc Gingerbread mantel steeple and chime lanterns antique jewellery and watches quilts etc etc Terms cash or approved cheque day of sale AUCTION SALE Friday October at 12 noon sharp for the estate of the late Harry Porteaus at 760 Hurontario St Collingwaod Ontario Sale of all quality house furnishings electrical appliances antiques and collector items Outstanding pc walnut dining room suite bedroom suites refrigerator heavy duty stove fine china glassware silver brass etc Including Crown Derby Wedgwood antique clocks rugs lamps books etc etc Terms FARM AUCTION SALE Saturday October 12 noon for Gordon White Lot 16 Conc Collingwood Twp miles west of Collingwood at Banks Sale of high class farm machinery feed stacker cattle house furnishings antiques Form sold ANTIQUE FARM AUCTION Thanksgiving Monday October 11 1030 am Wylie Jones Lot 14 Conc I2 Sunnidale Twp miles north and miles east of Sun nidale Corners Sale of farm machinery house furnishings In cluding antiques FARM AUCTION SALE Wednesday October 13 1230 pm for Dave Kent Lot 26 Conc Nottawasaga Twp mile north of Stayner Sale of farm machinery feed stacker cattle hogs etc HAVING AN AUCTION Call early for best dates Consignment sales held regularly trucking and storage available by calling the Auctioneer at 4454848 or 7264841 S24 PIFHER AUCTIONEER BARRlEPHONE 7264841 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCTOBER 2nd at 11 am for HUGH NICHOLS with inclusions BOND HEAD Highway 27 Community Hall Sale of home furnishings ap pliances antique and old fur niture and articles including pine cupboards washstand large oak tabla desk copper boiler telephone railroad and born lanterns buggy wheels Iron kettles old wooden bad old high chair pedestal table glass door old licence plates 22 Winchester shotguns wood vise and irons 1940 Dodge Kingway door sedan operating selling as is many useful items too numerous to list in treasures from the store room Terms Cash day of sale Cheques accepted with 10 Nothing to be removed until settled for ALLAN HORNER Auctioneer 7054584589 52429 AUCTION SALE of machinery furniture ap pliances household effects dishes tools and miscellaneous some antiques for PERRY to be held on SATURDAY SEPT 25 commencing at 1230 pm sharp Located on Can 11 lnnisfil Township Take Highway No 11 south from Barrie to Can 11 then east miles to farm or mile north of Stroud and east The undersigned has received instructions to sell the following Machinery 35 Massey Ferguson diesel tractor in good order 30 Massey tractor and front end loader pump driven off PTO furrow ace bottom plow Dion threshing machine grain binder snow blower section of harrows set of scales old milk cans other miscellaneous items wagons with rock cut down Appliances Frigidaire fridge washing machine propane gas stove vacuum cleaner floor polisher humidifier and dehumidifier small appliances iron kettles etc radio stereo and TV combined Furniture piece Chester field older style living chairs small china cabinet chrome table and chairs wooden breakfast set Bedroom suites two 3pc bedroom suites cedar chest planters vanity dressers night stand etc Cood stove white enamel Dishes and China Assorted pieces Including antique pieces marine lanterns 78 records assorted large posters lamps Rugs one 12 rug one 10 15 rug with underlay Tools and Miscellaneous Halo light fixture slab of mar ble new counter top model gas airplane quantity of hand and garden tools electric cords electric lawnmower propane torch garden wheelbarrows picnic tables several other or ticles vise etc dress forms adiustable workshop table lawn roller Antiques day flat back clock wicker chairs press back chairs old too can an tique rocking chair ice cream chairs old wooden chairs pine chairs old picture frame pine table Duncan Phyfe table piece of leaded glass white pine chest cupboard etc Terms cash No reserve as owner has said property Selling by number Cheques with 10 Not responsible for public liablility or property loss Vernon Ayres Auctioneer RR Straud SCL 23 Phone 4361922 523 AUCTION SALE For Ken Dan Feoheley Lot 24 Can Adlala Twp approx miles west of Alliston on Hwy 89 to 4th Con then south ap prox miles to farm on WEDNESDAY SEPT 29 at 11 am The sale offers farm machinery Incl tillage and harvest equip ment Collectors Items John Deere model AR unstyled Also John Deere Model The furniture is mostly antique incl kitchen dining parlor and bedroom furniture ant Peerless Oak wood coal heater Supreme wood cook stove wreservoir and warming closet Quebec heater Brun swick gramaphone old records clocks Thomas pump organ ald violin wwooden case ant desks babys cradle butter bowl and print oil lamps Ian terns battery radio chino glass copper and misc Partial list only TERMS Cash day of sale Cheques wldentification Nothing to be removed until settledfor ACCIDENTS Neither the owners nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss Ernie Severn Auctioneer RR No 1Aliston Tel 7054357467 SCL No 10 S24 ALLEN HORNER Auction Service BARRIE SIMCOE COUNTY Farm Anthues OAppraisals RR NO BRADFORD ONTPhone 4167753659 or 7054584589 rrr 7660611 SALES ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE ML SATURDAY SEPT 25th AUCTION SALE TV 1200 noon sharp at the Governors Inn formerly Howard Johnsons Hwys No11812 ORILLIA Third Business exit off Hwy 11 off Westmount Dr FURNITURE Oak Dining Suite tarian Walnut Occ Chairs on SATURDAY OCT 1976 at 1100 am for Mrs Evelyn Cook RR No Cookstown miles east from Cookstown on Hwy No 89 to sideroad West Gwillimbury Twp and south miles to Can 12 and sale wot pliances Viking Clothes The Barrie Examiner lr Iday Sept 24 l96 l9 CHANNEL 11 630 pm Starting this 331 Sept 25 $500010 $10000 IN PRIZES with China Cabinet Table with ch for sale signs on HwyS No EVERY SATURDAY five legs four leaves six 8838 Ge Your Cards ARC chairs Pr Hand Carved Vic sale OI home lurnSIIngsr 013 Sheltered Workshop Bayfield St Robinson Hardware Guar cabriole legs Pine Blanket DTYGTIIBedPFIOOIaEVOns Plano on Drugs Anandde shop Chest Pr Oak Bow Back 909d Condlllonh Anthue Old pers Drug Mon Barrie Plaza Chairs Empire Tm Top furniture and artIclesmclopen Smoke Gm Shop Boyfield M°h°9°Y Dini9 T°b°I Pine pme at bOCk cuPboard MallEnterorise VarietyBGift School Desk Auto Harp dated blanke b0 bn Odd Duckworth Plaza East end 1915 Washstands Wicker Demiiohn Grandfather Clock 18th Wheel Back Windsor Arm Chair Etc OIL LAMPS Brass Milk Glass Hanging Cranberry Wall Bracket Pr Corinthian Column Cranberry Brass Finger Brass Aladdins Railroad Lantern Glass Table lamps GWTW Milk Gloss Hand painted Barn Lantern Etc Chairs press backs kitchen WO Ian Mobile home with certificate suitable for family of four Trac tor for farrowing crates individual Cranberry Finger etc Many useful items too numerous to list and the tre Farm items selling at pm Terms Variety Blake St One card for $1 cards for $3 Proceeds to the Mentally Retar ded Multiple Sclerosis in Barrie Ontario od stave iron kettles lamps terns radial arm saw tools Model VA Case Older 524 machinery fence rods CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING asures from the store rooms Cash day of sale GLASS Cranberry Epergne In Cheques occepled Wllh LD DIRECT PHONE verted Thumbprint Cranberry Allen H°me Auclonae 728 2414 Water Pitcher Pr Superior SCI N° 7054584589 Cranberry Decanters Pr Bristol Vases large Cranberry Muf fineer Goblets Butter Dish Mary Gregory Cranberry Vase Rare Cranberry Basket Pce Blown Blue Water Set Blown in the Avening Community Hall 52401 Clasarlicd ddverllsemenls and notices for these pages must be recelved by day preceding publIcotIun with the eption of Classified DIsplay vertisaments which must be In by pm twodays priorta publication BIRTHS EHGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES MARPLES Antique Auction SAT SEPT 25th AT PM Green Pitcher Vases miles south of Stayner on dd W0595°° Tray Pressed Frutt Cake Com AIrport Rd PreVIew at pm OM WW pe word bl CARD or THANKS 75 words 55 00 Ad ports Int ets ut ass SpeCIal conSIgnment sole whomrflmdwms pewmd Berry Bowl Sets Pitchers featuring Pine PrImItIveS IN MEMORIAMNOIICES Noverse $500 Queen Victoria 1887 Jubilee and original colors Wu can 99 Plate Vinegar Cruets Amber Pitcher Narthwaod Carnival Etc CHINA Spade 1867 Toilet Set Pr Royal Vienna Candlesticks Many Wash Sets Pr Wedgwood Always good selection of Canadiana and Collectables Ab ments Auctioneer NORM MARPLE line COMING rVEHTS S3 22 pm column 111h 24 WORDMINIIAUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash DIsrount Pates apply If pOid wIthIn days One or two Insertions 9c per word In sertion Three consecutive Insertions solutely no reserve Refresh Box 284 Flesherton PIOTTOIS Royal CIOWTI Derby I5l992426ll cents per word InSlTIOn total $612 SIx Biscuit Barrel Nippon Jar Consignments welcome COISQCUIivl Insertions per word per In $2 sertton total S1152 Multiple InsertIons InIere OZZOIlne OTIIOI may be ordered Subfixi to cancellation V059 FIOW Blue V0585 8r Plates when salrsforlory results obtaIned None Soup BILL BARR r7 Dlhesi Royal DOUlion Chamber brevrotrorr set of numbers elc count as Pot Coalport Indian Tree Antiques forms indusmoI sepovarewords Cups Saucers Bridal Rose Pit househow esmes morgogeS ERRORS AND CORRECIIONS Cher Floral Biscuit Barrels Gaudy Welsh Cups Saucers Etc BRASS Georgian Candlesticks consignments and appraisals All phonr Insertion orders are accepted as COTIvEIIIOTIC to the advertisers HONESTY Therefore the Clasmfred AdvertIsIng rtmrnt urres advertisers to kin dlcypore rherkLcheIr oadvnrtrsement im Successor to Jerry Coughlin rrediately an frrst women order that Pall COST COPPBT PIQ any error or OrnlssIorI may be reported Oriental Jardiniere Superior FTF belogejaJnt Inorder thad salnilmay be wood Box Nova Telescope rerlI I0 ortIn Owing 0y pu Icction Tiffany Type Hall Lamp Harness Brass Copper Hot Water Can Church Brass Etc POTTERY Blue Slip Jardiniere Ginger beer Bottles Gin Whiskey Jam Cracks Button Crack Pigs Brantford Spitoan etc PRIMITIVES Flot Irons Iron Pots Kettles THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO Public Meeting will be held on Wednesday October 1976 at pm at the Oro Township The Baruc Eronrrncr rs responsible for only one Incorrerlly printed Insertion of any ad vortrsernent and than only to the extent of portion of ad that Involves the misprint Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertlsemenl are not eitgrble for corrections by make goods The Barrie Examiner reserves the right to classify IGVIIO or relect any want ads announces PUBLIC MEETING PHONE 728 2414 Hanging Skillet Hall to indicate the position of seeder E99 30 M°l°lC° council in opposition to the Slak Firae Screen Brass Inset porposed Annexouon by ones au er Victorian Prin Old Moonstone the cny some pomon ts Oil of Musical Barn Mirrors etc Over 300 Lots too numerous to mention All sales final No Reserve Not responsible for ac cidents Terms cash or iden tified cheque Preview 1000 am sale day An excellent of fering of genuine antique fur nishings with many outstanding small collectables William Pinkney Auctioneer S24 AUCTION SALE For Joe Chamberlain Lot Can 10 King Twp situated miles west of Nobleton or miles east of The Township of Oro and to ex tend on rat opt in Councils stand DA PLACE Oro Town Hall 7th Line of Oro at Crossroad 1516 TIME 800 pm THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE PHONE 7282414 opportunity to all epayers to express their nions and comments as input support of Cr objection to TE Wednesday Oct I976 Now NEUFELD CLERK Township of Oro 5240 PUELICMEETINE The sale offers and hydraulics Bolton on SATURDAY OCTOBER TOWNSHIP OF ORO PLANNING pm AREA will hold PublIC Meettng diesel tractor ph LPTO on Thursday the 30th day of September 1976 at the hour of 800 pm local time in the Oro Town Hall located on the 7th Nuffield 342 Case tractor With Interes wloader PH LPTO and hydraulics NH haybine 479 MF 35 Cut SP combine NH 273 baler roller bearing Line of Oro at cross road 1516 for the purpose of presenting to the Taken ANNUALLY Public development wagons and rocks NH 327 proposal by The Corporation of Township of Oro All persons Member Canada Deposu spreader tillage equip Int me °I89e° SSIOblShO Insurance Corporation graindrillbaleelevatorsgrain general °F° Pom on angers and dryer welder property beIng descnbed as came mixer Pomher 440 partsofLots22230nd24Con tHousehald snowmobile Simplicity garden tractor straw grain household Items and miscellaneous TERMS Cash day of sale Cheques widentification Nothing to be removed until settledfor ACCIDENTS Neither the owner nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss Ernie Severn Auctioneer RR No1Alliston Tel 7054357467 having an interest in this matter are cordially invited to attend Phils Garage formerly Phils Texaco on Essa Rd will be holding Grand Opening soon KEEP WATCHING PHILS GARAGE Corner of Tiffin St Ferndale GREY TRUST COMPANY 5NC 889 Donald McKay SecretoryTreasurer Oro Planning Board RR Oro Station Ontario 705 48720l6 52427 MIKE BENVENUTI Manager LEO MIRTITSCH Accountant 35 Dunlop St 73714 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 7260695

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