Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Sep 1976, p. 12

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CITY OF BARRIE 1975 Financial Report STATEMENT or REVENUE NOTES TO AND EXPENDITURE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended December 311975 liifilrlrlltllim The balance sheet reflects the combined assets and liabilities of the revenue fund capital fund reserve funds and the following local boards 1975 1975 1974 Library Board BUdget Actual Actual Police Commission Accumulated net revenue deficit at DOWMOW improvemenl 300 Thanon Kittikachorn head of be With his 91yearold father Thanons return announced dlblt fl td bd fth deposed military dictator and to spend some time as the former dictator would be mm 6773 677319 357737 e°isg 85 are no re ec as esm on is 5111 In Thailand Joins monks Buddhist monk custom made to leave again after the dim begging for food in Bangkok among Thai men Thai death of his father AP Iirlud anon Thursday on his return Prime Minister Seni Pramoj Photo General municipal purposes No value is attached to fixed assets for municipal reporting purposes Ex Thanon said he came back to criticized for his handling of General government 886789 921 772 902922 penditures on fixed assets are charged against current revenues unless the ex lllllIlllllIllllIlIllllIlllIllllllllllllllllllllllII1IlIllIllllllIllIllIlllllIllIlIllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlIIllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllIllllllllllllllllllE 096 Pe5°5 nd P°P°Y 761879 13731213 11396372 Pef5° °° l°ced °l °9° deb 99 °5 °° Trans ortation services 2928549 2962654 2218714 against current revenues in the periods tn which they are paid Environmental services 1269540 1295402 1094725 Invomofi of Wu FREE s5 BOOKS or WINTARIO TICKETS PLAY 393 Segvflceil 140741 125225 Inventories of supplies amounting to $54049 are included in other current assets 000 oi am serwces 382538 291808 and are reflected at cost on the basis of weighted average cost Recreation and cultural serVIces 1287403 1326900 1080873 Planning and development 238686 311982 261371 Previiiclrl rzodd subsidy revenue and penditure on raga Other rovmcra su 51 programmes are on receipt an is ursement 0515 ic 8924620 925202 7372910 does not recognize accruals The municipality has expended amounts for which imzmnzuwn uvudatzuvmttgt litIi tutrt we at mutt mountainth in Region or coumy purposes the road subsidy will not be eligible for claim until the succeeding year Such Intn feri yoqu to er Into titaim but not In Ill be lade and Mn School board purposes 4105895 42061364 3404762 future subsidy revenues have been acCrued in the current year Total Pendnun 12983571 134211566 10777672 Charges for at longterm liabilities Charges for net longterm liabilities include principal and interest Revenue Interest charges are not accrued for the periods from the dates of the General municipal purposes latest interest payments to the end of the fiscal year FIGHT INFLATION WITH Taxation 6893061 6116877 5008725 Mm Iongm mum Payments in lieu of taxes 186548 219825 175431 Omario grams 15351797 1876921 14881509 Total charges for the year for net longterm liabilities were as follows other grams 2780 12780 9675 Principal payments including contributions to sinking funds and to the Ontario other 334441 85654 931440 xVater Resogrcej Debt $482 29 335 8461 627 032 944 613 780 9rem9n Save Up To Interest 573236 Professmnal service by fully qualified personell No real estate need 18 $300 per case Reg$2£my purposes 100 small for us to handle 12 FLAVORS 31055665 M828 MATCH Payments in lieu of taxes Of 38 38 Omario grams tota arges own ove 46 was pai rom revenue the 42 Dunlop at Maple 7371223 municipality and is included in expenditure classified under the appropriate fun School board purposes ctional headings and $209347 was recovered from the municipal enterprises for Wintariu Taxmion 3943345 4090858 34459772 which the related net longterm liabilities were incurred Enuzgifium Payments in lieu of taxes 23702 29498 23702 Total charges on longltterm liabilities incurred by Mm other the municipality $1527064 1C0 3967047 4120356 3483474 Of the charges for longterm liabilities incurred by the 128468 Total revenue 12428674 13203300 11097254 municipality others have assumed the responsibility for the principal and interest charges which amount to 471399 Dotcflféfrkley 154 lobster THEATRE Accumulated net revenue deficit at Charges for net longterm liabilities $1055665 Sren Quick Il=ries the end of the year 122422 459053 677319 Provision for reserves and allowances amounting to $667488 are included in 7263 CO Slow Mums 15 WEEK the Statement of revenue and expenditure Drawn Butter M1 Analysed as follows Contributions to reserve funds 96 Bl°k° 726 937 General revenue 354 946 455 198 FARM ad Special charges 57 930 57930 571930 The reveyiueds for the year sofgessoesrvehfurnds includ gentrilfutiuosns from thef loreos 30250 98 30 250 revenue un amounting to 1c are inc In tatement Canadian Owned MIA Speco revenue Poicevmo es expen tture 0551 ie un er the appropriate functional headings Regmn or gun andthefollowing which were credited directlytothe reserve funds 2355533135115023332 L22 17532221233 c3221 School boards 915 95160 °9 75 AUomcllC uloctyaur beef from over 150 sides available 99 lb LoCOl boards 34 242 31044 38781 Granl from The MlnlSlfY Of HOUSlng under the Ontario Home TronsmiSSion CuitOm Cutting All govatnmani intpociod meats Renewal Plan for the purpose of forgiveable or wmmo Specialists maPCuiiggdlsLmolgng frorvt Ion ama trams Always 122422 459053 6771319 gepfiyoble loansto homeowners 40000 or 00 am qua try an ruasona Optics or reVenue 7875 737 2292 itii NO cooxsrown 4584232 S°le°f ind 106452 458 Blake Street Subdividers contributions 205918 HWY I9 MIL 400 Forgiveness of loanProvince of Ontario 4263 $366258 BARRIE EVERLAST CAPITAL FUND OPERATIONS Total longterm liabilities incurred by the municipality and outstanding atthe end of the year amount to $10747616 fagghnitfougtuzmalt 1975 Of the longlttefrm liabilitiies ltsjltown aboye the Lespgnsibility Sereos Rodios or paymen prinCIpo an interest arges as een 08 Radios 72983 28 DWlOP suo ACUO assumed by others for principal amount of 2620333 Hours Unfinanced capital outla Unex ended Mon so by The total value of Sinking funds and the balance In the WERLAST 8006 am 1sz lnoncng egmmng 988 756 275 524 Ontario Water Resources Debt Retirement Fund which have 02 Bayfield Mummy nopum TuesThurFri been accumulated to the end of the year to retire the dmld ll Pm cuphal Fonda outstanding longterm liabilities included above amount to 232710 antF Net longterm liabilities at the end of the year $L894068 General government 8840 33390 Protection to persons and property 317888 286157 mil Math 50 €91 in NW You Transportation services 1608532 1482932 Environmental services 350213 1347291 Health services Ii ii Il Artifact The start tittier is II II Some capital outlay does not represent burden on general municipal revenue as it is to be recovered in future years from other sources levestrougltlng am in in xhomtym Whatever your Fencing Socral and family serwces 594 70893 2233 332 ogszzne man landowners cumin 5m Pm mewv quulnnlflm Recreation and cultural services 526701 193125 rr Emma Planning and development 269224 103931 52189736 BERCZY ST Other 404 liability for vested Sick leaveflbenefits 7267317 Tomluwndhu 31082396 3577724 Under the sick leave benefit plan unused sick leave can accumulate and em Inugflgtion Sales and Service ployees may become entitled to cash payment when they leave the municipalitys employment The liability for these accumulated days to the extent that they have vested and could be taken in cash by an employee on terminating amounted to $498005 at the end of the year An amount of $80000 has been provided for this past service liability and is reported on the Balance sheet Capital financing Contributions from the revenue fund 1378888 753908 Contributions from reserve funds and reserves 535463 880250 Long term liabilities incurred 1737371 1405627 Winiario Controlled $61 Mobile DINING ROOM Concrete 953 specializing in Ontario grants 673773 661897 Changes in uccountlngprinciples Au KINDS OCEMEM French Cuialne Olhf 44777 107810 The accumulated net revenue at the beginning of the year on the Statement of WE ARE DIOOISPMCHFD WORK Licenced under the T01 PMHIMMMS 4375767 3809492 revenue and expenditure has been restated to give effect to the inclusion of the LLBto over or under levies for school board purposes and the accumulated net revenue zaflxamfm 633 63 Collier St unllnanced COPIGl OUTIOY Unexpended of local boards which are now consolidated The effect on the accumulated net prosurt Stopfl Porch 7269071 COPIIOI linanCanl lhe and 0f the Year 2695335 3988756 revenue at the beginning of the year has been an aggregate increase of $164193 over that reported in the 1974 Financial Report Analysed as follows 1974 12 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Cloysmgboionceoecem era $513 it IARRIE Winlaiio Adiustments tor AUTOMOTIVE School boards 95160 coupnloumc Local boards and special area 69031 164191 SPECIHST Opening balance January 1975 Car Cleaning IVICE ASSETS 1975 1974 519 Painting Contlngent liability re claim for land eiiprafliated 69 g44 Unem 2255 1783 5489 In this claim for compensation which was in excess of $400000 the City had paid 453 mm 55 Accounts receivable 926 737 1139817 compensation of $225000 In 1976 the Court determined the compensation to be 1155451 I976 Volvos Dro in Clapponon Taxes receivable 784949 595403 $172000 and also that interest be paid by the City on the amount of $72000 from Drive one and make apn of omer Hem 0559s 1638569 60378 November 1971 to December 19 1972 fan Arising out of this claim for lands expropriated further lawsuit for $120000 13651238 2050481 was issued against the City and the City counter claims for the difference bet putts ween the $225000 paid and the compensation determined by the Court of PARADISE fUfiELsyzzrfy recovere 10589745 0427189 $172000 plus interest on $72000 MOTOR 0MB Other long term assets auumm Canadasfinesz AUDITOR REPORT wit 13954983 12477670 Mum IN M010 HOMES To the Members of Council Inhabitants and Ratepayers trust us todo It rlght and CUSTOM VANS 737 0254 lunllmis of the Corporation of the City of Barrie 55 °°m We have examined the 1975 financial statements of the Corporation of the City of Miditum comm ammo Barrie and its local boards which are listed on the attached index Our Temporary loans 430401 815544 examination included general review of the accounting procedures and such Accoums payabte and occwedliobilmes 1179596 1116810 tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we consldered Oher currem Obimies 32481 30653 necessary in the circumstances 1692473 1963007 In our opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of ELECTRONICS CflOUS the Corporation of the City of Barrie and its local boards as at December 31 1975 cmmmkmm Net long term liabilities 7394068 6436434 and the results of their operations for the year then ended in accordance wlth ac am Reserves and reserve funds 39091334 3400910 counting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities applied after mmmwfi at cwuese rec Accumulated net revenue deficitand giving retroactive effect to the changes referred to In note to the flnanclal mneoeoucm IOATs My aintpiliin mm 01 unapplied capital receipts 459053 677319 statements on basis consistent with that of the preceding year 45623 un°bcb Takeout 0°va AF MacLaren Co BARRIE 01110710 Chartered Accountants MARINE cit edit Fm °°° i3 954 933 12 477 570 726423 Oriental Glftware August 31 1976 License Number 368 WM 7281823 53 Collier St lllllllllllllflmmumfmmlllllllllIlllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllffi

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