Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1976, p. 17

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rfirs 17 The Barrie Examiner Thursday Sept 23 197617 Newspapers Get Things DanesFor People CommunitiesA dvertisers 7282414 IN THE HOME IIIE ANT THE FARM DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT oerw ESMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE FOR VALIE i=1 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE MORTGAGES REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE 95 PER cENT FIRST MORTGAGE MORTGAGE LOANS Residential Commercial Cottages Builders Loans SECONDS FROM 13 We Specialize in Older and rural properties at prime rates For EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 55 Collier St Ph 7371771 Tor Line 3608808 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO 364 6636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING nna In 67 DUNLOP WEST rr BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 AND COMPANY REALTOR Mortgages Appraisals Consulting l=tte=IST LISTED Only $49500 bedroom back split with family room APPRAISALS serVigEiggl11ce 932 78I185 free cDune7s agglcIe co and fireplace off kitchen patio doors from dining room double car MORTGAGES OPEN UNI garage and paved drive on treed home site Ask for Ron Jones COUNTRY ESTATE 11 NEED YOUR BUSNESS NIGEL DUNN BEDROOM Storey and hali Income properly nice living room Situated on ravine to in he presngeous Tonendol area this home HURRY HURRY HURRY or youll be too late on this custom built RENT WITH OPTION Allandale Heights back split bedrooms separate dining room finished family room fenced yard Call Peter Simpson 7262263 large kitchen pc bath also has bed living room apartment kit Chen stove and fridge pc both with exterior stairway Rents for 5140 monthly Large lot detached garage Call Gerald ONeill ONLY 537500 Yes thats all for bedroom full detached home storey brick with attached garage Only two blocks from the Bayfield Mall Finished rec room with fireplace Excellent 10 mortgage Immaculate condition Asking only $53500 Call Jane Young 7261938 or 7284717 NO 893 offers elegance and privacy The home features large foyer with circular oak staircase sunken living room large formal dining room Florida room an excellent working kitchen den family S23 room rec room with fireplace laundry room workshop five large vuos Lmnfnnm with room for apartment at back Large treed lot Call Ron Jones bedrooms all With the extras that demonstrate QualityThe one NICE COZY bedroom storey house on Eugenia priced 5e Wfi M20 90 HtGHWAy bedrooms living room when one 47pc bum pgcrpéoatgfglséttyy£lace In all seasons To answer your IanIrIes con jtgfigégggggggggefnly zgggvmed shows we Ca Lee Benhom UTTTTty room attached dad are Second house on pro erty 420 wdv sq ft Lot I20 155 Page $33900 Call Gerald ONeill EAST END BUNGALOW LOW DOWN PAYMENT INCOME PROPERTY Located iust outside of Angus on 90 Hwy This rEBG 1015 ACRES This i°Ur bedroom home Is exllelllelY we localed The basemenl storey brick has opts One bedroom and one bedroom Full g7 77 W7fii 57500 211x127tsummerocreoge leatures large rec room With fireplace and W9 bar Theres basement Rents could make owning this house easier Asking only 715000 Treed acres on river Iorge sauna separatevyorkshop and laundry room attached $37500 Why not have look Call Pat MacRiner 7261938 or 726 RUSSELL CHURCH $35000 36 acres with old house gaggzénlgzgo IleChenrhlVzg Iond sluzledez ilsrair 3929 M15 NO 758 ALLANDALE AREA Large bedroom storey brick home FAO Call Ron Jones inormmion comaglgzoisg Csims ow own ym CORNER 8th 25m SIDEROAD INNISFIL Large commercial comer heating modern kitchen laundry 2pc tiled bath and family room omes SJJLL TIME To go swimming from private beach that goes with suitable for any retail outlet or set up as restaurant Living ac 10 00 M15 240576 Ud hs cuye bedroom bungoyow Alcona Beach Asking $39900 MDHURST ESTATE LOT commodation above included Call Bob March 7261938 or 7288444 HORSESHOE VALLEY RESORT serviced building lot 100 150 SALE RENT These lots are all approximately two acres They feature privacy beauty and convenience Being right in the hamlet of Midhurst this property promises to be prestigeous development There is only limited number of lots remaining available To answer your inquiries contact George Coutts lNNISFlL BUNGALOW This is large three bedroom bungalow iust south of Barrie Its new and its quality built The kitchen is strong feature in this home due to its size and convenience for working The master bedroom offers walkin closet This home is clean and bright Corl tact George Coutts to view this home Call Mile Lysabildfor more details MLS 2307 ENJOY YOUR BARBECUE we Under whispering trees or have for wool dinner in the elegant separate dining room that belongs to this lovely bedroom back split Reduced tO $59900 For details call Mike Lysabild MARVELLOUS VIEW from this completely renovated bedroom nhome on Ardagh Rood Lot 356 deep by 80 wide $48500 asking CaII Mike Lysabild for details 130 ACRES more or less Large older bedroom home Barns tsheds etc Located on 7th of Oro For details call Mike Lysabild Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway II South I70 Burton Ave 7289866 overlooking golf course To view call Reed for appointment 728 5753 $23 under REAL ESTATE BROKER ANS CO LTD REALTOR EIIIILIIIIII 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 538500 Full asking price for semi back split Immediate 77777 7777 77 W7 7777 $24 Tr yessession Make an offer Call Harvey Weber 4363815 10 MARSHALL STREET or bedrooms dining room eating area ATTENTION BUSINESS COUPLES Walking distance to mail bdrm 2525hmsgfgplztg$ In kIIChenr TUCth 90099 IWO 4PC bOIhS rec Toom C0 be l68 townhouse baths low $305 appliances very clean For more PhOIO Multtple Llstlng SerVIce gagtrggrstie Tent and Awning Co 34 ours for $54 900 See toni ht contact Ross Miller rum Ensure iARIETY STORE lh Id DUNLOP 7283293 demls Rum Gbbons 28 09 WYEBRIDGE storey and halt excellent starter home bedrooms Igzamissegoo LfiAgtEs 622gozfgi Wing quorler urne ea usmess or EAST YEAR UND LODGE un SChOOl house lodge office 9nd Ivmg living room dining room large fenced lot Commuting distance to game Ownegwéving pavinceluTem COUPle forlY Como HorVeY W9 err 4363815 quarters Situated on acre lot Close to water Excepltonol buy Barrie or Midland Askmg only 529500 phonojrulswtré II 72 I409 ITS NOT TOO LATETITrfih APARTMENT In bosemem of lhs well cared for h°me Could rem wlh many exms or more demls co mh Gibbons OWEN ST Brick triplex fully rented two 2bedrooms one Ltd can meet your trailerI tctitchmiS for $200 monthly The bedrooms upstairs are private Let me Show EAST END BACK SPLIT Family home with 4th bdrm or den kitchen you through tonight Cal Ross Mi er with eating area walkout to patio Ideal location For more details kindly call Ruth Gibbons 7281409 BEDROOM BRICK SEMI years old needs redecorating vendor very anxious Asking $36900 Try on offer first mortgage Real value Derek VernonBrowne 7265551 SEMI ONLY $29500 bedroom brick semi McGeorge sub division Angus $I500 down will handle Don Allan 48724I2 no quirements Call Harold tor appoint ment 72879700 COUNTRY LIVINGin quiet park south ot Barrie New homes Also used homes from $11000 Call moms bedroom shows excellent returns Good existing mortgages STOREY bedroom brick home on Essa Rd with separate dining room car detached garage lot 79 60 Asking $67500 $54500 RETIREMENT HOME at Balm Beach Good Size garage 30 miles north of Barrie cedar lined bedrooms separate dining room IO x12 sunporch fully furnished immaculate condition Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN 32 ACRES Midhurst area good garden soil Stream and older home in very good condition Coll Harvey Weber 4363815 IINCOME PROPERTY Showing good return consisting of 10 unit building and twostorey townhouses Asking approx times gross and offering excellent terms Call Rob Knapp iWANT TO OWN HOME But cant handle the payments Try GOING SOUTH This 23 It 1975 Prowler trailer has everything tully equipped like new used once Have purchased larger model must sell Telephone 436 3032 MOTOR HOME irltl Stasca tully BEDROOM WATERFRONT COTTAGE on large 100 lot PRICED TO SELL Townhouse end unit full price $34000 $23 RO OLDER HOME Th Ih famil room Full rice Mar Wood no toll 4873146 b5 lumped plus $29000 can be seen at duplex have two available in good residential districts and both gaiegoo In om on WI toll charge Esthgr Kennedy 424647 Mooriozugryirs Willa ParkMotelrHytlvjil7B31L 20FOTT TItll lt OVOIIODIO with IO down Call Rob Knapp For an information on the above wings ca Peter shelswe COUNTRY LIVING Large bedroom bungalow separate dlning Leo Cavonaugh 7281207 Ross Batstone 7263043 conlalned rglie igzditlgiierltilcli Sigrid 523 523 room lot 175 170 Taxes only $295 miles west of Barrie Only Larry Wood no toll 4873148 11 MW Cmed 595 535 RossMiIIer 7260563 Ken Miller 4364431 53300052000 down willhondle Don Allan 4872412 res Teepmnimm iAl Rose 728s R9 SPT°Ule 4873715 zhlnFcrawgorf Polar Shhelswelh GARRETT CRESCENT bedroom custom homes ready for viewing 777 777 77 Harvey Weber 4363815 Mike Lysabtld 7266054 drggcliveu 4875560 R0915 4873609 reduced by over $10000 Other brokers welcome MLS Family MORTGAGES MORTGAGES RENTALS lOn Jones 7268997 Cec Cook 7283036 °Vc 726 259 RP 5° Tr moms intercom broadloom many extras Doug Ferguson 723 us wsu Lu fleas Qcy Ford 7287930 Ron Thorne 7288714 r°55 440 or 7236171 FARMS FOR ENT GoroId ONeill 7267733 Les Lovegrove 4241289 MIDLAND B7 townhouse lots downtown on the lake serVIced ACRE tarmJbedroom MUSE53 II 4589248 if 7266096 5300 hi RSESKBnUJ 7267294 eson one TF 4O MAPLE AVE BARRIE town approved $5900 asking Doug Ferguson 7286172 or 728 amneimareals reiZShone 7262 4401 42a 5446 VALLEY DRIVE bedroom 2500 sq ft custom built homes on Valley Drive 11 to choose from Spiral oak staircases family rooms fireplaces walkouts broadloomed plus many extras Doug Ferguson 7286172 or 7284401 Immediate Ist and 2nd Open Mongage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties 7372101 Complete Realtor Service SPACE FOR RENT PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 3100 19500 so it lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 16 It clear part at large expanding industrial To CUTISOlldiIIe debts low monthly pityrtlents Agentfor Ptneview Estates of Mldhurst Harm Improvetnents iIny worthy reason 13 MURRAY ST REDUCED bdrm brick alum back split attached To pay on mung mmuunq 1q mall 72a 7130 Vfifimv JOHN COLE 7288017 PETER GUBBElS 7284425 garage very clean 12 black basement Vendor wants to move back Cmtstructlorl limits liti advice try us BULDNG 667100 Name Store 900 garage warehousmg etc 21 Mary to Toronto Asklng $51 ry an er Inspect to are er We have ready dsh to purchase IIIrIrtgages Stpee Very cenryai Apply Valley MIDHURST AREA Large bedroom brick bungalow With nonarowne7265551 or 7234401 oriuo Yoursett 16 Maple Avenue 726 6666 1644 SQ FT in heated building on floors Vespra St Suitable tor small business etc Telephone 7291444 angelstone fireplace double garage and full basement patio doors to cedar deck from the dining room to large 300 200 lot with view you will never forget $1000 DOWN will buy this older storey brick home in excellent condition close to downtown Vendor anxious to sell give us call now JUST LISTED As New brick bungalow with bedrooms fireplace broadloom throughout Just $47500 MINEIS POINT is bedroom bungalow situated on large lot broadloom throughout Ideal for retired or young couple Priced at $39500 $23 MORTGAGE FUNDING Call yrme ASSOCIATES LTD in IIIEILSIIEEI 73711151 AGENTS FOR CAMPEAU QUALITY HOMES 129 DUNLOPST EAST 347 BAY STREET BARRIEONTARIO 24 HOW TOHONTOON 726 0981 Phone Servrce 363 342 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc Attention Rrhrriiitnipr Qttoiiti mm ONTARIUS NEWEST RETIREMENT COMMUNITY TARA Lak VISTA Sm°°e ESTATES availableI OFFICES STORES FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE Modern office with 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking Kem penfelt Bay and municipal parking Recently decorated with wall to wall drapes and fully broadloomed $39900 10 mortgage In Barrie on large lot bedrooms TF separate dining room large kitchen with pantry wood panel porch attic Please call Dora Barreto at 7288927 523 MORTGAGE SERVICES 69 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL flora Barreto 7288927 Joanne Thomson 7287177 John Thomson 7287177 TF Agrmsttong the home follies T0116 car about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 Maintenance free homes Im mediate occupancy from $22500 Models on display mos free land lease if oc cupied before Dec lst 1976 One monthly charge of $80 in IOBEIT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR Offering Best pOSSIbIe rates lmmediote Commitments Available 24 hrs day COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRIE AND AREA Call Bill Sakeris NATIONAL TRUST CO 7289201 Residential Farms Acreages Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals TF 7264491 BARRI LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR casual LIB 1m dudes IOXOS Ulllllles land 89 COLLIER ST BARRIE WW BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER REAL ESTATE NEEDS lease etc Close to fishing MIKE WOLLENBERG 8630398 TORONTO 49 BAYHELD ST 7269262 boating and golf Take Hwy 35 THIS ROOM AND BOARD Bill McCreary 7281865 Corby Adams 7286829 wooded We gyms MILES miles north of Lindsay to Cam ilerrl V090 4562544 Erneélwans 7287209 Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 at Lake simcoa Shoreline aver me Rdr mm 00d IOHOW 598agriotgggsgfanaggfiézgflegfgug Morlvn M050 7292895 Mam Alsemer 7281762 George Wilson 7268927 Audrey Marshall 4362880 00 L°k°l Signs TARA VISTA ESTATES route $30 weekly Phone 7250995 alter Thomos Brolley 7282994 Allan Thompson 7284024 Barry CampbellNash 737l324 TF This new community Is reared lor Open days week um proce BroueY 7282994 Ellsogalh Fiose 7370625 Lilo dl51flln0lllllg buyer with pm For further information 233if250335gdeggil33202ggderw II IN Bradley Watts 7237209 ow I9 er 8497 0705374047 529 kronk Dyke 326933 Wayne Dobson gt 32272838 gt AhTLIIIIOCI dleztgnod to dcomplement 019 AZK Mary Foster 3221118 Tony Pomeroy RA ALS ngloum up woo we Paul Dumoulin FRI Mortgage Dept 7266964 App f3 MACKAN CRA SRA 7370731 MORTGAGES um A°d GEORGIAN BAY GROUP on 3movmosHmhIBosIn 1T0 Beach Club ISLAND LOTS PROVIDING COMPLETE PERSONALIZED Got For Sale near Killbear Park on Head UIIICB Ioronto DIRECT PHONE Recreation Centre wilh REAL ESTATE SERVICE p00 50m Numim 059 on 89 250 II 95 NHA LOANS WE HAVE funds immediately IBODUNLOP ST BARRIE shoreline lots Well treed $55 ft Terms Call or write RODNEY WATT DEVELOPER 705746 Ire Wandering Nature Trails It Bicycla Paths First mortgages from °e Second mortgages from 12 available with competitive rates Of interest prompt com Classdied advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm mimens and com eye con day preceding publication wilh the Lakelront park It Gall Lots 100 8808 PO Box 214 Parry 3°sd° commercml In fidentiality for first Second and em0 Thigh Diwtluys Mes SW A° C°°r°i no messages 512°Itr° wotarasawers partments ate on Real Estate Office mm IICGRE EMORE Windham moo 77 NAME oo92 dominiums Builders Loans ALL TYPES of property residen MfiiiliérsNSQEiiMrigiicrs MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS For results without confusion beedmmif music zgfigilyommrllggg in weekend INSPEU PROPERTY FOR SALE OR Land Mortgage Construction tial commercial and vocational 40wordsss 00 lot Full $35500 th $1900 Additionalwords9ctsperword 98 BAYFIELD 5T BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 8899487 59 Wlh down Wcsivtfdiod RealtyTtdidw Low Nowlmnns CHolcEl RENT Busfnéss Loans WE ALSO bJY 9X5Im9 m0 gum or THANKS 25 words 3500 Ad OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL el 24 5550 mi north of Brochin Hwy 12 EXSInQ Morlgages PurChased tgages for cash dilionolwords9cls per word 03 MC33R 400 FOR SALE Unlimited NHA and con OUR ADVICE FREE SMEMORIAM NOTICESs Noprse$500 pass rl Ia easl on ill verso per count ine can per IlOrOld Davis 728753 Frank 0°Y 7280676 REALTOR $43300 MM Rd but Country exgufivtizesEtart TNew custom denhlona Iloan lor malocll Call IAN KERR aul Arbour 7263897 Fred Re nolds 7285333 New single tamin homes under can signsta eve opmen anntng an COMINGEVENIS Id 7286253 FOR PROMPT ATTENTION SllUCIton Georgian College area 51315172l2325 mgalovrellecuicnhfa 25 aims IIIOOIICIOI OOOIYSIS OSSISIODCG Bus 737 88 $377 Percolumninch orman McMIllan 7268957 Larry DOWI CALL 728 07 Telephone pray Homes 778 go Clayfave Nrn98aarre Aadrlgcelngtl HOME 76385 24 WORDMINIMUM EDA Lam 72877 ChUCk Lornbon 728ml NEAR LAKE9th Con olOro 2Storey highways Reterences required Private prom KINZIE MnED Ismc BiIIEvons no toll 3221575 Larry Brewer 7289745 TThs Tp bedrooms well truedlol year oldAsk one principals only Telephone buslness OPEN DAILY oi 55 thDtes tE am Wm Hg Cu 7284067 Harry Moglll 7263u iiig9gg7giitgfiler Vlau Real Esale rgugsr xggigysrlgrgnrygay 610988 0m 5330 Pm 07 Dunlap E0 090 30 injziitiitn 9c per word Mn COTWOll 7267726 Simon BOOKUIIOH 7373795 DOWNTOWN Commercial Location Thursday evenings till pm BARRIE sertion Threedcansecutiva irlslerlion 851 manor 723327 IImHoms 67172 COUNTRY HOME In°niis$iéi32L°ul°ls2 GERRY MLIMRGIIMITED E9T$E9R$AEE Saturdavbvoppoimmem M°mb°r=°°°M°9°9° iliJ aifl Luv HORSESHOE VALLEY Viau Real Estate norlrrtor 7285811 REALTOR BUILmNG LOT Wrist Township Call Br°k°rs A55°CI°Il°n serlian total $115 Multiple Insertions Beautitul view overlooking golt course 333500 TWO BEDROOM Aluminum 416 2972283 Asmng 2000 Make an one VI°U may °d°r°d whim album Stding bungalow Big Bay Point Imv when satisfactory results obtained reclalmed brick lireplace cathedral VIBUREBESIGIPJNI77l017él76017 5g ceilings and hall baths largo maculate condition Garage Attractive 705 3262902 some Olllce First and Second Method czountingii longer woris garage halt acre lot with trees BTrrie GIOUIIUS Bob WW VlaU Real 77 count as war ac initia 726719 Horseshoe Vafley evenings Estate 7261771 or 7285811 MT 7o 737 345 MORTGAGES ARRANGED broviolion set of numbers etc count is 835 2926 BUILDING LOT $12000 100 181 with Weld RGOSOMbl 095 meme words it Rm rAeDdHLéfil AREA Large flaunt zigvcsgififgllTtmsegé filff Vgagf PROPERTY WANTED SMALL CONCRETE conncnng Alter hours call Existing ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS rsrwAA Zn replaces $45000 Alsoou hglt gdcreglots ViaU Real Estaieinb 177100285811 WANTEDWANTED Duplex can be business tor salt Including 150 913 4240776 Mortgages All phone insertion ordeziare asapyod as $5000 each Telephone Toronto 494 8292 panATE SALEMustsett income pm older and In need of repair or even dry 50 eel bundlng Purchosod contamour Io Tod OAJOTI10lH TOIR evenings party Live in modem bedroom house that can be dupleXed In or out or ESIGbllSlEG 45 YS EECEIIEII CllenIEI for on Thl°° LIMITED EAL PRIVATE St tn ltllome East end Income mo monthl to town no olblgation to list Call AI WOIkIHeallh and wereawntor selllnor FoCosh Departmentrequirosodadvoriiiorstotiin me substantial cash required Open to ot COMPARE our rates Elrst second dly recheck their advertisement im property Barrie Jbedroom bungalow carry mortgage Otters wanted Tele eacock REPI Unloroup Inc RE 9090 SUIOMG my dengued 931898 I0 50 706 we 01977690 Brennan 7929 or 737477 tars Reply to Box 536 The Barrie Exs ghlrdkmozatgaziges appralsals Gerry medlately altorlirsltnserttan In ordarthol we PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE matntained $39900 or best otter Do You HAVE good cred $2 000 CLIENT WITH subsamm down pay 97 U7 77 gt 73H 00 Pa Quinn Ltd you an mg 7mm may my 72681510r 72$ 6748atter530pm ment requires large or bedroom ho are mm It or or term may APPRAISALS MORTGAGE TF down bedroom 12 storey brick home brlck bun Glow Mus have two MORTGAGES bought and sold lmme rocllllodlorlhllollowlng day pubilcollon bigIf3x30533332origggimliesgalrt tr town dLarotz lst mortfijage atJt per bamroomslowm bay mp mm me want Ads diote action conttdentlol David ENTERPRISES The Barrie Examiner lb responsible for only dv beachS359oo Telephone 456 2960 flmeeggmkerkg wUnlggouseclgrc RCGE right property Call Russell Carson wdssl Real Esmle Broker 776 I21 BAYFIELD ST °°i°y pwd ii° °lV °d illuo Frank Nelles Real Estate Ltd Olllce Evcenjlgs vnrliwmellt and than only to the extent of SOUTH OF BARRlE near Lakp Broker or Urher nomauon 7761405 Res 726616 INVESTORS tst 2nd and 3rd portion of ad that involves the mlsprinl Redroom bungalow Iarlle lot stone 726 7949M 7371771 77 mormaqeswedmgrbm per mm hm wmch do no rapacer Cathedral cellngr 89 EAST END bedroom brick bungalow Interestcistl 51117373453 Ollce 0m Pm lessen the value at the advertisement or pllances drapes broadloom $39000 Lhaped living and dining room FUII COMMERCIAL pointment noteligiblalorcorroctionsb toll oods REALTOR C5 leapV 36 3669 basement with rec room Paved drive rVss Baum hominm mum 488 Bayfiotd st BARRIE ont 7263871 354900 Hoeny Farm 10 acres wrist or way Attached garage $421900 Mort COMMERCIAL Space tor lease corner WANT ADS Membe 0mm MOTIQOQB lam WM wnmodf Barrie Good steel barns shorts room gage at per cent Call Russell Carson or Baytield street and Ferris Lane pHONE 7252414 Brokers Association 4alln4l bungalowallin good conditionReduced Frank Nelles Real Estate Ltd Olllce about 1200 square tool available 0c 777 to sell 7286892 416775 6065 7261405 Res 7266161 labor Cell Mortell Limited 7230514 TF PHONE 77R Mn TAT Tr Tr run

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