mama1 WI of New Flos By LOUISE WANLESS ELMVALE The New F105 Womens Institute will have display on lighting at the Elmvale fall fair Oct and Lamps lanterns candles and other objects will be col lected at the home of Mrs Elmer French quilt pieced by Nelson Starlings mother and quilted by Mrs King will be up for Midland gets two contracts From the Ottawa Bureau of The Examiner OTTAWA Two Midland companies have been awarded more than $67000 in defence department contracts the department of supply and ser vices announced PenetangMidland Coach Lines won $34764 agreement to provide bus transportation from CFB Borden to Barrie while Ernst Leitz Canada Ltd will be given $32718 to design and manufacture data annota tion devices The were among 254 un classified contracts worth $10000 or more that were awarded by the department to Canadian companies during the week ended Sept Total value of the contracts amounted to $13889811 to make display sale senior training school needle int for beginners will be hel in Elmvale Nov 22 and 23 The names of two represen tatives Mrs DeGorter and Mas Allen will be submit te 40th ANNIVERSARY An invitation was recieved to attend the 40th wedding an niversary of Mr and Mrs Bert Kenny 0f Barrie in Anten Mills Community centre on Saturday evening Sept 25 Mrs Elmer Atkinson has of fered her home for the next meeting of the Womens In stitute on Tuesday evening Oct 12 After the meeting everyone gathered around the television to see Phelpston on Faces of Small Places Mr and Mrs Robert Char man of Wawa were recent visitors with Mrs Steve Rawn TOWER TOUR Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless and Janet spent Sunday Sept 12 with Mr and Mrs Bruce Corbett of Toronto and Mr Wanless toured the CN Tower Edward DeGorter has en rolled in an agricultural course at Kemptville Anne Kenney is taking bilingual secretarial course at Niagara College Welland Mr and Mrs Roger Del Mastro and Robbie have moved into their new home Mrs Edna Johnston of Minesing Station has just celebrated her Both birthday 1n the background is quilt Mrs Johnston made for QUYLT MINESING LADY relatives from Western Canada The quilt contains floral emblems from Ca nadas 10 provinces Ex aminer Photo Anniversary at Guthrie church By MRS CAMERON GUTHRIE Anniversary service at Guthrie Presby terian Church will be held Sun day Sept 26 at 11 am with Rev Ken Heron conducting the service Special music will be held by the Kempenfelt choral group from Barrie The regular time of service for other Sundays is 12 men Anne McCuaig has moved to her home in Guthrie after retir ing from 481 years in sec retarial position with the chemical and refinery division of Johnson Matthey and Mal lory Co of Toronto makers of gold and silver bars Olympic coins and stamps Mrs Robert Campbell and Muriel McArthur spent last week visiting relatives in Buf falo VISITED MARITIM ES Mr and Mrs Ed Schlamb have been at Morley Camp bells home Morley and Ed wienne and family enjoyed trip to the Maritimes and Prince Edward Island Mr and Mrs William Campbell and family have moved into their new home and Robert and Caroline and baby have moved into the farm home Mr and Mrs Charles Sander son and Mr and Mrs Henson of Barrie visited the African safari village near Rockton Friends neighbors and bowl ing team members extend their sympathy to Colleen and Paul Kneeshaw and family in the death of their son Paul Mr and Mrs Gary Campbell formerly of Etobicoke have moved to Barrie where they have teaching positions this year Mrs Bruce Dawn Campbell is teaching closer to home this year at Shanty Bay school NURSING COURSE Sally Rattle has enrolled in the regional school of nursing at Georgian College Barrie Mr and Mrs Roy Hastings had successful dance for friends at their new storage building recently Mr and Mrs Em Coales Mr and Mrs Cecil Cameron and Mr and Mrs Cameron at tended Kinmount Fall Fair on Sept Marg Osborne and group pro vided the grandstand entertain ment and Flora MacDonald MP for Kingston officially openedthe fair Mr and Mrs Merv Sander son of Shanty Bay were suc cessful in exhibiting their roadster horses at the Kin mount Fair and Port Perry MISSIONARY At meeting of the womens Missionary Society Mrs Lees spoke about the church in Twiwan where only five per cent of the population is Chris tian Mrs Sampson said the sectional meeting is to be held Sept 28 in Elmvale The new resource person for the area is Karen Timbers Look for displays by all chur ches at the Worlds Fair on Friday and Saturday Mr and Mrs Mel Jamieson Mr and Mrs Bert Jamieson and Mr and Mrs Duncan Cameron attended the 9th birthday party for their aunt Mrs John Moon at Forest Home Church Mrs Gordon Caldwell visited her daughter Betty and family at Vancouver Island for three weeks She was accompanied by Mrs Besse of Barrie Four baptized at Thornton By FLORENCE HOLT THORNTON Helen Coutts Simcoe Presbyterial literature secretary was guest speaker at meeting of Thornton United Church Women At the morning service in the United Church Rev 11 Da lilin baptized four boys They were Terrance Daniel son of Bob and Eleanor Sherbo Jeffery John Herbert son of John and Linda Hodgson Mi chacl Gordon son of Jim and Linda Larkey and Michael Daniel Aart Son of Dan and Nancy Tuck REGISllLVIION MIDLAND Staff Reg istration for Midland Beaver Tubs Scouts and Venturers will be held at St Pyuls United church on Thursday evening Sept 23 following pot luck supper at 630 oclock ONLY MORE SELLING DAYS FOR All Models listed At $9500 Over invoice Were the somebody Who can beat Anybody Although these cars are selling quickly youll find good selec tion to choose from Don lorimers Grandview For SALES LTD BARBIE 379 Bayfield St Barrie 7287361 Customer pays 950 over this figure on any of 193 units listed 3L som 10 COLDWATER NEWS By SHIRLEY JENNETT COLDWATER Mr and Mrs Wayne Perryman David and Daryl of Sudbury were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Garnet Dobson Michael and Denise Coldwater Bowling Lanes operated by Art Speck has undergone some rejuvenating in preparation for the new bowling season Outside walls have been painted bright blue and inside as well as new paint there are all new pins and wide selection of new bowling shoes No excuses now bowlers Mrs Gary Lovelace and Brett of Hamilton will be spen ding week or so with the Robert Clark family Mrs Marg Preece has returned following few days visit with her son and family Mr and Mrs Colonel Preece of at at shot at 11 so in mantrawan lTaiTiauiï¬iin an FIOBCDOOIUQ Gkfllylll hm TC 379 carrr WigJr SHIP 10m om nun Aaovn ONTARIO TRUCK Dundas Recent visitors with the Stan OConnor family included Mr and Mrs Al Mahaffy and Angela of Georgetown and Mr an Mrs Vic Reid of Toronto Yoga classes under the auspices of the Neighborhood School Program and taught by Krishan Sidhu of Orillia will be in on Sept 24 at Coldwater Pu lic School This is change in the original starting date since Oct is the night Col dwater Fall Fair resents its evening program oga classes will be held at and 830 pm The cost is $600 for 10 weeks and men as well as Women and children are very welcome Registration may be made the first evening of classes or at the Parks and Recreation Office in Orillia Congratulations Mr and Mrs minim ntiuivun Harold Greenwood who cel ebrated their 33rd wedding an niversary Sept 18 Mr Green wood should have no trouble buying his wife gift since he won $25 in the most recent Win tario Lottery Zoa Latondress of Oshawa was recent visitor with the Harry Dale family Best wishes or speedy recovery go out to Cathy Water son daughter of Mr and Mrs John Waterson who is patient in Soldiers Memorial Hospital following surgery to remove her appendix last week Mrs John Waterson David and Cathy attended family reunion at Mountain near Ot tawa last weekend Mr and Mrs Robert Martin have returned from weeks visit to the Cape Cod area En route they stopped at Belleville Dear aycees WHY The Barrie District Ministerial Association is Opposed to your plan to hold the Santa Claus Parade on Sunday to join in 50th wedding anniver sary celebrations for Mr and Mrs William Slack who used to live at Crai urst where Mrs Slack look after the station and Mr Slack worked for the CPR The Martins enjoyed visitin many historical places inclu lug Plymouth the Pilgrim ettlement and Stur bidge Conn restored area with buildings gathered from all the new En and States as well as Dearfie Mass which boasts the prettiest street in the USA and Mrs Martin said she thought it just might be on their return they visited with theRo Martinsoankville Col water Cub Pack got together last week under the leadership of Akela Joyce Wat son Seven boys were on hand for the first meeting and more are expected to attend later Mrs Watson reports that she may have possible assistant movin in from another centre and Will confirm this informa tion later DISTRICT NE WS 28The Barrie Examiner Wednesday Sept 22 I976 lawn 128 Units To Go Tï¬ï¬iwvoiiccoummu use oer 00 VOYAL MI VINICLI AND DIAlllcflllull Iwmlk uan ON RU MOI immuneu nnofluu F392 MOTOR romme commmorcmmxuum law 023 Ficac boots Tumt317 Xuouv F103 13 CUST STVLESICIL PlCKbp 5316 re 351 is 12LES am 990 Mouse 39 210 31 333 wasn lfl Tl NCE gtc5 CPTIJJI iAl use 18 E70 15 can giomE Svlu ct masses 320 50 HEAEF 15H outpm 26 570 21 530 $2331 REAR SHGCKS 26 40 19 250 cELv 57 at we 11330 51310 7811 Di NC TTXL CDTIuiS 234 we 157 we IV DISTRIBUTION ANDDLLIVEIIV IQQ loo Th TOTAL Hmvtmmt 4637 340 3734 20 Is ll mi 16 7293 IAT1 11 COLDITILIIHG 25 loo gt SLwIElT retai prce l9 Pickups Couriers Bronco l2 Pintos l3 Mavericks ll Mustangs l3 Torinos Elites 36 Fords l4 Granadas FMCC Financing Available Bank Financing Available Prices Good Til Sept 30 Order 1977 if you dont buy l976 l2 Salesmen to assist you We need used cars Prices Good 11 Sept 30 I976 OPEN SATURDAYS