LEMON CU CU MBER relatively new to this area Mr Graham bought the seeds in Georgetown and has picked sixquart basket full of the vegetable Examiner Photo Emerson Graham of 109 Penetang St Barrie shows off two lemon cucumbers picked from his garden The lemon cucumber is milder type of cucumber Mr Graham says and is ANN LAEERS California reader objects to opinion Dear Aim Landers read with considerable alarm the col umn in which you insist homosexuals suffer from severe per sonality disorder You refer to number of psychiatrists who agree with you and also state that the American Psychiatric Association does not would like to call to your attention that the American Psychological Association not only supports the notion that homosexuality per se implied no impairment in judgment stability social or vocational capability but further urges psychologists to take the lead in removing the stigma that has long been associated with homosexual orientation feel it is only fair that you let it be known that yours is minority opinionSFI PhD alifornia Dear S11 Since you are PhD perhaps you can tell me the origin of one of my favorite quotes One person with cour age constitutesa majority agree with the American Psychological Associations statement that homosexuality per se implies no impairment in judgment stability social or vocational ability am well aware that great many homosexuals function in their jobs and interact with others far more successfully than some heterosexuals ln fact the only difference is their sexual pref erence We part company however at that juncture believe when an individual prefers member of his or her own sex as an ob ject of physical love that person suffers from severe per sonality disorder Dear Ann Landers Many people were shocked at the re sults of your survey which indicated that 70 per cent of the parents questioned said if they had it to do over again they would not have children Our own paper the Kansas City Star did survey of its own and it came out quite differently They asked Dr Roy Men ninger for an opinion He said Ann Landers survey didnt fit Well just read some figures from the United States Cen sus Bureau and it looks like Dr Menninger is out of tune with the times and that your survey reflects what is really going on in this country Here are the facts One out of every 25 wives between 18 and 24 years of age ex pects to have no children Ten years ago the ratio was one out of every 100 Analysts predict this sharp rise will continue in the years ahead Disillusionment with parenthood seems particularly strong among college students The number of couples who want only one child has also grown in the last five years The number of couples who plan to have one child or none has increased more than 80 per cent in the last five years So findings to the con trary notwithstanding you were right againWith You In Dear With Like Henry Clay Id rather be right than Presi dent Especially now Thanks for writing onfidential to How Good Is Your Memory Fairly good on some things can recall when bought $10 worth of groceries and had to hold the sack at the bottom My advice is shop the ads clip the coupons avoid prepared foods The con veniencc is costly Also buy fruits and vegetables in season and can what you can and what you cant can freeze AND NO STORK LONDON CP question naire sent to ap licants for holi day accommo ation in Nor folk chalet camp asked Num ber of children by sex One applicant answered Three and one by adoptionl BSERVES WEE HOURS HAYONWYE Wales CP The following note to customers was seen in the win dow of grocers shop here Early closing will be Monday Tuesday Wednesday and all day Friday and Saturday Music lessons Accordion Piano Beginner instrument available for accordion No enrolment fee Col Mrs llunnof 66 Purhido Dr 7263374 347 Bayfield St 7280941 PEOPLE AND PLACES MEMBERS MEET Members of the Georgian Foundation Guild will meet tonight at at the Municipal Savings and Loans Buildln to discuss the anti ue show or information cal Helen call Helen Thomas 3223068 THEN WHAT After the HospitalThen What will be the topic of meeting Sept 22 at of the Huronia and District lrnnch of the Canadian diabetic Associn tion in the 3C lecture room of the ROyal Victoria Hospital panel consisting of doc tor nurse dietician and diabetics will discuss daily care of the diabetic regarding in sulin exercise and insulin tttlt tions Esther Iierniosn nursing director will take charge of the panel WORLD UNDERSTANDING Now Rotary Clubs can help world understanding will be the topic of speech Thursday at 12 noon at the Barrie Rotary Club meeting at the Miramnr Gar dens Bruce Brock local Rotary member who has travelled ex tensively will speak on the topic Rotary Clubs international are observing this week as World Understanding Week to encourage members to apprec iate how they as members can influence world understanding by such programs as Rotary ex change student program CHARTER NIGHT The newlyformed Barrie Huronia Rotary Club will receive its charter at the charter night Sept 25 at pm in the Churchill Room at the Holiday Inn Barrie Peter Dean rotary district governor will be involved with the official ceremony Also at the meeting represen tatives from the various district clubs will honor the Barrie Rotary Club on its 30th anniversary FIELD TRIP geological field study of Simcoe County is being con ducted Sept 18 led by Peter Harvie instructor at Georgian College The chartered bus trip which starts from the college theatre building at 930 will take in Sparrow Lake Bass Lake and Horseshoe Valley Tickets for the trip cost $650 and are obtainable at the col leges extension services department PARADE Welcome back to Sunday School is the theme of parade Sunday Sept 19 by The Family Churc Painswiek The parade will start at 930 am from Warnica School Following the parade there will be helium balloon launch by the children and contest for the best bible constume gdowe 06 Qtagconliefld Boyfiold Moll Barrie 7262380 Ron Mancey left discusses gems of Australia with Pearl and Tom Bushell of Melbourne Australia at the SLIDES OF AUSTRALIA SHOWN Tuesday night meeting of the Barrie Gem and Minerology Society Mr and Mrs Bushell showed slides of 26 dealers take part in Guild antique show fine antique is an invest ment with bonus it has beau ty and increasing value Anti ue lovers can ch005e mm the ops of 26 antique dealers at the Georgian Guild Antique Show and Sale in the Barrie Ar moury Sept 23 24 and 25 Presentin their fourth an nual show guild is bringing dealers from all over Ontario including five new ones since last year The show will open at pm Thursday Sept 23 with an open in night preview an especially ga occasion when visitors are served hors doeuvres and drinks and have the first op portunity to look at or buy the dealers prize possessiOns Thousands of antiques will be on display such as pine fur niture items of copper and brass fine china orientals jewelry glass books and clocks For added attractions one dealer does interiors and gives advice on the spot an other demonstrates his skill and products for refinishing The Simcoe County Museum will bring touch of local heritage to the show featuring display created by the director Bertah Cameron Every visitor to the show will be eligible to win the d00r prize an elegant antique china sugar bowl circa 1825 This inter esting piece is much larger than todays sugar how because as Mrs McLaren of $099 Spec 309 Place sorting Spring Crocus $2995 $2095 Golden Crocus $2995 $2095 Cottage Garden $3995 $2795 Durham Moroon $4795 $3355 Pembroke $4795 $3355 Henley $4795 $3355 Onyx Green $5295 $3705 Qiagsonlietld Clitiia 9th 680 Maple Barrio 7371319 McLarens Schoolhouse Anti ques explained the coarser sugar of those days made larger container necessary The sugar bowl has two handles and is decorated in design of pink lustre scrolls and flowers Throughout the show lun chr00m decorated in Vic torian motif will ofer full choice of food and beverages This years antique show committee which began work ing in January is headed by Peggy Sarjeant convener Nancy Arnoldi consultant Joanna Scarth cocovener and treasurer Ruth Thompson dealer coordinator Peggy Sar jeant publicity and working on refreshments and entertain ment are Ulle Palmer Mary Bailey Beth Sarjeant and An drea Cohen All proceeds from the show go the Georgian Foundation for the Performing Arts which sup ports the Gryphon Theatre Harries professional summer theatre directed by Sean Mulcahy designed by Jack Timlock which has just com pleted its 7th season of enter tainment The antique show runs Thursday Sept 23 from to 10 pm with admission $300 Friday from 11 am to 10 pm and Saturday from 11 am to pm with admission on Friday and Saturday 5150 The Barrie Armoury is located on Park St in downtown Barrie Australia to members at tending the meeting Examiner Photo DANCE PLANNED The OptiMrs Club of Barrie is holding Harvest Moon Dance Oct 23 from pm to am at the Embassy Hall Music will be provided Jack Tiernay Band There wi be door prizes and buffet served Tickets costing $15 per cou 1e are available at Cho kan and Co Insurance Of fice 10 Collier St Barrie or by calling 7289921 BIRTHDAY The West Oro Baptist Church is celebrating its 106th birthday Sept 26 at 11am and 730 pm at the church Pastor Ledrew will be speaker join TEAM For details see pagez Peter and The Wolf feature at Huronia Symphony concert Peter and the Wolf by Tchaikovsky will be featured in family concert Nov 17 he first of series of concerts per formed by the Huronia Sym phony Geoff Reid of Littles Hill Players Assaciation will narrate The c0ncert series was outlined by Arthur Burgin con ductor of the symphony at the was the first meeting of the group with the new executive Those attending included past president Groves vicepresident Paul treasurer Croft recordin secretary Mrs Getting ant corresponding secretary Mrs Black The second concert will be held March 23 and the final one new member of the group colorful performer according toMr Burgin For information about con certs and series tickets call Mrs Paul at7288678 OFFERS NEW COURSE CAMBRIDGE Ont CI Unlvernit of Guelph is offering COUFON ENTITLES BBXRER TO FREE CHEQUING AT ANY STERLING TRUST BRANCH ESTEHQLHVES WONG TRUST CORPORATION recent meeting of the sym phony and its board of directors at the home of Norman StephenSOn president This April 27 with an evening of Viennese Waltzes Mary Jo Masterson an irillia soprano will be introduced as an intr ucto course injfood packaging attractingstu dents rom all over the campus officials said it new It sditterent Smoke Pit the SlOVICOOllFIQ setthastmg smoker that en ables you to prepare the most Succulent rnOtilnvwatenng roasts hams ribs low or tlsb you ve ever tasted Smoke Pit com bines heat water and smoke to transform the Ordinary into delcrous meals It eaSy to use as Smoker or as plain bar becue Makes an attractive addition to your patio sundeCk Or balcony too And so easy to assemble that you ll want to take ll Wllh y0u on DlCnICS or vacation Look for the fabulous Smoke Pit at The Panhandler were not very far from you Drop lfllO The Panhandler our gOurmet selections Wlll please you and so will our prices END OF SEASON CLEARANCE 20 OFF THE PflNHflNDhER In The Mews Boyfield Moll LJ CUTOUTCOUPONANDSAVE Sterling account will save you up to 20¢ on every Cheque you write from the moment you open chequingsavings or thequing statement account After all if we charged for Chequing it would be like asking you to pay to use your own money If youre like our average customer who writes up to 15 cheques month this coupon could save over $30 per year So why pay Writing cheques at Sterling actually saves you money Take the time and start savingtoday Ross Furzecott 16 Dunlop St Barrie 7266495 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation