Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Sep 1976, p. 4

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Elli Ifiarrir Examinrr Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Henshaw Managing Editor 4The Barrie Examiner Thursday Sept l6 I976 Justice proposals should be quashed lldkll Cus It is not surprising that the federal justice department has made posals which would severely limit ght of accused people to what has been considered until now fair eri trials What is surprising is the fuss raised about the proposals Canadians labor under many misapprehensions about the judicial system Indoctrinated as we are by things American we assume that rights Americans have we also have But this country in the name of expedience has breathalyzer tests and severe penalties for refusing to take them which are nothing more nor less than means of self in crimination Most Canadians think they have It the right when arrested to make phone call The truth is that they dont Most Canadians assume confes sion or admission of guilt cannot be forced or tricked out of them and if it were the courts would not accept them Nothing truth So it is not really any surprise that federal justice officials want to make the course of justice even smoother for the police The prOposals which are posals only so far would restirct the right to trial by jury in some cases aboloish preliminary ings and take away an accuseds right to remain silent The right to trial by jury would be lost if an accused were charged with offences such as theft possession of goods obtaining goods by false pretenses breaking and enter stolen could be further from the pro courts ing robbery forgery trafficking in narcotic or possessing narcotics for the purpose of trafficking All this is proposed in an attempt to make things faster in the nation The judicial stem in this coun try exists to do wo things protect the innocent and punish the guilty One of the unwritten principles of the legal system in Canada is that not all men are equal before the law The prOposals would change that to be all men are equal before the law unless of course they are ac cused of certain crimes The crimes for which there would be equal described as hi treatment are gh volume crimes crimes of which there are many is no secret that Canadian courts are clogged that there are more pe0ple charged with more crimes than the courts can now han die The solution as we see it is not to limit the rights of accused in the name of efficiency The solution is not as we see it to demand that the accused prove his innocence as Justice Minister Ron ve guilt Basford apparently wants but to put the onus on the accusers to pro The fury system is the most im pro the state hear portant safeguard an accused per son has against capricious acts by Limiting the right to trial by jury for whatever reason will be one more step to the dictatorship cer should be tain federal willing to impose on this country The justice department proposals quashed and as quickly as possible politicians seem all too DOWN MEMORY LANE WAR DAYS 60 YEARS AGO The Barrie Examiner Sept 16 1916 Funeral of Flt Lt George Rogers killed in plane crash overseas with Royal Flying Corps largely attended He was son of Thomas Rogers owner of Ball Plan ning Mill and grew up on Mary Street Capt William McCar thy son of the late Dr Mc Carthy was wounded in East Africa Aug 17 and dies in hospital five days later Ernie Hanmer son of Mr and Mrs Grant Hanmer Bar rie awarded Distinguished Conduct Medal Soldiers Aid of Barrie proposes giving informal dance at town hall every second Saturday ephone charges should be rebated because of poor service Units at Camp Borden started antigas train ing Flt Lt Victor Hewson son of Judge Hewson Gore Bay formerly of Barrie killed while on loomile reconnaisance over German lines Drivers Marr and Fred Mor ren are in France with 4th Canadian Ammunition SubPark Truman Williams Barrie who has been charge of PT and bayonet exercise for the First Canadian Brigade Shorncliffe England left for France to join unit at the front Partday teaching adopted by board of education because of over crowding at Barries three Capt public proceeds to disabled veterans schools Samuel Fisher starts Boys representing town council new mill on Maple Avenue South told Railway Commission half tel this week CANADAS STORY Largest town in west destroyed in blaze By BOB BOWMAN One of Canadas most re markable towns went up in flames on this day In 1868 Barkerville BC until the dis aster had the distinction of being the largest tOWn west of Chicago and north of San Fran cisco After the fire it became ghost town until 1958 when it was rebuilt as tourist attract ion Now Barkerville Days is Ehr iliarrw Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 72643537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return stage guaranteed Dailyo Sundays and Statutory Ho idays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches In this paper credited to it or The AssoCIated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Co yright in all original adver tis ng and editorial material created by its employees and roduced in this newspaper yright Registration Number 203815 register 61 an annual event in British Co lumbia Barkerville was the product of mining b00m that began in 1860 when gold was discovered in creeks running into the Ques nel River Billy Barker from Cornwall England was one of the prospectors and he decided to work along Williams Creek But Barker had different ideas than other prospectors about findin gold Instead of panning as ey did he sunk shaft into the bedrock until he of down to 40 feet By this time was almost broke and the other prospectors were urging him not to waste any more mOney Barker did not give up and his ersistence paid off He took gold Worth $600000 from his claim of 600 feet Unfortunately he married girl with expensive tastes and it did not take long for the $600 000 to disap ar Barker ended his days int Old Mans Home in Victoria Barkerville boomed until it burned It became town of log shanties saloons and stores built on stilts along narrow muddy streets There was the usual crowd of gamblers danc WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit con dense or reject letter ing girls and entertainers group of Shakespearean players appeared there and the actors were paid in gold dust One of the saloons had the most expensive wallpa in the world It was made oixbank notes of $5 $10 and $20 issues by MacDonalds Bank The yvallpaper was destroyed by the Ire OTHER SEPT lti EVENTS MitziRobert Campbell brought sheep to Red River fr0m Kentucky 1842Baldwin and Lafon taine formed notable govern ment linoAlfred Boyd became first premier of Manitoba l893Calgary was in corporated as city HimDuke and Duchess of Cornwall later King George began masticcoast tour of Canada from quebcc NIBProhibition went into effect in Ontario 1962Internalional Nickel Company gave $25 milli0n to Laurentian University in Sud bury 1963Russia bought wheat from Canada worth $500 mil lion the lar est wheat sale in Canadianhis ry Bl BLE THOUGHT For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life John 316 Here is humanitys direct route to regeneration and reality Let all our sin and grilt get lost in wonderful truth which tells who Jesus is why He tame and what He will through simple trust Only believe FROM PARLIAMENT HILL All sorts Of goodies found when desk drawer cleaned out By STEWART MacLEOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Please bear with me as clean out the lOp righthand dwk drawer that catchall cor ner where old letters and little bits of paper continue to con gregale Most of it isnt worth saving Why for instance should keep copy of letter written last June 10 by Urban Affairs Minister Barney Danson and addressed to Ontario Housing Minister John Rhodes The only reason threw it in the drawer was because it began wrote to you last October to suggest the establishment of joint committee and it en ded with would very much appreciate hearing from you on this proposal at an early date Since Mr Danson referred to the urgency of the subject remember thinking at the time that eight months seemed like long time to await reply from another cabinet minister Surely Mr Rhodes has an svered by now An ay am throwing that June etter in the wastebasket Now heres one had forgot ten about Its government announcement of $19990 con tract to Carleton University in Ottawa for study on inter personal communication in an emergency environment That should make great read mg The price isnt bad either By comparison the government is spending $32600 for study on the effect of pulpin aged chips on the toxcity an bod of kraft mill effluents And $35 185 is being spent on the in spection and updating of the na tional gravity net in Northern Ontario and southern Quebec MONEY MATTERS Oddly enough most of the pa YOUR BUSINESS Condominiums catch on strongly in Ontario By VINCENT EGAN Business and onsumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The condominium has finally come of age in Canadaafter having become established in the United States many years ago With it has come new life style for thousands of Cana dians Reactions of condominium owners cover wide spectrum Some people find it an ideal set up while others find the adjust ment more difficult than they bargained for Condominium ownership has caught on most strongly in On tario and has also had signifi cant success in British Colum bia Alberta and the Montreal area The term condominium re fers to type of property own ership not to the ty of living accommodationa1 hough hig hrise apartments or townhouses are the usual types Essentially the con dominium unit belongs to its 0c cupant while common proper ty such as parking areas and corridors are owned jointly by all occupants That demands change in mental attitude If you had been tenant in an apartment ahd then moved into an apart menttype condominium for ex am le ou w0uld have to ad jus tot res nsibility of tak ing care of eaking taps and other maintenance chores in your unit rather than calling superintendent MOVING 0N Such changes are in significant when set ainst the task of maintaining ouse in the opinion of some people who have chosen hi hrise con dominium owners ip and sold their family home Mature cou les who are rattl ing around one in big houses are prime prospects for con dominium vendors couple in that situation could probably sell its house for several times its original price and the proceeds would be much more than enough to buy highrise condominium One condominium enterprise taking aim at that market is Torontos Palace Pier 45 storey tower on the shores of Lake Ontario at the mouth of the Humber River It takes its name from long gone ballroom that stood on the site where the house band was led Trump Davidson The maes ro came out of retirement to from an Iiipiece band at the condominiums official Opening recently Prices of the 435 suites at the Palace Pier range from $70000 to $230000 depending upon the size of the unit 1500 to 3000 square feet and its elevation The Palace Pier even ro vides rooms and suites hat may be rented to guests of con dominium owners wishing to stay overnight WIDE RANGE Most condominium units are of more modest design and priced considerably lower low price is in fact the big drawingcard for many young families who have been watch ing the prices of conventional houses rise out of sight For older people the major attraction is often the freedom from such tasks as lawncut ting leafraking and snowsho vellingnot to mention the relative freedom from security problems when they are away rom home for extended peri ods And for those inbetween the rimary appeal may be the ex ras that go with the typical condominium development such as swimmings pools and tennis courts With those pleasures come the inevitable restrictions that apply in any multifamily dwelling Ownership in the case of condominiums doesnt convey the same freedom of ac tion that it does in the case of the singlefamily houses Anyone contemplating the pers in that tap righthand drawer deal with money in one form or another Perhaps its because we are in the midst of the governments restraints rogram and there happens to more correspondence on that subject And speaking about re straints here is interesting letter If is from the depart ment of su ply and services and it is ad ressed to deputy minister Its all about travel For years the government has operated its own Central Travel Service to make reser vations and other travel ar rangsements for public ser van And with more than 400000 federal public servants its probably sensible arrangement But the letter announces new exclusive service Its section within the Central Travel Service to provide more personalized service to purchase of condominium should consult lawyerjust as in the purchase of any other type of dwellingand acquire firm clear understanding of what condominium ownership entails in legal sense Prospective purchasers would also do well to consult people already living in the con dominium of their choice to see if they have encountered any unexpected problems assist deputy ministers assistant deputy ministers and equivalents in making their travel plans There now will be two un listed VIP lines 36080 and 6081 linked directly to Air operations and 33695 linked directly to Air Canada oper atiOns The letter says this service by its nature is restricted in or der to preserve the level of ser vice requir FIRSTCLASS CALLS know why kept this let terI have been ing to fig ure out what type travel ser vice is required by an assistant deputy minister thats not required by any other public servant So phoned the deputy who received the letter guess its because they cut out firstclass plane tickets for us he said They are substituting first class hone calls He idntsoundimpressed Here is another Interesting little note from the Public Serv ice Commission Its aimed at those senior executives who have rime responsibilities in the in ormation area as well as those senior executives who are faced today with greater direct media contact It announces oneday semi nar on solvin the media mys tery and will be re sourced by some real live journalists The registration fee is $125 thought about trying to gain admission but just cant jus tify spending $125 to solve mystery didnt know existed So this note also goes in the gar bage There is still fair amount of junk in that top righthand drawer but Ill just let it sit for few more days INTERPRETIN THE NEWS Nuclear power an issue in elections in Sweden By JOHN HAY The Canadian Press The emotional issue of nu clear power threatens the 40 year litical dominance of the Socia Democratic party as vot ers in Sweden prepare to elect new overnment next Sunday Bu for Prime Minister Olof Palme greater problem is to try to overcome voter feeling that it may be time for change The Social Democrats have been in power since the 19305 Of the Swedish welfare state which Palme and his rty es tablished and expan ed over the ears there is little serious poli ical debate No Swedish voter wants to give up the welfare state and no politician dares to uesuon it says The Guardian London Palme however seems to have stirred controversy with his plan to expand Swedens nu clear power system from five generating stations to 13 by 1985 That would make Sweden on the basis of population the worlds biggest consumer of atomic energy LEADS ATTACK The attack on Palmes plants led by Thorbjoern Faelldin chief position leader in par liamen and head of the Centre party He has argued that Swedens nuclear program should be stopped immediately and has even called for dismantling of the existing stations One opinion poll has shown that 48 per cent of voters sup port Faelldins positi0n again st 30 per cent who back Palmes policy Another 22 per cent are re ported undecidedan im portant swing vote that has ocial Democrat strategists worried The Centre party leader says nuclear safety problems can never be solved completely The risks of cancer and gen etic damage which could affect generations for thousands of years to come are just too at for us even to consider firneying further into the atomic age Faelldin says He has gained sup rt for his view from an uni ely com bination of Centrists Con servatives and young Swedes reports say His critics on the other hand complain that Faelldin has not told voters how nonnuclear Sweden would generate the power needed to fuel its in dustry and satisfy the Swedish desire for high living stan dards Sweden lacks equate hydro power Dear Sir This is lengthy letter however am very concerned not only for myself but also for others in the community CKVR TV Channel Barrie has removed Sesame Street from the all viewing schedule The decision is based on the assumption that with the new CN towner now in operation the majority of the channel Viewmg area can now receive channel which carries Sesame Street at 11 am Personally it is rare day that can get even minimal clarity of sound and picture on Channel After speaking with several friends am forced to conclude that unless person has either cable or tower he too is unable to receive Channel This upsets me for several reasons First as mother of two pre schoolers can not speak highly enough of Sesame Street It is one of the best childrens educational programs available have personnally watched on friends cable tv at least 10 childrens programs to see what my children cauld be viewing As result of watching Sesame Street for one year my three year old understands many concepts ie the dif ference between here and there that she would not other wise know Many parents do not have the time skills or resources to teach their children these con cepts Kindergartens in most areas are now geared or are gearing their content for Sesame Street Children Hence feel that those children who will not be able to view Sesame Street because of CKVRs program changes will suffer an educational lag when they go to kindergarten Secondly the 11 am time slot is ideal for children and mothers By 11 am most children are tired of playing with their toys and of playing outside and need chance to unwind before lunch andor nap time As side benefit the 11 am Sesame Street chance to have few quiet moments to prepare far lunch This is especially convenient in small town since many hus bands are able to come home for lunch Thirdly CKVRs position is that the people who are in my position of only receiving One daytime channel namely Channel are small minori ty However since The channel viewing area consists of many lowincome families and many rural families many of whom are in rented or newly chased property feel hat there is large number of peo ple who for variet of reasons are unable to get eit er cable or tower APPEAL T0 COTTAGERS Fourthly CKVR boasts to As teacher or enter the school system SIGNATURE ADDRESS Please sign Readers taxes up 78 nO year for dreamers DearSir Your editorial of Sept 11 Not the year for dreamers come the munici elections is right on the but The City of Barrie taxes On this mans property have in creased 78 per cent since 1970 an average increase of 13 per cent per year Of course to keep up with the Jones boys in other cities we need urgently new city hall and all the increasin ex pensive bureaucracy to it Because Bigger is Better we want to satisfy our ex pansion appetite by separating our neighboring townships from 15 to 20 thousand acres of their domain good deal of it beingprimefarm land Surely this will require READER FOR Save Sesame Street for moms and kiddies gives mothers parent El am concerned about the possible educational lag some children in our area who are unable to watch Sesame Street will experience when they this letter if you are going to use it so that CKVR will not feel that small concerned group is bom barding it with news paper clippings advertisers that it appeals to the cotta population Asa mother preschoolers am sure the summer resident will not feel that CKVR appeals to theman they discover they can no longer get Sesame Street Even in the summer young children need quiet ac tivity Why not fun educa tionalone Fifthly think that CKVR is defeating its owu purpose It has scheduled Day Beat for 11 with the hopes of running non competitive programming Personally used to ut my children to bed after esame Street and then sit down witha cup of tea and often would end up watching the entire Day Beat show However with two irritable children there is no way will be able to watch Day Beat at 11 Also feel that many house wives if they are going to watch tv are more likely to do so in the afternoon However they probably could not afford to spend 214 hours watching movre In writing this letter am hoping that if enough public on rage is raised CKVR will reconsider showing Sesame treet this fall If you are af fected by any of my concerns would appreciate your check ing off our concerns in the chart be ow sign the clipping and mail it to the Program Director CKVR TV Channel it Barrie or write your own let have pregrade one children at home and am unable to receive Channel adequately at 11am have friends who are af fected by this and feel that they should be able to receive Sesame Street on Channel regularly baby sit pre grade one children during this time period am unable at this time or in the immediate future to get cable or tv tower feel that Sesame Street is valuable dprogram for children an ould be available on Channel regardless of programs car ried by other networks would like to see Sesame Street carried either at pm or pm circle time preferred used to watch Day Beat but will be unable to do so in this new time slot would not have the time to set through most afternoon movies am concerned adver tiser think you are overrating your appeal to advertisors Wehn do have re schoolers would ike Sesame Street to be available on channel at 11 am pm or5 pm think that CKVR should confer with cross section of tv viewers before major changes are made in ap parently satisfactory pro gram schedules Thank you for your attention Sandra Bates RR2 Orillia massive financing with major impact on Barrie taxes If regular commercial con cern with shareholders were to undertake such project there would be forward projections for revenue and expenditures If Barrie has such rojec tions they should be pu lished immediately together with an estimate of the impact on Barrie taxpa ers The way ings are going it seems likely that Barrie taxes will increase by further 75 to 100 per cent over the next six years especially if our city fathers dont heed your war ning that next year is Not the Year for dreamers Yours truly Neil EdmOnstone Barrie THE PICK OF PUNCH They were visiting football team

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