53x gimmeEV JWru DOGSAND PETS EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums fish blame all accessories Lowest price 143 Ardagh Rd 7260094 BARRIE POODLE SalonSham lng and clipping of all breeds hia street East 7264141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pickup and delivery 726 Pet Studio LAB PU Ps registered shots tattoos wormed champion sired parents xray cleared Black $150 each 7054364363 Ys POODLE PARLOR Profes s1 clipping and grooming rea sonable rates Telephone 7260061 MINIATURE Black Poodle female 11 months old good with children Telephone 4245006 iRISH wolf Hound puppies ofte male two femaleS weeks old brindle registered $310 each Telephone Mrs Janos 4241437 OLD ENGLISH Sheep Dog pups shots ready to go Pet stock 75 Telephone 7370245 after6pm TOY POMERANIAN Puppy registered beautiful blonde tattooed and first shots 12 weeks old 5125 Telephone 7289837 after pm BASSET HOUND hush puppies cham pion sired regd iris and reds shots wormed one female three males 5150 17292772 POODLES toy apricot registered tat toed all shots males ready to go Telephone 4662728 AFGHAN Puppies not registered blonde females and males Telephone 3221652 evenings 2221613 ask for Roger POODLE Puppies male and female black miniature registered Call collect 3611106 RR Elmvale PARMIIS mam FEED SEED AND GRAIN HAY for sale Baied good clover hay Call Ken Hartley 7262818 after pm PURINA CHOWS Bulk Service Lowest Cost Complete Dairy Rations PARTRIGE CALL FEED SEED 4872929 ThTF LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fox AND Hound Tack Shop English riding equipment and apparel Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop St Barrie 728 2431 mM Liwchgttc mus showy NEW HORSE TRAILERS $1565 and up Used horse trailers 1975 horse trailer 1974 horse trailer Excellent condition Reasonably priced Phone 7261551 HORSES BOARDED and trained Echo SWINGRanch 10th line of Oro Phone 4875842 TWO HORSES and western saddles Especially suitable for young or female riders 7289542 HORSES BaRDED large box stalls Windy Braes Farm 4th Oro Hwy 11 Telephone4873333 SHETLAND PONY EBproxImaier 10 hands reasonable Must sell Telephone 7289644 evenings REGISTERED Hereford Cow for sale with monthold bull call at side Telephone 7287626 REGISTERED Morgan horse 152 hands Has shown hunter and iumper successfully Excellent beginners horse Best Offer telephone 1284302 POULTRY AND CHICKS READY to lay pullets Also farm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Paultry Farm Stroud 4361811 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES APPLES Apply Koale and son Can cession Oro 7261907 7288489 Closed Sundays Your containers GARDEN FRESH cauliflower for sale Telephone 3222626 FARMMACHINERY TOxOWIK grain dryer for sale 570 bushels Used very little Joe Van Severen New Lowell PERSONAL HOLIDAY IN THE SUN At TREASURE ISLAND ST PETER SBURG FLORIDA We have vacancies for October Novem ber December when prices are low Efficiency units from $65 WEEK for two persons Phone the owners in Barrie 7262826 for information S18 WINTER BROCHURE Drop in for your copy Free Travel Planning Let us assist you with holiday suggestion HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 Next to theatre $16 TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime RELIEF from pain soreness tension due to muscle overstrain Steve Whit man Reg Masseur 7264092 GRAND BAHAMAS HOILL All inclusive Excellent value meals hotel golf swimming sailing shopping The best priced holiday available Call today dont delay HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 518 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 if you drink thats your business If you want to quit thats ours Call any time ENJOY HORSEDRAWN wagon rides through country trails evenings and weekends minutes from Barrie Reasonable rates For information call 72e607lafter6pm CIIEARWAIER IIORIOA weak extras included din ners cont breakfasts week car rental Lovely large rooms new Hotel Sheraton Great holiday HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 next to theatre 51618 BOWLERS WANTED to start tamber teams couples or singles afternoon or evenings Kempvlew Bowl 7289761 UNWANTE HAIR problem Have it removed safely permanently approved dla Hrenchuk Electrologist 7267LI All Inclusive Direct flight meals day Accommodations Free water sports horseback riding As low as $421 par per son weak HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 $17 HAVE your Chflstmas Party at VespraChelot Park Hwy 921 now tak Ing reservations 7267366 Sep c°ff DENTAL Assistant preventive or car PERSONAL HAWAII Escorted from Hoys Travel Ser vice islands $789 extra tours included Wardair flight spaces remain HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 Next to theatre $18 DRESSMAKING made to measure Rates reasonable Preferably formal wear For more information call 7264689 OME WITH board and remuneration exchange for companionship for Iderly woman Preferable retired cou Ie looking for comfortable home Call 245977 INSTRUCTIONS IANO LESSONS East end For further nformation telephone 7287102 LOST AND FOUND ARTON containing Bentwood rocking hair fell from utility trailer on ednesday September 15 Highway 90 400 overpass Wednesday September Finder please telephone 7289583 OPPORTUNITY for MEN WOMEN Do you want extra money Learn to Prepare Income Tax Returns People who have flair for dealing with figures enjoy working with the public and would like to earn extra income may enroll in Blocks Tax School There is almost certain to be class near you Job in terviews available for best students Send for free in formation and class schedules today HURRY Classes start October 4th There is convenient area class location Contact the office nearest you HElR BLOCK 15 Dunlop St Barrie 7263822 Please send me free in formation about your tax preparation course un derstand there is no obligation Name Address City Province Phone Clip and mail today HELP WANTED Licenced Body ManWoman CLASSB Due to expansion position available immediately Hourly rate $575 Good company benefits 40hour work week Contact Lane Mace at 3266033 TF Keep up with Mrs Jones if shes working you can keep busy and make extra money too Take advantage of this per fect parttime earning op portunity Call 7289652 today for interview or write AVON PO Box 485 Barrie Ontario WTh $30 MANAGER TRAI NEES Career opportunity with expanding retail firm Retail experience definite sset Only well groomed self motivated people with desire to show positive results need apply We offer you chal lenge responsibility and appartunity for great future Salary plus commissions and excellent company benefits Apply Bonita Shoes Georgian Mali WAITRESS WAITER Howard John sons requires mature person for even ing and weekend work Full training pro vided Apply in person CLEANING PERSON required Tday Fridays Must be thorough Painswick area Call atter6 pm 7260970 DRUMMER and singer wanted urgently for rock oriented group Must have own transportation Telephone 728 7115 or 7282155 MATURE WAITRESSwaiter required for am to3 pm and 11 pm 107 am shifts Well groomed Experienced preferred Contact Mrs Raymond Wayfair Restaurant 7283461 PERSON FOR dry cleaning plant ex perienced preferred Apply Wright Cleaners 103 Bayfield Street or telephone 7285531 LOCAL FIRM requires person to per form general offlce duties as well as be responsible for store sales Reply In con fidence by sending resume to Box 526 Barrie Examiner CLEANING PERSON experienced re quired for Fridays for neighbours half day each County Road 31 Essa Innisfll town line Own transportation Telephone after pm or 7268445 PARTTIME help required one or two afternoons week Phone 7266539 ATTENTION Qualified Haridressers Be your own boss Rent chair and keep the profits For further information call 72619 fter pm SHOR ORDER Cook experienced good wages depending on experience Telephone 7264821 WE HAVE unique advertising pro duct We call on retail businesses only Our sales people earn over $500 per week commission travelling in Ontario We need help Meet me at the Continental Inn Thursday or Friday between it am and am Bob MacPherson or drop nOte to me at my office 105 Davenport Rd Toronto MSR 1H6 PARTTIME Counsellor wanted for six months beginning end of September 1976 Must have social services ex perience Hourly rate plus mileage App ly to Box 531 The Barrie Examiner WAITRESSWAITER short order cookln to pm required with experience 630 onday to Friday rifled fulltime or parttime Ra ly with resume to Box 530 Barrie Exam ner hlnesa food Must be responsible ex erlenced Volkswagen driver be able to tart at Agpiy in arson CK hinaseF 6405 ayfleid treet AVE YOU 15 spare hours week arn swworklng on your own time Also full time positions Car necessary 168956532 AI STYLIST to take over clientele op salary paid to ualifled person elephone House of ellini Bayfleld all 7264621 ARN EXTRA MONEY by showing anadas finest line of Christmas cards raps Novelties etc Over 450 Items in Iud ng exciting new Crownware For rea coloured catalogue and prompt ser Ice Jeandron Greeting Card Co Ltd 253 King St Hamilton Ont PARTTIME Driver required to deliver NILP WANTED lIELP wanna Rio Algom Limited ELLIOT LAKE ONTARIO has immediate openings for UNDERGROUND MINERS RATE $639 per hour MOBILE DIESEL INDUSTRIAL TYPE MECHANICS RATE $736 per hour Please apply in writing to RIO ALGOM LIMITED Employment Officer PO Box 1500 Elliot Lake Ontario 01 Telephone 7058487164 516 CLASS MECHANIC required for General Motors dealership flat rate shop Ex cellent medical and insurance benefit plans available Above average remuneration plan with bonus Apply Pat Donahue Georgian Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd 145 Bradford Street Barrie 7261885 518 PRODUCTION PLANNER major manufacturer and distributor of hand tools is seeking selfmotivated qualified person to accept responsibilities in the areas of shop loading scheduling forecasting and production plan ning The successful applicant will report to the division production con trol manager and will have minimum of one years successful ex perience In the production control or related areas Company offers good salary and comprehensive company paid fringe benefit program Apply in person or in writing to MANAGER OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS The Cooper Tool Group Ltd 1641nnisfi15t BARRIE L4M 4V5 518 We have career opportunity for an individual with several years Trust Banking or related experience gt The duties include day to day operations of fully integrated Bran ch supervision of 15 employees and responsible for financial repor ts reporting to Branch Manager Excellent working conditions and company benefits Kindly forward resume to STERLING maximumsauras Sterling Trust 16 Dunlop St Iarrie Ontario Attention Funecott Interesting Work In your spare time interviewing the public personally for market research Mainly evening and weekend work No selling or demonstration in volved Interviewing is to be conducted In the Barrie area If in terested apply in writing stating name address telephone num ber business experience if any education and hourly salary required to $17 MARKET FACTS OF CANADA LTD 97 Eglinton Ave East Toronto Ont M4P 1H7 Attention Mrs Hurd $16 CAREER OPPORTUNITY NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY WE TRAIN Old established international organization has immediate solos openings in Barrie and surrounding areas We offer excellent commission earnings potential with renewals modern training and opportunity for advancement If you are mature aggressive and own car call 7269737 am 33o pm After hours and Saturday 7281982 518 Innisfll Farmers Credit Union requires TELLER The successful applicant will have training in similar position with bank or trust company OR will have several years directly related experience In handling cash Parsons interested In this position should submit detailed resume outlining their academic and amploymontbackground to PO Box 88 Stroud Ont LOL 2M0 $17 NILP WANTED multr HELP WANTED FULLER BRUSH DEALE required in Barrie ar Part or full lme Write Mr Elis 100 Hamilton Dr Newmarket MATURE WARM person to care for one small child in my home days per week Telephone 7262032 after pm and weekends WAITRESS Walter wanted for dining lounge Must be neat and responsible Full or parttime Experience helpful but will train Must be available im mediately For appointment call 7261009 TOOL AND Cutter grinder wanted parttime Telephone 4584292 NURSING AIDE for Bayfield Lodge Nursing Home 346 Bayfield Street Bar rie To arrange Interview telephone 7202065 before pm and ask for Mrs Burke Director of Nursing REGISTERED NURSE parttime tar Bayfleld Lodge Nursing Home 346 Bayfield Street Barrie To arrange In terview telephone 7282065 before pm and ask for Mrs Burke Director of Nur sing EXPERIENCED Waitresses Waiters required evening work Mature person Apply In person to Head waitress Bayshore Motor Hotel BABYSITTER NEEDED from am to pm Monday to Friday to care air month old baby and year old boy Com mence November Telephone 7282663 MATURE RELIABLE babysitter to care for children Preferably in my home 730 to pm daily Oakley Park school area Telephone 7373946 MCDOHaIdS LI HOMEMAKERS Counter and kitchen sales very appealing hours to homemakers Monday thru Friday to hour shifts Training and uniforms provided above minimum starting wage Free Food Regular Increases Apply at MCDONALDS RESTAURANT Bayfield St North Barrio HELP WANTED Real Estate Sales Representatives required by one of Barrlos leading roaltors Experienced preferred but not essential If you are ambitious and prepared to work you write your own pay cheque EMORY MILLER LIMITED 67 DUNLOP wesr BARRIE 7261881 ronomo 3647941 525 REALTOR LI SALES HELP AND AGENTS CUSTOMERS SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Large financial Institute requires attrac tive and outgoing person to contact their Barrie clients Car necessacy Excellent starting salary plus car allowance For appointment call Mrs Armstrong 7373540 EMPLOYMENT WANTED RNA will give day care in her own home Infants month to years San ford St area Phone 728 7663 HOME MAINTENANCE service You name It IIi fix it reasonably Tap washers shelves Installed doors made to work etc Call Ralph 7373443 after 530pm DAY CARE in my home for pre schoolers ages and up in the Minets Point area CCII 7287541 RELIABLE MOTHER will babysit in my own home days or evenings Infants or toddlers Fenced yard Between Dalston and Craighurst Call Susan anytime 7267388 WILL aonsrr in my own home Midhurst area Telephone 7266503 MOTHER will babysit in own home fenced yard Oakley Park School area MATURE PERSON to perform many and varied duties in hotel dining room from hostess to dessert maker No previous experience necessary but willingness to learn an ability to deal ELEEPQPSPZQJBP with the public and the freedom to work GAL evenings and weekends Apply In per son Brochdye Park Ill71 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN CLARKE THURSTON All persons having claim again st the Estate of John Clarke Thurston late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe who died December 10th 1975 are required to file proof of the some with the undersigned on or before October lith 1976 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim heshethey shall not than have notice DATED At Lindsay this 10th day of September 1976 EARLE MILTON THURSTON Administrator by his solicitor DONALD WARNER Esq 22 Pool Street PO Box 208 Lindsay Ontario AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE for the Estate of the Late GEORGE TODT Lot ConcessIOn Caledon Twp Take Airport Rd to Mono Road just south of the Village of Caledon East turn west on Baseline to Can then north approx V4 mile on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 20 at pm The sale offers Drott TD skid shovel Int PTO trail mower cement mixer Master vibrator concrete trawler Acetylene gauges complete welding rod Homelite Gen 115 AC volts Beaver bench saw McCullough aluminum 16 boat with cars Large amount of building materials including lumber cedar and steel posts angle flat channel reinforcement and steel beams electrical equipment large amount of new fencing wire including AUCTION SALES chain link number of small Irri ation pumps insulation twogl967 Chev trucks dump and stake as is 1972 Renault 12 car as is other cars as is COOKSTOWN and VW motor and parts SALES BARN numerous miscellaneous items mm 905 of Cookstown Gentleman The sale offers lot on Hwy 89 of good material No furniture You BMNGIT TirinIquzs we scum arms as ay so Cheques with identification TUESDAYS7 PM Nothing to be removed until UVOSIOCk and Produce settedior FRIDAYS PM Acmdents Neither the estate Househod goods or who have nor the auctioneer Will be You responsible for accidents or COMPLETE FARM AND property loss ERNIE SEVERN Auctioneer RR No Alliston Telephone 7054357467 S16 HOUSEHOLD DISPERSALS For further details contact FRANK WEBB Cookstown 1705 4589172 4589734 WTF AUCTION SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 18 1976 PM VALLEYS WAREHOUSE 2O MAPLE AVE BARRIE ONTARIO Across from Gray Coach Bus Terminal Antiques Collectors items Furniture pce William Mary style mahogany bedroom suite gunstock chairs pine door armoire wicker armchair and rocker Cap tains chair iron kettles wooden churn iron legged pots cop per boiler charcoal irons brass fire screen sad irons brass and other oil lamps double barrel shotgun signed Barker Sons cast iron stovo fireplace crane and trammel oriental rug several pieces German china bronze framed mirror wool winder pressback hi chair wooden butter mould and adzo lanterns insulators bottles Jacques Hayes style walnut chair frame whiskey cracks SP water iug SP meat troy etc MISCELLANEOUS Girls speed bike humidifier single beds RCA portable TV and stand 60 heavy rope Aquarium Quantity of wine making equipment Pictures Lamps 30 rollaway badfoam mattress GE canister vacuum portable record player old fur coat wire vanity stool tent bathtub car iack suitcase snow shoes Ironing board coffee perc fer tilizer spreader new metal vise 19 pce ratchet set power wood router wooden plane new rotary airless point gun cycle motor etc COINSCanadian silver dollars 1939 1955 1949 1958 1959 1960 1964 1965 1966 1967 American silver dollars 1922 I924 Canadian half dollars 1950 1963 1967 1948 Quarter 1923 Cdn dollar bill 1937 Cdn dollar bllls 20 various Cdn pennies from 1928 to 1967 20 various nickals from 1940 to 1970 20 various foreign coins from 1884 to 1973 Open for Inspection at noon day of sale Terms are cash No property to be removed until settled for GRAIG ADAIR Auctioneer Phone 7265051 Barrie Ontario 516 W3 SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES DeatltNoIru twinein lrlhl lmBimum words additional words pm word Card of Thanks 75 will Adam wards mm We lrt Memoriam no mu vuu par mum nu unai 11 mm par Corning cm in ml with 15m ssoo 5500 Mondays Child Is fair of face Tuesdays Child Is full of grace Wednesdays Child Is full of woe Thursdays Child has far to go Fridays Child Is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that Is born on the Sabbath Day Is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day Of the week was tlleir birth date Keep this and other im rtant information for your childs fu ure Barrie Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital Information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth NOtice Is only $500 maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word PHONE 7282414 GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth of yourchild in The Bar rle Examiner clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives In those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Barrie Examiner Classified 7282414 ENGAGEMENTS BOTTRELL SPINO Mrs Greta Bottrell is pleasod to announce the for thcoming marriageof her daughter Judy Anne to Mr Michael Spino on Oc tober 1976 at St Marys Catholic Church Barrie0nt DEATHS MINK Harry William At the Toronto General Hospital on Tuesday September 14 1976 Harry Mink beloved husband of Beatrice Smith of Barrie Loving father of Naomie Mrs Legault and Doris Mrs VanTassel both of Niagara on the Lake Florine Mrs Klernan of St Catharines Hugh of West Virginia and Fred of RR no Thornton Dear grandfather of 18 grandchildren and great grand children Dear brother of Rose MacGiIlIvray of Stroud George of Chesiey Ont and Harold of Victoria BC Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie Visita tion from Wednesday at pm Service in the chapel on Friday September 17th at pm Interment Angus Union Ceme tery In lieu of flowers donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be an preciated Masonic service will be held Thursday at 730 pm Auspice Corin thian Lodge no 96 WW SHOCK Ida Marian At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie Ontario on Wednesday September 15 1976 Ida Marian Weir Shook in her 83rd year BeIOVed wife at the late Stephen Sh00k dear mother of Esther Mrs Lorne Wice of Barrie Resting at the Crawford Funeral Home Creemore where funer at service will be held on Friday September 17 at pm interment Banda Cemetery ROBERTSONAlice Edna at Kempenfelt Manor Barrie OnWednesday September 15 1976 Alice Edna Webb beloved wife of the late Mat thew Robertson in her 94th year Sister Jessie Mrs Harry Maxwell of Bar rie Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie after pm Friday Service in the chapel an Satur day September 18 at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery NEUGEBAUERFrank At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Wednesday September 15 1976 Frank Neugebauer in his 56th year Beloved husband of Maria Steffens dear father of Ursula Cable of Vancouver Doris Mrs Paul Leclair of Lahr Germany Helga and Frances both at home grandfather of Sean Cable Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie Funeral mass at St Johns Vianney Church Barrie on Friday September 17 at 11 Interment at St Marys Cemetery CARDS 0F THANKS KNEESHAW The family of the late IPaul Kneeshaw Jr wish to thank friends neighbors and relatives for their klnd expressions of sympathy flora tributes and mass cards during our re cent bereavement Special thanks to the Mann Funeral Home Father OMalley and the Barrie Civinette Club Paul and Colleen Kneeshaw and tam ly and grandparents Ken and Anne 169d KING We wish to thank neighbors friends and relatives for their sympathy and support during our recent sad bereavement of loving husband father and brother Stanley King The many acts of kindness floral tributes and donations to the Heart Fund are greatly appreciated Special thanks to Dr Bill Little for many years of patient care Dr IF Smith and Kolmar employees wnma Peggy Sandra Robbie Sonya Bessie and Dorothea IN MEMORIAMS URNER George Fredric In ever loving memory of my dear husband who ssed away Sept 161975 have lost my souls companion Your smile miss every day Surrounded by friends am lonesome in the midst of my lays am blue With smile on my face ivea heartache Longing dear George for you Remembered forever your loving wife Charlotte andfamily COMING EVENTS YBC Bowlers Kempview Bowl Saturday Sept 18 llamt0130pm Registration Only For bontam iuniors and seniors ages to 18 Registration fee $2 Team bowling starts Saturday Sept 25th 517 GEORGIAN COLLEGE GET STARTED EVENING COURSES THIS FALL FOR INFORMATION REGISTRATION BROCHURE CALL 705 7281951 BINGO ODDFELLOWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 800 pm I00F HALL FERRIS LANE Jackpot $100 refreshment booth ThTF 1111530 GIVEN POWERS The International Monetary Fund was established in 1944 to stabilize world currencies STORE IN STEMS The prickly pear cactus stores large quantities of water in its spiny stems Mr Thg Barrie Examiner Thursday Sept 16 197649 FUEL OIL SUPPLIERS Supply and Deliver No Domestic Fuel Oil of the following locations the Land Registry Office 134 Main Street NEWMARKET Ont 103034 the Muck Research Station BRADFORD Ont 15665 the Administration Building 114 Worsley Street BARRIE Ont 16233 Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 200 pm local time on Wednesday September 29 1976 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Of fice 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsaac at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted 51517 Ministry of Government Services Ontario Ontario Government Tender ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS For replacement of existing main transformer with new oil immersed natural selfcooled transformer at the Ministry of Community and Social Services Huronia Regional Centre Orillia Ontario TO 122 SEALED TENDERS will be received until 300 pm LCCAL TIME on THURSDAY OCTOBER 1976 Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ministry of Government Services Regional Office 24 James Street East Orillia Ontario Telephone No 705 3257403 or from the Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Office Room M143A Macdonald Block Queens Park Toronto On tario Telephone No 4169651152 100 Performance Bond may be required NOTE For further information regarding this lenden please call Mr Campbell Ministry of Government Services Toronto Ontario Telephone No 416 9651152 or the Regional Office above The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 51517 Ministry of Government Services Ontario TENDERS TENDERS NOTICE DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT PARKS CANADA TRENTSEVERN WATERWAY Sealed tenders addressed to the undersrgned and marked 76 29 15W for repairs and pain ting of Swing Bridge at Port Severn Ontario will be received up to 00 October 1976 at the following location Ashburnhgm Drive Pelerborougli Ontario Plans and Specifications ahd other tender documents for the chem may be obtained upon application and presentation of certified cheque for S25 00 payable to the Receiver General for Canada to the undersigned at Ashburnlram Drive Petorburough Ontario The S2500 deposit will be returned upon receipt in this offno of the Plans and Speculicaliansin goodcondition GormieyP Eng Superintendent 517 PUBLIC NOTICE ATTENTION Farmers market gardeners fruit farmers iunior farmers 4H members church grqups hobbyists handicraft persons We need you and your products for SPECIAL FARMERS MARKET Saturday Sept 25th 19767 am to pm Yes special farmers market is being held and we need your par ticipation and theres no charge or licence required by you Were looking for fresh fruits and vegetables of every variety rab bits and pigeons eggs honey home baked goods and preserves handicrafts braided rugs quilts macrame etc etc etc If youve grown it or have made itcome and sell it and enioy the friendly happy atmosphere of old fashion farmers market in downtown Barrie day for fun and profit Sept 25th In order to insure adequate space please phone the of Barrie 705 7266573 and tell them youll be there 518 PUBLIC MEETING THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO PLANNING AREA will hold Public Meeting on Monday the 27th day of Sep tember 1976 at the hour 018200 pm local time in the Oro Town Hall located on the 7th Line of 010 at Cross Road 1516 for the pur pose of presenting to the public Amendment No to the Official Plan of the Township of Oro Planning Area Application has been made by Russell Stewart Construction Co Ltd to amend the 01 ficial Plan by redesignating port of Lot Concession 14 Township of Oro from Rural to Industrial Pits and Quarries The purpose of this amendment is to enable Russell Stewart Construction Co Ltd to establish gravel pit on the subiect property together with processing operations allied to extractive industrial operations Copies of the preposed amendment may be reviewed during business hours at the Oro Township Municipal Office DONALD McKAY SecretaryTreasurer Oro Planning Board RR No Oro Station Ontario 7054872016 Help needed for protect Volunteers for Meals on lugs and this was Won by Val Wheels are needed it was an Emmes The door prize was nounced recently at the first won by MalmeWebsler meeting of the year for the letter from the groups ladies auxiliary to the Barrie foster childJacquelineGrayol Lions Club Members met at Jamaicawasroad the home of Ev Dymenl 13 Members are selling tickets Marwendy Cres for he Kitchener Waterloo pro Guesis included Mrs Stack OI duction of Alinic Get Your Gun the Business and Professional Tickets are available from Womens Club Mrs Ansley of members or by calling 7287016 the Kinetle Club Mrs Duncan of the Quota Club Mrs Kemp ol the Soroptimist club Mrs Emmes of the Rotary Inner Wheel and Mrs Ev Wheeler 51623 Less cheese TORONTO ll Supplies past resident of the Midland of Ontarioproduced cheese Lioneles powdered milk and yogurt Committee reports were might dwindle this winter says read George McLaughlin chairman Joan Nesbill introduced of the Ontario Milk Markcllng game about summer happen Board