id uw varAN 18The Barrie Examiner Thursday Sept 16 I976 MORTGAGES KINZIE LIMITED MORTGAGES WE HAVE funds immediately available with competitive rates of interest prompt com mitments and complete con fidentiality for first second and third mortgages ALL TYPES of property residen tial commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages for cash OUR ADVICE IS FREE Call IAN KERR Bus HOME 7371881 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES I21 BAYFIELD St 7267130 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF MDIIILE NDMESMM AND TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes for sale or rent Holiday in complete home com fort Barrie Tent and Awning C0 34 Bayfield st 1976 BENDIX LEADER 68x12 bed rooms 7500 sq ft lot in park south of Barrie Owner leaving province Tele phone 726 5176 ITS NOT TOO LATE The Hitch House Ltd can meet your trailer hitch re quirements Call Harold for appoint ment 728 9700 COUNTRY LIVING in quiet park south of Barrie New homes Also used homes from $11000 Call 7286875 1973 GMC Paradise motor home com pletely equipped 11000 miles Phone 7054665668 AIDS7935 MISSISSA GA COURT APARTMENTS Two bedroom apartments pliances drapes included Next to Simcoe Plaza 7263383 OFFICES STORES FOR RENT Prime Allondale Commercial location on Burton Avenue Building now under construction and will alter plans to suit tenant November occupancy C5 local zoning Call 7286165 or 7265407 522 APTSTO RENT UNFURNISHED BACHELOR apart ment available Immediately 400 Essa Rd area fridge stove heat hydro and parking supplied $145 monthly For ap Dointmentphone 7284776 after 430pm BEDROOM apartment in older home in east end ground floor private en trance paved parking rent $200 In cludes stove fridge heat hydro and water Available Immediately 7284867 ONE BEDROOM Apartment $211 mon thly includes refrigerator stove heat and parking Bus stop location No pets please Telephone 7284016 FURNISHED Bachelor Apartment suitable for person overlooking the lake year lease require references $160 month Phone 7268420 or 7260241 KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 CEDARWOOD COURT 7264991 Adults TF BEDROOM Apartments available Im mediately in downtown area with fridge and stove supplied Rent ranging from $110 $155 7263257 UPSTAIRS of large farm house sell contained close to Barrie Suitable for people Available October 1st Telephone 062451 afterSpm For People Who Care If you are looking for comfort quiet secluded location HOLGATE COURT HOLGATE and BAYVIEW and BEDROOM NOW RENTING Very large suites Large balconies Equipped gym room Cable TV Parking City bus service Adults only Color automatic appliances Sauna bath 7289082 TThSTF UNFURNISHED ONE bedroom apart ment refrigerator and stove separate entrance parking central Suit adults Referances Telephone 7285880 ONE KERDOMSEFIIREBE refrigerator and stove hydro and heat supplied Cookstown area Telephone 4584517 or 4584567 730 am or 30 Ii DROOMTprartment downtown area Telephone 7371830 SUBLET beautiful bedroom overlook ing Bay Available October lst $256 monthly Including underground park ing all utilities paid Tennis court saunas exercise rooms Phone 7373823 betweens 301030pm ONE BEDROOM upper apartment Heat stove and refrigerator supplied Parking Close to bus Available im mediately Telephone 726 6104 ONE AND Two Bedroom apartments for rent centrally located on bus route Immediate possession Telephone 7372699 or 7262551 BEDROOM Basement Apartment close to downtown No pets non smokers Telephone 7282200 ONE BEDROOM apartment suitable for2 people $150 monthly incledes neat and hydro Available October Please call 7286292 for appointment ONE BEDROOM Heat cable and park ing carpeting included $220 monthly Available immediately Telephone 7373994 ONE BEDROOM apartment heal hydro parking stove and refrigerator Close to bus stop and factory area $170 per month Telephone 7286579 FURNISHED or unfurnished bedroom apartment large rooms adults only no pets private entrance parking $165 monthly Available immediately Close to Georgian Mall Phone 7261970 alter 539911 ACCOMMODATIONS TO SHARE YOUNG MAN has bedroom furnished apartment to share $125 per month 40 Bradford Street second floor alter pm Students can dered YOU NG MAN Ra 7535565 aaanmem to share with same Telephone 7260439 APTS TO RENT colored ap TF OFFICES STORES FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED offices lux uriously decorated parking very reasonable rent Telephone 7373700 PRIME Retail and Office space for rent in newly opened Allandale Centre For rates and information contact Neil Gleeson at Allandale Drugs or John Christie Christies IGA OFFICE SPACE Modern office with 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking Kem penfelt Bay and municipal parking Recently decorated with wall to wall drapes and fully broodloomed Call Bill Sokeris National Trust Co 728 9201 TF IHQUSES TO RENT HOUSES TO RENT PUGET COURT 275 BLAKE ST BARRIE FOR LEASE °Executive luxury townhouses and bedrooms Prestige location Most overlooking bay Stove refrigerator washer dryer °Rental applications now being taken references 0For appointment to inspect Call 7262361 THREE BEDROOM Bungalow fur nis ed large double garage electric hea near St Pauls Available October Telephone 4362448 STROUD Two bedroom home for rent 1V2 baths fireplace Furnished or un furnished Mature adults Telephone 4364806 weekends or 4164616351 days SMALL HOUSE bedrooms un furnished on Highway 11 at Grove East 8175 plus heat and hydro Telephone 7285848 THREE BEDROOM semI large backyard fully broadloomed stove refrigerator utilities extra $275 mon thly tlon to buy On Sanford near Brock 288340aftar6pm BEDROOM home 12 baths family room with walkout finished rec room 4th bedroom V2 acre fenced lot IO miles south of Barrie 4589178 TThSTF BEDROOM House available Octobe Ist In downtown area with large kit chen and living room also backyard Call between 10am pm 7263257 AND Bedroom single family homes exclusive area from $350 per month Garages close to schools and shopping Barrie 7283122 or 4246711 NEW HOME bedroom side spilt larg family room fully broadloomed baths prlvata lot garage near Georgian Mall Available Immediately $350 monthly 4165768420 4162230633 collect SIMCOE BEACH Bunoalow bedrooms living room with fireplace dlnlng room re rlgerator stove patio attached garage Large private lot Telephone Tv antenna Close to shopp lng Immediate possession Toront 4162593651 evenings Stroud 436355 Sundays RENTALS HOUSES TO RENT BRAND NEW Townhouse for rent In ex cluslve location For more Information call 7371981 days 7263432 evenings Ask for Joe BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT view Large bungalow In Ora Appliances dra and broadIOOm Suitable for ex ecu Ive family Lease references 4162499528 4875788 weekends NEW THREE bedroom townhouses in Orillla Garage styles to choose from From $350 monthly plus utilities Fridge and stove fully broadloomed to Your choice of color Located south of Hwy 12 bypass between Gill St and Forest Ave Telephone 13259811 anytime BEDROOM DaiméentraII ated on bus route Gaod for large family Available immediately Telephone 7372699 or 7262551 BEDROOM home 112 baths family room with walkout finished rec room I4th bedrOom acre fenced lot to miles south of Barrie 4589178 LOWER DUPLEX bedroom for rent Grove and Bayfield St utIIltIes in cluded $250 monthly Telephone 7268698 or 7371965 evenings THREE BEURUUM home for rent with double garage in Painswlck Includes refrigerator stove extras $350 mon thly Available October Telephone 7266049atter6pm BEDROOM Winterized Cottage at rear of triplex close to hospital and bus stop Ideal for retired couple No steps to climb Available Oct $175 monthly 7260884 HOUSES WANTED TO RENT SMALL HOUSE or winterized cottage wanted to rent in Barrie or vicinity Rent range under $200 for couple with two house cats Please call 728 0559 alter pm MARRIED STUDENT requires home winteriled cottage or farmhouse tlll spring in Barrie or Orillla area Collect 4168897871 WANTED by responsible Dutch couple 0000 references apartment or house winter months every year Reasonable Telephone 4364334 ROMQEL COUPLE has rooms to let in modern bedroom home Use of all facilltles Telephone 7269369 daytime LARGE Furnished room for rent in up per floor of triplex close to downtown Share kitchen fourpiece bath with two other working men $20 weekly or save ats75 monthly Call 7284967 after 430 LOVELY CLEAN home large bright furnished bedroom with sink Room cleaned linen changed weekly Kitchen facilities free parking Central Gentlemen only 7280598 or 7285198 ROOM FOR rent near thevtactories with refrigerator and stove Available now Telephone 7269859 evenings MODERN HOME roomsSvaitiabté for working Or student girls near college Furnished linen supplied kitchen privileges Call for appointment 7373818 ROOM ANT KitChenToT FentiNo Linens etc Henry Street area Telephone 7372047 PARTIALLY furnished housekeeping unit 69 John St $110 monthly Parking available Please call 7286292 for ap pointment ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND Board for single girl or working girls Rooms cleaned and linen changed weekly Allandale area $25 weekly per person Telephone 7265991 beforeSpm WIDOW woman will rent room with board to retired gentleman in his mid die 605 also for company Box 529 Bar rie Examiner FARMS FOR RENT 40 ACRE farm bedroom house brand new barn Fish pond $300 monthly Stayner area Telephone 726 8733 or 4285446 SPACE FOR RENT PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 3100 19500 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 16 ft clear part of large expanding Industrial mall 726 7130 BUTLDI NG 766x17007 Suitable for store garage warehousing etc 21 Mary Street very central Apply Valley Drive Yourself 16 Maple Avenue 77696 AUTOMOTIVE MOTORCYCLES I973 PENTON 125 cc trail bike Must be seen $325 Telephone 7266759 after pm 1974 HONDA TRAIL 250 2500 miles Asking $650 also 1974 Kawasaki road bike K2400 4000 miles Asking $900 Both in excellent condition 705 4665668 CARS WANTED URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 TF TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 7288111 IUNK CARS WANTED Highest pFiCes paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 268711 TRACY ANTS cars an trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid free immediate pick up anytime 43999 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking $25 and up Fast pickup 4245949 after pm or 4356322 or 7973515 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars boughtover scales $20 °n 4363927 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the ceptlon of Classified Display vertisamanfs which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words 3500 Additional words cts per word CARD OF THANKS 25 words $500 Ad ditional words cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $500 With verse per count line 21 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or Mo Insertions per word in sertlon Three consecutive Insertions cents per word Insertion total $612 Slx consecutive Insertions 8c per word per In sertion total $1152 Multiple insertions my be ordered subject to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each lnlflal ab breviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenlanca to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department requires ad advertisers to kin dly recheck their advertisement Im medlataly after first Insertion In order that any error or omission may be reported before am In order that some may be rectified for the following day publlcallon The Barrie Examiner Is responsible for only one Incorrectly printed insertion of any ad verfllement and than only to the extent of portion of ad that Involves the misprlnl Errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for corrections by make goods The Barrie Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or raiect any want ads PHONE 7292414 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FIRST IIuSINESS OPPORTUNITY TIME OFFERED National marketing company is selecting distributors for unique new product Manufactured by Massa Corporation No distributOr experience necessary Complete training and company assistance provided EXCEPTIONAL INCOME OPPORTUNITY MINIMUM INVESTMENT REQUIRED TOR INVENTORY PROTECTED TERRITORIES NO DISTRIBUTOR FEES SIMPLL OPIRATION auToMoTIIIE DONT BE CARS FOR SAL I972 CHALLENGER excellent condi tlon vinyl top Michelin tires stereo automatic console etc ask for John 1972 MERCEDES Benz 280 SE power steering power brakes central locking Isystem air conditioned door sedan low mileage excellent condition For in formation telephone 705 445 1476 1973 PONTIAC Gran Safari station wagon In excellent condition low mileage no rust undercoated $3000 Fully certified Telephone 737 1004 I960 VOLKSWAGEN reconditioned 73 motor 16000 cc 35000 miles on motor new tires 900d condition As Is $300 Telephone 726 5771 between and 1973 LINCOLN Mark fully powered AMFM radio and tape deck combina tion airconditioning mint green Ex cellent condition Must sell Asking $6000 424 5703 evenIngs ONE OWNER 1973 Oldsmobile Delta Royale door hardtop all power air conditioned excellent condition PrI vale Telephone 728 0758 r0 728 3992 PRIVATE 1968 Ford Fairlane vs lionCertIfied $825 Telephone 728 8641 1971 MUSTANG excellent condition V8 vinyl top factory tape deck power steering automatic Ziebarted 56000 lmIles Certified $2450ftrm After 5p 726 7969 1974 SPITFIRE Triumph excellent con dition undercoalcd AM FM radio ra dials and snows$26001irm728192l I1973 FORD Galaxie 31000 miles new radials power steering and brakes Western car Telephone 436 1304 1971 VW BUG needs tune up good can faIr condition 436 1757 1964 FALCON Auto engine shot new Igenerator good tires good for spares 1375 or offers Telephone 737 0947 1974 MONTEGO MX power steering gpower brakes air conditioning new tires 39000 miles extremely clean gMust be seen 726 6759 after pm asking $400 Telephone 11975 PLYMOUTH Fury Custom ex cellent condition va automatic power steering power brakes radio 13000 igood miles $4200 or best offer Telephone 424 1664 after 11969 CHEV Biscayne door cylinder automatic power steering power brakes radio good condition Telephone lWalter 726 6011 days or 726 3951 even IngS I1971 COMET certified very good condi tion extra snow tires tape deck Asking $I500 Telephone 726 8569 after 1969 CHRYSLER Newport Custom 73000 original mileage one owner good condition Best offer Can be seen at 28 Lay Street Telephone 726 I228 i1966 ACADIANreltable194 cubic inch cylinder automatic good tires and brakes good running condition needs Isomebodywork Asis $275 728 5056 19737 ELDORADO black with white leather upholstery all power air real sharp Telephone 726 9896 yI967 CHRYSLER Newport Custom ex Icellent condition power steering and brakes air conditioning all new tires nearly new paint lob Telephone 726 7239 1970 MONTE CARLO as is Best offer Telephone 436 4562 ford to have color now As bo china dinnerware set or $1019 roll about base with any portable Phone 726 94331726 8644 door blue 283 motor excellent condi Idition asking $600 1968 Ford Wagon ARTICLES FOR SALE CANADA CUP Can easily be enioyed by you with any of these tremendous colour television buys And with our easy payment plans anyone can af OUARANTEI INVENTORY BUY RACK Own develop your own business on full or parttime basis As little as 15 hours per week minimum investment $4300 Successful applicants must be bondable For appointment contact MR HUll VP MARKETING Call CIIIIIIIII 416 238 71411 516 AUTOMOTIVE MR CAR DEALER LEFT OUT FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 0112 flarrir IExIIIIIiItrr CARS FOR SALE ICOLLECIORS Item I972 Plymouth in good condition 8051 oflrir Telephone TRIUMPH IR6 I969 freshly painted rradial tires including snows radio lair Ily good overall condition Will certify l$700 or bestofler Call 726 7749 1972 COUGAR Convertible 48000 miles lpower sleoring power brakes quad tape deck chrome wheels and extras Best loffer Unit 27 I96 Burton Avenue II974 COUGAR XR7 18000 miles in top lcondltion dual mirrors map wheels rear window dologger 01c $3800 ITEIEDDODC 429 2720 11971 OLDSMOBILE door hardtop cer llified needs some body work Telephone 7260995 after 1972 MUSTANG convertible 351 stan dard power steering and brakes ex cellent conditIon Telephone 474 5289 11970 CAMARO V8 excellent conditIon Iautomatic radio 74000 miles lreftnished body Telephone daytime 7261848 evenings 737 3643 jI972 MAZDA excellent condition AM FM radio certified $1200 or best offer Telephane728 7195 11965 BARRACUDA cylinder lautomatic radio bucket seats original lwheel cavnrs needs some body work and Irtght roar sprtng fIxcd $275 ftrrn By no poinlmentonly 7281116 1973 FORD Galaxio V8 automatic full power 34000 original miles perfect an anion Must sell Telephone 726 2609 or 1726 9002 gl973 GREMLIN 304 Vii speIndstan dard track new radial IlftS metallic blue 50000 mtlos Excullrnl condition 728 4258 evenings 1969 OLDS DELTA 88 door hardtop power brakes and steering radio Carefully maintained by original owner Telephone 726 3458 I97I TOYOTA Corona automatic rebuilt engIne and transmission new IX haust system $550 or boat reasonable of for Telephone 726 8180 1971 CHEVELLE for sale In excellent condition Telephone 737 2518 or apply 178 Grove Street Apartment 15 bet ween 1969 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Supreme 150 barrel speed buckets stylish sports wheels trailer hitch good clean condition Will certify $850 Telephone 726 7955 TRUCKS AND TRAILERS 1973 FORD farm truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin LhdSSIS like new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods Hillsdale 835 2308 1970 F700 FORD Slnqlt axle speed dump truck Heavy duty rear end $3700 certified Phone 4361783 or 436 4945 SNOW PLOW 1977 Toyota Land Cruiser 23000 miles one owner Myers foot angling plow all in excellent condition $3595 Bayfield Sunoco Car Wash 1971 FORD ton V8 automatic good farm truck in good condition Telephone 7281547 after 1972 FORD ton Astandard ZiIIttarlod Icamper very good condition $1950 orl best offer Telephone 7261880 after 1971 DODGE Van cylinder automatic private Bestoffor Telephone 726 0893 ARTICLES FOR SALE nus offer to anyone cashing in on these superb values during the series Kelly will give free ab solutely FREE your choice of 5piece carving knife set 4place nger tennis raquet and get tree to boot NEWDEMOS AND USED NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENTS TIL DECEMBER 20 ZENITH CHROMACOLOUR only to clear or pay lust 350 weekly 26 COLOUR CONSOLE Sensotionally priced or pay just 450 weekly 18 SYLVANIA 100 solid state or pay iust 450 weekly 19 RCA ACCUCOLOUR XL75 reduced to clear or pay just 350 weekly 26 ZENITH CHROMACOLOUR astealat or pay iust 600 weekly 26 RCA XLIOO reducedj100 or pay iust 650 weekly 399o 44300 41 90° 36600 64300 69900 PHONE TONITEDELIVERY TONITE FOR RCA ZENITH SONY TOSHIBA GE OUASAR Call KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA 7371182 7371182 SIoI3I4I6 ALUMINUM ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING Sofflt fascia eovestrough door windows awnings porch enclosures stonework Installed with Old Fashioned Pride GIBSON General Contractors 7265609 SIDING SOFFIT FACIA xiit troughlng Free estimate from Palnswlck Aluminum 726976 ALTERATIONS LADIES AND gentlemans alterations 26 Mary St Talep tone 7373432 or residence 7288446 WH APPLIANCES ELFCIROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and service 18 Allianco Blvd 7283392 AUTO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES 58 WILLARD Batteries amtfreeze all wInIer needs of attractive prlces Rebuilt engines for most cars trucks Pratt Motor Supply Co ltd 7285911 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Sarv 17 Mary St 726 5441 INTERIOR REMODELLING kticltumf ii rooms Call Russ 4363681 after 630 pm References availabl IIIIID IIOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at 72 Malrasu Ava Barrie orrtalephone BOOKREEPING BOOKKEEPING TYPING General clerical stuffn9 envelopes etc My home 15 years axpenertre Phone Norman 726 5437 CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec roams renovations GddllthlS fireplaces guaranteed 737 1507 CARPENTER Spectalinng In rec rooms in terior remodelling trIm etc Please call 778 8884 after rn CEDAR DECKS rec roams extensions etc Fully expertericed 7269W2 7262609 CABINET MAKER EuropOan trained Kit liens vultllles Ptnofutntture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 CARPENIER wIII do rec rooms renovottons remodelling etc No to small 726 271 GENERAL CARPENTRY Rec rooms tiling renovating drywall built In lothas closets etr Reasonable 726 3853 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR sprIng leaning today Revitalize your carpet with carpet steam cleaning 72 6371 CHAIR CANING Antique CIIOII Contrig Over 35 yrs perteriro Phone Samers 4362299 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST work layout etc 936 2631 tx Logo desngn art Pleso all collect 416 CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Ltd patios Sidewalks and Steps Free aslImates Work guaranteed Book now Phone 726 0081 CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM FENCING and Supplies Phone for asltttiufns Free delivery flame Fence Co 726 3068 Lambert 728 2670 RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain lInk custom wood fences Improve your property 737 1507 ORESSMAKING DRESSES FIT Il mode by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing In pant Suits gowns and ulteta tIDnt 76Worsley 72660 DRIVING INSTRUCTION EARN TO DRIVE defensively with Highland DrtvIng School Instruction by OSL graduate Phone 7286871 ARTICLES FOR SALE PIANO upright reconditioned and refInishedexcellentcondition7260560 ELECTRIC STOVE 30 inch 9mm good working order priced reasonable Telephone 726 5553 GARAGE SALE Saturday sentence 18 at 297 Patterson Road 10 am to pm Rain date Sept 19 Household ef fects andlurniture APARTMENT SALE Lieaiiing Barrie Everything must go plus car 50 Penetang Street apt Thursday thru Saturday9fill6pm 1600 cc model 2TC Toyota engine flts 19717273 cars completely rebuilt also 30 gas range avocado green $50 Phone 424 6116 anytime GOING OUT of business fire racks commander board and lettering Palsar electronic scope 960 model on car wheel balancer plug cleaning machine 195 amp arc welder valve grinding and refacing machine cash register ton Fargo pick up truck Home 8355233 or business 705 538 2010 TRAILER FOR SALE double axle steel deck 10 feet feet suitable for snowmobiles or base for house trailer $395 Phone 728 6238 GARAGE SALE Saturday September 18 Moffatt electric range Chesterfield and Chair platform rocker foot stools lawn mower garden tools dishes etc 209Jean St Tollendal PATIO SALE carriage chairs oil burner wagon wheel fixture etc etc Sept 16 and 17th am to pm 148 Kempenfelt Dr MUST SELL right away MovinoiiiATI kinds of lurnlturevTelephone 7265902 VIKING ROTOTILLER hp Bear drive $130 Telephone Mr Hopper 835 2925 LAWN BOY lawn mower $60 Rota tiller hp $80 Reel mower $60 Briggs stratton motor horllontal drive engines for GoCarts or pumps etc Telephone 7282863 GARAGE SALE atiéiinntsm street Friday and Saturday Chlldrens books gamesjamps furnlture etc HOMEMADE wooden utility trailer 16 inch wheels 32 62 box $170 Elec lrlc fireplace black 3000 watt 592 high $220 GM Infant car seat $15 Jolly lumper with stand $15 Walker $8 Lounge chair $3 Playpen 40 40 $10 ft pool 18 sides vinyl liner $10 7285637 2PIECE chesteIIield set gold pattern with yellow velvet trim only months old Phone 7372648 after pm OARACE SALE InétuulndTuTnIIITFE All week Sept 14 to 20 Rear of 31 VIC torla St Barrie CLARKS Home Furnishings warehouse annex 33 Bayfleld St Clearance good used Chesterfield sets from $4995 odd Ilvlng room chairs stove frl wrlnger washers dryers metal be and spr lngs new desks damaged $2995 New chesterfleld set slightly soiled $599 for $399 place new Chesterfield sets $269 GARAGE SALE 1030 am Saturday September 18 Barrie Huronla Motel 240 Bradford Street Clothing VW tires sink new and old articles so come aar BACKYARD Sale September 18 and 19 at 91 Owen St 726 7675 pool table $25 solid wood dressers $5 each Many more articles from up Sale starts 12 noon till everythlnos sold POOL TABLE standard slxe years old Telephone 7372243 after pm anytime weekends STEREO Sï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ Year old WoITll ovar $850 asking $400 Record collection In cluded Must sell this week 7261610 ask for David ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory DRYWALL BOARDING taping metal stud petitions acceuatlc and textured sprayed Editor7304 EAVESTROUGNING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eavgltroyghlng 11s ed Call 7286628 COLORED AlumIn ERJIEEFATI work done and uaranteed by owner Free estlmates 7269 69 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates C911 424 956 New Lowell ELECTRONICS DELL MICROWAVE Services Autherlzed Among Sales Service to all Microwave $1912 723511210212 EXCAVATING WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizonta Augering 7289833 Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible NANOTMAN GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance carpentry renovation poinlln Iumblng Ex SPRING CLEANUP Prult general 03 moinle onco NOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR MODELLING Kltchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363661 after 630 pm References available NEED MORE IIVIng co rec room extra bedroom ploy room aundry office storage space Also painting wallpaperln Murray Ball 728B906 Mï¬Â¥ CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete base ant planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 CARPENTIIVTTREFAIRS renovations lacklng masonry demolition Roofing 20 years experience Free estimates 7269135 LIFTING AND moving cottagdsffouthstioFIs alterations additions custom building Fox Contracting 7261710 aftor Spin INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns propored An us Bar rle area up Dobson 4245 10 after ï¬niweekends INCOME TAX returns prepaFed am to FIREPLACES FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA BARRIE 7372871 SID HENSTRA TORONTO 2937934 COLONIAL FIREPLACES all fuel factory built 308 Tiffin 7284040 STONEWORK and fireplaces speciallyï¬vVic Watsonfor free estimates 7281599 NANDTMAN FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 am and 530 pm LAWN CARE General Maintenance Trees and Hedges Trimmed Patios Installed Exterior Pointing Window Cleaning Services Small Moving Jobs Days 7268424 Evenings 4362387 FALL CLEANUP General Maintenance Fertilizing and Trimming Painting Trosh hauled trees cut Smal moving iobs Storm windows cleaned installed DAYS 7268424 EVENINGS 4362387 Il BARRIE iv Lll ClllLlill SI 728429 CANADA CUP HOCKEY SPECIAL by Just $558 per wk IonIy leIIl At This Price BUYERS CHECK LIST wNo payments till OcL on our own budget plan No down payment Free same day delivery wWa sawice what we sell TThSTF PICTURE Window 11 50 $75 also Woods gas water heater 335 gallons brand new $75 Telephone 4245543 COMPR SSER hp also Regulator and fan In new condition Telephone 7263094 betweens and II pm IoPIECE LUDWIG Drum Set asking $600 or best offer also 150 lb set of weight Iltts asking $75 Telephone 4362093 KIMBALL ORGAN Swinger 100 rhythm section keyboards foot pedals and banch $1050 or best offer Call 7282369 or can be seen at 56 Cumberland DRAREs Gold anthueETIn 200 III also floor polisher Please telephone 7373024 BUNK BEDS for We com late with mattresses goad condlt on $50 Telephone 7266842 after pm DINING ROOM Sulfa solid frultwood new condition $1800 also couch and TREES Nurser lfarous and Dacl uous Very reasonable chair like new $410 Telephone 7263780 Phone 7269295 51 7555 7797 INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation fibreglass blowln and patting Free estimates Scott Muir 81267 LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING daslgns sup plied Trea removal Custom spraying tlliler Insecticide Herbicide 4873401 7289369 BOTTING PROPERTY SERVICESNLWth garden malnt landscape services reasonable rates 7264536 MEN AVAILAELE DENTAL Cindi 55 ting sodding fencing tree planting pottos decks concrete etc 4876241 or 4872606 LAWN CARE SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing sod ding seeding general maintenance 92311115 E7Z53C EC MAINTENANCE CONSULTANTS Is Your Maintenance Cost Too High DO YOU HAVE TOO MANY RECURRING REPAIRS OR BREAKDOWNS CRD Provides qualified consulting to eliminate your costly problems For PAINTING PAINTING paper hangin experienced free estimates Jack Richar son 726202 75ft9° RETIRE PAVING MANIERI PAVING LTD nu Driveways Parkingtots Tennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7250081 Serving Simcoe County for 16 years MANIERI PAVING LTD Patios Sidewalks and Steps Free estimates Work guaranteed Book now Phone 7260081 aILOITA CONTRACTING sidewalks steps chimneys curbs New work and repairs Free estimates fï¬mleiflit PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlap St East Custom framing of all types We stock manyslies E0903 71399779 Patios 75 224 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING1 RETAIL COMMERCIALI CHARGEX MASTERCHARQE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages RIDING INSTtiucTIoN RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Hgyses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy gu farmjzagtn ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 3221897 after pm 44 SEW MACHINES SEWING MACHINE REPAIR Special half price $888 clean Oil adjust tension Any make Free pickup 7372535 ISEW TECH CO Spezialists repairs on mokes industrial domestic sewing machines New used Agents Brother Sewing Machines 73716217371185 AWE WV ELEELC TELEVISION LEASING Barries only House of Leasin Leasearour ORILLIA 3250254 We dont supply parts or labor MICROWAVE OVENS DELL MICROWAVE Services Among Sales Service to all ovens 7264177 anytime Authorized Microwave MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Marcel Patvin Guitar Studio 7261489 BANDSTAND MUSIC Studios Bayfield Moll Guitar classes Yamaha method all age groups 7264973 PIANO ESONT EDyEI pular Conservatory Popular or Sacred Music taught by Miss Par tridge BRE Telephone 7263150 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced months trtol Instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music 121 Bayfield 7281799 PIANO LESSONS East end for furtharrvin Iormatian telephone 7287102 new color from S3 75 per wee at Barrie TV 29 Collier St 7284297 TREE REMOVAL EXPERIENCED TREE CUTTERS Will do lot clearing dead elm in farms out and dispersed 7267260 7283715 TREE REMOVAL No job too small Lots cleared Free Estimates 7264187 Dan WATER NAULAGE FRESH WATER DELIVERY Wells mime and pools filled cotygww WELL DIGGING LONE STAR WELL DIGGING STROUD IMachine dug wells Homes Cottages Farms Industry Specialising in Concrete Ttle Steel reinforced concrete tile lengths for sale Diameter 21148 737051 LC WINDOW CLEANING ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Specialists in houses apartments and stores Telephone PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Established 30yea 728l9 ARTICLES FOR SALE YORK AIRcondltioner 25 ton com pressors water cooled 2083 phase hydro model 1003 for information call 7261009 USED COLORED TVS Any reasonable offer will be accepted We need the room for new stock con tinuously coming in Come early for best selection of color and black and white TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 29 Col Iier St 7284297 BRAND NEW 25 Quasar Color Console Television featuring works In drawer and full manufacturers warranty Now Only $593 or pay lust $550 weekly with no money down and no payments til November Phone tonightfree delivery tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Shopp Ing Playa 7371182 $400 WEE KLY buys this new 20 super Zenith Chromacolor Television with no money down and no payments til November Phone tonightdelivery tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Shopping Plaza 7871182 HEAVY DUTY work bench for sale also heavy duty utility trailer steel frame Both good condition Telephone 7269135 PIANOS at Neales 30 Queen Elmvale See our ad under Pianos in the yellow pages Save lot SAVE MONEY On your food costs this year purchase Speed Queen freeler from me for $275 or you may pay for it on easy monthly Installments Call Terry at 7266558 USED OIL fired forced aIr furnace 90000 BTU also 20 natural gas range and gas space heater Telephone 7285406 after pm YAMAHA Trombone like new Black Watch band lacket size 36 gray trousers 30 Kenmore electric stove 24 with rotisserie $100 39 bed with mattress $30 Day Couch $40 Phone 7266365 STEREO HlFldellty Admiral console with Garrard record player In walnut Excellent condition $175 Telephone 4361752 Stroud LOBSTERS Delivered to your door live or cooked Telephone 7373395 between and9 pm DRAWER White Dresser also wicker single headboard and chair plus wicker swag lamps larger wicker chair Baby bassinette stroller play pen Telephone 7280810 ELECTROHOME TeleVIslon colorth Inch years old excellent condition Can be seen at48 Codrlngton St Apt LADYS COAT 100 per cent camel hair sue 910 as new Cost price $170 Best reasonable offer After preferably 7268083 GARDEN SUPPLIES POTTING SOILS Gavt tested We mlx our own Dont lose valuable plants Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Telephone 7262951 PLANTS AND BULBS FLOWER SALE 40 large Scheaftlaras $20 each Assorted hanging baskets $7 Rigger Begonias $4 to $10 Ferns and many other bargains 3222847 TREES AND SHRUBS stock for sale Con ARTICLES FOR SALE BOATS AND MOTORS 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor AI condition Asking 21500 Telephone 4354245 after 430 pm 16 FT lCRAFT custom magma 115 hp More complete with power trim speedometer tack and ski bar Must sell Telephone 7372655 WINTER PROJECT Refinish thl inch mahogany plywood run Beamy 12foot craft has tak 11 Georgian Bay could offer Come th trailer Hitch up and take It aw or $200 Call 7284967 after 430 30 FT CHRISCRAFT sleeps W85 12 hp motors 600 hours $15990 Telephone322II26after6pm SAVE OVER $110 Branch new hp Evinrude Full warranty 20 per cento No tax Phone 7371161 anytime BARGAINI 16 ft custom built sailboat fiberglass covered marine plywOUd sails many extras Including en ne trailer In slip ready to sail SI 7267955 22 FT CRUISER V8 inboard mahogany ply head hat and cold water sleeps Needs work $3500 7285837 17 FOOT GREW with 100 hp Johnson good condition convertible top 2960 dies gas tanks iackets etc Bestbf fer Call Scott 7284014 after6pm AA CAMPING EQUIPMENT 12 FT ROCKET Trailer sleeps refrigerator stove and sink Asking $1000 or will trade for boat motor and trailer 4361757 1973 TRAVELMATE nEFEIIOp sleeps 3way refrigerator furnace burner stove Telephone 7286945 dunr4 LE hï¬ ARTICLES WANTED CASH FDR old furniture books dlsnes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 Items 7288234 HOCKEY EOUIPMENTwanted for year old boy Including skates sileIft to Reasonable Telephone 7266799 CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY 1974 CHEV Tandem 427 V8 certified $13500 1972 International tandem 250 Cummings diesel certified $13 000 Austin Western Grader coni léte with snow wings $6500 Set 40 to table scales $7500 V2 yard back hoe mounted on chey truck $2 Lincoln portable welder needs repairs $300 435 diesel John Deere farm tractor $1800 15 ft diesel equlpment Bump body and hoist new $3600 Telephone 3258780 NOTICE deadline for classifiedA word ads pm previous day noon Saturday 19